Health Pregnancy beauty

An entertainment scenario will help the bunny be healthy. Outdoor game “The gray bunny is washing his face” The gray bunny is washing his face

p/i "Let's go visit"

Target:Cultivate attentiveness and orientation.

Progress of the game:The teacher approaches the first group of children and invites them to get up and go “visiting” with her. Approaching the second group of children, the kids say hello and show their palms. To the words: “It’s raining!” - children run to their “houses” and take any places.

p/n “Run to me”

Target:To develop the ability of children to act on a signal from the teacher, to run in a forward direction simultaneously as a whole group.

Progress of the game:The teacher invites the children to stand on one side of the hall. So, so as not to disturb each other, he goes to the opposite side of the hall and says: “The puddles have dried up, run to me, everyone run!” The children run, the teacher greets them warmly with his arms wide open. When the kids gather, the teacher goes to the other side of the hall and again says: “Run to me!”

p/i "The Cat and the Sparrows"

Target:Develop speed and agility.

Progress of the game:“Cat” is located on one side of the hall (platform), and children – “Sparrows” - on the other.

Children - “sparrows” approach the “cat” together with the teacher, who says:

Kitty, kitten, skating rink,

Kitty has a little black tail,

He's lying on a log

Pretended to be asleep.

To the words “As if he’s sleeping,” the “cat” exclaims: “Meow!” - and begins to catch the “sparrows” who run away from him to their house (beyond the line).

p/i “Quickly to the house”

Target:Strengthen the technique of jumping from a hill.

Progress of the game:Children are located in a “house” (on a gymnastic bench or chairs). The teacher invites them to go to the meadow - admire the flowers, look at the butterflies - walk randomly, in different directions. To the signal: “Hurry to the house, it’s raining!” - kids run to take a place in the “house” (any place).

p/i "Birds to Nests"

Target:Cultivate attention and dexterity.

Progress of the game:At different ends of the site or teams make 3-4 nests (using slats or building material). “Birds” (children) are placed in nests.

At a signal, they fly out of the nest (step over an obstacle) and scatter throughout the area. The teacher feeds the birds one at a time. Then on the other side of the playground: children squat down, hitting their knees with their fingertips (pecking at food). They run around a little more, and then the teacher says: “Birds, go to their nests!” The children run and step over their nests again.

p/i "Catch the ball"

Target:Teach children not to huddle together, but to run around the entire playground.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children a basket with balls. Children stand along one side of the playground. The teacher throws balls (according to the number of children) from the basket. Children run after the balls, each take one ball and bring it to the teacher, putting it in a basket. The game repeats itself.

p/i "A clever driver"

Target:To develop in children the ability to perform movements according to a signal, to practice running in different directions.

Progress of the game:Children are located randomly throughout the hall, each child has a steering wheel (hoop) in his hands. At the teacher’s signal: “Let’s go!” - children - “cars” drive around the entire hall in different directions, trying not to interfere with each other. If the teacher raises a red flag, then all cars stop. If it is green, it continues to move.

p/i “Grey bunny washes himself”

Target:Teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text.

Progress of the game:Children stand in a semicircle in front of the teacher and all say together:

The gray bunny washes himself,

Apparently he's going to visit.

I washed my nose, I washed my tail,

I washed my ear and wiped it dry.

In accordance with the text of the poem, the children perform movements, jump on two legs, moving forward - “they are heading for a visit.”

p/i "Shaggy Dog"

Purpose of the game:Teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement.

Progress of the game:One of the children portrays a dog; he lies down on the rug, resting his head on his outstretched hands. The rest of the children quietly approach him and say:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

With your nose buried in your paws,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And we'll see if something happens.

The dog jumps up and starts barking. The children run away. The dog is chasing him.

p/i "Mice in the Pantry"

Target:Secure climbing under objects.

Progress of the game:Children – “mice” – sit in “holes” - on benches placed along one wall of the hall. On the opposite side of the room there is a rope stretched at a height of 50 cm from the floor level, behind it there is a “storage room”

The teacher, the “cat,” sits next to the players. The “cat” falls asleep, and the “mice” run into the pantry. Entering the pantry, they bend down so as not to touch the rope. There they squat down and “gnaw crackers.” The “cat” wakes up, meows and runs after the “mice”. They run away into the “holes” (the cat does not catch mice, but only pretends to want to catch them). The game resumes. After some time, when the game is repeated, the role of the cat can be played by the most prepared child.

m/n "Let's find a bunny"


Progress of the game:

p/i “On a level path”

Target:To develop in children the ability to move rhythmically, coordinate movements with words, and find their place. Practice walking, running, jumping.

Progress of the game:The teacher brings the children into a circle and invites them to play. Reads a poem:

On a smooth path,

On a flat path

Our feet are walking:

One, two, one, two,

By pebbles, by pebbles…………

Into the pit - bang!

Children perform walking, and in response to the words “over the pebbles, on the pebbles” they jump on two legs, moving forward slightly, and in response to the words “into the hole - bang!” squat down. “We got out of the hole,” says the teacher, and the children rise. The game repeats itself. In order to prolong one or another type of movement of children, the teacher can repeat each line of the poem several times.

p/i “Catch a mosquito”

Target:Improve speed and strength abilities.

Progress of the game:The players stand in a circle with their arms raised to the sides. The teacher is in the center of the circle and rotates a stick with a long rope at a distance of approximately 120 cm from the floor in both directions, to the end of which a mosquito (cut out of cardboard) is attached. As the mosquito approaches, children jump up on two legs, trying to touch (catch) the mosquito.

p/i "Kite and Chicks"

Target:Improve reaction speed, develop coordination of motor actions.

Progress of the game:Children - “chicks” sit in “nests” (on a gymnastic bench or chairs). The leader, the “kite,” is located on a tree (chair) at some distance from them. The teacher invites the “chicks” to fly and peck the grains. Children walk loosely without touching each other, then run. At the signal “Kite!” - the “chicks” quickly return to their “nests” (you can occupy any free space), and the “Kite” tries to catch one of them.

m/n "Let's find a chick"

Target:Rest after physical activity.

Progress of the game:The players close their eyes, and the teacher hides the bunny on the playground. At the signal, the children open their eyes, calmly walk around the playground and look for the bunny. The one who found it picks it up, the game repeats again.

Svetlana Sukhorukova
Outdoor game “The little gray bunny is sitting” for children 3–4 years old

Program content.

Educational: learn children listen to text game, accompany it with appropriate movements.


Development of the need for motor activity.

Promote the accumulation of motor experience.

Formation of the need to actively participate in joint outdoor games and exercises.

Educational: education of courage, interest in outdoor games.

Material: wonderful bag, bunny mask, tambourine.

Educator: Oh, guys, there’s still something in our bag. Can I get it from wonderful bag toy He gets the hare. The bunny wants to go with you play, he brought you rabbit hats.

Right – jump

To the left - jump and rub your ears

We're not guys anymore

We are bunnies now.

Well, everyone sat down together,

Look at each other!

And they clapped their hands

Clap and clap, clap and clap

What do rabbits have on top of their heads?

The ears are dancing merrily

One jump, two jumps

Everyone galloped into the woods

(G. Utrobik)

Children, now we will choose a bunny and let's play a game« Gray bunny sitting» .

Children stand in a circle and, together with the teacher, recite poems, making movements that illustrate the text.

Gray bunny sitting,

He wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

Moves his ears (from words "Like this" and until the end of the quatrain, the children move their hands, raising them to their heads).

It's cold for the bunny to sit,

I need to warm my paws

Clap, clap, clap, clap

I need to warm my paws

It's cold for the bunny to stand,

Necessary bunny to jump,

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

Necessary bunny to jump.

Somebody scared the bunny,

The bunny jumped and ran away.

(the teacher claps his hands and the children scatter to their own "home")

Children, our bunny was invited to visit. "Bunny" takes place in middle of the circle. Children speak together with the teacher.

« Gray bunny washes his face,

Apparently he's going to visit

Washed my nose

Washed my tail

I washed my ear

Wiped it dry.

The bunny jumps on two legs and runs away, the children say goodbye. The lesson ends.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: To reinforce the names of trees with children, to teach them to distinguish leaves by shape and color, to develop motor activity children, teach.

Abstract complex lesson to get to know the environment and unconventional drawing in the 2nd ml. group Topic: “Little gray bunny, little bunny.

Summary of GCD in the middle group. Drawing with elements of the applique “The gray bunny has become white” Goal: Develop imagination and thinking by modifying the image of a bunny. Objectives: -Cultivate interest in knowledge of nature and reflection.

Consultation for teachers “Outdoor play as an important means of development for children” Goal: to expand and deepen teachers’ knowledge on the topic “Outdoor play as an important means of developing children’s DA preschool age" Relevance.

Work plan for self-education “Outdoor play as a means of developing basic movements in young children” Explanatory note. Quite often you hear the expression “Movement is life.” What is this – movement – ​​for a small child?

Outdoor game for children 3–4 years old “Colored palms” Goal: Develop observation skills. Teach children to act on the teacher’s signal. Tasks: Fix the primary colors. Develop reaction speed.

Outdoor game for children of the middle group “Kolobochek” Goal: to train children in running in all directions between objects, without bumping into each other, quickly orienting themselves in space. Develop skill.

Rice. 8

Game exercise "Crawl through - don't hit me." Medicine balls (4–5 pieces each) are laid out on the floor in two lines at a distance of 1.5 m from each other. Children in two columns crawl between the balls on all fours with support on their palms and knees (“snake”). They get up, approach the hoop - step into the hoop and clap their hands above their head. To repeat the exercise, children go around the balls from the outside. Outdoor game "The gray bunny washes itself." Children stand in a semicircle in front of the teacher and all say together:

The gray bunny washes himself,

The bunny is going to visit.

I washed my nose, I washed my tail,

I washed my ear and dried it.

In accordance with the text of the poem, the children perform movements, jump on two legs, moving forward - “they are heading for a visit.”

Part 3. Game "Let's find a bunny."

Lesson 8

Tasks. Exercise children in walking and running in a circle, turning in the other direction at the teacher’s signal; develop coordination of movements when crawling on all fours and balance exercises.

Part 1. Walking in a column, one at a time, in a circle, turning in the other direction at the teacher’s signal; running in a circle also with a turn. Walking and running are carried out in alternation, the pace of the exercise is moderate.

Part 2. General developmental exercises on chairs.

1. I. p. - sitting on a chair, legs slightly apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, to the shoulders; to the sides and to the starting position (4–5 times).

2. I. p. - sitting on a chair, legs apart, hands on the belt. Hands to the side; tilt towards the right (left) leg, touch the toe of the leg: straighten up, arms to the sides, return to the starting position (3 times in each direction).

3. I. p. – sitting on a chair, hands on the belt. Arms to the sides, tilt to the right (left), straighten up; return to the starting position (3 times in each direction).

4. I. p. - standing behind the back of a chair, arms freely. Jumping on two legs around a chair in both directions (short pause between series of jumps).

Main types of movements.

Crawling "Crocodiles". Climbing under the cord (height - 50 cm from the floor line) (Fig. 9). A stand with a cord (chairs can be placed instead of a stand) is placed so that all children can participate in the exercise. The start line is located at a distance of 1.5 m from the cord. The "crocodile" children must overcome an obstacle to get to their home (in the river). At the starting line, children stand on all fours with support on their palms and knees and crawl under the cord, trying not to touch it. Then they rise and clap their hands above their heads. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

Equilibrium "Run - don't hurt." Walking and running between objects (5–6 pieces), placed in one line at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Children stand in two columns and, after demonstration and explanation by the teacher, perform an exercise: walking between objects, then running. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

Outdoor game "The Cat and the Sparrows".

Part 3. Walking in a column, one at a time, behind the most dexterous "cat".

Material to repeat

1st week. Game exercises “Mice”, “Chicks” (cord height – 50–40 cm); with the ball - roll the ball to the pin (to the cube). Outdoor games “My funny ringing ball”, “Catch a mosquito”, “Run to me”, etc.

Rice. 9

2nd week. Game exercises “Let's walk along the bridge”, “Let's run along the path” (walking and running between two lines), “Let's jump like bunnies (like balls)”. Outdoor games “Train”, “Cat and Sparrows”, “Find your house”.

3rd week. Game exercises: jumping - “let’s jump over the groove”; (jumping over a cord placed on the floor or ground); with the ball – “Get to the pin”, “Whose ball is next!”. Outdoor games "Train", "Let's find a toy".

4th week. Game exercises with a ball - rolling balls to each other, “Roll the ball along the path.” Jumping forward. Outdoor games “Catch a mosquito”, “Catch the ball”, “On the bridge”, “Hen and chickens”.


Lesson 9

Tasks. Exercise children in balance when walking on a limited area of ​​support, in landing on bent legs when jumping.

Part 1. Game building "Funny Mice". Walking in a column one at a time. At the teacher’s signal: “Mice!” – children begin to walk on their toes in short, mincing steps, with their hands on their belts. On the signal: "Butterflies!" - to run. Walking and running are carried out in alternation.

Part 2. General developmental exercises with ribbons.

1. I. p. - legs at the width of the foot, ribbons in the lowered hands. Raise the ribbons up, wave them, lower them; return to the starting position (4-5 times).

2. I. p. - legs at the width of the foot, ribbons in both hands at the shoulders. Sit down and tap your chopsticks on the floor. Rise, return to starting position (4 times).

3. I. p. – stand with feet shoulder-width apart, ribbons at the shoulders. Turn right (left), right hand right left). Straighten up and return to the starting position (3 times in each direction).

4. I. p. - legs at the width of the foot, ribbons below. Swing the ribbons to the sides, lower them, return to the starting position (5 times).

Main types of movements.

Balance "Into the forest along the path." Two boards (width 25 cm, length 2–3 m) are laid parallel to each other on the floor - “paths to the forest.” Walk at a moderate pace along one path, then along a second, balancing with your arms to maintain balance.

Jumping "Bunnies are soft little paws." Children-"bunnies" stand in one line. The teacher invites the “bunnies” to jump on soft paws to the edge of the forest. At the teacher’s signal, children jump on two legs and move to the edge of the forest (distance 3–4 m). The children walk back to the starting line.

Outdoor game "A clever driver".

Part 3. Game "Let's find the bunny."

Lesson 10

Tasks. Practice walking in a column one at a time while completing tasks; when jumping from hoop to hoop, learn to land on bent legs; practice rolling the ball to each other, developing coordination and eye control.

Part 1. Walking in a column one at a time with high knees, wide free steps; hands on the belt - “horses”. Run, arms to the sides - “dragonflies”. Walking and running in alternation. To perform general developmental exercises with a hoop, the teacher helps the children form the letter “P”.

Part 2. General developmental exercises with a hoop.

1. I. p. - legs at the width of the foot, hoop in both hands on the shoulders - “collar”. Raise the hoop up, arms straight, look into the hoop; lower it, return to the starting position (5 times).

2. I. p. - standing in a hoop, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Sit down, take the hoop with both hands (grip from the sides), straighten up, raise the hoop to your waist. Sit down, put the hoop on the floor, stand up, put your hands behind your back (4-5 times) (Fig. 10).

3. I. p. - sitting, legs apart, hoop in both hands near the chest. Bend over, touch the floor with the rim of the hoop, straighten up, return to the starting position (5 times).


Target: development of general and fine motor skills hands through different kinds activities.

Program content:

1) develop auditory attention and phonemic perception of children;

2) teach children to correlate the words of the poem with movements;

3) improve general motor skills and motor functions of the hands;

5) develop a sense of tempo and rhythm;

6) enrich your vocabulary.

Types of children's activities: gaming, motor, communication.

Equipment: toy - bunny, carrots, clothespins.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's smile and say "Hello" to everyone.

Articulation warm-up. Exercise "Lips".

Our sponges are very flexible,

They deftly stretch out their smiles.

And now it's the other way around:

Pressing their lips tightly together, the children stretch them into a smile. (10 - 15 sec.)

Without opening your lips, pull them forward, fixing this position. (10 - 15 sec.)

(Repeat exercise 2-3 times).

Work on the topic of the lesson.

Guys, we have another guest today. Guess who it is.

In a gray fur coat, long ears -

He has good hearing.

You can barely hear the branches crunching,

He immediately hides under a bush.

What a coward, what a coward!

What kind of animal is this? (Bunny).

That's right, guys, Bunny came to visit us today. Oh, where is he? Guys, let's find the bunny. (The bunny sits on a stump under a tree) - Let's say hello to him. (Children greet the bunny in unison.)

(The song “Bunny” plays)

Did you like the Bunny's song? Let's pet him, touch him. Now tell me, what is he like? (White, fluffy).

Let's show the Bunny how we can speak correctly and clearly.

Speech warm-up.

Behind - behind - behind - there is a goat standing on the grass. (quiet)

For - for - for - there is a thunderstorm in the yard now. (loud)

Zu - zu - zu - I’ll take the goat into the barn. (loud)

Ze-ze-ze - the goat is not afraid of a thunderstorm. (quiet)

Game "The gray bunny washes himself."

Now, let's play with Bunny.

All players form a circle. The one chosen by the bunny stands in the middle. Children say:

The gray bunny washes himself,

Apparently he's going to visit.

I washed my nose,

I washed my mouth,

I washed my ear

Wiped it dry.

The bunny makes movements in accordance with the text. Then he gallops towards one of the children. The one to whom the bunny approaches jumps to the middle of the circle. The game is repeated 3-4 times. There can be several bunnies in the circle at the same time.


The bunny wants to dance. Shall we dance with Bunny?

"Dance of the Bunnies"

Tired? Let's relax a little! (Sit down on the carpet and perform finger gymnastics).

The bunny has a white fur coat,

(Stroke themselves on the chest)
Soft paws.
(Stroke your palm with your palm)
Ears stick out long
(Put hands to head - “rabbit ears”)
There are bunnies on top of the head.
(Move the right “ear”, then the left “ear”)

Development of fine motor skills through manipulation of objects (games with clothespins).

Have you rested? While we were playing, the bunny got hungry. Tell me, what does the bunny like to eat?

That's right, the bunny really loves carrots. Look how many carrots I have, but the green leaves are lost somewhere. Let's go to our places and prepare carrots for our bunny. (Game with clothespins).

Put all the carrots in a basket, we will give it to the Bunny.

And now Bunny wants to tell you where he lives.

A bunny lives in a clearing under a tree. In summer, green grass grows in the forest, and in winter there is snow.

One day in the forest, the Bunny met a hunter. Want to know what happened next? Then get your fingers ready and you will help me.

Finger gymnastics. Russian folk nursery rhyme"The Bunny and the Hunter."

One two three four five…

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly, the hunter runs out,

Shoots straight at the bunny:

Bang Bang! Oh - oh - oh!

My little bunny is running away.

This is how fast and agile our Bunny is. Let's all clap for him. (quiet, loud).

Bunny and I played together

And we danced a little

We read poetry to him,

And they collected carrots.

And now it's time for the Bunny

Return to the forest, home.

Let's say together: “Goodbye!”

And we'll wave goodbye.

(The bunny leaves).

Guys, did you like playing with Bunny? (children's answers).

Let's learn the poem now and when the Bunny comes to visit us again, we will give it to him.

Memorizing a poem.

A. Barto “Bunny”.

The owner abandoned the bunny.

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn’t get off the bench -

I was completely wet.

This concludes our lesson.

All players form a circle. The one chosen by the bunny stands in the middle. Children say:
The gray bunny washes himself, washed his mouth,
Apparently he's going to visit. I washed my ear
I washed my nose and wiped it dry!
The bunny makes movements in accordance with the text. Then he jumps on two legs towards one of the children. The one to whom the bunny approaches jumps to the middle of the circle. The game is repeated 5-6 times.
Directions. There may be several bunnies in the circle - 4-5. They simultaneously perform game task.

Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the middle of the circle sits a child - a “zucchini”. Children walk in a circle and say in unison:
Zucchini, zucchini, let's put it on your feet,
Thin legs, let's make you dance.
We fed you, dance as much as you want,
We've got you drunk, choose whoever you want!
The "zucchini" dances and then chooses another child to become the "zucchini". The game is repeated several times.

Swallow without a nest
The participants in the game - there must be an odd number of them - play the role of swallows.
Swallows fly into the nests - small circles. The swallow left without a nest is the leader. On the command: “Swallows, fly!” The players imitate the flight of swallows and run around the playground. "Come home!" means that the swallows must re-occupy their nests (4-5 times)
Note: Swallows can occupy any nest; playing pairs are not stable.

Fox in the hen house
The chickens are roosting in the chicken coop (the children are standing on benches placed on one side of the area). On the opposite side of the site there is a fox hole. The rest of the site is a courtyard. The fox sits in a hole, and the chickens walk and run around the yard, clucking, flapping their wings, pecking at the grain. At the signal from the teacher “fox,” the chickens run away, hide in the chicken coop and fly up to roost, and the fox tries to grab and drag away (carefully, lightly touching) the hesitating chicken. She takes the caught prey to her hole. The game ends when the fox catches the agreed number of chickens. The game is repeated 4-5 times.
Directions. Various objects can serve as perches: chairs, cubes, etc.

The children are on the playground. The one chosen by the trap becomes in the middle. At the signal “one, two, three... catch,” all the players scatter around the playground, dodging the trap, which is trying to catch up with one of their children and touch him with his hand, staining him. The one whom the driver touched with his hand moves aside. When 3-4 players are spotted, another driver is chosen.
Directions. You can use other game options: “Trap-dash”, “Feet off the ground”, “Trap in a circle”, etc.

Children are divided into two equal groups. Some depict horses, others depict grooms. (The grooms have the reins in their hands.) On one side of the site (this is a meadow) there is a stable where the horses are located, on the other there is a place for grooms. The teacher says: “Grooms, get up quickly and harness your horses!” At this signal, the grooms run to the stables and harness the horses. (Everyone chooses a horse of their own free will or as directed by the teacher.)
Harnessed horses line up one after another and, at a signal, ride quietly, trot or gallop. To the words of the teacher, “We’ve arrived, unharness the horses!” The grooms stop the horses, unharness them and let them graze in the meadow, while they themselves return to their places. Horses calmly graze in the meadow, nibbling grass. At the signal “grooms, harness the horses,” each groom catches his horse, which runs away and dodges him. When all the horses have been caught and harnessed, the pairs line up one after another and the game resumes. The game is repeated 3-4 times, after which the teacher says: “Take the horses to the stable, let them rest!” The grooms take the horses to the stables and unharness them.
Directions. In the game you should alternate running with walking and different types jumps. The game can be diversified by offering different travel themes: horse racing, a trip to the forest for firewood, etc. If the groom cannot catch any of the horses for a long time, the teacher and other grooms help him.

Find where it's hidden
Children stand along the wall of the room. The teacher shows the flag and says that he will hide it. Children turn to face the wall. The teacher hides the flag and says: “It’s time.” Children are looking for a hidden flag. Whoever finds the flag first hides it when the game is repeated. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Directions. If the children cannot find the flag for a long time, the teacher approaches the place where it is hidden and offers to look there. When a child hides a flag, he needs help.
Bird migration
A flock of birds gathers on one edge of the playground (children stand scattered), opposite a gymnastics wall with several spans. At the teacher’s signal, “let’s fly”, the birds fly around the playground, spreading their wings and waving them. At the signal “storm” the birds fly to the trees (climb onto the wall). When the teacher says: “The storm has passed!” - the birds calmly descend from the trees and continue to fly. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Directions. When descending from the gymnastics wall, you must not jump off. If the wall has few spans, not all children should be included in the game at once. Instead of a wall, you can use benches, chairs and other objects.

Rattle it with a rattle
5-6 children stand behind a line on one side of the playground. On the opposite side, on a bench (log), rattles are laid out at equal distances from each other (according to the number of children). At the teacher’s signal “one, two, three... run,” the children run to the rattles, raise them above their heads and shake them. The player who did it first is marked. Then the children return to their seats and the next ones leave.
Directions. You can complicate the game: include a task to overcome obstacles - step over a rope or crawl under it, crawl through a hoop, run around pins placed along the way, etc.
Toss and catch
Children sit freely in the room or on the playground, each holding a ball in their hands. At the teacher’s signal “begin,” the children throw the ball up and catch it. Everyone counts how many times they can catch the ball without dropping it.
Directions. Children can be divided into pairs, some toss and catch balls, while others count, or everyone stands in a circle, and one or two of the players go to the middle of the circle and toss the ball. Everyone is watching to see that the task is completed correctly. You can also introduce an element of competition: who will throw and catch the ball the most times? You can also include the following complications: throwing the ball up, wait until it hits the ground, and then catch it; hit the ball on the ground and catch it; throw the ball higher, clap your hands, catch the ball; throw the ball, quickly turn around and catch it after the ball bounces off the ground.

Birds and cat
A circle is marked on the ground (5-6 m in diameter). The child chosen by the teacher becomes the center - this is a cat. The rest of the children are outside the circle - they are birds. The cat falls asleep. The birds fly into the circle and peck the grains. The cat wakes up, sees the birds and begins to catch them. The birds are in a hurry to fly out of the circle. The one touched by the cat in the circle is considered caught and goes to the middle of the circle. When the cat catches 2-3 birds, the teacher chooses a new cat. The caught birds join everyone else playing. The game is repeated 4-5 times.
Directions. The cat carefully catches the birds (does not grab them, but only lightly touches them). If the cat cannot catch anyone for a long time, the teacher chooses 1 more cat to help her.

The presenter divides the children into two teams: some are airplanes, others are clouds.
A large circle is drawn. This is an airfield.
The presenter says:
Airplanes are flying
And they don’t want to go to land.
They are flying merrily in the sky,
But they won't collide with each other.
The airplanes, portrayed by the children, with their arms spread out to the sides, begin to fly outside the circle. The presenter says:
Suddenly a big cloud flies
Everything became dark around.
Airplanes - in your circle!
At these words, those who portray the cloud try to catch the airplanes. Those who managed to fly to the airfield were saved. Whoever is caught becomes a cloud. The game continues until there is 1 airplane left. He is the winner.

Knock down the pin
The players stand behind a line 2-3 m from which pins are placed opposite each one. The children have balls in their hands. At the signal, the players roll the balls towards the pins, trying to knock them down. At the next signal, the children go after the balls and pick up the fallen pins. The game repeats itself. Each player remembers how many times the pin was knocked down.
Directions. It is necessary to diversify the game task: roll the balls with your right, left, two hands, and foot.

By the bear in the forest
On one side of the site a bear's den is outlined. On the other, the house in which the children live is indicated. The teacher chooses a bear that should sit in the den. When the teacher says: “Go, children, for a walk!” - children leave the house and go into the forest, pick mushrooms, catch butterflies, etc. (bend over, straighten up, make other imitation movements). They say in unison:
By the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries,
And the bear is sitting
And he growls at us.
After the word “roars,” the bear begins to catch the children running away home. Anyone whom the bear touches is considered caught: the bear takes him to his den. Children cannot be caught behind the house line.
After the bear catches several players, another child is assigned to this role. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Directions. There may be another version of the game - with two bears.

Hurry up to take it
Each child has a cube, the children stand in a circle, the cubes are on the floor near each child.
At a signal, the children run in a circle, one after another; at the second signal, they try to take the cube; those who do not have time leave the game.
While the children are running, the leader removes 1-2 cubes.

Colored cars
Children stand along the walls of the room. These are cars in the garage. Each player holds a flag in his hands (a ring, a cardboard disk of blue, yellow or green). The teacher stands in the center of the room, facing the players, in his hands he has 3 flags of the corresponding colors. He raises 1 of the flags (or maybe 2 or all 3), children who have an object of this color run around the playground, imitate the car driving, and honk their horn. When the teacher lowers the flag, the cars stop, turn around and head to their garages. The game is repeated 4-6 slots.
Directions. The teacher may also have a red flag. Suddenly he raises it - all cars must stop at this signal.