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A parable about parents to tears. Material for the parent meeting "parables about the family"

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How often in the daily bustle we are able to neglect and inattentively treat the people who are dearest and most important to us... After reading this parable, I hope you will have a strong desire to say “Thank you” to your parents...

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Parable of the Sparrow


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In the garden, not far from the house, an elderly father and a mature son were sitting on a bench. It was a sunny day.
The father quietly admired nature, and the son read the newspaper.
A bird flew past them and landed on a bush nearby.
The father asked his son:
- What is this?
The son reluctantly looked at the bird and answered:
- Sparrow.
After which the father stood up a little, looked more closely and asked again?
- What is this?
The son answered sharply:
- Father, I just said – this is a sparrow.
The sparrow took off and, after flying a few meters, sat down on the ground.
The father, watching the flight of the bird, after a while asked his son again:
- What is this?
The son answered in a nervous voice:
- This is a sparrow, father, a sparrow. SPARROW!
The father, as if not hearing what his son is telling him, asks him the same question:
- What is this?
The son got angry and could not stand it:
- Why do you ask me all the time?! This is a sparrow, how many times can I repeat this to you?! Is it hard for you to remember?!
The old man got up and headed towards the house.
- Where are you going? - exclaimed the son.
The father just waved his hand and left.
A few minutes later he returned with an old thick notebook. Opening it and finding the right page, he gave it to his son and showed him where to read.
The son began to read:
- Today, my little son, who recently turned three years old, and I were walking in the park. When a sparrow sat down in front of us, my son asked me 21 times: “What is this?” And exactly the same number of times I answered that it was a sparrow. Every time I hugged him, he asked me again and again. And I was not at all angry with my beloved little boy.
After reading, the son hugged his father and they sat like that for a long time.



Friends, let's express our gratitude to the people closest to us right here and now!!!

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Good afternoon, my dear friends!

Today I invite you to get acquainted with parables that tell about the importance of correct adults, about the influence of parents on our success in life.

One man turned to the sage with the following words:

“Tell me, wisest one, what should I do with my parents. Because of old age, their minds have become completely meager - they either cry or mutter. Maybe send them to a charitable institution? I can’t bear all this anymore.”

The sage shook his head:

“It’s difficult for you, brother, it’s difficult. True, when you were lying in the cradle, you were also not very smart - day and night you did not give rest to your parents with loud crying and whimpering. How much affection and patience and love they showed towards you as you grew up. They were ready to part with their lives rather than with you.”

The plot of this parable, which tells that relationships with parents are the scenario of your old age, was borrowed by L.N. Tolstoy from the fairy tale “ old grandfather and granddaughters”, owned by the Brothers Grimm.

Old age always comes unexpectedly. Here is this once healthy and strong man turned into a decrepit old man: half-blind eyes, weak hearing, hands trembling from powerlessness. Of all his relatives, he only had a son and daughter-in-law and a small grandson. He gladly accepted the invitation to move into their big house. However, the joy did not last long. Countless reproaches and caustic words were thrown at him every day for any reason. The awkward old man constantly dropped something, spilled it, broke it, food fell out of his mouth.

The son and daughter-in-law looked at this with disgust and began to sit him in the corner behind the stove during meals, and the food was served on an old saucer. But the old man’s hands were shaking so much from weakness and fear of causing another inconvenience that one day they could not even hold the old saucer.

The young housewife cursed for a long time, and the old man only sighed and brushed away uninvited tears. The son, in order not to spend money on dishes, made a wooden bowl for the old man.

Time passed quickly, the old man faded more and more, not so much from old age, but from the dislike of his loved ones and spiritual melancholy. And now it’s time for the little grandson to take the stage, who one fine day changed everything. He spent a long time and silently making something in his room from a piece of wood. When his parents asked what he was doing, they answered: “I make wooden cups, when I grow up, mom and dad will eat from them.”

The shocked parents only at that moment realized their cruelty towards their father. As the parable tells, the old man spent the rest of his days in love and care from his relatives.

A parable about the influence of relationships with parents on personal life.

One young man could not choose a life partner. He was catastrophically unlucky in love. The girls were all “wrong”: some were stupid, others were grumpy, others were simply ugly. He was tired of searching for the one who would be his ideal, and he turned to the wise old man for advice.

He listened young man carefully and said: “Great is your trouble. But please tell me, how do you feel about your mother?”

The young man was very surprised: “What does my mother have to do with it?” “I love her, of course, but she only causes irritation with eternal complaints and requests, some kind of annoying concern, stupid questions.”

The elder was silent for a long time, and then said:

“Today I will tell you the most important and important secret of love. Happiness walks across our land and everyone has it, only it is hidden deep in the heart. Prosperity in love grows from a seed planted by the most important person in life - Mom. Your attitude towards your mother will affect your relationships with all women. After all, mom is your first love, your first hug, your first image loving woman. From love and respect for your mother will grow your understanding, love and respect for other women. And then one day you will meet someone who will answer you with a gentle smile and conquer you with wisdom. You will understand the truth. Our attitude towards our family is the measure of our happiness.”

The young man warmly thanked the elder and set off on his way back. Behind him, instead of words of farewell, they said: “Don’t forget! For your life, look for a girl who will treat your father with love and respect.”

With neighbors they open only to a kind heart.

Parable "Sparrow"

In the garden, not far from the house, an elderly father and a mature son were sitting on a bench. It was a sunny day.
The father quietly admired nature, and the son read the newspaper.
A bird flew past them and landed on a bush nearby.
The father asked his son:
- What is this?
The son reluctantly looked at the bird and answered:
- Sparrow.
After which the father stood up a little, looked more closely and asked again?
- What is this?
The son answered sharply:
“Father, I just said it’s a sparrow.”
The sparrow took off and, after flying a few meters, sat down on the ground.
The father, watching the flight of the bird, after a while asked his son again:
- What is this?
The son answered in a nervous voice:
- This is a sparrow, father, a sparrow. SPARROW!
The father, as if not hearing what his son is telling him, asks him the same question:
- What is this?
The son got angry and could not stand it:
- Why do you ask me all the time?! This is a sparrow, how many times can I repeat this to you?! Is it hard for you to remember?!
The old man got up and headed towards the house.
- Where are you going? - exclaimed the son.
The father just waved his hand and left.
A few minutes later he returned with an old thick notebook. Opening it and finding the right page, he gave it to his son and showed him where to read.
The son began to read:
— Today, my little son, who recently turned three years old, and I were walking in the park. When a sparrow sat down in front of us, my son asked me 21 times: “What is this?” And exactly the same number of times I answered that it was a sparrow. Every time I hugged him, he asked me again and again. And I was not at all angry with my beloved little boy.
After reading, the son hugged his father and they sat like that for a long time.

Take care of your children's tears

One morning, two old hoopoe, a male and a female, felt that this time they would not fly out of the nest. A thick veil covered their eyes, although the sky was cloudless and the day promised to be sunny. But both of them saw only a cloudy haze and could no longer distinguish anything around them. The birds were old and weak. The feathers on the wings and tail became dull and broke like old branches. Their strength was running out. The old hoopoes decided not to leave the nest anymore and together wait for the last hour, which would not be slow to appear. ...But they were mistaken - their children appeared. At first, one of the sons appeared, accidentally flying past. He noticed that the old parents were unwell and had a hard time alone, and flew to notify the other brothers and sisters.
When all the young hoopoes were gathered near their father’s house, one of them said:
– From our parents we received the greatest and most priceless gift - life. They fed and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now, when both are blind, sick and no longer able to feed themselves, it is our sacred duty to cure them and nurse them back to health!
After these words, everyone got down to business together. Some immediately began building a new, warmer nest, others went to catch bugs and worms, and the rest flew into the forest.
Soon a new nest was ready, where the children carefully moved their old parents. To warm them, they covered the old people with their wings, just as a hen warms her unhatched chicks with her own warmth. Then the parents were given spring water to drink, fed, and the matted down and old brittle feathers were carefully plucked out.
Finally, the rest of the hoopoes returned from the forest, bringing in their beaks a herb that healed blindness. Everyone began to heal the sick with the juice of the miraculous herb. But the treatment was slow, and we had to be patient, replacing each other and not leaving the parents alone for a minute.
And then a joyful day came when the father and mother opened their eyes, looked around and recognized all their children. So the sons, gratitude and love, healed their parents, restoring their sight and strength.

Parable Another Life

Parable about parents and children

One day a man came to the sage.
- You wise! Help me! I feel bad. My daughter doesn't understand me. She doesn't hear me. She doesn't talk to me. Why does she need a head, ears, tongue then? She's cruel. Why does she need a heart?
The sage said:
- When you return home, paint her portrait, take it to your daughter and silently give it to her.
The next day, an angry man burst into the sage and exclaimed:
- Why did you advise me to do this stupid act yesterday!? Was bad. And it got even worse! She returned the drawing to me, full of indignation!
- What did she tell you? - asked the sage.
“She said: “Why did you bring me this? Isn’t a mirror enough for you?”

Parables for parents

Questions about how to raise a son or daughter arise before every parent, but do we always realize what qualities are actually valuable, what is the best gift from us for our children, what is the difference between raising a girl and raising a boy? The answers to these questions, as well as questions about the role of the father and the role of the mother in the life of a child, are in the parable about parenting “Parents from a Skyscraper.”

Skyscraper Parents

The Sage came to a big city and stopped at a skyscraper. “We need help here,” he thought. I entered the elevator and went up to the hundredth floor. From the apartment, the sage heard his father scream. A young mother opened the door and smiled sadly.

-What do you want, old man? – she asked.

The father's scream was heard again.

The woman felt embarrassed.

“The TV screen stupefies our Child, so the father demands that he turn off the TV,” she apologized.

The sage said:

– Fill it with light and the screen will fade before it.

- What?! – the young mother was surprised. – Then the computer absorbs it!

The sage said:

– Fill your child with culture and the computer will become for him like a pencil case for necessary things or a shelf for books.

- Yes?! - Mom asked again. - And if he wanders around the streets all day, what should we do then?

The Sage said:

– Instill in him the concept of the meaning of life, and he will go in search of his Path.

“Old man,” said the young mother, “I feel your wisdom.” Give me some guidance!

The Sage answered:

– Check the fullness of light in yourself, check your thirst for culture, check your Path within yourself.

Mom was smart and kind woman, so I thought: “Living on the hundredth floor of a skyscraper is not enough for me to recognize the light, culture, and path in myself. I need to dive into the depths of my soul to figure out who I am to my children and who they are to me!”

But if she were stupid, she would say to the old man: “Did you go up to the hundredth floor to ask for a piece of bread or to give me stupid instructions?” But she said:

- Thank you, old man!

The husband came out to the noise with a dissatisfied look.

- What's happening? - he asked his wife. - Who is he?

“He is a sage,” answered the wife. – Ask how to raise our children, he will tell you!

The man gave the old man a searching look.

“Okay,” he said, “tell me three qualities for raising a son!”

The Sage answered:

– Courage, devotion, wisdom.

– Interesting... Name three qualities for raising a daughter!

The Sage said:

– Femininity, motherhood, love.

“Oh,” exclaimed the woman’s husband, “this is wonderful!” Give me some guidance, old man!

The sage smiled.

- Here are three commandments for you: be a brother to your children, be a refuge for them, know how to learn from them.

The father was smart and strong-willed, so he decided for himself: “That means I need to change my attitude towards my son and daughter, and I will do it.”

But if he were stupid, he would think: “Lord, what does this old man bring - courage, femininity, love... Who needs these moldy concepts in our world? And what should I learn from my children - stupidity and insolence?.. This is pedagogy on the first floor, and not pedagogy for those who live on the hundredth floor of a skyscraper.”

- Thank you, old man! - said the father and turned to his wife. - Give him what he needs!

But the Sage did not need gifts; he entered the elevator and pressed the button down. He was in a hurry.

How to get your son to study?

The only son was with a rich merchant. The father wanted his son to become an educated person, but the boy found it difficult to study. The merchant's son studied only under pain of punishment and ran away from lessons at every opportunity. Most of all the boy loved horses. All free time he spent it in the stables or at the races.
- Knowledge is not given to me, father. Children younger than me answer smartly, but I seem to be dumb. “I can’t endure such torment,” my son once said.
“Be patient, son, without pain there is no science, you will learn and begin to continue my work,” answered the father.
But the boy was not drawn to the merchant business. Father forbade him to go near the horses. Then the boy began to run away to the pier. A new ship was being built there. The boy soon began helping the ship's builders. He loved to work with his hands. One day his father saw him on the pier, took his son by the cowlick and threateningly asked him what he was doing here.
- Don't scold him, sir. “Your son is growing up to be a craftsman,” one of the builders stood up for the boy.
“He’s good at everything except science,” the father said angrily, but he let his son go.
“I don’t want to study, father, I’d rather go to work at the stable,” the son stubbornly said.
But the boy’s father still told him to go to school, and he approached the teacher and suggested:
- I will pay you a lot of money if you will give my son extra tutoring and ensure that he becomes the best student.
- You good boy, but I won't take your money. I can't make him a better student. It is useless to bend the head of a bull that does not want to drink.

Pride and wisdom

The prince was smart, educated and proud. He had no friends, the prince was not friends with those who were lower than him in origin. The queen was afraid that pride would interfere with her son. The king, on the contrary, believed that pride adorns the prince. One day the prince and his guards went to a knight's tournament. On the way, a gang of robbers attacked the prince and his companions in the forest. No one survived except the prince, who fought like a lion. But the robbers threw a net over him and tied up the young man. Seeing the rich clothes of the young man, the ataman of the robbers wanted to receive a ransom for him. But the prince refused to speak. Then the young man was beaten and chained in a cave with an iron chain. The prince was hardly fed. He survived thanks to one tramp who secretly brought him water and cakes. The tramp was also a prisoner and wore iron chains on his feet, but he could walk freely around the camp. One night a tramp came to the prince and whispered:
“I see that you are a noble young man, and I want to tell you my plan.”
The prince muttered through his teeth:
- I don't talk to tramps.
The tramp fell silent and disappeared. It turns out that he somehow removed the chain and fled. Soon the king's army defeated the robbers. The prince was barely alive. When the doctors put the prince on his feet, the father said:
- Son, we learned about you thanks to one poor man who escaped from robbers. He said he wanted to run away with you, but you refused to talk to him.
“Talking to the poor is beneath my dignity,” the prince answered arrogantly.
“Stupidity and pride grow on the same tree,” the queen remarked with a sigh.
“The water of wisdom does not rest on the mountain peak of pride,” the king agreed with her.

Parable: After all, it’s only one hour...

After a hard day at work, one person returned home. It was late, he was exhausted and tired, but he was glad to see that his five-year-old son was waiting for him on the threshold of the house.
“Dad,” the kid said quietly after greeting his father, “can you answer?” I was waiting to ask...
- Of course, ask! - exclaimed the father.
- How much money do you get?
- Is it really your business?! There is no need for you to know about this!
The child looked up at him with sad eyes.
- I really, really ask you, tell me how much you earn in one hour?
- Well, let's say five hundred. So, what is next? What difference does it make to you?
“Please, dad,” the child said very seriously, “loan me three hundred rubles.”
The father lost his temper and shouted at his son:
-You're behaving disgustingly! I'm so tired, but I have to stand here and listen to your empty chatter! You only think about toys, you were waiting for me only to beg for money for all sorts of stupid things!
Lowering his head, the boy disappeared behind the nursery door. And the father, angry and upset, stood leaning against the wall. “What a shameless man,” he thought, “how selfish my son is. However... Maybe I wasn’t right about everything?.. I shouted at him in vain, because usually a child never asks my mother and me for money. This means that the child turned to me for a reason.” He quietly went into his son's room and sat down near the child's bed.
“Have you fallen asleep yet, my dear?” - he whispered.
- No, I’m lying and thinking...
“Don’t be angry with me, son, I’m terribly tired today, that’s why I was rude to you.” Here, take the money and please forgive me.
The baby hugged his father's neck, his eyes lit up with joy.
- Dad, thank you, thank you very, very much!
The boy pulled out several crumpled up bills from his pajama pocket and added the bills he had just received to them. The father began to grumble again:
“As it turns out, you have plenty of money, but you are greedy and begging for more.”
- No, daddy, I just needed these three hundred. Now I have collected just enough to buy one, just one hour of your time, daddy. Can? I really ask you to come a little earlier tomorrow so that we can all sit down for dinner together: you, mom and me...

Parable: An Inexhaustible Inheritance

Once upon a time there lived an old priest, and with him were his two sons. One day they were surprised by one piece of news: the old man unexpectedly inherited a lot of money. Soon the priest received the bequeathed amount, told his children about it, and they were perplexed:
- Father, what are you going to do with such huge money?
“I will help all those who suffer,” he answers, “I will feed the unfortunate and weak.” If anyone is in need, I will always help out, I will give to every beggar and needy.
- Oh, father! After all, we will soon be left without a penny! It’s your will, just give us our share, and you yourself act according to your own understanding.
The priest agreed, divided the money wisely, according to his conscience, and gave the children their rightful part.
The sons said goodbye to their father and went their own way from their home. And the old man lived and did good: he fed the unfortunate and weak, helped the suffering, gave to the poor and needy. He spent a lot, but the money did not dry out.
How much time has passed since then is unknown, only one day one of the old man’s sons appeared on the threshold of his family’s home. He was a merchant, a wealthy man, but fate was not very kind to him. Nothing remained of his former wealth, and because of his debts he was threatened with prison. The priest helped out his child, saved him from a debt trap, and gave him shelter. The two of them began to live together.
Then the other son came to his father as a beggar. He quickly spent his part of the inheritance, remained homeless and wandered with his bag. There was also a place for him with the compassionate old man. Lived like in old times, three of us.
All together they walked the path of goodness, but the sons did not tire of lamenting: they were stupid, they wasted their inheritance, they threw away two-thirds of the bequeathed money to the wind. But the father reassured his repentant children:
“This money helped save your soul.” That's enough, don't be sad. Everything that happened to you is for the better. The remaining money, even if it is only a third, will be enough for you, children, for a long time after my death. You will live and help people.
- How is this possible, father? – the sons were surprised.
- The Almighty knows everything. He will not allow the hand that helps and creates from pure heart good.

I bring to your attention a short but very important

a parable about raising children.

The daughter comes to her father and says:

Father, I’m tired, my life is so hard, I don’t see any meaning in it! I constantly have difficulties and problems... I swim against the current all the time... I just don’t have more strength!!!… What should I do???
Instead of answering, my father put three identical pots of water on the fire, threw carrots into one, put an egg into another, and poured coffee into the third.

After a while, he took the carrots and egg out of the water, and poured coffee from the third pan into the cup.

What changed? - he asked the girl.

The egg and carrots were cooked, and the coffee beans dissolved in the water. - she answered.

No, my daughter, this is only a superficial look at things.

Look - hard carrots, having been in boiling water, became soft and pliable.

The fragile and liquid egg became hard.

Outwardly they have not changed, they only changed their structure under the influence of the same unfavorable circumstances - boiling water.
The same thing happens with people - the strong outwardly can become unstuck and become weak, while the fragile and tender will only harden and become stronger.

What about coffee? - asked the daughter.

ABOUT! This is the most interesting! Coffee completely dissolved in the new hostile environment and changed it - it turned boiling water into a magnificent aromatic drink.

There are special people who do not change under the pressure of circumstances - they themselves change circumstances and turn them into something new and beautiful, extracting benefit and knowledge from any, even the most unfavorable situation.

I want you to stop acting like a carrot and remember that you're a man, whose happiness is in his own hands!

Be like coffee. Be stronger than coffee!

Change your circumstances, don't change yourself!!

Feelings somehow argued. Who is stronger?

“I’m stronger,” she said. Hatred. – I can force a person to do anything, thanks to me Betrayal and Wrath appeared.

“No, I’m stronger,” she said. Jealousy. “Thanks to me, although no feelings have appeared, I can push a person to commit a crime, even murder.”

- What are you talking about!!! - indignant Loneliness. – What is murder! Now I can drive myself to suicide, which means I’m stronger.

- No! – exclaimed Kindness. – Why are you talking about such terrible things? I am stronger, I can help create, give, share.

- Ha! And what is the power here? - interrupted her Hatred! - This is bullshit! Just think, create!!! If everyone starts hating each other, then who needs it, your creation?

- Don't argue! There is no one stronger than me,” she exclaimed. Love. - I can good man make it bad, and vice versa. I can take you with me. I can overcome any obstacles.

“But nowadays no one values ​​Love anymore,” she muttered. Treason.

“Yes, Love lost its ground a long time ago,” he grinned. Doubt. “It turns out they’re all the same,” drawled Disappointment.

- But no! - said Wisdom. – There is a feeling that does not shout about its strength, but it is much more powerful than any of you. It overcomes Betrayal and Anger. It is not afraid of Hatred, it is not at all familiar with Treason, it carries Love within itself, and can create and give. It is stronger than each of you individually, and even all of you together, because it does not know fear and its own strength.

- Can't be!!! - everyone shouted in unison, - This doesn’t happen! There is no such feeling, and if there is, then where is it?

– He has no time to participate in your disputes. It still protects, instructs and protects, and does not waste time. It is always on guard of Happiness and Peace. Because it - Motherhood.

It was in Japan. One of the capital's newspapers in Tokyo placed an advertisement: “Parents for sale: father 70 years old, mother 65 years old. The price is 1,000,000 yen (about 10,000 dollars), and not a single yen less.” People who read this strange announcement were surprised: “Well, the times have come! Children are already selling their parents.” Others added: “How soon does the government allow this?” How much noise this announcement made! It was discussed at home and on the streets like a sensation. The newspaper with the announcement fell into the hands of a young family who had recently buried their beloved parents who died in a car accident. The couple was in grief, and someone's desire to sell their parents looked like blasphemy to them. The young people imagined how unhappy parents felt in this situation. What can they expect from such children? They decided to ransom the old people and surround them with their love. Having taken the required amount, we went to the specified address. When the couple arrived at the place, they saw a luxurious villa buried in flowers. They decided that there was some kind of mistake in the ad, but decided to call. I opened it for them Old man with a pleasant smile. They talked about the advertisement in the newspaper, that they had lost their parents and decided to buy out the old couple. And they asked for forgiveness for disturbing the man, since they probably had the wrong address. - No, you’re not mistaken, come in! - the excited gentleman invited. - Now I'll call my wife. He quickly returned with his wife and began to explain: “We are the owners of this house.” We also have other valuable property. We have no children, but we would like to leave all this wealth good people. So we made this announcement. We decided that only a worthy person would respond to him. To be honest, we doubted that there would be a buyer for such a product. Your wish honors you and brings us joy. We are sure that you are the people to whom we can leave everything we have acquired. Like this good kids found good parents, and at the same time a reward for their kind and sensitive hearts.