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Fairy tale Two sisters. Children's fairy tales online English fairy tale two sisters

Once upon a time, two sisters lived in the same area. The eldest was beautiful and kind girl, and the youngest is evil, greedy.

One day on a clear autumn day, the younger sister said to the older one:
- Sister, let's go to the mountains to collect acorns.
- Okay, they are probably already ripe and crumbled. Let’s go get ready,” she replied. elder sister. They each took a bag and went to the mountains. In the mountains they came across a lot of cracked acorns. The sisters diligently collected them and put them in bags. But the younger one secretly made a hole in the older one’s bag, and no matter how much she collected acorns, her bag would not be filled: the acorns fell out of the hole and fell to the ground. And the younger sister walked behind and, without straightening her back, picked them up.

I've already filled the bag, sister. “Let’s go home,” she said.
And the eldest answered:
- Oh, have you already dialed? How fast! And my bag is not full yet.
- Then take your time, collect. “And I’ll return home,” said the youngest and quickly left.

The older sister was left alone. While looking for acorns, she unnoticed went far into the mountains and soon lost her way.

Oh, what should I do now?
She wandered through the mountains crying. By this time it had become completely dark. Suddenly the girl saw a dilapidated small temple. Jizosama stood alone in it (Jizzosama is the deity who patronizes children.). His face was gentle and kind. The elder sister knelt down in front of Jizosama and bowed respectfully to him.

Jizosama, Jizosama, it has become dark in the mountains. I, poor girl, don’t know what to do. Allow me, please. spend the night here.

Hm, hm! Stay, I don't mind. But lately, as night falls, a lot of red and blue devils gather here from somewhere; they feast and make noise. Wouldn't you be scared to spend the night here? - Jizosama answered.

Oh! - the older sister screamed. “But I have nowhere else to go!”
And she cried. Jizosama took pity on her:
- Good good. For this night I will hide you behind my back. But you have to do something too.

What should I do?
- There is a sedge hat hanging on the wall behind me. When midnight comes, the devils gather, drink sake and start dancing, you hit this hat several times and crow like a rooster: “Crow!”

“Okay, I understand,” said the elder sister and hid behind Jizosama.

At midnight, a lot of red and blue devils appeared out of nowhere. These were indeed terrible devils with terrible faces and horns on their heads. Squealing and muttering something incomprehensible, they took out a whole mountain of gold and silver coins and began to count them. Then we started drinking sake. Having gotten drunk, they began to dance:

Jump-jump, jump-jump, jump-jump, jump-jump! “Now is the time,” thought the elder sister and, as Jizosama told her, she drummed her hand heavily on her sedge hat and sang like a rooster: “Crow!”

The devils, who were dancing enthusiastically, jumped up.
- The day is coming! Trouble! Trouble! The rooster has already crowed!
- It's getting light! Trouble! Trouble!
- Let's run! Let's run!
Screaming at the top of their lungs and pushing each other, they ran away in terrible confusion.

And soon it really was dawn. The elder sister thanked Jizosama warmly and got ready to go home. But Jizosama called out to her:

Hey, listen! You can’t leave something that lies here unknown to someone. Both gold and silver are now yours. Take everything!

The elder sister filled her pockets with gold and silver coins, took as much money in her hands as she could carry, found the forest path and returned home.

At home, father and mother were very worried. When she told them about Jizosama and laid out the money, they were delighted and said:

That's good! This is a reward for your humble disposition and kind heart.
Only one person was not happy about the luck of the elder sister - it was the evil and greedy younger sister. She wanted to make trouble for her sister, but it turned out the other way around - she helped her get rich. And she became unbearably annoyed.

And then one day the younger sister took a holey bag and again called the eldest to the mountains for acorns. This time, no matter how much she collected acorns, they all fell out of the hole. And the elder sister immediately filled her bag with acorns.

I'm already full! And you? - she asked.
“I’m still almost empty,” answered the youngest.
- Then let's put it together.
- No need. You're minding your own business!
- Well, let's divide mine.
- Here's another! Do not be silly. Once you’ve filled the bag, come home quickly,” the younger sister said and pouted angrily.

There was nothing to do, the older sister went home.
- That's good! - said the youngest, left alone, and quickly went further into the mountains, - if only it got dark soon! Oh, this sun, how slowly it moves!

Soon it began to get dark. Arriving at the place that the older sister had talked about, the younger sister found a small old temple.

Here he is! Here he is! Here! And Jizosama is standing. Is the sedge hat still there?
She looked behind Jizosama: the sedge hat was there.
- Here! Here! It would be nice to hit her!
- Good evening, Jizosama. Why do you have such a strange face? Everyone says that Jizosama is very friendly. By the way, let me spend the night here today. I'm not afraid of any devils, and I can imitate the crow of a rooster very well. It's quite simple. If tonight is a success, I will also do you, Jizosama, a small favor.

Hearing this, Jizosama was very surprised and thought: “Who is this strange girl who came here?”

Not paying attention to anything, the younger sister quickly walked behind Jizosama.

Whether you like it or not, I’ll spend the night here. Oh, how dusty and dirty you are, Jizosama! It would be very unpleasant to spend even one night in such a dirty place and not receive any reward. Well, okay!

Grumbling, she took out the koloboks she had brought with her and began to chew.
- Apparently, it’s delicious! Won't you give me one? - Jizosama asked her.
The younger sister made a grimace.
- What are you saying? After all, deities don’t eat. They would call you a glutton. And you're not that calm at all. Ew, disgusting! - she said and looked sideways at Jizosama with anger.

After that, Jizosama said nothing more.
Midnight came, and the screeching of devils was heard.
- We've come! They've arrived! - the younger sister was delighted.
That night, too, a large crowd of devils, red and blue, gathered; they counted gold and silver coins and feasted.

The greedy younger sister, seeing a lot of money, could not bear it. She prematurely hit the sedge hat hanging behind Jizosama and sang in a voice unlike a rooster:

Crow! Crow! Kukreku! Kukreku!
But the devils are not drunk yet.
- Oh, is it already dawn?
- No, it shouldn’t be dawn yet. It's too early. How strange!
- Yes, yes, very strange! Let's see if anyone is here.
And the devils went behind Jizosama.
- Here! There's a man here! Some girl! They saw her trembling with fear younger sister and pulled her out of the corner.

Stupid! Clueless! I decided to portray a rooster! Let's tear it into pieces and eat it as a snack with sake!

Sorry! Oh oh oh! Help! I... I will be good! Just don’t... don’t... don’t kill me - the younger sister asked, shedding tears.

She barely escaped and ran home from the forest, barely alive.

Two sisters. Japanese fairy tale

Once upon a time, two sisters lived in the same area. The eldest was a beautiful and kind girl, and the youngest was evil and greedy.

One day on a clear autumn day, the younger sister said to the older one:
- Sister, let's go to the mountains to collect acorns.
- Okay, they are probably already ripe and crumbled. “Let’s go get ready,” answered the elder sister. They each took a bag and went to the mountains. In the mountains they came across a lot of cracked acorns. The sisters diligently collected them and put them in bags. But the younger one secretly made a hole in the older one’s bag, and no matter how much she collected acorns, her bag would not be filled: the acorns fell out of the hole and fell to the ground. And the younger sister walked behind and, without straightening her back, picked them up.

I've already filled the bag, sister. “Let’s go home,” she said.
And the eldest answered:
- Oh, have you already dialed? How fast! And my bag is not full yet.
- Then take your time, collect. “And I’ll return home,” said the youngest and quickly left.

The older sister was left alone. While looking for acorns, she unnoticed went far into the mountains and soon lost her way.

Oh, what should I do now?
She wandered through the mountains crying. By this time it had become completely dark. Suddenly the girl saw a dilapidated small temple. Jizosama stood alone in it (Jizzosama is the deity who patronizes children.). His face was gentle and kind. The elder sister knelt down in front of Jizosama and bowed respectfully to him.

Jizosama, Jizosama, it has become dark in the mountains. I, poor girl, don’t know what to do. Allow me, please. spend the night here.

Hm, hm! Stay, I don't mind. But lately, as night falls, a lot of red and blue devils gather here from somewhere; they feast and make noise. Wouldn't you be scared to spend the night here? - Jizosama answered.

Oh! - the older sister screamed. “But I have nowhere else to go!”
And she cried. Jizosama took pity on her:
- Good good. For this night I will hide you behind my back. But you have to do something too.

What should I do?
- There is a sedge hat hanging on the wall behind me. When midnight comes, the devils gather, drink sake and start dancing, you hit this hat several times and crow like a rooster: “Crow!”

“Okay, I understand,” said the elder sister and hid behind Jizosama.

At midnight, a lot of red and blue devils appeared out of nowhere. These were indeed terrible devils with terrible faces and horns on their heads. Squealing and muttering something incomprehensible, they took out a whole mountain of gold and silver coins and began to count them. Then we started drinking sake. Having gotten drunk, they began to dance:

Jump-jump, jump-jump, jump-jump, jump-jump! “Now is the time,” thought the elder sister and, as Jizosama told her, she drummed her hand heavily on her sedge hat and sang like a rooster: “Crow!”

The devils, who were dancing enthusiastically, jumped up.
- The day is coming! Trouble! Trouble! The rooster has already crowed!
- It's getting light! Trouble! Trouble!
- Let's run! Let's run!
Screaming at the top of their lungs and pushing each other, they ran away in terrible confusion.

And soon it really was dawn. The elder sister thanked Jizosama warmly and got ready to go home. But Jizosama called out to her:

Hey, listen! You can’t leave something that lies here unknown to someone. Both gold and silver are now yours. Take everything!

The elder sister filled her pockets with gold and silver coins, took as much money in her hands as she could carry, found the forest path and returned home.

At home, father and mother were very worried. When she told them about Jizosama and laid out the money, they were delighted and said:

That's good! This is a reward for your humble disposition and kind heart.
Only one person was not happy about the luck of the elder sister - it was the evil and greedy younger sister. She wanted to make trouble for her sister, but it turned out the other way around - she helped her get rich. And she became unbearably annoyed.

And then one day the younger sister took a holey bag and again called the eldest to the mountains for acorns. This time, no matter how much she collected acorns, they all fell out of the hole. And the elder sister immediately filled her bag with acorns.

I'm already full! And you? - she asked.
“I’m still almost empty,” answered the youngest.
- Then let's put it together.
- No need. You're minding your own business!
- Well, let's divide mine.
- Here's another! Do not be silly. Once you’ve filled the bag, come home quickly,” the younger sister said and pouted angrily.

There was nothing to do, the older sister went home.
- That's good! - said the youngest, left alone, and quickly went further into the mountains, - if only it got dark soon! Oh, this sun, how slowly it moves!

Soon it began to get dark. Arriving at the place that the older sister had talked about, the younger sister found a small old temple.

Here he is! Here he is! Here! And Jizosama is standing. Is the sedge hat still there?
She looked behind Jizosama: the sedge hat was there.
- Here! Here! It would be nice to hit her!
- Good evening, Jizosama. Why do you have such a strange face? Everyone says that Jizosama is very friendly. By the way, let me spend the night here today. I'm not afraid of any devils, and I can imitate the crow of a rooster very well. It's quite simple. If tonight is a success, I will also do you, Jizosama, a small favor.

Hearing this, Jizosama was very surprised and thought: “Who is this strange girl who came here?”

Not paying attention to anything, the younger sister quickly walked behind Jizosama.

Whether you like it or not, I’ll spend the night here. Oh, how dusty and dirty you are, Jizosama! It would be very unpleasant to spend even one night in such a dirty place and not receive any reward. Well, okay!

Grumbling, she took out the koloboks she had brought with her and began to chew.
- Apparently, it’s delicious! Won't you give me one? - Jizosama asked her.
The younger sister made a grimace.
- What are you saying? After all, deities don’t eat. They would call you a glutton. And you're not that calm at all. Ew, disgusting! - she said and looked sideways at Jizosama with anger.

After that, Jizosama said nothing more.
Midnight came, and the screeching of devils was heard.
- We've come! They've arrived! - the younger sister was delighted.
That night, too, a large crowd of devils, red and blue, gathered; they counted the gold and silver coins and feasted.

The greedy younger sister, seeing a lot of money, could not bear it. She prematurely hit the sedge hat hanging behind Jizosama and sang in a voice unlike a rooster:

Crow! Crow! Kukreku! Kukreku!
But the devils are not drunk yet.
- Oh, is it already dawn?
- No, it shouldn’t be dawn yet. It's too early. How strange!
- Yes, yes, very strange! Let's see if anyone is here.
And the devils went behind Jizosama.
- Here! There's a man here! Some girl! They saw their younger sister trembling with fear and pulled her out of the corner.

Stupid! Clueless! I decided to portray a rooster! Let's tear it into pieces and eat it as a snack with sake!

Sorry! Oh oh oh! Help! I... I will be good! Just don’t... don’t... don’t kill me - the younger sister asked, shedding tears.

She barely escaped and ran home from the forest, barely alive.

Once upon a time, two sisters lived in the same area. The eldest was a beautiful and kind girl, and the youngest was evil and greedy.

One day on a clear autumn day, the younger sister said to the older one:
- Sister, let's go to the mountains to collect acorns.
“Okay, they’re probably already ripe and crumbling.” Let’s go get ready,” answered the elder sister. They each took a bag and went to the mountains. In the mountains they came across a lot of cracked acorns. The sisters diligently collected them and put them in bags. But the younger one secretly made a hole in the older one’s bag, and no matter how much she collected acorns, her bag would not be filled: the acorns fell out of the hole and fell to the ground. And the younger sister walked behind and, without straightening her back, picked them up.

“I’ve already filled the bag, sister.” Let’s go home,” she said.
And the eldest answered:
- Oh, have you dialed already? How fast! And my bag is not full yet.
- Then take your time, collect. “And I’ll return home,” the younger one said and quickly left.

The older sister was left alone. While looking for acorns, she unnoticed went far into the mountains and soon lost her way.

- Oh, what should I do now?
She wandered through the mountains crying. By this time it had become completely dark. Suddenly the girl saw a dilapidated small temple. Jizosama stood alone in it (Jizzosama is the deity who patronizes children.). His face was gentle and kind. The elder sister knelt down in front of Jizosama and bowed respectfully to him.

“Jizzosama, Jizzosama, it’s getting dark in the mountains.” I, poor girl, don’t know what to do. Allow me, please. spend the night here.

- Hm, hm! Stay, I don't mind. But lately, as night falls, a lot of red and blue devils gather here from somewhere; they feast and make noise. Wouldn't you be scared to spend the night here? - Jizosama answered.

- Oh! - the older sister screamed. - But I have nowhere else to go!
And she cried. Jizosama took pity on her:
- Good good. For this night I will hide you behind my back. But you have to do something too.

- What do I need to do?
— There’s a sedge hat hanging on the wall behind me. When midnight comes, the devils gather, drink sake and start dancing, you hit this hat several times and crow like a rooster: “Crow!”

“Okay, I understand,” said the elder sister and hid behind Jizosama.

At midnight, a lot of red and blue devils appeared out of nowhere. These were indeed terrible devils with terrible faces and horns on their heads. Squealing and muttering something incomprehensible, they took out a whole mountain of gold and silver coins and began to count them. Then we started drinking sake. Having gotten drunk, they began to dance:

- Skok-jump, tram-kararam, skok-jump, tram-kram! “Now is the time,” thought the elder sister and, as Jizosama told her, she drummed her hand hard on her sedge hat and sang like a rooster: “Crow!”

The devils, who were dancing enthusiastically, jumped up.
- The day is coming! Trouble! Trouble! The rooster has already crowed!
- It's getting light! Trouble! Trouble!
- Let's run! Let's run!
Screaming at the top of their lungs and pushing each other, they ran away in terrible confusion.

And soon it really was dawn. The elder sister thanked Jizosama warmly and got ready to go home. But Jizosama called out to her:

- Hey, listen! You can’t leave something that lies here unknown to someone. Both gold and silver are now yours. Take everything!

The elder sister filled her pockets with gold and silver coins, took as much money in her hands as she could carry, found the forest path and returned home.

At home, father and mother were very worried. When she told them about Jizosama and laid out the money, they were delighted and said:

- That's good! This is a reward for your humble disposition and kind heart.
There was only one person who was not happy about the elder sister's good fortune - it was the evil and greedy younger sister. She wanted to make trouble for her sister, but it turned out the other way around - she helped her get rich. And she became unbearably annoyed.

And then one day the younger sister took a holey bag and again called the eldest to the mountains for acorns. This time, no matter how much she collected acorns, they all fell out of the hole. And the elder sister immediately filled her bag with acorns.

- I’m already full! And you? - she asked.
“I’m still almost empty,” answered the youngest.
“Then let’s put it together.”
- No need. You're minding your own business!
- Well, let's divide mine.
- Here's another! Do not be silly. Once you’ve filled the bag, come home quickly,” the younger sister said and pouted angrily.

There was nothing to do, the older sister went home.
- That's good! - said the youngest, left alone, and quickly went further into the mountains, - if only it got dark soon! Oh, this sun, how slowly it moves!

Soon it began to get dark. Arriving at the place that the older sister had talked about, the younger sister found a small old temple.

- Here he is! Here he is! Here! And Jizosama is standing. Is the sedge hat still there?
She looked behind Jizosama: the sedge hat was there.
- Here! Here! It would be nice to hit her!
- Good evening, Jizosama. Why do you have such a strange face? Everyone says that Jizosama is very friendly. By the way, let me spend the night here today. I'm not afraid of any devils, and I can imitate the crow of a rooster very well. It's quite simple. If tonight is a success, I will also do you, Jizosama, a small favor.

Hearing this, Jizosama was very surprised and thought: “Who is this strange girl who came here?”

Not paying attention to anything, the younger sister quickly walked behind Jizosama.

- Whether you like it or not, I’ll spend the night here. Oh, how dusty and dirty you are, Jizosama! It would be very unpleasant to spend even one night in such a dirty place and not receive any reward. Well, okay!

Grumbling, she took out the koloboks she had brought with her and began to chew.
- Apparently, it’s delicious! Won't you give me one? - Jizosama asked her.
The younger sister made a grimace.
- What are you saying? After all, deities don’t eat. They would call you a glutton. And you're not that calm at all. Ew, disgusting! - she said and looked sideways at Jizosama with anger.

After that, Jizosama said nothing more.
Midnight came, and the screeching of devils was heard.
- We've come! They've arrived! - The younger sister was delighted.
That night, too, a large crowd of devils, red and blue, gathered; they counted the gold and silver coins and feasted.

The greedy younger sister, seeing a lot of money, could not bear it. She prematurely hit the sedge hat hanging behind Jizosama and sang in a voice unlike a rooster:

- Cuckoo! Crow! Kukreku! Kukreku!
But the devils are not drunk yet.
- Oh, is it already dawn?
- No, it shouldn’t be dawn yet. It's too early. How strange!
- Yes, yes, very strange! Let's see if anyone is here.
And the devils went behind Jizosama’s back.
- Here! There's a man here! Some girl! They saw their younger sister trembling with fear and pulled her out of the corner.

- Stupid! Clueless! I decided to portray a rooster! Let's tear it into pieces and eat it as a snack with sake!

- Sorry! Oh oh oh! Help! I... I'll be good! Just don’t... don’t... don’t kill me,” the younger sister asked, shedding tears.

She barely escaped and ran home from the forest, barely alive.

Unique designation: two sisters (Russian folk tale)
Designation: two sisters
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fairy tale

Near the edge of the forest lived a widow with her own daughter and stepdaughter.

My own daughter has eyebrows, a freckled face, a lame leg, and a hard ear. And besides, she’s angry and lazy.

And the stepdaughter is a beauty, Blue eyes like a lenok after a thunderstorm. Moreover, she is a needlewoman, a singer and an entertainer.

Her stepmother and sister did not like her. From morning to night they were starving at work. One day the stepdaughter was sitting by the well and spinning yarn. It's almost evening. and the stepmother swears:
- You haven’t strained enough, sloth, strand more!
The girl began to spin faster...

And she dropped the spindle into the well.
And the stepmother says:
- Get the spindle however you want, even if you jump into the well yourself!

What to do here? The girl thought: rather than live like this, it’s better to lie at the bottom, - she closed her eyes and jumped into the well. And when she opened her eyes, she saw: she was lying on a green meadow, and the sun was shining and the birds were singing songs.

The girl got up and walked across the meadow. He sees sheep lying and bleating:
- Rake under us, sweep under us - our legs hurt!
The girl took a shovel and a broom, raked it, swept it, and moved on.

A herd of cows walks and walks towards her. The cows mooed:
- Milk us, milk runs from our sac down our hooves.
The girl took the milk pan and began to milk the cows. She milked everyone.

Suddenly he sees: there is a hut, and Baba Yaga is sitting at the window. The girl got scared and trembled.

And Baba Yaga tells her:
- Don't be scared of me, stay here. If you do all the work in the house well, you will live well. And you won’t get your head cut for bad work!

So the girl began to work for Baba Yaga. She weaves, and spins, and cooks. She also sings songs. Baba Yaga will not praise her enough.

Well, Baba Yaga did not offend her. She fed me well and put her to sleep gently. So - one day later - a whole year has passed. As soon as the girl began to feel sad and cry, she stopped singing songs.

Baba Yaga asks her:
-Are you feeling bad about me?
- Not really. I eat enough, I sleep softly, and I haven’t heard an evil word from you, but I want to go home. Mother is old and sister is lazy. I feel good here, but they feel bad without me.

Well, if you want to go home, says Baba Yaga, I won’t keep you, I’m happy with you. Here is your spindle: washed clean, washed with silver.

Baba Yaga led her to the silver gate, opened the gate, the girl began to go out, and she was sprinkled all over with gold. She walked through the meadow and met sheep. They gave her a young ewe and a ram. The cows met and gave a calf. The horses met and they gave her a stallion.

The girl is going home. The dog meets her at the gate and barks:
- Our stepdaughter came, brought good things, wow, wow!

The stepmother and daughter ran out of the house. They saw the girl alive, healthy and in gold, and they became envious.

The next morning, the stepmother sat her own daughter down at the well to spin. I gave her fine flax, and she spun as if she were pulling a string. She tensed a little, took the spindle and threw it into the well. The old woman told her daughter to jump behind the spindle.

The girl jumped. A flock of sheep meets her:
- Rake under us, sweep under us - our legs hurt.
And she told them:
- Here's another! I didn’t go for manure - I went for wealth.

She met a herd of cows:
- Girl, milk us!
And she told them:
- I won’t even think about it! I'm not going for work - I'm going for gold.

Comb our manes, girl, take out the burrs! - the horses ask.
And she answered:
- That’s not why I’m going - I’m in a hurry for good!

Now I’ve reached the point of the hut...
He walks straight and speaks discourteously:
- Hey, Baba Yaga, crooked leg! What do you need to do? I’ll work, and you’ll give me gold!

Baba Yaga said nothing. Dressed her up for work. The sloth's cabbage soup is unsalted, the floors are unswept, and the bed is not made. One day has passed, another has passed. Baba Yaga says to her:
- It's time for you to go home. You have a mother, tea, you won’t cry enough.
And the sloth answered:
- What should I do, let him cry! And I feel good here too.

Well, Baba Yaga still took her to the gate, gave her the empty spindle, and opened the gate:
“What kind of work,” he says, “such is the pay.”
As soon as the girl stepped through the gate, sticky resin poured out of the gate and covered the sloth all over.

She walked across the meadow. The sheep pushed her, the cows butted her, the horses kicked.

She approached the house, her dog saw her and barked:
- Chau! Chau! Stepmother's daughter in tar has arrived!
The stepmother jumped out:
- Shut up, Shavka, our daughter will come in gold!
Yes, I saw my daughter, scary, black.

They began to wash it in the bathhouse. They washed and washed, they still wash, but they can’t wash it...

Russian folk tale in pictures. Illustrations: N. Bolshakova

Once upon a time there lived two sisters. One was called Mina, and the other was Vina. Their mother died long ago, and their aunt took them in.
The eldest of the sisters, Mina, was a sharp and rude girl, always dissatisfied with something. And the youngest, Vina, is kind and sympathetic.
Vina once said to her older sister:
- Sister, we haven’t seen our father, or even our brother and daughter-in-law, for a long time. They are working a lot in the field now and are probably very tired. Let's go to them and help them harvest.
“That’s right, my clever girl,” her aunt praised her. “Go, children, to your father and help him.”
“No way!” Mina blurted out. “I won’t go anywhere in this heat.” Let Vina go to the old man, she loves to do good, and for this she will become a princess in her future life,” she added with a grin.
Vina cried a little out of resentment, then tied a piece of bread and vegetables into a scarf and went to her father.
She walked and walked and looked at a wild plum tree growing by the road.
“Dear girl,” the tree turned to her, “I see you have a kind heart.” Take the thorns from my branches, they hurt me, and rest a little in my shade.
“Oh, what sharp thorns you have!” exclaimed Vina and began to tear them off, pricking her hands until they bled.
Then I slept a little in the shade and moved on. He looks at a small fireplace, and the fire is barely glowing in it. I saw her fire and prayed:
- Vina, Vina, rake away the ashes under my logs. I really want to get hot so the food can cook faster. Soon the housewives will come from the field, they are so hungry.
“Of course, of course,” the girl answered with a smile, “I’ll do it now.” But tell your housewives not to forget about you, because the ash may completely extinguish you, and the food will not be ready when they arrive. And they will reproach you.
A little further she saw a large ficus.
“Oh, good Vina!” he turned to her. “Please, tie up the branch that the monkeys broke off from me, otherwise I will wither.”
Vina took pity on the ficus, tore a strip from her scarf and tied the broken branch with it. He goes further, looks - a stream is running.
“Come to me, kind girl,” the stream gurgled. “You see, mud and leaves have almost clogged my bed.” Please cleanse me of them, then people and animals will be able to drink clean water.
“Yes, yes,” agreed Vina, “everyone needs clean water.” And she cleared the stream.
The water in it sparkled and ran further.
By evening, Vina finally reached her father’s hut. The old man was delighted with his daughter, and she prepared him such a nice dinner as he had not eaten for a long time.
The next day, Vina helped her father in the field, and when she got ready to go home, her satisfied father handed her a buffalo, a spinning wheel, several copper vessels and some grain from the new harvest. Vina was delighted with these gifts, realizing that it would be a good dowry for her wedding. She went home and, crossing the stream, saw that a piece of bright silk was rinsing in it.
“Vina, my dear,” the stream stopped her, “take this silk for yourself.” The girl who swam here forgot it, and I saved it for you.
Vina thanked the stream for the gift, hung the silk on the buffalo’s back to dry, and moved on.
And here is her friend ficus. Lo and behold, on the branch that she tied up, hanging, sparkling, a pearl necklace.
“Dear and glorious Vina,” the ficus leaves rustled, “take these pearls for yourself.” We took it off the turban of the prince who recently passed through here and kept it for you.
The happy girl took the pearl necklace, put it around her neck and walked on.
There’s a fire in the hearth, so strong and bright. And in the frying pan on it lies such a wonderful sweet cake.
- Vina, I am so grateful for your help. Take this cake, eat it yourself and treat your sister.
Vina took the cake, divided it into two parts, set one aside for her sister, and ate the other herself, thanked the fire and moved on.
From a distance she saw a plum tree, so generously covered with golden fruits that even the leaves were not visible.
- Guilt! - the tree was happy. - All these plums are for you, kind soul. Thank you for freeing me from thorns.
The girl picked the drain, ate it herself and collected some for her sister.
Here is the house at last. Mina came out to meet her and opened her mouth in surprise: next to Vina stood a buffalo loaded with copper vessels and a spinning wheel, and her sister’s hem was full of juicy plums and a piece of delicious cake.
- Where did you get all this from? - asked the older sister with envy.
“My father gave all this to me,” answered Vina.
- No, this cannot be. You probably stole it all somewhere. Tomorrow I will go to my father and tell him everything, may he kick you out of the house forever! - Mina screamed.
The next day she went to her father, with the secret hope of receiving even more generous gifts from him. She approached the plum and heard:
- Hello, dear sister! There are still a few thorns left on me, please pick them off.
Mina turned away from the tree arrogantly.
- By the time I take care of your thorns, I will have already walked halfway. Better ask the camel about it.
“But he can eat all the plums,” said the tree.
- So what, what do I care about this? - Mina answered mockingly and hurried on.
Soon she saw a fire in the hearth.
“Girl, girl, rake away my ash, it almost extinguished me,” the fire asked.
- Tell your mistresses about this, let them shake out the ashes from under you. And I don't want to get my clothes dirty.
She ran further and looked - the ficus was growing.
- Dear sister, help me. The other day, one girl tied a branch that my monkeys had broken, but the wind broke it off again. Tie it tight.
“I can’t,” Mina answered. “I don’t have time, I’m in a hurry.” - And turned her back to the ficus.
Here is the stream.
“They recently cleared me of dirt and leaves,” he told Mina. “And today the boys threw stones at me.” Help me, clear my riverbed, because I must water the peasant fields.
“Everyone has their own business,” Mina answered arrogantly. “The next time the children start throwing stones at you, take them and drown them.”
So, without stopping anywhere, she got to her father.
- Yeah, so you showed up here! - shouted her brother, who lived with his wife with his father.
- Why do you come here?! - the brother’s wife entered. “Vina was here yesterday and took with her almost half of our property.” And she also took the buffalo with her.
And today you will probably beg the old man for the rest.
- No! It was the thief Vina who stole everything you’re talking about from you,” answered the cunning Mina. “And I’m not going to steal.”
- Get out of here before the stupid old man comes. We have already given your aunt a lot of dowry for you. But no one will marry you anyway because of your bad character.
Having achieved nothing, Mina was forced to turn back.
- So I’ll complain about you to my father! - she shouted. - Kick your daughter out of her home!
It was already getting dark when she started on her way back. Here is the stream sparkling in the twilight. He looks and a piece of silk is rinsing in the water, even better than that what Vina brought. She went into the water, trying to get him, but couldn’t resist, splashed down and almost drowned. Wet to the skin, she barely made it to the shore and moved on in the darkness.
“What is that hanging on the ficus tree, isn’t it a pearl necklace?” she thought, coming closer. And just as she was reaching out to him, a branch fell on her head and hit her hard. And she wasn't wearing any necklace.
It became cold, and Mina was very cold. Lo and behold, the fireplace is glowing by the road, and the housewife is baking pies on it.
- Auntie, auntie! “I’m so hungry, give me the pie, it smells so delicious,” Mina asked.
- No way! The fire complained to me that you did not want to clear it of ash when it was dying out. Go and ask someone else for a pie.
It became completely dark, and, stumbling over stones, she moved on. Here is a plum tree, and plums are barely visible on it. Mina reached for them, pricked her hands on the thorns, but was still unable to get anything. One plum fell to the ground, but is it possible to find it in the dark?
Hungry, tired, barely dragging her feet, she made it home. Vina was horrified by her appearance, put her to bed, washed her feet and brought her curdled milk with a large piece of pie.
“Yes,” Mina muttered, having warmed up a little, “perhaps I was wrong.” You're really not a thief.