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Presentation of a composition made from natural material. Presentation "crafts made from natural materials" presentation on design, manual labor on the topic

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The days have become shorter, the nights have become longer, Who can say, who knows, When this happens? in autumn

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The field became black and white: rain and snow are falling. And it got colder - the waters of the rivers were frozen with ice. The winter rye is freezing in the field. What month is it, tell me? November The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy: The vegetable gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare, the bird voices are falling silent, the bear has fallen into hibernation. What month did he come to us? October The collective farm garden is empty, Cobwebs fly into the distance, And cranes flock to the southern edge of the earth. School doors opened. What month has it come to us? September

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Who beats and taps on the roof all night, and mumbles, and sings, and lulls you to sleep? rain Hangs - it turns green, It dies in the fall, Falls - turns yellow, And comes to life again in spring, Lies - turns black. leaf Cows are in trouble without her, she is their main food. grass Autumn came to visit us and brought with it... What? Say it at random! Well, of course... leaf fall

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Cones and needles Needles. Pine needles are suitable for making toys, such as a hedgehog, spider legs, cat claws, butterfly antennae, and a doll skirt. They can be collected at any time of the year. There are a lot of needles in places where pine, spruce, and cedar trees grow. You can store them in boxes. It is better to use green pine needles in your work. The fruits of coniferous trees - cones - are an excellent material for voluminous toys and entertaining crafts. In shape they resemble parts of the body of animals and humans. For making crafts, it is better to use unopened cones, as they are easier to work with. It is advisable to collect cones on moist soil so that they dry out more slowly and retain their shape longer. After collection, they need to be sorted by type, shape and size and placed in separate boxes.

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Nuts and chestnuts When making toys, you can use hazelnuts, walnuts, groundnuts, pine nuts, and pistachios. Hazelnuts are used as a material for making the heads of toy men (for example, a “cheerful man”) and animals (the head of a cockerel, a hare, etc.). Pine nuts can be useful as an additional material when making the paws of animals, the fists of forest men; They are easily pierced with an awl and stick together well. Walnut shells (in the form of halves) are used to make boats, carts, turtles, beetles, etc. Both halves of the shell are suitable for making, for example, the head of Santa Claus. Chestnut fruits are a good material for making simple toys. They have a beautiful shiny surface and bright brown color. The shell of a fresh chestnut is thin and can be easily pierced with an awl. Whole chestnut fruits can be used to make the heads and torsos of dolls. It is advisable to store chestnuts in a cool place.

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Acorns Oak fruits - acorns come in different shapes and sizes. At one end they are surrounded by a greatly overgrown cup - the plus. Acorns ripen in the fall, in September - October. They are recommended to be collected when they are ripe and fall from the tree. At the same time as the acorns, their cups (pluses) on which they are held are also collected. Pluses are a very good material in addition to acorns; they are often used for various crafts. Acorns should be collected in different sizes and shapes. It is advisable to use fresh acorns to make toys, as they last longer and are easier to work with (dried acorns easily split during processing). Acorns are very convenient for making figurines of funny people, animals, and various parts for toys from other natural materials. From oblong acorns they make a giraffe, a heron, a horse, a donkey, and the body can be made from a large oblong acorn, and the head from a small, round one. When making funny little people, pluses can be used as hats for them. Acorns are stored in a cool and damp place.

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Branches and roots A variety of branches are used in the manufacture of some parts of the craft: arms, legs, neck, etc. For this purpose, it is better to use branches of pine, spruce, and lilac. Their branches are elastic and do not break easily when dry. Collecting branches is a job that requires time, patience, and accuracy. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly remember that trees must be protected and only dry, but not too dry, branches must be collected and used for toys. Roots can also be used for crafts. With their bizarre shapes, they sometimes resemble various animals or parts of their bodies. The collected roots should be washed and stored in a room with moderate humidity.

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Leaves An interesting and necessary addition to the manufacture of toys are leaves. They can come in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Children use large oak and maple leaves as a sail for a yacht, raft, or steamship. Leaves can also be used to make butterfly wings and fish fins (these toys are made from pine cones and leaves). It is better to collect leaves in the fall, when they are especially beautiful. To preserve and subsequently use the leaves, they must be properly prepared. To do this, the collected plant leaves are placed between paper sheets and ironed with a warm iron, then they can be covered with thick paper or thin cardboard and a weight placed on top. During long-term storage, the paper or cardboard between the leaves should be changed from time to time.

To the lesson "Making a product from natural material. Swan"


correctional and developmental: Develop creativity, fine motor skills, attention, speech. Enrich your vocabulary. Develop accuracy and patience.

correctional and educational: Continue to teach different techniques for working with natural materials, plasticine.

correctional and educational: Cultivate friendly relations in the team, goodwill, mutual assistance. Instill love for the world around us. Develop a critical attitude towards your work.

Material: cones, feathers, plasticine, stacks, napkins, cotton swabs.



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Slide captions:

The days have become shorter, the nights have become longer, Who can say, who knows, When this happens? in autumn

The field became black and white: rain and snow are falling. And it got colder - the waters of the rivers were frozen with ice. The winter rye is freezing in the field. What month is it, tell me? November The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy: The vegetable gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare, the bird voices are falling silent, the bear has fallen into hibernation. What month did he come to us? October The collective farm garden is empty, Cobwebs fly into the distance, And cranes flock to the southern edge of the earth. School doors opened. What month has it come to us? September

Who beats and taps on the roof all night, and mumbles, and sings, and lulls you to sleep? rain Hangs - it turns green, It dies in the fall, Falls - turns yellow, And comes to life again in spring, Lies - turns black. leaf Cows are in trouble without her, she is their main food. grass Autumn came to visit us and brought with it... What? Say it at random! Well, of course... leaf fall

Cones and needles Needles. Pine needles are suitable for making toys, such as a hedgehog, spider legs, cat claws, butterfly antennae, and a doll skirt. They can be collected at any time of the year. There are a lot of needles in places where pine, spruce, and cedar trees grow. You can store them in boxes. It is better to use green pine needles in your work. The fruits of coniferous trees - cones - are an excellent material for voluminous toys and entertaining crafts. In shape they resemble parts of the body of animals and humans. For making crafts, it is better to use unopened cones, as they are easier to work with. It is advisable to collect cones on moist soil so that they dry out more slowly and retain their shape longer. After collection, they need to be sorted by type, shape and size and placed in separate boxes.

Nuts and chestnuts When making toys, you can use hazelnuts, walnuts, groundnuts, pine nuts, and pistachios. Hazelnuts are used as a material for making the heads of toy men (for example, a “cheerful man”) and animals (the head of a cockerel, a hare, etc.). Pine nuts can be useful as an additional material when making the paws of animals, the fists of forest men; They are easily pierced with an awl and stick together well. Walnut shells (in the form of halves) are used to make boats, carts, turtles, beetles, etc. Both halves of the shell are suitable for making, for example, the head of Santa Claus. Chestnut fruits are a good material for making simple toys. They have a beautiful shiny surface and bright brown color. The shell of a fresh chestnut is thin and can be easily pierced with an awl. Whole chestnut fruits can be used to make the heads and torsos of dolls. It is advisable to store chestnuts in a cool place.

Acorns Oak fruits - acorns come in different shapes and sizes. At one end they are surrounded by a greatly overgrown cup - the plus. Acorns ripen in the fall, in September - October. They are recommended to be collected when they are ripe and fall from the tree. At the same time as the acorns, their cups (pluses) on which they are held are also collected. Pluses are a very good material in addition to acorns; they are often used for various crafts. Acorns should be collected in different sizes and shapes. It is advisable to use fresh acorns to make toys, as they last longer and are easier to work with (dried acorns easily split during processing). Acorns are very convenient for making figurines of funny people, animals, and various parts for toys from other natural materials. From oblong acorns they make a giraffe, a heron, a horse, a donkey, and the body can be made from a large oblong acorn, and the head from a small, round one. When making funny little people, pluses can be used as hats for them. Acorns are stored in a cool and damp place.

Branches and roots A variety of branches are used in the manufacture of some parts of the craft: arms, legs, neck, etc. For this purpose, it is better to use branches of pine, spruce, and lilac. Their branches are elastic and do not break easily when dry. Collecting branches is a job that requires time, patience, and accuracy. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly remember that trees must be protected and only dry, but not too dry, branches must be collected and used for toys. Roots can also be used for crafts. With their bizarre shapes, they sometimes resemble various animals or parts of their bodies. The collected roots should be washed and stored in a room with moderate humidity.

Leaves An interesting and necessary addition to the manufacture of toys are leaves. They can come in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Children use large oak and maple leaves as a sail for a yacht, raft, or steamship. Leaves can also be used to make butterfly wings and fish fins (these toys are made from pine cones and leaves). It is better to collect leaves in the fall, when they are especially beautiful. To preserve and subsequently use the leaves, they must be properly prepared. To do this, the collected plant leaves are placed between paper sheets and ironed with a warm iron, then they can be covered with thick paper or thin cardboard and a weight placed on top. During long-term storage, the paper or cardboard between the leaves should be changed from time to time.

Seeds A valuable addition to toys made from natural materials can be seeds of trees, flowers, and vegetables, for example, maple and ash seeds. They are known as lionfish. You can use them to make wings for a dragonfly, ears for a hare, fins for a fish, and linden seeds make good antennas for astronauts and animal paws; You can make eyes from the seeds of watermelon, melon, and sunflower. It is better to collect seeds in the fall.

Rose hips, rowan berries Various and interesting toys can be made from rose hips and rowan berries. The valuable quality of this material is the availability of its use in work. Rose hips and rowan berries are easily pricked, so the technique for making toys from this material is not complicated. It is better to work with the material in the summer, since fresh berries and fruits are easily pierced with pine needles, wires, and matches. The berries are not suitable for storage because when they dry, they harden and lose their shape. From rose hips and rowan berries you can make various toys: gnomes and little people, dogs and kittens, a donkey, bright beads, etc.

Cones and needles
  • Needles. Pine needles are suitable for making toys, such as a hedgehog, spider legs, cat claws, butterfly antennae, and a doll skirt. They can be collected at any time of the year. There are a lot of needles in places where pine, spruce, and cedar trees grow. You can store them in boxes. It is better to use green pine needles in your work.
  • The fruits of coniferous trees - cones - are an excellent material for voluminous toys and entertaining crafts. In shape they resemble parts of the body of animals and humans. For making crafts, it is better to use unopened cones, as they are easier to work with.
  • It is advisable to collect cones on moist soil so that they dry out more slowly and retain their shape longer. After collection, they need to be sorted by type, shape and size and placed in separate boxes.
Nuts and chestnuts
  • When making toys, you can use hazelnuts, walnuts, groundnuts, pine nuts, and pistachios.
  • Hazelnuts are used as a material for making the heads of toy men (for example, a “cheerful man”) and animals (the head of a cockerel, a hare, etc.). Pine nuts can be useful as an additional material when making the paws of animals, the fists of forest men; They are easily pierced with an awl and stick together well.
  • Walnut shells (in the form of halves) are used to make boats, carts, turtles, beetles, etc. Both halves of the shell are suitable for making, for example, the head of Santa Claus.
  • Chestnut fruits are a good material for making simple toys. They have a beautiful shiny surface and bright brown color. The shell of a fresh chestnut is thin and can be easily pierced with an awl. Whole chestnut fruits can be used to make the heads and torsos of dolls. It is advisable to store chestnuts in a cool place.
  • Oak fruits - acorns - come in different shapes and sizes. At one end they are surrounded by a greatly overgrown cup - the plus. Acorns ripen in the fall, in September - October. They are recommended to be collected when they are ripe and fall from the tree. At the same time as the acorns, their cups (pluses) on which they are held are also collected. Pluses are a very good material in addition to acorns; they are often used for various crafts. Acorns should be collected in different sizes and shapes. It is advisable to use fresh acorns to make toys, as they last longer and are easier to work with (dried acorns easily split during processing).
  • Acorns are very convenient for making figurines of funny people, animals, and various parts for toys from other natural materials. From oblong acorns they make a giraffe, a heron, a horse, a donkey, and the body can be made from a large oblong acorn, and the head from a small, round one. When making funny little people, pluses can be used as hats for them.
  • Acorns are stored in a cool and damp place.
Branches and roots
  • A variety of branches are used in the manufacture of certain parts of the craft: arms, legs, necks, etc. For this purpose, it is better to use branches of pine, spruce, and lilac. Their branches are elastic and do not break easily when dry.
  • Collecting branches is a job that requires time, patience, and accuracy. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly remember that trees must be protected and only dry, but not too dry, branches must be collected and used for toys.
  • Roots can also be used for crafts. With their bizarre shapes, they sometimes resemble various animals or parts of their bodies. The collected roots should be washed and stored in a room with moderate humidity.
  • Leaves are an interesting and necessary addition when making toys. They can come in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Children use large oak and maple leaves as a sail for a yacht, raft, or steamship. Leaves can also be used to make butterfly wings and fish fins (these toys are made from pine cones and leaves). It is better to collect leaves in the fall, when they are especially beautiful.
  • To preserve and subsequently use the leaves, they must be properly prepared. To do this, the collected plant leaves are placed between paper sheets and ironed with a warm iron, then they can be covered with thick paper or thin cardboard and a weight placed on top. During long-term storage, the paper or cardboard between the leaves should be changed from time to time.
  • A valuable addition to toys made from natural materials can be seeds of trees, flowers, and vegetables, for example, maple and ash seeds. They are known as lionfish. You can use them to make wings for a dragonfly, ears for a hare, fins for a fish, and linden seeds make good antennas for astronauts and animal paws; You can make eyes from the seeds of watermelon, melon, and sunflower. It is better to collect seeds in the fall.
Rosehip, rowan
  • Various and interesting toys can be made from rose hips and rowan berries. The valuable quality of this material is the availability of its use in work. Rose hips and rowan berries are easily pricked, so the technique for making toys from this material is not complicated.
  • It is better to work with the material in the summer, since fresh berries and fruits are easily pierced with pine needles, wires, and matches.
  • The berries are not suitable for storage because when they dry, they harden and lose their shape.
  • From rose hips and rowan berries you can make various toys: gnomes and little people, dogs and kittens, a donkey, bright beads, etc.

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Crafts from natural materials Master class for educators. Completed by the teacher of the MKDOU “Tetkinsky kindergarten “Fairy Tale” Chernysh Irina Ivanovna

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The origins of children’s creative abilities and talent are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought... And the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”

In the process of working with fabric, paper, natural and waste materials, preschoolers learn the properties of different materials, the possibilities of their transformation and use in various compositions, decorating a group, home. Manual labor and design form such mental qualities as imagination, thinking, speech. Manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills in preschoolers - consistency in the work of the eye and hand, improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, and accuracy in performing actions.

HAND LABOR Goal: development of children's creative abilities, artistic taste, formation of a sustainable interest in studying and caring for nature. Educational tasks: introduce children to the “ecological trail of kindergarten”, teach them to recognize and name plants; teach techniques for working with natural materials; developing: to develop the creative self-expression of children through acquired knowledge and skills, to promote the development of imagination, perception, strong-willed qualities, creative abilities, artistic taste; educational: to awaken in children interest and love for nature, to cultivate a caring attitude towards it; to form a sense of collectivism, to cultivate a desire for joint activities.

The work begins with the collection of natural materials

Cones and needles Needles. Pine needles are suitable for making toys, such as a hedgehog, spider legs, cat claws, butterfly antennae, and a doll skirt. They can be collected at any time of the year. There are a lot of needles in places where pine, spruce, and cedar trees grow. You can store them in boxes. It is better to use green pine needles in your work. The fruits of coniferous trees - cones - are an excellent material for voluminous toys and entertaining crafts. In shape they resemble parts of the body of animals and humans. For making crafts, it is better to use unopened cones, as they are easier to work with. It is advisable to collect cones on moist soil so that they dry out more slowly and retain their shape longer. After collection, they need to be sorted by type, shape and size and placed in separate boxes.

Nuts and chestnuts When making toys, you can use hazelnuts, walnuts, groundnuts, pine nuts, and pistachios. Hazelnuts are used as a material for making the heads of toy men (for example, a “cheerful man”) and animals (the head of a cockerel, a hare, etc.). Pine nuts can be useful as an additional material when making the paws of animals, the fists of forest men; They are easily pierced with an awl and stick together well. Walnut shells (in the form of halves) are used to make boats, carts, turtles, beetles, etc. Both halves of the shell are suitable for making, for example, the head of Santa Claus. Chestnut fruits are a good material for making simple toys. They have a beautiful shiny surface and bright brown color. The shell of a fresh chestnut is thin and can be easily pierced with an awl. Whole chestnut fruits can be used to make the heads and torsos of dolls. It is advisable to store chestnuts in a cool place.

Acorns Oak fruits - acorns come in different shapes and sizes. At one end they are surrounded by a greatly overgrown cup - the plus. Acorns ripen in the fall, in September - October. They are recommended to be collected when they are ripe and fall from the tree. At the same time as the acorns, their cups (pluses) on which they are held are also collected. Pluses are a very good material in addition to acorns; they are often used for various crafts. Acorns should be collected in different sizes and shapes. It is advisable to use fresh acorns to make toys, as they last longer and are easier to work with (dried acorns easily split during processing). Acorns are very convenient for making figurines of funny people, animals, and various parts for toys from other natural materials. From oblong acorns they make a giraffe, a heron, a horse, a donkey, and the body can be made from a large oblong acorn, and the head from a small, round one. When making funny little people, pluses can be used as hats for them. Acorns are stored in a cool and damp place.

Branches and roots A variety of branches are used in the manufacture of some parts of the craft: arms, legs, neck, etc. For this purpose, it is better to use branches of pine, spruce, and lilac. Their branches are elastic and do not break easily when dry. Collecting branches is a job that requires time, patience, and accuracy. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly remember that trees must be protected and only dry, but not too dry, branches must be collected and used for toys. Roots can also be used for crafts. With their bizarre shapes, they sometimes resemble various animals or parts of their bodies. The collected roots should be washed and stored in a room with moderate humidity.

Leaves An interesting and necessary addition to the manufacture of toys are leaves. They can come in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Children use large oak and maple leaves as a sail for a yacht, raft, or steamship. Leaves can also be used to make butterfly wings and fish fins (these toys are made from pine cones and leaves). It is better to collect leaves in the fall, when they are especially beautiful. To preserve and subsequently use the leaves, they must be properly prepared. To do this, the collected plant leaves are placed between paper sheets and ironed with a warm iron, then they can be covered with thick paper or thin cardboard and a weight placed on top. During long-term storage, the paper or cardboard between the leaves should be changed from time to time.

Seeds A valuable addition to toys made from natural materials can be seeds of trees, flowers, and vegetables, for example, maple and ash seeds. They are known as lionfish. You can use them to make wings for a dragonfly, ears for a hare, fins for a fish, and linden seeds make good antennas for astronauts and animal paws; You can make eyes from the seeds of watermelon, melon, and sunflower. It is better to collect seeds in the fall.

Rose hips, rowan berries Various and interesting toys can be made from rose hips and rowan berries. The valuable quality of this material is the availability of its use in work. Rose hips and rowan berries are easily pricked, so the technique for making toys from this material is not complicated. It is better to work with the material in the summer, since fresh berries and fruits are easily pierced with pine needles, wires, and matches. The berries are not suitable for storage because when they dry, they harden and lose their shape. From rose hips and rowan berries you can make various toys: gnomes and little people, dogs and kittens, a donkey, bright beads, etc.

When organizing classes to teach children manual labor, the following conditions are met: The age and individual characteristics of children are taken into account. When selecting content for manual labor and samples of toys for children to make, we take into account the difference in the interests of boys and girls. Each craft should be interesting in content to children and find specific practical application. The complication of technical and visual teaching aids is used to give the classes a teaching and developmental character. Any result, that is, a thing made by a child’s hands, should be positively assessed by an adult, even if the child’s participation was minimal. The results of the child’s productive activities are told to his parents, adults who come to the group, we show them crafts, publicly expressing our approval and praise. Classes are structured in such a way as to bring a positive emotional mood to children and instill moral concepts in children.

When working with children, we use the most effective methods and techniques: Creating interest. Use of artistic expression and musical accompaniment. Reminder of safety rules when working with scissors. Review of work sequence diagrams. Show with explanation. Activation of children's speech. Dynamic pause. Practical activities for children. Clarifying questions. Help from adults and children for those who find it difficult. Analysis and self-assessment of children's activities. When teaching children various ways to transform materials, the most significant place among the methods and techniques used is occupied by showing ways of working.

Additional materials Paper. Foil. Used to decorate crafts and bookbindings. Plasticine. This material is used to fasten parts of toys. Wire is a necessary material for holding together parts of a toy. Threads. PVA glue. Colored scraps - scraps of various fabrics - are also useful for decorating crafts.

Shiloh tools. Scissors. You need a large sewing needle; it must be stored on a small napkin or in a needle case with a thread threaded into it. Simple pencil. Paints are necessary to decorate individual parts of the toy. Brushes (soft for painting, harder for glue). A stack is a tool used in the process of modeling clay or plasticine (to process the surface of a product).

What crafts can you come up with?

Caterpillar Dragonfly Butterflies

Kitty Heron

Deer Peacock

Horse Doggy

Pinocchio Girl with a rocker

Fisherman Musician

Lesovichok Girlfriends

Penguins Fakir

Children love everything made by hand

Dear educators! Imagine more!

Bibliography. I.A. Bazik, E.A. Gulyants "What can be made from natural materials." L.A. Kameneva, A.K. Matveeva et al. “How to introduce preschoolers to nature.” BEHIND. Yablonskaya “The Big Book of Crafts.” Magazine "Color World" No. 4 2008. P.Yu. Ogerchuk “Working with glue and scissors.” L.V. Bolkanov “Crafts from natural materials.”

Marina Tsitsilina
Presentation of the exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “Autumn Fantasies”

Our kindergarten held its annual exhibition of crafts made from natural materials"Autumn fantasies". Contest crafts organized with the aim of enhancing the joint creativity of students and their parents (legal representatives). Tasks competition:stimulate creativity and initiative of parents; develop children's creativity; to form the artistic taste of preschoolers; to form cognitive activity; Encourage children to feel joy from watching. Participants are children of all age groups and their parents (legal representatives). Our children and their parents really love to participate in creative competitions that our preschool institution holds. Students and their families are creative in creating crafts made from natural materials, prepare in advance material, dry the herbarium, collect acorns and moss. We accept works in any nomination. As an art teacher, I am a member of the jury, and I can say that every year fantasy parents surprise us more and more.

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