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Family Open bank tasks

Read the text below, each position marked with a letter. (A) According to the results of a sociological survey, women ideally plan to start working at 18–20 years old, get married at 21–24 years old, then start living separately from their parents and give birth to a child around the same time. (B) Men’s ideas about what their life path should look like are somewhat different: they want to start working earlier, and get married and have children later – at 25–28 years old. (B) It should be borne in mind that young girls tend to fly out of their parents’ nest earlier than boys. Determine which provisions of the text 1) reflect facts 2) express opinions

Read the text below, each position marked with a letter. (A) A family with two children, built on trust, love and respect, living separately from their parents - this is how most participants in the sociological survey imagine an ideal family. (B) It is gratifying that the majority of citizens surveyed believe that when getting married one should be guided by feelings. (B) 12% of surveyed citizens could call their family ideal, another 36% have one in their environment. Determine which provisions of the text 1) reflect facts 2) express opinions

Read the text below, each position of which is marked with a letter. (A) There are frequent cases of deviant behavior in prosperous families. (B) The family is not the only institution in society involved in the socialization of the individual. (B) It would be good if every person throughout his life observed the positive norms of behavior learned in the family. Determine which provisions of the text 1) reflect facts 2) express opinions

A group of people of different ages lives together and runs a joint household. Which Additional Information indicates that this group is a family? These people 1) are related by blood 2) have common interests 3) work at the same enterprise 4) turn to each other for advice

What distinguishes a family from other social groups? 1) unity of interests 2) common goals of activity 3) existence of rules of activity 4) common life

The Petrov family consists of four people: parents and two minor children. The data presented allow us to conclude that the Petrov family is 1) nuclear 2) authoritarian 3) democratic 4) socially protected

There are different typologies of families. Which of the following family types is distinguished depending on the size of the family? 1) nuclear 2) authoritarian 3) democratic 4) matriarchal

M.'s family consists of a married couple with two children. They live with their husband's parents and his grandmother. The role of leader in the family belongs to the husband's father; male and female responsibilities are clearly delineated in the family; household members unconditionally fulfill the requirements of the head of the family. What type can M.’s family be classified as, depending on the nature of the distribution of household responsibilities? 1) nuclear 2) large family 3) partnership 4) patriarchal

The Petrov family consists of a married couple with three year old child. They live with their husband's parents and his grandmother. What type is the Petrov family? 1) nuclear 2) authoritarian 3) democratic 4) expanded

The Petrov family lives in their own house in an urban village. It consists of eight people: mother, father, their minor son, their adult daughter with her husband and child, as well as the father’s parents. What type can the Petrov family be classified as, depending on its size? 1) nuclear 2) authoritarian 3) democratic 4) expanded

The Krylov family lives in their own house in an urban village. It consists of five people: a mother, a father, their minor son, and the father's parents. What type can the Krylov family be classified as, depending on its numerical composition? 1) nuclear 2) authoritarian 3) democratic 4) expanded

A family of any type is characterized by 1) the obligatory assignment of household responsibilities to a woman 2) the economic dependence of a woman on a man 3) an equitable distribution of household responsibilities 4) the presence of a household, a common life

M.'s family consists of a young married couple with a 3-year-old child. They live with their husband's parents and his grandmother. What type can M.’s family be classified as, depending on its size? 1) nuclear 2) authoritarian 3) democratic 4) expanded

When asked by journalists what family means to him, the famous artist replied: “Family is a place where I always feel protected.” What role of family in a person’s life does this example illustrate? 1) The family takes care of maintaining the physical health of its members. 2) The family creates a favorable psychological and emotional climate. 3) The family participates in the socialization of the younger generation. 4) The family carries out primary social control behavior of its members.

What example illustrates the economic function of the modern family? 1) At the family council, it was decided to purchase a new car. 2) On a day off, father and son went for a walk in the city park. 3) Grandmother helps her grandson do homework in mathematics and Russian. 4) The father explained to his little son the rules of behavior when visiting.

In peasant families of medieval Europe, children almost four years old were entrusted with feasible work. This fact reveals the function of the family 1) leisure 2) emotional support 3) economic 4) social and status

Establish a correspondence between the manifestations and functions of the family: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column. MANIFESTATIONS OF THE FAMILY FUNCTION A) joint spending 1) social family budget 2) economic B) transfer of a certain status to children C) creation of a family business D) joint housekeeping E) teaching children the rules of etiquette

What characterizes a family of a democratic (partnership) type? 1) The family morally regulates the behavior of family members. 2) Children do not have the right to argue with their parents, defending their point of view. 3) In the family, responsibilities are clearly divided: the husband earns money, the wife is a housewife. 4) All family members have a voice in family decisions.

Are the following statements about the family true? A. The union of a man and a woman who are in a registered marriage, living together and leading a common household is called a family. B. Family members are connected by a common life, moral and legal responsibility. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following statements about the family true? A. A family is a small group whose members are related by marriage or family relations. B. Unlike members of other small groups, there is direct personal contact between family members. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

There is a tradition in K.’s family: getting together in the evening and talking about all the problems. What role of family in a person’s life does this example illustrate? 1) The family provides psychological support. 2) Adults are involved in children's education. 3) The family takes care of maintaining healthy image life. 4) The family provides economic support for its members.

Establish a correspondence between the examples and the areas of family activity: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column. EXAMPLES A) family trip to the forest for a picnic on a weekend B) distribution between spouses homework B) acquaintance with family traditions, their preservation and development D) teaching children table manners E) family budget planning DIRECTIONS OF FAMILY ACTIVITY 1) economic activities 2) educational activities 3) organizing leisure time

In medieval Europe there was a proverb: he is not worthy to be a man who is not the master of his wife. It reflects relationships in the family 1) democratic 2) patriarchal 3) partnership 4) incomplete

Are the following judgments about family and family relationships true? A. Modern society is interested in strengthening the family. B. The post-industrial stage of development of society is characterized by a patriarchal type of family. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following judgments about family and family relationships true? A. Family members are bound by moral and legal responsibility. B. The predominant form of family in modern Western society is the patriarchal family. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Read the text below, each position of which is marked with a letter. (A) In the family, the child learns moral values ​​and standards of behavior. (B) It seems that in a prosperous, happy family there cannot be manifestations of deviant behavior. (B) Numerous studies of youth crime have shown that about 85% of young people with deviant behavior were brought up in dysfunctional families. Determine which provisions of the text 1) reflect facts 2) express opinions


In modern social science, it is customary to distinguish between nuclear and extended families. The term "nuclear family" is used to refer to a family consisting of only a husband, wife and their children. An extended, or multigenerational, family consists of three to four generations of relatives living together.

In modern society, the family has not only decreased in its quantitative composition. The legal basis of family relations, as well as the functions of the family, have changed. The patriarchal family was held together by the greatest moral authority, which was usually enjoyed by the traditional head of the family. Formal headship has always belonged to the man (i.e. husband, father, parent). IN family law In modern Western societies, more and more attention is paid to the independent rights of each family member, including children, and we can talk about a family of a democratic type.

There has also been a significant change in the economic function of the family - a shift from production to consumption. The patriarchal family was also an economic unit involved in production. In modern society, the production function of the family has practically disappeared. Technological production has displaced the family from its ancient productive role...

According to a number of sociologists, there is a “compression” of the educational and educational function of the family. It is increasingly being implemented by the system of preschool and school institutions. The reduction of socially significant functions of the family, according to these sociologists, leads to a decrease in its role in society. Other researchers point to the preservation of other important functions by the family.

(Adapted from materials from the online publication)

  1. The text examines two pairs of different family types. List these pairs.
  1. Based on the text and using social science knowledge, indicate the main reason that led to the weakening of the productive role of the family. What exactly is the weakening of this role expressed in (give two manifestations)?

The family was held together by the greatest moral authority. Such authority was usually enjoyed by the traditional head of the family...formal headship always belonged to a man (i.e. husband, father, parent)...even a weak-willed father was usually respected and obeyed by the children, even a not very successful husband enjoyed the trust of his wife, and even a not-too-smart son was the father , when the time came, he gave unspoken, self-evident seniority. The strictness of family relationships came from traditional moral and religious attitudes. Kindness, tolerance, mutual forgiveness of insults turned into mutual love in a good family, despite the large family size

All management of the household was in the hands of the woman, wife, mother. She was in charge, as they say, of the keys to the entire house, keeping records of grain, hay, straw, flour... All livestock and all domestic animals were under the supervision of a woman. Under her vigilant supervision was everything related to the family's nutrition: observing fasts, baking bread and pies, the holiday table and the everyday table, taking care of linen and clothing repairs, weaving, baths, etc. Of course, she did not do all this work alone: ​​even children, having barely learned to walk, little by little began to do something useful. The woman was not at all shy about the methods of reward and punishment when it came to the household...

The owner, the head of the house and family, was primarily a mediator in relations between the farmstead and the community, i.e. land society, family and local authorities. He was in charge of the main agricultural work (plowing, sowing), as well as construction, logging and firewood. Together with his adult sons, he bore the entire physical burden of peasant labor on his shoulders. The grandfather (the owner's father) often had not only an advisory, but also a decisive vote in any matter. By the way, in a respectable family, any important issues were resolved at family councils, and openly, in front of the children. Only distant relatives (usually poor or infirm) wisely did not participate in them.

(According to V.I. Belov)

Name three manifestations of formal male leadership in the family described in the text.

Being a father these days is more difficult than before. The father no longer has the “innate” right to leadership in the family, the “hereditary” authority. The “innate” authority of the father can be replaced by acquired authority, which is determined by all behavior in the family and care for it. But even then this authority will not be dominant, but equal to the authority of the mother. This is the essence of a modern, equal, democratic family. Researchers have found that some schoolchildren place their father in the family in all respects in second place after their mother, and in a number of circumstances - after their grandmother, grandfather, and peers.

Or maybe let it be like this: the mother comes first? After all, a mother is a nature-given educator of her children. It's right. But father? Isn't a father a less capable teacher of his children? The father has a good supply of versatile information for raising a child, often not less, but more than the mother. The father spends much less time working in the household than the mother, and he is freer in the family. It turns out that in many families there is considerable paternal educational potential, often hidden and untapped.

A father's positive example in raising children is important and significant. Being attentive and caring towards children is the main thing. But the father must also be quite demanding - you cannot respect without demanding. And you can’t demand without respect. True, it is very important what tone of communication the father chooses with his children. In a family, a requirement is best expressed in the form of a request. The tone of an order or instruction is not suitable here, or least of all suitable, especially when we are talking with teenagers or with adult children. Otherwise – a breakdown, a conflict.

Probably every father wants to see his children good. Recently, many fathers have become more attentive to family problems and raising children. Sociologists have found that the share of male participation in raising children is clearly growing. Men are much more willing to go to parent meetings and help children do their homework and participate in cooking and washing clothes. However, more and more men consider it necessary to do housework with their wives. This means they correctly understand their fatherly duty.

(According to N.Ya. Solovyov)

Among those who believe that husband and wife should participate equally in household management, more urban residents than rural residents.

Equal shares of respondents from both groups believe that running a household is the wife’s responsibility.

Among those who believe that housekeeping is the responsibility of the husband, there are more rural residents than urban residents.

Among urban residents, there are fewer who believe that housekeeping is the responsibility of the husband than those who believe that everything depends on specific circumstances.

The percentage of those who had difficulty answering the question was higher among rural residents than among urban residents.

The survey results, reflected in the diagram, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follows from the information obtained during the survey?

Among the respondents there are those who hold patriarchal views on family relationships.

Some of the respondents are ready to consider the issue of distributing household responsibilities depending on specific circumstances.

The majority of urban residents surveyed are unmarried.

Views of family relationships as partnerships are very popular among urban residents.

Residents of country Z prefer to regulate family relations using a marriage contract.

Sociological services surveyed citizens of country Z. They were asked the question: “What role does the family play in a person’s life?”

The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

In country Z, partner-type families predominate.

People understand the importance of family in a person's life.

The majority of respondents are unhappy in their personal lives.

In country Z, large families are common.

People rely on family support in various life situations.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

A third of respondents deny the value of family in modern society.

The majority of respondents highly value the role of family in a person’s life.

Equal shares of respondents believe that in modern society the value of the family has decreased and that the family interferes with their career.

The opinion that in modern society the value of the family has decreased is more popular than the opinion that the family helps in many matters.

A quarter of respondents believe that the family primarily provides financial support.

Scientists surveyed adult citizens of country Z with different levels of education. They were asked the question: “Whose responsibility do you think is to run the household?”

The majority of respondents in each group believe that husband and wife should participate equally in running the household.

The share of those who believe that housekeeping is the responsibility of the husband is higher among respondents with secondary education than among those with higher education.

More respondents with secondary education, compared to those with higher education, note that housekeeping is the responsibility of the wife.

Among those who have completed higher education, there are more people who believe that housekeeping is the husband's responsibility than those who believe that everything depends on specific circumstances.

The proportion who had difficulty answering the question was higher among respondents with higher education than among those who received secondary education.

The survey results, reflected in the table, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follows from the information obtained during the survey?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Regardless of the level of education, residents of country Z mostly share patriarchal views on the family.

People with higher education are more willing to consider the distribution of household responsibilities depending on the specific situation.

The majority of respondents are unmarried.

The partnership type of family relationship is very popular among residents of country Z.

Residents of country Z prefer to regulate family relations using a marriage contract.

Who do you think should be the head of the family and make important decisions for it?

Read also:
  1. Stage I: Identification of a family in need of social rehabilitation. Establishing contact with family.
  2. IY stage. Assessing the effectiveness of family social rehabilitation
  3. NB! Every patient with unclear fever for more than 5 days should be examined for BT!
  4. Quidquid te mihi ex quacumque causa dare facere oportet... - Everything you owe me for whatever reason...
  5. All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way" L. Tolstoy.
  6. Analysis and management of enterprise accounts receivable.
  7. The lessor must provide the tenant with property in a condition that complies with the terms of the lease agreement and the purpose of the property (clause 1 of Article 611 of the Civil Code).
  8. Family atmosphere, types of families and styles of family education. Features of their influence on the formation of a child’s personality.
  9. Certification of workplaces for working conditions (continued)

The results of the study document significant differentiation in ideas about the distribution of family roles among residents of various types of settlements. At the same time, as one would expect, traditional ideas about family structure are more often adhered to by rural residents, among whom almost half of respondents (46%) share the view that the head of the family should be a representative of the older generation, primarily a man (if there is none , the eldest woman in the family). Residents of megacities, on the contrary, are more inclined to adhere to a more “modern” position, believing that there should not be a head of family - important decisions should be made jointly. This position is shared by 43% of residents of megacities.

It is also noteworthy that respondents from low-income groups are more likely to adhere to traditional, essentially patriarchal, ideas about the family structure, among whom almost half of the respondents (48%) are convinced that the head of the family should be the eldest man in the family (see table).

Who do you think should be the head of the family and make important decisions for it?, %

Overall population of Russia Level of average per capita income, rub.
Up to 1500 1500-3000 3001-5000 Over 5000
The eldest man in the family (if he is not there, the eldest woman in the family)
The one who is the main breadwinner or money earner in the family
The one who is better oriented in the modern situation and can make an effective decision for the family
There should be no head of the family at all - important decisions should be made jointly by everyone, and minor ones - in accordance with the existing division of responsibilities
Difficult to answer

At the same time, such family functions as housekeeping and managing current expenses are not perceived by Russians as functions once and for all assigned to one of the family members. Thus, the majority of respondents (65%) share the view that the person who manages the household manages the money in the family. The share of those who hold the opposite point of view is more than two times smaller (28%). At the same time, the millet results practically do not record significant differences in the assessments of representatives of various socio-demographic groups. Apparently, this can be explained by the fact that the distribution of functions associated with the management of actual current expenses is largely determined not so much by ideas about the type of family structure, but by the action of “external” economic factors, according to which each family chooses the most rational strategy economic and social behavior, in which the functions of “earning” money and spending it, as they say, are “divorced” between different family members.

The position of Russians regarding who makes decisions about large expenses in the family also does not seem so clear. Thus, the share of those who believe that decisions about large expenses should be made by a man is almost equal to the share of those who allow the possibility of such decisions being made by a woman, even if the husband earns the money in the family. The ratio of these estimates is 50%:47%. At the same time, respondents from financially secure groups mostly agree with the first point of view.

Choose the following pairs of judgments regarding family life the one with which you most likely agree?, %

Also, the vast majority of respondents (67%) share the view that housekeeping is hard work that spouses should share equally. A third of respondents (32%) tend to consider it exclusively as a “female” function.

Select from the following pairs of judgments regarding family life the one with which you most likely agree?, %

Moreover, with regard to this judgment, there is a significant differentiation among respondents with different levels of financial situation and residents of different types of settlements. At the same time, respondents with an average per capita income of over 5,000 rubles, as well as residents of megalopolises, are more inclined to adhere to the traditional view of the distribution of family roles, that is, housekeeping as an exclusively “female” responsibility (see table).

Select from the following pairs of judgments regarding family life the one with which you most likely agree?, %

The departure from the traditional (patriarchal) form of family structure is also evidenced by changes in the family associated with changes in the economic and cultural status of women. Moreover, as the results of the study show, this is to a certain extent reflected in mass ideas about the professional self-realization of women. Thus, more than half of the respondents (54%) share the point of view that a wife’s career is as important as the husband’s career. However, the share of those who believe that in addition to work, women should do housework is also large and amounts to 43%.

Select from the following pairs of judgments regarding family life the one with which you most likely agree?, %

However, with regard to ideas about the distribution of family roles, which imply a “double burden” on a woman, one can indeed speak of a fading trend. This is evidenced by the fact that respondents in the youth and middle age groups adhere to this point of view much less often. On the contrary, representatives of these age groups are more likely to believe that a wife's career is as important as her husband's (see table).

Select from the following pairs of judgments regarding family life the one with which you most likely agree?, %

The second central axis of the family, according to the definition given above, is the parent-child relationship. It should be noted that at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. society followed the path of protecting the interests of the child, extending the period of compulsory education, postponing the moment of his entry into the ranks professional workers and establishing the teenager’s right to the results of his labor. The social emancipation of the child was accompanied by the formation of a new type of family - child-centered. This type of family is characterized by an exaltation of the role of private life, intimacy, and the value of children. More or less equal relations between husband and wife led, on the one hand, to the emergence of a stable dependence of expressive satisfaction on the marriage as a whole, and, on the other, to the realization that sexuality practiced in marriage is not reducible solely to the reproductive function.

These trends are illustrated by the data of this study on the attitude of Russians towards adultery. A considerable part of respondents are inclined to justify betrayal if family relationships do not work out. Thus, almost a third of respondents (30%) believe that bad relationships in the family are fully justified adultery. Another slightly more than a third (34%) believe that this is quite acceptable if such relationships are not known in the immediate environment.

Select from the following pairs of judgments regarding family life the one with which you most likely agree?, %

Overall population of Russia Age groups, years
18-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 >60
The other spouse may turn a blind eye to the presence of a lover or mistress in one of the spouses, if this has not become known in society
The fact that a husband and wife are cheating should definitely lead to divorce
Difficult to answer
Poor family relationships justify adultery
Even not very good family relationships do not justify adultery
Difficult to answer

It should be noted that representatives of youth age groups (18-24 years old) are more inclined to justify adultery, among whom 39% of respondents adhere to this point of view.

To a certain extent, this position is due, first of all, to the fact that among the respondents of this age group The view that “the basis of marriage is not sexual relations, but respect for a friend” is much more common. That is, in other words, creating a family, registering a marriage is essentially the achievement of a certain financial and social position, in which sexual relations, in a certain sense, “fade” into the background. It should be noted here that this does not mean that sexual relationships are not important for this age group; this means, first of all, a change in the quality of family relationships, which at the beginning of the section was characterized as the autonomization of marriage, sexuality and procreation.

Select from the following pairs of judgments regarding family life the one with which you most likely agree?, %

Existing changes in the quality of family relationships shape the strategies of family behavior, when the decision on the number of children is made primarily by the spouses themselves, and the possibility of external pressure, as the practice of demographic policy has shown, is extremely small. Moreover, 90% of respondents are convinced that spouses must have children. Only 6% of respondents disagree with this statement .

The desired child turns into an object of parental care and lasting affection. This is clearly evidenced by the results of the study. Thus, according to the absolute majority of respondents (92%), it is the duty of parents to do everything for their children. Only 6% of respondents disagreed with this point of view. And answering the question about what is most important for minor children in the family, the majority of respondents (67%) indicated the love of their parents.

What do men think about successful women? By what criteria do women evaluate successful men? The Mail.Ru Work portal and the popular Runet women's project Lady Mail.Ru conducted a joint study of the criteria for female and male success.

As the survey results showed, the majority of men still adhere to patriarchal views on women's mission. A significant portion of the male group consider the highest criteria for a woman’s success to be the birth of a child (41%) and the creation of home comfort (40%). Feminine beauty, according to the stronger sex, is also one of the main success factors: 28% of respondents think so.

More than half of women (51%) consider financial independence to be their main life achievement. Having children as an indicator of female success ranks second (36%), career – third (30%), creative fulfillment – ​​fourth (28%).

When assessing the factors of male success, participants in both groups put financial independence first (men 68%, women 62%). At the next level is career (men 50%, women 44%).

Judging by the respondents' answers, ideas about women's and men's roles in providing for the family have remained virtually unchanged over the past hundred years. The predominant part of the male and female audience (64% and 61% respectively) are convinced that the main part of the family income should be brought by the man. In addition, among those surveyed there are many who consider a significant difference in the income of spouses to be the norm: 23% of men, 23% and 15% of women responded this way.

At the same time, about a third of survey participants (32%) admit that a woman can earn more. However, only 27% of women are satisfied with a partner who brings a lower salary into the home.

Assessments of the financial criteria for male success were distributed as follows: 18% of women consider a monthly salary of 100 thousand rubles acceptable, 21% - at least 200 thousand, 9% count on 500 thousand rubles. Approximately 1/5 of the survey participants (18%) do not consider salary a measure of male success. It is characteristic that men’s ideas about a decent salary for the stronger sex practically coincided with women’s.

As it turns out, women have a lower bar for financial expectations. Only 4% of women and 5% of men consider 500 thousand rubles to be a decent income for a successful lady. A salary of 100 thousand rubles was considered acceptable by 13% of women and 16% of men, 20% of respondents in each group considered a monthly salary of 50 thousand rubles normal. Among the respondents there were many who are sure that women's success is not measured by money (women 21%, men 31%).

These studies confirmed that our society still divides professions by gender: 50% of women and 57% of men are convinced that there is a typically male and a typically women's work. The first places in the list of the most masculine professions were drivers and miners (23% each), loaders (20%) and builders (19%) - that is, those where endurance and physical strength are primarily valued. The work of a teacher (49%), secretary (20%), accountant (16%), seamstress (13%) and teacher (12%) was considered truly feminine.

The study involved 8,000 representatives of both sexes.

    1)). Scientists surveyed 25-year-old and 55-year-old citizens of country Z. They were asked the question: “Whose responsibility do you think is to run the household?”

The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are shown in the diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and

1) Among those who believe that husband and wife should equally participate in housekeeping, there are more 25-year-old respondents than 55-year-old respondents.

2) Equal shares of respondents from both groups believe that housekeeping is the responsibility of the husband.

3) Among those who believe that housekeeping is the wife’s responsibility, there are more 25-year-old than 55-year-old respondents.

4) Among 55-year-old respondents, there are fewer who believe that housekeeping is the responsibility of the husband than those who believe that everything depends on specific circumstances.

5) The percentage of those who had difficulty answering the question is higher among 25-year-olds than among 55-year-old respondents.

2) The survey results, reflected in the diagram, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follows from the information obtained during the survey?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

        1) Among the respondents there are those who adhere to patriarchal views on family relationships. 2) Older people are more willing to consider the issue of distributing household responsibilities depending on the specific situation. 3)Most of the respondents are not married. 4) Views of family relationships as partnerships are very popular among citizens of country Z. 5) Citizens of country Z prefer to regulate family relationships through a marriage contract.
    3)) Scientists studied the opinions of residents of country Z. They were asked the question: “What, in your opinion, is associated with people’s deviant behavior?”

The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the table.

The survey results, reflected in the table, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follows from the information obtained during the survey?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

        1) The respondents recognized the presence of various influences on human behavior. 2) The majority of respondents consider deviant behavior to be a coincidence. 3) People do not like to admit their guilt for bad deeds. 4) Society can negatively influence a person by pushing him
        to deviant behavior. 5) Most often, deviant behavior is associated with a person’s personal qualities, rather than social factors.

4)) Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

        1) The smallest proportion of respondents in both groups sees the reason for deviant behavior in the influence of “bad company.” 2) The percentage of those who believe that the influence of “bad company” determines a person’s deviant behavior is higher among men than among women. 3) The same proportion of respondents in both groups believe that deviant behavior is a consequence of psychological character traits. 4) The largest proportion of respondents in each group believes that deviant behavior is associated with the social conditions of a person’s life. 5) The percentage of those who see biological reasons for deviant behavior is higher among women than among men.
    task part C Being a father nowadays is more difficult than before. The father no longer has the “innate” right to leadership in the family, the “hereditary” authority. The “innate” authority of the father can be replaced by acquired authority, which is determined by all behavior in the family and care for it. But even then this authority will not be dominant, but equal to the authority of the mother. This is the essence of a modern, equal, democratic family. Researchers have found that some schoolchildren place their father in the family in all respects in second place after their mother, and in a number of circumstances - after their grandmother, grandfather, and peers.

Or maybe let it be like this: the mother comes first? After all, a mother is a nature-given educator of her children. It's right. But father? Isn't a father a less capable teacher of his children? The father has a good supply of versatile information for raising a child, often not less, but more than the mother. The father spends much less time working in the household than the mother, and he is freer in the family. It turns out that in many families there is considerable paternal educational potential, often hidden and untapped.

A father's positive example in raising children is important and significant. Being attentive and caring towards children is the main thing. But the father must also be quite demanding - you cannot respect without demanding. And you can’t demand without respect. True, it is very important what tone of communication the father chooses with his children. In a family, a requirement is best expressed in the form of a request. The tone of an order or instruction is not suitable here, or least of all suitable, especially when we are talking with teenagers or with adult children. Otherwise – a breakdown, a conflict.

Probably every father wants to see his children good. Recently, many fathers have become more attentive to family problems and raising children. Sociologists have found that the share of male participation in raising children is clearly growing. Men are much more willing to attend parent-teacher meetings and help children with homework than to participate in cooking and washing clothes. However, more and more men consider it necessary to do housework with their wives. This means they correctly understand their fatherly duty.

(According to N.Ya. Solovyov)

(Name the two main reasons given by the author.)

C 2. Eighth-grader Alina feels that her parents are too protective of her and treat her like small child. Therefore, Alina often quarrels with her parents. Using the text and social science knowledge, formulate two pieces of advice for Alina and her parents that, in your opinion, can improve their relationship.

C 3. There is an opinion that the family today is losing its importance
in raising children. Using the content of the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) to refute this opinion.

C 4. Based on the text and relying on personal social experience, name two circumstances that allow the author to highly appreciate the educational potential of the father in the family. Suggest why this potential often remains untapped.

C 5. Give three examples illustrating the importance of father involvement in raising children.

C 6. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

I am 29 years old, I am not married and I am not planning a family in the next decade. Instead I'm mastering new profession and looking for my place in life. “Young people…” my older relatives sigh when they try to instruct me that “family is the essence and the core.” In fact, in the eyes of those who are considered young people - boys and girls from 19 to 25 years old, I am a hopeless old maid. My little sisters and the brothers, as one, after university, first of all plan to start families, and only then - everything else.

Although the average age at marriage across the country has increased by two years since 2014 (from 27 to 29 for men, and from 24 to 26 for women), two different studies of Kazakhstan's youth show that marriage is more important to today's young people than education. . This is not something out of the ordinary and fits perfectly into our idea of ​​Kazakh society. But our own empirical conclusions are one thing, and research supported by numbers is another. There is another one: in 10 years, Kazakhstanis entered into one and a half million marriages, but 500,000 of them broke up. What will happen to this trend later is still unknown.

In October, the director of the Youth Information Service of Kazakhstan, Irina Mednikova, presented a study of urban youth from 14 to 25 years old (not yet published), including Kazakhstan, based on conversations with experts working with youth (30 people) and focus groups (in total 100 people from the "capitals"). The researchers conducted in-depth interviews with them, which explains the small number of respondents. According to Mednikova, the main value of our youth is family. “Moreover,” says Mednikova, “discussing the importance of family, young people noted that it is important to listen to their parents, since they will still be right, it is important to please their parents and justify their expectations.” The study was also conducted in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Ukraine. The youth of these countries differ from ours in that the main value for them is quality education.

The importance of family in the eyes of young people is confirmed by other quantitative studies, for example fund named after Friedrich Ebert "Youth of Central Asia"(Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan), published in 2016-2017. These studies were conducted in 2014-2015, they involved 1000 Kazakhstanis aged 14 to 29 years (14-19 years old - 30.5%, 19-24 years old - 36.5%, 25-29 years old - 33%) from 16 regions of Kazakhstan According to its results, one of the main priorities of Kazakhstani youth is to be married (for 75.9%), it is slightly more important than getting a higher education (72.9%), and more important than making a career (for 67. 2%). At the same time, young Kazakhstanis strive for independence less than their peers from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

The researchers also found out the opinion of young people about polygamy: 4.7% completely agreed with polygamy, 11.9% were more likely to agree. Those who disagree with polygamy are 61.4%, while in Tajikistan those who disagree are 62.6%, in Kyrgyzstan - 64.1%, and in Uzbekistan - 73.2%. Apparently, in Central Asia, Kazakhstani young people are most loyal to polygamy. But at the same time, 36.5% believe that a man and a woman share spheres of influence in the family and have equal rights, and 32.2% adhere to the patriarchal model: the man performs the functions of the head of the family, and the woman submits to his decisions. It is also worth noting that 30.5% cite the desire of their parents as the reason for their higher education.

How do young people feel about their health? 56% of them do not smoke, 61.5% do not drink alcohol, but this hardly characterizes young people as supporters of a healthy lifestyle: 73.3% of respondents sometimes or rarely visit fitness clubs. When young people give up cigarettes and alcohol, there is a motive of religiosity: “I quit smoking and drinking about two months ago. I have a good, positive attitude towards alcohol. Not that it’s very positive, but I don’t consider it as big a sin as a cigarette, for example. " (example from respondents' comments, young man, 26 years old, works). The guys also reported that alcohol and tobacco are now being replaced by low-alcohol cocktails and hookah.

By the way, only 2% of respondents were atheists (20 people out of 1000), although there were not so many religious ones - 6.5%. 73.5% identified themselves as believers, but not participating in religious life. 66% of all who did not classify themselves as atheists were Muslims, and 30.7% were Orthodox Christians.

To the question “Are you interested in political events?” 45.9% answered that they are interested only sometimes, and 33.6% are not interested at all. But, according to young people, their parents are more interested in current political issues - 30.5%. Moreover, only 7.1% of young people have political views that do not coincide with the political views of their parents. It turns out that other young people are in solidarity with their parents on issues of political orientation. It’s interesting, but the traditional source of information about politics for young people remains television (for 90%), and the Internet is in second place. In addition, young people consider Russia to be Kazakhstan’s closest ally - 72%, but 18.3% voted for the United States. Needless to say, the level of homophobia is high (57.8% have a negative and extremely negative attitude towards homosexual people), which indirectly indicates high xenophobia in general.

“The second thing that both the youth themselves and experts who have been working with them for many years noted is that young people are apathetic, unconfident, and highly dependent on the opinions of adults,” says Mednikova. In addition, the study experts noted that today's young people have low emotional intelligence. “If five years ago young people could very easily describe their feelings and emotions, now they analyze well, but if you ask them about feelings, young people answer with a rasp.” In work, according to the study experts, young applicants have become weaker. They pass the interview well, but then do not live up to expectations: according to representatives of the youth themselves, they are poorly motivated.

If urban youth are looking for motivation to work, then rural youth, especially Kazakh-speaking ones, are busy surviving, not least because of the poor quality of education. In 2012, according to PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), the performance of a Kazakh student in a city school with Russian language of instruction and a student in a rural Kazakh-language school is different, the gap between students is almost three years not in favor of the second.

Researchers from the Foundation Friedrich Ebert believe that the desire to improve their standard of living and greater job opportunities are the two main reasons why young people move to big cities. It is clear that due to the level of education, the majority of visiting youth are not able to compete with urban youth, hence the low standard of living. But there are other reasons. Traditionally, rural families are much more patriarchal, and children raised in them are the sole breadwinners of their parents and numerous relatives. This directly affects the well-being of young people who come to the cities to earn money.

Stillness and conservatism are the main qualities of the country's young people. Such conclusions are expected, because the state, in all periods of independence, transmits ideas of stability and monumentality to society. As in any patriarchal society, relations between generations here are built on obedience. This is easy to see from the example of government educational institutions: The relationship between teacher and student is based on obedience and the authority of the teacher. Obedience is placed above the child's individuality. Universities that use students as extras at official events are also not far behind.

Living in large cities and working in creative or scientific fields, one can assume that the country’s young people are free and open to the world boys and girls. However, the numbers say otherwise. On the other hand, it cannot be said that the conservatism of young people is something unchangeable. Those who were 14-20 years old at the time of the study may radically change their views in the future.

It is also interesting that 2019 in Kazakhstan will be the year of youth. Nursultan Nazarbayev said this. There are now 30 programs for young people in the country, including government programs. Full list The Youth Information Service of Kazakhstan promises to publish it in the near future. Perhaps there will be even more of them in 2019, and this could influence the values ​​of those who will be responsible for the future of the country.