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Funny congratulations on the delivery of comic gifts. Comic birthday gifts - ideas and recommendations

Quite often we are faced with the problem of choosing a gift for friends and acquaintances. Especially when the occasion is not very large-scale, like an anniversary, for example, and our funds are extremely limited. In addition, choosing a gift for a colleague about whom we know almost nothing is incredibly difficult. And sometimes you want to surprise your bosom friend. So how can you please, pamper and simply, for no reason, cheer up your beloved men?
Surely those who know and have the opportunity to make the dream of the hero of the occasion come true will not look for clues on the Internet. But for those who are confused before the special event, we offer several original and creative gifts for men.
So, we do not promote alcoholism, but a collection of elite alcohol will decorate any home bar and the pride of every gentleman. However, giving a bottle of expensive cognac is too easy, but presenting a whole set of various branded alcohol is more interesting.
Thus, the basis of our gift will be several bottles of various elite drinks in miniature packaging, that is, in bottles of 50-100 grams. You will have to look for such “samples”, but there will certainly be a selection in specialized alcohol stores. They can also be found in regular supermarkets.
The number of pieces in the set depends on the amount you have. On average, the price of such a bottle will be from 50 rubles. and up to 700-800 rubles per piece. 5-6 bottles will already make a good set. We recommend purchasing different types alcohol - vodka, cognac, whiskey, tequila, gin, etc., to make it easier and more interesting to beat the gift! The basis is there, let's get started gift design.

Option #1

“A first aid kit for a real man. Strategic reserve"

On gift bag You can save money because we do the packaging ourselves. To do this, we will need thick white fabric and some red fabric for finishing. From white material we will sew a bag - the first aid kit itself, where we will place all the purchased “medicines”. Determine the size of the bag yourself, based on the number of mini bottles. For 4-5 pieces, 15/10 cm is enough. Cut out two rectangles of the required size from thick fabric. Cut out a smaller rectangle from red fabric - this will be a pocket. First we sew the pocket to the right side of one of the white rectangles, and then we put them together with the right sides inward, then we sew them together. Turn the bag inside out. We bend the top edge inward by about 2 cm and stitch it in a circle, leaving a hollow space for the ribbon, and make a small cut in the middle. Now, using a pin, we thread the red ribbon through the cut, pull it in a circle and pull it out. This way we can tie the bag when we put the bottles in it.

Now the most creative part of the task. We will present this gift as "First aid kit for a real man", and imagine bottles of alcohol as medicines. We'll put it in your pocket "Instructions for use", which we will compose ourselves.

Let's take a sheet of paper. First, let's work on the design of the instructions. There are plenty of options here. You can take colored paper and cut out, for example, a red star. You can scorch the edges of the sheet with a lighter and then you will get a “shabby document.” You can draw a frame around the edges with colored markers. Or even print out the instructions on a color printer.

Bottles must be numbered. You can do this with a marker or cosmetic lip pencil on the glass itself, or attach a tag to each bottle. It is not recommended to draw on labels or excise stamps, because it is unknown how the future owner will use the gift.
The contents of the instructions should look something like this:
First aid kit for real men.
Strategic reserve.
Attention! Contains potent substances!
Instructions for use.
No. 1. (pepper tincture, pepper vodka) Against flu and colds.
It is used for severe hypothermia, for the feeling of “I’m about to get sick,” for sore throat and nasal congestion. Goes great with pickled cucumber. Take orally immediately before dreaming under a warm blanket.
No. 2 (tequila) Antidepressant.
Recommended for bad mood and irritability. Relieves feelings of melancholy and sadness, apathy, and anger at the whole world. Directions for use: take a pinch of salt and pour it into the hollow between the middle and index finger. We drink 50g of the medicine in one gulp, lick the salt and bite with a slice of lemon. Never mind, let's dance!
No. 3 (cognac) Mental stimulant.
It is used in difficult life situations, when solving global issues. Goes great with lemon and ice. Take small sips and think, think, think...
No. 4 (vodka) Vitamin “V”
Perfectly relieves fatigue, restores vitality, relaxes, tones.
The drug can be combined with all types of juices and is well complemented with similar drugs in larger volumes. Side effects: partial memory loss.
And so on.
The list should have a description for each “drug.” You must approach the preparation of instructions with humor and a good mood. You can pay more attention to the favorite drink of the future owner of the collection, or remind him of some funny situations related to drinking alcohol.
We put the completed instructions in the pocket, and place the numbered bottles in the bag. Tighten the ribbon and our original fun gift is ready!

Option No. 2
It’s interesting to beat such a gift in a different way. Especially if the person for whom this gift is intended prefers only cognac, for example. Having purchased several types of this drink, let’s imagine the set as "Vitamins for men". It is best to pack bottles in a box.
You can choose a box of the right size at a gift store or where they pack them. To give the box the appearance of packaging for vitamins, we will cover its lid with white paper and get a little creative. You can draw with a marker the traditional emblem of pharmacies - a snake with a cup of poison, depict Doctor Aibolit (for example, cut out such a picture from a children's magazine and paste it) or simply copy the design of the packaging of any vitamins. Instead of instructions for use, we will include a postcard with a poem.

Vitamins for a real man.
Why does a man need vitamins?
After all, the man is healthy and strong!
There are only men in life
Ups and downs, sadness for no reason...
They didn't give me my salary, I had a fight with a friend,
I couldn’t reach my beloved friend...
Or maybe it started raining inappropriately this morning?
Or maybe you're just too lazy to get out of bed?
And I want to quarrel, fight, scream!
But this is not where you should start!
Sit down, catch your breath, brew some strong tea.
Discuss your problems with yourself!
Cool down a little, smile from your heart!
Gain strength again for new victories!

But if everything is also sad inside,
Take one “vitamin” in your hands...
A sip for your dear mother!
Beloved, your tender joy!
Don't you dare offend your own eyes
Mommy should always be happy!

Are you still angry? Take a sip!
Take the phone and call quickly
To my beloved baby, my dear flower!
Find out how your beautiful daughter is doing!
Her voice is like a nightingale's singing
It will lift your mood in a second!

Are you still sad? Take a sip!
And remember your beloved voice,
Her ringing laugh, mischievous eyes!
Her joy in life always saves her!
Are you really bored? Call soon
And a thousand kind words tell her!
Let your angel know about the power of love,
Let your confessions warm her soul!

Now wake up! Get your act together! Smile!
And strive hard for new victories!
Everything will be fine, I believe in you!
Be the most successful in everything and always!

A similar message can be written on a postcard and placed in a box of “vitamins.” If time permits, you can use the poem as a toast!

This gift is perfect for any occasion. Your gift will not go unnoticed and will be remembered for a long time both by the hero of the occasion and by his guests. It will be especially pleasant for a man to realize that you have invested not only your finances, but also a piece of your soul into this gift.

Enjoy your celebration!

In contact with

Many of us associate a first aid kit with various types of unpleasant things- injuries, poisoning, colds, etc. They probably mentioned this item with an unkind word more than once when meeting with traffic police inspectors.

However, you can break these negative associations by gifting someone a humorous, sweet first aid kit for their birthday or wedding.

This cool and original gift can be given to the most different people in a variety of situations - it’s just a matter of design nuances. This article will be dedicated to them!

How to make

To make a fun and tasty gift with your own hands, you will need:

First you need to prepare the container for the future surprise. The box needs to be painted White color(optional - in green, if the gift is intended, say,). When the paint is dry, paint a red cross on the lid.

If you are giving a first aid kit to newlyweds for a wedding, you can write something funny next to it, for example, “Emergency family help.”

If the gift is intended for a friend, you can label the lid “First Aid Kit.” Have a good mood" It is better to sign a corporate presentation like this: “The first aid kit of a real leader.”

If the box is not divided into sections, then they can be made of cardboard or wood. In the case of a cardboard box this will not be difficult, but with wood you will have to work hard.

Measure the sizes of medicine jars and containers in advance - your sections should be about 2-3 centimeters larger. Fill them about halfway with the pre-prepared filling. Sawdust or straw are better suited to a wooden box, and cotton wool is better suited to a cardboard box.

Now that the container is ready, you can move on to decorating the jars and boxes.

Remove the labels from the jars (the easiest way to do this is by soaking them in water) and paint the boxes white.

Their contents directly depend on the shape - for example, it is best to put small, tasty candies like Skittles or M&M's in jars, but in boxes you can put chocolates, toffees or waffle cakes (the main thing is in the packaging, otherwise your treats may spoil). Here are some ready-made filling options:

If the hero of the occasion likes to drink, you can supplement your first aid kit with a small one (no more than 200 grams in volume). Alcohol can often be found in this format famous brands producing whiskey or tequila.

A good option for filling out the set would also be, or. In the case of tea, it is better to choose something unusual and, for example, pu-erh or oolong. You can also choose special nuts - cashews, almonds or macadamia.

Now you need to sign them. For this we need paper strips with comic and funny inscriptions- for example, if we surprise a manager, we can present him with such magical and tasty medicines as “Obodrin”, “Uspokoin”, “Motivacitol” and “Otpuscoin”.

Templates and ideas for such signatures are easy to find on the Internet. However, it will be much more interesting to show your imagination and sense of humor yourself - this will certainly not go unnoticed, and your gift will stand out from the rest.

Who should I give it to?

Such a sweet set is a universal gift, but it is intended at least for those with whom you are more or less familiar. Such gifts should be given especially carefully to partners and managers.

If you are not sure that your gift will be understood correctly, it is better to give something more neutral. At the same time, this is one of the best surprises for family and friends - who doesn't love sweets!

Comic gifts for a birthday – ideas and recommendations will help you make your choice in favor of a bright and simple gift.

If you want to wish a woman or man a happy birthday with a touch of humor, do not forget some rules:

  • Don't joke below the belt, especially with a woman. She may not understand such jokes in the presence of family and friends.
  • Don't give men money hidden in socks or wrapped in inexpensive accessories.
  • Universal gifts should carry some meaning, and not be just for the sake of humor. After all, this is a birthday, not April Fool's Day.

The video in this article will be superfluous; just go through the photo selection to understand which gifts are best to choose for giving.

Men more often perceive humorous gifts as something funny and cool. Without attaching importance to many things, even simple little things can set a genuine mood for the holiday.

You can make a fly swatter with your own hands from a simple cane and indoor slippers. The instructions are simple - glue, dry and put into practice.

Visualization tester - the more you drink, the better you see the letters, however, bigger size. The glass can be used as an ordinary container, but it can also be used as a joke - to test your eyesight and the volume of the glass.

You can give an unmarried person a T-shirt with a humorous inscription. If he is just going to get married, this little thing will be in place.

A horn with an unforgettable inscription will not only serve as a sound amplifier, but also cool gift. A man will like to feel like a commander, at least in such a simple task - giving orders and announcing the next toast.

A safe of unusual design can be placed in a room or hiding place, if available. Men will be able to organize all their tools, hide secrets from their wives, and even carry important and valuable things with them.

Not a simple one, but a “smart” one that will tell you how much ashes you have collected. It’s easy to make such a birthday joke gift yourself, using the skills of a welder and an electronics engineer. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t held a welding machine - buy such a souvenir at any joke store.

Yes, yes, such a funny birthday gift will delight any man. As you know, a girl will not walk around with such a lighter, but just give a man the opportunity to woo the lady and let her light a cigarette with such beauty. There will be plenty of reasons for jokes.

Don't want to play role-playing games, then we offer to play sports and seductive games - a mega-sheet for real craftsmen. Which man would not want to at least try himself as a strategist, especially in bed.

From the area of ​​souvenirs such symbolic gift It will only be appropriate as an addition to something more global. You can approach the presentation with humor - give a basket of goodies and tell them to always eat tasty and richly.

A miracle mirror that is always pleasant to look in, no matter what you look like. Make your man feel like the emperor of the morning awakening.

The price of such sets and gifts is not high, and it would be a sin not to take advantage of such an opportunity to spend money on a surprise for fun. Best friend or a friend will appreciate a joke in the company of friends. But for a girl, it’s better to choose something delicate.

Here you will find some more gift ideas:

Funny gifts for women

Cute and cute jokes will only be appropriate among a group of girls. They can discuss among themselves the most various gifts, even poorly cooked. If we talk about surprises, then it is better for male friends to prepare something “easier” in the perception of comic gifts.

A unique table lamp that will look casual on a table. Her leg resembles two lovers hiding from prying eyes.

Such a rug perfectly attracts the eye and looks good against the backdrop of a naked, tanned body. Any beauty will be happy to appear in a beautiful swimsuit.

One can envy the creators of such a postcard, where you can also add words of congratulations. This same item looks like indoor slippers, naturally, which no one will ever wear. But it will always come in handy just in case.

Women's type of watch, when it doesn't matter what time it is. Indeed, why be interested in time if you will still be late for a date.

Such a simple gift can be given to a woman who has no flaws. She will have to eat the only one, proving that she is ideal, and no disadvantages have been identified.

Dishes with funny motivational inscriptions will always please a girl, especially one who does not need to diet. So, you can keep it for the future for your loved one if you suddenly gain extra pounds.

The little thing is, of course, useful in the kitchen, but it also carries a humorous meaning. After all, no one will measure out a portion of pasta in order to eat it on a plate above before 6 pm.

If a camouflage uniform is made for camouflage, then an apron for a woman made of the same fabric and color will disguise her as an ideal housewife. There's a scout in the house!

Or these funny aprons:

So you have chosen a funny birthday gift to congratulate your beloved friend, relative or lover. Now let's move on to the option of creating your own masterpiece - imagine that you are the God of humor, and now make a grand congratulations.

Read also:

A funny gift - we make it ourselves

Below is a surprise birthday gift that you can prepare yourself.

To work you will need:

  • Pill bottle;
  • Small candies;
  • Gummy worms;
  • Markers;
  • Glue;
  • Paper;
  • Scissors;
  • A printer.

Open the package of small candies. Select suitable sweets by color, you can divide them by color scheme there are enough of them for several jars.

Select gummy worms using the same principle as candy.

Take a bottle of pills, or an old empty bottle.

Clear it of contents, remove the sticker and glue from the old inscription.

Use a printer to print the inscription on paper, or use markers to draw the names of the sweet “pills” on the bottles.

An alternative option is to make several jars - divide the candies and sweets by structure and color, place them in jars and label them. The set is ready - sweet help will benefit everyone suffering from a lack of the hormone of happiness.

Tip: If you want to give gifts to several birthday people, or congratulate a couple, create two bottles. It is also appropriate to place chocolates and other goodies in syrup jars.

Universal gifts

Those are the very gifts that can be given to both men and women. In this matter, the main thing is to find a middle ground in the use of the gift.

Sold in joke shops, on the Internet, and you can make it yourself. A box - according to the principle of addition (origami), printout of the image - the Internet and a printer to help. Filling: sweets and other goodies.

Does he also need a remedy for fatigue and depression? He and his beloved, and vice versa, will be able to break a plate for luck, which is offered just for such an occasion. Why smash kitchen utensils when you really want to argue, like in the movie “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.”

You can give it to a man or woman interesting option wall clock. Even if the birthday person is not a mathematician or physicist, even if he/she is good at algebra, the gift will additionally teach intelligence.

When you want to go on a trip, but you need to have fun the moment you board the plane. This indecent sticker in the form of dollar bills on the torn side of the suitcase will surprise many fellow travelers and security services. Stickers in the form of illegal drugs in pouches, weapons and jewelry are also sold.

A keychain with a secret that also beeps. It makes a loud sound, and even pleases the owner with a surprise - an unexpected and funny sight if you try the keychain for the first time.

When there is no chance of losing, and the other half will not get rid of the obligation to fulfill the gambling duty. The main thing is that the game should come as a surprise, but in a male company, for fun, you can also try to prank your friends.

Admit it, have you wanted to try the light bulb experiment? Now it’s definitely possible - without consequences and pain, fear and risk. A lollipop in the shape of a lamp will allow you to experience real feelings of adrenaline.

A comic souvenir that can theoretically be used. It is made of real red brick, the weight is impressive. So now, with such weighty arguments, it’s unlikely that anyone will argue with you anymore. By the way, it is not forbidden to carry it with you, but it is better to leave it at home as a souvenir.

Such comic birthday gifts will make any holiday fun and bright. Don’t forget about alternative gifts where appropriate, since not always a person with a good sense of humor will be able to appreciate your efforts.

And don’t forget, your birthday will be next - get ready to take a reciprocal step and reserve the strength to laugh heartily.

In the video you will find some more gift ideas:

Options for unusual and original congratulations many people find them too limited and boring. And this is provided that now you can choose a huge number of jokes and various materials for a gift.

Features of creating a comic pharmacy

It is usually possible to congratulate someone on their anniversary in an original way if the person has a sense of humor and can demonstrate their gift in a fun and unusual way. For example, you can create a unique first aid kit from unusual and funny medicines that a person comes up with on his own.

The first thing to remember is that the medicine bottle must contain either absolutely safe drugs, for example, vitamins or a complex of minerals, or something else not related to medicine. For example, it could be candy or even alcoholic beverages. The most important thing is that a person does not harm himself by using such drugs. Also, do not leave medicine bottles empty. Of course, a creative and unusual sticker with a name is always interesting, but the meaningful part of the gift should also evoke extremely positive reactions.

It should also be noted that the first aid kit should not be offensive to a person. For example, you should not add fictitious drugs associated with the shortcomings of a person’s appearance or with his complexes. Otherwise, such a gift may greatly offend a sensitive person and is unlikely to bring him pleasure. It’s better to joke kindly and try to make such a present as high-quality, interesting and very unusual as possible. In any case, if effort is put into putting together a first aid kit, a person will be able to please the hero of the occasion without any problems.

It would be great if certain medications are associated with a person’s creative and professional activities. In this case, a comic gift will delight the birthday boy even more. Of course, you can purchase a ready-made pharmacy kit in a joke store, but it is unlikely to have a suitable atmosphere or an individual approach to choosing a gift. Here it is better to show your own attitude towards the person, caring for him.

It is interesting to note that a comic first aid kit for the hero of the day is a fairly popular gift that is being purchased more and more often. It is believed that such a first aid kit is both original and pleasant to receive.

Options for filling comic first aid kits

So, what kind of medicines can you fill such a comic first aid kit with? Firstly, these may be medications associated with some of the person’s shortcomings, but with those that he is not ashamed of. For example, you can add an Antirapin tablet or Negrustin ointment to your gift. Such a remedy will help lift a person’s mood, and the gift itself will make it much brighter, interesting, and unforgettable.

How to congratulate someone on your anniversary with useful medicines in an original way? Here you can add a first aid kit “Antipohmelin” or even “Via gro”. Means such as Viagra should not offend a person and make incorrect hints about his inadequacy. That is why donating such drugs better man with a good sense of humor, a young guy who has not yet experienced such problems.

You can also come up with several drugs that will somehow be related to the wishes for the hero of the occasion. For example, this could be such means as “Money lured”, a potion for attracting girls, and so on. Of course, a comic purpose similar means should be stated in the title and be easily understood by anyone.

Of course, it is better to give a first aid kit from several medicines, such a unique set that will bring a smile and joy to a person at the same time. Most often, such gifts are purchased for young people, friends and close relatives. If a person wants to give a similar gift to a colleague, then it is better not to get personal and focus on the person’s professional qualities.

It is important to note that such a gift will do not everyone. For example, a comic first aid kit for the boss will not look entirely relevant. Still, the relationship between subordinates and superiors must have its own clear boundaries.

Gift design options

How interesting is it to congratulate the hero of the occasion on his anniversary so that he is completely delighted? In fact, a quality first aid kit with joke medications is the ideal plan. But suppose the drugs are ready, how should they be presented to the person? To do this, you need to think about the design of the gift.

In particular, it is necessary to purchase standard packaging for car first aid kits. Thus, the recipient will actually think that he is being presented with a real first aid kit, and will not guess about its contents. How to congratulate the hero of the day in an original way in this case? Most likely, you just need to read the congratulations with a serious expression on your face and present a similar gift. When the package is opened, the person will understand what was going on here and will laugh heartily at the contents of the first aid kit.

It’s great if the donor himself has a good sense of humor. In this case, he will be able to diversify his gift, present bright and unusual options contents of the first aid kit. For example, instead of bandages or adhesive plaster, such a first aid kit may contain a couple of plantain leaves. It's original and interesting.

And yet, no matter how original this gift may be, it should be presented only in conjunction with a more valuable and important present. In this case, the joke will be complemented by touching and tender care for the hero of the day. Such care is always important, regardless of the content of the gift and its focus. The birthday boy will be pleased to receive touching gift from loved one, who thought for a long time about the content of the presentation.

With the help of comic gifts, you can diversify the holiday and add your own mood to it. By choosing the right components of a first aid kit, a person will be able to show his sense of humor and significantly please the hero of the occasion!

Congratulators must be friends.

Congratulations 1:
You know how it happens, you don’t expect magic, but it just happens. This is what happened at our holiday. Suddenly, unexpectedly, they brought us a magical package, the recipient of which is our beautiful birthday girl.
(Takes out a large box wrapped in paper)

Congratulations 2:
We, like true friends, took on the role of customs officers and opened the parcel. Well, you never know what’s there, suddenly there’s a bomb!

Congratulations 1:
Don't worry, there was no bomb there! There was a message and precise instructions.

Congratulations 2:
So, for your beauty,
So that it never fades,
Accept lip gloss as a gift,
So that it always shines everywhere!

(They give children's lip gloss)

Congratulations 1:
So that you don't get your feet wet,
My dear friend,
So that you are always stylish,
Take some fashionable shoes
This is happiness, yes, yes, yes!

(Shoe covers)

Congratulations 2:
And also, so that always
You were happy
So that there is no doubt,
May your soul bloom!

(Mirror. A funny picture is glued to the mirror (for example, a monkey is putting on lipstick) and the inscription “Always beautiful,” or something like that)

Congratulations 1:
What a miracle, what a thing,
Two large wings lie
Magic reigns everywhere
You should try them on!

(Fairy wings and Magic wand, which the birthday girl should not take off until the end of the evening)

To a woman

The birthday girl is in the center of the table. Congratulations appear:

Congratulations 1:
Here, I give you a bottle,
And you keep it
It will be a vase, it will be a container,
If you want, brew some tea in it!

(Gives an empty bottle)

Congratulations 2:
Well, of course she's joking
And the bottle is useless
Who will give it to a friend?
I'm bringing you a fur coat!

(As an option, herring salad under a fur coat, or a small piece of fur)

Congratulations 2:
So that you don't freeze in your fur coat,
To make it easy to walk in winter,
A woman so beautiful
A fashionable item, I want to give it as a gift!

(Pants with fleece)

Congratulations 1:
And we also give you
What is most important in everyday life?
Every housewife knows
And each has weight!

Congratulations 2:
Very important, very necessary,
Amazing item
It is very necessary
And there are no analogues!

Congratulations 1:
The pies taste better then
Obedient husband, silence,
We give women's happiness,
Carry it with you always!

(Handed a rolling pin)

Guests drink to creativity.

You can insert a funny comment after each gift. It is also recommended to play out the roles and choose musical accompaniment.

To a man

The birthday boy sits in the center of the table. It is advisable that his friends take part in such a comic congratulation. So, two people come out. One holds a small bag (several objects are folded in it, for which certain lines are written. The object is taken out after the poem is read), the other holds a box covered with cloth in his hands:

Congratulatory 1:
Congratulations sound, sound,
They are in a hurry to congratulate you,
All relatives, all friends,
Well, how will it be without me?
I was in a hurry, I was getting ready
Maybe he got stuck somewhere
I chose gifts
Yes, I tried for you!
In general, here, I’ll hand it over now,
I want to wish you
To make life beautiful
To luck, and not to miss!
I start, I get it,
I want to give you
So that you are more respectable than everyone else,
May success await you!

(Takes out cool underpants or a tie)

So that you don’t know problems and evil,
There is a gift for you!

(Toy pistol)

So that the mind is in order,
So that you go to the bath,
To have something to read,
Write different letters!

(A collection of crossword puzzles tied to an air freshener. You can get by with a collection of jokes)

Congratulations 2:
I've been looking for a long time what to give you,
I've been thinking about congratulations to you for a long time,
I suddenly decided to make my dream come true,
The best gift for a friend!
I wish you luck, goodness,
So that dreams come to life so easily,
So that there will always be faithful people,
So that bad thoughts do not come to your mind!
Well, in general, you, like man to man,
I give you a faithful, steely friend,
(He picks up a rag, under which there is a toy car in a box. If the birthday person has a car, then you can choose any type of transport that he dreams of).
Let him decorate your life,
What wouldn't you do for a friend?

The birthday boy receives his gifts, the guests make another toast.

To a friend

It is better for friends to take part, but if the birthday person has brothers or a son, they can also be involved.

Congratulations appear in the center of the hall.

Congratulatory 1:
Phew, I'm tired, I was planning on it,
I tried so hard, I was in such a hurry,
I even played sports
Popped into the store!

Congratulations 2:
I tried really hard too
Look, I ironed my pants,
Put on a clean shirt
Even clean socks!

Congratulatory 3:
Me too, as you can see,
In a full parade I
Happy birthday today
We congratulate you!

Congratulatory 1:
We thought and wondered for a long time,
What should I give you?
And we collected a bouquet,
Be delighted and beautiful!

(They give a bouquet of socks. Of course, such a gift requires some preparation, so you need to make a bouquet in advance)

Congratulations 2:
And also for you today,
We have prepared a surprise
So that the soul is warmed,
Evenings are the main prize!

Congratulatory 3:
So that later you set up a brand,
So that you surprise people,
So that wonderful alcohol,
Sold all over the world!

(A bottle of alcohol with a photo of the birthday boy and with a famous name. It is advisable to take the name based on the last name. Example: Ivanov, the name of the bottle is Ivanovka)

At the end of the number, friends can sing a few ditties.