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Table setting for guests. Table setting at home (50 photos): etiquette rules for all occasions

A home holiday always promises pleasant chores. Inviting guests, drawing up a holiday menu and diligently preparing planned dishes is an incomplete list of what household members do. A true housewife will never lose sight of such a detail as setting the festive table. Pay attention to every detail, and then your guests will be delighted with what they see.


The festive table setting may differ from the format of the holiday itself. So, you can plan a celebration for lunch (with soup) or dinner (without soup). Decorating a table for a birthday celebration is often done using the second option. The buffet table involves exclusively cold appetizers, which guests will eat with forks. Place snacks on large, beautiful plates, and pour drinks into carafes.

Individual dishes should be placed in one part of the table. Guests take their favorite dishes themselves and eat while standing. At home holidays there is also a so-called cold table. It can be a snack bar, Swedish or buffet type. The table itself is placed against the wall and covered with a tablecloth that hangs all the way to the floor. Place treats in the center of the table, and individual dishes at the edges. You can place comfortable chairs and sofas for guests, or you can offer to eat while standing.

The tea (coffee) table can be set after the main feast, or less often - independently. It is customary to set the coffee table from 5 to 7 p.m., and the tea table until 8 p.m. There are treats on the table, often desserts. You can put fruits, berries, nuts. Serving involves the presence of dessert priors and plates, tea or coffee utensils.

Table for children's party has its own specifics. The tablecloth and napkins are in bright colors, often with interesting prints. Cards with the children's names are placed on or near the plates. The place for the birthday person is decorated in a special way - a fork, spoon or plate is decorated with ribbon. Children's dishes must be beautifully decorated.

The holiday table for children should not contain dishes that need to be cut with knives. If you cannot do without it, cut everything in advance and remove dangerous items. Make sure you have plenty of drinks. You can use fresh flowers to decorate the table. The birthday cake is brought in with lit candles.


Before serving, you must go through several preparatory stages. For a home party, you need to choose sophisticated and attractive tableware. White plates without additional decorative elements are considered a classic. All dishes and utensils must be washed and polished to a shine.. Pay special attention to the choice of tablecloth. This element can create a special atmosphere of celebration.

Consider materials such as satin and taffeta. A plain tablecloth is a classic solution for decorating a home holiday table. A tablecloth with a lace print would be appropriate for a children's party or a big celebration.

When choosing the color of the tablecloth, it is important to take into account the color of the tableware and the interior of the room in which the table will be located. These three elements must resonate with each other.

The product must be washed well and ironed thoroughly. The presence of creases and wrinkled edges will spoil the overall impression. The size of the tablecloth also matters. The canvas should hang from the tabletop by 20-30 cm on each side. If there is less overhang, it will create the impression of untidiness, and more overhang will disturb guests.

A festive table is not complete without napkins. Without it simple element All the charm and chic of the celebration is lost. You can fold the napkin in the shape of a rose, a swan, or in any other way. If you don’t have time for this, then special napkin rings will help you out.

How to cover?

Most often, a home celebration is scheduled for dinner. Organizing a holiday is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Setting the table with your own hands is interesting and pleasant. You can create a special atmosphere with simple techniques. Serving utensils on the table should not consist of elements from different sets. Immediately think over the menu and take care of successful combination serving and tableware.

There should be 80 cm of table space per guest. Each guest's tableware should look the same and be located at the same distance from each other.

You should not pile up a large number of different dishes. For appetizers, this could include sliced ​​herring, salad tartlets, canapés and cold cuts. Remember, everything should be not only tasty, but also beautiful. An overabundance of dishes creates the impression of chaos. Moreover, with this design it will be difficult to maintain the personal space of each guest. Bread bins are never placed in the center of the table.

Place several plates at different ends so that each guest can reach them. Place the main dishes around the perimeter. In the center of the table you can place only the hostess’s signature masterpiece. Be sure to place the spices on the center line of the table. There should be a small distance between the salt and pepper shakers. Mustard should be placed with a small spoon. Serve sauces in containers designed for this purpose. Serve the butter in a butter dish along with a knife.

A properly set table will cause positive emotions for you and your guests. It is important that all serving elements are successfully combined not only with each other, but also with the interior of the room.


Name days, anniversaries and any other home holiday are a good reason to elegantly decorate the table. Personalized napkins for guests can become a real work of art. Each napkin can be folded into an envelope and flowers can be placed inside. Napkins for men can be folded in the shape of a bow tie, and for women - in the shape of a heart. Details matter a lot. Stylish decoration will set the guests in a solemn mood.

Keep in mind that decorations should not interfere with the dishes on the table. The best solution is to decorate the table with fresh flowers. Give preference to neat bouquets in low vases and place them in the central part of the table.

If you decide to set a themed table, then choose the same decorations. On New Year's table You can lay out napkins in the form of Christmas trees or holiday hats. Place holiday figurines in the center of the table. Decorate the perimeter of the table with rain.


There are stable rules for arranging dishes on festive table. First of all, they place products made of porcelain and earthenware. The next stage is instruments. Then you need to arrange the glass and crystal: glasses, glasses, glasses, wine glasses. Luxurious table setting consists of the following elements.


Place the serving plates on the table first. They are not eaten from, they serve as a kind of coasters. There should be a distance of 2 cm or more from the plate to the edge of the table. Place a snack plate or soup bowl on top. By the way, if you are serving bisque soup, place a soup plate, for broth and light soup - a broth pot. The bread and butter plate is placed above and to the left of the guest's main dishes. Moreover, it is worth maintaining a distance of 8 cm between them.


Place forks on the left side and knives on the right side of the serving plate. The sharp ends of the fork should point towards the ceiling, and the tip of the knife should be turned towards the plate. Cutlery is placed closer to the plate, fish cutlery is behind it, and snack bars are placed at the edges. Remember that cutlery should not lie under the edge of the decorative plate. The location of the soup spoon directly depends on the presence or absence of dessert on the menu. No dessert - place the spoon at the top of the serving plate, if there is dessert - to the right of the knives. Place dessert and fruit utensils horizontally under the serving plate.

For drinks

The number of cutlery for each guest depends solely on the drinks that will be on your table. For each type of drink, its own glassware is selected. For light wine, use small glasses. For champagne - narrow and tall. For all non-alcoholic drinks, you can use beautiful glasses. Place drinkware in the upper right corner of the serving plate. There should be 1.5 cm from the tip of the knife to the water (juice) glass. Dishes for vodka and wine are placed at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the edge of the table.

The same rule works with glasses as with cutlery - those that are further away from the plate are used first.


There is a certain order in which dishes are served at the table.

  1. Snacks.
  2. Soups.
  3. Hot main courses.
  4. Dessert.
  5. Beverages.

The correct arrangement of cold appetizers involves alternating dishes of fish, meat and vegetables. The soup is served in a special tureen, but not in a saucepan. For hot dishes, use dishes. Place salads in special salad bowls, do not use bowls. For each dish, place a common utensil that the guest can use to put food on the plate. Bottled water is placed so that every guest has access to it.

Open bottles only before you call everyone to the table. Without alcoholic drinks serve in jugs. Pour strong drinks into a carafe before serving. Expensive alcoholic drinks are usually served in a bottle. Desserts are served towards the end. Before serving sweets, remove everything unnecessary from the table - spices, sauces, dirty napkins and unnecessary dishes. Fruits must be displayed in vases. Place portioned desserts behind wine glasses.

The signature cake can be placed in the center where the spices previously stood. Ice cream is served immediately before consumption.

Rules of etiquette

Among the important information, it is worth highlighting the rules for using different devices and behavior at the table during the holiday. Both topics are quite important and deserve attention.

Serving items

  • The cutlery is located on different sides of the plate for a reason. This is a kind of hint for you about which hand to take the item in.
  • There are no particular difficulties with dessert cutlery either. If the handle is directed to the right, then the device should be taken right hand. If the handle is directed to the left, use your left hand.
  • When using the knife, its handle should be directed into your palm. Bend your unused fingers.
  • When serving, the tip of the fork faces the ceiling, but when eating, you need to hold it the other way around.
  • There is only one reason to break the rule written above - when eating side dishes, turn the fork over and use it as an impromptu spoon.
  • Take the spoon so that its end rests on the base of your index finger.

Table manners

  • Remove the individual napkin from the plate when serving the dish and place it on your lap. After finishing the meal, this napkin should be placed to the left of the decorative plate.
  • Don't engage in small talk with guests while you're eating.
  • Don't bite off many large pieces of food at once, it will look awkward.
  • At the festive table, do not blow on the dishes in order to cool them.
  • Handle bread products with your hands, not with utensils.
  • Cut the meat into small pieces that are easy to eat.
  • Fish dishes are always served with a slice of lemon. After eating food, you should apply it to your lips to neutralize the smell.
  • Soft dishes (cheese cakes, casseroles, aspic) are not cut with a knife, but separated with a fork.
  • From the common dish you need to take the piece that is closest to you.
  • If you come across berry seeds in a compote or dessert, you should not spit them out in a saucer. It is correct to bring a spoon to your mouth, silently move the bone into it and then transfer it to a saucer.
  • Don't reach across the table for food. Ask other guests to serve you the dish.
  • After finishing your meal, place the cutlery on your plate.

If you want a solemn tea ceremony, buy a samovar. Place the tea utensils around it, but make sure that the cups do not get in the way. Arrange the tea set correctly - put the saucer, put a napkin on top and only then put the cup. Place containers with sugar and spoons on different sides of the table. The festive table for children has specific serving and decoration. Simple recommendations will help you avoid incidents.

A woman, in addition to taking care of herself, must not forget about the family hearth and everything connected with it.

One of the most important moments in a woman's life is to create home comfort and beauty in the house.

A woman should not only be able to cook delicious food, but also know how to set the table at home for a particular occasion.

Since feasts are an integral part of our lives, beautiful table setting at home is not the last thing a hostess needs to know if she wants to surprise and delight her guests and family members.

A beautiful table setting will create a pleasant impression of the skills of the hostess, and will undoubtedly improve the appetite of those present at the table.

A beautiful table setting at home can be very chic. To set a table beautifully, it is enough to know some tricks and secrets on how to set a table.

Combining table setting rules with original ideas How to set a table at home, you can always welcome guests at a wonderful table in a pleasant atmosphere.

What to consider before preparing the table setting

Probably, many women can imagine a situation where they need to quickly prepare for the arrival of guests.

Lack of time can play a cruel joke on the hostess, causing her to blush when something is discovered on the table that should not have been there at all.

We are talking about poorly washed or wiped cutlery, dishes that have cracks, unsharpened knives or a stain on the tablecloth that can catch the eye of all guests.


To prevent this from happening, it is better to prepare for the holiday in advance so that such unpleasant moments do not have a place on your holiday table.

If this happens to you, try to always have spare cutlery, a clean tablecloth and extra napkins on hand.

Wipe cutlery with towels, which will not leave lint on the glass.


Wash glasses and wine glasses with detergent to remove all traces of touch from the dishes.

Table setting for any holiday should be thought out to the smallest detail. In addition, you must think about the arrangement of not only the cutlery, but also the dishes that you will treat your guests to, for example, where the meat snacks will be located, where you will put the hot dishes, and where the sweet plate and fruit slices will be located.

Let's look at table setting ideas for certain occasions, which will undoubtedly be useful to housewives in table setting design.

Beautiful table setting - ideas for super housewives

Beautiful table setting at home is carried out depending on the type of feast that is being organized.

Most often, each housewife has her own secrets and rules for table setting, which determine what the festive table setting will be, what kind of fun children's table setting will delight the kids at a children's party, what amazing table setting will be appropriate for a feast on new year holidays or name day.

Beautiful table setting can be done in different styles depending on the cuisine and the preferences of the hostess.

A beautiful table setting for a birthday or any other occasion does not have to be expensive.

You can decorate a table beautifully at home and without much luxury, but at the same time the table setting can turn out to be very original and unusual.

What does proper table setting include?

Every home table setting starts with a table and a beautiful tablecloth. Choosing a beautiful tablecloth means setting the right rhythm for decorating the entire feast.

A beautiful table setting with a white fabric tablecloth or a tablecloth of any other color in a monochrome version looks elegant.

We don’t argue that a bright tablecloth with a rich print is also suitable, but still, setting a table with a plain tablecloth is more solid.

If the table setting is organized on a white tablecloth, you can play with the color palette, choosing not only white and transparent dishes, but also multi-colored tableware options.

A beautiful table setting with white dishes looks lovely on a dark or bright plain tablecloth.

If you are planning a children's table setting, here you can create a colorful explosion by setting the table with colorful dishes different colors and with different patterns on a tablecloth with children's ornaments.

Housewives often use an oilcloth tablecloth to prevent the main tablecloth from getting dirty.

If you are preparing a table setting at home (for a regular home lunch, breakfast or dinner), you can still afford this, but for guests, try to set the table without such experiments.

A beautiful festive table setting involves the selection of napkins, which are not only an integral part of the decoration of the feast, but also an original accessory.

You can serve the festive table with paper napkins to match the overall serving composition, but still, when expecting dear guests, it is better to put fabric napkins.

A beautiful holiday table setting can be very different. Today, photo ideas on how to fold a napkin with your own hands are presented in large quantities.

After seeing several similar examples, you will quickly learn how to do original options so that your beautiful holiday table setting is unsurpassed in every detail.

Remember that proper table setting for a holiday should include both fabric and paper napkins.

Quite a lot important stage In the process of setting the table, there will be arranging the dishes. Think in advance where which appliances will be located so that there is still room for decorative elements.

In order for the table setting to turn out beautiful and correct, you must think through the menu, estimating how many and what utensils you will need in order to serve all the prepared dishes to the guests.

Proper table setting: types and features of how to set the table

Each festive table setting, created with imagination, will look like a real masterpiece, because today it is not a familiar and boring process, but a whole art.

Beautiful table setting for a holiday, business dinner, children's party or any other type of feast will differ in design, because each theme has its own table setting rules.

So, children's holiday table setting should not only be beautiful and bright, but also comfortable for children.

You can place spoons for the children instead of forks. This way, kids can eat calmly and easily, and parents won’t worry about their safety.

It’s clear that a fork is a sharp object, and children are fidgety. Children's table setting can be decorated with children's figurines, balls, multi-colored napkins, and unusually shaped dishes.

Children's table settings are often done using plastic or paper dishes in bright colors. This makes it more fun for the children and less hassle for the mother.

Festive table setting at New Year or Valentine's Day takes into account not only the rules of serving, but also the special atmosphere of these holidays.

Therefore, table setting for New Year's events, just like a romantic table setting for a feast can be done in bright colors, for example, red with decor that symbolizes the spirit of these events.

New Year's toys, tree branches, pine cones, small gifts, original New Year's figurines - all this is a beautiful table setting for the New Year.

Rose petals on the table, red tablecloth and napkins, many flowers and floral decorative elements, hearts, etc. - such decor can be present if you are looking for ideas on how to set the table in a romantic manner.

Business table setting, of course, will be more restrained and calm in design, because although table setting should evoke an appetite and a desire to relax among those sitting at the table, table setting for partners or business people should not distract from the purpose of the meeting.

The wedding table setting is chic. Today there are so many ideas on how to set a table for a wedding that young people can combine several of their favorite options to organize a grand feast.

The wedding table setting supports the overall theme and color scheme of the wedding party.

The wedding table setting will definitely not fail if you decorate the wedding table bright accents, for example, bouquets of colorful tulips, delicate wildflowers, mysterious roses.

Table setting - choosing the right decor and placing accents

Probably the most interesting process is at the stage of decorating the table. Here everything depends only on the imagination of the hostess.

Everything is possible, the main thing is not to overdo it with a lot of decor. Original serving the table can be decorated with candles, branches, flower arrangements, ikebana, themed figures and holiday symbols, etc.

Any table setting will be interesting if the decor complements the cutlery in a unique way, making your feast extraordinary.

In order not to talk for a long time about the decor, arrangement of cutlery and other elements, we decided to offer you a photo selection “How to set a table: table setting at home.”

Here you will find stunning photo table setting ideas that you should definitely implement at the upcoming holiday.

Watch and learn: how to set a table beautifully

Nowadays, every city has such a variety of restaurants, bars and cafes that inviting guests home has become a rarity. Despite this, the comfort of family dinners and home celebrations with close friends cannot be replaced by any fashionable restaurant. When a housewife is faced with the question of setting a table at home, many begin to panic, because they don’t want to “fall face down in the dirt.”

In fact, there is nothing wrong with setting the table at home. You just need to know the basic rules of etiquette, serving and proper serving of food.

Basic serving rules

When setting the table, special attention should be paid to certain details. Let's get acquainted with them in detail.


Pay special attention to the tablecloth, even if you are serving a regular table rather than a festive one. Eating at a bare tabletop is not as pleasant as sitting at a clean, light tablecloth. Psychologists and nutritionists are confident that the correct color of this element will improve your mood, eat less, and also gain aesthetic pleasure.

  • You should not replace the tablecloth with cheap oilcloth, despite its availability and ease of care.
  • The color of the tablecloth is selected to match the interior, or a calm neutral color.
  • The tablecloth should fit the table in size - no more, no less. Otherwise, the furniture will look ridiculous and careless.
  • The shape of the fabric is selected based on the shape of the tabletop.


Despite the high cost of good tableware, every housewife should have at least one quality set for 6 or 12 people, a set of identical cutlery, glasses, glasses, and napkin holders. We must not forget that there are separate dishes for cold, hot, appetizers, soups and desserts. Choose it to match the overall service so that there are no awkward combinations.

For everyday purposes, it is enough to have plain dishes from one set. It is much more pleasant when all family members are in harmony even at a home-cooked dinner.

For an anniversary or birthday, standard white tableware is suitable, which seems to never go out of style.

Casual serving

When serving a family lunch or dinner, there is no need to take out your entire arsenal " a real housewife" Just look at the menu to determine the types of plates and utensils that are needed for it. Decide whether there will be alcoholic drinks on the table and how many people will drink them. There is no need to give children the same glasses as adults.

Let's get acquainted with the nuances of everyday serving.

  • First place a decorative plate, then dishes for the main course. A deep bowl for soup is placed on it.
  • Decorative plate primarily serves to protect the tablecloth from contamination, since its edges protrude beyond the main elements. If you don’t have decorative dishes on hand, a large flat plate for hot dishes will do.
  • be careful: even for everyday serving, it is better to pour soup from a tureen at the table (into everyone’s plate) than to carry dishes from the stove, spilling at every step.
  • It can be exactly the same with hot– if a hot dish is already on the table, you can serve it from a common plate. If this is not possible, ask your children or spouse to help you bring hot food.

  • There should be devices for everyone– the “one knife for all” option will not work. Even when dining at home, each family member should feel comfortable.
  • Based on the rules of etiquette, the knife and tablespoon are to the right of the plate, the fork is to the left.
  • Glasses and glasses located on the right side of the serving plate diagonally.
  • At a normal lunch or dinner, it is more profitable to use simple paper napkins. Match their color to the color scheme of the entire table - white will still look great.

Festive table setting

Only small nuances appear.

  • Yes, when festive table setting In addition to a decorative plate, a hot plate, and a soup plate, a snack plate is served.
  • For festive serving, in addition to a knife, a tablespoon and a fork, a dessert fork and a small spoon for coffee or tea should be placed above the decorative plate.
  • If a pie plate is placed when serving, you must place a knife on it.
  • The tallest glass should be placed first, and the spirit glass last.
  • Fabric napkins will not only add sophistication to your table, but will also become a basic necessity for guests. There is a large selection of folded napkins for serving with various accessories. You can also fold it beautifully yourself.

  • Sauces, salt and pepper are placed in the center of the table so that any guest can reach them without problems.
  • All drinks must be already opened and uncorked on the table.
  • With a large number of guests, we must not forget about the rule of serving dishes: the feast begins with the presentation of appetizers, canapés, and sandwiches.
  • Every dish placed on the table must have a spoon. This way, you make it clear to the guest that he can serve his own food.
  • The order in which plates of food are served to a person should correspond to his status and position. First, adult women are served, then men, and then children.

Features of festive serving

Knowing the basic rules of etiquette and the principles of basic serving, there is nothing easier than setting a festive table. Here your imagination, taste and small tricks that you need to know will help you.

Before preparing dishes and setting the table, think over the concept of the holiday. It will be very ridiculous if a children's birthday party is decorated in monotonous colors, and a business lunch is decorated with bright napkins with clowns or flowers.

It is important to remember that all guests are different: festive table setting involves a larger number of people - some may be tall, others - short, some are left-handed, and some are right-handed.

Consider the convenience of all guests.

If the table does not allow you to place all serving items in the required order and sequence, or there is not enough space to arrange appetizers, salads and other dishes, then use the idea of ​​a serving table. This can be a coffee table option or any other one, designed in the style of a common table. Match the tablecloth and decoration with napkins. It is important that the decor does not seem out of place.

Decorative elements can create a festive mood:

  • candlesticks;
  • Natural flowers;
  • accessories (including ribbons and bows).

So, when decorating a wedding banquet, a lot of voluminous accessories are always used - it doesn’t look vulgar.

It is important not to overload the table, not to clutter it with unnecessary things, and also to choose appropriate decor for the occasion.

Don't be afraid to use balloons or whole arches if it's someone's birthday or anniversary.

If the festive table setting is being prepared for a themed event, be it New Year or Christmas, complement the table with suitable decor: gingerbread cookies in Santa Claus hats, candy canes, gingerbread houses. Each thematic event has its own set of elements, which depends only on your imagination.

There will be many guests, but not enough identical dishes - and here there is a solution. Plates and cutlery can be combined with each other, even if they are of different shapes and colors. Determine the overall color scheme, experiment with placing dishes on top of each other, supplement them with napkins.

Do not use more than three colors for one table setting. Bright colors will distract the eye, or even kill your appetite. Calm, pastel colors can merge into one inconspicuous spot.

Your main assistant will be timing. Properly planned serving times for dishes and dessert will help you avoid putting all the dishes on the table at the same time, as well as correctly distribute your energy.

Another nuance of proper serving is the location of the guests. It’s unlikely that you want, instead of admiration for your table, dishes and comfort, to hear the barbs of the guests sitting next to you all evening.

Children's holiday

Celebrations attended only by adults or adults with children are much less hectic than children's birthdays.

Despite the fact that here you need to think through the space as much as possible, make it not only comfortable, but also safe for children, one can only envy the freedom of imagination.

  • Style and Unity– important elements on children's day birthday, so take care of the harmonious combination of the holiday, the number of boys and girls with everything around: from the choice of tablecloth to decorative elements.
  • Refer to details of positive colors. There should be no dark fabrics or napkins on the table. Avoid gothic or vintage style decor. Use exclusively cheerful details.
  • It is useless to provide children with porcelain dishes. or a family heirloom (antique set). There is no point in scolding kids for breaking a cup if they accidentally knocked it over with their elbow while playing.

Now in stores you can find a huge variety of disposable colored cardboard tableware with faces, balls or characters from your favorite cartoons. Children will be happy with this serving.

A beautifully set table creates a feeling of celebration and comfort. How to easily and simply learn the secrets of serving? It is enough to understand the basic principles on which all table etiquette is based. As a result, you can celebrate any celebration with a light heart without unnecessary fuss.

Tablecloth - is it possible to do without it?

The tablecloth performs several functions at the same time:

  • decorates the table;
  • helps hide minor defects on the countertop that you don’t want to show to guests;
  • helps to fit the table into the overall style of the celebration;
  • serves as protection for expensive countertops, preventing scratches and accidental chips.

If the condition of the tabletop is satisfactory, and its material is not afraid of accidental contact with sauces and wines, you can do without a tablecloth. It can be replaced with a runner - a textile track.

If the room is decorated in a minimalist style, then a table with runners laid across the table will look harmonious and at the same time festive.

Runners can be placed along the table in the center, in the area where the main dishes and decor are located. In this case, the track can be used solo or in a duet with a suitable tablecloth.

Simultaneous use of tablecloths is allowed different shapes. At the same time, the bottom canvas should follow the shape of the tabletop and form an overhang of 20-30 cm for regular serving, and on special occasions it should completely cover the table legs.

Plates – is it necessary to use a tray?

In order to understand what to put where, imagine the space occupied by the guest’s appliances as a rectangle. Cover it with an epigastric napkin.

Depending on the type of dishes, appropriate plates are selected. For bread, pies and snacks, flat models of small diameter are used. They are located in the upper left corner of the epigastric napkin. For breakfast or lunch, this place is occupied by a tea pair.

It is convenient to eat hot food from flat, wide dishes. In some cases, dishes are served in small portioned pots in which they were cooked.

Cream soups and broths are convenient to consume from deep, spacious bowls. And for borscht or kharcho it is better to serve a wide, but at the same time deep plate.

To prevent the hot bottom from ruining the table or tablecloth, festive version often use underlay plates (serving plates), placed at a distance of 3 cm from the edge of the table directly in front of the guest. They serve for decoration and as a hot stand. In addition, they help protect the tablecloth from accidental stains.

Sometimes a thick napkin is used instead of an epigastric plate. big size or a neat mat that performs the same function.

Cutlery – is it true that it can be simple?

The seemingly complex combination of spoons, forks and knives lends itself to easy classification.

  • Forks are placed to the left of the plate with their teeth facing up. From left to right, guests will sequentially take out utensils intended for appetizers, fish and meat. If any dish from this list is not on the menu, then you do not need to put a device for it.
  • Spoons and knives are laid out to the right of the plate. Again, following the same logic. In the direction from the edge to the plate there are: a knife for appetizers, a spoon for first courses, a fish knife and a meat knife. If any type of dish is removed from the menu, the appliance is not put down.
  • For dessert, cutlery is placed behind the plate, with the handle of the fork pointing to the left and the handle of the spoon to the right.
  • In the right corner of the napkin, place glasses for water and wine, glasses and shot glasses. They line up “in height” from high (left) to low (right).


If you are setting a festive table using a tray, then place a textile napkin between it and the dishes for the first and second courses. It will protect the bottom plate from scratches and the top plate from slipping.

It is not forbidden to place napkins on top of snack plates or place them on the left side of the tablecloth.

In some cases, it is quite acceptable to place cutlery on a napkin.

You can use paper or textile models depending on the situation.

Rings, clips and table linen holders help create beautiful composition and emphasize the solemnity of the event.

If you decide not to use a tablecloth and runner, textile napkins will help designate a place for each guest and serve as protection for the tabletop. At the same time, you will avoid unnecessary pomposity and problems with washing and ironing linen. It is much easier to deal with napkins after the celebration.

Serving dishes

Common sense applies here too. Each dish is served in such a way that everyone can get it and try it. Square and round tables arranged in such a way that all hot dishes and snacks are located in the center.

  • Rectangular and oval countertops, depending on their length, sometimes need to be divided into separate areas depending on the number of people.
  • The first course is served either in plates or in a tureen. In this case, guests themselves can take the desired amount of food or the hostess distributes it. In the latter case, the tureen is located to the right of it.
  • It is advisable to distribute the bread baskets so that they are closer to the ends of the tabletop. However, when you plan to seat guests at one long table, you need to place several baskets of sliced ​​bread in the center of the table.
  • Salt and pepper shakers are usually included in a guest's individual dinnerware set. Gravy boats and Maslenitsa are calculated according to the number of persons.
  • Soft drinks are served in jugs. White and red wine are opened in advance. Strong drinks are poured into decanters. The champagne is cooled and opened by the host of the celebration immediately before being poured into glasses.


Candles can be used as decoration, Balloons, fresh flowers, pine cones, spruce or pine branches, small pumpkins, compositions carved from vegetables and fruits.

At the same time, decorative elements must be positioned so that they do not interfere. Imagine what the table will look like during the entire celebration. If any decorative branch is capable of knocking over a gravy boat or scratching the table, it is better not to use it.

There are a lot of decorative elements for themed feasts. For example, for Easter in Orthodox culture, dyes are traditionally served in special stands. In Western culture, images of rabbits are appropriate. The New Year theme involves the use of evergreens, pine cones, and New Year's toys.

Separately, we need to mention the nameplates. Holders for them can be purchased at the store, or you can make them yourself. In a rustic style, these could be branches or wine corks. For a children's party, it is appropriate to use miniature toys.

As you can see, setting the table at home is not at all a rigid set of incomprehensible rules that are understandable only to aristocrats. This is a completely understandable principle of convenient and have a beautiful feast, where every guest feels comfortable.

Jul 24, 2017 Werri

There is not a hostess who would not like to surprise her invited guests with her culinary dishes and feast. But in order for guests to be completely satisfied with the event, the hostess must be able to beautifully and correctly sort and prepare the home table. Properly placed cutlery and treats produce the maximum effect on guests. What serving rules should any person know, as well as how to set the table?

Proper table setting is not only the arrangement of cutlery, but also its decoration and design. The types of decorations and dishes mainly depend on the upcoming holiday (birthday, wedding, family breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.).

Basic rules of etiquette:

To quickly and easily cover your home table with a tablecloth, you need to place the folded fabric on the surface of the table, and then, lifting it by the edges, quickly lower your hands. Thanks to these actions, the fabric will lie smoothly and beautifully.

Whether you are celebrating a birthday, or just going to have dinner with your family, in any case, the rules of etiquette are the same for all situations. Table setting must follow a certain order and rules:

Basic rules for placing cutlery

From the first minutes, it seems to any person that it is impossible to remember the placement of all the cutlery and dishes. In real life, all these rules are quite simple and were created to facilitate the serving process. Each cutlery is arranged in its own order. So, the most extreme of utensils are needed for first courses.

Most people often confuse the correct arrangement of cutlery, so before use you should carefully consider their arrangement.

Important elements in table decoration

Napkins are considered the most important items in table decoration. There are several types of napkins: linen and paper. The first type of napkins is used for plates with great depth, if there are no snack utensils on the table, or for feet. Paper napkins usually placed in the center of the table at arm's length from the guest. For a special look, the napkin can be rolled into some kind of beautiful shape, for example, a rose, a ship, a swan or any geometric figure. If napkins are used not only as additional table decor, then it is important that they easily and simply unfold into their usual shape.

Also, when serving, you need to remember about seasonings and additives in the form of spices. There must be salt and pepper on the table. In this case, you do not need to fill the spice container entirely; it will be enough if you pour the spices into half the container. If the banquet menu includes dishes made from meat products, then mustard and horseradish should also be present on the table.

Table setting at home

When the weekend comes, families usually gather in one common circle at home, and the housewife prepares many different dishes. During the meal, loved ones communicate with each other and tell interesting news or stories. This best time, to through decoration and table setting give the conversation a special coziness and comfort. So, even in a home environment you can easily create a feeling little holiday. If there are children in the family, then such a dinner, lunch or breakfast will serve as a good indicator of how to behave at the table, why various devices were created and how to use them correctly.

  • Breakfast. Proper and cozy breakfast capable of imparting good mood the whole family for the whole day. In order for all dishes to look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, you need to follow some rules and instructions. First, you should put plates with snacks and sandwiches on the table, and then cups with saucers and teaspoons. In this case, the cups are located in the middle of the table, at the optimal level from the person. If breakfast includes boiled eggs, they should be served in a special stand with a high leg. The porridge is placed in a bowl with a deep bottom and placed on a plate for snacks. It is customary to place dough products on a wide dish, and there should be honey, butter, jam or jam on the table. To use oil Each family member should have a small knife nearby. Also, the table must be decorated with napkins. It will be better if the napkins are made in the same style as the insulation for the kettle. Remember about salt and sugar on your home table.
  • Dinner. For lunch, first and second courses are usually prepared, and sometimes dessert. So, to decorate the table for lunch you will need use a lot more partings than for breakfast. For general dishes you will need additional spoons, forks, and spatulas. Deep-bottomed plates and cups for broth are placed on top of the appetizers, and dessert plates are usually served at the end of the meal, when the main courses have been eaten and the dirty dishes have been put away. It is important to remember the knives you will need for fish or meat. For dishes such as zrazy, meatballs and cutlets, one fork will be enough.
  • Dinner. Setting and decorating the table for dinner is similar to the morning. Pancakes, pancakes or pie are usually prepared for a common meal. The dessert plates are brought out immediately, and forks and knives are placed next to them, on the right side. If the dinner is romantic, then candles in special candlesticks are placed on the table or near it.

The hostess should prepare for the festive meal with special effort and take care of all the details that decorate the table. The main thing here is not only the classic rules of table setting, but also the combination of colors and the sense of style of the owners of the holiday.

What rules should be followed when setting a festive table?

  • Napkins and tablecloth. The color and pattern of things can be chosen according to your choice, but it is important that both the napkins and the tablecloth match each other. In this case, you can use the common White color or light shades blue, cyan or green. For romantic dinner The most suitable color would be red, burgundy or pink for the tablecloth and napkins. It’s better to construct unusual ones from napkins geometric figures or simply roll them into a tube and decorate them with a satin ribbon.
  • Cutlery and crockery sets. A banquet table will go well with unusually shaped dishes: geometric shapes, beautiful curved handles. A set of snow-white porcelain dishes will look best on the table. If the tablecloth and napkins on the table are also white, then you should choose dishes decorated with a peculiar border.
  • Candles. This table decor is well suited for wedding or romantic feasts; for birthdays, it is better to use candles only on the cake itself. It is also important to remember that candles must be placed in a special candlestick. He may have narrow shape and greater height, or candles can be in bowls filled with special water and flower petals.
  • Bouquets of flowers. To harmoniously decorate the table with flowers, you need to choose vases of the correct shape and type. Tall types of vases are best used for bouquets given for birthdays. For table setting, low vases that will not interfere with guests looking around will be more appropriate. You also need to take into account the smell emanating from the flowers; it should not be too strong and should not interrupt the smell of the dishes.
  • Unusual compositions. Various fruit compositions will look beautiful and unusual on the holiday table. Depending on the time of year outside, you can decorate the table with branches of spruce, rowan, pine cones, sea ​​stones and sand. Such unusual compositions can later be used to decorate your home.
  • Table setting for a birthday. For children's birthdays, you should choose plastic dishes and choose only those cutlery that do not have very pointed ends. The tablecloth for the table should be cheerful and colorful; you can choose one that depicts your favorite cartoon characters. You can put a small gift next to the unusual napkins. If a girl is celebrating her birthday, then you can place various bouquets of flowers on the table. However, you shouldn’t overdo it with flowers, it’s better to add more balloons or garlands. Also, near each chair there should be a sign with the name of each little guest, this will help to avoid various problems in the process of sitting at the table.

Wedding table setting

Table setting for a wedding takes place in a special way. The color of the tablecloth and napkins that will decorate the table can be of absolutely any color. The main thing is to withstand the entire serving wedding table in the same style and color. You should also take care of signs with the names of the guests so that there are no difficulties with boarding. Such things should be prepared in advance: it could be a cover with the guest’s name, an embroidered napkin, a piece of paper, or even cookies decorated with an elegant inscription.

Also in a good way decorate the table interior and complement bouquets of flowers and the usual balloons t use beautiful ribbons . To do this, place the ribbons above the table or decorate the guests’ seats with them.