Health Pregnancy beauty

Sexism, misogyny and flat jokes: how the Miss Blockchain beauty contest went. Scenario of the competition for girls "Miss "Young Lady"" for children of the children's sanatorium Game "Broken Telephone"



Exactly at the appointed time, the festive fanfare of the competition sounds, preceding its start. There is a TV screen on which a projection of the action taking place on the site is displayed.

The phonogram of the choreographic composition sounds. Performed ballroom dance"Waltz". At the end of the performance, all its participants line up in a “picture”. The presenter appears on the site, to the sound of competition fanfare. Next, the soundtrack of the choreographic composition sounds in a light musical background.

Leading: Good evening, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this cozy hall at the Miss 2012 beauty contest!

Professionals say that a beauty contest is a show doomed to success! This is an extraordinary, amazing sight, because beauty in itself is an amazing and extraordinary phenomenon. Thousands of its fragments are scattered all over the world. They are in the first rays of the rising sun, the foam of the coastal sea waves, in the smile of a loved one, in your soul...

Dear friends! You've probably noticed that there are a lot of beautiful girls working in your company. Beautiful not only externally, but, above all, spiritually. They are like the sun, bringing light and joy.

We hope that today this amazing beauty contest will become one of the brightest pages in the history of your company.

Today you will witness an amazing event. Before your eyes, the most beautiful, most graceful, most creative and charming employee of the company _______ will be chosen!

A musical beat sounds.

Leading: And by the way, they say that our girls are the best beautiful girls in the world... (to audience) Is this true? Then, dear friends, are you ready to be right now on the “crest of the wave” of an enchanting show of real Beauty?

The soundtrack of the “presentation” appearance of contestants No. 1 sounds.

Leading: Meet the participants of the Miss Energy contest!

One after another, the contestants appear in the hall bright outfits. Each participant has a number on her wrist.

At the moment when each of the beauties appears on the red carpet in front of the audience, she is introduced by the presenter.

The screen broadcasts a wide shot and close-ups of the participants during their presentation.

Leading: Look at our contestants! Simply breathtaking! I don't know about you dear men, and I'm already hot! But this is just the beginning!

It's time to introduce the jury of our competition, real experts and connoisseurs of female beauty!

The fanfare of the competition sounds.

On the screen is a projection of the jury members, close-ups as they are presented.

The presenter introduces the jury members and the counting commission in turn.

Leading: So, the jury has been introduced, the contestants are on stage, and this means that a real fireworks of beauty awaits us ahead in a series of competitions in our program!

But first I want to give the floor to welcome to CEO company __________________________________________.

Welcome speech from the director.

Leading: Thank you, _______________________________.

Friends, let's wish the contestants good luck and a little patience for us. Although, we really can’t wait to find out who will be the winner of our competition. One thing can be said with confidence: all participants in the competition, without exception, deserve this title! Let's see our girls off with applause!

The phonogram of the exit of contestants No. 1 sounds.

The girls leave the site.

Millions of girls around the world dream of becoming the winner of the Miss World contest or similar competitions. No one argues that realizing yourself as the most beautiful and attractive is damn nice. But few people think that because of our realities, the value of such merits has practically been reduced to nothing...

The path to world beauty titles begins with selections for regional competitions. Moreover, these castings look completely unprepossessing. And in each region the selection can take place according to its own scenario.

It’s good if the organizers of regional beauty contests not only take their mission responsibly, but also know the inner workings of such competitions. But there are so few such examples!

Often, local beauty contests are not held at all in order to select the best candidate who will qualify for a national-level competition. Usually, local bosses simply stroke their pride in this way.

It's no secret that judges are often biased and openly try to please a sponsor or a major local official. More than once or twice I had to read scandalous articles about how the daughter of a deputy or minister won the next beauty contest. Moreover, this happens not only at the regional, but even at the national level!

Even if the organizers’ intentions are pure, there is still no guarantee that the winner will be adequately selected. After all, the jury usually includes prominent people, but rather local businessmen rather than modeling specialists.

Often, jury members have no idea at all about the rules of such competitions and evaluate the contestants solely as potential candidates for trips to the sauna.

Another problem is poor feedback from the contestants. Often girls simply don’t understand what to do on the catwalk!

Moreover, even before the start of a beauty contest, few people bother to set out clear requirements for the external parameters of the contestants. And poor girls with non-standard appearance or figure become victims of caustic ridicule for a long time...

The basic requirements for participants in the Miss World contest were formed back in the 50s, but few people know about these criteria, even among the organizers! So, girls must be at least 172 centimeters, and the age of the contestants must be between 17–24 years.

Contestants must be unmarried and childless. Girls must know at least one foreign language well, have good manners and be able to communicate with people.

In addition, contestants are prohibited from appearing or being photographed nude. Neither before nor after the competition (under the threat of being deprived of the crown) they should not be involved in reprehensible relationships, participate in striptease or have anything to do with the porn business...

I wonder how many participants in provincial beauty pageants know about these requirements?

By and large, world beauty contests can be compared to professional sports. But sports competitions at the regional level are held according to the same rules as at the Olympics, and local beauty contests are at the level of street football, where the rules are set by whoever owns the ball.

New Year, with all his joyful forebodings and expectations, requires preparation so that the meeting is successful, and all impromptu statements are prepared. And we have to admit that even with the active help of household members, the main troubles still fall on women's shoulders: you need to clean the apartment, spend several hours in the kitchen preparing all sorts of goodies, and set the table. But everything is ready, guests will arrive soon, it’s time to take care of yourself. You go up to the mirror and... you see a tired face with which you will have to celebrate the New Year; but how you meet him is how you will see him through. What to do? Don't worry. You still have an hour and a half left. This is quite enough to tidy up your skin and look festive. In addition, this can be done with improvised means, using what is in the refrigerator.

Water treatments

A simple shower helps to relieve fatigue. If you want to quickly get yourself in order, stand for 10 minutes in a shower with strong water pressure, preferably not very hot (as it relaxes and then you will want to sleep, besides, a very hot shower is contraindicated during pregnancy), but not cold either. . For a few minutes, expose your face to small streams, especially the area around the eyes - this creates the effect of acupressure water massage, and the face becomes noticeably fresher, puffiness goes away.

Wash your face with mild soap for normal, oily or combination skin, or with special soap substitutes. Having placed other parts of the body under the shower, do a facial massage by moistening your fingertips in vegetable oil and massage your face and neck according to massage lines(face - from the bridge of the nose to the temples, forehead - from the eyebrows up, neck - from the chest to the chin - from bottom to top). After that add to vegetable oil(for dry or normal skin) or into a fermented milk product - liquid cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt (for oily skin) - iodized salt and with light circular massaging movements of your fingers, cleanse the skin on your face. For quick peeling you can use coffee grounds. Apply it evenly on your face, let it dry a little, then remove with a cotton swab.

Do not forget, using your favorite aromatic shower gel, massage your body - again, not under hot, but under warm water, finally rinsing with cool water (as an option, washing your face and pouring it on your feet).

If you are pressed for time, you can use: contrast wash: rinse your face 3-4 times, either warm or cold water. After this it is restored good color face, the skin becomes elastic again.

Nutrition and tone of the skin of the face and neck

The next step is a suitable mask that will tighten your skin for at least five hours. Possible different variants depending on what you have on hand. An ordinary apple, which is probably among the prepared fruits, will serve well in this regard. Apple juice contains fruit acids, a lot of vitamins, which provides a good toning and refreshing effect, helps tighten the skin and improve its texture.

Therefore, apples will quickly put your facial skin in order, give it a healthy look and relieve fatigue.

  • Massage your face and neck with a slice of fresh apple. It will only take you a couple of seconds, and the effect will not take long to appear - the skin will immediately tighten, become more pink and rejuvenated.
  • After washing, rinse your face with water to which apple cider vinegar has been added (1 teaspoon of vinegar per 0.5 liters of water).
  • Make a compress from diluted water apple cider vinegar(1 teaspoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water). Soak in the solution gauze pad and apply it on your face and neck for a few minutes.

You can also make masks from apples.

For all skin types. Peel the apple, grate it on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Place a gauze pad well moistened with juice or just a layer of cotton wool on your face for 15-20 minutes. Dry skin must first be lubricated thick cream. After removing the mask, wipe your face first with a damp and then with a dry cotton swab.

For normal skin. Peel the apple, grate it and mix with a teaspoon of sour cream or olive oil and a teaspoon of starch. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and neck for 20-25 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

For oily skin. Grate 1-2 apples on a fine grater, apply the paste on your face for 15-20 minutes. After this, rinse off the mask with cool water. This mask refreshes and nourishes the skin, saturating it with vitamins. It also has an astringent effect and tightens pores.

For dry and normal skin. To a tablespoon of freshly squeezed apple juice, add half an egg yolk and a little flour or starch. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For dry skin. Mix a finely grated apple with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of chopped oatmeal. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For dry, irritated skin. Make a mask of 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese, a teaspoon of fresh apple juice, half an egg yolk and a teaspoon of camphor oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes. Then rinse off first with warm and then with cold water. The skin will immediately become softer and stop peeling.

By the way, mashed apple can be used to heal cracks on the lips, which is not uncommon in winter. Place it on your lips for a couple of minutes and then just lick it.

In addition to an apple, products such as honey, eggs, olive oil, and yogurt can be used for an “emergency” mask.

Toning and nourishing mask . Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of starch and the same amount of milk. For oily skin, use sour cream or yogurt instead of milk. Apply the mask to your face. Apply a special eye cream to your eyelids, patting around the eyes with the pads of your middle fingers. Lie on your back, place a bolster under your legs so they are slightly elevated and can rest, and relax for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water, then wipe your skin with a piece of ice. Pat your face dry with a towel to keep your skin slightly damp.

Nourishing and tightening mask. Mix egg yolk, a spoonful of olive oil, 5-10 drops of lemon juice and add rolled oats until the cream becomes thick. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off first with warm, then cool water.

Skin tightening mask. Beat the egg whites until foamy, add a teaspoon of honey and a few drops lemon juice, apply this mask for five minutes for dry skin and ten for oily skin, then rinse with cool water. The face will look fresh and young.

Mask that relieves puffiness and redness. If you have natural yogurt in the refrigerator (preferably low-fat), apply a thick layer of it to your face and leave for 10 minutes. Lactic acid will quickly relieve unpleasant swelling and redness. Rinse off with cool water.

Swelling often occurs under the eyes; they can be eliminated with the help of such masks.

Masks for eyelid skin. A 15-minute mask made from raw grated potatoes perfectly relieves puffiness under the eyes; a mask made from finely chopped dill also helps very well. After the masks, apply a moisturizing cream on your face, and on your eyelids - a special one intended for the skin of the eyelids to retain moisture in the skin, remove any residue paper napkin. The skin smoothed out and became fresh.

New Year's makeup

Every woman wants her makeup to look like it was just done throughout the entire holiday. This is easy to achieve. Apply foundation directly to clean skin, powder and apply blush. Then take three pieces of ice and vigorously move them all over your face. Use each cube until it begins to melt - then your makeup will not smudge.

To disguise a pimple on your face: place a dot of foundation in the very center of the reddened area of ​​skin, and then dust it with loose powder. Just don't apply a thick layer. foundation, since the effect will be opposite to the desired one. It is best to use an antiseptic corrector.

IN New Year's Eve You can afford a lot of glitter, so take care of purchasing reflective powder, face and body gloss, and pearlescent shadows in silver or greenish-silver tones. But keep in mind that in this case the lipstick should not be pearlescent or glittery. Just bright lipstick is enough.

To create an open and radiant look, apply white pearlescent shadow or pencil to the inner corner of the eye, on the upper and lower eyelids in a V shape.

If you want your eyelashes to look thicker, simply dust them lightly with regular loose powder and then apply mascara.

So, let's calculate how much time it will take you to prepare for the holiday and be irresistible at it?

  • Water procedures: 20 minutes.
  • Masks (including preparation): 30 minutes.
  • Relaxation alone: ​​15 minutes.
  • New Year's makeup: 20 minutes.

Inspection of the results of your work, a shining clean house, a set table and dear faces: 5 minutes.

And as a parting piece of advice, I would like to give you some advice: do all the most labor-intensive things in advance. Try to keep everything basic for festive table(except maybe hot dishes) was ready the day before. And dedicate December 31st to yourself. You need to do well so as not to nod off at night. And you won’t feel tired, and your mood won’t drop, if on December 31st you allow yourself to be a little lazy: sleep longer, have a long and happy breakfast. What a pity to bring this to life helpful advice, which, in general, everyone knows, happens so rarely. But if this time it didn’t work out, look above!

Alsou Gabdullina

Miss« Young lady» " For children of a children's sanatorium"Ural" Uchaly.

Prepared and conducted by A. G. Gabdullina

Target: develop children fantasy and Creative skills, publicly

speak in front of an audience.


Interest children participating in the competition program.

Identify contenders for the title « Miss Young Lady» .

Give an opportunity girls demonstrate your creative



Attention! Attention!

Hurry to our hall.

Today in our hall

Have a fun day for you.

Beautiful and smart

Cheerful and noisy

Singers, craftswomen, beautiful maidens!

The sun is beautiful in the sky,

The birds sing merrily.

They lift the mood

And they send greetings to spring!

Good afternoon

We sincerely welcome everyone gathered in the hall for Miss competition« Young lady» .

Good evening, dear guys!

Good evening hour.

I am glad to welcome you to this large cozy hall and invite you to a wonderful, magical holiday- ball of the lovely girls. Open your eyes wider to see everything, stick out your ears to hear everything and prepare your palms for loud and friendly applause, because I invite you to stage our contestants for the title Miss« Young lady» !

And now attention, friends!

Today is such a wonderful day

And such an amazing one!

The stars came down from the sky to us

And everyone was warmed by beauty!

Performance girls participating.

You are beautiful like stars

And the eyes sparkle with fire.

And your smiles are sweet

Outshine the sun during the day!

You are so nice to us!

You girls are simply awesome!

That's why we all want it so much

Be like you!

We wish you only happiness,

And we'll tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

In the whole world there is simply no!

Leading: Each of you knows that the best half of humanity are sweet, kind, beautiful girls. Exactly girls It's your young people who are driving our stronger half of the planet crazy.

Look closely at the heroines of the celebration. They amaze with their youthful beauty, girlish charm, and sincere smile. Let's hope that each of them will delight us with their erudition, artistry, and originality of solutions to the most difficult problems. Let's wish them success! So, everything is ready, let's begin contest!

Everyone girls who decided to participate in our Miss competition« Young lady» inherent beauty, charm, tenderness, mystery, elegance, charm, they are all delightful and talented, each in their own way. We will all root for each participant and wish each one success and good luck.

Bolder to victory

No need to be embarrassed!

You are Young lady!


Well, which one? competition without jury!

The jury is awesome

jury is power

Not everyone can judge fairly!

Who will receive what title?

The jury will tell us about this at the end. The jury will tell us about this at the end. And to evaluate the skill of our contestants there will be a competent jury consisting of

Everyone is assessed contest according to a five-point system

So, all participants are on stage. Today we have to choose the best of the best. It's very difficult to choose just one girl and call her the best, because they are all so beautiful.

1. contest -"Business card".

Presenter: Attention! Attention! Let's start the first test - "Business card"!

Now we will see how charming our girls how they can talk. We find out what their character is and what they are interested in

Each of girls He will tell us in an interesting way about himself, his interests and hobbies. Content and form are taken into account.

2. Contest"Chupa Chups"

In order to successfully pass all the tests and not lose heart, we offer participants competition"sweeten life". You, the participants, are offered candy (optional, without wrapper). Determine by taste what kind of candy it is (Name).

3. Contest"Defile in costumes"

There's no way to get along with these girls

Before they have time to grow up, they demand outfits!

Every day of excitement, every day of care!

Oh these girls,

Oh these mods!

And now we move on to competition -"Defile in costumes". Our participants were given homework to make costumes from scrap materials. Now we'll see what they made.

4. Contest"Cleaning".

Presenter: Everyone knows that Cinderella was very hardworking girl. She did any job. Now we will make sure of this. Contest"Cleaning". For girls you need to drain the basin, take a sponge, lower the sponge into a basin of water, soak the sponge and run to the finish line and squeeze until the basin is drained. Let's see how our girls are neat, quickly and efficiently clean.

5. Contest"riddles about flowers".

Now let's plunge into the so-called "world of beauty". What holiday would be complete without flowers? Flowers are joy, an eternal source of inspiration and good mood.

Contest"riddles about flowers".

1. Until late autumn is upon us

Casts bold glances

Her cheerful yellow eye

Through the eyelashes are white. (Chamomile)

2. Which flower was guarded by the shaggy monster in Aksakov’s work of the same name? (Alenky).

3. For which Anderson heroine did the flower become a permanent place of residence? (Thumbelina).

4. Which flower is directly related to the king of beasts (Snapdragon).

There is a legend. The mermaid fell in love with handsome guy plowing the land for rye on the shore. He fell in love with her too. But they could not agree in any way, Where to live: in water or on land. Then the mermaid turned the guy into a flower. She thought that the wind would tear him off the ground and he would fall into the river. But the flower firmly held onto the arable land with its roots. And people named the flower after this guy. (Cornflower).

5. As the legend says, this flower appeared on earth in an unusual way. When Aphrodite was swimming in the sea, some brave souls decided to spy on her. Angry Zeus turned them into this flower... (Pansies)

6. I am a herbaceous plant

With a lilac flower.

But change the emphasis -

And I turn into candy. (Iris)

7. Which flower is a symbol of passionate love? (Red Rose).

8. What flowers are customary to give on the first of September? (gladioli).

1.- There is an oak tree, full of cereals, covered with a roof. (Poppy)

2.- It blooms with a yellow flower and is blown away after blooming.

What kind of flower is this? (Dandelion)

3- Here’s another little one

Bluer than day

What is her name:(forget-me-not)

That's right, friends.

4.-The golden mean and the rays go around

Could this be a picture? The sun is in the blue sky.

No, not the sun on a piece of paper -

In the meadow, guys flower -: (chamomile)

5. They call me the queen of flowers!

For the color and the smell of my petals

Even though my green bush is ready to hurt you

But who won’t forgive me the prickly thorns!

Who am I? (Rose)

6. It’s always gloomy under the spruce tree,

It smells damp and musty.

Under her furry paw

Frosted lamps shine. (Lily of the valley)

7. In the meadows, little sister -

Golden eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile)

8. Head on a leg,

There are polka dots in my head. (Poppy)

6. Contest"Specialty of the house"

Make a menu for tomorrow. House. ass

Presenter: Scientists once calculated in their spare time that a woman washes 18 thousand knives, forks and spoons in a year. In addition, it washes 30 thousand plates and 8 thousand cups. Let’s add here another 3 thousand other types of dishes, and delicate hands wash more than 40 thousand items per year.

7. Contest"Dream Flower"

Imagine and draw the flower of your dreams that you would like to see in your home or receive as a gift. Time to complete the task: 2 minutes.

Let's play a game with the audience "Name the flower". The viewer who guesses the most riddles about flowers receives a prize - stickers "Flowers".

Lovely contestants, time is over. The drawings are shown to the audience and handed over to the jury to evaluate the creative task.

8. Contest"Magic Words".

Everyone knows how nice it is for us, female representatives, to hear pleasant, laudatory words addressed to us. But in life you need to be able not only to accept compliments, but also to be able to say kind, affectionate words yourself.

How many wonderful words

Soft, kind, gentle

You and I say,

When we give, we ask,

We say goodbye, meet...

We use.

Now ours contestants will show their knowledge of these words and their ability to be polite in competition"Magic Words".

(Girls demonstrate their knowledge of polite words and the ability to speak them).

9. Contest"Our talents"

And also ours the girls are very talented, love to sing and dance. And each of them has its own zest. And what kind of zest this is, the next test will show - “That’s what I am!” And now they want to show you their dancing talents and sing

I invite our participants to the next test.

Show us your talents and skills.

Sing songs and dance and read poems to us.

Give everyone smiles like rays of dawn,

So that our strict jury does not make mistakes!

Of course, each of our participants was well prepared for the upcoming competition.

While the jury is summing up the results, we will draw the audience award. We'll play it like this: On my signal, greet each participant with applause. And we will evaluate who they clapped loudest for, and she will receive the main audience award.

Playing with the audience.

In the meantime, the girls are getting ready, I propose to test the strength of our viewers. I ask all fans to answer my questions.

Are there any fans of participant No. 1 in the hall?

Are those who are rooting for participant No. 2 ready to make themselves known?

Shout out in unison from everyone who supports participant number 3?

We want to hear from the fans of participant No. 4?

And this is applauded by those who are rooting for participant number 5.

The participant number 6 is given their applause by her fans.

Why are the fans of participant No. 7 silent?

We see that our participants have real support in the hall.

# Miss Charm

# Miss Shy

# Miss smile

# Miss wise

# Miss Hostess

# Miss charming

# Miss Young Lady.

The jury's word!

Rewarding all participants with diplomas and gifts.

Ours is over contest. Once again you saw how talented there are girls in our race.

We wish you happy, clear days.

For more light and goodness,

Health, joy, success,

Peace, happiness and warmth!

Playing with the audience.

Here are the objects in front of you. Take any of them. You should name a proverb, saying or catchphrase associated with this subject.

1. Needle and thread. (Where there is a needle, there is a thread. A small needle, but it dresses the whole world.)

2. Apple. (Apple of discord. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.)

3. Rope. (No matter how long the rope twists, it will end.)

4. Mirror. (There is nothing to blame for the mirror, since the face is crooked.)

5. Spoon. (Road spoon for dinner)

Riddles for the audience.

"Clever women are wise"

For girls you need to solve riddles.

1. Balls hang on the branches,

Turned blue from the heat.


2. The white stone melts in your mouth.


3. The mottled quack catches frogs,

He waddles and stumbles.


4. This eye is a special eye.

He will quickly look at you

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you.


5. Sleeps during the day, flies at night,

It scares passersby.


6. You can’t tell my tail from my head,

I'm always in the ground you will find.


7. From a hot well

Water flows through the nose.


8. On the squares of the board

The kings brought down the regiments.

Not for battle near regiments

No cartridges, no bayonets.


9. I held your tail in my hand,

You flew - I ran.


10. The tail is made of bone, and there is stubble on the back.


11. Wags his tail, has teeth, but does not bark.


12. Two bellies, four ears.


13. The brothers prepared for a visit,

They clung to each other

And they rushed off on a long journey,

They just left some smoke.


14. He willingly inhales dust,

Not sick, but sneezing.

(vacuum cleaner)

15. He will weave, he will weave,

He sits and waits for prey.


16. Flows, flows - will not leak,

He runs, he runs, but he won’t run out.


17. A new vessel, but it’s all full of holes.


18. People live under water,

Walks backwards.


19. Doesn’t sing songs, doesn’t build nests,

It carries people and cargo.


20. The whole universe lives in him,

But it's an ordinary thing.


Playing with spectators

(conducted by two boys 5, 6)

5. Each of you are fans. Now we will ask riddles. For the correct answer – 1 point is added to the participant competition the one you're rooting for.

6. dried out in the hot sun

and bursts from the pods... (peas)

5. small, bitter brother of Luka,

seasoning for food, and control over microbes. (garlic)

6. What did they dig from the ground, fry, cook?

what we baked in ashes, ate, and praised! (potato)

5. the matryoshka stands on one leg,

bundled up, scared. (cabbage).

6. Came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn).

5. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles (Wind).

6. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)

5. They ask and wait for me, but when I come, they hide (Rain).

6. The more you take from it, the bigger it becomes. (Pit)

5. What a nimble old man, eighty-eight legs.

Everyone is shuffling around the floor, doing hot work. (Broom)

6. Gray, but not a wolf, long-eared, but not a hare,

With hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)

5. Red Egorka fell on the lake,

He himself did not drown and did not stir up the water. (Autumn leaf)

6. Not snow, not ice, but with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost)

The forest has stripped, blue the sky, this is the time of year. (Autumn)

5. The cold frightens them so much that they fly away to warm countries,

They can’t sing, they can’t have fun, who gathered in flocks? (birds)

6. The sun no longer warms us, the drifting snow blows with cold!

A breeze blew into the puddle and froze it. (ice)

We invite you to stage of all the contestants. A press conference awaits them.


Do you often have to change your appearance while hiding from the school principal?

Would you like to sit in the director's chair?

Is it true that in the evenings you dance the lambada alone?

Is it true that you are a secret agent of Chinese intelligence?

Is it true that you can move your ears, nose and eyebrows at the same time?

They say that you are writing a message on the topic “Problems of using cell phones while taking exams?”

They say you are allergic to banknotes. This is true?

Is it true that you are afraid of the school bell?


Rumor has it that your favorite food is chocolate-covered lard. Is it so?

They say that you know where Barmaley is hiding. This is true?

They say that you talk loudly in your sleep. This is true?

Do you often fall out of bed?

Do you like to eat?

Legends are made about your beauty and your kindness. What do you think about it?

They say that you can’t sleep against the wall, your knees get stuck. This is true?

You are a very smart person, well, just a genius. Do you agree with this?

Tell me now something most important, the most intimate!