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Scenario for the new year at school. Scenario for the New Year's party "The Adventures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden" Performance by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden for schoolchildren

New Year's theatrical performance script/the curtain is closed, music is playing, 3 girls appear, singing the song “Three White Horses”/ A snowman is on stage, silent, showing different emotions.

: Winter. Peasant triumphant

On the firewood renews the path

And the horse, sensing the New Year

Trotting somehow / a harnessed horse and a man appear and walk across the stage /


Old grandma has gone crazy

She told me to bring the Christmas tree

It's been a hundred years, and it's all to no avail

IN New Year lay out a Christmas tree for her

It's time for her to die

And not to jump around the Christmas tree / the curtain closes /


Yes, people are in a hurry

Celebrate the New Year with a bang

And getting ready seriously

Meet Santa Claus /


Hi guys! Glad to see you. Especially those who sculpted me. It turned out to be a real sculpture. Almost a monument to Peter the Great, only without a horse. In a word, you guys worked tirelessly on my appearance. True, there was one hitch: which nose should I attach? And from what? In the end, we settled on carrots. Although someone suggested a tomato. In general, we worked in a truly creative environment. And here I am - in front of you. So handsome, thoughtful, positive... From all sides.

But I didn’t come here to talk about my merits. They are already there! And to be the first to meet Santa Claus, take the initiative, so to speak. And he, according to my calculations, is about to appear. Well, if he’s late, it’s okay: we’ll just talk to you some more... for another hour or two or three... Yes, we can talk until the morning, if necessary... Well, if one of you gets tired, he can even sleep. In its place, of course. Without leaving this room. Well, that’s it, it seems, he said it all...

the curtain opens, the house of Father Frost is on stage, music is playing, the Snow Maiden with a bandaged throat, a phone call is heard

Snow Maiden:

(hoarsely) Grandpa, it's for you.

Father Frost:

Pick up the phone, Snowman


Hello? Yes, of course, in high school? Always ready! Snow Maiden? She can not. She, how can I tell you, got sick. Yes, and Santa Claus, too. Of course, I understand that this is not customary, but yes, it’s tradition. Well, I'll think of something. Of course of course. Wait, we'll be on time.


It's a shame they both got sick.

You overdid it on skis

How did it stick at the wrong time?

Damn bird flu to you

Snow Maiden:

It's winter again in this world,

People are celebrating the New Year.

But only if you are sick

Then you are not happy about the New Year.

Father Frost:

Give me a pill, granddaughter.

A cold icicle for her,

I'll swallow everything faster

And for the holiday I want


No, you lie down

I can handle it, experience after all

Do not worry about me,

I'll be home soon


Meanwhile, extraordinary news spread through the forest.


I want to say, I want to say

That I'm preparing a casting.

Snow Maiden and Frost are sick,

Who will host our holiday?

In general, everyone who wants to become the Snow Maiden and Father Frost,

We are urgently waiting in a forest clearing in an hour.

Baba Yaga (BY)

Is there a casting here?

So I'm first.


Yes... The applicant is so-so.

I obey fate

I'll hold a competition with you,

I will find the best heroes.

Well, introduce yourself, say your name,

And brag about your talents.


I'm looking young,

I'm good for a lot of things.

I'll dance soon

Only I need partners.


How many? Two, fifteen, five?


: Two!


Let's start the dance! /BYA, Koschey, Leshy dance


Yeah, the dance is not high class

And she’s not a young girl herself.

Go away, girl,

Take your retinue with you,

Today you are not my hero.


What? How dare you?

You couldn't do it yourself.

I'm not an ordinary girl

After all, I can get angry,

I'll tell my friends

They'll show you! (shows fist, leaves)


That's how grandma came

She intimidated me and left!

Well, okay, no problem,

Next one, come here.

(Mickey and Minnie Mouse run out)


Who are they, what are those ears?


Snowman, listen to us!


My name is Mikkiy Mouse.

Her name is Minnie Mouse.

We came from Washington DC

All Russian people greet and see.

We love all holidays indeed

New Year is the best for me.


You have grandpa Maroz,

I call him Red Nose.

Our Santa boy, he is very smart

Mickey and I have great talent.



No, we don't need mice.

We are celebrating the Year of the Horse.


We're not really sorry:

Let us both say good bye! (leave)

(Malvina and Piero come in immediately)


You haven't been invited yet


We waited outside the door for a long time


Pierrot, don't frown, don't turn around,

Walk with me hand in hand here.

Not like that, calm down, don’t breathe,

Hurry to school with me.


Malvina, let me say a word,

You, my idol, are always ready

And I'm afraid of everything in the world -

And big children are waiting at school.


What, Pierrot, are you afraid of school?

Yes, there are jokes waiting for us there,

Kids these days are wow...


No, I'm like that, I'm okay

I won't be lost with you,

With you I will find myself


Then, my friend, let's go to the people

New Year is coming!


Let's ask them all riddles,

Do they know the answers?

If you solve the riddle,

Then you get a sweet prize


1. Warms in winter, smolders in spring,

It dies in the summer and comes back to life in late autumn. (Snow)

2. What grows upside down when the sun warms up? (Icicle)

3. Let's spin for the New Year

Silent round dance.

Like light fluffs

White ones curl... (snowflakes)

4. Annual bush

Every day a leaf drops.

A year will pass - the whole leaf will fall off! (calendar)

5. One is gray-haired, the other is young.

The third is jumping, and the fourth is crying! (Seasons)

6. It flowed, flowed, and lay under the glass. (Ice and river)

7. The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem. (Ice hole)

8. Don't gem, but it glows. (Ice)

9. The forest has grown - all white,

You can't enter it on foot,

You can't enter on horseback. ( Frosty pattern on the window)

10. White Tikhon was pushed from the sky,

Wherever he runs, he covers it with carpet. (Snow)

11. It’s not fire, but it burns. (Freezing)

12. Walking in the field, but not a horse,

It flies freely, but is not a bird. ((Snowstorm)

13. White geese were flying,

They picked up white fluff. (Clouds and snow)

14. A white blanket lay on the ground,

Summer has come - it's all gone. (snow)


No, guys, not our format!


Snowman, how is that possible?


Which Pierrot is Santa Claus?

You can't look at this grandfather without tears.

Malvina teaches and teaches everyone all the time,

Such a policy will quickly become boring.


I'm tired of all these mysteries

I'd like to get my brain in order,

Is there any music?

Maybe you can give me your player?


I'll calm your nerves,

I’ll set up the synthesizer in a minute,

I'll hit you with something


However, I only have an hour left for the casting,

And soon the holiday will begin at the Christmas tree.


(Harry Potter and Hermione run in)


Harry, don't make me angry

And don't come near me.

This school is not for us

We're rushing to Hogwarts, this very hour.


No, Hermione, wait

I want to help them from the bottom of my heart

You can't leave it on New Year's Day

Without Santa Claus, these people.


No, I say, BE STUPID!

I have no friends here,

Magic is prohibited here

We will receive everything in full.


GO DEaf! And OBLIVIATE at least for a minute, Hermione, (Hermione freezes in a pose)

I shouldn't have contacted you, I should have called Ron.


Don't be afraid, Snowman,

All problems will be solved in an instant,

Santa Claus will be there for the holiday

Everything will work out without threats!

PROTEGO (Hermione comes to life)


What was it? Harry, stop!

My ears are ringing, what's wrong with me?

I don’t recognize you, my friend,

You drove me into a trap.


That's it, Hermione, forget it.

We'll manage somehow.

Get ready for tricks, friends,

After all, you can’t celebrate the New Year without them!


We're best friends together

There is no way we can be denied! (show tricks)


Well, you have miracles,

But guys, you are not an atas.

We need heroes older than you. (Harry and Hermione leave)


How to be? What to do?

Will we be without Santa Claus?

At least I could find the Snow Maiden,

So as not to let the guys down.

(Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf come in)

K. Shapka:

Snowman, were you looking for us?

They say you've waited a long time.

We immediately rushed at the request,

They broke away from grandma.

We will surprise you with dance,

We will conquer everyone with talent!



Well, of course, well done!

We danced from the heart.

We'll think about you.


And the last heroes

Performing on the dance floor.

Come in and be surprised

Replace Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

(Alice and the Hatter come in)


Well, Alice, it's our turn,

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

The people are already tired of waiting


How will we surprise them?

Santa Claus is irreplaceable!

Maybe I could try

I would stay at school for the holiday


You are beautiful, Alice

In this life you are an actress

You can sing, dance, congratulate

Let's run the show together

Give me your hand, dear Alice,

To get spinning in a dance...



The plan failed, snowman,

I thought everything would be decided in a moment,

But I didn’t find any heroes

No one passed the audition.

But I found friends

And she brought with her

We'll fix your brains quickly

Here they are, my artists!

Pirates (song)


However, the new year is coming soon,

All the people are already in sadness,

Should I dress up myself?

Should I wear a Frost costume?


What, sadness gnaws at you,

Bab Yaga will help you,

Just promise me

New Year's loaf.


Whatever you want, I agree.


The world around will be beautiful

I’ll cast a spell, cast a spell, put you on your feet

I will deliver Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to school (BY spins around the broom and casts a spell)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear


You? Are you healthy? I'm so happy,

Congratulations guys...

Father Frost

Hello my friends,

I'm very glad to see you!

Unfortunately, we got sick

But we made it to the holiday.

Snow Maiden

It's finally a holiday at school,

Finally the carnival.

And, believe me, it’s not in vain

Everyone was expecting it!

Father Frost

There will be competitions, jokes,

Awards, prizes.

Disco very soon

He will tell us: “Don’t slow down!”

Snow Maiden

You are tired of studying.

So go ahead! To the masquerade!

Father Frost

But first, Happy New Year

Congratulations to all the guys!

Snow Maiden

On the threshold - New Year,

My head is spinning.

We have to be on time

Do everything, provide,

To celebrate this holiday

No worries and no hassle.

Father Frost

Happy New Year to you -

It’s so nice to congratulate you! -

And we wish you with all our hearts

Don't forget to learn!

Snow Maiden

Smile at you all more often

Live peacefully with teachers.

It's fun to laugh,

Truly be friends!

Father Frost

A happy holiday is ahead

Magical, bright New Year!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment,

When the new year comes!

This congratulation script can be called “What is the New Year?” It is designed for the youngest, for children from 2 to 4 years old. Therefore, it includes fairly simple games and dances.

To celebrate the holiday you will need:

  • Costumes of Father Frost and Snow Maiden;
  • Puppets for puppet theater: hare, bear, boy
  • Cones in a basket;
  • Bell;
  • Phonogram with music:
  • A bag with presents

Progress of the holiday.

Methodically correct, with small children, when the Snow Maiden comes to the house first, she can prepare the kids for the visit of Santa Claus so that the little ones are not afraid.

The Snow Maiden knocks on the door, the child meets her and escorts her to the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: I am a girl, Snow Maiden,

Santa Claus granddaughter,

I live in a bright hut,

I love playing snowballs!

(The Snow Maiden sings her song “All the animals know me...”)

The Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree and admires it.

Snow Maiden: Who decorated such a beautiful Christmas tree? (child's answer). What beautiful toys hang on the branches.

The Snow Maiden takes out the bunny.

Snow Maiden: Oh! Look who jumped up to us? (Bunny). Bunny, how did you end up here?

Bunny: I wanted to know what New Year is all about! I was running through the forest, got lost, and then I saw that the Christmas tree was shimmering with lights, it was nice here, and I decided to take a look, maybe they could tell me what kind of New Year holiday this is?

Snow Maiden: Play with us, Bunny! And we will try to figure out WHAT the New Year IS!

Bunny: I have one very interesting game, repeat everything after me!

(the musical game “The Hare Jumped...” is performed 2-3 times).

The Snow Maiden and the bunny find a basket of pine cones under the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Oh! Look, who here could forget this?

Bunny: Maybe this Gray wolf? Or maybe the Fox was running by? (child prompts)

Snow Maiden: Yes, this bear Toptyzhka left his basket here (takes out the bear cub).

Snow Maiden: Bear! Did you leave the basket here?

Bear: Oh! I left! I looked at the Christmas tree, fell in love, and left it! Let's play with you?

(game - fun "Teddy Bear...")

Bunny: Toptyzhka Bear! Would you happen to tell us what New Year is?

Bear: I think it's the Christmas tree's birthday! Look how dressed she is always at this holiday. Children around dance in circles, sing songs, and prepare treats! Exactly! It's the Christmas tree's birthday! I also have some treats in my basket – look at the pine cones! Let's play with them!

I am a bear cub - Mishka!

He brought pine cones from the forest,

There are so many of them, a lot (the bear scatters the cones on the floor)

Bring it to my den!

(to cheerful music, the child, together with the bunny, collects the cones back into the basket) The game is repeated 2-3 times. After the game, the bear falls asleep under the tree.

Snow Maiden: Look! Played with us and fell asleep! Let's wake up Mishka!

The musical game “The Bear is Sleeping” is being held

Along the path, along the path

We will approach the den,

We will clap our hands

And let's wait a little! (everyone claps their hands, the bear wakes up and catches up with the child).

The game is repeated 3 times.

Bear: Oh! How I want to sleep! I usually sleep in winter! I’ll go to my den, otherwise I need to sleep until the new year! (the bear leaves)

Bunny: Bear said that he needs to get some sleep before the new year! So, New Year is not the Christmas tree’s birthday?! What is New Year?

Snow Maiden: Look, someone else is hiding under the tree!

(they find a boy named New Year)

Snow Maiden: Who are you?

Boy: My name is New Year! I heard that everyone was waiting for me.

Bunny: So the new year is YOUR birthday!

N.G.: This is the birth of the year. Old year ends, and I come to replace it - New Year!

The Snow Maiden reads the poem “ What is New Year?

N.G.: We completely forgot about Santa Claus! This is the most long-awaited guest at the holiday! But it’s so warm here that I’m afraid Santa Claus will melt, he’s used to cold and frost! And let's, while Grandfather Frost is away, let's cool our room, arrange a blizzard, a blizzard and a blizzard. Let's imagine that we are in a winter forest.
(Game “Have you been to the forest in winter?”)

N.G. : I want to give you a magic bell! Call it and it will come to you good wizard Father Frost! And it’s time for me to run to other houses, they’re really waiting for me!

(New Year is leaving)

Snow Maiden: Well, shall we ring the bell? Let's call good grandfather Frost?!

(ring the bell)

Father Frost: I hear, I hear a cheerful ringing! Someone has already been waiting for me!

Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all!

Both big and small,

Nimble and remote!

It’s kind of cold here, it’s not like they allowed snowstorms and blizzards with Snegurochka. Let's warm up!

(Musical game “Warmer”. All movements are repeated in accordance with the words of the song)

D.M.: Well? Is everyone warm? Well done, you danced great! Snow Maiden, let's dance some more? Do you know the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”? Well, quickly get up in the circle and start singing our round dance!

(Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

D.M.: I walked towards you through forests and fields, I saw many different trees, bushes, SUCH Christmas trees and SUCH stumps growing. Let's now check how attentive you are. When you hear “Christmas trees,” you raise your hands up, and when you hear “Stumps,” you squat down. Let's rehearse... And now to the music!!!

(Musical game for acceleration “Fir-trees-stumps”)

After the game, Santa Claus pretends to fall asleep.

Snow Maiden: Oh! Look, Santa Claus played with us and fell asleep! Let's wake him up!

(The Snow Maiden quietly brings the child to Santa Claus, and they begin to clap their hands and stomp their feet. Santa Claus wakes up and tries to catch up with everyone who woke him up)

(The game “Santa Claus is sleeping” is repeated 2 – 3 times).

D.M.: Oh! I'm tired, tired! Where should I sit? Have you prepared poems for me? Read the poem - make your grandfather happy!

(Child reads poetry)

D.M.: What a great fellow you are! Such beautiful poem learned! It’s not for nothing that I came to this house! I'm not empty-handed either! I brought gifts!

(Santa Claus gives gifts)

D.M. : We’re overstaying our welcome here, granddaughter! It's time for us to go to other guys and give the rest of the gifts!

New Year's Eve primary school. Scenario

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in elementary school.

Suslova Natalya Viktorovna teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description of material: The material will be of interest to primary school teachers and organizers of extracurricular activities.
Target: creating conditions for children’s emotional relaxation.
Tasks:- create a festive and friendly atmosphere;
- develop the creativity and imagination of children;
- contribute to the unity of the children's team;
- contribute to the preservation and enhancement of class traditions.
Father Frost,
Snow Maiden,

Father Frost: It’s not in vain that we rushed to you...
To congratulate you, friends!
To your holiday tree
We came from afar.
Snow Maiden: The two of us walked for quite a long time
Through the ice, through the snow.
All the days passed without knowing laziness,
We didn't go astray.
Father Frost: Then they sat on deer...
Then - in a minibus.
We were in villages, cities,
We visited schools and kindergartens.
We congratulated each other
Happy New Year to all the guys.
Snow Maiden: Our journey ends here,
And we are together
This Glorious New Year
Let's meet with honor.
Father Frost: In honor of this event
We are the beauty of the forest
Let's say two magic words.
Repeat them after me!
May it be on Christmas trees all over the world
The lights will sparkle!
Let's say together, three - four:
"Shine Christmas tree!" (Lights up Christmas tree)
Snow Maiden: Let's celebrate the New Year, friends.
We can't live without a song,
Now we’ll sing about the Christmas tree,
And we'll go around it.
Father Frost: Come, honest people!
The Christmas tree is calling us to itself.
Join the round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year with songs!
(Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest!” Round dance)
Snow Maiden: Do you know how this song is sung in Africa?
"A palm tree was born in the jungle,
She grew up in the jungle.

With coconuts and mangas
There was that palm tree.
- The macaque is very nimble
Sits on a palm tree.
Sometimes a lion, a hungry lion
He will skip and run..."
Father Frost: May this New Year
Will bring a lot of happiness!
Come on, give me the answer
Aren't you bored here, kids? ( NO!!!)
- I love someone who is cheerful.
I'm Grandfather Frost!
If someone hangs his nose,
Let him raise his nose higher!
- I want to wish you
May everything go smoothly this year.
And also guess
You need two or three riddles.
(They make riddles)
Father Frost: You sang songs, you danced,
And the riddles were solved
But the gifts are out of the bag
Not dismantled yet.
They are waiting for gifts - they can’t wait
New Year's poem!
(Poetry competition)
Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is tired of standing
He wants to “do a Russian dance.”
(Dance "Barynya")
Snow Maiden: In memory of us and the holiday,
So that the meeting will be remembered for a long time,
We offer you girls,
We offer you boys
Sit on chairs and sofas,
Perpetuate this moment with a photograph!
(Taking pictures)
Father Frost: Now it's time to part,
But don't be upset!
You will meet us again
More surprises await you!
Snow Maiden: In the meantime, have fun,
Music and laughter flow,
Happy New Year! Happy New Century!
Happy century of joyful miracles!

Children's New Year's ditties
I got up early today.
I immediately ran to the tree.
Thank you, Santa Claus,
What gifts did he bring me?
I sit on the sled
I'm boldly rolling down the hill,
Let it be white from the snow,
But how brave!
Grandma made me a suit
Little white bunny,
I forgot to give you carrots
To a little boy.
Happy New Year,
New Year's greetings!
I wish mom and dad
May they live to be a hundred years old!
IN kindergarten mine
We'll go to the matinee
And for Santa Claus
Let's sing a song together.
Near the house, by the skating rink
I made a snowman
Made a nose out of a carrot
It turned out to be Santa Claus.
Dad put me on a suit
I didn’t have time to look back -
I'm hanging from the ceiling.
Mom and I decorated the Christmas tree,
And the flashlights were turned on.
There will be my Christmas tree
The most beautiful!
Oh! Winter, winter, winter!
Dressed up the house in snow,
And she didn’t forget me -
She gave me a fur coat and a hat!
Oh! Winter, winter, winter!
You do everything yourself
And you freeze and sweep,
You won't get tired until spring!
Eh! Mistress-winter!
Brought a Christmas tree for a visit,
She ordered me to decorate it,
But she didn’t give me a gift!
Oh! Winter has tormented me!
Life is a complete mess:
Either frost or ice,
It's a happy New Year!
Oh! Winter, winter, winter!
Brought a lot of snow
And now Frost is calling,
May he pinch our cheeks and nose!
Winter beauty
She's not the only one visiting!
Always leads
Best holiday New Year!

"Novotimofeevskaya Secondary School" is a structural subdivision of the MKOU "Vorontsovskaya Secondary School"

The Adventures of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Matinee script for junior schoolchildren

Compiled by Svetlana Nikolaevna Kirillova, primary school teacher


  • Leading
  • Santa Claus, aka Old Man
  • Snow Maiden, aka Old Woman
  • Little Red Riding Hood
Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys and guests of our holiday. We are very pleased to meet you again in this cozy, beautiful room.

Someone's crying is heard behind the tree. The presenter falls silent in surprise.

Leading. Guys, do you hear crying, or did I hear it?

The leader goes behind the tree and comes out with the Old Man and the Old Woman.

Leading. Hello. Who are you and what are you doing here?

Old man. We are Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Leading. So we believed you. Guys, do you believe that this is D.M. and Snow Maiden?

Children. No.

Leading. And I don't believe it.

Old woman. Nobody believes us. We have already been to several Christmas trees, and they kicked us out

Old man. But if you believe us, then make sure that we are not deceiving you. We have been bewitched by an evil witch. She doesn't want the children to have fun and takes away the bag of gifts.

Old woman. And she turned us into an old man and an old woman. And we don't know how we can become the same again. (they cry even louder)

Little Red Riding Hood runs out.

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello. You haven't seen an old man with an old woman. Yes, here they are! Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, don’t cry. I know how to help you. I was going to my grandmother and accidentally overheard a conversation between the Witch and the Leshy. The witch said that you will become the same if the children believe that you are really Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and they will go through the tests with you.

Leading. Guys, should we believe the old man and the old woman?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Shall we help them pass the tests?

Children. Yes!

Leading. What tests do you not know, Little Red Riding Hood?

Little Red Riding Hood. Unfortunately, I only heard the first task. Let's start with him. Maybe it will help us where to move next. The witch said that 5 identical snowballs were hidden somewhere in the hall. We need to break them apart. I didn’t hear what would happen next.

Leading. Guys, let's carefully examine our hall and try to find snowballs.

Snowballs lie in prominent places in the hall. Children find them.

Leading. So, we need 5 people who want to see what is hidden in the snowballs.

At the leader's command, children break snowballs made from napkins. Four snowballs contain small prizes (chewing gum, candy, souvenir), and one contains a container for a Kinder Surprise egg. It contains the second task.

Leading. Let's read what needs to be done next. “You have not one Christmas tree in your hall, but two. The second task is hidden under the second tree.” Guys, what object in our room looks like a Christmas tree?

Children. Cactus.

Leading. Let's take a look under it.

He takes out an envelope from there. Opens it, there are 5 inflatable balls and the text of the second task (inside each ball paper straw. Prize words are written on four sheets of paper, and the 3rd task is written on the fifth)

Leading. (reads the task) Whoever will be the first to inflate the balloon until it bursts will win the prize. One ball contains the next test.

Children complete the task. One ball contains the next task.

Leading. (reads the task) Guess the riddles. Make a word from the first letters of the clue words. The next task is located in that place. So, we guess, and Little Red Riding Hood and the old people will help choose the first letters of the guess words.

Dressed in a snow coat,
Either a woman or a grandfather!
Nose is a carrot, hands are sticks,
And a hairstyle made from a washcloth.. (snowman)

From whom, my friends,
Is there no way to escape?
Obsessively on a clear day
Walking next to us... (shadow)

What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn’t sew anything herself,
And in needles all year round? (spruce)

If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the Christmas tree goes into the house,
What kind of holiday? ...(New Year)

He's big, like a football
If it's ripe, everyone is happy.
It tastes so good!
What kind of ball is this? .. (watermelon)

Leading. Now let's make a word from letters (wall). Take a close look at the walls. Is there any letter there?

Children find a letter that is attached to one of the New Year's posters and give it to the presenter.

Leading. (is reading)“You, brave and resourceful guys, have made it to this task. And I think that you have already run out of patience to free Santa Claus and Snow Maiden from my spells. Do you have enough strength to sing a cheerful song, so that everyone in our dense forest can hear it? And if you sing quietly, you will not see either Father Frost, or the Snow Maiden, or gifts.” Well, guys, let's show the evil witch how we sing together?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Get up in a round dance and sing the song “In the New Year’s Forest” loudly and cheerfully.

The song “In the New Year's Forest” is performed

In the New Year's forest
New Year's stars hung on Merry Christmas tree,
And the bear is cheerful today and the wolves are dancing
Again Santa Claus walks through the forest apartments,
He treats you to lollipops and creamy ice cream.
Squirrels dance, hares dance,
The forest people are very happy
New Year!

And the Snow Maiden brought funny things to the Christmas tree,
And the white snowflakes dance the polka with her,
It’s good for friends to spin and sing on a hill,
And then go study only for straight A’s!
Squirrels dance, hares dance,
The forest people are very happy
Greet with song, meet with dance
New Year!

While the song is being performed, the old man and the old woman quietly leave to change into the costumes of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. The music has ended. Everyone discovers that the old people have disappeared.

Leading. Where are our old people? Did we really sing the song badly? Guys, did we sing together?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Did we sing loudly?

Children. Yes!

Leading. So what's the deal? What's happened? Guys, let's call Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Maybe they will hear us and return to the hall. And we will help them free themselves from witch spells. Let's shout together: “Father Frost and Snow Maiden, where are you? Come to us! (shout 3 times)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

Father Frost. Hello, dear children. Thank you very much for freeing us from the witchcraft of the evil witch.
Snow Maiden. Hello guys, Little Red Riding Hood and guests. If it were not for you, all the children on the globe would be left without a holiday and gifts. Thank you! (bows)

Father Frost. You helped us become the same. And Snegurochka and I will sing for you a comic song from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute.”

The song from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute” is performed.
Tell me, Snow Maiden
music G. Gladkova lyrics by Yu. Entin

Tell me, Snow Maiden,
Where were you?
Tell me, honey,
How are you?
- I was running after you, Santa Claus,
I've spilled a lot
Bitter tears.

- No, Santa Claus, wait!

You, my dear, forgive me,
And your love for me
- How can I not love you?
Dear grandfather?!
- How many winters have been spent?
How many years!

Come on, come on, come out and dance!
- No, Santa Claus, wait!

Waiting for my gifts
And you will get it
From me!
- Finally, they come true
All dreams.
My best gift is you!

Come on, come on, come out and dance!
- No, Santa Claus, wait!

Father Frost. Well, let's kids play? The game is called "I'll Freeze". Stand in a circle and watch out. Now I will freeze your noses, and you hide them. Now the ears. And now the pens. Well done.
Snow Maiden. Somehow the Christmas tree got bored. And the lights on it don’t burn. Let's light the Christmas tree, guys. Let's say: “One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!”

The children are screaming. The Christmas tree lights up.

Father Frost. Now let’s get into a round dance and sing a song.

A song is being performed. New Year's round dance

words by N. Solovyova, music by G. Struve

White - white,
In December - in December,
Christmas trees - Christmas trees,
In the yard - in the yard.
Spinning, spinning,
And he sings, and he sings,
Festive, festive
Round dance, round dance.
Spinning, spinning,
And he sings, and he sings,
Festive, festive,
Round dance, round dance.
Slippery - slippery,
In December - in December,
Hills - hills,
In the yard - in the yard.
Spinning, spinning,
And he sings, and he sings,
Festive, festive,
Round dance, round dance.
Spinning, spinning,
And he sings, and he sings,
Festive, festive,
Round dance, round dance.
Voiced - voiced,
In December - in December,
Songs - songs,
In the yard - in the yard.
Spinning, spinning,
And he sings, and he sings,
Festive, festive,
Round dance, round dance.
Spinning, spinning,
And he sings, and he sings,
Festive, festive,
Round dance, round dance.

Snow Maiden. We've cheered up the Christmas tree, now let's dress it up.

Leading. She's already so elegant.

Snow Maiden. And we will decorate other Christmas trees. Who wants to be a Christmas tree, come out. (Two Christmas trees come out, unbreakable toys and clothespins are placed next to them.) We need two more players. Who can decorate their Christmas tree the fastest?

Game “Dress up the Christmas tree”

Father Frost. Oh, I'm a little tired. Give me, granddaughter, a chair. I'll rest a little and listen to the kids. Guys, will you tell old man Santa Claus some poetry?

Children recite poems.

Leading. Well, did grandpa have a rest? Now play with the kids. They helped you in difficult times.

Father Frost. Guys, aren't you tired yet? Will you play with the old man?

Children. Yes.

  1. Game “Build a snowman” (invite 2 players, you need to put a bucket (of mayonnaise) on him, attach a nose, tie a scarf, give him a broom (broom))
  2. Game “Water Carriers” (use children’s trucks to transport water in glasses from one end of the hall to the other, whoever spills the least amount of water)
  3. Game “Bell” (there is a bell on a chair, two players simultaneously run in different directions around the Christmas tree, whoever rings the bell first)
Father Frost. Well, kids, I'm playing with you. But other kids are waiting for me.

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, have you forgotten anything? Shouldn't you give the kids anything? Guys, what did Grandfather Frost forget about?

Children. About gifts.

Father Frost. Oh, I'm an old fool. Completely out of my mind. Where is my bag of gifts?

Snow Maiden. You hid it yourself.

Father Frost. And I don’t remember where I hid it. I remember that I gave it to some girl. I forgot what her name is.

Snow Maiden. I think I know this girl. Do you guys recognize her?

Listen to the riddle:

The grandmother loved her granddaughter very much,
I gave her a red riding hood.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me, what was her name?

Children. Little Red Riding Hood.

Father Frost. Yes, yes, Little Red Riding Hood. Thanks kids. Where is she?

Little Red Riding Hood. And here I am, carrying a bag of gifts.

Father Frost. Thank you, Little Red Riding Hood, for saving the bag and helping us get rid of the witch’s curses. Here's a gift for you. Well, guys, run up and get your gifts.

Santa Claus gives out gifts, Snow Maiden helps.

Father Frost. Well, now it seems like I haven’t forgotten anything. We had fun with you. I think you didn’t get bored with us either. Goodbye.
Snow Maiden. See you again next year.

Sources used

Municipal state-financed organization additional education Children's Center for Extracurricular Activities "Winged" Samara

New Year's scenario

"Hello Snow Maiden and Grandfather Frost"

methodologist, additional education teacher

Samara, 2014

To the music, children enter the disco hall and stand in a semicircle.

New Year's fanfare sounds.


Here comes the New Year!

Snow is blowing outside the window

People celebrate holidays

And they receive gifts!

We are with you today

Let's make the gifts ourselves!

We will sing and dance.

Let's light the Christmas tree

So let the New Year come.

This is how honest people are waiting for him.

What is New Year?

This is a friendly round dance!

Children hold hands

Banishing sadness and boredom,

Inviting jokes, laughter,

The round dance is now for everyone.

Children stand up in a round dance, inviting their parents and sing a song:

    "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".


Babies and mothers too

We are glad to see you all here!

It’s not in vain that we gathered here today

After all, we are celebrating the New Year, friends!

Do you know what year it is to visit us?

The children answer.


Guys, what time of year has it arrived for us?

The children answer. Winter!


That's right Winter.

2. “Winter winter, oh so good.”


Now let's see what amazing events happen in the winter forest the day before New Year's holiday In the forest clearing there are centuries-old spruce trees, white snowstorms have swept the paths. The Snow Maiden lives in a house made of ice floes. The snow creaked barely audibly...Shhh! Someone is coming here.

The Snow Maiden comes out to the music.

Snow Maiden:

Oh, today will be the day

Santa Claus will arrive now.

He's on this tree here

Three hundred light bulbs will light,

Santa Claus in a large park-

Barely brings you gifts

I wouldn't have spilled it, I'd have reported it.

He is a strong Santa Claus.

And the gifts say

He gives it to everyone!

I'll be at the door in a minute

Suddenly Santa Claus is knocking on our door!

(Snow Maiden leaves).

(Music like Baba Yaga flies).

Baba Yaga:

I heard that Santa Claus gives gifts to everyone. He got a lot of gifts. Come on, sweet candies. I wish I could eat at least once a year, otherwise Ivanushek and Alyonushek have broken all my teeth. We need to come up with something so that they give me a gift too. Oh old, what can I steal from thinking? And the kids will be left without candy.

Baba Yaga is thinking.

Baba Yaga: Ugh! It won't be possible to steal. They always catch me and then teach me, educate me! And there are many witnesses. They will immediately run to the police.

Will you run to complain?


Wow! Sneaters!

I came up with an idea!

(Gloomy music sounds: Baba Yaga sweeps and sentences)

I cover my tracks

I knock down passers-by

Passersby disappear

They fall asleep on the benches

It's time, it's time to steal gifts.

(Baba Yaga leaves in a circle).

Snow Maiden:

No more guests to be seen

What happened here? Who was there?

Children talk about Baba Yaga's plan)

Snow Maiden:

It's too early to give up, kids!

He is a strong Santa Claus.

3. "Santa Claus."

(Santa Claus enters to the music).

Father Frost:

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all guests

I wish you success, health and strength.

Guys, I was in a hurry to get here!

Almost fell into a snowdrift on the way

But it seems I came to visit on time!

I visited you guys a year ago.

I'm very happy to see everyone guys.

Snow Maiden:

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Are you probably tired Grandpa?

Father Frost:

I trampled my heels. Well, I’ll sit down and sit.

Snow Maiden:

Let's tell them riddles

I'll see who answers

Christmas tree (game)

There is one game for you:

I'll start the poem now.

I'll start, you finish!

Answer in unison.

It's snowing outside,

Holiday is coming soon...

- New Year!

The needles glow softly,

The pine spirit is coming...

- From the Christmas tree!

The branches rustle faintly,

The beads are bright...

- Shine !

And the toys swing -

Flags, stars,...

- Firecrackers!

Threads of colorful tinsel,


- Balls!

Fragile fish figures,

Birds, skiers,...

- Snow Maidens!

Whitebeard and Rednose

Under the branches...

- Father Frost!

And, decorating the top,

It shines there, as always,

Very bright, big,


- Star!

Well, the Christmas tree is simply marvelous!

How elegant, how...

- Beautiful!

Here the lights are lit on her,

Hundreds of tiny...

- Lights!

The doors are wide open, just like in a fairy tale,

The round dance rushes into...

- Dance!

And over this round dance

Talk, songs, loud laughter...

Congratulations on...

New Year!

With new happiness at once...

- Everyone!

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, guys, well done, let's get some candy out of your bag.

Santa Claus:

Oh, where's my bag?

Baba Yaga:

He comes in singing LA-LA-LA!, I have a bag of candies!

Father Frost:

Oh, how could I

Forget your bag on the way

Give it back to Baba Yaga kindly, otherwise I’ll freeze you now.

(Points the staff at Baba Yaga).

Snow Maiden:

Wait, Santa Claus!

Baba Yaga: Okay, I'll give it back, just don't let it freeze!

(Gives the bag to Santa Claus)

Baba Yaga asks for forgiveness and asks to stay at the holiday

Snow Maiden:

Stay and don’t take any more candy from the children!

Father Frost:

Guys, why isn’t your Christmas tree lit?

Well, let's all say one, two together. three Christmas trees are on fire!

(They turn on the Christmas tree).

4. “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”

Game: “I’ll freeze.”

Baba Yaga:.

New Year's poems,

Let's listen to everyone from the bottom of our hearts!!!

Children recite poems and receive gifts.