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Throbbing in the lower abdomen. Causes of pulsation in the abdomen and ways to eliminate it

Pulsation in the abdomen is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that people of all ages experience. Most often, this is not a symptom of a serious illness, but in some cases you should be wary. Let's consider the reasons for the appearance of pulsation.

Normally, pulsation in the abdomen may appear after a long stay in an uncomfortable position, playing sports, or when exposed to factors that irritate the nervous system. In this case, you need to relax and rest a little, lie down on

side to relieve tension in the abdominal cavity. If everything goes away and the pulsation leaves no trace, then this is the norm. If you experience prolonged pain, you should consult a doctor.

Aortic aneurysm

Pulsation in the abdomen may indicate the presence of an aortic aneurysm. This is a disease of the walls of blood vessels leading to the main organ in the body - the heart. The disease does not go away on its own; it requires mandatory intervention from specialists to prevent unpleasant consequences, including death. The disease manifests itself as pulsation in the middle of the abdomen, pain, belching, bloating, and weight loss may occur. Elderly men are susceptible to the disease much more often than women, but aneurysm can appear at any age and even in the fair sex. Its presence can be determined by ultrasound by contacting

doctor with complaints of throbbing. Conservative treatment is possible only until the aorta bursts. After this, the patient’s life can last no more than 5 years. If the aorta ruptures, surgical intervention is indicated.


Pulsation in the lower abdomen may indicate pregnancy. If it is accompanied by a delay in menstruation, then this phenomenon may indicate conception without a test. This is explained by the swelling of the uterus and its growth, due to which the abdominal cavity is compressed along with small vessels. Gradually, the unpleasant sensations pass, but at the beginning of pregnancy they accompany many people. Also, pulsation in the abdomen can be observed throughout the entire period of gestation. Especially when there are two or three babies, which has a strong impact not only on the mother’s organs, but also on her veins. In such cases it is necessary

relax and lie down so that the load on the abdominal cavity decreases slightly. If pulsation occurs frequently, you should consult a doctor to prevent complications.

Pulsation in the abdomen during pregnancy may indicate not only compression of the abdominal wall. Most often, in the third trimester, this is how a woman feels her baby’s hiccups. The fact is that in the last months the fetus begins to breathe independently and swallow anatomical fluid. As a result, hiccups begin - a kind of training digestive tract and respiratory system. This normal phenomenon, which will accompany the woman until the birth. To alleviate the condition, you can walk a little, eat a piece of chocolate or drink sweet juice. After a couple of minutes, the baby will stop hiccupping and causing discomfort to his mother.

Of course, there is no point in paying attention to one-time manifestations of this kind, but if pulsation in the lower abdomen is observed quite often, then it’s time to sound the alarm, however, only a qualified specialist can make an accurate diagnosis after a thorough examination.

In addition, according to the characteristics of pulsation in the lower abdomen (frequency, intensity, presence of painful spasms and localization), it will be possible to make a preliminary diagnosis. When determining the cause of twitching in the lower abdomen, accompanying symptoms are also of great importance, which may indicate a specific systemic disease or temporary disorder. At the same time, it is recommended to pay attention to exactly in which area the pulsation in the lower abdomen is constantly or occasionally felt, the causes of which may depend on this circumstance. Thus, twitching sensations with or without pain can occur either in the left or right region of the lower hypochondrium or concentrate near the navel.

And first of all, in the presence of any of the above manifestations, a banal intestinal disorder, which is quite easily calculated, should be excluded. In this situation, gases can accumulate in the intestines, the movement of which can put pressure on the vessels, resulting in strong pulsation in the lower region of the abdominal wall. Frequent pulsation in the abdomen often indicates flatulence that has developed as a result of dysbiosis of the large intestine, which occurs due to the “washing out” of beneficial microflora after taking antibiotics or other negative factors. An unnaturally strong pulsation in the navel area may indicate that an inflammatory process is rapidly developing in the body and most likely it will occur in the organs digestive system.

We should not exclude helminthic infestation, the long course of which can also provoke obsessive vibration in the peritoneum, although not always painful. At the same time, pulsation in the epigastric region is one of the signs of dysfunction of the ventricles of the heart muscle, so if you notice such manifestations in yourself, it would not hurt to consult a cardiologist. When thinking about what may be twitching in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to pay attention to your menstrual cycle, because if such symptoms are observed during menstruation or shortly before their onset, then there should be no particular reason for panic. The prognosis will be less favorable if regular tremor in the abdomen is accompanied by frequent hiccups and spasms of varying degrees of pain, since we may be talking about some serious problems with the abdominal aorta, which have already become systemic.

And if the tingling and pulsation disappears along with hiccups, then this is another confirmation of the assumption given above. Prolonged or frequent pulsation in the lower abdomen without pain, especially repeated at the same time of day, is a sign of pregnancy, but only in its later stages (starting from the second trimester, although certain exceptions are possible). And most often they are caused by the fact that the baby hiccups in the womb, thereby causing a not so frequent, but clearly perceptible vibration, which does not pose any danger either to the expectant mother or to the fetus developing in her. A shift in vibration to the right side in the absence of pregnancy often indicates certain pathological processes occurring in the patient’s liver.

And first of all, you should undergo an examination through palpation and ultrasound in order to exclude pathological enlargement of this organ.

If the liver, like other organs located in the abdominal cavity, turns out to be in perfect order, then you will have to look for the cause of frequent pulsation in the lower abdomen in another pathology. It is noteworthy that we are talking about both a serious illness and a little thing such as constant overeating, which can also provoke tingling, spasms and characteristic pulsation. In addition to overeating, it is not recommended to sit in unnatural positions for a long time, because they can also lead to quite noticeable pulsation in the abdomen.

When discussing this topic, we should not forget about such a concept as “butterflies in the stomach,” which was not invented by chance, because romantic trepidation and sexual desire are very often accompanied by a characteristic pulsation in the very bottom of the abdomen. Surprisingly, the same symptoms can be caused by stress, as well as severe fear.

What kind of throbbing pain is dangerous when you should definitely seek help from a doctor?

Jerking pain, throbbing pain is an absolute reason to consult a therapist or gynecologist. It is especially important not to leave such pain in the lower abdomen unattended when the alarming symptom is accompanied by increased body temperature, nausea, weakness, constipation and diarrhea, increased heart rate, etc.

When does the impulse of pain radiate to one of the legs?

This unpleasant symptom in females indicates suppuration of the uterine appendages and acute appendicitis in both sexes. Complications of inguinal and femoral hernia have the same symptom.

Severe throbbing pain in the lower right side of the abdomen, what are the causes?

Severe pain in the lower abdomen, including throbbing, in women provokes inflammation of the appendages. The symptoms are similar to inflammation of the appendix. Both situations require the mandatory participation of doctors. This is necessary because the appendages can become inflamed as a result of spontaneous abortion or procedures that involve penetration of the uterus. Throbbing pain arises due to inflammation in the diverticula of the small intestine and with appendicitis. Pulsating colic in the lower part of the peritoneum, in one of the sides, can be caused by neoplasms in different parts of the intestine.

The main cause of pain is the physical effect of the tumor on nearby tissues and organs. The most vulnerable area of ​​the body susceptible to tumor oppression is the mesentery in the small intestine, since it has the largest number of nerve endings. Be that as it may, any person needs to take care of their health and not neglect the mandatory annual medical examination. Maintaining your health on your own is simple: you need to eat right, eat as little fatty and junk food as possible, or remove it from your diet altogether. Of course, observing the rules of personal hygiene is beneficial for every person. These simple steps will help reduce the risk of dangerous diseases and significantly extend your life. good condition your health.

In an ectopic pregnancy, as the fertilized egg grows, the tissue of the fallopian tube stretches. This leads to its inevitable rupture, which is preceded by severe tugging pain in the lower abdomen. Suspicion of this disease requires immediate contact with a gynecologist. It is also necessary to take into account that impulse pain occurs due to the appearance of benign or malignant (cancerous) tumors.

The appearance of pulsation in the abdomen in pregnant women

Throbbing pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is a very common symptom; most pregnant women experience throbbing pain in the lower abdomen. As with representatives of the fair sex who are not expecting offspring, the appearance of pulsation can be caused by many reasons. At the same time, the most harmless reason for possible pulsation in the lower abdomen or in any other part of it is hiccups in a child. Pulsation that does not cause discomfort or pain is taken for granted. These sensations are often not uncomfortable for the expectant mother and are explained by natural causes. The only exception is severe throbbing pain, if you feel it you should immediately consult a doctor.

Throbbing and throbbing pain in the lower abdomen on the left, what other reasons could there be?

Painful sensations in the lower left abdomen are in most cases caused by intestinal diseases. In women, they are also caused by adnexitis, ovarian rupture or ectopic pregnancy on the left side.

May a common disease of the digestive system in this case is colitis. It is an inflammatory process accompanied by bloating, often repeated false urge to defecate or loose stools. Discomfort and pain can also be caused by intestinal obstruction. In this case, asymmetry and gas formation, nausea are observed. In the fair sex, pain in the lower abdomen suggests the presence of gynecological abnormalities. Localization of the pathological process in the left part of the pelvis stimulates pain symptoms in this area. With adnexitis, inflammation of the fallopian tube appendages occurs. The lower abdomen, groin and lumbar areas hurt and pulsate.

If discomfort and unpleasant sensations have weakened or even disappeared without treatment, this does not at all indicate recovery. It is more likely that the disease has become chronic. Torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst can also be a source of left-sided pain in the lower abdomen. The sensations are painful, throbbing. The woman’s general condition deteriorates, fatigue occurs, and her temperature may rise. Establishing this diagnosis requires immediate surgical participation. Otherwise, the patient will inevitably suffer severe complications, possibly even fatal. Therefore, any ailment should be treated carefully and responsibly, go to the hospital in a timely manner and not delay treatment. Throbbing, increasing pain in the lower left abdomen may indicate an ectopic pregnancy and rupture fallopian tube as a result of it. This situation occurs in the period from 6 to 10 weeks of development of the pathology. It is sharp pain and pulsation that are the main signs of this disorder.

Throbbing pain in the abdomen on the lower right side, causes of pain in the lower abdomen on the right side, what other causes could there be?

Pain in the lower abdomen on the right often indicates pathologies of the organs located in this part. These include the initial sections of the large intestine, namely: the ascending colon and cecum, and the terminal sections of the small intestine. Painful sensations in the same part of the abdomen in women often signal the emergence and development of pathologies of the reproductive system, in particular diseases of the ovary, uterus or fallopian tube.

Pain in the same area can be an external manifestation of diseases of the urinary system. Right-sided throbbing pain in females is a clear sign of ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy. This pathology is dangerous because the fertilized egg attaches to the fallopian tube and, as it increases in size, leads to its rupture, which is fraught with serious health consequences. Violation of tubal pregnancy occurs, as a rule, at a period of five weeks, when the embryo is large enough to interfere with the normal functioning of the mother’s body. When the fallopian tube ruptures (tubal abortion), the fertilized egg penetrates into the abdominal cavity.

mptomas similar to this pathology, as well as acute appendicitis, occur during acute inflammatory processes in the appendages. Due to the ambiguity of the signs of the disorder, it is necessary to pay due attention to the study of the anamnesis. It should be taken into account that the inflammatory process in the appendages is often not an independent disorder, but the result of spontaneous abortion or various gynecological manipulations, including uterine curettage and hysteroscopy.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the right appears with diverticulum of the cecum or ascending colon. A little less often - in the case of an inflammatory process in the diverticula of the small intestine. Diverticula in the above sections of the intestine are rare. Signals of their inflammation are very similar to acute appendicitis. Pain of varying frequency and intensity appears in the presence of tumors (both benign and malignant) in the final areas of the small and initial areas of the large intestine. Painful sensations in the event of the development of tumor processes are caused by the pressure of the neoplasm on the surrounding tissues. The intestinal mesentery is enveloped in a large number of nerve endings, so it reacts more than other areas to any physical impact.

Pulsation in the abdomen and throbbing pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy, causes

In the vast majority of cases, pulsation in the lower abdomen is painless. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to determine the nature of these sensations.

since their presence is unusual in the normal state healthy person, it cannot fail to attract attention or alert. If pulsating contractions are painful, especially in the initial stages of pregnancy, they may be caused by intestinal spasms that accompany the woman’s body’s adaptation to the changes occurring in connection with conception; entry into the new tone of the uterus; the beginning of fetal movements. Spasms contribute to the appearance of pain in the umbilical region, left and right parts of the abdomen. If a pronounced throbbing pain occurs in its lower part, traces of blood discharge are visible on the underwear, the woman should immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

This condition may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy or a ruptured tube. Throbbing pain in the vagina, in the area of ​​the uterus and its cervix also requires consulting a doctor. Due to hypertonicity of the uterus in the first weeks of pregnancy, miscarriage can occur, which should be eliminated with the help of doctors. If a pregnant woman experiences regular colic, increased formation and accumulation of gases, and cramps in the intestines, she needs to reconsider her diet, enriching it as much as possible healthy products and getting rid of harmful ones. During pregnancy, it is not recommended to allow constipation, colitis and stool instability, as they harm the normal course of gestation.

Defecation that occurs with pushing can provoke pregnancy disorders; frequent diarrhea and changeable stools are fraught with a deficiency of nutrients for the baby, since they are not fully absorbed by the mother’s body during the digestion process.

You can prevent the formation of excess gases by preparing a daily menu, which necessarily includes porridge. Their benefits are due, first of all, to the fact that cereals contain fiber, with the help of which the intestines are evenly cleansed, and gases do not have the opportunity to accumulate. Legumes, raw fruits and vegetables should be consumed in moderation as they increase gas formation. For constipation, it is recommended to eat oatmeal, and for diarrhea, rice porridge. It should be borne in mind that pulsation in the abdomen can occur at any stage of pregnancy.

Why is my stomach throbbing?

It is difficult to say for sure why the belly of an expectant mother is pulsating, since there are a number of reasons that cause the sensation of pulsation in the tummy.

During pregnancy, pulsation in the lower abdomen may appear at the very beginning - when the embryo is implanted into the uterine cavity. Some gynecologists consider it one of the first signs of pregnancy. But not every pregnant woman feels this way.

Basically, the abdomen pulsates closer to after 15–18 weeks of pregnancy, closer to the second trimester, due to an increase in the volume of blood and the uterus, the growth and development of the baby.

In the middle of the second trimester, such sensations can be caused by the movement of the fetus, and closer to 29-30 weeks, the pulsation can be caused by the baby’s hiccups.

Classification by reasons

A feeling of pulsation in the tummy can be caused by various reasons.


One of the reasons for the pulsation may be the baby's hiccups in the stomach. This is felt closer to the 30th week of pregnancy and can last from several minutes to an hour. Why does a child hiccup? The digestive and respiratory organs develop. The child tries to control their work and may swallow amniotic fluid, resulting in hiccups.

When a child hiccups, the entire abdomen pulsates rhythmically, although the pregnant woman herself feels it only in its lower part. For some women, these sensations may be uncomfortable. If hiccups occur frequently and do not go away for a long time, you need to consult a doctor to rule out a lack of oxygen in the fetus.

Pinching of the vena cava

If the pregnancy has exceeded 25 weeks, then the most likely cause of the pulsation is pinching of the vena cava. This happens due to the growth of the fetus and the enlargement of the uterus. The larger the uterus and baby become, the more pressure is placed on the organs, including the mother’s circulatory system. The vena cava is located to the right of the spine and can be compressed if a pregnant woman lies on her back.

Pinching of the vena cava occurs in 80% of women, and if it begins to cause discomfort, it is necessary to change the position of the body.

Fetal movement

From about 18-20 weeks during the first pregnancy and from 16 weeks during subsequent ones, future mom begins to feel fetal movements. At first, these sensations resemble a weak pulsation, which intensifies with each subsequent week. By the 35th week, this is no longer a weak pulsation, but quite noticeable jolts, sometimes expectant mothers can even distinguish which part of the body the baby is pushing. Read more about when the baby begins to move in the tummy →

Is it dangerous?

Regarding fetal hiccups, doctors say that this can be considered as absolutely normal indicator baby development.

If the baby is active in the stomach, of course, there is no need to worry. In the third trimester, it is considered normal to have at least 1 push once an hour, but it can be more often. If the child is too active and does not calm down, then you should consult a doctor, this may indicate hypoxia.

It is possible that your body is so sensitive that you feel the blood moving through your veins, but there is no need to worry about this.

How to determine dangerous pulsation?

However, you should not completely ignore the signals that the body gives.

It is advisable to avoid squeezing the inferior vena cava, as the pregnant woman’s condition may worsen, headaches and nausea may occur. Also, when this vein is compressed, less oxygen will flow to the child.

And if a child’s hiccups recur quite often and do not stop for a long time, as well as in cases where the frequency or duration increases, it is necessary to consult a doctor for consultation in order to exclude the possible development of intrauterine fetal hypoxia.

In cases where the pulsation in the stomach of the expectant mother is accompanied by pain or physical discomfort is felt, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to remove pulsation?

There are no ways to stop the pulsation when the baby hiccups and moves; just be patient - the baby will calm down and the pulsation will go away. If the pulsation is due to compression of the vena cava, you need to change your body position, for example, lie on your side, sit down or stand up.

Daily walking is useful for preventive purposes. Walking in the fresh air is necessary, even if nothing bothers the pregnant woman. You can also do gymnastics for pregnant women.

All changes and sensations of the expectant mother are very individual; it is possible that the pregnant woman, apart from the fetal movements that begin after the sixteenth to twentieth week, will not feel any other pulsations in the abdomen or simply will not pay attention to them.

If the sensation of pulsation is accompanied by other discomfort or the expectant mother cannot determine its cause, you should consult a doctor.

In our conversation today, we will pay attention to young first-time mothers who are very worried about the safety of their future babies. The process of pregnancy itself is associated with so many experiences that the simplest manifestations of this period can develop into severe stress.

Taking care of your health, emotional, physical and mental, today we want to reveal little secrets that will give girls in an interesting position to feel more confident and calm. We will talk about such a phenomenon as pulsation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. It would seem, what a topic, but many first-time mothers are very worried if they feel it inside themselves.

It’s good if there is an experienced woman nearby and tells you how to perceive this manifestation, or mommy consciously turns to the supervising doctor for clarification. And for the rest we will hold a small “educational program”.

Doctors say

Those who are firmly associated with obstetrics consider pulsation in the lower abdomen to be the first signs of pregnancy, and as a 100% indicator of nascent life.

Without disputing professional opinion, we would like to add that, in principle, pulsation in the abdomen always exists.

It’s just that not everyone pays attention to this fact, but it confirms that blood is pumped through the pudendal vein (pudenda interna, not to be confused with the vena cava!).

Girls who are actively involved in sports or who are under prolonged nervous tension may feel it more clearly after exercise. The fact is that the vein is pinched, and the feeling of spasmodic contraction gives a pulsating effect. Without being accompanied by pain, it should not cause concern.

If pain is present and does not go away with general relaxation of the body, it is better to urgently consult a doctor to prevent an aneurysm of the internal aorta. But today we are talking about pregnant women, and we are revealing how pulsating shocks are tolerated by the baby’s body. Should young mothers who feel a pulsation in the lower abdomen need to worry? early stages your pregnancy?

Feeling the pulse is not a death sentence!

It is not worth saying that absolutely everyone should feel pressure on the main genital vein already in the early stages. Basically this phenomenon is more acceptable closer to fourth month when the uterus begins to increase in size and itself puts pressure on the blood vessel.

Only in two cases can blood tremors be felt in the early stages of pregnancy:

  • when a young mother is carrying a large baby;
  • if twins or triplets are expected.

Opinions and rumors

For some reason, many pregnant women decided that small muscle contractions indicate the baby is having hiccups. By the way, this is quite possible, but in this case it is worth paying attention to the frequency. When the fetus has grown a little, it begins to learn to breathe and swallow. During the learning process, the baby absorbs a certain amount amniotic fluid, which provokes pulsation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy.

If hiccups occur too often or continue long time, it is better to consult a doctor, since this is the first sign that the child does not have enough oxygen.

Do not neglect this visit to the gynecologist, because you can protect your fetus from problems during childbirth.

Some women in labor do not distinguish hiccups from fetal movements due to changes in hormonal levels, and reinterpretation of all types of sensations. But these are completely different concepts and processes, so, most likely, the pulsation indicates compression of a large genital blood vessel. Increasing the baby’s weight contributes to all the above-mentioned “pleasures” and manifestations.

How to stop pulsating?

Although it usually does not cause problems and indicates a normal pregnancy, some new mothers want to ease this muscle contraction.

  • do not lie on your back so as not to increase the load on the compressed vein;
  • monitor the body’s reaction and the condition of your own veins in the legs;
  • rest lying on your left side, placing a rolled up towel or cushion between your legs;
  • walk at least half an hour a day, that is, take walks that will prevent excessive swelling from occurring;
  • track pain in the lower abdomen, or the frequency of dizziness;
  • pay attention to different twitches when determining the location, because it is possible that the entire stomach is moving, and this is a completely different story.

As you can see, there is nothing scary or dangerous in such manifestations of the pregnant body, so you shouldn’t get upset and invent fatal horrors. The calmer mothers are during pregnancy, the healthier and calmer their babies will be subsequently. Do not forget to follow all the instructions of the doctors treating and observing the pregnancy, go for an ultrasound scan on time to prevent any unhealthy anomalies.

Removing unnecessary worries

We hope that the information presented will make it possible to reduce or completely eliminate the worries of first-time mothers regarding the contraction of muscle tissue in the lower abdomen. It would be good if this information would help make pregnancy easier for some girls, or prevent the development of hypoxia in unborn babies.

Of course, there is no point in paying attention to one-time manifestations of this kind, but if pulsation in the lower abdomen is observed quite often, then it’s time to sound the alarm, however, only a qualified specialist can make an accurate diagnosis after a thorough examination.

In addition, according to the characteristics of pulsation in the lower abdomen (frequency, intensity, presence of painful spasms and localization), it will be possible to make a preliminary diagnosis. When determining the cause of twitching in the lower abdomen, accompanying symptoms are also of great importance, which may indicate a specific systemic disease or temporary disorder. At the same time, it is recommended to pay attention to exactly in which area the pulsation in the lower abdomen is constantly or occasionally felt, the causes of which may depend on this circumstance. Thus, twitching sensations with or without pain can occur either in the left or right region of the lower hypochondrium or concentrate near the navel.

And first of all, in the presence of any of the above manifestations, a banal intestinal disorder, which is quite easily calculated, should be excluded. In this situation, gases can accumulate in the intestines, the movement of which can put pressure on the vessels, resulting in strong pulsation in the lower abdominal wall. Frequent pulsation in the abdomen often indicates flatulence, which has developed as a result of dysbiosis of the large intestine, which occurs due to the “washing out” of beneficial microflora after taking antibiotics or other negative factors. An unnaturally strong pulsation in the navel area may indicate that an inflammatory process is rapidly developing in the body and most likely it will occur in the organs of the digestive system.

We should not exclude helminthic infestation, the long course of which can also provoke obsessive vibration in the peritoneum, although not always painful. At the same time, pulsation in the epigastric region is one of the signs of dysfunction of the ventricles of the heart muscle, so if you notice such manifestations in yourself, it would not hurt to consult a cardiologist. When thinking about what may be twitching in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to pay attention to your menstrual cycle, because if such symptoms are observed during menstruation or shortly before their onset, then there should be no particular reason for panic. The prognosis will be less favorable if regular tremor in the abdomen is accompanied by frequent hiccups and spasms of varying degrees of pain, since we may be talking about some serious problems with the abdominal aorta, which have already become systemic.

And if the tingling and pulsation disappears along with hiccups, then this is another confirmation of the assumption given above. Prolonged or frequent pulsation in the lower abdomen without pain, especially repeated at the same time of day, is a sign of pregnancy, but only in its later stages (starting from the second trimester, although certain exceptions are possible). And most often they are caused by the fact that the baby hiccups in the womb, thereby causing a not so frequent, but clearly perceptible vibration, which does not pose any danger either to the expectant mother or to the fetus developing in her. A shift in vibration to the right side in the absence of pregnancy often indicates certain pathological processes occurring in the patient’s liver.

And first of all, you should undergo an examination through palpation and ultrasound in order to exclude pathological enlargement of this organ. If the liver, like other organs located in the abdominal cavity, turns out to be in perfect order, then you will have to look for the cause of frequent pulsation in the lower abdomen in another pathology. It is noteworthy that we are talking about both a serious illness and a little thing such as constant overeating, which can also provoke tingling, spasms and characteristic pulsation. In addition to overeating, it is not recommended to sit in unnatural positions for a long time, because they can also lead to quite noticeable pulsation in the abdomen.

There are many indirect symptoms that indicate the conception of a child, although none of them guarantee a 100% result. It is impossible to reliably determine pregnancy by pulse. Although moderate tachycardia or hypotension, pulsation in the abdominal area are presumptive signs due to changes associated with the additional load on the woman’s cardiovascular system.

First manifestations

Pregnancy in women proceeds differently: in some, the body signals a change in condition almost immediately, while in others, much later, and some during pregnancy do not experience any secondary signs of its onset and course.

Women experience various similar symptoms in the apparent absence of pregnancy. Symptoms that often accompany the onset of conception are divided into 3 categories:

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  • speculative;
  • probable;
  • reliable.


A woman can find out the presumptive manifestations of conception on her own. They appear at different times and with to varying degrees intensity. The main ones are listed in the table. These symptoms do not always indicate fertilization; sometimes they indicate the presence of abnormal processes in the body or are a reaction to the influence of external factors.

Post-conception periodSign of pregnancy
  • enlargement, swelling, tenderness of the breast;
  • absence, irregular menstruation;
  • increased or slowed heart rate;
  • pulsation in the abdominal area.
1-5 week
  • migraine, dizziness, headache;
  • mood swings.
2-3 weeks
  • heartburn, constipation;
  • frequent urination;
  • unpleasant and unusual sensations in the abdominal area.
2-8 weeks
  • excessive salivation, nausea and/or vomiting;
  • changes in appetite, taste preferences, sense of smell.
3rd month
  • malaise;
  • elevated temperature;
  • signs of a cold;
  • darkening of the skin around the nipples;
  • increased vaginal discharge.


There are indirect signs of pregnancy that a woman cannot recognize on her own, but they are clearly visible during a medical examination. The main ones are listed in the table. As with presumptive symptoms, they do not always indicate fertilization and sometimes indicate serious health problems or temporary physiological changes in the body.

There are other possible reasons:

  • gas separation;
  • myoma;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • various tumors.


If a woman really wants to get pregnant, then immediately after possible conception she will begin to look for the first symptoms of pregnancy.

A reliable sign of pregnancy in the early stages is an increase in a woman’s body of a specific hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin, which begins to be intensively produced virtually from the first days after conception. Its presence can be checked at home with test strips. The second indisputable confirmation of pregnancy is visualization of the fetal bladder or embryo during ultrasound diagnostics, but not earlier than the 5th week of expected conception.