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Psychological infertility in women. Do you have "your own reasons"? Causes of psychological infertility

Despite the advances in modern medicine, every fifth couple faces problems when they want to have a baby. If a couple who is sexually active without using contraception does not become pregnant within 2 years, infertility is diagnosed. If a woman's repeated attempts to bear a child end in miscarriages, this is also a sign of infertility.

Psychological factor of infertility

In the treatment of infertility, physical health problems are primarily examined. The inability to conceive and bear a child may be associated with anomalies in the structure of the reproductive organs, inflammatory changes, a serious imbalance of hormones, and immunological incompatibility of partners.

However, there are cases when, after repeated studies, it turns out that a man and a woman are absolutely healthy, but nevertheless they cannot conceive a child. Doctors state their impotence and offer to take advantage of ? Why? A person is not only a physical body, but also a psyche, subtly connected with each organ. There is also psychological infertility, when the normal functioning of the reproductive system can be blocked by the psyche of one of the partners, and the couple cannot conceive.

Psychological infertility is seen as the result of an unconscious unwillingness to have a child. There is a conflict inside the personality: on the one hand, there is a passionate desire to become a parent, on the other hand, childbearing in the mind is strongly associated with some kind of negative expectations. Thus, psychological infertility performs a protective function in relation to these negative factors.

The psychological problems of infertility also include the situation when the spouses undergo all the necessary unpleasant medical treatment procedures, take a variety of drugs, and even undergo surgical interventions, but the desired pregnancy never occurs. The reason for this is stress due to worries about a possible repeated failure.

Even if you have regained your health now, the difficulties you went through trying to conceive and carry a child in the past could traumatize you so much that the body is, as it were, in a state of threat to biological survival. In such a situation, the reproduction of offspring is not justified, and pregnancy does not occur or fails.

Stress dominates reproductive function. As a rule, the level of experience goes off scale during the optimal periods for conception, when the couple is trying to get pregnant. Stress causes temporary disturbances at the level of the body. And again the arrival of menstruation after a hopeful delay, tears, feelings of loss, thoughts “why do I need all this?”. And so in a circle. Think about it: if any thoughts about possible problems with conception cause you heartache and intense fear, perhaps you yourself are provoking the problem.

Psychology of infertility

From psychological infertility as well as from the biological, both a woman and a man can suffer. Psychological infertility in women is more common, or, more precisely, more often diagnosed. After all, as a rule, women endure their inability to conceive and bear a child much harder and more often turn to psychotherapists.

Psychological causes of infertility in women

The main psychosomatic causes of infertility in women include feelings of fear and guilt. On a conscious level, a woman wants a child, but on an unconscious level, she is afraid, defends herself from him or punishes herself for something, denying herself the joy of motherhood.

Uncertainty about the future

The unsatisfactory financial situation of the family, the lack of their own housing can force the body to “postpone” the onset of pregnancy until better times. People who deliberately put off having children until they are firmly on their feet do not experience problems conceiving.

Difficulties in relationships with a spouse are a definite block to childbearing. Uncertainty in a partner can become a problem when conceiving a child from this particular man. This also includes the fear of losing independence, unwillingness to financially depend on the spouse. A person, in whose feelings and decency I am completely sure, is not afraid to entrust his life and the life of a child.

Fear of having a problem child

If a couple already has a baby who caused a lot of trouble and negative experiences (difficult character, deviations in physical and mental development), then a woman on a subconscious level may resist the birth of a second child. Sometimes it is enough to see how friends with a problem child suffer, so that a subconscious fear of motherhood develops.

Deep psychological trauma

The most common example of psychological trauma that leads to the development of psychological infertility is the woman's father left the family shortly after her birth. The fear of repeating the fate of the mother affects the psychological health of a woman and causes difficulties with conception, miscarriages.

Problems in parental family, the lack of love from parents is a severe and deep psychological problem. Often leads to the development of the most responsible and loving girls. Some develop the attitude “it’s better not to give birth at all than to become like my mother and doom your baby to an unhappy childhood.”

Severe first births and other complex operations can be so traumatic for the psyche that, despite the sincere desire to become a mother, her body resists the prospect of experiencing such torment once again.


Women who have had abortions before may subconsciously believe that they have lost the right to know the joy of motherhood. The subconscious mind also blocks the reproductive function in those who feel guilty before friends and relatives who are less fortunate in their personal lives.

An example from life. The woman was raised by a single mother who was never able to get married. Mother repeatedly repeated that if it were not for her daughter, her life would have turned out differently, much better. Result: As an adult, the girl cannot afford to get pregnant because of guilt. In her mind what she has loving man- already "unfair" in relation to the mother who devoted her life to her.

The child's place is taken

The condition for maintaining psychological health is the correct distribution of roles in the family. A woman who has been entrusted with the care of younger brothers and sisters may subconsciously resist the appearance in her house of another capricious and demanding baby, like those who once stole her childhood from her. She's already "raised" the kids, and she's had enough.

It also happens that a woman fails to have a child, because psychologically she already feels mother of many children numerous relatives - starting from their own parents and ending with the husband and his relatives. Subconsciously, a woman understands that she cannot pull another “child”.

Need or want?

Quite often, the desire to have a child voiced by a woman is not entirely sincere. Dependent on the opinions of others, a woman often replaces the concept of “I want” with “necessary” and “time”. Parents demand grandchildren, girlfriends who have given birth long ago look with condescending sympathy, the husband asks for an heir. Brought up as an obedient, exemplary girl, a woman succumbs to the onslaught of relatives and society and tries to give birth. For those who have a stronger internal conflict, for whom the realization of completely different desires (leisure, career, education) is more relevant, they cannot conceive. Psychoanalysts say: "And thank God: psychological infertility is easier to deal with than the realization that your own baby does not cause you any maternal feelings."


Most of today's young couples are very responsible for childbearing. They don't trust chance. They begin to plan pregnancy in advance, go through doctors. When the birth control pills are stopped and the first attempts to get pregnant are made, but nothing happens, not every girl is able to keep her cool. There are thoughts about possible infertility, the prospects for a childless life, the possible departure of her husband. , as a result of which the next attempts to conceive end in failure. This is how psychological infertility develops almost from scratch.

Infertility in men

The psychological causes of infertility in men largely coincide with the same factors that affect women. For example, uncertainty about the future - fear of not being able to financially provide for the child and wife, doubts about the partner's feelings - fears that after the birth of the baby, the man will become of interest to his wife no more than as the breadwinner of the family.

Most men are intelligent enough to understand that children are a big responsibility. The appearance of a child in the family involves a radical change in lifestyle. Fear of losing a sense of freedom, fear of measured family life can provoke psychological infertility in a man. Another common reason is the fear of a possible deterioration in the quality of sexual life after childbirth.

Psychological infertility: how to get rid of?

Difficulties in the fight against infertility of psychogenic origin may arise already at the stage of diagnosing the causes of its occurrence. The internal conflicts described above are often repressed and not recognized by people. It's embarrassing to admit that your wife can't conceive just because you're afraid she'll lose her shape after giving birth. It is practically unrealistic, without the help of a psychotherapist, to admit that behind the inability to bear a child is the desire for self-punishment. The hardest thing is to accept the fact that in relations between spouses, not everything is as good as we would like. To diagnose and effectively solve a problem, the help of a psychotherapist and even a hypnologist is sometimes necessary, for example,

infertility in modern world is a very pressing issue. Hundreds of thousands of families annually turn to reproductive specialists to understand why the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur. There are many reasons for this, mainly various diseases reproductive system in men and women.

But according to statistics, about 30% of patients with infertility come to specialists without diseases of the reproductive system. In this case, they speak of idiopathic or psychological infertility. In the female body, everything is interconnected, let's consider how the woman's psyche cooperates with the reproductive organs.

In Russia, many people are skeptical about psychology in general, but it has been proven more than once that constant stress has a negative effect on the body. Take only eczema, which in most cases is associated with stress.

Women's psychology and the ability to become pregnant are very interconnected. For example, we can cite a possible situation from the distant past. In the ancient world, a woman performed a childbearing function, she looked after her offspring, cooked food. Men at this time hunted, got food and constantly risked their lives.

In the modern world, women often perform the function of men. They go to work, show their strength, experience stress and the negative impact of the world around them. In the ancient world, the only time a woman would behave this way was if all men had died out and she had to feed herself. And what in this case can be the offspring.

The hormonal system of a healthy woman reacts in a special way to her mental state. If the expectant mother is calm, happy, satisfied with life, then the body gives good and pregnancy occurs without obstacles. But if a woman is constantly in a hurry somewhere, wants to win everyone, she worries and experiences stress, then the body perceives this condition as dangerous. She tries her best to prevent pregnancy. Of course, there is always a small chance of conception, but it is quite difficult to achieve a result.

Probably every woman at least once in her life heard a story from some distant acquaintance that she could not get pregnant for a long time, and then she and her husband went on vacation and a miracle happened. Indeed, on vacation, the woman relaxed, forgot about her obsession with becoming pregnant in any way, she enjoyed life and had fun. As a result, the long-awaited pregnancy came.


Reasons why a woman's mental state changes in negative side, can be called an infinite number. As a rule, everyone has some kind of psychological trauma, memories that do not allow to relax and live on. Therefore, if a woman is constantly disturbed by sad thoughts and memories, it is better to turn to a psychologist. This will help not only increase the chance of pregnancy, but also improve your life in general by getting rid of negative thoughts.

Here are some of the most common causes of psychosomatic infertility in women:

  • Desire to get back on your feet, earn money, lack of confidence in the future;
  • Childhood trauma associated with the violent attitude of relatives to a woman, the death of relatives;
  • Problems with a husband, strained relationships, divorces;
  • Fear of childbirth;
  • Fear of losing your favorite job due to pregnancy;
  • Fear of getting fat after childbirth;
  • The pressure of surrounding people on a woman in childhood and adulthood.

In fact, it is not so important for the body what a woman thinks about, it is important that the thoughts are negative. If a woman is stressed, then it is not yet time for procreation, and these conclusions are quite justified and logical.

I would like to pay special attention to the last cause of psychological infertility, since this problem is especially relevant in our time. Many parents from childhood inspire the girl that only dissolute women have sex, that an unwanted pregnancy is very bad. As a result, a teenager’s head is planted with the idea that relationships are not needed, sex is not needed, and pregnancy is associated with her only with negativity.

When a girl grows up and marries, the same parents demand grandchildren from her. They begin to put pressure, to rush, but it is very difficult to get rid of the installation that has been given for years. Therefore, young parents need to think about whether it is really necessary to scare the child so much in order to protect it from pregnancy in adolescence. In most cases, it is enough just to be honest with your child, tell him about relationships and sex, and warn him about the consequences.


It would seem that mental infertility is something fictional and very simple. Another thing is uterine fibroids or polycystic ovaries, where you need to take medication, give injections, and sometimes go under the surgeon's knife. In fact, everything is not so simple, and not every woman can get rid of psychological infertility.

First of all, you need to think about why a woman needs a child at all. Maybe she wants him to grow up smart and handsome, become a millionaire and provide for her for the rest of his life. In this case, you should consider other possible methods achieving this goal.

If a woman wants a child to love him, then she needs to stop obsessing over this. There is no need to turn the desire to get pregnant into an obsession, you need to understand that everything has its time.

The next step is to learn how to abstract from the world around you, by all means try to avoid stress. Many doctors recommend taking a vacation and going to a beautiful place. Eat delicious food, relax, get positive emotions. And to engage in sex not for the sake of conception, but for the sake of pleasure, with passion and a strong desire.

If a woman constantly swears and reacts negatively to everything, then she should reconsider her behavior. You need to learn to understand people, to stand in their place, this will help to perceive everything around in positive colors. It is recommended to learn to think positively and think positively.

It is very important to learn to relax and rest, while not thinking about work, pregnancy, quarrels with your husband or anything negative. To do this, it is recommended to take a course of wellness massage, sign up for a pool, leave the house more often and spend pleasant evenings with friends or colleagues.

Thus, appeasement will help get rid of psychological infertility. If a woman learns to be happy, can finally stop and stop rushing ahead of the whole planet, trying to achieve everything herself, then soon she will feel all the joys of motherhood.

Correction (video)

3 831 0 Women have a great mission - procreation. Where does the desire to have a tiny creature come from, which will be a combination of two personalities? It is impossible to answer a seemingly simple question in a few sentences. Apparently, in a certain period, the accumulated tenderness and affection is too overflowing and requires an object of attention.

It’s good when, after a family decision on an heir, the female body is ready to carry out the plan. And if all attempts to increase the family are equal to zero? What should be done in such cases and how, first of all, to deal with the idea of ​​infertility? How to respond to the sharp hints of parents about the upcoming retirement without little grandchildren?

Waiting is a very difficult task. It becomes offensive that physiological point of view, all the prerequisites for conception are present, and the test result continues to loom in one stripe. Is measuring the temperature, scheduling, choosing the days for intimacy will remain a waste of time. Let's try to understand the causes and outline ways to overcome the situation.

idiopathic infertility

What it is? It is the inability to medically detect real reasons couple infertility. Men are more susceptible to this disease than women.

Every third man is subject to idiopathic infertility. But the problem is not always in the strong half of humanity.

Causes of IS:

  • thickening of the walls of the ovary, which makes it difficult for sperm to pass;
  • unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits;
  • woman's age;

The treatment is usual: first, passing all the tests and identifying the physiological causes of the onset of the disease, and then correcting the lifestyle: diets, fitness, yoga, etc. If this does not help, then the appeal to assisted reproductive technologies.

But often, the causes of infertility lie on the surface and are associated with more mundane factors - psychological (not ready, I'm afraid, but what if ... etc.).

What is psychological infertility

In medicine, there is the concept of "psychological infertility". It is easy to decipher the name and guess the source of the disease. After repeated studies, doctors state their impotence and offer to use the services of psychotherapists who help to find the true cause. It turns out that it is not enough to have excellent physical data to enjoy maternal happiness.

Sometimes the slightest deviation of the body from the norm, added by the instability of the nervous system, turns into a grandiose problem. Gynecologists, having completed their task, shrug and advise to wait. Psychologists try to plunge into the past and find a clue to the current situation. The physiological level is more amenable to treatment than the psychological one.

Causes of psychological problems

Recognizing symptoms is the beginning successful fight. Experts identify the most common psychological causes of infertility. This is, first of all:

  1. Fear of pregnancy and difficult childbirth.
  2. Unsaved conception and unsuccessful childbirth in the past.
  3. Disagreement in the family.
  4. Fear of remaining shapeless, losing a slender figure.
  5. Excessive desire to be a mother.
  6. Fear of missed time and childbearing opportunities.
  7. Constant pressure from loved ones.
  8. Fear of future pain and unforeseen injury.
  9. Uncertainty in the performance of maternal tasks.
  10. Psychological disorders from childhood.
  11. Fear of upcoming change.
  12. Negative experience with parents.
  13. Condemnation by society and friends of the appearance of the baby.

Problems and feelings

Failure leads to deterioration. There are serious infertility problems that drag negative feelings along with them:

  • Excessive depression;
  • Feelings of inferiority;
  • The failure of the feminine;
  • Lack of development and implementation of ideas.

Together, these feelings depress the psyche and become a barrier. Time moves inexorably forward, and traditional medicine with excellent equipment and diagnostics is powerless. What to do and where to find magic wand fulfilling cherished desires? Many couples face psychological infertility.

The human body is not fully understood. During stressful situations, the nervous system blocks individual functions of organs, protecting them from excessive emotions, overstrain and excitement. It turns out that by turning off certain tasks, the body programs the reduction of congestion, creating the necessary balance.

Marvelous! There are inexplicable cases when a married couple who has adopted a child from orphanage, through time gets in the appendage of his own. Apparently worries about the baby overlap thoughts about pregnancy. There is peace and inner harmony.

The beginning of deliverance

Recognizing existing fears is the starting point. How to get rid of your own disappointment, insecurity. Before you go to a specialist, answer honestly the following questions:

  • What made you want to have a child?
  • What are the goals of having a baby?
  • What will a newborn bring into your life?

Psychologists say that women who are successful, loved, wealthy suffer from psychological infertility. They are too emotional. Relying only on their own strength, their worldview repels faith in God and excludes the sacrament. Using previous experience to achieve goals, they want to predict their lives.

Try to let go of thoughts about the child and switch to interesting activity capable of captivating for several months. The blockage will disappear by itself and the long-awaited cry of a newborn will sound for you. Until you are ready to become a mother, the time for change does not come.

If the desired pregnancy does not occur, seek help from a specialist. The psychologist, in collaboration with other doctors, will develop a number of measures to restore the body and direct its potential to right direction. Tests, analyzes will do their job and find the key to solving the riddle.

How to get rid of the psychological causes of infertility - treatment methods

Perinatal psychology involves the correction of psychological failure for conception and pregnancy. How is the treatment going? What are the methods? First of all, it is:

  • Group auto-training. Collective meetings against the background of the same problem will create support and an opportunity to look at the situation from a different perspective. Sometimes such a view helps to realistically assess the difficulties and gain confidence in the future. Team fighting is better than fighting alone.
  • self-hypnosis. Daily repeated phrases have fundamental power. The psychologist will definitely make the necessary proposals that give steadfast faith for the fulfillment of innermost desires.
  • Problem Visualization. The doctor invites the woman to imagine that the fetus is already inside her. Creating the appearance of conception, a person thinks through the sensations of joy and happiness. There is a suggestion and the brain begins to think in this direction in order to save the received emotions and impressions.
  • Stop paying attention to monthly cycles and enjoy sex and intimacy with your loved one. Time moves inexorably forward and after the birth of a baby, finding minutes and being together will not be easy.
  • Intimate relationships should be liberated, implying the transfer of tenderness and affection to each other. When you think about conception, there can be no talk of any kind of relaxation. The only thought in my head is: "We need a child."
  • Be romantic and give cute gifts. Surround family relationships warmth. Spend more time together. Watch light films. Go out of town. Nature inspires and gives a flow of freshness.
  • Talk about your innermost desires and dreams without being afraid to look ridiculous and awkward. A family is created in order for two to be completely different person united and gave the world a small miracle.

The experience of many women shows that once they let go obsessive thought that you need to get pregnant, without self-deception, but really truly and sincerely admitting this to yourself, then pregnancy comes in the near future.

Highlights of treatment

Psychological infertility in women in the majority is successfully treated and the help of specialists brings the cherished goal closer. A woman must understand the seriousness of the problem. If it is not addressed, uncertainty will overshadow the following tasks. And as the years go by, this accumulated lump will turn into a large block, which, alas, is broken only by medicines.

Regular visits to consultations create hope for recovery. Do not miss classes with a psychologist who corrects your thoughts, views and desires. Relaxation techniques, simple exercises, yoga, meditation are many ways to overcome stress. You choose the most suitable for yourself.

Significant Infertility Factors

The psychological factor of infertility includes two levels: pregnancy - an obsession and unwillingness to be a mother.

Factor #1. A woman who is under the load of constant stressful situations acquires a disease called stress ovarian dysfunction. Failures at work and in personal life, great physical stress, an obsessive desire to give birth to a baby become the cause of infertility.

The ability of the fallopian tubes to contract is reduced. The egg does not mature and is not fertilized. Because of constant negative thoughts hormonal background is violated and a woman, experiencing failures, refers to conception as a heavy duty.

Factor #2. Unpreparedness for motherhood provokes miscarriages. The body does not want to accept what it is ordered to reject. Observe your thoughts and statements about the birth of the baby.

The difference between male and female infertility

It is important to understand that the psychology of infertility in spouses is significantly different.



The body of a man produces its own antibodies. Spermatozoa lose their mobility if he is categorically against the child.Forcing her husband to worry, the wife tries to impose her own emotions, which are not characteristic of men.
On the days of a possible conception, the spouse suddenly disappears from the house, afraid to feel his failure.Women often lament for reasons beyond their control: age, changes in the body, discarding the true reasons: bad habits and the presence of stressful situations.
Men are afraid of change and violation of personal space.Women are very impatient and want results from the first days of treatment.

This table can be continued depending on the individual approach to each individual pair. Psychological infertility is an important problem. Take it seriously and responsibly. But at the same time, there is no need to panic, if it is difficult to cope with physiological problems, then psychological problems can and should be worked on, and it is better to start as early as possible!

We welcome your comments and feedback on the article.

Reasons, fears, consequences, about this next video.

According to official statistics, 30% of couples who see doctors for infertility suffer from it for psychological reasons. Some researchers claim that the percentage reaches 60%. This is the so-called "psychological infertility". When the inner world of a woman, her psyche does not accept the conception of a new life in itself. A woman cannot become pregnant, although she strives for this. Something very deep, unconscious, sets her body against getting pregnant, enduring and giving birth to a child.

Why is this happening?

Let's try to analyze the causes and ways to overcome psychological infertility. But first, a few examples from my own life.

My adolescence fell on a difficult period of continuous deficits: many hours of queues, food - for coupons, clothes - too. In those days, I saw how women of all ages tried to adapt to a situation where everything was insanely lacking. I saw how my mother, like thousands of other beautiful young women, was forced to wear substandard shoes.

Her shoes, although beautiful in appearance, were sometimes of poor quality - hard and uncomfortable. In the evenings, I saw my mother joyfully take off those high-heeled ladies' shoes that she had to wear at work. Having seen enough of such sacrifices, I once and for all abandoned high heels in my life.

Another life story. I have a 40 year old friend. She is very afraid of aging. Therefore, he tries to prevent this by all means: expensive hairstyles, swimming pool, makeup, Botox. But, unfortunately, the effect of all this is the opposite. And a friend usually looks like a tense, artificial, “plastered” grandmother.

These stories are an illustration of the fact that life is not always the way we would like it to be. And also - that certain events are forever deposited in memory. And subsequently they can influence us even when we are no longer aware of it.

The human psyche is an amazing thing. And experts are just beginning to solve its riddles and study its paradoxes.

From theory to practice

Sometimes it is easier for the human psyche to accept infertility than to face the problem that causes it. It is easier to get distracted from the cause itself, “not to see” it, than to look the problem “in the eye”.

But doctors say - to find the cause, it means to take the first step towards solving the problem. Therefore, we will consider in more detail what the causes of psychological infertility can be.

All reasons can be divided into groups:

  1. reasons originating from a woman's past;
  2. reasons that have settled in her current;
  3. reasons for the future.
In each of these groups there are factors that depend on the woman herself (internal and external), as well as those that depend to a large extent on her environment and environment.

So, reasons from the past:
External factors. Perhaps a woman in childhood experienced a divorce of her parents, a loss of loved one, cruel treatment. Or she had a bad relationship with her parents, lived in difficult conditions.

All this can become a severe trauma, because of which a woman perceives life as suffering. She feels loneliness, a constant lack of resources, support and strength.

Perhaps a woman was brought up too “correctly” in the spirit that sexual relations are something shameful, forbidden. The negative memories of the woman, for example, the first sexual experience, should also be mentioned. This can "block" femininity for life.

Internal factors. These include unsuccessful previous pregnancies, a woman's memories of her terrible health during previous pregnancies, a difficult birth, the loss of a child. This keeps the body from resorting to repeated attempts.

It happens that a woman internally has not forgiven herself for her immoral past or any one act and constantly reproaches herself, suffers. In this case, with her infertility, the woman, as it were, unconsciously atones for and compensates for her guilt.

The danger of “programming” oneself for infertility also lends itself to a girl who begins sexual activity at a fairly young age. This is the period when pregnancy in the mind of a girl is completely unacceptable, and the body can remember such an attitude for a long time. This can only be changed by rethinking your attitude towards pregnancy and children in general.

Reasons lie in the present

Occurring from outside. Pressure from a benevolent environment is a strong blocker: friends and relatives are eager to hear news about her pregnancy even from a newly married young woman.

The longer the spouses do not have children, the stronger this pressure and the stronger the tension in the soul. And stress just creates an unfavorable mental and physical state for conception. The body intensively produces the stress hormone - cortisol, which, figuratively speaking, can "exhaust" even the embryo and suppress its development.

A woman's fear that she will not be able to provide for her child and protect her is also a fertility blocker. In addition to infertility, under conditions of severe stress, women can experience the so-called "psychogenic amenorrhea" - the absence of menstruation.

Causes in the internal state of a woman. It happens that a woman perceives pregnancy as a threat own body, she is afraid of the changes that occur to the body during pregnancy. It happens that a woman does not feel happy. Instead, she is tired of her daily household chores and feels devalued in her female role, including as a sexual partner. And when the body is tired and exhausted, is it ready for even more stress?

Reasons for thinking about the future

Taken from the outside, from the environment and the environment: basically, these are fears about different reasons. Of course, every woman worries about whether she will be able to provide the child with everything necessary, etc. But excessive fears, fixation on this hold back her reproductive function in a woman's body.

Women often also have feelings about the fact that their usual way of life will change, life “for themselves” will disappear forever. It can also be a fear of losing a job, being left alone, without communication with friends, and possibly without the support of relatives.

The reasons are internal, depending on the woman herself. A woman is afraid of childbirth: both physical pain and the possibility of losing her baby. A woman is afraid that an imperfect mother will come out of her. This fear can arise in women who either had a mother who did not fulfill her motherly duties well, or vice versa, who could become a model of perfection.

Also, a young woman may be afraid of responsibility. This kind of fear is inherent in those women who were once given upbringing and excessive responsibility for younger children. And also, for those who were not at all familiar with the responsibility for others.

A woman may also be too afraid of what often happens after childbirth: loss of attractiveness, figure, and sometimes sexual harmony with her husband.

Reasons to be considered exclusively in pairs

Experts say: in the vast majority of cases, the causes of infertility must be sought simultaneously in a man and a woman.

Future parents need to carefully and consciously approach the issue of procreation. It is worth thinking carefully, are both ready and want a child? Want it from this particular partner? Or does sexual intimacy bring them true spiritual satisfaction and give them that unity that inspires faith?

Or does one of them not consider the birth of a child as a way to meet the expectations of a partner, or to keep him to himself, to resolve some conflict situations in the family? Is not for them future child a means of filling the void, a tool that will allow you to be “like everyone else”?

The role of the future father is irreplaceable and decisive. A man is able to dispel a woman's unpleasant memories and her fears. He is able to support a woman, to show that he also wants and is expecting a child. A man is able to make a woman a real woman.

A woman should also support her husband. A feeling of underestimation, a sense of personal decline, disharmony in the family, hard uninteresting work - these are just a drop in the ocean of the reasons that put men in chronic stress, which can cause oppression of sexual and reproductive functions.

What to do next?
First of all, try to analyze and understand - why do you need a child? What does a future child mean specifically for you? Throw away conventions, forget about relatives and annoying acquaintances. Think about yourself.

Culturally say goodbye to your unpleasant past and negative ideas about the future. Turn this page. Rethink the situation experienced earlier, change your attitude towards it, and only then let go. It's not easy, but it's quite real.

Form in your vision a positive image of pregnancy and future motherhood: imagine how pleasant the changes in your body and your life will be.

Learn to relax physically and mentally. Change your life priorities and guidelines.

Remember the medical aphorism: only during pregnancy is infertility absolute, in all other cases, pregnancy is quite possible!

Do not forget also that miracles are always near. So many couples were able to give birth to a child after they finally let go of this desire, acquired the form of an obsession, and completely surrendering to the mercy of God, the Universe, visited miraculous places. Or they looked at fatherhood not as a chore, but as a spiritual baggage. Having gained nursing experience, for example, adopted child. Or understanding with relatives.

The same miracle in the world is man himself. Love yourself, love the world around you - and life will multiply!

Infertility is a state of the body in which the conception of a child is impossible. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Including reduced fertility can be caused by psychological reasons.

The specialists of the AltraVita clinic helped us to understand this issue.

One of the classifications of infertility singles out this etiological factor as a separate type of reproductive dysfunction - psychological infertility. And although at present its existence has not been definitively proven, a considerable number of doctors are sure that human psychology significantly affects the fertility of men and women.

Men's psychological infertility

In men from psychological state depends, first of all, the ability to conduct a full-fledged sexual intercourse.

A very common pathology observed in young and middle-aged people is psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Her symptoms:

  • sexual desire is reduced;
  • night and morning erection is preserved;
  • sometimes the erection is spontaneously restored, and sexual intercourse becomes possible;
  • an erection may disappear during intercourse;
  • erection improves while taking alcohol, psychotropic drugs or after rest;
  • erection is absent with one partner, but may persist with another.

Often such erectile dysfunction is accompanied by premature ejaculation. It also has a psychological origin. Most common causes this phenomenon:

  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • interpersonal conflicts;
  • depression;
  • anxiety;
  • uncertainty;
  • fear.

Naturally, when married couple there is no opportunity to have a regular and full sexual life, the chances of conceiving a child are significantly reduced.

Psychological infertility of a woman

In women, psychological infertility can also disrupt the quality of sexual life. Some sources of information report that a woman's reluctance to become pregnant leads to a violation of fertility of a psychogenic origin. However, this theory has no scientific confirmation. If women who do not want to become pregnant really could not conceive a child, contraceptives would become unnecessary.

However, the impact of psychological state on fertility is undeniable. The maturation of the egg is significantly affected by the hormonal background. It changes depending on emotional state women. To a violation of the concentration of certain hormones in the blood can lead to:

  • frequent stress;
  • prolonged depression;
  • state of anxiety.

Nervous work, conflicts in the family, life difficulties - all these situations provoke the release of a number of hormones - cortisol, norepinephrine, adrenaline. If this happens regularly, almost daily, for several years, the concentration of sex hormones in the blood can also change, which will negatively affect reproductive function.

Some women also experience psychological disorders that affect the frequency of sexual intercourse and thus reduce the chances of conceiving a child. Among them, it should be noted hypolibidemia (frigidity, sexual coldness) and vaginismus (contractions of the muscles of the vagina in response to an attempt to have sexual intercourse).

Psychological infertility of a married couple

There are situations when spouses cannot conceive a child. But when they disperse, they have children in new families. Such cases gave rise to rumors about the possible incompatibility of partners - both psychological and physiological. However, this theory is not actually supported by science. The appearance of children in other families by spouses is explained by the fact that the subfertility of one partner is compensated by the high fertility of the other.

And yet, in a certain sense, psychological incompatibility leading to infertility exists. Although you will never see the corresponding entry in the medical record, it is obvious that interpersonal relationships significantly affect the likelihood of pregnancy. If they are violated, this leads to the following consequences:

  • impaired quality of sexual life,
  • the frequency of sexual intercourse decreases, so the likelihood of conceiving a child on the “correct” days of the cycle decreases,
  • the emotional balance of partners is disturbed, which leads to hormonal imbalance. As a result, the quality of sperm may deteriorate in a man, in a woman, the process of maturation of the egg is disrupted,
  • sometimes there is a need for psychotropic drugs, and some of them adversely affect fertility. The same goes for traditionally used "antidepressants" - nicotine and alcohol.

In case of suspicion of psychological infertility, a consultation with a psychologist is needed. In case of violation of the quality of sexual life, it is advisable to seek advice from a psychotherapist-sexologist. In the absence of results from treatment for a long time, in vitro fertilization can be used - this is a universal method for overcoming infertility of any origin.

The material was prepared in consultation with specialists from the AltraVita clinic