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Child development by month up to 1 table. How a baby develops by month to one year - the main stages

All parents, without exception, worry about the health of their child. The issue of full physical, mental, and neuropsychic development especially worries parents in the first year of the baby’s life. How does a child develop by month? We offer for consideration an approximate plan for the development of a toddler: we will evaluate the psychophysical development of a child up to one year old, terms and standards according to WHO.

Up to one year, all babies develop approximately the same, but you need to make allowances for individual characteristics and parameters of the child at birth

Table of physical parameters up to a year

To assess the rate of growth, weight gain and physical development of the baby, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the average generally accepted indicators of the stages of development of a child up to one year. However, we must not forget that all children have individual development schedules; exact compliance with the given tables is not mandatory; minor deviations from the norms are allowed. Do not forget also that boys and girls differ slightly in their neuropsychic development, but if the baby does not acquire normal skills and development indicators for his age for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

Table of physiological parameters of a child up to one year: (we recommend reading:)

Age, monthsHeight, cmWeight, kgHead circumference, cmChest circumference, cm
49,0 - 54,0 2,6 - 4,0 33,0 - 37,0 31,0 - 35,9
1 52,0 - 55,0 3,0 - 4,3 35,8 - 37,2 34,0 - 36,0
2 55,0 - 57,0 4,5 - 5,0 37,5 - 38,5 36,0 - 38,0
3 58,0 - 60,0 4,0 - 6,0 38,0 - 40,0 36,0 - 39,0
4 60,0 - 63,0 4,5 - 6,5 38,0 - 40,0 36,0 - 40,0
5 63,0 - 67,0 6,5 - 7,5 37,5 - 42,2 37,0 - 42,0
6 65,0 - 69,0 7,5 - 7,8 42,0 - 43,8 42,0 - 45,0
7 67,0 - 71,0 8,0 - 8,8 43,8 - 44,2 45,0 - 46,0
8 71,0 - 72,0 8,4 - 9,4 44,2 - 45,2 46,0 - 47,0
9 72,0 - 73,0 9,4 - 10,0 45,2 - 46,3 46,5 - 47,5
10 73,0 - 74,0 9,6 - 10,5 46,0 - 47,0 47,0 - 48,0
11 74,0 - 75,0 10,0 - 11,0 46,2 - 47,2 47,5 - 48,5
12 75,0 - 76,0 10,5 - 11,5 47,0 - 47,5 48,0 - 49,0

So, how does a newborn baby grow during the first year? Let's consider the development of a child up to one year using a calendar divided into every 3 months from the birth of the baby.

From birth to 3 months

A newborn is born with developed hearing and vision. There is a clear manifestation of innate reflexes: the child can suck, swallow, blink and grab from the first minutes of life. However, the baby is not yet capable of rolling over. A newborn cannot lift his head from a position on his tummy, but the instinct of self-preservation kicks in - he turns his head onto his cheek.

The baby is able to hold his head for several seconds and tries to lift it when he lies on his tummy. In a month, a response to sounds and sudden movements occurs, expressed in the involuntary spreading of the arms and their subsequent pressing to the body. Spontaneous imitation of walking can also be observed.


The baby lifts and holds the head “standing” for 1 - 1.5 minutes, and from a position on the tummy, it can lift not only the head, but also the chest. Pays attention to sounds and bright lights by turning his head and looking attentively. There is an intensive development of the vestibular apparatus. The child grabs and holds moving objects.


At 3 months, the baby should hold his head well for 1 to 3 minutes. From a lying position on his stomach he can rise up, leaning on his elbows. He begins to roll over, spin, and change position, but there is still no clear coordination in his movements. He watches the toys with interest and reaches out to them. He begins to put his fingers in his mouth, grab and pull the sheet.

I like the company of adults. Communication with parents is very captivating for the baby, the baby “comes to life”, shows joy, smiles, laughs. Can walk for a long time, turns its head towards unfamiliar sounds. Now the baby is especially touching, don’t forget to take photos often as a keepsake!

At three months, the baby begins to actively socialize – he becomes more emotional and reacts vividly to other people.

Physical Features

MonthMovements and skillsVisionHearing
1 Arms and legs are bent, movements are poorly coordinated. Everything is built on unconditioned reflexes. The sucking and grasping reflexes are especially pronounced. By the end of the month he can turn his head.Can keep a face or toy in sight for several minutes. Can follow with its eyes a toy moving in an arc (so-called “automatic tracking”).The mucous fluid in the eardrum gradually dissolves, as a result of which hearing improves. The baby listens to the voice and rattle.
2 Active movements develop: moves the arms to the sides, turns the head. In the prone position, maybe for 5 seconds. raise your head. Hand movements are improved: 2-3 sec. holds the rattle and hits it.Smoothly follows moving objects for 10-15 seconds. Fixes gaze on the toy/face for 20-25 seconds. Able to perceive objects three-dimensionally.Focuses on sounds for 5-10 seconds. and turns his head towards the sounds of the rattle and voice.
3 Within 30 sec. holds the head in the hands of an adult, and during 1 minute – lying on your stomach. In this position, he rises on his arms, leaning on his elbows. When the baby is held under the armpits, he rests his feet on the surface, while his legs are straightened. There is a general motor “revival”: it can bend, become a “bridge” and fall onto the crib. The grasping reflex transforms into a conscious grasp.Interested (and not automatically) follows a toy moving in an arc. Reviewed for about 5 minutes. your hands. He is interested in all nearby objects (up to 60 cm from his eyes).“Localization” of sound is formed: first, the child turns his eyes in the direction of the sound, and then turns his head. Begins to react poorly to loud, sharp sounds: freezes, winces and then cries.

Neuropsychic development

1 By the end of the month, he smiles back at his mother and calms down from the affectionate intonations. He listens to voices and joyfully wiggles his arms and legs in response to loud speech. Gradually, a “revival complex” is formed - a reaction to a loved one.Pronounces guttural sounds: uh, k-kh, gee.The second stage of sensorimotor intelligence. The baby adapts to the world around him, interest in objects appears, and coordinated movement of hands and eyes develops.
2 The child responds with a smile when addressed to him and wiggles his arms and legs.In communication, the sounds of the initial stage of humming appear: ag-k-kh, k-khkh. The scream takes on different intonations.Interest in external objects increases, visual orientation reactions improve.
3 The revival complex manifests itself 100% - this is the first conscious act of behavior, an attempt to interact with an adult “eye to eye.” The revitalization complex marks the beginning of the infancy stage.Vowel sounds and their different combinations appear: aaa, ae, ay, a-gu.Interest in the environment becomes selective and conscious.

From 4 months to six months


While in a supine position, infant raises his head. If you put it on its legs, it rests firmly on them. Starts to sit up and can easily roll over from back to tummy. Freely lifts the body and rests on the palms when lying on the tummy. Carefully observes objects and can grab them. Played with rattles (we recommend reading:).


The baby can sit, but still does not hold his back straight; he can stand on his legs if he is held by the arms. Makes first attempts to roll over from tummy to back. Holds an interesting object in his hand for a long time. Recognizes parents, begins to be afraid of strangers. According to Komarovsky, the baby already understands various vocal intonations and begins to distinguish and understand the mother’s emotions.


At this stage, the child can already sit. It holds its back straight and easily rotates in all directions. With a little help from an adult, he can stand on his feet and tries to walk. He begins to get on all fours and move around in this way. Already actively waving toys, picking up fallen objects.

Noticeable changes also occur in speech:

  • begins to express the first requests;
  • the humming is replaced by simple babbling sounds “ma”, “pa”, “ba”.

Physical Features

MonthMovements and skillsVisionHearing
4 He turns on his side and tries to roll over. Holds toys well and pulls them into his mouth. During feeding, he touches the breast or bottle with his hands, trying to hold it.Recognizes loved ones, smiling back, recognizes himself in the mirror. Watches the toy for about 3 minutes.Freezes at the sound of music. Clearly turns the head towards the sound source. Distinguishes voices.
5 While lying on his back, the baby tries to raise his head and shoulders (as if trying to stand up). When lying on his stomach, he rises up, resting his palms on his straight arms. You can sit for a short time, holding onto the support with both hands. He studies objects by touch for a long time and puts them in his mouth. Skills: eats semi-thick food from a spoon, drinks water from a cup.Distinguishes between close and unfamiliar people. Watches the toy for 10-15 minutes.Distinguishes the intonations of speakers. Confidently turns his whole body towards the source of the sound.
6 Rolls over from tummy to back. Practices crawling using hand pull-ups. Sits with support. Stands steadily if an adult supports him under the arms. Confidently reaches and grabs objects, transfers a toy from one hand to another. Can hold a bottle with one or two hands.Visual acuity develops, they become very interesting small items. Listens to whispers and other quiet sounds. Sings along to the beat of the music.

6-7 months – time for the first complementary foods

Neuropsychic development

4 He really laughs and smiles back. Reacts to tickling. Requires attention.He hums, pronounces chains of vowel sounds, and the first syllables appear.The 3rd stage of sensorimotor intelligence begins - the implementation of purposeful actions. An understanding of cause-and-effect relationships emerges. A reaction to everything new develops.
5 Wants to participate in communication - tries to attract attention in every way. “Communicates” with other children with pleasure.There is a singing hum. Uses vowel sounds: aa, ee, oo, ay, maa, eu, haa, etc.He is interested not only in close objects, but also in those located at a distance of up to 1 m. He understands that in addition to his hands, he has other parts of the body.
6 Begins to experience true love and affection for the adult raising him. He expects approval and praise from him, thus, communication takes on a situational and business character.Pronounces individual babbling syllables. The “vocabulary” already contains about 30-40 sounds.Sets goals and chooses means to achieve them. For example, to get one toy, you need to move another.

From six months to 9 months


The baby can easily and quickly crawl on all fours and sit freely and for a long time. In a sitting position, he straightens and bends. Holding onto furniture, he can kneel down, and with the support of adults he can stand and walk. Interested in his mirror image. Can point with eyes at large objects, called adults.


According to the development calendar, at 8 months the child can sit down independently and even stand on his feet (more details in the article:). He begins to play "palm", imitating clapping his hands. He enjoys trying to take his first steps with the help of adults. Mimic movements of the face acquire a rich variety. The baby expresses interest, surprise, and fear with facial expressions.

He easily finds an object that interests him and persistently tries to reach it. Spends a lot of time in games - he can look at toys for a long time, knock them, throw them.


Standing on his feet, he refuses support. Likes to walk, leaning on furniture, tries to get to his feet from any position. Starts to climb on high places - boxes, benches, pillows. At 9 months, motor skills become more complex, the baby can assemble small parts of toys, sort out construction sets, and move cars.

Understands and can fulfill simple requests, such as “pass the ball” or “wave your hand.” For games he chooses a sitting position, easily and quickly remembers new words. I like to look for dropped or hidden objects. Responds when called by name. Begins to distinguish words not only by intonation, but also by meaning. Can sort objects by shape, color, size.

At 9 months the baby is already “very big”, he begins to understand the meaning of many words, fulfills the requests of his parents, the games gradually become more complicated

Physical Features

7 Able to sit without support, roll over from back to stomach and back. Actively crawls on all fours. Favorite action with objects/toys is throwing. He himself reaches for the toy, takes it in his hand, moves it, waves it, knocks it on the surface.Confidently drinks from a cup (from the hands of an adult), tries to hold it. Eats from a spoon. If the mother gives a dried product or cracker, then the child spends a long time “procrastinating” on this piece.
8 Rise to his feet independently, holding onto support. With the support of an adult, he steps with his legs. He sits and lies down on his own and crawls a lot.If he sees “his” cup from an adult, he pulls his hands towards it. He holds a piece of bread in his hand and eats it himself. You can start potty training your baby.
9 Holding onto a support with one hand, you can perform many different actions: walk towards an adult with side steps, grab free hand for another support, etc. Sits confidently for 10-15 minutes. Actively crawling.Drinks from a cup, holding it (the cup is fixed in the hands of an adult). If a child has begun potty training, he can confidently sit on it without whims.

Neuropsychic development

7 Tries to be the center of attention. Now caresses and kisses are not the main thing (they may turn away or move away), but the important thing is playing together and manipulating toys.Actively babbling. Can already pronounce clear syllable combinations: ma-ma, ba-ba-ba, pa-pa-pa, a-la-la, etc.An understanding of cause-and-effect relationships develops, for example, throwing a toy and seeing where it lands; if he is hungry, he looks towards the kitchen (to where he is fed).
8 Becomes closed off from strangers (crisis 8 months), ready to communicate only with very close ones, worries and cries in front of others.Speaks syllables and syllable combinations: ay, a-la-la, he, a-dyat, a-de-de, a-ba-ba, etc.Stage 4 of sensorimotor intelligence begins: purposeful actions develop. The child studies and explores everything.
9 Experiences a whole range of emotions from anger and fear to joy and surprise. Strives to communicate with adults and involve them in their activities.The first indicative words appear in speech, understandable only to those close to you. Understands prohibition words (“you can’t”), teachings (“show me how...”, “kiss mom,” etc.)The child separates himself from the adult, but perceives himself as the “center of the universe.” Long-term memory develops (can remember an object) and working memory.

From 10 months to 1 year


After 10 months, the child gets on his feet without help and begins to walk. Begins to step when supported by one handle. Can pick up a small object with his fingers, gets upset when toys he likes are taken away. Often and consciously imitates the movements of adults, can open-close, lift-throw, hide-find. The child pronounces simple monosyllabic words.


The baby is developing rapidly. Basic movement skills are well developed. Can show many objects (toys, furniture, body parts, animals). Understands and fulfills most simple requests; he expresses reluctance or denial by shaking his head.

The stage of development of fine motor skills of the fingers begins; he can tear a sheet of paper with two fingers. You should pay great attention to the baby’s curiosity, encourage it and be sure to talk to the child as much as possible.


After 11-12 months, a difficult stage of development begins. Boys often develop a little slower than girls. The ability to walk independently appears. He may come up on his own if his name is called. Able to squat and stand up without support. Picks up objects from the floor without sitting down. Can carry out complex tasks: close doors, bring a toy from another room.

Shows interest in the process of undressing and bathing. Says about ten simple words. At one year old, the child watches people and cars with interest. More detailed information you can on the Internet by watching Komarovsky’s video about the proper development of children from 0 to one year.

Physical Features

10 Can stand independently for some time without support or support.
11 Stands well from a support for about 5 seconds, balancing with his arms, while keeping his legs apart. He tries to take the first steps himself, and with the support of an adult he walks confidently.All previously acquired skills and abilities are consolidated.
12 Walks independently (up to 3 meters). Freely squats and rises, bends and picks up an object/toy from the floor. Can climb up the stairs.Drinks from a cup himself, without adult support. He holds the spoon confidently and moves it around the plate.

Neuropsychic development

10 The child develops a full-fledged attachment to people who are significant to him. He gets along well with other children.Repeats individual syllables after adults. Communicates with loved ones in a language that only they understand. Understands the words: “give me...”, “where..?”.All sensations become qualitatively more complex: hearing, smell, taste, tactile perception.
11 He treats other children selectively, but in general, he enjoys communicating with them and babbles. Can take other people's toys.Says 1-2 words. Pronounces onomatopoeia, such as “bi-bi”, “av-av”. Can understand and fulfill adult requests (for example, “ride the car”, “feed the doll”).Learns to manage his actions, mentally organizes all information coming from outside.
12 Experiences the widest range of emotions, based on the feeling of “separation” from an adult (since he can already move independently).Repeats syllables after adults. Denotes individual concepts and objects with babbling words. Without showing an object/toy, he understands what is being said. Can carry out instructions such as “show..”, “find...”, “put in place...”, “bring.”The 5th stage of development of sensorimotor intelligence begins: understands categories of objects and phenomena (for example, animals, furniture, food). Voluntary attention begins to form.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky, who is popular today, talks clearly and interestingly about children in his book “The Beginning of Life: Your Child from Birth to 1 Year,” as well as in his video lessons. Of course, the main emphasis is on pediatric issues, but in addition, from books and lectures you can learn about:

(4 rated at 5,00 from 5 )

A child from birth to one year is very dependent on his mother. He needs his mother's care, warmth and smiles.

In a calm, friendly environment, the child grows and develops well, thereby delighting his parents.

In order for the baby to develop well and learn a lot of new things, he needs help. Such help can be simple communication and physical contact with mom. As well as massage, gymnastics, walks, educational games and a positive attitude.

In the first year, the child goes through an intense phase of physical and mental development. And parents do not always understand whether their child is behind or ahead of other children. For these purposes, below is a calendar of the development of a child up to one year old by month.

Just keep in mind that each child is individual and may learn some skills a little earlier or later than expected. And he can skip some steps in development, without harm to himself.

2 months

2 months

  • Makes sounds such as “Aaaa”, “Awww”, “Agg”, “Agu”.
  • On a short time raises his head while lying on his stomach.
  • Focuses his gaze on the subject better.
  • Looks for the source of sound with his eyes and turns his head towards it.
  • He noticeably perks up when adults communicate with him.

3 months

3 months

  • He gurgles and laughs when communicating with adults. Easily identifies the sound source.
  • Attracts attention.
  • From a supine position, turns onto its side.
  • For a long time he holds his head from the position “on his stomach” and “column” and even turns it.
  • He moves his legs from a standing position and pushes off from the support when his parents hold his armpits.
  • He tries to grab the offered toy and succeeds.

4 months

4 months

  • Rolls over from back to stomach and back.
  • Loves to be in her mother's company.
  • In response to a smile, smiles and laughs
  • IN good mood squeals with delight.
  • The first syllables appear.
  • Holds, shakes and tries to put a toy in his mouth
  • Confidently holds his head while lying on his stomach, while rising to his elbows.
  • Lying on your back, raises your upper body with your head.
  • In an upright position, he holds his head confidently. At the same time, it can turn it in different directions.
  • Can move around the crib on its belly.

5 months

5 months

  • He tries to sit up when you pull him a little by the arms.
  • Sucking his fingers and toes.
  • He handles the toy more confidently and pulls it into his mouth.
  • Grabs objects that are within his reach.
  • Defends his toy if someone tries to take it.
  • Leans towards the fallen object.
  • Loves to be in mom's arms.
  • Looks closely at unfamiliar people and places.

6 months

6 months

  • Moves around on the stomach
  • He crawls to a toy that is not far away and grabs it with his outstretched hand.
  • Sit down and sit for a while on your own
  • Likes to stand and walk with support, armpits
  • Calms down when breastfeeding.
  • Listens carefully to other people's speech.
  • Responds to name.
  • Makes many different sounds.
  • A child's mood can change frequently.
  • Begins to receive complementary foods.

7 months

7 months

  • He sits down more confidently. And I am happy to be in this position.
  • Stands on all fours, rocks back and forth and even crawls a little.
  • Likes to walk holding the hands of an adult.
  • The stock of sounds and syllables is expanding.
  • Loves to swim.

8 months

8 months

  • Hand motor skills are well developed. Transfers objects from hand to hand, from container to container.
  • Confidently crawls on all fours. At the same time, he can hold the toy in one hand.
  • Likes to play while sitting.
  • Stands up holding onto support.
  • Very attached to his parents.

9 months

9 months

  • Actively crawls, sits and moves while standing, holding onto support.
  • He says “ma-ma” and “ba-ba” with meaning.
  • Flips through the pages of a book.
  • Interested in everything around him. He wants to reach out and touch everything.
  • Repeats actions.
  • Performs simple tasks.

At nine months, some begin to walk. But it happens that a child takes his first steps much later. Also, children are already climbing onto low chairs and sofas and going back down; this process gives them special pleasure. The development of speech at this age is most active, the baby connects syllables, unconsciously of course, but very confidently, shouting “MA-MA-MA”, “BA-BA-BA” and others. Find out more about

Every mother begins to carefully monitor its development. During the first year of life, a baby is able to learn a lot and go through many stages in development. But not all mothers know exactly how a child should develop. After all, sometimes this happens faster, and sometimes slower, and in the second case it is necessary to contact a speech therapist. But in order to be able to follow proper development child under one year old, based on the information in this article, you need to create a table of the baby’s behavior and reflexes by month (from 1 to 12). The purpose of this article is to show inexperienced mothers how their baby should develop and what to learn during the first, most important 12 months of his life.

What is a child development calendar and what is it for?

A baby development calendar will help you monitor your baby's normal growth process. The calendar is compiled based on WHO research data, and therefore has almost ideal indicators.

With it you can control the baby’s weight, his emotional and reflex development, etc. The development chart will tell you what to expect from your baby, what toys to offer him at a certain month of life, etc.

Did you know?Children cry with an accent, so experts can determine the child's nationality by crying.

The child development calendar by month up to 1 year is very relevant during this period of time, since the baby will be able to learn a large number of reflexes, movements, emotions, etc. in the first 12 months.

In the first year of life, a child will learn more than in the next 10 years of life, so it is better to monitor its development using a special table, and in case of any gross discrepancies, contact a speech therapist.

The first month in a baby's life is probably the most difficult for a mother. This period is often called adaptation. In the first 30 days of his life, the child sleeps often (about 70-75% of the time). Waking takes only 4-6 hours a day. At this time, the baby concentrates his attention on colorful toys and shows emotional interest in some of them.
Speech therapists note that newborn children must immediately establish emotional contact with their mother. Therefore, there is no need to rush while breastfeeding; the baby should feel the warmth and care of the mother. The development of a child in 1 month of life occurs very quickly, he tries to adapt to the environment, get used to all the sounds, smells, etc.

Immediately after birth, the baby should have the following reflexes (established by nature at the genetic level):

  • Swimming(when the baby feels a large amount of water, he begins to move his arms).
  • Search(search for mother's breasts).
  • Walking reflex (if you put the child in an upright position and hold him a little, he will begin to move his legs as if trying to walk).
  • Prehensile(if you touch the baby’s hand, he will squeeze it into a fist).
  • Sucking(touching the tongue to the object).

These reflexes are given to the baby from birth, and they are performed on a subconscious level. However, in the first 30 days of life, the child should be able to raise his head while lying on his stomach; recognize the smell and voice of your mother; sleep a lot and eat 4-5 times a day. By the end of the first month, the baby begins to make some sounds (cooing, humming, etc.). In addition, a month-old baby constantly cries if something irritates him or if he feels discomfort. For example, if a baby hears sharp sounds or his tummy hurts, he may suddenly cry, and in this case this is absolutely natural and normal. Often, the child can focus on his mother's face for a while and calm down a little. The main thing to remember is that in the first month of a child’s life, all his movements are reflexive.

The second 30 days of a baby’s life are called the “revival” period. At this time, the child is already beginning to respond to changes in the emotional state of adults. He can tell when mom is smiling, sad or crying.
A two-month-old baby already sleeps less, but is awake more; in addition, sometimes the time of wakefulness may fall at night when the parents are sleeping. The fact is that in the second month of life, the baby has not yet developed a sleep pattern reflex, so he can confuse day and night. During the second month of life, the child gains 700-800 grams in weight and 2-4 cm in height.

Important!If your child’s behavior does not correspond to what is indicated in our article, then you should not be alarmed. Some children may be delayed in development, in such cases it is simply necessary to seek advice from a speech therapist.

The child’s activity increases: he begins to roll over from one side to the other, wave his arms and legs, and make various vowel sounds: “a”, “u”, “o”. In the second month of life, the child behaves in this way:

  • Constantly puts toys or his own fingers into his mouth.
  • Cries and screams if his tummy hurts or if he wants to eat.
  • Reacts emotionally to different objects: wants to touch interesting ones, cries at the sight of scary and uninteresting ones, smiles at the sight of pleasant ones.
  • If a mother communicates with her child in a gentle and pleasant voice, then he responds with a smile and movement of his arms and legs.
  • Distinguishes and reacts to various sounds: may cry, wrinkle his forehead, smile, etc.
  • Expresses joy at the sight of people close to him, holds his head more confidently.

During these 30 days, the baby begins to hold his head up more confidently, begins to lean on his shoulder blades and roll over on his own.

During this period, it is important to often place it on the tummy so that excess gas can go away and not torment the baby. Do not let your little one lie on his side for a long time, as this can lead to curvature of the spine.
By the middle of the third month, the baby already reacts more clearly to various colored objects and sounds. Moreover, he himself tries to make not only vowels, but also consonants.

The baby can stick the pacifier out of his mouth without the help of his mother, and then insert it on his own. During these 30 days, the baby should gain 3-4 cm in height and 800-900 grams in weight. A three month old baby should be able to:

  • Touch his face (he tries to examine his eyes, ears, mouth, etc.).
  • Look for the source of the sound signal by turning your head.
  • Repeat the emotions and facial expressions of your mother or other relatives.
  • Smile more, stay awake and play with things that interest him.
  • Distinguish between the voices of people close to him and strangers.
  • Move your legs and arms more coordinated.
  • If there is a lack of attention, scream and cry.
  • Keep the head lying on your stomach for about 30-40 seconds.
  • Sleep more at night and less during the day.

A four-month-old baby is already more clearly coordinating his movements, can easily distinguish his mother’s voice from another person, and clearly reacts by turning his head to any sound sources.

At this age, the baby can fully rely on his arms when lying on his tummy. When he sees a rattle, he begins to actively play with it; he first tries to pull any toys into his mouth.
A four-month-old baby sleeps 2-3 times a day for 1-1.5 hours, and the rest of the time he is awake and continues to explore his environment.

Did you know?Babies pull toys and other objects into their mouths, as this is where the nerve endings are most developed.

When a baby is four months old, he should already weigh about 6-6.5 kg. The baby asks to eat while crying, and will not eat food by force, without his consent. A four month old baby should:

  • Roll over independently from your stomach to your back, turn your head, support yourself in your arms.
  • Try to crawl using your arms and legs on the crib.
  • Try to lift your body, try to sit down.
  • Distinguish between toys, the child has favorite toys, at the sight of which he begins to actively smile ( crying baby often calm him down with his favorite toy).
  • Try to support your breast or bottle with your hands when feeding.
  • Watch moving objects carefully.
  • Perform the first manipulations with toys: throwing, knocking, etc.
  • Carefully examine your mirror image.
  • Try to pronounce the first syllables “ma”, “pa”, etc.
  • Completely distinguish between strangers and his own, smile at his mother, and scream if she leaves him.
  • React when you pronounce his name.
  • React emotionally and distinguish the taste of different foods.

By this time, your baby will be able to crawl on his own in the crib and roll over from his tummy to his back. Moreover, some babies at this age are already trying to sit on their butts and even walk.

At the age of five months, the mother must help her child walk: he needs to be supported by the arms and back, and this is very important, because if you do not help the baby master gait in advance, then in the future there will be a risk of developing flat feet or walking with “bouncing.”
The development of a child at 5 months already allows him to pronounce certain sounds more clearly. A mother should try to teach her baby to pronounce some simple words.

By 5 months the baby should:

  • Show increased activity and interest in previously unseen things.
  • Play with your hands and feet (some children try to put their toes in their mouths).
  • Grab toys with both hands at once and hold them tightly.
  • Pull toys towards you when lying on your tummy.
  • Trying to pull off the socks on your feet.
  • Try to support your weight on straightened arms.
  • Listen carefully to fairy tales, poems, pleasant and light music.
  • Carefully examine all the objects that surround him.
  • Squeak loudly, laugh and make various sounds.
  • When seeing strangers, he may cry or frown.
  • Repeat simple movements after adults, for example, try to clap your hands, etc.

Important!Never leave your child on long time unattended even in the safest places. The baby can cough or burp at any time, and this will cause him to panic and scream.

At this age, some children are already starting to teethe, so increased salivation appears. A five-month-old baby already needs a bib, since he does not always have time to swallow all the saliva. During this period, you need to begin full communication with the baby. If you think that he doesn’t understand anything yet, then you are deeply mistaken. After all, those mothers who spend a long time “lisping” with their child can wait more than a year for him to utter his first word. A five-month-old baby needs to tell some simple and short stories, describe the objects around him, etc. He will remember some words and will learn to speak faster in the future.

By the end of the sixth month, the child will already be six months old, and he should be able to sit independently (he needs help in getting into this position), transfer toys from one hand to the other, respond to the pronunciation of his name, try to get on all fours and crawl.
If until now the baby has developed normally and his skills correspond to the above, then at this stage he should be able to:

  • With the help of mom or dad, sit down and keep your back straight (some children at this age can sit down on their own).
  • Roll over and crawl around the crib, stand on outstretched arms and try to reach toys.
  • It is more or less confident to stand on the floor if the child is supported under the arms.
  • Carry out various manipulations with toys and surrounding objects (knock, throw, hold in hands and carefully examine).
  • If you take away a toy from a child that he was enthusiastically playing with, there will be a lot of screaming and crying.
  • Throw toys to the sides, and then actively look for them, turning your head and looking around the room.
  • Drink from a cup or glass, eat liquid food from a spoon, distinguish between the taste of drinks and food, give preference to one food or another.
  • React emotionally to different music, to the pronunciation of your name and to the faces of strangers.
  • Smile and laugh out loud when you see mom, dad and other family members.
  • Change your facial expression when you see strangers or when you hear loud or unpleasant sounds.
  • Require increased maternal attention (the child will cry often if the mother leaves him unattended for a long time).
  • 6 months - important stage formation native speech. At the subconscious level, the child develops various pronunciations and sounds; he begins to say something like “m-m-a-m-m”, “b-u-b-b-u-b-u”, etc.
It happens that by the beginning of six months of age, children begin to sleep less during the day, while they are very active. But we should not forget that a six-month-old baby should sleep three times a day for 1.5-2 hours (night sleep should also be at least 10 hours). At this age, the child already begins to eat liquid and semi-liquid food, drink juices and milk from a cup. It is strictly forbidden to choose your baby’s diet on your own; it is best to consult a doctor (he will tell you how much and what kind of food to give the baby). It should also be noted that a six-month-old baby should not eat sweet or salty foods, as his intestines and kidneys are not yet fully formed and problems may arise.

Did you know?Six-month-old babies smile on average about 200 times.

It is important to note that if six month old baby does not respond to food, sounds, toys, loved ones and strangers, then you need to contact a speech therapist for help. In addition, irregular sleep and tremors in the arms and legs are also reasons for visiting the hospital.

At the age of 7 months, the child shows increased activity. His development reaches the point where he can already distinguish objects (some children can show you a watch or a picture if you ask them to do so).
The baby constantly plays with toys, throws them, hits each other, while showing some emotional impressions (smiles, laughs, says something incomprehensible, etc.).

Seven-month-old babies love to bathe with toys, so they need to be accustomed to water procedures. While bathing, try to tell your child about all the parts of the body, and then ask him to show an arm, leg, ear, etc.

During this period, children are actively teething, so they need to add crushed cottage cheese and meat to their food, as these products are rich in calcium. For muscle growth and normal heart function, a child needs foods rich in potassium.
Also, do not forget to keep the children's room and toys clean, as the child is constantly trying to drag all sorts of objects into his mouth.

A seven month old baby should:

  • Pronounce different words for a long time and often, for example: “m-a-m-a”, “b-a-b-a”, etc.
  • Sit with your back straight without assistance, while playing with toys or looking around your room.
  • Hold onto a bed or chair and try to stand on your own.
  • Crawling a little faster and more energetically.
  • While eating, be highly active: constantly change positions, turn your head, etc.
  • Create various sounds independently (knock on objects, play with musical toys, etc., seven-month-old babies really like such activities).
  • During breastfeeding, the baby may bite a little, as his teeth are cutting through and his gums are itching.
  • Use the basic knowledge that he acquired in the process of seven months of development (the child knows that if you blow a whistle, a sound will appear, and if you pull a rubber band, it will shoot);
  • Understand some basic things and concepts, try to analyze them, understand and listen to the parents’ prohibition (reacts to a parent’s “no”).
  • Continue to study the objects around him, try to reach them, touch and taste previously unseen objects.
  • React to your name and try to attract the attention of your mother and other close relatives.

Important!Remember that the baby senses your mood, and if you are upset about something, the baby will also cry.

Most children at this age should already be able to distinguish between the concepts of “possible” and “impossible”, so they should be taught discipline. Teach your children to obey, otherwise they will be very capricious in the future.

Try to communicate a lot with your child: read fairy tales, poems, talk about objects in the room, etc. All this will help the child quickly form correct and normal native speech.

At this age, the baby can already actively crawl and roll over, so he should not be left at a height.
An eight-month-old child should be able to identify mom and dad from a photograph, understand some words and prohibitions on certain actions. He also tries to eat on his own and look at and touch new toys with interest.

At eight months your baby:

  • Tries to overcome any obstacles that come his way.
  • Tries to stand up independently with the help of support, walk, sit down, lie down, etc.
  • Still a little distracted, easily distracted interesting activity, if you start talking to him or suddenly turn on some music.
  • He can already play nursery rhymes with simple movements: “peek-a-boo”, “okay”, etc.
  • He can put together a small pyramid of cubes, break it apart, and then put it back together in the same order.
  • Reacts to simple requests, makes simple dance movements.
  • Points with a finger at those objects that he wants to touch or see closer.
  • Repeats a series of different syllables frequently and regularly.
  • Clearly identifies mom, dad and close relatives, changes emotions when seeing strangers.
  • He loves the constant company of close people; when left alone, he may cry.
  • Knows how to wave goodbye.
  • Scared sharp sounds or unexpected appearances of adults.

Did you know?Children sleep so much because their brain uses up about 50% of the body's glucose reserves.

At this age, the baby begins to develop separate areas brain, responsible for fine motor skills, speech, emotions and reflexes. Eight-month-old infants need to be actively taught to walk and speak correctly and clearly.

At 9 months, the child is still trying to master the normal processes of walking, trying to repeat some movements and syllables after adults, and trying to drink from a cup on his own.
If the child’s development occurred normally, then by this age he should:

  • Learn to understand the simplest logic of the relationship between objects (put a smaller glass in a larger one, build pyramids, etc.).
  • Play in the room on your own and do not require the constant presence of your mother.
  • Learn some things from other children, repeat various actions and words after them.
  • Try to pronounce individual syllables and fragments of words. The child already clearly understands what things he is talking about, only his speech at this stage is still beginning to form.
  • Use several objects of different structure and weight for the game at once, try to combine or balance them.
  • Try to climb out onto a chair or sofa, walk for a longer time, while holding onto a support.
  • Point with a finger at the object that he is asked to show.
  • Explore new toys and objects, show interest in the contents of various cabinets, drawers, etc.
  • Understand the meaning of some words: “eat”, “come here”, “lie down”, etc.
  • Recognize some animals in pictures or photographs.
  • Actively show emotions in the form of crying, screaming, etc., if the child is dissatisfied, he can break free from his arms and jerk his arms and legs.

The development of a child at 10 months already allows him to independently turn the pages of a book, more or less clearly pronounce several basic words, confidently hold toys in his hands and show emotions in different situations.
By the age of ten months, the baby can:

  • Sit down from a standing position, walk confidently with support, crawl quickly and actively.
  • Dance, clap your hands, try to repeat some words from the song.
  • Hide some toys or objects, close and open cabinet doors.
  • Use primarily one hand (it is at this age that you can find out whether your child will be right-handed or left-handed).
  • Repeat the emotions and facial expressions of adults, perform simple tasks with toys (roll a car, push a tumbler, dress a doll, etc.).
  • Constantly moving objects from place to place (the baby prefers smaller objects that he can easily pick up with one hand).
  • Pronounce, although not very clearly, the names of some objects, animals, body parts, etc.
  • Distinguish between phrases and phrases, laugh at those that seem funny to him.
  • Understand the logic of the interaction of objects (a stick will push a ball, a button on the remote control will turn on the TV, etc.).
  • Understand what certain objects are intended for (for example, a ten-month-old child should already know for sure that a spoon, cup and plate are intended for eating food).
I would also like to note that at this stage of development the baby is actively developing fine motor skills fingers, and this development must be promoted. Teach your child to draw on cereal with his fingers, lay out various figures with matches, sculpt something using plasticine, etc.

An eleven-month-old baby is, in a sense, already considered an “adult.”

  • He can distinguish many objects, move independently (crawling or walking with the help of support), understand many words, manipulate objects, etc. At 11 months the child:
  • Tries to eat independently with a spoon from a plate, put on socks or shoes, etc. Reacts very emotionally to new things a bright toy
  • , new sound or music, strangers.
  • Reacts with understanding to the facial expressions and words of the parents (knows when the mother swears or says that this should not be done).
  • Understands and loves praise.
  • Expresses his desires through different ways.
  • Tries to imitate animal sounds.
  • Able to fulfill several simple requests: “give”, “take”, “carry”, “put”, etc.
  • Knows how to independently build towers from 7-10 cubes or more.

By the beginning of twelve months of age, the baby can already distinguish between toys of the same type. He can give the doll a drink or dress it. During this period, the child begins to develop speech, and he needs to be supported in this: telling fairy tales or simply talking with the child about animals or some objects.

Important!Until the age of one, a child needs only a mother for upbringing and supervision! During this period, it is better not to invite a nanny.

At 11 months, your baby can already be taught politeness. He will understand the concept of “thank you” and when to use it. The child can already play with other children, get to know them and learn something new from them. In addition, at this age your baby begins to become interested in more complex subjects, so don’t be surprised if he steals your phone or tablet.

When a child reaches almost one year of age, he can already walk without the help of support or strangers (sometimes children at this age cannot walk yet, but then you need to seek help from a doctor).
At this age, the baby already understands the structure of many things and often speaks to himself (although many do not understand his speech). A twelve-month-old baby can eat on his own, feed a doll and put it to bed, and also torture a cat half to death. At 12 months the child should:

  • Stand, sit and walk a little independently, without the help of mom.
  • Overcome various obstacles.
  • While walking, squat to pick up the object of interest.
  • Actively participate in personal hygiene processes (washing hands, brushing teeth, etc.).
  • Tell parents that he doesn’t like certain foods, but likes certain foods.
  • Carry toys not only in both hands, but also under the arms, and even in the teeth.
  • Know how to turn on the TV, or what the phone is for (can say a few words to dad on the phone).
  • Understand almost everything that is said to him.
  • Look for your own toys.
  • Constantly express your desires: “give”, “I want”, “for”, etc.
The development of a child in one year is very rapid, and mothers only need to have time to monitor its normal progress using a monthly calendar. In cases of any serious deviations, you should immediately contact your pediatrician. But if you surround your baby with care and love, then, before you even have time to look back, you will see how your baby has matured and become a conscious unit in our society.

From the moment of birth until one year, the newborn grows and develops rapidly, at the same time, his body is finally formed and adapts to the new environment. The changes affect all the baby’s organs, and the baby himself changes, actively learning new, necessary skills. Why is the development of a child month by month up to 1 year so important? What should a baby be able to do? These are the main questions that parents have when their first child appears. This article will help them understand the features and significance of each month for the health and success of children in their future life.

Child development by months up to 1 year - what should be able to do

Happy parents Those who have a son or daughter need to be prepared for the fact that the baby will change every month. And this applies not only to his external changes, but also to his internal mental states. He will acquire new skills, his senses will improve, and in the future, dramatic changes will affect the formation of character, habits, and his own pattern of behavior.

How not to miss significant stages in the development of a small personality, make the baby’s adaptation more comfortable and maintain his health? A child’s development calendar for months up to a year will help with this, using which parents will always know whether the baby is behind or ahead of his peers. In general, you are aware of how a newborn baby grows, so let’s try to characterize in more detail the features of each month lived by the baby from the beginning of birth, perhaps you will learn something interesting and important.

First month

The first weeks after birth become a period of adaptation for the baby, when he is already outside the womb. And all his organs are subject to changes in order to adapt to independent work.


Within a month, the baby gets rid of excess fluid and begins to gain weight up to 600-700 g. By a month, he grows by approximately 2-3 centimeters. The development of a child at 1 month is closely related to the formation of the digestive system. At this age, children actually do not smell, but they may be disturbed by bright light and loud sounds.

Psychomotor development

The baby has developed all the necessary reflexes, thanks to which he can make, for now, limited movements of his mouth, arms, legs and head. However, he enjoys being hugged and fed by his mother, feeling her warmth and care

First month results

The main achievements of the monthly baby:

  • the ability to smile and cry, but without tears;
  • distinguish bright colors;
  • focus your gaze on a stationary object;
  • raise your head for short moments;
  • make sounds similar to humming.

The child should be fed once every two hours, and he sleeps at least 16 hours a day. At that time proper care very important. Knowing the development of a child up to one year by month, you can create a daily routine, adhering to which, it will be easier to manage to care for the baby and maintain his health in optimal condition.

Second month

In the second month, the baby has already adapted to the new conditions and has developed a certain daily routine. Although he still sleeps a lot, he develops a “revival complex” that makes his parents so happy.

Physical formation

The development of a child at 2 months proceeds rapidly, he becomes 700-900 grams heavier and grows up to 4 centimeters. Its head and chest also enlarge. The enzymes that began to be produced in his body allow him to better absorb mother's milk.

Psychomotor activity

Two-month-old children's vision improves - they distinguish objects at a distance of 40-50 centimeters, try to reach and grab them. They are especially interested in the human face, which they carefully examine, trying to focus their gaze. Children are already able to recognize their mother’s voice, the sound of a rattle and a musical mobile.

Achievements of the second month

The child gradually masters new actions:

  • knows how to hold toys;
  • squeeze, unclench your hands, wave them;
  • turn from side to side and back;
  • raise your head for a few seconds.

At the same time, the systematic extinction of reflex movements begins.

Third month

Three-month-old babies look plump and adorable with folds on their arms and legs. They are open to communication and show a high need for affection and hugs from their mother. Their gaze becomes more meaningful, and their movements become more coordinated.

Changes in anatomy and physiology

At the age of 3 months, babies develop sweat and tear glands. Digestive system continues to improve, so they are often bothered by colic.

Mentality and motor function

The normal development of a child at 3 months contributes to the formation of the nervous system, so children begin to more actively control their hands. They vigorously express their emotions and babble, drawing out some sounds.

Special Skills

The successes of children can undoubtedly surprise:

  • they hold the head in a supine position for 20 seconds;
  • can straighten their palms and grab toys;
  • reach for their legs, examining them;
  • with the support of the mother, they push off and bounce on the crib or playpen.

Most of all, three-month-old babies love to be in an upright position, carefully looking at everything around them.

Fourth month

Despite some slowdown in growth, babies gain about 700 grams of weight and grow by 2 centimeters. At the same time, the proportions of their body look more harmonious.

Features of physiology

Children's lungs become twice as large as in the first days after birth, chest circumference increases, and nails and hair begin to grow rapidly.

Improving motor skills and thinking

The most important motor skills for children are related to their hands. They are not yet fully open during the day, but at night they are completely relaxed. They can now pick up toys with both hands. The child is able to lean on his forearms and hold his head for about a minute. The emotional spectrum of children is expanding - they can speak loudly, quietly, joyfully, and express surprise.

Development highlights

The development of a child at 4 months gives amazing results:

  • babies are able to freely hold their head in weight;
  • move your fingers;
  • focus your gaze on objects and distinguish them by shape and color;
  • play with your feet;
  • hold a bottle of food.

At four months, children are already pronouncing the most important syllables in their lives, “Ma” and “Pa.” It is important for parents to monitor the development of a child up to a year month by month; not only the improvement of his speech and vocabulary, but also other aspects of the formation of a human personality depend on this.

Fifth month

The child is five months old, extremely inquisitive and continues to develop already acquired skills. In addition, he strives more and more for independence and begins to show character.

Physiological changes

In children, many reflexes fade, visual acuity increases, and they accurately identify the voice of mom, dad and other family members. By the end of the month, many children already have their first baby teeth.

Psychological development And physical activity

The development of a child at 5 months allows him to quickly determine the source of sound, speak in syllables and hum in a singsong voice, and roll over easily. The baby’s character also reveals itself if he is denied communication and his mother is not around, he may be outraged and upset. This is expressed in crying, screaming and kicking.

Basic skills

The main successes of five-month-old babies:

  • first attempts to sit up and crawl;
  • the ability to laugh and make enthusiastic sounds;
  • independent play skill;
  • the ability to speak in syllables.

It is advisable for kids to pay more attention and play hide-and-seek and drawing with them; exercises with pull-ups and encouragement of games with musical toys are no less important.

Sixth month

Starting from the sixth month, the baby’s growth process slows down, and until nine months he gains only one and a half, or at most two, centimeters. At this age, artificial children and infants are already on complementary foods and begin to try adult food.

Pediatric physiology

At six months, the baby no longer has the opportunity to receive high-quality nutrition exclusively in the form mother's milk, and his immunity decreases, so it is important correct mode and diet. All children at this age already have teeth. Due to the increase in muscle mass, children become stronger and more resilient, their vital activity increases. Many reflexes in children are no longer present, but the basic ones remain - grasping, searching, sucking, the Babinsky reflex, when when you touch the baby’s foot, his toes diverge.

Psychomotor and intelligence

It is considered normal if a child’s development at 6 months reaches a level when the baby’s hands become so dexterous that they can grab various objects - toys, cubes and rings. In addition, with the support of his mother, he can stand on his legs apart, quite confidently. The baby should already recognize his family, respond when his name is called, and express positive and negative emotions.

Achievements of a six-month-old baby

Children have time to learn a lot, both physically and intellectually:

  • they can sit down themselves;
  • crawl well;
  • they drink from their mugs, holding it with their hands;
  • pick up fallen things;
  • clap their hands;
  • consonants begin to appear in their speech.

Children’s thinking also develops - now they are able to understand the simplest “cause-effect” relationship.

If parents do not know how a child’s development progresses month by month up to 1 year, what a baby should be able to do, and what signs indicate deviations, it is best to consult a specialist. Children have various problems - strabismus, temporary decrease in immunity, some adults are not even aware that flat feet in children is a reversible phenomenon, and not a pathology at all. Instead of guessing and getting upset, there is always the opportunity to dispel your fears by talking to your doctor.

Seventh month

A seven-month-old baby is an inquisitive playful little one who needs to explore everything that is in his field of vision. Therefore, often, his favorite toys in his hands turn out to be disassembled or broken. For a child, this is a time of discovery and learning new skills.

Physical transformations

The main changes in anatomy and physiology are strengthening bone and muscle tissue, increasing strength and endurance, slowing breathing to 35-45 breaths per minute, which gradually approaches the levels of an adult.

Neuropsychomotor development

Kids have good control over their hands; they can move things, grab them, pull them towards them, and throw them. The pronunciation of syllables becomes more meaningful, and children begin to develop an understanding of logical connections, but, of course, at a child’s level.

New abilities

Child development at 7 months occurs in all directions:

  • babies can sit for a long time;
  • crawl not only on their bellies, but also on all fours;
  • trying to sit down themselves;
  • are able to distinguish relatives from strangers.

Children are already beginning to be interested in books and flip through them with pleasure, looking at the pictures.

Eighth month

By the age of eight months, a child’s movements become extremely varied, thanks to muscle strength and dexterity. Kids are emotional, impulsive, and they need to be constantly looked after.

Physical state

Most babies already have 2 to 6 teeth and can chew semi-solid foods. They crawl a lot, play while sitting, honing the skill of sitting down independently. This is facilitated by a strengthened spine and stronger muscles.

Improving intellectual abilities

In the absence of health problems, the development of a child at 8 months helps to increase his sociability and sociability, and he already shows interest in his peers and can contact them. The baby’s speech also progresses - he pronounces different sounds and syllables more clearly and clearly, and even understands long phrases and questions addressed to him.

Successes of an eight-month-old baby

The child’s new skills are still closely related to everyday life. He understands perfectly well why a mug and a spoon, a towel and a toothbrush are needed. In the presence of strangers, he behaves constrained, and, at the same time, joyfully meets close people. Imitation of adults can be observed in the behavior of children all the time; moreover, the baby’s memory now retains many things.

The motor function of children cannot but delight - they independently take any pose, lying down, crawl quickly, sit down and can sit, holding their back straight, for up to 10 minutes.

By understanding how a child under one year of age develops month by month, it is possible to stimulate certain abilities, monitor delays, and always be prepared for unforeseen problems.

Ninth month

The development of a child at 9 months provides the basis for assessing the main achievements that he has made since birth. A healthy, cheerful butuz is active, cheerful, and needs to expand the space around him.

Changes in physiology

IN this moment It is important that the baby crawls a lot - this way he trains the muscles of the whole body and very soon he will be ready to walk. In addition, this type of movement is very useful for strengthening connections in the right and left hemispheres, due to which the child’s speech and mental abilities develop better

Motor skills, psyche and intelligence

The psyche of children is sufficiently developed, so the baby can easily recognize his household members and can respond to their requests and wishes. He will also easily point with a pen or finger to the object being talked about. Positive changes also occur in speech, and now the baby can address his parents and grandparents by combining syllables into short words“Mom”, “Baba” or “Grandfather”.

Characteristic age-related manifestations

Nine-month-old babies can:

  • pick up objects with two fingers;
  • sits down from a lying position;
  • climb onto an armchair and sofa;
  • remove and put away small items;
  • understand the questions asked of them;
  • dance and play ball.

Now the kids are cramped in the playpen, and they play on the floor, so you have to take care of their comfort and impeccable cleanliness.

Tenth month

At this age, children become more and more independent and try to prove this at every opportunity. The most important thing in a child’s life remains cognitive activity, which contributes to an increase in his intelligence.

Physical capabilities

The child continues to grow and has gained about 500 grams in weight. His chest became much wider, and the volume of his head increased. Thanks to the fact that the baby plays a lot, he has stronger hands. Children feel tired only during prolonged activities and games, which indicates their endurance. Only the teeth cause trouble - they already have lateral incisors.

Psychomotor function

The development of a child at 10 months involves improved memory, practical thinking, and progress in speaking. The baby understands praise and refusal, and can reflect joy, displeasure, and, sometimes, protest in his behavior.

Main achievements

The acquired and improved skills of children make parents proud of them, these are:

  • the ability to hold two objects in one hand at once;
  • jumping on two legs;
  • using improvised means to get the desired thing;
  • stable standing position;
  • the opportunity to take your first steps.

Children continue to crawl, are able to sit for a long time, and happily copy the actions of adults and their words.

Eleventh month

At 11 months, the children have changed significantly, learned a lot of necessary information and learned to control their bodies well.

Physical training

The baby gained another 400 grams, grew by one and a half centimeters, built up muscle tissue - because of this, he has a vibrant vital energy, however, and spends it very quickly. Due to the formation of the vestibular apparatus, he orients himself well in space, can stand up, walk hand in hand with his parent, bend over and jump.

Psychomotor and intellectual level

The child's development at 11 months continues. Now kids can pronounce individual words of two syllables, they like to dance to music, they can wave their arms, take off their socks themselves, and enjoy looking for hidden things.

Successes and new abilities

Children have sufficiently improved many skills and can now:

  • crawl in different directions;
  • easily recognize familiar things and objects, point to them at the request of adults;
  • walk, not too confidently, taking small steps;
  • eat with a spoon and drink from a mug;
  • wash yourself.

But the best thing is that they develop their own personal passions and hobbies, and communication becomes a necessity.

Twelfth month

At one year old, the baby already recognizes himself as an individual, has his own interests, understands toys, and has preferences in communicating with different people. He develops a sense of purpose, which, combined with increased independence, sometimes gives rise to stubbornness. Children actively learn and do it with pleasure.

Physical development

By this time, children have up to 8 teeth. Their body is relatively long, in contrast to short legs, so the center of gravity is shifted. The arch of the foot is also not yet sufficiently developed. On the other hand, this does not prevent them from climbing up and down from heights, standing and walking without support.

Psycho-emotional activity and motor skills

Despite the fact that a child's development at 12 months (1 year) is a little slow, he perfectly develops his mental, intellectual and motor abilities. He can recognize various objects not only in life, but also in pictures, has excellent hearing and can imitate the voices of animals and the sounds of passing cars. The baby's coordination and speech abilities are in excellent condition. Children love praise, approval, hugs from their mother, are happy to meet their relatives and are upset when they leave.

Basic skills

One-year-old babies have many skills:

  • they move a lot - crawl and walk, climb onto the sofa;
  • can climb several steps on the stairs;
  • help mom wipe the dust and clear the table;
  • can take care of themselves - remove outerwear, shoes, socks and a hat, brush teeth, wash face, eat with a spoon;
  • their vocabulary is about 20 words.

Moreover, they know how to hug and kiss their loved ones, they understand emotional condition nearby adults remember both good and bad.

Many fathers and mothers are concerned about how to ensure the normal development of a child from month to month up to 1 year, what a baby should be able to do can always be found out from a pediatrician. In general, it is necessary to visit him regularly so as not to miss serious violations. The main thing that a baby needs during this important period is parental care, attention and love.