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Amount of survivor's pension from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Survivor's pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Upon conscription - state pension provision

The pension amount is calculated using a formula based on salary and benefits.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/12/1993 N 4468-1 (as amended on 11/04/2014) “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families"

Article 36. Pension amounts

The survivor's pension is set in the following amounts:

a) for the families of persons specified in Article 1 of this Law who died due to the reasons listed in paragraph “a” of Article 21 of this Law - 50 percent of the corresponding amounts of the breadwinner’s allowance provided for in Article 43 of this Law for each disabled family member. At the same rate, a pension is established, regardless of the cause of death of the breadwinner, for the families of deceased pensioners who were disabled on the day of death due to war trauma, for children who have lost both parents, and for children of a deceased single mother;

b) families of persons specified in Article 1 of this Law who died due to the reasons listed in paragraph “b” of Article 21 of this Law - 40 percent of the corresponding amounts of the breadwinner’s allowance provided for in Article 43 of this Law for each disabled family member.

Article 37. Minimum pension amounts in case of loss of a breadwinner

The survivor's pension assigned to the families of persons specified in Article 1 of this Law and the families of deceased pensioners from among these persons cannot be lower than:

a) when calculating a pension in accordance with paragraph “a” of Article 36 of this Law - 200 percent of the calculated amount of the pension specified in part one of Article 46 of this Law, for each family member entitled to receive it;

b) when calculating a pension in accordance with paragraph “b” of Article 36 of this Law - 150 percent of the calculated amount of the pension specified in part one of Article 46 of this Law, for each family member entitled to receive it.

Article 38. Supplements to pension in case of loss of a breadwinner

Family members who are disabled people of group I or who have reached the age of 80, to the pension assigned to them in the event of the loss of a breadwinner (including calculated in minimum size) an allowance is accrued for their care in the amount provided for in paragraph “a” of part one of Article 17 of this Law.

To the pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner (including calculated in the minimum amount), assigned to disabled children and disabled children of groups I and II, who have lost both parents, or to the specified children of a deceased single mother, a supplement is accrued in the amount of 32 percent of the calculated pension amount, specified in part one of Article 46 of this Law.

Article 39. Period for which a pension is assigned

A survivor's pension is assigned for the entire period during which a family member of the deceased is considered disabled in accordance with Article 29 of this Law, and family members who have reached the age of: men - 60 years, women - 55 years - for life.

In the section on the question: can a person who is on state support (studying at a military university) receive a survivor's pension? basis given by the author Get bored the best answer is Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in Russian Federation"
Article 9. Conditions of appointment labor pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner
2. The following are recognized as disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner:
1) children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached the age of 18, as well as children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner studying full-time in educational institutions of all types and types, regardless of their organizational and legal form, in including in foreign educational institutions located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, if the referral for training was made in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, with the exception of educational institutions additional education, until they complete such training, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23 years, or children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner are older than this age, if they became disabled before reaching the age of 18 years. In this case, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner are recognized as disabled family members, provided that they do not have able-bodied parents;
By this issue It should be added that persons who are cadets of higher military schools, educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies do not have the right to receive a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, since upon admission to these educational institutions a contract is concluded with them and they are not equal in status to students, and to contract military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Citizens enlisted in the military educational institutions professional education, are appointed to military positions as cadets, students or other military positions in the manner determined by the said Federal Law, the Regulations on the Procedure for Military Service and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
Thus, during the period of study at a military educational institution, these citizens are persons undergoing military service and have the status of a military personnel established by Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel,” which provides for monetary allowance, additional payments, as well as food and clothing supplies for military personnel.
Consequently, the legal basis for the appointment and payment to cadets of higher military educational institutions (once they reach the age of 18 years) of a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner according to the norms of Art. 9 Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ is not available.