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Funny short nursery rhymes for the teacher. Congratulations on Teacher's Day from children

All those who mess with children,
From birth to seven!
Today we need to congratulate
And wish everyone together:

Patience, perseverance, victories,
A hearty lunch for breakfast.
Don't be discouraged and don't be sad,
And be wise and love children!

Please accept my words of gratitude
For all your kindness and patience,
You raise your children with a reverent feeling,
Let everything in life be only better and more beautiful.

Let them not be inclined towards the ailments of the year
And life only keeps pace with time,
The profession will always be honorable,
And the look never loses its sparkle!

Sometimes it's too much trouble,
There is never a dull moment with kids.
But any fidget and fidget
It is very important to support from childhood.

Your kind heart is open
To cherish everyone's babies.
And there is no more important job in the world,
How to raise the most beautiful people.

Always have love in your heart,
Help them grow faster.
Be happy and open the door for them
To a life full of joyful ideas.

You are a teacher from God,
The kids love you so much
Give them care
And a charge of great goodness.

I wish you patience
On a glorious holiday from the heart,
Sparks of happiness ignite
Let the kids be in your heart.

Being a teacher is a calling
Give care to children to everyone,
We thank you for all your efforts
We never tire of thanking you!
On this day we wish you,
So that you are always happy,
So that you don't meet on the way
Neither sadness, nor grief, nor misfortune,
To go through life with a smile
Despite all the bad weather,
And so that it only gets brighter over the years
A fire was burning in the soul of love!

Today is the holiday of those
Who gives children a miracle,
May you be successful
Follow everywhere!

And let it be like a holiday
Going to work
And sadness rushes past,
Problems and worries!

The cure for all ills
The children will smile
I wish you many years
And the warmest everyday life!

The entire kindergarten team
Congratulations on the holiday,
Excellent workers
We wish you happiness.

To your favorite teachers
And nannies in each group
Thanks a lot
Let's say it for our children.

Thanks to the chefs
To the doctor and music worker,
Manager, caretaker,
Cleaners and janitor.

Wonderful team
Let him not get bored with children,
Darling kindergarten
May it prosper with you.

Children are your calling!
Are you ready to babysit them?
Giving smiles, education
And knowledge of all sorts of basics!

Let them value and respect you
Kids are always cute!
Let your eyes shine
Let kindness reign in souls!

Let work bring you
Only pleasure day after day!
I wish you big income
So that you don't need anything!

Kindergarten workers
The holiday has arrived now,
Everyone is, of course, very happy
Congratulations to the best of your ability!

Oh, take it quickly
Wishes for the best,
Patience, inspiration,
May life be cheerful!

Happy professional holiday
All preschool workers!
Regular bonuses
And peace of mind to you kids.

Let work be a joy
Patience never ends
God will reward you with health,
Happiness, and also luck.

September 27 professional holiday Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. Congratulate them on their holiday in advance. Your children can recite poems. You will find these verses here. We trust our children to the teacher. Children learn communication skills, their character is formed here and their talents are revealed. Happy holiday!

Our favorite kindergarten,
Today is your holiday!
We congratulate everyone together,
Who works here with us.

We sincerely wish you
Falling in love with life endlessly
Be in a good mood
Drive away all doubts.

May the love you give us
Will definitely come back to you.
Color your life with bright colors.
Joy, kindness and happiness!

Often we play pranks and jump,
Breaking everything along the way,
We fall painfully and cry,
Or we don’t want to eat.

Only you will always come,
Instantly smooth out all troubles,
You will find a good word
For any restless person!

Poems for Teacher's Day

Teacher with nanny
We say thank you
For love and attention
We thank you now.

We promise to eat porridge
In a quiet hour, obediently sleep,
We love you, we wish you happiness,
You should know about this.

Our dear teacher,
Nanny and cook
Happy holiday to you today
Ready to congratulate.

To all kindergarten employees
On this day we wish,
May you always be healthy
And you are joyful.

Your kindness and affection
Give us generously
We wish you happiness
It came back to you a hundredfold.

Short poems for teachers' day from children

We are pencil babies
But we hasten to congratulate you.
Thank you, our teachers,
Why are you so wonderful?

Let this day sparkle with warmth,
So that he surrounds you with goodness.
We promise to obey you,
And we wish you many bright days.

Let’s say to the teachers: “Thank you!”
For a happy childhood in the garden,
For the abundance of caresses and smiles,
Here's to a series of fun days!

There is no more beautiful profession
At least go around the whole wide world!
Cheers to all teachers!
Success, peace and goodness!

Our nanny -
Very kind
Our nanny
The best of everything
We count her!

He always meets us in the Garden,
Teaches us and entertains us.
If necessary, he will scold
And he will surround you with care.

At a quiet hour he will put you to bed,
Like a caring mother.
Very sweet and delicate
Our favorite teacher!

Who will teach strong friendship,
Share the game with a neighbor,
Carefully eat all the porridge?
Our teacher!

With whom to sculpt mushrooms and the sun,
Draw flowers in the window?
Who will sing and recite poetry?
Our teacher!

Who will console, will regret,
Who will teach you to become kinder?
My beloved garden is more beautiful with her,
With our teacher!

Thank you for your kindness and patience,
We congratulate you with drawings and singing,
Smiles, poems.
We wish you happiness, good mood and inspiration!

You care about us
Every day and every hour
Giving us warmth again,
A fairy tale, joy and dream,
Happy holiday now
We all congratulate you,
Our teachers are
We know for sure, top class!

obedient and diligent children,
Happy working days to you,
Have a fun, bright weekend
And great miracles of life.
Health, happiness and warmth,
Happy Teacher's Day, hooray!

Happy holiday to you, Happy Teacher's Day!
We are grateful for your efforts,
Behind kind heart, for work and care,
Thank you very much for your work!

Kind hands, attentive look.
He meets the guys every morning.
He will hug you, guide you, console you, understand you.
Let the love for children never go away!

The teacher is important
This is wise and courageous!
May they give you flowers on your day
And sincere congratulations!

I wish you patience
Always in the mood
Enthusiasm and ardor
Reliable rear.

And let the children be
Diligent, diligent.
So congratulations to you
Happy Teacher's Day!

We wish you laughter every day,
The sparkle of children's bright eyes,
Health, happiness and goodness,
And always very bright days.

I wish you joyful moments
Find more at work
In their pupils different
Reveal the best inclinations,
Health and well-being,
And the happiness of a ray of sunshine.

We wish it to sound like a reward
Cheerful children's laughter for you.
So that the life of your beloved kindergarten
Gave happiness and success!

I bow to you for your work,
For love, care and attention.
And that they always come to you
Children with adoration!

Days - bright, kind, clean, clear.
Joyful, beautiful surprises.
Let your head be clear.
Happy Teacher's Day! Hooray!

You invest work and care in children,
Sometimes, replacing fathers and mothers.
You give a piece of your soul to a child
And you go through life with each of them.
After all, being a teacher is a calling,
For this, low bow and recognition to you!

Happy Teacher's Day! Happiness, fun,
Glorious luck with good in half,
The most joyful mood,
Strength and health to all of you!

Let the rainbow shine for you,
And the sun illuminates everyday life!
You are a teacher no matter where,
We wish you easy work,
Love, warmth and clear days,
Love from little friends!

We are always grateful to you for your work,
And congratulations on Teacher's Day!
We want to say so many warm words:
May luck and love reign in your home.
And may God give you inspiration in your work,
Harmony, smiles and patience.

Kindness, warmth, good luck and patience,
Recognition of work and respect.
So that work with children brings
It gave you pleasure and strength.

Please accept congratulations on Teacher's Day,
We wish you joy and happiness every day!
Let there be everything: love, kindness, patience,
The warmth of your family and doubly all the good things!

Being a teacher is a difficult job,
You deal with it easily and skillfully.
Let your work bring prosperity, recognition,
A charge of positivity, children's adoration.

I congratulate all the garden workers,
And today, dear ones, I wish you,
Good luck, health, wealth, goodness,
Be cheerful, always smile!

Your calling is to take care of children,
Let work give you pleasure,
The days are filled with bright colors,
Your eyes reflect kindness.

Congratulations to the teacher
And for the holiday we will tell you:
You are the best in the world
A substitute for our mothers.

Kindergarten teachers need to prepare beautiful poems by September 27, 2018. On this day, these workers celebrate their professional holiday. They receive not only pleasant gifts, but also words of gratitude from their students and their parents.

You are not just teachers for children,
You completely replace their mother.
They don't need sweet candies
If you are happy, your soul is comfortable!

For children, the main thing is care,
And care, attention, day after day.
Teacher is a difficult job
If the house is full of wards!

We are grateful to you for your efforts,
For children's smiles and laughter!
Let problems and worries
Everyone will be left behind!

We wish you good health,
A lot of strength, perseverance and kindness.
May your children greet you with love
And they never forget!

Educator - what a word!
It contains light, goodness, warmth.
Who will make the children happy with the game?
Who will scold them not at all evil?

Thanks to them, children grow up,
Knowing how to behave and live.
Educators! There is no kinder person in the world!
We wish you to be happy!

Child education -

Not an easy job

We need to teach the child

All the basics of life.

So that the child gets dressed

And he understood art,

Knew what was bad and what was not,

Developed his intellect.

Kindergarten is his world,

The teacher in him is an idol,

Helps kids

Substituting for Mother's Day.

Today we should celebrate

Educators of the country!

May their dreams come true

They will turn into reality from a fairy tale!

Little kids need care

There's a whole lot of trouble with them.

And only a teacher with a kind heart

He will find the key to every little one.

Thank you for your kindness and care,

For treating children like family.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day and good health

We want to wish you today.

Who became the children's mother in kindergarten?

Who will instantly treat scratches and abrasions?

Who will help you eat unhealthy porridge?

Will he wipe away his tears and tell everyone a story?

Who is she, this kind storyteller?

That's right: auntie is a teacher!

Open the doors of luck quickly!

Happiness to you and good children!

Poems for Teacher's Day from children

We come to kindergarten

there are toys there.

waiting for the guys.

There's pictures on the wall

and flowers on the window.

I want -

on a toy horse!

This house has everything for us -

fairy tales, song and story.

Noisy dance

quiet time -

This house has everything for us!

What a nice house!

We grow in it every day,

let's grow up

Let's go to school together.

We are going to kindergarten with pleasure,

After all, we feel comfortable and happy with you!

For being so affectionate, very kind -

thank you from us, and from dads, and from moms!

Health and great success ahead,

and may your dream come true as soon as possible!

And we will behave well,

We promise to obey you!

Better and kinder than a teacher

can't be found in the world for anything.

Adults and children are grateful to you

for love, for sensitivity and warmth.

Let joy shine like the sun,

in a gentle smile and eyes

And every matter is always controversial

In your wonderful hands!

He always meets us in the Garden,
Teaches us and entertains us.
If necessary, he will scold
And he will surround you with care.

At a quiet hour he will put you to bed,
Like a caring mother.
Very sweet and delicate
Our favorite teacher!

History of the holiday Kindergarten Teacher's Day September 27, 2018

The Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers is celebrated in Russia every year on September 27. This is a young holiday and it appeared thanks to pedagogical publications. Journalists conducted a survey among the population, during which it turned out that the teaching profession is indeed very important. After all, kindergartens are the first stage in human development. And it is simply necessary to honor educators.

Correspondents of the publications “Kindergarten from all sides”, “Preschool education” and “Obruch” appealed to the people with a request to pay attention to kindergartens. Journalists noted that teachers preschool education should be respected no less school teachers. Society supported the idea, and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a corresponding decree. The holiday appeared on September 27, 2004. It was on this day in 1863 that the first kindergarten was opened in St. Petersburg.

In general, preschool education in our country has developed slowly. Initially, the nobles believed that they could cope with children themselves. And the poor simply did not have the money to take their children to special institutions. And only after the revolution of 1917, kindergartens became popular among the masses. The state began to finance the industry, and people started coming. The kindergartens accepted children aged 3 to 5 years. They taught sewing, the development of speech and motor skills, and general developmental disciplines.

Traditions of the Day of Kindergarten Teacher in Russia

On September 27, it is customary to congratulate not only teachers, but also all preschool education workers - head teachers and nannies. After all, the consciousness of children is formed from their wisdom, patience and perseverance.

The children themselves play the main role in the holiday. Children prepare concerts, performances, matinees, where they express words of gratitude to teachers. Songs are sung, poems are read, competitions are held, and children's crafts are demonstrated. In other words, everything that the teachers taught the kids is shown.

Of course, Teacher's Day is not complete without the participation of parents. As a rule, representatives of the parent committee decide the issue of the gift. These can be bouquets of flowers or memorable souvenirs.




Kindergarten teachers

You are not just teachers for children,
You completely replace their mother.
They don't need sweet candies
If you are happy, your soul is comfortable!

For children, the main thing is care,
And care, attention, day after day.
Teacher is a difficult job
If the house is full of wards!

We are grateful to you for your efforts,
For children's smiles and laughter!
Let problems and worries
Everyone will be left behind!

We wish you good health,
A lot of strength, perseverance and kindness.
May your children greet you with love
And they never forget!

(E. Sokolovskaya )

Educators! There is no kinder person in the world!

Educator - what a word!
It contains light, goodness, warmth.
Who will make the children happy with the game?
Who will scold them not at all evil?

Thanks to them, children grow up,
Knowing how to behave and live.
Educators! There is no kinder person in the world!
We wish you to be happy!

Poems for a teacher

Teacher and assistant teacher!
We will definitely congratulate you today!
In the nursery group the kids are smiling,
You are due gratitude for this.

You replace the mother of our Little Ones.
With you, the children don’t get bored at the window,
And they play, learn useful things,
And they go towards an interesting world!

In quiet time you never rest,
You cover babies and little ones tenderly.
For maternal heartfelt care
Thank you too! Childhood is a fleeting time.

Only the first teacher for a child,
Like a mother who raised him from the cradle.
Let parents value decency.
Life preschool worker will change!

So that the state values ​​​​educators,
Their problems were treated more attentively.
Congratulations on this wonderful date.
For good, good will definitely return!
(I. Samarina )


Child education -

Not an easy job
We need to teach the child

All the basics of life.

So that the child gets dressed

And he understood art,
Knew what was bad and what was not,

Developed his intellect.

Kindergarten is his world,

The teacher in him is an idol,
Helps kids

Substituting for Mother's Day.

Today we should celebrate

Educators of the country!
May their dreams come true

They will turn into reality from a fairy tale!

A teacher with a kind heart

Little kids need care

There's a whole lot of trouble with them.

And only a teacher with a kind heart

He will find the key to every little one.

Thank you for your kindness and care,

For treating children like family.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day and good health

We want to wish you today.

Like a mother for the kids

Like a mother for the kids

They don't have a soul.

Her kind, gentle look

He meets them in the morning.

You, without knowing it,

Give them your soul.

We wish you happiness in life

And obedient children!

Congratulations to the teachers!

We praise the teachers!
Congratulations on this bright day!
Oh, the work is not easy...
You are a reliable hand
Moms and dads of all generations.
Happiness, joyful moments!
And the cheerful children's laughter -
This is the best gift ever!

(E. Kravchenko)

Our favorite kindergarten!

This kindergarten is the best
The best on Earth
Like nowhere else, they will teach a song,
You can sing even in your sleep.

Hello teachers
And health for a hundred years!

Your work is more important than anything else in the world!

Your work is more important than anything else in the world -
We have been convinced of this more than once.
Thank you! After all, our children
Grew up in your arms;
Yes, here they are, very big!
And that’s why you can’t remain silent:
And I tell you from my heart:
Happy Teacher's Day, friends!

Preschool happiness

Who is loved so much by “why”
And do they respect fidgets?
To whom do the kids reach?
Who knows children's secrets?
There is only one answer - go to kindergarten!
The people there are kind and cheerful.
All children know: the teacher -
All the best before school!

Dear educators

From happy dads and moms:
What should we do with the children?
If they hadn't given it to you?
We're half an hour away that morning.
And three hours into the night
We all cry from inability
To teach a son or a daughter.

How about all the days of the week?
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
To graze our offspring?
To understand their whims,
Tolerate their ignorance...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!

Nursery teachers

You accepted our children as babies,
Who still speak poorly.
They diligently eat themselves with spoons,
But they don’t want to get dressed yet...

Teaching children diligently to order,
We have to explain a lot to them:
And how to wash and do exercises,
Go to the potty and fall asleep at night.

They need to wipe away their tears and snot,
Distract, calm, understand, regret.
Learn how to move together to music,
Sculpt, draw and sing a little!

And mothers calmly go to work,
We know that the kids are in good hands.
For your love and for your care,
We are grateful to you for your work from the bottom of our hearts!

(E. Chernykh)

Educator from God

Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age?
By the number of years lived?
Well, if you are full of vigor,
If you love white light,
If you filled the world with colors,
Where is missing black color,
If you don't skimp on caresses
And dreamy, like a poet,
If you strive for something new,
And you are not attracted to peace,
Then you are a teacher from God,
Always remain like this.

You give us joy and care

You give us joy and care,
Although sometimes it's not easy,
And every day, at any time of the year
We are happy, cozy and warm with you!

Thank you for your love and understanding,
After all, the kindergarten has become a second home for us!
May your wishes come true,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Visit the kindergarten

Check out the kindergarten!
Yes, everyone is happy to see -
The toys are neat here,
They stand like a string.

We sing and we dance.
In general, we live a fun life.
We go for a walk together.
And we are growing quietly!

Our mothers take us away.
And their soul is calm.
IN kindergarten and it's true
Our life is so good.

Congratulations to everyone today,
Who dedicated his life to children.
Health and wellness to you!
Lots of joy and strength!

The one who is truly friends with childhood,
Never gets old!
We say thank you!
Be happy always!

(T. Shapiro)

It's not easy to be a teacher

It's not easy to be a teacher
Teach kids.
What is needed here is not so much strict,
How sensitive to be.
Gently, kindly guide,
Smile, cheer,
Something to help fix
Or explain again.
Repeat more than once, not twice,
Fasten again five times...
In short, not everyone
You can become a teacher!

The teacher is next to us

How many different professions are there:
It’s impossible to count them all at once.
There are cooks, divers,
There are pilots and artists.

And the teacher is waiting for the children
At the threshold of kindergarten.
He is a magician, he is a creator
A good fairy tale for the guys.

The teacher is next to us
In kindergarten always
We don't think about mom
We are not afraid of trouble with him!

He will hug, caress,
He'll take you for a walk.
Makes you laugh and plays
And he will always understand the guys.

A teacher is like a mother,
The most reliable friend for us.
You and I are always with him
The group is a friendly family!

(E. Ranneva )

You are a teacher

You are a teacher. This means
What's in your tender heart and soul
Keep so much warmth and light,
That there will be more than enough for all the children.

Who in this difficult time of ours
Can work with small children
He must bear the burden patiently:
Raise them to be good people.

You serve as an example to your children
Reliability, peace, beauty.
For them, little ones, you are, of course, the first
Teacher of purity and kindness.

Your talents will never cease to amaze:
You are artists, poets and singers.
May all your pupils become
The same as you, which means well done.

May your life always be happy,
We have no reason to doubt anything.
And be desirable and beautiful
For your lovely loving men!

(N. Kiseleva )

Kindergarten teachers

(To the tune of the song "Smile")

We take our children to kindergarten.
We are worried because we don’t care about them.
But when we bring them back,
Smiles make their anxiety subside.

After all, about them, for sure,
Taken care of bye
Mom and Dad were at work.
The teachers are there
They will follow and help us,
So that your little tummy is always full.

Parents have one dream -
So that the child is smart and healthy.
Let it be in his soul spring blooms,
Let him grow up strong, kind and cheerful.

And about him, for sure,
Taken care of bye
Mom and Dad didn't come home from work.
We worked there with the children,
And they will learn
Sing songs, dance and draw with pleasure.

(L. Losev)

Song about a teacher

(To the tune of "Songs about Dad")

So many interesting songs
There are about grandmothers, fathers and mothers.
There were no songs about teachers -
We are giving them to you today!


We go to kindergarten, we go to kindergarten
Every morning.
The teacher meets us
Over and over again.
Here are toys and cribs -
It's like we're at home
And my favorite teacher -
Mom for us!
And my favorite teacher -
Mom for us!

She has a hard time with us -
We don't listen and we don't sleep.
But on Saturday we will tell mom:
We want to go to the kindergarten teacher!


We go to kindergarten, we go to kindergarten
Every morning.
The teacher meets us
Over and over again.
Here are toys and cribs -
It's like we're at home
And my favorite teacher -
Mom for us!
And my favorite teacher -
Mom for us!

Waltz of the Educators

There are many in the world various professions,
And each has its own charm.
But there is nothing more noble, more necessary and more wonderful
Than the one I work for!


Teachers, teachers,
How much sensitivity and tenderness you have.
Teachers, teachers,
This waltz sounds just for you.

And if the poet is rewarded with praise,
Or they praise the artist, the doctor,
I am happy because recently
I raised them with love!


I am proud of the astronauts of our country.
And everyone is happy to fly to the stars.
I know I'll definitely go to the moon
They will send you to work in kindergarten.


We are educators

(To the tune of the song “And yet the sea”, music by Jan Frenkel, lyrics by I. Shaferan)

You say - mine,
You say - construction,
You say - space:
This is all serious, but -
But still a kindergarten
The kindergarten will remain
And we will never live without him.

After all, every geologist
And every nerd
And even a scientist
Among many books
Couldn't show up
Without education
And the kindergarten is where they start.

That's why we all
Found this case.
And a better share
We're unlikely to find it.
We ended up here
Of my own free will
And that's why we're going to eat today.

We are educators
We are obligated
Love for your profession.
We have a task -
All our knowledge is
For raising children.

Song about teachers

(To the tune of the song “Five Minutes”)

Our service is both dangerous and difficult
No other work compares to hers.
We are the souls of our particle
We give to children little by little!
Our life is full of worries and difficulties!


Every day, every hour
We give our hearts to children
And we are for everyone
In response to the future!
For children to grow
Don't be sad, but have fun!
To bloom with smiles
On happy children's faces,
We must every day
Every day and every hour
Everyone work selflessly!

Our song is funny, fly
And to whomever you meet along the way,
Tell me how we are all together
We gathered today with a song,
There is no way for us without songs and without friendship!


For nannies

Cleanliness is the key to health.
This truth is old.
We congratulate you very friendly
It's time for our nannies.

Look: everything is clean.
Mop, rag and water
In their hands, like artists -
Circus tightrope walkers,
They always surprise us.

We wish you good health
And spiritual purity.
Your rare class
We call it with love -
“Genius of pure beauty!”

(L. Nevskaya )