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Make a paraffin bath for your hands. Which paraffin to choose? Here are some examples

Facial skin care is carried out every day, for which various folk remedies and professional cosmetics. And few people think that the same amount of attention should be paid to the arms and, oddly enough, to the legs. After all, it is these parts of the body that are almost always open and exposed to aggressive external influences - weather conditions, wearing uncomfortable shoes. An excellent solution when choosing a method of caring for your hands and feet would be paraffin baths.

Read in this article

The principle of operation of paraffin baths

What happens to the skin of the hands and feet during the procedure:

  • Intensive moisturizing of the skin. Paraffin is applied to the desired parts of the body only in a warm, almost hot form. By warming up the epidermis, it “forces” the pores to expand and the sweat glands to actively function. Sweat is released, but the paraffin film prevents it from evaporating from the surface of the dermis; moisture has only one way out - to be absorbed into the skin again.
  • Active removal of toxins from dermal cells. This happens due to the acceleration of blood circulation and lymph flow. Yes, paraffin also prevents toxins from evaporating from the surface of the treated parts of the body, but their molecules are much heavier and therefore are not able to “return” back.
  • Relief leveling. The product in question wraps quite tightly around the arms and legs, literally squeezing the skin, slightly stretching it. With regular procedures, it is possible to get rid of sagging skin and shallow wrinkles, which can be associated not only with problems at work internal organs and systems, but also age-related changes.

Benefits for hands and feet

If you carry out paraffin baths regularly and in accordance with the recommendations of cosmetologists, you can achieve the following:

  • the surface of the dermis becomes soft and smooth, velvety;
  • sagging and fine wrinkles disappear;
  • do not worry about peeling and irritation even when exposed to aggressive factors on the arms and legs;
  • wounds and any other abrasions heal quickly (this is especially important for the feet, when deep and painful cracks regularly form on the heels;
  • skin becomes less dry.

In addition, if paraffin baths are used for hands in winter time year, it is possible to increase the resistance of the skin in this place to low air temperatures, winds and snow and rain.


Despite the unconditional benefits of the procedure, it is not suitable for everyone. Before turning to heated paraffin for help, it is necessary to exclude possible contraindications:

  • any dermatological diseases with obvious signs in the areas where the baths are intended to be used;
  • exacerbation of chronic autoimmune pathologies, including psoriasis and systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • deep wounds, cuts;
  • minor injuries to the skin in places where paraffin is applied, but only those that are inflamed have purulent contents;
  • diabetes any type;
  • hypertension (high blood pressure).

It is imperative to consult with your doctor if you have a history of any malignant or benign neoplasms in the body. Conditional contraindications include menstruation, breastfeeding, and blood vessel diseases.

How to make at home

For the procedure to be truly useful, you must follow the following rules:

  • frequency of skin care for hands and feet using warm paraffin – once a week;
  • Product used for bath only white– it is absolutely pure, but yellow may also contain impurities harmful to the health of the skin;
  • if paraffin is heated/melted not in a special device, but “makeshift”, then this should be done only in a water bath;
  • it is strictly forbidden to allow liquid to get into the product - even one drop can lead to a severe burn of the skin;
  • for one procedure you will need 2 kg of paraffin, it can be used up to 4 times, but cosmetologists do not recommend this;
  • paraffin baths perfectly strengthen nail plates, but before starting the procedures it is necessary to remove the decorative varnish from them;
  • It is mandatory to go through all stages.

Set for paraffin therapy of hands and feet


You need to clean the skin of your hands or feet, but ordinary soap will not do this well. It will be effective to use a scrub from ordinary products - combine 1 tablespoon oatmeal and milk powder, add 1 teaspoon to the mixture baking soda and half a teaspoon sea ​​salt finely ground.

This mixture can be stored in a closed container for quite a long time, and immediately before use you need to take the required amount of raw material in your palm, add 3 - 5 drops of olive or almond oil and some warm water. Then the scrub is distributed over the palms or soles, lightly rubbed into the epidermis and after 5 minutes washed off with warm water.

It is advisable not to use soap, gel or any other after scrubbing. detergents. And before preparing your hands and feet for paraffin treatments, you need to examine them for the presence of inflamed areas with cracks - these are a contraindication to the use of a scrub.

The preparation is completed by applying a moisturizing cream to the desired parts of the body; rub it in with gentle massage movements.

The actual paraffin bath

You need to lower your arms or legs into the heated paraffin (up to the wrist in the first case and up to the ankle in the second), hold them there for 3 - 5 seconds and remove them. After 10 seconds (the paraffin on the skin will harden slightly), we repeat “diving” the body parts into the paraffin and remove them again. A similar procedure repeat at least 3 times.

After the last layer of paraffin on the hands or feet has hardened, these parts of the body are covered with polyethylene (you can wear thin latex gloves on the palms), and insulation is placed on top - socks or mittens.

  • With cocoa butter. It all starts according to the standard: melt and warm 2 kg of white paraffin, then add 20 - 30 g of cocoa butter (about 2 tablespoons) and 1 tablespoon olive oil, mix everything. This type of paraffin bath is perfect for those who have dry skin on their hands and feet, and with regular use for 1 to 2 months it will relieve deep cracks in the heels.
  • With aloe. To the standard amount of white paraffin (already heated to the desired state) add 2 tablespoons of aloe extract and. It is strictly forbidden to replace the extract with the juice or pulp of a medicinal plant - they contain water, which can cause burns on the hands or feet.

This paraffin bath is so safe that it can be safely used if too sensitive skin, even if there is a history of allergies to any irritant.

Experts recommend using a decoction of calendula flowers instead of vegetable oil to wipe the skin after paraffin - it will help narrow pores and have a beneficial effect on the skin. problematic skin arms or legs (for example, if there is inflammation). Decoction recipe:

  • take 2 tablespoons of dried calendula flowers;
  • fill them with 200 ml of hot water;
  • Boil the mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes;
  • Cool to room temperature, strain.

The finished broth is diluted with warm water so that the result is 2 liters. useful remedy. It is enough to put your hands or feet in it for 5 - 7 minutes to calm the skin that is “excited” after a paraffin bath.

You can cook it yourself and nutritious cream– it will be absolutely natural and certainly useful. To do this you need to purchase:

  • beeswax (30 g or tablespoon);
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil (50 ml or a tablespoon);
  • olive oil or calendula flowers (1 tablespoon each);
  • vitamins A and E from ampoules (5 - 10 drops each);
  • any essential oil with a strong aroma, such as rosemary, blood orange (5 drops).

Sea buckthorn oil and calendula flowers can also be prepared at home. To do this, you need to take 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn berries or 2 tablespoons of flowers and pour 100 ml of vegetable oil into them - you can use olive or sunflower. The oil is infused for at least one and a half months. There is no need to strain it before storing it.

All components on the list are mixed in a ceramic or glass container, after melting the beeswax in a water bath. The finished mixture must be poured into a suitable jar and left to harden at room temperature. Store the cream in a cool and dark place, for example, on the refrigerator door. This cream can be used daily morning and evening, not just after a hand or foot bath.

Paraffin baths are useful for both the skin of the hands and the dermis of the legs (feet). They can be carried out year-round; if desired, additional ones can be added to the main component, which will enhance the effect of the procedure. Regular care using this method helps soften skin, get rid of sagging and pigmentation.

Useful video

About the benefits of paraffin therapy for hands and feet in cosmetology and medicine, watch this video:

Find out how to properly carry out paraffin therapy for the face and body at home, features of the choice of material, contraindications and recommendations.

Paraffin therapy: description of the procedure

This procedure is a fairly effective and easy-to-use method that allows you to quickly restore freshness and attractiveness to your skin. But to carry it out you will need to purchase special paraffin, as it has a moisturizing and softening effect. That is why it helps to quickly and easily cleanse the skin of dead cells, has a rejuvenating effect, and accelerates the process of restoration of the epidermis.

One of the main advantages of this procedure is that it can be used on any area of ​​the body, especially if the skin needs additional toning and nutrition. Most often, paraffin therapy is used to care for the skin of the hands, including areas where signs of cellulite appear.

The effect after the procedure will be noticeable after the first session. Paraffin therapy is very simple and gives only pleasant sensations, so it is easy to do it yourself at home. To do this, you need to purchase cosmetic paraffin, which should not contain artificial dyes or synthetic substances.

The ideal option would be to use paraffin made from essential oils, including other natural substances. It is these compositions that have a more effective effect on the skin.

During the procedure, molten paraffin is applied to the skin, which is recommended to be melted in a water bath. It is important that the container with paraffin is completely dry, since even a drop of water can cause a severe burn.

Paraffin begins to melt at a temperature of 54 degrees, has very low thermal conductivity, so it has a fairly slow heat transfer.

The benefits of paraffin therapy

Regardless of which part of the body the cosmetic paraffin is applied to, the skin has the same effect:
  1. After applying melted paraffin to the skin, its temperature slightly increases. As a result, additional space appears between the cells, making it much easier and faster to absorb the beneficial substances and vitamins contained in the paraffin.
  2. There is an increase in sweating, so toxic substances and toxins contained in skin cells are brought to the surface.
  3. After paraffin is applied to the skin, a thin film forms on its surface, preventing the evaporation of moisture, which is subsequently absorbed by the cells.
  4. Toxins are not absorbed back, so they are easily removed from the surface of the skin.
  5. In the area where the product is applied, it has a stimulating effect on the blood circulation process, which accelerates the healing of abrasions and restores damaged areas of the epidermis much faster.
  6. After the temperature of the paraffin decreases, its volume also decreases.
  7. As a result, the skin is smoothed and swelling is eliminated.

Contraindications for paraffin therapy

These types of cosmetic procedures are considered heat compresses. Paraffin therapy is very effective, but it is prohibited to use for the following problems:
  • the presence of ulcers on the surface of the treated skin;
  • a large number of warts on the body;
  • presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • telangiectasia;
  • diagnosing diabetes mellitus;
  • rosacea;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • tumors;
  • hypertension.

What do you need for home paraffin therapy?

To carry out such a pleasant and useful cosmetic procedure yourself at home, you will need to prepare the following products in advance:
  • paraffin, which is sold in cosmetic stores or pharmacies;
  • plastic gloves if paraffin therapy is performed on the hands;
  • gauze pads to cover the face;
  • terry towel;
  • film, if paraffin therapy is carried out to combat cellulite;
  • paraffin bath;
  • a brush with which the product will be applied;
  • scrub;
  • flat spatula for applying paraffin;
  • moisturizing cream.
It is not necessary to use special baths for paraffin therapy, as they can be replaced with any other container. You can purchase a complete set for the procedure at a cosmetic store or pharmacy.

Paraffin therapy: performing the procedure at home

You can carry out this procedure yourself, since this does not require any special knowledge or skills. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and the result will be no worse than after an expensive procedure in the salon. The fact is that in a beauty salon you need to pay not only for the materials used, but also for the work of the master.

At home, the paraffin therapy procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. First, paraffin is heated in a steam bath.
  2. After the paraffin turns into liquid, you need to properly prepare the skin of your hands - the varnish is removed from the nails, then the brushes are thoroughly washed with soap and a scrub is used.
  3. Apply a nourishing cream to the skin, which enhances the positive effect of paraffin.
  4. Place your hands in a container with melted paraffin.
  5. Wait about 10 seconds, but no more.
  6. Remove your hands from the container and wait until the skin dries on its own.
  7. Repeat these steps 7 times, as a fairly thick layer of paraffin should form on the skin.
  8. Without removing the paraffin from the skin, put on plastic gloves, then terry gloves. Thanks to this, heat is retained much longer and the positive effect of nutrients on the skin is enhanced.
  9. The compress is removed after about 30 minutes.
  10. Apply nourishing cream to the skin and wait until it is completely absorbed.
It is recommended to carry out paraffin therapy for the skin of the hands once every two months. If your skin is very dry or damaged, full recovery 4-5 sessions will be enough. Paraffin therapy helps to quickly get rid of the problem of dryness, small cracks are removed, and the skin of the hands returns attractive appearance.

Instructions for paraffin therapy

In order for the paraffin therapy procedure to bring only benefits, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
  1. Paraffin heats up to 80 degrees.
  2. The skin must be degreased, but alcohol-based products should not be used.
  3. The composition is applied to the skin with a special spatula.
  4. If paraffin therapy is used to combat cellulite, it is necessary to use wrapping film.
  5. Cover your feet with a warm blanket.
  6. Lie in this position for about one hour.
  7. If you feel dizzy or severe weakness, you need to immediately remove the paraffin.
  8. After completing the procedure, a nourishing or moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.
  9. To obtain maximum benefit, you must undergo a full course of paraffin therapy, consisting of 10-15 procedures.
  10. To enhance the effect of paraffin, you can additionally massage your feet.

Cold paraffin therapy for hands

  1. You only need to use this type cosmetic paraffin, which has a low melting point. The consistency of this product resembles a thick cream.
  2. Paraffin is easily applied to the skin and distributed with soft massage movements.
  3. Before the procedure, the skin must be cleaned of dirt and dust, and a scrub is used to remove dead particles.
  4. The skin is wiped dry with a soft towel so that it is perfectly dry.
  5. The prepared paraffin is applied to the skin using a special brush. One layer is enough.
  6. Then put on plastic gloves and terry gloves on top.
  7. Leave the paraffin compress on the skin of your hands for 20 minutes.
  8. After the specified time, carefully remove the paraffin and lubricate the skin with cream.
The effect of such a procedure will be noticeable instantly, because for quite a long period of time the skin remains perfectly smooth, soft and velvety. Use procedure cold paraffin therapy It is possible on different parts of the body, there are practically no restrictions here. But the exception is facial skin.

Paraffin therapy for facial skin

  1. In this case, paraffin therapy is used for rejuvenation. Regular use will help restore your facial skin to a healthy appearance and youthfulness. As a result, the skin becomes elastic and soft, small facial wrinkles are smoothed out.
  2. The paraffin mask perfectly moisturizes the skin and restores the correct water balance. After using it, swelling and lethargy are instantly eliminated.
  3. After using this type of mask, the oval of the face is tightened and small expression wrinkles are smoothed out.
  4. It is recommended to make a paraffin mask before peeling or facial massage.
  5. It is quite difficult to do this procedure yourself, so you will need an assistant, since paraffin must be applied in layers to the skin of the face. And at this time you need to lie down, completely relaxing your facial muscles.
Paraffin therapy for the face is carried out according to the following scheme:
  • the facial skin is wiped with a tonic that does not contain alcohol, otherwise burns will remain;
  • any nourishing cream is applied to the skin;
  • paraffin is straightened in a steam bath;
  • very quickly, using a brush, applied to the skin liquid paraffin;
  • paraffin should be applied lengthwise massage lines- from the chin towards the forehead, the area around the lips, eyelids and nose is not treated;
  • the first layer is applied to gauze pad, which must be prepared before the procedure begins, in which holes are made for the nose and eyelids;
  • Several layers of paraffin are applied on top of the gauze;
  • then a terry towel is placed on top;
  • wait 20 minutes, while trying to completely relax;
  • remove the mask and apply moisturizer to your face.
If paraffin therapy is used to rejuvenate facial skin, its initial condition must be taken into account. To obtain the desired result, you will need to complete a full course consisting of 5–15 procedures. Do these masks once every two days. Not only a paraffin mask brings benefits, but also special gymnastics for the skin. If applied A complex approach, you can forget about the problem of skin aging for a long time.

Paraffin therapy for feet

  1. This procedure can be performed on different parts of the legs.
  2. This is one of the most popular ways to combat the signs of cellulite.
  3. It is recommended to use not only paraffin, but also plankton, sea mud, vitamins, algae and minerals.
  4. It is not necessary to select all components separately, as you can purchase a special mixture with paraffin.
  5. This procedure will help to significantly reduce the amount of fat deposits.
  6. Thanks to paraffin therapy, blood microcirculation improves and the correct water-salt balance of the skin is restored.
  7. The body is cleansed of accumulated toxins and other harmful substances, the skin becomes more elastic, and elasticity increases.
It is extremely rare that dizziness may occur during such a procedure. In this case, you need to immediately interrupt the procedure. But such unpleasant sensations appear very rarely and indicate that the paraffin has been left on the body for too long. It is very easy to avoid such symptoms in the future - keep the paraffin on your body for the specified time and do not exceed it.

After using this cosmetic procedure, there is a noticeable improvement in the skin, the problem of puffiness and fine wrinkles is eliminated. With regular paraffin therapy, the skin becomes velvety and soft, and the general condition of the body improves.

Video instructions on how to do paraffin therapy at home:

The skin of the hands is most susceptible to the negative influence of the environment, under the influence of which it becomes excessively dry and rough. To correct this problem, paraffin therapy comes to the rescue - one of the common services provided in beauty salons. Particularly popular is paraffin therapy for hands - therapy aimed at rejuvenating, softening the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity.

Indications for use

Paraffin therapy for hands perfectly moisturizes the skin. Since age, temperature changes, and environmental factors have the greatest impact on the skin of the hands, it requires maximum care and attention. There is no need to worry about the possibility of getting burns when undergoing this type of therapy - it is absolutely safe, and your hands will only benefit.

In addition to the cosmetic effect, the presented procedure also has medicinal properties. It is indicated for people suffering from arthritis, orthopedic diseases or salt deposits. When performing paraffin therapy on the hands, blood flow improves, facilitating the flow of nutrients to those areas that especially need it (muscle tissue is especially nourished).

Advantages of the procedure

Paraffin therapy for hands has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

  • absolutely safe and painless;
  • does not take much time;
  • carried out both in the salon and at home;
  • when carried out in conjunction with aromatherapy, it helps to relax and, in addition to the cosmetic effect, gain moral satisfaction;
  • perfectly moisturizes the skin, rejuvenating it;
  • promotes healing of small cracks.

The result will definitely please you. You can see what your hands look like after this therapy in the photo provided.

Effect of paraffin

What happens during a cosmetic paraffin therapy session? The temperature of the skin under paraffin rises by several degrees, the pores open, and moisture is released. As the paraffin cools, the pores narrow, absorbing nutrients from the cream (lotion or oil) that was lubricated on the hands before the procedure began.

After therapy you will receive:

  • moisturized, elastic skin;
  • cleansing of toxins and impurities;
  • tissue restoration.

Video: paraffin therapy procedure

To learn more about the paraffin therapy procedure, watch the video tutorial below:

Stages of the procedure

Paraffin therapy for hands has several successive stages, each of which is important and cannot be omitted. Stages:

  • First of all, you need to treat your hands with a disinfectant.
  • Apply a special nourishing, moisturizing cream to your hands. Often, instead of a cream, a special cosmetic emulsion with a nourishing effect is used.
  • Next, hands are lowered into a bath of melted, heated paraffin. Hands are immersed in the container, pulled out for a few seconds, then immersed again. It is important that their surface is covered with a sufficiently thick layer of paraffin.
  • Special plastic gloves are put on, and if they are missing, plastic bags. The handles are wrapped in a terry towel over the gloves or special warm mittens.
  • Leave your hands in the heat bath for at least 15 minutes. After the time has passed, the gloves must be removed, the remaining paraffin must be removed, and the skin must be wiped dry.
  • After the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside immediately - it is better to wait 20-30 minutes, since sudden changes in temperature can negatively affect the skin. The session lasts approximately an hour and a half.

Watch the video for a master class on paraffin therapy:

Paraffin therapy at home

The advantage of this cosmetic procedure is that it can be performed at home. It’s good if you have a kit to carry out paraffin therapy, but you can do it without it.

To carry out therapy at home in the absence of a bath or kit, you will need:

  • a bowl for melting paraffin (it is better to melt it in a water bath so as not to overheat);
  • paraffin (available to buy at a pharmacy);
  • plastic bags (film) or gloves (for example, those that come with hair dye);
  • moisturizing, nourishing hand cream;
  • scrub (to exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis and get the maximum effect from the procedure);
  • disinfectant;
  • terry towels(several small ones or one large one).

If you have all the necessary elements, go through the same sequence of all stages of paraffin therapy described above. To achieve the maximum effect of therapy, you can add auxiliary products (for example, vitamin E, aloe juice).

Watch the video tutorial below to learn how to use this kit at home:

Paraffin therapy kits

If you do not have the time or opportunity to visit a salon, or simply want to carry out therapy at home, purchase a paraffin therapy kit and carry out the procedure yourself. An assortment of such sets is provided by online stores or stores with professional cosmetics for beauty salons.

The choice of such sets is varied, the price, in most cases, depends on the manufacturer, but the main thing is the components of the set. As a rule, it consists of a paraffin heater (a bath that can be used for melting wax), a set of terry and cellophane gloves, socks (sometimes a face mask is found), cream, and a brush. It is better to purchase a heater with a thermostat.

The decisive choice in favor of a specific set is up to you, it all depends on the amount you are willing to spend on the purchase, how periodically you will carry out paraffin therapy, which manufacturer you prefer.

Cost of the procedure in salons

The price range for a session in a beauty salon ranges from 500 to 1200 rubles. The average price is 500 rubles - an adequate cost for this service. Elite salons set the price slightly higher, about 1000-1200 rubles, sometimes the price is 1500 rubles.


Paraffin therapy for hands is a wonderful procedure, but, like other cosmetic services, it has a number of contraindications:

  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • possible allergic reaction to paraffin;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • open wounds, abrasions.

If at least one of the factors is present, you must consult a doctor before performing paraffin therapy; paraffin therapy may be contraindicated for you.

A wax hand bath is an excellent way to preserve youthful skin and strengthen nails. This is why this procedure is so popular in beauty salons. You can practice paraffin therapy at home. The main thing is to know the rules.

Wax helps to cope with problems such as dryness, peeling, brittle nails, cracks. Paraffin applied to the skin of your hands increases its temperature by an average of a couple of degrees.

When exposed to heat, the pores begin to open and the skin begins to sweat. However, the film formed due to the wax does not allow moisture to evaporate, and it begins to be absorbed into the skin. Thus, an intensive hydration process occurs.

Heat also helps improve the movement of blood and lymphatic fluid. As a result, all toxins and harmful substances come to the surface. When the paraffin begins to cool, it seems to tighten the skin, squeezing it. And this already speaks of a leveling effect.

Undoubtedly, it is worth remembering that any cosmetic baths, including wax baths, have their contraindications, such as inflammation of the skin, eczema, allergic reactions, cuts, wounds and diabetes. There is no need to be afraid of burns, since paraffin has low thermal conductivity, that is, it gives off heat in small portions.

To carry out this procedure at home, you need to purchase cosmetic hand wax either at a pharmacy or at a beauty salon store. By the way, it already contains various softening additives and azulene, a substance that has an anti-inflammatory effect.

You can also add essential oils for a more enjoyable experience. How much paraffin will be needed? For one time, 2-3 kg of paraffin will be enough. You shouldn’t save money by leaving used wax until next time, because it has already given your hands all the most valuable things and taken away toxins.

To carry out the procedure, you need a specialized bath with a heating element that will help melt the wax, as well as plastic gloves or bags, terry or woolen mittens.

If it is not possible to buy a bath, you can melt the paraffin in any other container, the main thing is that it is enameled and no water gets into the mixture, otherwise you can get burned.


Melt the wax in a water bath. It should be heated at a temperature of no more than 50-55 degrees Celsius. If desired, you can add essential oils.

Before diving, make sure that the paraffin has cooled to the desired temperature, otherwise you can get seriously burned. If everything is fine, you should put your hands in the bath for 2 minutes, take them out for 15 seconds and lower them again. This procedure must be repeated at least 5 times.

To keep warm, you need to wear mittens over the bags.

All. Now you can rest for 15-20 minutes. After the time has passed, remove gloves, bags and remove wax from your hands.

You should pamper your hands with wax baths no more than once a week. This is enough to maintain beauty and youth. After all, it is the hands that show the true age of a woman.

To make your manicure even more beautiful, you can make your own nail wax. To get a small jar of miracle remedies you will need:

- 3 grams of beeswax;

- any oils (almond, olive, apricot kernel, grape, wheat, etc.)

- essential oils (optional).

The cooking process is simple. Finely grated wax should be mixed with vegetable oils and melt in a water bath, stirring occasionally. As soon as the mixture has become homogeneous, it should be removed from the bath and allowed to cool slightly. Only after this can you add essential oils (it is better to use natural ones).

The finished mixture must be poured into a jar and placed in a cool place for 15-20 minutes. It is advisable to apply this cold hand wax regularly; you can even perform this procedure several times a day. You need to rub in, lightly massaging the skin.

So, in order to have beautiful and good hands, nail wax is simply irreplaceable. Carry out many salon treatments It’s not at all difficult at home, the main thing is to figure it out and learn all the subtleties.