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Cool and official congratulations on Librarian's Day for colleagues and friends. Congratulations on Librarian's Day in prose and poetry

The book has always been called a source of knowledge, but before, books were so expensive that a rare citizen could buy himself at least one copy of a published novel or poetry. However, everyone wanted to read and explore the world, so the idea arose of organizing a public repository of books, where everyone could borrow a short time a collection of poems or a booklet and return it within the specified time frame. The first official public library in Russia appeared in 1795 at the behest of Empress Catherine II. Until that time, the word “library” was used to describe only personal collections of books and private repositories of works of literature. The library still exists today, constantly being replenished with new books. This is one of the world's largest book depositories. Remembering the empress’s enormous contribution to the education of Russians and her unique library, in 1995 Boris Yeltsin, the president of the country, signed a decree on the establishment official holiday- Librarian's Day. The date of the annually celebrated event was May 27: on this day, according to the new style, the “Mother Empress” ordered the construction of a public book depository to begin. Congratulations on Librarian's Day on May 27, 2016 will be received by everyone whose work is related to libraries. These include school librarians, archivists, and employees of state book depositories.

What date is Librarian Day celebrated in 2016?

The date of the professional holiday of all librarians in Russia does not change. In 2016, as before, Librarian Day is celebrated on May 27. The date has historical roots - at the end of the 18th century on this day Russian empress By her decree she began the construction of the Imperial Public Library. Of course, references to similar libraries are found in chronicles before, but they relate to the Egyptian civilization of the Sumerians.

Cool congratulations on Librarian's Day to colleagues in prose - in the words of great people

Librarianship is both extremely interesting and incredibly challenging. Only a very diligent, disciplined, organized person can work as a librarian. For such an employee, everything is literally sorted into shelves. A good librarian will not spend a long time looking for the book you need: he knows exactly in which row and on which shelf the publication you are interested in is located. If your work is also related to books, their systematization and storage, come up with sincere and kind congratulations on Librarian’s Day to your work colleagues. Knowing about their love of reading, these could be quotes from books, poems, excerpts from novels.

Freedom exists to go to the library I. Brodsky

The public library is an open table of ideas to which everyone is invited. A. Herzen

He who owns information owns the world. W. Churchill

Love the book, it makes your life easier, it will help you sort out the colorful and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for humanity. M. Gorky

As soon as I enter the library, I lock my door and thus banish greed, selfishness, drunkenness and laziness, and all the vices whose source is ignorance, the fruit of idleness and melancholy; I plunge into the bosom of eternity among wonderful authors with such pride, with such a sense of self-satisfaction that I am ready to pity all the important and rich gentlemen who are not involved in this happiness. (Heinsius)

In Russia, Library Day is a Tribute to Books! A man in the great Vault leans towards them. On indelible lines Finds meaning and knowledge. We wish you glory and prosperity in future centuries.

Cool congratulations on Librarian's Day in verse

Congratulate your librarian friend or relative on his professional holiday in poetry it will be both appropriate and simple. You probably know what kind of literature your friend or relative is interested in. Buy beautiful postcard and fill it with handwritten poetic lines of congratulations. Add a little humor to your formal tone of congratulations: funny poems and lines will delight the recipient.

Brilliant people with a refined nature, Well-read ladies with a stunning figure, Keepers of knowledge and book doctors, We congratulate you on Librarian's Day! We always wish in this bookish abyss, Like roses to bloom, to grow above ourselves, To have romance in life and filling, We will forever carry the Fire of Prometheus!

Guardian of the pearls of knowledge, the spiritual values ​​of the country, Librarian, we admit - We are in love with you and books! May life give you Fantastic miracles on your holiday, So that with romance, and with love, To the mountains, to the flames, to the skies!

You are devoted to your profession: Doing good is a great calling. Once you have chosen, do not change it, Bring light, warmth and knowledge to people!

Official congratulations on Librarian's Day in prose (for colleagues)

Quotes from famous writers and publicists can be interesting congratulations to your friends and family on Librarian’s Day. Find and write them down for yourself, and then choose the most suitable one for greeting card. Next to the borrowed lines, write sincere words from yourself. Official congratulations on this day will be heard from TV screens; lines of gratitude will appear in newspapers, excursions to libraries will be organized.

A librarian is a unique profession, even somewhat mysterious. He's like good wizard rules the whole world of dreams, fairy tales, travel, romance! I wish you patience, inspiration and prosperity on this significant holiday. Let the Temple of Knowledge be replenished with new readers. Let the book fund not become scarce. And may everything in your life be at its best! Happiness, smiles, joy! Happy Librarian's Day!

I congratulate you on Librarian’s Day - a professional holiday of true book lovers and everyone who is passionate about reading. On this wonderful date, the value of which, unfortunately, is not always clear to many these days, I want to sincerely thank you for your loyalty to the cause, dedication to the profession and constant readiness to accompany those who wish to wonderful world books. Happy holiday to you! Surrounded by inexhaustible knowledge, you give people amazing acquaintance with the books of great writers. Your work is invaluable to each of us! Please accept congratulations on your professional holiday – Librarian’s Day! We bring you gratitude, experience and wisdom, thanks to which the world of literature and classical masterpieces has become accessible to both children and adults! Be healthy and happy!

Happy Librarian's Day greeting cards (pictures)

You can make greeting cards for Librarian's Day yourself, if the congratulator himself is too young to afford to buy a ready-made one. If you decide to purchase a narrow postcard-envelope for money, do not forget to attach it to the verses and good wishes bill The average salary of a librarian is small, so a small financial incentive in honor of the holiday is always pleasing.

Dear friends! Today in our country we celebrate the Day of Libraries (not librarians), which means this is a holiday for everyone who loves to read and loves books. I congratulate everyone who at least sometimes crossed the threshold of libraries and wish them the pleasure that can give us good book, has never left us.

The black girth of the binding is silent,
The pages hugged closer together in the spine,
And the book is motionless. But I'm hungry for books
To cling to a warm human hand...

/Mikhail Svetlov


Power, stronger than time, is hidden
In rows of pages, on library shelves:
Blazing with a torch in the darkness, she
Sometimes it stings like a poisonous dart.

In centuries past, someone's mind was ignited
Sparkling - and it still shines!
Or was it possible to strain the veins of the bowstring, -
And the arrow still aims at the same target!

We breathe the light of outdated centuries,
Revealing the distance of the road before us,
Everywhere there is a reflection of inspired words, -
Now the sun of the day, now the silver-horned moon!

But the golden quiver is dearer to us
Singing arrows, bequeathed in pages,
Weapons for all times and countries,
On all paths, on all earthly borders.

In the darkness, where the judgment of life has not reached,
Where the shadows of lies are tortuous and unsteady, -
There is a vengeful dart of immortal books,
Sophisticated for centuries, strikes without error.

/Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov

Mom and I bought books
To our little Sonechka.
Sonya asks: - Read!
Hurry up and open the book!
You'll find yourself with a book
In the world of magic,
In a world of adventure,
Miracles and witchcraft.
Evil will be defeated here
Good must reign here!
A book is an important, necessary thing!
Everyone needs to love and take care of her.
And Sonya knows from an early age:
There is no gift better than a book!

/Marina Muller

We stumbled once, twice...
And suddenly you
Read four letters in a row
And you went, went, went -
And you read the first word!

From word to word - like over bumps -
Have fun running along the lines...
And so learn to read -
How to run
How to fly!

I know, soon on the page
You will flutter like birds...
After all, it is vast and great,
Like the sky -
the magical world of books!

/ Andrey Usachev

In library

About yellowed sheets
Within the walls of evening libraries,
When thoughts are so pure
And the dust is drunker than a drug!

My lesson is difficult for me today.
Where can one go from a strange dream?
I found a flower now
In the ancient process of Gilles de Retz.

Cut by a network of pale veins,
Dry, but secretly fragrant...
He probably put it
Some lover is here.

More from scarlet female lips
His cheeks were burning hot,
But the gaze of the eyes was already dull
And the thoughts are coldly cruel.

And, truly, the devil's passion
It rose up in my soul, like singing,
What a gift of love, a flower, fades
Was thrown into the crime book.

And then, there, in the shadow of the arcades,
In the splendor of a wondrous night
Whom did the dull gaze notice?
Whose cry was heard?

Love keeps so many secrets
This is how old tombs torment!
It seems clear to me that blood
Stains many pages.

And the thorn accompanies the crown,
And the burden of life is an evil burden...
But what about this reader,
Tireless as time!

My dreams... they are pure
And you, distant killer, who are you?!
O yellowed sheets,
Shagreen bindings!

/N. Gumilev

Pick up a book

Spread your wings to her
cold pages
Warm up quickly!

Straightening the folds with your finger
Opened sheets. IN
breathe life into the pages,
In the intricacy of lines.

Written by someone.
With the other hand, not here
They were waiting for you in silence
In the silence of libraries.

Warmed by the palm
They'll talk, they'll sing,
They will tell you about secrets
And they will invite you to a fairy tale.

If you get bored, close it.
The leaves will rustle...
Folding the covers-wings,
The shelves will be silent.

Pick up a book.
Spread your wings to her!
Cold pages
Warm up quickly!
T.A. Speranskaya

Love and a long journey give birth
And if there are no countries and kisses in it,
No person with with full hands
And there is no woman in every drop,
No hunger, desire, anger
and dear, -
Neither bell nor shield
will become a book,
The book has no eyes, its mouth is closed
and dead
As prescribed in the Old Testament.
/ Pablo Neruda

There is a sacred place at school -
House of knowledge, abode of books.
We are always interested there,
There is always a happy moment!

There's love and adventure
There are intrigues and friends.
There are stories, doubts,
All animals, princes...

We run there, like in a fairy tale,
This is a human paradise!
Climax, denouement...
This is all - a library!

Library at school,
This is a separate world
It's full of discoveries
And thousands of books.

On this day we congratulate
We want readers
Let the thirst for knowledge grow,
So typical of them!

School libraries -
The book world is huge
We send you congratulations
On your day it is international.

We wish the fund
The bookstore was replenished,
So that no one
The textbook was not lost.

Carefully, so that the books
The children treated
Their pages told
They are about everything in the world.

Silence reigns
Let in the reading room,
Books let the children
They lead you through the world of knowledge.

School library today is the day,
I congratulate everyone involved,
After all, each book is like a step
Always accompanies us upward.

Books give us joy, kindness,
And they teach us a lot:
Leave anger, rudeness, vanity...
Librarians, congratulations!

World Library Day
Every country will celebrate!
Even though we are in the Internet age,
But we really need the book!

After all, all the students in the world
They urgently admit to us:
School days without a book
Can't imagine for sure!

To our libraries
Praise, great honor!
Today we will all say:
" Thank you for being!"

So as not to be dumb as a stump,
On the contrary, become smart
You need to throw away laziness,
Read more books!

The answer to any question is
Books will be given to you instantly,
After all, there is no wiser book,
Books will not let you down!

Today is Library Day,
In the schools that found shelter,
In them, streams of book rivers,
We are always waiting for you with hope!

I hasten to congratulate everyone,
To everyone who loves the book temple,
On a beautiful library day,
I wish you good books!

Rivers flow in the school of knowledge.
Well, where is their source?
Everyone knows - everyone in the library
On the pages of wise books.

Everyone who fell in love with knowledge
Congratulations on this day.
After all, who makes friends with a book,
He won't be stupid as a stump.

The library is a treasure
In it, knowledge glitters like gold!
Let them read books more often
In our school all the kids
And for that, to the library
We are waiting for any person
Who wants to develop
And constantly learn
After all, the light of knowledge is incredibly important,
And the darkness of ignorance is so terrible,
So as not to fall into darkness forever,
Everyone go to the libraries!

This holiday is wonderful
Books, he is remarkable,
World Library Day,
This is not the last century at all!

We can't live without books
You are pleasant to our eyes,
We are leafing through your pages,
What could be more beautiful than our books?

Let people not forget you
And they read you with inspiration,
Even though the information age
But a book is a friend forever!

Happy School Libraries Day!
Only here you can’t hear the stomping, running,
And everyone sits quietly,
Read books for the kids!

Let them be kind
And they talk about love
To your family and homeland!
We wish you bright days!

From school we remember the smell of libraries,
Books with yellowed leaves,
And we never forget about those
Who helped diligently in preparing lessons.
Congratulations to all librarians,
May all your dreams come true,
May you always be lucky in everything,
Good health, prosperity, goodness to you.

In the school library
Peace and quiet
45 minutes
It will last here.
But it will just ring
Call for recess
Students instantly
The walls will fill it.
Happy Library Day to you
Congratulations to the schoolchildren,
Let the streams of readers
Will merge into the oceans
Let books help
You learn and live,
And to all questions
Find answers.

Congratulations on International Day school libraries all employees and visitors! Let even the most experienced reader in every school library find exactly the work of literary art that will be to his heart’s content!

Here are our secrets of the century -
They are in multi-volume collections...
In school libraries
We draw our own knowledge.
Glory, well-deserved honor,
Perhaps they will come later,
But for this we all need -
Daily hard work.
Neither age nor rank are important,
No time limits
To increase knowledge -
Let's go back to the basics.

We get information for lessons from libraries,
The librarian helps us with this,
Knows the card index by heart,
May life always be fabulous.
On School Libraries Day, please accept congratulations,
Live happily for a long, long time,
Let your cherished dream come true,
May the sun of happiness always shine on you.

Every schoolchild
The schoolboy knows
From the very childhood years,
We need more libraries
There are no halls at the school!
Here books give knowledge
And there is peace in my soul,
Everyone has
Your favorite hero.
So happy holiday to everyone,
Happy library day.
I wish everyone very much
Happiness and success!

Dear librarians of school libraries, we would like to thank you for your painstaking work and for the fact that through your work you instill in students a reverent and careful attitude towards books. May God grant you family well-being, happiness and prosperity! Happy International School Libraries Day!

So as not to be dumb as a stump,
On the contrary, become smart
You need to throw away laziness,
Read more books!
The answer to any question is
Books will be given to you instantly,
After all, there is no wiser book,
Books will not let you down!
Today is Library Day,
In the schools that found shelter,
In them, streams of book rivers,
We are always waiting for you with hope!
I hasten to congratulate everyone,
To everyone who loves the book temple,
On a beautiful library day,
I wish you good books!

We thank the librarians for their painstaking work,
We would like to sincerely congratulate you on your holiday,
We cannot imagine the educational process without you,
May luck smile on you every hour.
Let life flow like a full river,
May happiness always smile on you,
Let work bring inspiration,
Let your mood be great.

Rivers flow in the school of knowledge.
Well, where is their source?
Everyone knows - everyone in the library
On the pages of wise books.
Everyone who fell in love with knowledge
Congratulations on this day.
After all, who makes friends with a book,
He won't be stupid as a stump.

On International Day of School Libraries, let each of them host wonderful, friendly and sincere meetings, at which famous writers and masters of words will be able to instill in even the most zealous scoundrel and restless person at school a love of literature! Let libraries be filled with new material and prosper!

The boys are sitting next to each other
They look at their tablets together like that.
Don't distract them from the screen
Even the sound of a drum.
Books and notebooks are crying -
They are not welcome at all now.
What to do, how to be,
How to surprise kids?
I know one secret -
Cut off the Internet!
And then all the children are together
They will begin to read obediently!
They'll run to the library
And they will be happy to read the books!
And the children will immediately become wiser -
After all, the book is the most important book in the world!

You can’t imagine life without the book of life
You unobtrusively instill a love of reading,
You live by the principle: “Learning is light, not learning is darkness,”
All-knowing librarians are honored and praised.
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
We wish you all the best in life,
Good health, good luck, warmth,
Let life always be a fairy tale.

All school libraries
I praise the workers.
Smiles and warmth to you
Little fans.
Open the world to children
Nice and deep.
Let them walk in your halls
Light streams.

Happy International School Libraries Day, we congratulate students and librarians themselves, because both of them cannot imagine their lives without wonderful, interesting and meaningful books! Let great horizons unfold before schoolchildren, like a book binding, and let libraries always be in demand!

Come boldly into the book room,
Here the spirit of centuries lingered,
Here is a treasure trove of sciences on shelves,
Lost to inquisitive eyes.
Come boldly into the book room,
Young faces are very welcome here,
Here wisdom quietly rules the roost,
For the truth, not for parade.
Come boldly into the book room,
A milestone in life will begin with him,
Your brave and successful start,
Your throne room is a library!

Thank you for your help in selecting the required material,
We would like to wish good luck to all school libraries,
Let the pleasant news surprise you,
Let all librarians be rewarded for their work.
We wish you stability, good luck, happiness,
Let all the bad weather fly by,
Let no doubts visit you,
Let life give you only inspiration.

Necessary and important service
School children carry libraries.
Instilling in children a passion for reading,
In a young person they open
Passion for discovery and creation.
IN new world they call the children
Gives the joy of secrets and the joy of knowledge
And they give them lots of ideas.

Our all-knowing librarians, we cannot cope without your work! Thank you for your efforts, for your urgent help in selecting the required material, for the prompt search for the necessary books and textbooks, and for the kind smiles you give us! We wish you a happy, long, rich and joyful life among relatives, close friends and colleagues!

School library today is the day,
I congratulate everyone involved,
After all, each book is like a step
Always accompanies us upward.
Books give us joy, kindness,
And they teach us a lot:
Leave anger, rudeness, vanity...
Librarians, congratulations!