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We sew a summer blouse for a baby with our own hands. Master class: sewing a school blouse Pattern of a school blouse for a girl

We continue the topic of articles on sewing children's clothing. Previously I cited one, which is sewn very simply and quickly. In this article I propose to sew a blouse for a girl that can be worn on any occasion. In terms of time, sewing it will take a little more, but the result is worth it. Let's look at all the sewing from the moment the pattern is created.

Pattern of a sweater for a girl

To create a drawing you will need to know:

  • Chest circumference.
  • Waist circumference.
  • Back width.
  • Chest width.
  • Back waist length.
  • Front waist length.
  • Shoulder slope size.
  • Length of the product.
  • Armhole depth.
  • Sleeve length.

My pattern is made for sizes 110-116. So let's get started.

That's it, the pattern is ready! You can start cutting out and sewing.

Jacket for girls: step by step

For work, I decided to choose knitwear - it stretches wonderfully, drapes beautifully and, in general, it is one of my favorites. You can take any other material you like.

In the classic version, you will need 80 cm of fabric, with a width of 150 cm and a spool of thread to match. Let me remind you that this amount of material is used for a size of 110-116 cm. Additionally, you can take decorative elements that will later “revive” the appearance of the blouse. For me it will be large and small beads and lace.

Cut out all the details: 2 halves of the back, 2 sleeves, 1 part of the front.

While working, I decided to lower the center of the back a little. To do this, I chipped both parts with the right sides inward, drew a new neck and cut off the excess. In my opinion, it's more beautiful this way. If you decide to do the same, be sure to reduce the shoulder line from the front neckline, otherwise there will be inconsistencies when sewing the shoulder lines together.

Now fold the back and front pieces facing inward and sew along the side seams and shoulders.

Let's make the sleeves right away, as the most labor-intensive part. Measure the child's wrist, add a couple of centimeters to its width for freedom and seam allowances. Decide on the width of the cuffs and cut out rectangles twice as wide as the intended width + seam allowances.

Fold them face inward with short sides and sew.

Sew the sleeves.

Run a zigzag stitch along the bottom of the sleeve, loosening the tension on the machine and setting the stitch length to the maximum. Pull the sleeve a little to make it easier to sew on the cuff.

Turn the cuff so that the seam is on the inside. Pin them onto the sleeves and sew them on. This beautiful “flashlight” is formed.

Pin the sleeve to the armhole of the blouse. At this stage, the main thing is not to confuse the front and back of the sleeve.

After this, pin and close the back of the product with a seam. Do not reach literally a centimeter and a half to the neck.

You can pull the neckline a little, it will look neater. This can be done conveniently using the same zigzag stitch on a machine.

Let's start building and sewing a unique collar. Measure the entire circumference of the neckline. Add 40 centimeters to the free ends. Cut out a strip equal to the measured length, taking into account the free ends for tying and a width of 5 cm + seam allowances.

Fold it “face” inward, pin it and fold it in half. From the center, measure 1/2 the width of the neckline of the product. Duplicate the measurement on the other side.

Sew the ribbon on both sides, leaving the center open. Turn the collar out.

With the open side, place the collar to the neck of the product with the right sides so that the free ends are facing back and sew.

I decided to decorate the neck with beads and beads. different sizes. In my opinion it looks original. Unfortunately, the photo is not able to convey that beauty.

And this is what we got in the end. An interesting blouse for any occasion!

I wish you creative success and smooth stitches!

Our daughter is a first-grader, and for school we need not one, but at least two white blouses. But buying them is too expensive, so we decided to limit ourselves to one purchased one - an elegant one, and sewed another one - for every day - ourselves.

So, download the blouse pattern from the Casket website (from here: ). We cut the paper patterns and glue them together. Since our model is slightly different and does not contain a mold sewn into the bar in front, we cut the shelf and the bar as one piece.

Smooth the bar along the marked lines.

Sew the shoulder and side seams, after which we smooth them onto the back. Let's try on the future product.

We place darts on the back, deepening them if necessary.

Iron the resulting folds of fabric towards the center.

We cut out the sleeves according to a paper pattern and sew them along the side seams.

Since my daughter’s arm is a little shorter than suggested on the pattern, we slightly adjust the cuffs - we make them narrower and shorter by a few cm.

We sew each cuff along the short side so that it forms a ring.

Turn the cuffs inside out and fold them in half along the long side.

We move on to connecting the cuffs to the sleeves. Since the length of the cuff has decreased, the soft folds along the sleeve should increase. We remove enough fabric so that the width of the cuff matches the width of the sleeve.

We sew the cuffs to the sleeves and press the seams onto the sleeves.

Along the edge of the sleeve from the points of alignment along the armhole with the front and back, place a seam. Pull the thread to change the length of the sleeve cap and make it easier to fit it into the armhole of the blouse.

Sew on the sleeve.

Let's move on to the collar. Instead of a stand-up collar with a turn-down collar, we have a simple turn-down collar. To model it, just align the front with the back along the shoulder seam, outline the neckline, and then draw a line for the collar itself. We cut the resulting blank in two copies, with one collar (upper) along the outer edge should be 2-3 mm larger than the lower one. Then the upper collar will cover the lower one and you will get a beautiful even edge.

We sew both blanks along the outside.

We trim the seam allowances and notch them in the rounded areas. We turn the collar itself inside out and smooth it out.

Sew it to the neck of the product. In this case, the shelf strips need to be turned inside out and also sewn.

At the end of the operation, be sure to check that the height of the resulting planks is the same.

The seam connecting the collar to the neck can be finished with an overlocker. But if it is not there, we cover the open allowances with an organza ribbon. First we sew it below the seam by 2-3 mm. Then we turn it inside out and edge the seams. Then we make a stitch that will connect the back/front and the edged seam below the neckline.

We turn the planks inside out and grind them to the shelf.

We hem the bottom of the product.

We mark the location of the buttonholes and sew them using a machine or by hand.

Winter is already very close, more and more often you want to wrap yourself up even warmer, and even more so, you want to give more warmth to your children. Let's make a cozy warm sweater with a cheerful pattern from cotton fabric with backcombing in just an hour.

Pattern for a children's sweater

First of all, you need to print out the pattern that comes with this master class. The pattern is designed for 7 sizes - from 74 to 110. The control square on the printed sheet should have a size of 2 by 2 centimeters; align the pattern pieces along the control lines indicated by the “scissors” icon. There will be 3 parts in total - front and back with a fold and a sleeve part.

Fabric for sewing blouses

Prepare the fabrics: depending on the size, about 30-40 centimeters of brushed interlock.

Feel free to use fabrics with different patterns that match each other.

Also take 15 centimeters of ribana - a special fabric that is used to trim cuffs and collars.

Pin the pattern pieces to the fabric and cut them out, leaving seam allowances. Since the fabric is brushed, it is quite difficult to trace the details with a chalk or pencil, therefore, having secured the pattern well, carefully cut it out without tracing.

In our case, we are making a combined shelf - the upper part will have a pattern, and the lower part will be plain.

Cut out the sleeve and cuff details. They should be equal to two-thirds the width of the sleeve. The height of the cuffs is 6-8 centimeters when unfolded.

Cut out the piece to trim the collar. It will be 20 centimeters long and 6 centimeters wide.

So, the cutting is ready.

You can start assembling the blouse.

Sewing a blouse - assembly

First, assemble the shelf. Pin together the parts with needles, as shown in the photo.

Finish the seam with an overlocker.

Since the seam may stretch a little during the stitching process, it is necessary to return it to its shape using an iron.

Then press the seam allowance down.

Pin the front and back pieces along the shoulder seams and sew them.

Press the seam allowances to the front.

Pin the sleeve details to the unfolded blouse. Make sure that the control marks on the top of the sleeve cap coincide.


Carefully sew them on with an overlocker.

Press seam allowance to sleeve side.

Now fold the blouse with the right side inward, align the parts at the seams and pin together.

Carefully sew the side seams.

Press seam allowances to the back side.

Finish the bottom of the product using an overlocker.

Then fold the edge 1-1.5 centimeters and sew on a machine with an elastic seam - for example, “fish bone”.

Prepare the collar and cuffs. Fold the pieces vertically in half and stitch using an overlocker.

Fold the pieces horizontally in half.

Place the cuffs into the sleeves, distribute the fabric evenly, and pin around the perimeter.

Do the same with the collar.

Stretching the ribana to the level of the main fabric, sew the cuffs and collar on the overlocker.

This is how nice our parts look now.

Our blouse is almost ready! All that remains is to finally iron it out.

Iron the allowances to the side of the main part.

And now you can try on a new thing! As you can see, sewing a blouse for a child is not at all difficult.

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You can download a blouse pattern for a girl for free in the desired size using the following links:

* As a result of payment, a file with a pattern is automatically sent to your specified email. If the file has not arrived, you need to check whether you entered the correct postal address when paying. In any case, if you do not receive the pattern, you do not need to pay again, just contact the address immediately [email protected]

**You can offer your payment option in the site feedback

Patterns are given without seam allowances.

Allowances: add 1.5 cm to the seams and along all cuts, 1-2 cm to the hem.


1. shelf-2 children

2. back - 1 child. With fold

3. sleeve - 2 children

4. folded collar - 2 parts

5. Collar stand with fold - 2 parts

6. cuff-2 children

7. mold-2 children

8. shelf strip - 2 children

Duplication with gasket:

Front panel - both parts completely, 1 collar and 1 collar stand


  • Back, shelf, shelf strip.

Sew darts on the back. Iron the depths to the line of the middle of the back. Duplicate the shelf strips with an adhesive pad and iron them exactly in half along the entire length. When cutting the details of the mold, pay attention to the direction of the grain thread. Process the details of the mold using a rolled seam on an overlocker or a Moscow seam, and iron. Pin the finished mold to the shelves. Unfold the shelf strip and pin it face to face to the shelf. Stitch. Don’t forget that the bottom of the bar should coincide with the length of the shelf. Iron the seam ON the side of the bar. We process the second long side of the strip with an overlocker, bend it along the ironed middle to the wrong side, pin it and sew it. We do the same on the second shelf. At this stage, it is possible to additionally stitch the strips on the front side. Sew side and shoulder seams. Overcook the seam allowances and iron them ON the back.

  • Collar.

Sew backed and non-backed collars face to face. The duplicated collar will be the lower one, and the non-duplicated collar will be the upper one. We cut off the allowances of the duplicated collar close to the line (not reaching the line 1-3 mm). We cut the allowances of the upper non-duplicated collar at the curves of the collar. We turn the collar onto the face and carefully straighten it with our fingers. We iron it so that the upper unduplicated part has a slight “overlap” onto the lower collar. This is necessary so that during operation the upper collar does not pull up the lower collar. Our collar is ready at this stage. Place the finished collar between the two collar posts, pin and stitch. Don't forget that the duplicated collar stand should be on the side of the duplicated collar! You need to combine the parts starting from the middle, then you will get a strictly symmetrical part in the end. We cut off the allowances of the duplicated collar stand close to the stitching, the rest is notched at the curves, turned onto the face, and ironed. We pin the unduplicated collar stand face to face to the product. You need to start from the middle. The mark on the collar stand must match shoulder seam on the product. We grind. We iron the seam of the connection ON the collar stand. We fold the duplicated collar stand, pin it and sew it to the product.

  • Sleeves.

Place soft folds on each sleeve according to the markings. Sew the sleeve seams. Because This model has cuffs without buttons, so we do not duplicate the cuffs. I suggest cutting them out of butter knitwear. Fold the cuffs in half, face inward, and sew a short edge using an overlocker. Turn it inside out and fold this ring in half. We sew the cuff face to face to the bottom of the sleeve, process the cut with an overlocker and iron it onto the sleeve. We sew off the head of the sleeve at the distance of the allowance with a line with the longest stitch length. We combine the middle of the sleeve with the shoulder seam on the blouse, we combine the side marks of the sleeve with the marks on the front and back. Carefully pull the ends of the thread - this will immediately show how much you need to gather the sleeve so that it fits into the armhole. Carefully straighten, pin and sew the sleeve into the armhole. We remove the tightening thread and process the sections of the sleeve and front taken together with an overlocker.

All mothers are well aware that children grow very quickly. However, in order to update the wardrobe of your beloved children, it is not at all necessary to go to the store - a needlewoman mother can sew many things with her own hands, and at a very high cost. a short time.
A striking example of this is a light summer blouse for a baby, which can be sewn in just 30 minutes.
The blouse pattern can be copied from a magazine dedicated to children's fashion, or printed after first copying it from a specialized website.
To sew such a product, it is best to use thin, if possible natural fabrics(linen, cotton, a mixture of cotton and linen in one fabric). Then the blouse will be comfortable to wear and easy to care for.

The details of the blouse in question are as follows:

  1. Shelf – 1 solid piece;
  2. Back – 2 parts (with middle seam);
  3. Sleeve – 2 parts;
  4. Strip for processing the neck - 1 piece.
The last detail is cut during the sewing process of the blouse.

First you need to process the middle seam. It must be stitched at a distance of a centimeter from the cut, overlocked and ironed.

Then you need to process the side seams of the blouse - stitch them down to 1 cm, overlock them with an overlocker and iron them towards the back.

Next, you should pin the blouse to the base. To do this, you need to fold it in half (the wrong side should be on the inside), align and pin all the outer sections, as well as the side seams.
Next, you need to mark the bottom line of the blouse, as shown in the photo. The bottom of the blouse should be trimmed along this line (cut with scissors).

Then you need to iron the bottom of the blouse 2 cm towards the wrong side, and then another 1 cm, bending the bottom seam allowance to half the width.
A pre-ironed hem will be much easier to hem on a machine, especially if it has a rounded shape.

The bottom of the blouse needs to be hemmed by machine.

Then you can move on to preparing the sleeves - stitch, overcast and iron their lower sections.

The bottom of the sleeves should be ironed similarly to the bottom of the blouse.

An elastic band will be inserted into the hem of the sleeves. The bottom of the sleeves should be hemmed similarly to the bottom of the blouse, but near the bottom seam you will need to leave a small unstitched area in order to insert an elastic band.

The prepared sleeves should be sewn into the open armholes of the blouse. For convenience, you can first sweep them in or pin them with pins. The stitching seam for the sleeve is 1-1.2 cm. Allowances for processing it after stitching need to be overcast and ironed onto the sleeve.

After the sleeves are sewn in, you should measure the length of the resulting blouse neck. To this figure you need to add 5 cm for reserve.
It is necessary to cut out a strip from the blouse fabric, the length equal to the resulting number, and the width equal to the width of the elastic band plus 2.5 cm. The neck of the blouse will be processed with this strip.
It needs to be ironed to length. One of its end sides must also be ironed, turning it 1.5 cm inward.

The strip should be stitched to the neck of the blouse, starting the stitching from the pressed end edge attached to the middle back seam.
The second end edge should be folded inward in the same way. If necessary, excess strip length must be trimmed.
The ends of the strip should be sewn butt to each other.
The stitching seam must be processed using an overlocker and pressed onto the product.

A narrow elastic band should be inserted into the drawstrings of the sleeves and neckline. The ends can be sewn by hand, overlapping one another by 1 cm.
If necessary, the blouse can be ironed.
A light summer new outfit for the little beauty is completely ready.