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Different Little Red Riding Hood costumes. We sew a carnival costume Little Red Riding Hood

On the eve of the New Year holidays, many mothers face the difficult task of preparing carnival costumes for their children. Unfortunately, in stores you can find mostly the same type of fur suits or elegant dresses“a la a curvy princess.” Children are uncomfortable in both suits; they are made of synthetic materials; they are either hot or cold. In addition, homemade New Year's costumes have a lot of advantages: firstly, it is joint creativity with the child, secondly, the costume will be individual, and thirdly, it will not make a hole in the family budget.

My colleague’s ten-year-old daughter is participating in a New Year’s fairy-tale performance; she got the role of Little Red Riding Hood. There is almost everything for a stage costume: a fluffy skirt and a sleeveless velvet vest, a wicker basket, any blouse will complement the look. The main attribute is missing - a red cap.
Initially, I decided to sew a felt hat, but it so happened that none of the handicraft stores in our town had red felt. I had to sew a hat from scrap materials.

In the handicraft bins I found a piece of a good old one, which I had long ago torn into its component parts and lightly rolled in washing machine. Decorative braid also came in handy. I had a sleeve at my disposal, so I created the hat pattern based on the available material, approximately 50 by 38 cm, and also with a seam in the middle.

The wrong side of the fabric turned out to be brighter than the front side, so when sewing the hat, I swapped the roles of the front and back sides of the fabric. The hat from this pattern is a universal size (can be adjusted to the desired size).

The matching points are indicated in letters on the pattern:
B1:B1 is a dart, the distance between these points (dart depth) is approximately 9 cm, the height of the dart is 13-14 cm. The dart adds roundness to the back of the hat.
Mirrored points A1:A1 and B1:B1 are the connecting points of the front and back of the cap.

1. We transfer the contours onto the fabric with chalk, positioning the pattern so that the existing seam is exactly in the center. We lay a seam along the line of the dart, stepping back from the edge 0.5-0.6 cm, while the seam cuts should be on the front side of the cap.

In the photo, the pattern is folded in half in a mirror image.

We process all cuts using zigzag scissors. On the front side of the cap we place decorative braid over the central seam and along the front edge of the cap. On the pattern, places for decorative braid are marked with a wavy line.

2. Fold the edges of the pattern back to back, matching the edges: A1:A1 and B1:B1. In the photograph, these points are marked with buttons (for clarity). We sew the edges (from the corners marked with buttons to the folding point) manually using a blind seam, passing a needle and red thread inside the fabric without bringing the stitch out.

This is what the cap looks like inside - the only one, besides.

3. Try on the hat to determine the final size. In our case, we need a small cap; the lapels can be secured with several stitches (the place where the lapels are attached is covered with a button).

Little Red Riding Hood is one of the most beloved and recognizable heroines of fairy tales. Her adventures in the forest with the wolf became iconic, legendary (in their understanding of the word). If you are faced with the task of what costume to wear, then why not opt ​​for the Little Red Riding Hood costume? The Little Red Riding Hood costume can be sewn easily and without much effort!

Features of the Little Red Riding Hood costume and what it requires

Little Red Riding Hood is young girl, with a large red cap - its distinctive feature. The image is complemented by a basket of pies, which she should (according to the plot of the fairy tale) take to her grandmother on the outskirts of the forest.

Another peculiarity is that, usually, the fairy tale takes place in the summer. This season of the year means that the girl is wearing Lightweight clothing(dress, stockings, light T-shirt and others). However, if the weather outside is fierce, it is better to wear a “red winter cap” suit - the image will not suffer and will not lose its uniqueness.

To create the “Little Red Riding Hood” look at home, you will need:

  1. Women's apron. The older it looks, the better - the fairy tale takes place in medieval times. A more vintage look will only be a “plus” to the whole suit. You can use decorative flattering weeds (burrs and others) - imitation of difficult to pass flattering paths through which the heroine of the fairy tale was forced to make her way;
  2. Cap. The cap can be replaced with a regular cape hood. Mandatory condition: the top of the head must be red;
  3. Skirt. It is preferable to wear a skirt in red or dark tones of red - this will harmonize the overall appearance;
  4. Corset. This item of clothing can be worn at will. At the same time, it will add authenticity and completeness to the image.

Important! If you have the opportunity to use a larger wicker basket, - use it! It is necessary to take into account that the basket may be inconvenient when “operating” the suit. Also, it can get lost - you should take this into account!

How to make a Little Red Riding Hood costume with your own hands

In order to create the image of a “little red riding hood” from any image, you will need to make a red cape.

You can sew it from the following materials:

  • Thin felt;
  • Velours;
  • Silk;
  • Fleur.

The cape can be made from a ready-made wardrobe item. Just take its dimensions and copy it, which will save you from having to adjust the item to size and length (height).

If the time of year allows, you can simply sew red decorative elements onto the finished cape, which will make the cape the appropriate color and suitable for the image. Please note that additional stripes make the cape warmer.

Making a red cape:

  1. Sew all the edges to make it impossible to cut them. Next, you need to throw the fabric over the person and use pins to carefully shape the future cape;
  2. Sew up the excess fabric and, if desired, you can add pockets and space under the belt;
  3. Focus on the hood. Even if the image implies that you are already wearing a red hat, make a hood. It's easy and will look amazing. To do this, carefully sew the edges of the hood with decorative threads, taking into account the circumference of the head.

Accessories and details to complete the look

If you want to make the image of “Little Red Riding Hood” as realistic as possible, you can use imitation pies in a basket.

It's easy to make them. Take small foam balls and cut out cubes of size: 6 by 10 by 3. This size can visually resemble the shape of ordinary pies, only they will be easier to handle: they do not have odors that irritate someone and cannot get dirty with them.

Paint the foam cubes with regular paint acrylic paint, felt-tip pens or gouache. It is better to use a color palette from light yellow to dark shades.

From above use dark shades, which can resemble the effect of “pies” burning in the oven. To imitate fruit in pies, you can use both foam and real fruit.

“Pies” can be conveniently glued together into a common props and covered to the bottom of the basket, which will allow you not to be afraid of losing them, and will make you mobile, and your movements - easy movements.

Reference! If you want to add mysticism to the image of the “Little Red Riding Hood,” use special lenses for the eyes. With their help, your look will become truly fabulous and magical, or, conversely, it will add a touch of aggressiveness and unpredictability. Such lenses can add individuality to your image and make it unforgettable for others!

To enhance the effect, use different lenses or change them during the event. For example, the left eye has a blue lens, and the right eye has a red lens. After half of the holiday (event), change your lenses. This can be done in the bathroom or in a “quiet” place where no one should bother you during this process.

It is better to do a manicure in white or red. Don't let go long nails- this reduces the effect of the image and modernizes it. This also applies to shoes - do not wear shoes with long heels or Wellingtons. Give preference to boots or shoes.

A brooch in the shape of flattering insects (butterfly, dragonfly and others) is an excellent solution that adds grace and elegance to any girl, regardless of her look.

The Little Red Riding Hood costume is always fashionable option vestments for carnival events and some holidays. Its advantage is not only that such an outfit does not lose its relevance. Another advantage is the ease of creating an image, because its details can be created independently and at home. Don’t torment yourself with thoughts about how to sew a Little Red Riding Hood costume. You just need to remember what that character looked like and create simple details with your own hands that are included in her image.

DIY Little Red Riding Hood costume for a girl

For the most simple option Such a children's carnival outfit for a girl will only need to sew a few details:

  • apron;
  • cap;
  • skirt;
  • corset.

For the blouse you will need two large pieces of white satin fabric, from which you should cut out two large pieces that follow the shape of the blouse and sew them together, leaving holes in the neck, bottom and sleeves. You need to cut it so that the blouse is very loose and easy to put on.

Making an apron is very simple. From white satin fabric we cut out a part in the form of a semicircle. We trim its arc with white lace braid, and sew a belt of white satin fabric to the base. The approximate width of the belt is five centimeters.

To create a cap, you need to cut out a figure in the shape of a rugby ball from red satin fabric, trim it with lace braid in a contrasting color, and sew it to two edges satin ribbons, which will be tied in a bow under the chin.

To make a skirt, two skirt parts should be cut out of red fabric middle length with a wide bottom. We sew both parts together, fold the top edges, insert the elastic, tightening it a little, and stitch it so that the elastic cannot fall out.

For the corset you will need satin fabric. We cut it in the shape of a rectangle and make five holes on the edge of each side of it. Thread a black lace or a very thin ribbon through the holes crosswise.

Original children's outfit for a girl

For girls who like to stand out, you can create carnival image with unusual details.

Instead of a cap, you can sew a red beret from wedges, placing a perky pompom on top, or trim it with lace.

A red tutu skirt, which you can easily create with your own hands from fabric in the form of a mesh and elastic, will look impressive.

To prevent the corset from causing inconvenience, it can be sewn onto any white blouse from your wardrobe. To do this, you need to take three rectangles (one on the back and two on the front sides) and a lace that will connect the two parts at the front.

You can make a very simple apron with your own hands, which does not require needles and threads. It is enough just to cut out a part from light satin that resembles a semicircle in shape so that two long thin strips extend from its base, which will act as ties.

Option for an adult Little Red Riding Hood costume

To create such a carnival outfit with your own hands, you will need to sew only a few parts; the rest can be found in your own wardrobe or purchased.

You can find a red skirt and a white blouse yourself. It is advisable that the skirt is not straight.

A stylish version of the apron is lace. You can choose either black or white lace, contrasting with a bright skirt. Sewing an apron is extremely simple - you need to sew a wide satin ribbon to the semicircular base of the apron.

A very impressive detail is the lace cuffs with satin. They will come in handy if the blouse is short. Cut out a rectangle that can be wrapped around your wrist and trim it with lace. It should be connected at the wrist using buttons.

First of all, I would like to note that this is the year of the Goat; many people probably do not know that those born this year can always find a fairly easy way to achieve their goal.

New Year's Eve should always be filled with something unusual and fun, and with a slight atmosphere of excitement, many children of younger and older ages will dress up in carnival costumes. It is better to choose a carnival costume for girls in accordance with fairy-tale characters, so that the carnival reflects all the fabulousness of the New Year's mood.

We live in an era of choice and it is possible to choose from a large number of offers what you like best. You can be a goddess, a princess, a bunny!

See articles about New Year's costumes:

The Little Red Riding Hood costume is good for girls and girls!

Girls, by all accounts, would be better suited costume of the Little Red Riding Hood character, this brilliant outfit of red and white is simply irresistible, you can make it with your own hands, which is quite interesting and tempting, because you yourself create your own image for New Year's Eve, we are happy to tell you about the power of the brilliant New Year's costume of Little Red Riding Hood, and if it is made with your own hands, then this New Year's Eve will never disappear from your memory.

For children younger ages, the red riding hood costume on an adult girl is just as beautiful, a girl wearing a red riding hood costume will look dazzling against the backdrop of the holiday. When choosing a New Year's outfit for yourself or your daughter, pay attention to the fact that many dress up as completely different characters from fairy tales, wolves, pirates or robbers; few will choose a feminine costume.

Children's carnival New Year costumes

Be the first in everything, now new Year costume You can prepare the little red riding hood yourself.

Carnival costumes made by yourself will decorate New Year's Eve with that very unforgettable atmosphere warmth and comfort, which we sometimes lack so much. By creating a New Year's image of the Little Red Riding Hood character, you will leave this New Year's Eve unforgettable both for yourself and for those around you. Children's costumes, as well as adults', will fill the hearts with joy. On the New Year's Eve carnival, everyone will take pictures as a souvenir, and in the photo a girl in a red riding hood costume will look amazing, because in the photographs on New Year's Eve everyone will be wolves and dwarves, pirates and robbers, and it will be a pleasure to share with you in the image of a red riding hood joy and good mood with others.

If you are interested in decorating New Year's Eve with something fabulous, then we advise you to decorate it with an interesting and beautiful idea, You will probably remember how many guys and men dress up in gray wolf. This should be accompanied by male logic, simpler means better. But this is far from true; on a carnival night everything should be exactly like in a fairy tale, right? Therefore, having selected a match, we again return to that very fairy tale about the little hat.

The idea of ​​a costume made of red and white flowers will add something more than just fun to the carnival, it will make those around you and yourself so happy, the outfit of a red riding hood will add the aroma of the fairy tale itself. Little Red Riding Hood has always been a symbol of fun.

Photos of Little Red Riding Hood's New Year's costumes

Filling the carnival night with sparkling rays of light and the sparkling twinkling of garlands, in a dazzling red and white costume, the little red riding hood looks so beautiful and tempting that everyone around will appreciate the beauty of the pretty fairy-tale character, appreciating carnival costume, it won’t be difficult to come to a common opinion about the man himself, and perhaps in the midst of a fabulous New Year’s Eve some wolf will turn into a prince. And then the carnival will definitely become for you something more than New Year's Eve.

Watch the video, Little Red Riding Hood costume.

Wish yourself happiness on a fabulous night, and let it become unforgettable just for you. Happiness and good luck to you in the New! Meet New Year in a cheerful New Year's carnival costume - a Little Red Riding Hood costume!

New Year and baby

Winter is a time of miracles. Each of us believes in miracles. Well, or I once believed. New Year holidays It's a special time for every family in every home. It becomes unique for families with small children.

New Year's gifts bring joy and smiles

Watching them, or rather watching how they prepare for the holiday, write letters to Santa Claus, learn poems and songs, help decorate the house, ask to put up a Christmas tree, we, adults, get the feeling of the New Year.

At this time, we really want not to disappoint the children, and we are trying to make our home more comfortable, warmer in every sense of the word.

New curtains, pillows, and kitchen textiles appear. And most often they are with the symbols of the coming new year.
Where did the New Year celebration come from? Why January 1st? What kind of holiday is Old New Year? Probably many of us have asked these questions... But few know the answers to them. Let's dive into history.

Previously, in pre-Petrine times, the New Year was celebrated on September 1. It was a celebration of the new harvest. And the chronology was not from the Nativity of Christ, but from the Creation of the World. Already Peter the Great, during his reign, after a trip to Holland, issued a decree moving the holiday to January 1st. For the first time in Russia, the New Year was celebrated on January 1 in 1700.
The Old New Year is a purely Russian phenomenon.

Our calendar was 13 days behind. In many Christian countries, Christmas is 7 days earlier than New Year. And in Orthodox countries 7 days later. In connection with the transfer of the calendar from the old style to the new one, this holiday appeared.

In tsarist times, the most important thing was Christmas. Think, for example, of Christmas cards. Not New Year's, but Christmas. But the New Year became popular already during the times Soviet Union, due to the fact that they struggled with piety.

Already in post-Soviet Russia, other holidays were added to the existing holidays, but the main one remains the New Year.
And this is not an easy day for our children. This is a day on which you can calmly go to bed late, the house smells of pine and tangerines, there are gifts under the tree, whether Grandfather Frost will come to them, parents are at home and spend this time with the whole family. Every child feels very strongly the attitude of their parents not only towards themselves, but also towards important days for them. And New Year is just such a day.

And it would do well for adults to learn from their children that belief in miracles, that attitude towards the holiday, the sweet feeling of expecting gifts. By imitating our children, we become happier.

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How to make a New Year's Little Red Riding Hood costume with your own hands?

A carnival celebration with white flowers that look like snow, balloons, the obligatory multi-colored ribbons and huge confetti flakes. This description alone makes you touch the mystery of masquerade and unbridled children's fun, the smell of a Christmas tree. We just have to make a Little Red Riding Hood New Year's costume for this bubbling magic.

Pattern and fabric

A DIY Little Red Riding Hood costume for a girl of five to seven years old will bring incredible pleasure to your child, especially if she accepts Active participation in the choice of pattern and fabric.

First you need to choose:

  • a children's version of the pattern (let the girl herself show a picture that she likes);
  • choice of fabric for the skirt and headdress;
  • selection of blouse.

Almost any pattern for a skirt will do, but it is better if it is a “sun” type skirt. Girls love to spin, watching the hem fly. But you can choose a pattern for a skirt made of wedges; a wide version fits perfectly into the image of a fairy-tale heroine.

It is better to choose the fabric for the skirt and headdress in the same, bright, rich shade. Bright red or crimson. Let the child show which color attracts his attention.
You don’t have to sew the blouse, but choose it. It will be much faster, even if you are a sewing professional, the process will still take a lot of time. And you can choose a white or cream blouse, with short sleeves, for example, lanterns.

What does carnival fairy clothing consist of?

It doesn’t take long to make a Little Red Riding Hood costume with your own hands; describing the work takes much longer. Let's list the main details of clothing.

  • skirt;
  • blouse;
  • apron;
  • corset;
  • cap;
  • basket.

Step-by-step instruction

The New Year's costume "Little Red Riding Hood" is created in separate stages.

  1. Using the selected pattern, we sew a skirt.
  2. The top part of the clothing will be complemented by an elegant blouse with “lantern” or “wing” sleeves. The blouse should match the bottom of the suit.
  3. The apron is another part. It's easy to do. You need to cut out a semi-oval, then you need to trim the edges and sew on red satin ribbons. If you add lace or frills here, the apron will become even more elegant.
  4. A corset or vest is also a necessary detail. Don't think too hard about making it. A wide belt pattern is suitable, inside which you can put the same thick cardboard for rigidity. The corset should be made of black satin to contrast with the rest of the details. We sew ribbon ties along the edges. We cut them out of the same black satin. The vest is ready.
  5. A costume is unthinkable without a hat. First we make the bottom out of thick paper. The size of the bottom should match the size of your child's head. The fields can be wide or narrow, it all depends on your vision and desire. First we draw the details on paper, then cut them out of fabric. We glue a gasket on the inside for tightness. All parts should be assembled and sewn with a fitting seam. Once you are sure that the cap fits well, you can sew it with a strong seam. Now you need to add a contrasting ribbon or frill.
  6. You can weave the basket yourself. Now you can find an incredible number of lessons on weaving from wicker, straw or plain paper. Be sure to put the pies in the wicker basket. You can bake them yourself. The whole thing should be covered with a festive napkin on top.

So we finished making the Little Red Riding Hood costume with our own hands.

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