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Funny birthday greetings. Swearing birthday greetings Swearing birthday greetings in verse

It's not every day that you have to look for funny birthday greetings. The desire to congratulate a loved one or very loved one does not arise very often, so the words spoken at the celebration should sink into the soul for a long time and touch the heart.

But it’s even more important that your birthday greetings are not boring and idle. Everyone wants to be congratulated in some cool and fun way. Well, if you want to stand out from the gray mass and tearful congratulations of moms and dads, then your birthday greetings should be cool and original.

If you think that a cool congratulation is something where there is only a joke, then you are very much mistaken. The congratulation should also be catchy, memorable and carry a hidden meaning, and sometimes a hidden hint at some circumstance or situation. Of course, such a congratulation should “pin” the birthday person, i.e. please and please. Choose from cool congratulations the one that is more suitable for your hero of the occasion.

Congratulations! I wish you
Male strength and female attention,
Develop the business to a global scale,
Cold beer in warm company.
Can we talk about female attention again...
Bourgeois money in a leather wallet,

Meet less frostbitten people in life,
Cool car and green light,
(For beer, I forgot, more salty),
Our enemies will be soaked in the toilet,
And, accordingly, peace throughout the world!

Happy birthday, brother,
I typed a lot of books,
I congratulate you in kind,
So that you are a antler channel,
Lots of beer, lots of chicks
A lot of money in a bag,
You're a lucky boy with us,
A new car for you!

Today is your birthday
And how old it is doesn’t matter.
So stay cheerful as always
And may your heart never grow old!

I wish you spiritual vigor,
Good luck in everyday life,
Always good health,
Never lose heart!

Happy birthday my friend!
Let everything be with you:
And the penthouse and the servants,
Your own yacht!

In the center is a personal apartment,
Dress in boutiques
And only rage with fat,
And live like in your dreams!

Where can I get some prosperity?
It doesn’t happen that way – that’s a fact.
But let more be better
And somehow it will be less.

We wish you on your birthday
Smiles, joyful chores,
Health, happiness and fun
Today, tomorrow, all year round!

Let there be an ocean of happiness
Universe of luck,
And grief is less than a glass,
And hide that one away!

Happy birthday my friend!
I would like a picture like this:
There is something to wear, there is an apartment, a car!
You are queen! Rivals are fools!
And there are only large bills in the wallet!

We wish you success on your birthday,
Luck and happiness - from the heart!
May life be full of goodness and laughter,
Bright emotions, big holidays.

May everything you want happen
Whatever you dream about, everything will happen,
And what are you dreaming about today?
Let him certainly come in reality.

I want you not to know grief,
And also illness and boredom,
To be by the sea more often,
They had granddaughters and grandchildren.

So that your eyes shine with joy,
So that the whiskey does not turn white longer,
My arms never felt tired,
And my heart and soul didn’t hurt.

Let there be great health!
The breasts do not sag sluggishly,
To cunnilingus - more often! –
Someone would spoil me!

And so that every early morning
When you can’t get up, well, you don’t have the strength!!
Let it not be an alarm clock - it's a failure! –
Hot man woke you up!

To eat and drink,
So that I would like and could,
So that everywhere and everywhere
It was with whom and where.
So that in a glass of wine
There was a sip for me too!

Happy Birthday, girlfriend!
Life is certainly not a toy,
But you haven't changed at all
And I haven’t settled down!

We are still fire! Wow!
Let's rip heads off easily
And to young guys,
And handsome gray haired men!

You won't find girls like this!
We're wearing tight skirts
As soon as we put it on - and aha!
We are trouble for men!

Anniversaries come and go,
But their sweet smoke curls above the ground...
And a stupid thought wanders in the dark:
How good it is to just be young!

Bro! You are awesome!
You are the coolest in the world!
Be strong, healthy
And smile wider!

Be as healthy as a tomato;
Be confident as a hillock;
Be as steep as the slopes of the mountains;
Be spiritual like a cathedral
Fresh at heart, like a pine forest!

I want to wish everything to be great
A great amount of cash in your wallet
Great colleagues at a great job
Take a five-day break from work on Saturday

Various questions, excellent solutions
You have excellent relationships with your family,
Excellent health,
and in personal life
Let everything be just “excellent” for you!

Let everything be! And everything is full,
And let there not be half,
If happiness is forever,
Well, good luck with the avalanche!

Always and everywhere remain a man:
When driving - and without a car at all;
With a large wallet - and when without a penny,
In a suit from the Boss - and in a padded jacket;

In a sports club, on the street and in a restaurant,
In the arms of a woman - and when you are without a lady;
Both on weekdays and on noisy holidays -
Be ironic, brave and smart!

And all the women, from Tatiana to Lina
They will say dreamily: This is a man!

Hemorrhoids, diarrhea and dandruff,
Fly in the soup, big debts,
Inability to go to the dacha,
Enemies at work and at home,
Lice, constipation, cockroaches and mites.
I wish you today
To all these creepy things
Never met in fate!

We speak different languages.
And contrary to all assurances,
I don't understand why I should be looking
I'm wearing your socks all over the apartment?
A hot dinner - here's another misfortune!
But why? Because I want a salad!
I am silent about the fact that they are preventing me from sleeping
Computer, beer, light, football and snoring!
But logic - yes, yes, women have
For some reason it fails here.
And the heart reigns supreme here,
Between us. Happy Birthday, dear!

On a beautiful day, a spring day
Happy Birthday!
Let you from all sides
They will bring a million flowers!

Happy birthday to you.
Have fun on this day, don't be sad.
I wish you a lot of happiness,
And especially happiness in love!

May it be on your birthday
The warmth of your family will warm you.
And with him there’s nothing scary,
Even though the snow is flying, even though the wind is blowing!

We wish you health, love and warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
So that the house is protected from grief and troubles.

Unforgiving years
It is not in our power to stop.
So let it be forever -
The more years, the more happiness!

Let the spring rays shine on this day
People and flowers will smile at you,
And may they always go through life with you
Love, health, happiness and dreams.

Happy birthday!
We wish you to be happy,
Healthy, sweet, beautiful.
We wish you not to know sorrows,
Shine with a bright smile!

In your soul there is something for everyone
Maternal smiles warm light.
From your heart, like from a well,
Love and tenderness cannot be exhausted forever!
Be happy, dearest person!

An anniversary is not just a date,
Holiday to the degree of square.
We wish you many times
Tender glances, warm phrases,
And grateful smiles,
And good luck - many times over!

Let the house be filled with a tender fairy tale,
Let all sorrows go away!
And on your birthday with hope,
Let love and faith come!


We wish you happiness, songs, laughter,
Great success in everything,
So that without any evils and troubles
May you live to be a hundred years old!
We wish you health, patience in your work,
And also have a great mood!

May the sun always shine on you,
And may the years continue endlessly,
Let it come to your door nowhere and never
Neither old age nor illness will come knocking.
Let the years rush by - no problem;
Time heals wounds,
And let them go forever
Adversity and fog.

We wish you happiness and health,
We want you to be young in life
The road you took
Didn't become a narrow path.
We wish you more love
Huge, pure, like a tear,
And to smile more often
Your happy eyes!

Happy birthday to you
We express our command:
Live for about a hundred years
And surprise the whole world
With your health, your vigor,
To the delight of family and friends!

The thing is serious, Birthday!
Dream, spin, fly, soar...
My heartfelt congratulations.
More candy, cakes, love!

So that your eyes shine more and more,
To blind you with happiness,
So that your cheeks blush with compliments,
Whatever the day, I had a blast!

Happy birthday to you!
And we want to wish you on this joyful day
So that the deer from the fairy tale brings you happiness.
So that joy can be given by two faithful wings.
May love always be with you.
So that there is more good in fate.
We are from pure heart we wish you!

How many oceans are there in the world?
How much sand are there in them?
We wish you so much happiness
In my lifetime!
Today is a sad and joyful holiday...
After all, this happens sometimes in life.
You're glad to meet your youth, but childhood...
It is now gone forever.
So let the ringing laughter continue today,
And let happiness flow like a river.
Today you are the happiest of all
After all, this is your holiday and yours alone!
Let your friends stay with you
They do not leave in difficult times.
And I ask you to never forget,
That in this life someone always needs you!

Don't be sad that the years go by
And my hair turns gray over time,
Let there be a young soul,
But young souls do not age!

The clock is knocking, another year has passed,
The fallen pages of the calendar rustle,
Let the best that was not go away,
And let the worst never happen again!

I wish you positivity
A lot of money, creativity,
Endless luck
Somewhere by the sea, a dacha.
Plus a lot of health,
Strength like a rhinoceros
So as not to be sick in the morning
And, of course, don't grow old.
Happy Birthday!
Happiness, joy, luck!

I wish you a self-assembled tablecloth,
And she’s wearing a beer with a battering ram,
Expensive coffee beans,
Cognac with black caviar,
Shish kebab with smoky scent
And cooler champagne,
Pineapples and bananas,
All - ten kilograms,
And also a bag of money
And a box of miracles,
A chest of health,
To always be “cheerful”,
Live a hundred years enjoying yourself.
Happy birthday, kisses!

Happy aging day... Oh, I mean happy birthday. May your bones not ache, may the sand not fall off you, may funny jokes continue to delight you, may your soul fly high. Let your teeth not hurt from a delicious cake, and let all the candles on it be blown out by you on the first try. May you enjoy passionate, hot nights and incredibly happy days.

I wish you to live and not worry,
In the evenings drink whiskey.
And on the weekend - barbecue at the dacha,
With loyal friends to boot.

I wish to live a hundred years
And have lobster for lunch
Sunbathing with my family in Dubai,
Ride only in Ferrari.

Always be positive
To make your dream come true,
And always swim in gold,
Smile as often as possible.

Living a great, awesome life
Unreal, incomparable,
Amazing, wonderful,
Fabulous, luxurious, cool,
Tasty, spicy, bright, passionate,
Intoxicating, amazing
With adoration, with inspiration
I wish you on your birthday!

Happy Birthday!
Let life be like jam:
Sweet, bright, very tasty
And, of course, not sad.

May luck grab you
Will shower you with wondrous joy,
Stuffs happiness into pockets -
It will be in your power.

And fate will give you luck,
Will remove your doubts
To work and sing,
I wanted to go to a new day!

I wish you positivity
And good intimacy.
Yacht, cottage, plane,
Let your fortune grow.

So that friends don't let you down,
And they were weird with you.
So that there is enough health,
The beauty did not disappear.

It was fun today
And great in the morning.
There will be inspiration in life,
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday
And we want simple things:

So that everything in the soul rejoices,
And my heart beat to the beat.
What was dreamed came true.
Everything was bought and sold.

For houses to be appreciated,
Instead of a chair, they bought a throne.
Respected at work
All ideas were accepted.

To go on vacation - to resorts,
We did the repairs ourselves.
And the account flowed steadily
Large cash flow.

I wish you to avoid stress
And sleep peacefully at night.
Let healthy indifference
Yours strengthens the body,
And so that the tone does not suffer,
Refill your glass often.


I wish you fairy tales
The kindest and simplest.
May all your wishes come true
Like with a golden fish.

So that the boss is a serpent gorynych
Suddenly everyone put their heads together:
Appointed a promotion
Gave me an extra vacation.

So that yours stands at three
In the palace garage
And these horses should be called -
Bentley, Maybach and Porsche.

To rejuvenate apples
You had more than enough
And also love to the grave,
What you can’t read in fairy tales.

Happy birthday!
Believe in miracles as a child
And let it be snow-white
Your life is streaky.

Today is your birthday!
You can get drunk "into the pig"
Play around without looking back,
You can go shopping, go to clubs, go crazy.

Have fun, walk, dance,
Take your breath away,
Send everyone into culture shock!
And all the “arrows” are in rhyme!