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Sami games. Trip reports




1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the characteristics of the Sami culture, their customs and traditions.

2. Activate children’s speech with new words and names.

3.Increase motor activity through the use of outdoor games of the peoples of the North.

Equipment for games and relay races:

2 ring throwers, small hoops according to the number of children, throwing stands, 2 hoops with a bell, 2 soft modules, gymnastic sticks, soft balls for throwing at a target, pictures of northern fish according to the number of children, pictures of animals of the North, pictures of berries, jump rope, small yellow and red balls.

Progress of sports activities:

Ved: Guys, we live in the Kola north. This is an amazing land where the sun does not set in summer and the night is as bright as day, and in winter there is continuous night.

The Arctic is the land of a northern fairy tale,

The Arctic is the land of white nights,

Polar region - lingonberries, cloudberries,

The Arctic is a circle of good people.

Yes indeed. In the Far North there live people who are in love with their land, the most wonderful, kind, and sympathetic. Guys, do you know what the indigenous people of the North (Sami) are called? Right. These are the Sami. The Sami live in Sami settlements, engage in reindeer herding, hunting, and fishing. Women do housework and sew clothes from reindeer skins.

(Slide) Let's look at how the Sami dress:

Children answer the questions:

What is the name of outerwear Sami? (malitsa)

What are the shoes called? (pimas)

What are the Sami mittens called? (Koibits)

– the home of the Sami? (plague)

What is all this made of? (from deer skins)

What do people who breed deer call? (reindeer herders)

The Sami love to sing songs, tell fairy tales and play various games. And today we will play national Sami games.

The Sami say about themselves that they are “reindeer people.” In winter, Sami shepherds, together with their families, wander behind the reindeer herds.

Don't be a deer in the north

What would happen to my tundra?

He is proud of it, like an ornament,

She looks more cheerful.

The Sami has no more reliable friend,

How reindeer,

The owner in any blizzard

Get home quickly.

Guys, not a single holiday is complete without a deer, because it is the breadwinner of the Sami... Every reindeer herder knows how to deftly lasso a deer, let’s try to catch it.

Relay: “Deer Catching”

Throwing a lasso at a trochee (a stance imitating a deer).

Rules of the game: 2 participants each throw a lasso onto a trochee. The number of hits is counted.

Ved. Well done, they showed their dexterity and dexterity.

Looking for fresh moss
Through the snowy desert
Walks all day.

Ved. "Reindeer Sled Racing"- a favorite pastime of Sami children. Let's play too.

(The players are divided into two teams. Each team has one trochee and a hoop with a bell (reindeer sled). One child portrays a shepherd-reindeer herder, the other depicts a harnessed deer. At a signal, the teams run after each other, go around the “snowdrifts” and pass the baton to the next reindeer team, the winner is the team that finishes the race first.)

Ved. Well done! We had a wonderful competition!

Ved: And now I suggest you go hunting.

Children stand in 2 teams and perform the following task: walk along the log, stand in the hoop and hit the target with a soft ball (there is a target hanging in the hoop).

The presenter reads a riddle, and the audience needs to guess who the hunter shot. Then the picture is shown.

Ved. Well done! Had a nice hunt. Maybe you and I can go fishing?

Game "Fisherman and the Fishes"(with a jump rope, the children have pictures of fish in their hands, the one who was caught names what kind of fish he has, puts it in a basket and sits on a chair)

Ved. We caught so many fish, it was a successful fishing day today.

Winter in the North is cold, how nice it would be to drink tea with jam. Guys, what kind of berries grow in the north? (children's answers)

Now guess the riddles:

1) You will find this berry

Not in the garden, but in the swamp.

Round like a button

Little red... (klyukovka)

2) Lots of dark blue beads

Someone dropped it on a bush.

Collect them in a basket.

These beads are... (blueberries)

3) She was born in a swamp,

Hidden in the soft grass.

Yellow brooch -

Berry... (cloudberry)

4) Red beads are hanging,

they are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads very much

Animals, birds and children (lingonberries).

Relay race “For the berries”.

(Children stand in 2 teams: the guides have baskets in their hands, at a signal they run, take 1 berry (ball), return, put it in a large basket, pass the baton

to the next one (some collect cloudberries, others collect lingonberries - yellow and red balls).

Ved: Well done, now we will have delicious jam for tea.

Ved. The Sami love to measure their strength in their free time from work.

« Triple National Jump» .

Rules of the game: the participant performs three standing jumps in a row, pushing from two legs and landing on two legs. Stopping is not allowed between jumps. The participant is given three attempts, the best result is counted.

Game "Tug on Sticks". Children sit on the floor in pairs, legs resting on their feet, hands holding on to a stick. At the leader’s signal, they begin to pull the stick towards themselves. The one who pulled the opponent over is stronger.

Ved. Well done! Real strongmen...

Believe it or not guys

That sometimes the light is ringing?

If you live in the North

And on a polar night you wait for the sun.

Then you will understand that the first ray

Indeed, the bell is melodious.

Forests and tundras, ice and mountains,

Lakes, rivers and seas,

Spread out in its vastness

Native Kola land!

Ved. Guys, today we got acquainted with Sami games and played them with pleasure, but our holiday does not end there, in the group we will draw pictures from the life of the Sami and read national Sami fairy tales.

Svetlana Mironova

Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests of my page! Today I want you talk about it how we got acquainted with oral folk creativity of the Sami people, who has lived since ancient times in the northern regions of Finland, Norway and Russia, that is, here on the Kola Peninsula. More people The Sami call them Lapps. Translated into Russian this means residents of the region (outskirts) land or reindeer people. Sami They value kindness, resourcefulness, courage and hard work in people. That is why in fairy tales And the legends of this small people contain wisdom and hope for a bright and good life, faith in the victory of good over evil.

In our group we have developed a short-term project "By based on Sami fairy tales", the purpose of which was

Introduction to oral folklore Sami creativity(fairy tales, legends, riddles);

Expanding your horizons children about life, peculiarities of life, culture and traditions of a small people;

Fostering interest and respect for creativity and the culture of the indigenous people of the north;

Fostering love for one’s small homeland and respect for people of other nationalities.

I present to your attention the names fairy tales, which can be read children:

-Tales of the Northern Lights.

Oleshek Golden Horns.

-Tale of the Sun.

Daughter of the moon and son of the sun.

Mistress of the grass.

Guys and the bear.

Talla the bear and the great sorcerer.

The glorious hunter Laurikaj.

Bogatyr Leine.

Why was the lake called Girvas?

How berries got their color in the tundra. it. d.

But the children especially liked it fairy tales"Mitten Girl" and "Sampo Loparyonok. That's what fairy tales we dedicated our works. I invite everyone to view our results creativity.

Run, my little deer

With branchy horns,

On the tundra, covered

Fluffy snows,

And let the ice ring

Under fast feet. (Topelius Sakarisa)

Thank you for attention! See you again!

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Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 1" of the city of Zhirnovsk, Zhirnovsky municipal district, Volgograd region

Subject: " Sami games"

Khvastunova Ekaterina Andreevna ,

student of class 10A

Heads: Prokhorova Olga Ivanovna

Deputy Director for Water Resources Management, geography teacher,

Vladimirova Svetlana Vladimirovna

physical education teacher

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1 of the city of Zhirnovsk"

Zhirnovsky municipal district

Volgograd region

Zhirnovsk, 2014

Once I read poems by Agnia Barto to my brother

I was in the country of Suomi,

Where there are skis in every house,

Where they fly headlong from the tower

Six year old boys

And a lot of questions were running through my head. What is this amazing country of Suomi? Where is she located? I became interested. From electronic sources I found out that “Suomi” is a distorted word “Sami”, the self-name of the people who lived here before the arrival of the Finnish tribes.

What kind of people? What is he like?



Small people The Sami live in Russia, like any other people, and have their own national games

Knowledge of the issue

The Sami are a small people Far North our country.This people is of great interest to scientists. The subject of study over the years has been: decorative and applied arts, the life and way of life of the Sami, their traditions and customs.

Goal of the work:

    Find out whether the traditions and customs of the Sami people have been preserved in modern life.

    To introduce school students to the games of the Sami people.


    study literature on this topic, get acquainted with Sami games and their history;

    tell the class about Sami games;

    learn national Sami games with classmates

Object of study

The small Sami people and their games

Research plan.

    Collecting information on the Internet and city libraries.

    Study of literary heritage.

    Compilation of a dictionary and booklet.

Projected research product:

    Creation of a booklet “Samis far and near” for use in lessons and extracurricular activities.

    Creating a multimedia presentation for use in lessons and extracurricular activities.

    Carrying out extracurricular activity using collected materials on the topic.

Research methods

1. Scientific research:

Collection and study of literature on this topic;

Interviews with guys from other classes.

2. Analytical:

Analysis and synthesis of collected material;

Analysis of survey results;

3. Systematizing:

Systematization of the received data.

4. Practical:

Development and implementation of an extra-curricular event “Sami Day”;

Creation of the booklet “Samis far and near”;

Computer presentation.

1. Ethnography of the Sami

Working with historical documents, I found out that mention of the Sami was found in Tacitus (1st century BC), who wrote: these people are happier than those who “sigh over the plow, get tired when building houses, and are tormented by fear for their property.”

And looking into the ethnographic encyclopedia we can read:

The Sami are a small Finno-Ugric people; indigenous people of Northern Europe. Scandinavians and Russians called them “Lapps” (from Finnish - “inhabitants of the outlying lands”). From this name comes the name Lapland, that is, “land of the Lapps.”

Now the Sami live compactly on the territory of 4 states - Norway, Russia, Finland, Sweden.

The peoples of the North are reindeer herders, hunters, and fishermen. They are surprisingly friendly, calm, brave, hardworking and resilient people.

Working with statistical data, I received the following information - according to the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, the number of Sami in Russia was 1,771 people

The center of the cultural life of the Sami in Russia is the village of Lovozero. Various Sami holidays and festivals are held here, including international ones; The Sami National Cultural Center operates.

Living one life with nature, the Sami subordinate everything to it. Traditional Sami clothing is adapted primarily for long stays on outdoors. The most famous species traditional clothes yupa - outerwear made of fabric, pechek - winter close-up clothing, sewn from two deer skins with the fur facing out.

A distinctive feature of Sami shoes is the upturned toes. Only women make shoes. Sewn by a good craftswoman, such shoes last for a very long time. In historical documents I discovered Interesting Facts: Pimas and burkas were worn for two to three decades. Girls and women who mastered this art were especially noted by those around them; the girl who knew how to sew shoes was the first to be wooed. I dare to suggest that the Sami are the ancestors of insoles.

In winter, the main food of the Sami is reindeer meat and fish. To protect against scurvy, they consume fresh deer blood and prepare the inner layer of pine bark, which, after drying and pounding, is added to the stew.

Few nations have their own national day. Russians don't have such a day. But the Sami celebrate International Sami Day - February 6th. The Sami have their own anthem and flag. The flag has four colors, which, like the circle, symbolize the unification of the Sami of four countries: Norway, Finland, Sweden and Russia. The colors of the flag follow the traditional colors of Sami clothing. Red is fire, blue is water, yellow is air, green is earth.

2.Sami games

Many nations have sports games. Sometimes they reflect their spirit. The Sami also have their own traditional competitions. They originated in the harsh lands of the Arctic. Therefore, a lot here is connected with hunting, fishing, reindeer herding - everything that helps a person survive here, in the land of the northern lights.

The modern history of Sami games began in 1985. According to the rules, anyone can become a participant. Like all major competitions, the Sami games begin with the anthem.

Throwing a lasso on a trochee

Participants must throw it over the antlers of a stuffed deer, showing their accuracy and dexterity. This stuffed animal is called a trochee. Each participant is given three attempts. It is believed that this is enough for both complete triumph and unconditional defeat

Crossbow shooting

Shooting from a crossbow is carried out from a distance of 5 meters at a target in the shape of a wolf. For example, in addition to shooting at targets, participants may be given the task of hitting a drawn wolf with a ball. It is very important where exactly the wolf gets the ball - the number of points scored depends on this: the tail is one thing, and the head is quite another.


For fishing competitions they use a tin tin can, with a fishing line and a spoon attached to it. No one has ever been lucky enough to catch a fish this way, but everyone hopes to win.

Sami football

Sami football is the most exciting competition at the festival. Two women's teams in skirts of five people play football. The ball is made of deer skin and stuffed with hair. It's quite heavy compared to normal soccer ball. The goalkeeper stands on the goal, which consists of two poles stuck into the ground. Only a ball that rolls into the goal and does not fly in is counted. In Sami football, the goalkeeper protects the ball by covering it with the hem of his skirt.

3.Project implementation

Recently, we have organized games for children, so we students can get to know them and play. Which we did with pleasure. At school we have an “Alternative” camp. I proposed including a Sami day in the camp program, which included meeting the people, interactive games, a creative laboratory, a booklet and a photo exhibition.

Through the game, the culture of the people, their identity and uniqueness are learned.

Many games can be played in preschool and school institutions, as they are very simple and do not require preparation.

My hypothesis was confirmed: the small Sami people have their own national games. It is necessary for every person to ask himself the question: “What can I do to ensure that the culture and traditions of small nations are remembered?”

Tell your friends about what you have learned new about the small Sami people, study the games of this people, play with your friends in physical education lessons and during breaks.In the process of research, I came to the conclusion that, despite the fact that the Sami people are small in number, their traditions and customs are preserved. This is a great merit of the people themselves, who, overcoming all difficulties, carried their traditions and customs through the centuries, and the younger generation strives to preserve them.

Job prospect

    Continue to study the traditions and customs of the Sami.

    Compile a collection of Sami games for children.

    Based on the collected materials about the Sami, conduct an oral journal in the lower grades.

List of used literature


    Bolshakov N.P. Life, customs and myths of the Kola Sami in the past and present. - Murmansk: Book. publishing house, 2005.-416 p., (8) l.ill.

    Valamina Yu. The girls were chasing a ball in the swamp/L. Valamina // Murmansk Bulletin. – 2008.- No. 175.-S. 1

    Voronova O. Chakhkli. Poems // O. Voronova, Murmansk: Book. publishing house, 1989.- 24

    Decorative and applied arts of the Kola Sami. - Murmansk, 1985. - P. 1-8.

    Karhu L. The soul rejoices from the “Sami games” / L. Karhu // Murmansk Bulletin.-2008.-No. 112-113.-P.1

    Kiselev A. A., Kiselev T. A. Sami: History, economics, culture / Kiselev A. A., Kiselev T. A., Murmansk: Book. publishing house, 1987.-207p.

    Lukyanchenko T.V. Material culture of the Sami (Lapps) of the Kola Peninsula at the end of the 19th-20th centuries / Lukyanchenko T.V. - Murmansk: Book. publishing house, 1981.

    Polar encyclopedia for schoolchildren. The Arctic is my home: Peoples of the North of the Earth. – Murmansk: Book. publishing house, 2001. - P.155-158.

    Seven-year-old archer: Sami tales. – Murmansk: Book. publishing house, 1990.

Ushakov I.F., Kiselev A.A. History of the native land: Murmansk region. Uch. allowance / I.F. Ushakov, A.A. Kiselev. – Murmansk: Book. publishing house, 1984.-S.: 3-16.

Electronic resources:

Chistyakova Ekaterina Sergeevna
Job title: physical education instructor
Educational institution: MBDOU KINDERGARTEN No. 12 "FAIRY TALE"
Locality: village Nikel, Murmansk region
Name of material: Consultation for teachers
Subject:"Outdoor games of the indigenous peoples of the Far North in physical development children"
Publication date: 18.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education

"Outdoor games of the indigenous peoples of the Extreme

North in the physical development of children"

Consultation for teachers

Prepared by:


in physical education

MBDOU d/s No. 12

Chistyakova E.S.

Movement is

the main manifestation of a child’s life. Immobility

brings children


vital activity



growth, mental retardation.

In the conditions of the Far North, children's complete need for active




region represent a complex set of negative factors in

regarding their impact on the human body, especially children. Low










o r g a n i z m a,

p r i v e s t i

physical inactivity, “motor hunger”.

IN Lately there is a tendency for the condition to worsen

health of children living

region of Krayny


concern and anxiety. In search effective means on problem solving

promotion of children's health, my attention was drawn to the rich experience of indigenous

population of the Far North, in particular the Sami peoples.


the most important







surrounding reality, assimilation of customs, rituals of their people, and

also mastering the skills and abilities necessary for life. By participating in




people, imbued with its spirit.

The games of the peoples of the North originated in the distant past in the depths of the folk





learned to use harsh nature (air, sun, water, snow) as







we activate their speech with new words, names of sports competitions,

games. Children are always interested in learning something new about native land. And ours

The task is to make sure that this interest is not lost.


Sami games, because they are very simple in content and do not require complex

attributes. Children will remember and learn the rules of such games well. Nakhodka

of this topic is that many games familiar to us among the peoples of the North

They play a little differently. For example: “The sea is rough” is very similar to

Sami game “Sun”, “Jolly Guys” to “Brave Guys”, etc.








gathering, housekeeping). The most important, totemic

the animal to which the whole life of the Sami was subordinated is the northern

deer. The Sami say to themselves that they are “reindeer people.” in winter

Sami shepherds


For the Sami, reindeer provide food, clothing and shelter.

The harsh living conditions of the North require the Sami people to


actively developed

the most important

physical qualities,

brought up






are involved in economic assistance to parents, but special

training and education of boys as future breadwinners of the family. In them

are trying

work out



hard work,

truthfulness, devotion to family. The girl is the future keeper of the hearth,

brought up




quick, good eye. As for the younger population, children

3-4 years old, here most games contribute to the development of walking, running,

as well as other types of movements and are imitative in nature. From 3 - 4 years

Children receive skis from their parents, the sizes of which correspond to their age.

and the growth of the child. They willingly play hide and seek, in winter they dig tunnels in the snow and

hides in them.

All games of the indigenous people of the North are associated with jumping, throwing,





developing their eye, reaction speed, endurance, courage,

In addition, they develop strength, agility, coordination of movements, and flexibility.

Children learn to navigate in space, acquire movement skills

at a given rhythm and tempo.


organizing physical activity and promoting health while walking.

With their help, the teacher instills in children a positive attitude towards

walk at low temperatures and keeps children in a cheerful mood,

activity. They help create a positive attitude in children and convince

they are not afraid of frost; reminds that the frost will not get under the fur coat


Folk games have a wide variety of effects on children’s bodies.

north indispensable



growing up

generations. The use of such games on a specific system and in combination with





important character traits of the child.

Every year at the beginning of summer on the Kola Peninsula, in the village of Lovozero, national Sami games are held.
They have long become traditional. This year we were 24th in a row.

The location of the games is the northern foothills of the Khibiny Mountains, the shore of Lake Popovskoye. The entire population of the Sami village, as well as hundreds of guests who come to Lovozero from all over the Murmansk region, as well as foreign guests, gather to watch the performances of folk groups and competitions of athletes.

This year the Sami came from Norway, Finland and Sweden. The games were opened by a brass band from Karasjok, Norway, the Sami capital.

The Sami are indigenous to the Kola Peninsula and also live in Finnish Lapland, northern Norway and Sweden. Separated by borders, they speak the same language, but in different dialects, and sometimes they no longer understand each other. The Kola Sami write in Cyrillic.

The main activity is reindeer husbandry. Although there are fewer and fewer deer in the tundra.

So that's what you are - a reindeer!

Or like this?

These are the Sami breadwinners. What would a festival be without them?
Anyone can take a photo. Reindeer are not afraid of people; they were raised not in the tundra, but in a stable.
Such deer are called “grain deer”.

Sami costumes surprise with their multicolored colors.
Red is the sun, green is grass, blue is water. It's simple.

Men's headdress - four crests - four cardinal directions.
If you turn this cap inside out, you will get a good pillow.