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The coolest birthday wishes. Nice birthday wishes Happy birthday you are very cool

Let them decorate this birthday
Gifts from my dearest friends,
From happiness, as from sunlight
Your heart will become brighter and warmer!
Let everything that is important come true
May everything that awaits you be joyful!
And may fate itself one day
It will lead you to your cherished dream!

Delightful and bright
The holiday is coming to the house again!
May life bring you a gift
And hope and love!
Happiness, joy and luck,
Dreams come true!
Let it warm you up on your birthday
Heart is a ray of warmth!

We measure time by minute,
And how quickly the years go by
We congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you to always be kind.
We wish you good health,
Good luck in life and work.
Love, consent, luck
Let them accompany you.
Even today we wish
Live happily for a hundred years.
And all the bad weather and sorrows
Always stay away.

I congratulate you on your birthday!
On this day I wish you from the bottom of my heart
All your cherished desires come true
And more smiles in the future!
So that there is more success and fewer mistakes,
And sadness has never knocked on your house!
So that loved ones are surrounded by smiles,
And your friends were always by your side!

On this bright birthday
Everyone is pleasant and nice.
Display the treats
On wide tables!
Every guest is now a friend
I would like to wish you
Peace at home and at work,
Long life and good deeds.

The old legend says:
When a person is born,
The star in the sky will light up,
To shine for him forever.
So let the star shine on you,
At least until a hundred years old
May happiness surround your home,
Let them hurry, let the years fly by,
We can't stop them
But be you always young;
It doesn't matter how many years have passed.

Let good luck in every business
Always accompanies you.
The years fly by, but you stay
Young at heart forever!
Don't let problems make you old,
You know behind the black stripe
There is definitely a trace of white!
And this is very good!
And if you haven’t guessed it yourself,
I'll whisper a secret to you!
Walk ALONG the white stripe,
There is no place for black spots!

Success in life and work,
Good friends and fun,
Prosperity in the family,
So that the soul does not know the cold,

Greeting kindness with kindness!

What should I wish you on your birthday?
Success in life and work,
Good friends and fun,
Prosperity in the family,
So that the soul does not know the cold,
Like a May day, like a garden in bloom,
So that the heart is forever young,
Greeting kindness with kindness!

Good luck to you all the years,
Always good health,
Happy life, and then
Everything else is nonsense!
May the sun shine brighter on this day,
Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet.
We wish you youth, peace, happiness, -
Everything that is called good.

Your birthday has come,
And this is not a simple date.
May everything be fine on this day
And fun from dawn to dusk.
Do you know what we will give you?
Forest lake and a whole world of daisies
And the breeze that wanders wide open,
And only bright and rosy dreams.
AND Moonlight that floats in the pond,
The rustle of birch trees, the song of a quiet night,
And the luckiest star
You choose whichever you want.

Let life be like strong wine,
Over the years it gets richer and brighter!
And let it be filled to the brim
And happiness, and health, and good luck!
Let any plans and aspirations
The worthy is embodied,
Life will open happy pages,
Any dream can soon come true!

The old legend says:
When a person is born,
The star in the sky will light up,
To shine for him forever.
So let the star shine for you,
At least until a hundred years old
May happiness surround your home,
May there always be joy in him.

May your birthday seem brighter
A simple life, but with a lot of drawbacks.
It happens - we try as quickly as possible
Achieve good luck and prosperity in it.
So let the ridge of hopes be fulfilled,
Let it be more joyful to receive gifts.
And the wind will certainly be fresh.
And let's not forget about our friends in the park!

Happy Birthday!
I wish you a super mood.
Don't be sad and smile
Laugh more often, have fun!
Don't think about problems
About misfortunes and dilemmas.
Let love enter your home
And let him live with you!
Let everything in life be fashionable,
Stylish, bright and luxurious.
May happiness be with you
And will drive away all misfortunes!

Let the gloomy days in life be warmed
There will be friendly participation,
Let him be a companion on the way,
Simple human happiness!
Take everything you can from life
Take at least what is given to us.
After all, you can’t multiply life by life,
But we are not given the opportunity to live twice!

Happy Birthday! No problem,
How the years fly by.
We wish you optimism
Higher nose and more life.
We wish you well,
The houses are full of bins,
Happiness, joy, luck,
Freaky mood.

Another year has passed!
Let the worries of the past go away!
We all want to congratulate you,
Happy New Year of your birth!
We wish that your life
She was bright, joyful, perky!
What would they be true friends,
And the work was fruitful!
To personal cash flow
Never, ever stopped!
Receive a congratulation as a gift,
Let there be only luck in life.

Good luck, good luck, happiness on your birthday!
So that there is no time left to be bored,
Adventures would happen more often!
Hurry to take the best from life!
Let successes multiply hour after hour
And the joy in the soul does not go out,
And the calendar of fate counts milestones
Brilliant achievements and victories!

May your birthday bring
Hope, faith and success,
Let the holiday come to visit
And there will be joy, jokes, laughter!
Let him arrive this day
Kindness, warmth, love and peace!
May there be so much happiness in him,
Enough for a whole year!

Every hour of life is a pearl,
A year is an ingot of pure gold.
Your wealth is countless,
There is hope and youth in the heart.
May this day be sunny
And the mood is joyful!
We give flowers, wishes
And congratulations on the holiday!

When you have a bold dream -
Life is more interesting and brighter.
And everything about her makes her happy then:
Success, happy moment of luck
And on holiday I want to wish
Important discoveries, inspiration,
Be ahead and win!
Achieve all goals! Happy Birthday!

It's your birthday today
This is the most joyful of days,
Let this be congratulations
It will also be your joy.
On this day I wish you happiness,
The longest interesting years,
May you not have bad weather
Only joy, only sunshine!
May great love come to you,
Not for a year - for eternity, forever,
And let your life be, dear,
Light, like spring water!

May all your days be gentle
And they give harmony and happiness.
Let only good luck await,
And the world will only become more beautiful!
So many pleasant moments
Bring your birthday with you!
And in life they will come sooner -
Luck, love, inspiration!

Let the work be easy
Let love come on its own!
Let the flowers be fragrant
Well, summer - all year round!
Let life be so easy
And a smile on your face
May the sun always shine!
Happy Birthday already!

Gifts, congratulations,
Smiles and flowers!
May it be on your birthday
Dreams will come true!
Let there be a sea of ​​happiness
Hope and warmth!
And so that life is wonderful,
Like a rose, it blossomed!

Let it bloom on your birthday
House with bouquets of flowers,
The mood will become bright
From the heart, kind words!
Let the soul believe in a miracle,
Wishes will come true again
And in a happy heart there will be
Tenderness, joy and love!

The time has come to celebrate the glorious date -
The years flow by like a stream!
We congratulate you, our old friend,
And, of course, we don’t drink tea these days!
And yet you fly, flutter,
The worries of yours are spinning the axis,
It looks like you are just starting to live,
So God grant you that everything comes true for you!

Happy Birthday!
Happy plague day!
Happy day of balloons, cakes, jam,
And wishes come true!
To my beloved birthday girl
Let's wish you to be happy!
May there be more gifts
Let the guests become fatter
From cakes and treats,
What they devoured without embarrassment!

I wish you a lot of happiness,
I want you to be young in life
Your wide road
Didn't become a narrow path.
I also wish you love,
Big and pure, like a tear
So that life always smiles
Your happy eyes.

May you always be under a lucky star
Fate led you along the road.
In the house so that there is a deep river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully,
Let only friends visit your home,
Bad weather passes by,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you the best,
Long life, health and happiness!

We sincerely congratulate you
With one of the most best dates,
We wish to live another hundred years,
Not knowing grief and loss!
We just want to smile,
Don't be upset over trifles,
Don't be nervous and don't get sick,
But in general: live and not grow old!

I want to say a lot of good words,
I wish you happiness and health,
Heart and soul never grow old,
And live in the world for many, many years.
We wish that life never ends,
Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way,
Eternal happiness, good friends,
Good luck, health and sunny days!
We wish you health - because it is often lacking,
We wish you fun - it never interferes.
We wish you good luck - it doesn’t come often,
And we simply wish you great personal happiness!

Let life be bright forever,
A dream with hope will not be deceived,
And may a good person
It will be the only one in the world.
May there never be sorrow
Hiding in an empty mirror...
Bring love and happiness to people,
And the house will be fuller!

Happy birthday to you today,
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
So that you can live for many years without getting tired,
May these years be good.
We wish you much success,
We wish you eternal youth,
May everyone's dreams come true
And happiness will be endless!

May your dreams come true on your birthday,
And beautiful flowers make you happy,
Let the laughter and congratulations never cease,
And the mood will be excellent!
And every moment will be filled with light,
Warmed with sincere love and tenderness,
Warmth, cordiality, care and compassion,
And a new day will bring happiness again!

We wish you countless sunny days
On your birthday, we support your friends.
Love, laughter, health, fun,
Luck, high spirits.
Smiles, wealth, great love.
Capture the beautiful moments in life.
May all your dreams come true today,
And happiness will settle in the same place where you are.

Do you hear rustling, saying goodbye,
Last year?
Celebrating your birthday
It's your turn
Receive flowers, gifts
And the warmth of your family!
The brightest, sweetest, hottest
My short poem!

I wish you beautiful weather,
Magical surprises of nature,
Excursions around the world,
Years of enthusiasm and joy.
Let the swing fly to the sky,
Carousels spin like a spinning top,
I wish you on your birthday
Good luck in everything and good luck!

May variations of happiness
Make life colorful
And the probability of luck
It will always be one hundred percent!
May happiness offer you
Millions of options!
May the sun be golden
And the sky is covered in diamonds!

Cool birthday greetings are those congratulatory words, which are capable of influencing the hero of the occasion and all guests of the holiday best impression. These are deep, meaningful and beautiful in their form and content congratulations that will become the highlight of any holiday, regardless of who is at the center. If you want your words to be called cool, then you will either have to work hard on writing them, or take several ready-made options from us. Moreover, the second exit will become not only simpler for you, but also more successful.

As a result of long and painstaking work, we managed to collect in this section the highest quality, original and kind congratulatory words that will make all the guests and the birthday boy himself listen to you with genuine interest. These are beautiful poems written by talented authors and ready to become part of your congratulatory campaign today. You just need to choose the option that suits you and complement it with some kind of gift.

Believe me, you will not find better and more successful solutions anywhere else. Only the site will allow you to shine so brightly with your intelligence and eloquence at the upcoming celebration!

Birthday is a long-awaited holiday,
Congratulations and wish you from the bottom of my heart
Become much happier than now,
And win big.

Don't waste your precious health
Never lose hope
And envious people, without raising an eyebrow,
Forgive with a sweet smile.

Take more holidays abroad
Looking down on problems
Enjoy every day to the fullest,
Not to eke out an existence, but to burn!

The path of life will give you a lot of faith,
There is more success than adversity.
And a prosperous career
For a long time, not just for a year.

Friends proven over the years
Let them remember your addresses,
When in trouble they come to help themselves.
Love and believe in miracles.

Let there be a super mood,
The white light is full of smiles.
And this is the best birthday
My soul has been trembling for many years!

May it be on your birthday
The warmth of your family will warm you,
And with him there’s nothing scary -
Even though it snows, even if it rains.
We wish you many years to come,
Good health and strength
And so that it lasts longer, our dear,
There was fire in your eyes.

What should we wish on our birthday?
Let good luck rain down,
Surrounded by faithful, old friends
AND a beautiful woman near.
Inspiration to be a reward,
Let the desire for life not melt,
Let the stranger accompany you
Many springs with a flirtatious look...

How the red sun warms everyone,
So your happiness is not naughty,
Kindness and kindness for people,
Smiles, jokes for friends,
Look at life more cheerfully
And don’t regret the past years,
Always joke, smile,
And don’t be offended by fate!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
A person with a pure soul.
Wish you health and luck,
Happiness, joy, great love!

May your wishes come true
Your dreams will come true.
And let your every day be filled
The light of joy and kindness.

Chile, India, China -
Candles go out in Panama -
Party with us today!

And it's hot in Brazil -
Hurray for the birthday boy!
There is a Swiss best bank -
Be strong, like an armored tank!

We glorify Palestine - we wish you happiness!
Mother Russia is with us -
We wish to live beautifully!

Happy birthday to you.
Have fun on this day, don't be sad.
I wish you a lot of happiness,
And especially - happiness in love!
Happy birthday to you,
Have fun on this day, don't be bored!
I wish you only happiness
Let it overflow.
Let all the good things be remembered
Everything planned will come true,
Let your eyes glow with happiness,
Let good people Let's meet!

Years go by, but you still don't change,
Still as carefree and playful,
You still smile just as radiantly,
Still as stunningly beautiful.
You are a fairy, dear mischievous angel,
You illuminate the world with your radiance.
On your birthday, we are with you,
May everything you wish come true!

Today I want to congratulate you
And wish with all my heart -
Let love rule in your life
And let there be someone to help!
Birthday is a great holiday
Let the birds sing in your soul,
Let him settle with eternal registration
There will be comfort in your home forever.

Spring in the soul, warmth and luck
I want to wish you on your holiday!
At the solemn hour - on your birthday,
I am not too lazy to give smiles and toasts!
You've only become a year older,
But time has not left its mark on you.
Over the years you have become wiser and more beautiful,
And there are many more young years ahead!

I wish everything was as in the picture
Resorts, hotels, cafes, parties
I wish you the latest fashionable outfits
Flowers, compliments, admiring glances
I wish you to bloom and give smiles
And call your beloved friends more often!

May your every day be the clearest,
Cheerful, kind, joyful, beautiful,
Warmed with love, faith, inspiration
And gives a lot of happiness! Happy birthday!

On Valentine's Day I wish
The ideal man
Pockets full of money
And a beautiful car
So that the crowds turn around
When you go to the store
And so that at the sight of such a lady
He stood in front of all the men in a row!

Years go by, but life is beautiful
Hold on to her tighter
Sorrows, joys, hardships
Ups and downs are life.
But think only about the good
And your dreams will come true
Let only luck be nearby,
And may you become happy!

Birthday. How we look forward to special gifts and congratulations on this day! And how often does it happen that relatives and friends Good friends and acquaintances from whom we expected the most nice congratulations first of all, in the morning - for some reason they forget to congratulate us...

If you are one of those who not only remembers to congratulate your family and friends on their birthday, but also prepares very carefully for each holiday, then read some tips for great birthday greetings.

Congratulations must be thought out according to many criteria: who is the birthday person, his gender, his age, hobbies, sense of humor, marital status, and so on. So, in order to prepare a really cool birthday greeting, you can first read different stories on the Internet, wander around joke shops, and remember interesting cases from your experience.

Come up with a cool wish verse, or download it from the Internet - there are a lot of cool birthday greetings on different sites.

But remember - no matter how cool your congratulation is, it is very important that it is truly unique, original, created specifically for your birthday person.

You can bake a cake, decorating it using pastry tricks with something reminiscent of the birthday person’s profession or hobby. Once you find out what the birthday boy dreams of, give him a small visualization of his dream. For example, if he dreams of his own house, make a cardboard house or a wooden (plywood) house, or a gingerbread house with your own hands.

If the birthday boy dreams of visiting Paris, give him a small Eiffel Tower - a symbol of the capital of France.

If the birthday boy dreams of a new car, give him a toy that resembles his dream car as closely as possible.

Let the tables from the treats
They're breaking on your birthday.
The wines are flowing over the edge,
You live and prosper.

Let life be beautiful, -
Yacht, villa in the Maldives,
Maserati and Ferrari
May you always be taken for a ride!

Let run clumsily…
I won't continue -
I do not know how; besides
The dishes are ready;

Vigil of food and potions for me,
We don’t make a lot of jokes -
Brief toast: happy birthday!
And let's drink right away!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
A person with a pure soul.
Wish you health and luck,
Happiness, joy, great love!

May your wishes come true
Your dreams will come true.
And let your every day be filled
The light of joy and kindness.

Chile, India, China -
Candles go out in Panama -
Party with us today!

And it's hot in Brazil -
Hurray for the birthday boy!
There is a Swiss best bank -
Be strong, like an armored tank!

We glorify Palestine - we wish you happiness!
Mother Russia is with us -
We wish to live beautifully!

Early in the morning, at six in the morning I
I'm typing a text message:
"Happy Birthday"!
“Maybe early?” - there are doubts!

So I want to congratulate you,
What you can’t help but send!
Maybe I'll get on my nerves
But I’ll be the first to congratulate you!

On your birthday I want to wish you
So that, without knowing troubles and grief,
You walked bravely through life.
So that the sea is knee-deep.

So that happiness and love
They always reigned around you,
And so that friends and relatives
They gave only joy and goodness.

When you get a little older,
Will you open the door on this day?
Dreams - and soon everything will arrive.
Close your eyes and just believe.

Where there are name days, there is fun:
You can't help but dance and sing.
Let your soul become lighter!
I wish you to live, love and get rich!

On your birthday I want to wish you,
So that your loved ones are healthy,
Support and help them
With a kind deed and a kind word.

After all, when the rear is so reliable,
The point is not to be afraid of anything.
I wish you goodness and love,
And always achieve everything.

Every year with great joy
On this day we are coming to you,
Anticipating a bunch of sweets,
Forgetting about problems

Finding peace...
Yes, it’s not for nothing that he is recognized by everyone:
Happy Birthday!
Always be happy with life!

Your birthday will fly by in a flash.
Don't try to stop him.
I wish you a sea of ​​joy,
To be loved, and to love yourself!

To make the heart sing and tremble.
Feeling the fullness of life.
So that your fate gives you
Passion, love, goodness and beauty!

Getting ready for jam day loved one, everyone tries to find great congratulations Happy birthday. What is most important for such congratulations? So that they are fun, original, smart and not too long. You can write congratulations in verse or even compose a song. Or you can say it in prose, but sincerely and sincerely. For most people, birthday is their favorite holiday. Therefore, we must try to make it memorable for the whole year. Funny, cool congratulations are exactly what will be remembered for a long time.

And a spoken recognition of the merits of the hero of the occasion is what each of us longs to hear in our souls. If you approach the selection and composition of your toast or wishes responsibly and creatively, the holiday will become truly unusual and will bring a lot of joy to both the host and all his guests.

Happy birthday
My dear!
Let them give you today
Jewelry friends!
May you be immensely lucky in love,
So that I don’t know the count of money!
Be the first everywhere, as before
And your finest hour will come!

Happy Birthday, girlfriend
What I want to wish:
So that in Goa and the Maldives
I could fly every day!
Four-story house
Lamborghini under the window
So that I can love myself
Don't refuse anything!

It’s nice to receive congratulations on your birthday
It's only sad, dear, when you begin to understand,
That you are no longer twenty, your youth is somewhere behind
Jam Day gets sad somewhere after thirty!

Today is the birthday boy
We dedicate all the songs!
And so that there is health
Fill it to the top!

Birthday is a holiday
Balloons, gifts, cake
Traditionally on the table
Still life of salads.
But I'm not with you,
It turned out like this, sorry
I wish you in a SMS
Always smell and bloom!

Today I'm laughing my stomach off
My parrot Vasily told me to buy me a cake
And it may sound like a joke, but he is my salvation!
Reminded me that it’s my brother’s birthday today!

On Valentine's Day I wish
The ideal man
Pockets full of money
And a beautiful car
So that the crowds turn around
When you go to the store
And so that at the sight of such a lady
He stood in front of all the men in a row!