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Difficult science: how to choose a perfume. Business card of a lady: how to choose your perfume scent


Since it will not be possible to sniff all the bottles in the store, you need to go there with a predetermined goal. Determine exactly scent you are looking for - for the day or evening, for work or leisure, winter or summer. Read in catalogs and on the Internet descriptions suitable for your purposes - perhaps something will attract you to this scent but that will be the reason to "try" it in the store.

Before going to a perfumery salon, do not use cosmetics with fragrances that last on the skin for a long time, or directly. The skin must be clean and carry only its own scent.

Ask a consultant for those types scent s that you have outlined for yourself in advance. Apply them to paper strips and inhale scent... After a few minutes try it again - the smell should open up. Do not test more than three compositions in one trip so as not to get confused in impressions and dull the sensitivity. If any scent you like it, apply it to your wrist area (don't rub!). Walk around for hours carrying scent on myself. During this time, he will fully open up and show himself in combination with your personality.

When buying the selected perfume, carefully examine the bottle - if it is not, it must be executed impeccably neatly, there should be no air bubbles in the glass.

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Don't buy a fragrance that you find pleasant on someone else. On any other person, it will "sound" in its own way.

Helpful advice

To develop your ability to hear smells more subtly, buy essential oils - if you perceive smells in pure form, it will be easier to find them in a complex aroma.


  • how to choose your perfume scent

Finding the scent that's right for you is not easy. It is even more difficult to choose a perfume as a gift. When choosing a perfume, someone prefers to pay for the brand, and someone only for the scent.

Everything is simple with the brand - we go to a specialized store. For those who cannot afford to buy branded perfumes for various reasons, there is great news. A good perfume doesn't have to be expensive.

Perfumes from natural ingredients today it is practically not produced. By the way, the most expensive ingredients in perfume are rose oil, jasmine oil, sandalwood. And they are added in such meager quantities that they don't really affect the pricing.

Today it is desirable for a lady to have at least six types of perfume in her arsenal: two or three morning and afternoon scents and three evening ones.
A man can easily get by with one morning afternoon and one scent.

Perfume for yourself

When choosing your scent, you need to have a program of action. What scent do you need - morning, evening, intimate perfume, for, for a disco, for a gym and so on. The second, no less important question - what scent do you like in principle - lilac, dew, sea, peach ...

Having outlined this circle, we begin to sniff the initially selected samples. Don't smell everything - there should be no more than five probes. We smell as follows. We put on a paper sample and sniff immediately - fresh. Determine what is not repulsive. After 1 minute, the “heart” of the fragrance, we smell it again and select the ones we like. It is advisable to reduce the five probes at this stage to two or three. We put these remaining ones on the wrist and finally smell how the smell opens on the skin. After that, it is advisable to walk for another 15 minutes to determine the "aftertaste".

Perfume as a gift

Perfume is more often chosen by a man for a woman. And he does it in a bottle. But as? How does a gentleman know which scent suits his lady? This is a mistake women make much less often when they buy perfume as a gift. Women, if they do not know exactly what brand of perfume a person prefers, smell the fragrance and buy the one that they like. And it is right. The presented aroma is a direct and unambiguous hint of what expectations your partner (partner) associates with you: an aggressive smell - passion, velvety - softness, citrus - tenderness, floral - indecision, fresh - intimacy. Having received perfume as a gift, an intelligent and attentive person is able to draw far-reaching conclusions. They will help you not only get to know and understand each other better, but also make you more successful, confident, attractive, and happier.

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Real perfume is not just a solution of various essential oils... Their creation is a whole art. This is why a good high quality perfume cannot be cheap. Choosing a fragrance that would emphasize the individuality of a woman and give her a unique charm is also not an easy task. To understand how to choose a perfume so that the “soul unfolds”, it is worth using simple rules.

How to buy perfume

Buying perfume is quite a responsible business, because it is not for nothing that they are called invisible clothing. They should not only reflect the aroma of the perfume composition, but also please the owner.

There is such a rich assortment of perfumes in specialized stores that it is difficult to prefer one thing. A few tips will help make this task easier:

  • when going to buy perfume, you should not use perfume or deodorants with a pronounced odor;
  • since the threshold for odor perception is the highest in the morning, this the best time for choosing perfume;
  • to the question of how to choose a men's perfume, you need to approach, guided by certain character traits of the chosen one;
  • do not take perfume in the market or in small shops, good perfume should be looked for in branded shopping centers;
  • you should not rub a drop of perfume, evaporation should occur gradually, then the aroma will be better revealed;
  • in one visit to the store, you can carefully taste no more than four smells;
  • if you immediately liked the scent of perfume, do not rush to buy, their composition will be fully revealed later - it is better to put a drop on your wrist and follow during the day how their smell changes;
  • those who prefer to smell the smell from the bottle need to know that it will not be possible to understand the aroma in this way;
  • since the perfume composition begins to open in about half an hour, it is better not to sniff the strip with the tester right away, but to wait a little. We must also remember that smells are revealed on the skin in a completely different way, differently than on paper;
  • if perfume good quality, then their smell will persist for a long time.

Features of choice

The scent of the perfume is revealed gradually. At the initial stage, sharp notes appear, which are given by the alcohol base. The exception is oil perfumes, which should be preferred. External factors also have a significant impact on perception: the presence of odors in the store, interaction with the skin, ambient temperature and humidity, and even the time of day and weather.

After the base has evaporated, the main aroma begins to unfold. It lasts almost a day and should become the main guideline in the preference of certain perfumes. After the main one, a trail of residual aroma remains for several hours. To decide which perfume to choose, it is better to first purchase a sample with the scent you like and use it for two to three days. During this time, the scent of the perfume will fully unfold, it will be clear whether this perfume suits you or not.

When choosing a perfume, it is necessary to be guided by other factors - in summer it is better to choose aromas of flowers and citrus, and in winter - woody scents. Daytime perfume should have a delicate light scent, while evening perfume can be thicker and more spicy. Perfumes are also divided according to the nature of the prevailing fragrances.

The most common fragrances

  • The most popular are floral fragrances, among them such as lily of the valley, violet, lilac and others stand out. Their base smell can be very delicate, subtle, and concentrated, sweetish. Both young girls and mature women love them.
  • Spicy oriental scents are present in amber aromas with hints of musk, ginger, sandalwood.
  • Ozone, sea aromas create a feeling of coolness, impending thunderstorms, ocean breezes.
  • You can choose for the summer wonderful refreshing smells of citrus fruits - orange, lime, grapefruit.
  • Fern aromas are created by exquisite compositions with notes of lavender, oak, vanilla.

Classification of perfumery products

The perfumery assortment is also classified according to the concentration and persistence of aromas.

  • Perfume is on the top step by this criterion. Their rich aroma lasts for a long time, the concentration of oils is above 20%. Perfume bottles are small in size.
  • Day perfume or Eau de parfum occupy the second place in terms of the concentration of odor and its persistence, but their price is much more affordable.
  • Lovers of light smells will prefer toilet water with ten percent flavoring additives. It can be identified by large spray bottles.
  • Colognes have a low extract content, which creates a light pleasant scent. A good cologne can be chosen by a man.
  • Deodorants are also distinguished by unobtrusive aromas and belong to hygiene products.

The importance of making the right choice

It has long been noticed that smells can affect not only mood, but even well-being. If the perfume is chosen correctly, then it should delight and excite, give confidence and awaken energy. Vanilla scent relieves stress, rose and jasmine promote active creative processes, citrus notes in the smells refresh, relieve fatigue.

There are also such scents that can evoke negative emotions. An inappropriate smell can ruin your mood and cause headaches. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right perfume for yourself.

Features of using perfume

The art of using perfume also has its own rules, without knowing which, you can make common mistakes.

  • Many people believe that if the scent of a perfume is felt only in the first minutes, then it is perfect. However, the smell of perfume should evoke positive emotions. If it is not felt at all, this may indicate the so-called olfactory adaptation, when the brain blocks the smell as a protective function.
  • Each person has an individual scent, mixing with which the perfume creates its own unique scent. Their "sound" will not be the same for different people... Therefore, it makes no sense to buy perfumes just because they reveal an irresistible scent on someone. When deciding which perfume to choose, you need to try their "sound" on yourself.
  • Since external factors have a significant impact on the shades of aromas, it is not recommended to use the same perfume at any time of the year and during the day. The scent should be appropriate for the weather, season, time and place of visit.
  • The real scent of perfume arises only when it interacts with the skin. You don't need to put them on clothes or jewelry.
  • For the scent to appear, some rub the perfume into their skin. However, by doing so, they only accelerate the evaporation of fragrances.
  • Do not throw away paper packaging after buying perfume. It performs, in addition to a decorative, and protective function, protecting the contents of the bottle from the destructive effects of light. Otherwise, the smell of perfume will change over time.

Selection of men's fragrances

How to choose a perfume for men? For representatives of the stronger half, it is more difficult to visit perfumery stores, especially tasting numerous smells. Usually, women choose perfumes and eau de toilette for them, focusing on their taste and intuition, and often their solution turns out to be successful.

  • The choice of a masculine scent is largely determined by the character of the potential owner. A cheerful, sociable person, with whom it is always interesting, most often prefers fresh, sea smells with plant notes of mint, hyacinth.
  • The fantasy of romantics is endless, they come up with new surprises every day to surprise and delight their chosen one. Such a person is likely to prefer light aromas of citrus, lavender, cedar.
  • For confident and self-sufficient men with a strong character, options with rich aromas of bergamot and musk can be selected.
  • How to choose men's perfumes for the absent-minded person with creative soul and broad-minded? He has a bright and deeply individual nature. Such a person will also choose an aroma with unusual notes, such as thyme, sage or brushwood.

Men's fragrances are more intense than women's, adding notes that emphasize such traits of character as strength, independence, individuality.

There is also such a thing as "perfume etiquette", which is part of the general culture. It is associated not only with the ability to answer the question of how to choose a perfume, but also with the art of "wearing" them. It is no less important than the definition of the better flavor... And the main principles here are relevance and moderation.

Katerina Mukhina | 5.12.2015 | 3677

Katerina Mukhina 5.12.2015 3677

Have you already tested all the perfumes from the perfume store, but you still don't like anything? We'll show you how to find your perfect scent.

If you already have your favorite perfume, but the same scent is "boring" - you can successfully choose for yourself another, but similar perfumery, which will bring variety to life.

How to choose the right perfume?

1. Don't make a decision based on first impressions. At first we only feel the first notes, and manufacturers often try to make them quite intriguing. But after a couple of minutes, not a trace remains of this incredible aroma - and we have to be content with a completely different smell.

And maybe vice versa. The top note will not impress us, and when the aroma dissipates, we will understand: this is exactly what we need. Therefore, any spirits should always be given time to fully unfold.

2. Determine which family of fragrances the perfume you like belongs to.

If you don't remember which notes are in your favorite fragrance, look online for information. In the description of perfumery, it is usually indicated what kind of scent it is: marine, floral, citrus, chypre, woody, etc.

3. Choose 4 different fragrances from the same group as your favorite perfume, apply them on the skin in different places and test after 5-10 minutes. Then, 4-5 hours later, sniff the scents again.

If you liked the smell of some perfume after 10 minutes and 5 hours after application, then you can safely purchase it.

The aroma characterizes the person

When choosing perfumes, keep in mind that they can tell a lot about the person who uses them.

Sweet aromas (cotton candy, vanilla, caramel) indicate that a woman does not take life very seriously, she prefers entertainment, rather than family values... And chypre and woody aromas, on the contrary, characterize a woman as a sensible and wise person.

Floral scents emphasize femininity and individuality, while marine scents emphasize freshness and purity. At least that's how people around us regard us.

The scent unfolds in different ways

When interacting with the skin, the aroma acquires a unique shade, which largely depends on the state of health, the food we eat, used cosmetics, temperature and thickness of our skin. And even on how often we experience stress.

On thicker skin, the smell lasts longer, and on warm skin, it is felt brighter. Therefore, the owners are dry and cold skin before applying perfume, it is recommended to rub a small amount into the skin almond oil or apply perfume to clothing and hair.

Why do some people like the scent, while others do not?

We fall in love with certain scents under the influence of pleasant associations and emotions. We unconsciously choose the smell (or something similar to it) that we once felt during joyful events.

We are also often based on taste preferences. For example, tangerine lovers often choose citrus aromas.

Facts You May Not Know About Perfume

  • Recent studies have shown that applying perfume behind the ears does not guarantee that the scent will last longer. Sweat glands are located in these places, which can make the smell not persistent, but sour.
  • Do not rub perfume on your skin. This will not brighten the fragrance, it will only remove some of the notes (perhaps the most important ones) and may irritate the skin.

Based on materials from the website

From the article you will learn how to choose the right perfume. You will also get acquainted with the basic rules for applying perfume to the skin.

The fair sex cannot imagine its life without a high-quality and memorable perfume. Some women love the lungs fruity smells, others prefer sweet floral notes, and some, in general, prefer scents that are somewhat similar to men's colognes. Of course, everyone has the right to use exactly the perfume they like. But in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it.

One must be able not only to choose the right perfume, but also to apply it correctly. Ideal option is considered to be a fragrance that combines with body odor and does not emit harsh notes. It just attaches female image lightness, attractiveness and mystery.

Major mistakes when using perfume

Perfume cannot mask the smell of sweat.

Very often, having brought home such a desired perfume, we are disappointed to realize that the smell is not at all what we expected. Of course, if perfumes are worth a penny, then you can safely put them anywhere on the shelf and forget about their existence. But if such a problem arises with expensive branded fragrances, then usually a woman continues to use them exactly. And this, of course, does not bring any pleasure. Why this happens and what mistakes women make in the use of fragrances, we will understand a little below.

Never rub perfume into skin... The substances that make up the perfume enter into a chemical reaction with the skin and this greatly distorts the scent.
Do not apply a large amount of perfume at once. The smell will be very harsh and will repel the people around you.
If you like to combine several scents at the same time, it is better that the perfume, deodorant and eau de toilette are of the same brand and have a similar scent.
Try to store your perfume properly. Do not leave them in a room that is hot enough. Also remember to close the lid after use.

Precautions in using perfumery

In no case should you pour perfume on yourself. A couple of drops are enough for a persistent aroma.

Unfortunately, women's perfume does not consist only of natural ingredients. And if you use it not quite correctly, then there is a possibility that it will have a negative effect on the body.
Especially careful to use perfume should be people prone to allergies. If the composition of the perfume you like contains aluminum and aniline salts, then it is better to refuse the purchase. These substances can greatly irritate the skin and provoke the development of eczema.
But also healthy people you also need to use perfume correctly. It will be better if you apply them and only to open skin areas and in small doses. So you can be sure that the dermatological integument will breathe normally and will not be irritated.
It is also best to avoid using perfumes just before eating. If the aroma is strong enough, then it will interrupt the smell of the dish and the appetite will disappear in the people around you.
Be careful when using perfume in the hot season. High temperatures maximize the aroma emanating from eau de toilette and deodorant, so a smell that seemed normal to you in a cool room outside can become quite harsh

How to choose the right scent?

It is best to buy perfume in specialized stores.

A well-chosen scent should captivate from the first minutes. Therefore, when you come to the store, in no case stop your choice on the first perfume you like. To get started, focus and, without too much fuss, start choosing an individual scent. Do not listen to the advice of friends, sellers and just strangers. Each person perceives the scent in his own way. And the smells that one likes can irritate another.

Recommendations for choosing a women's perfume:
Never buy perfume when you have a cold.
You can smell a maximum of four different scents at a time
Periodically interrupt the smell of perfume with natural coffee
If you have any doubts, take a small sample first.
It is better for red-haired girls to give preference to oriental scents.
V winter time Years Best Buy More Persistent Perfume
Before going to the store, remove all rings and bracelets from your hands.

Where to apply perfume correctly?

Perfume should be applied exclusively to clean skin.

Women's perfume is quite changeable and if it is not entirely correct to use it, then it can play a cruel joke with you. If you apply it not on right place or go too far with the quantity, then you yourself and the people around you will "enjoy" a not very pleasant and pungent smell. Typically, women apply perfume to their wrists and to the skin behind their ears.

But some smells cannot manifest themselves in these places in full force. There are fragrances that need to be applied to the whiskey, décolleté and even the area under the knees. These so-called "warm spots" help the aroma to open up to the maximum and interact correctly with the natural odor of dermatological integuments.

Secrets the right choice women's perfume:
Eau de toilette must be applied to clean hair
Do not use perfume on clothes
Before using toilet water moisturize your skin a little
In one place you need to apply just a couple of drops of perfume
Because oily skin keeps the smell of the tone longer, then it needs less perfume
Before applying a new fragrance to the skin, the previous one must be washed off with water.
Even if after application you practically do not feel the aroma of the perfume, you do not need to apply it again

Can I use expired perfume?

Expired perfumes can trigger an allergic reaction.

There are times when a woman finds her favorite perfume in the store, which has long been stitched and taken off the market. A woman is faced with a dilemma of whether to make a purchase or not. On the one hand, there is an opportunity to get your favorite scent, on the other hand, there is a possibility of developing allergic reactions. In this case, the fair sex will have to solve the dilemma on her own.

If she is not afraid of possible problems, then she may well try to use perfume. But there is always the possibility that, due to long-term storage, the eau de toilette has lost its properties and the smell has changed dramatically. Therefore, if you decide to take a chance, then before buying, do not sprinkle perfume on a paper sample, it is best to apply it to the skin and see how they will interact with it. If the smell does not change, then you can safely make a purchase.

How to use solid perfume?

Solid perfume.

Recently, solid perfumes have become popular again. Many women love them for their naturalness and ease of use. But most importantly, compared to other perfumes, they cost almost a penny. Due to the low price, a woman with any income can afford to buy them. And besides the fact that they will emit a delicate and memorable aroma, their natural ingredients will have a positive effect on the skin.

Using such a perfume is quite simple. You need to open the jar and use your finger to apply the fragrance to the skin. The optimal place for this is considered to be the points at which the pulse is well felt. The only place where this type of perfume is prohibited is on the face. It should also be borne in mind that some fragrances begin to unfold a few minutes after application. Therefore, you do not need to reapply perfume if you do not immediately feel a pronounced smell.

How to use perfume with pheromones?

Perfume with pheromones.

Every woman strives to always remain attractive and desirable for the stronger sex. But unfortunately, the achievements modern cosmetology did everything to kill the natural smell that attracts real men. All of these gels, shampoos, deodorants, and skin care products drown out the natural scent of the skin. Therefore, women have no choice but to use perfume with pheromones to attract men. How to apply them correctly, we will figure it out a little below.

Rules for using perfume with pheromones:
Eau de toilette with pheromones can be combined with other fragrances.
You don't need to use this scent every day.
This perfume opens up very well in a confined space.
Never put perfume with pheromones on your clothes.
Apply perfume only to those points where the pulse is felt

How to apply oily perfume?

Oil perfume.

Oily perfumes are good because there is no alcohol component in their composition. They have pleasant enough persistent aroma which does not irritate the upper respiratory tract. And due to the fact that they contain natural ingredients, they have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and lift the mood. A woman who uses such a perfume feels young, desirable and truly attractive.

Places where you can apply oil perfume:
Elbow bend
Popliteal cavity

Can allergy sufferers use perfume?

Allergy sufferers are better off, in general, to refuse to use perfume.

In specialized stores, you can find perfumes for every taste. Almost everyone can choose the scent that suits him the first time. But if a person has a tendency to allergies, then the choice of perfume must be approached responsibly. You can try to buy fragrances made on a natural basis and do not have a strong odor.

You should also be very careful about their use. Apply the smallest dose of perfume to previously cleansed skin areas. When you get home, remove residue immediately with water and fragrance-free soap. If such measures do not help you and a rash still appears on the skin, then it is better for you not to use any perfume at all.

How to store perfume?

Perfume does not tolerate heat and humidity well enough.

Perfume, like any other scent, must be properly stored. If you do not adhere to all the basic rules, then there is a possibility that the perfume will wipe out its unique smell even before its expiration date. Incorrect storage can tell not only on the smell, but also on appearance perfume. They will darken and become thick enough. After such changes, you will definitely not be able to use them.

Recommendations for storing perfume:
Spirits should stand in a dark place
The storage room must maintain the same temperature regime
Do not leave eau de toilette in a damp room
After use, always close the lid and place the container in a paper box.

Video: Anatomy of a perfume. How to choose the right perfume?

The choice of scent is a delicate matter. This is a kind of game with mood, feelings, memories, hopes ... But, like any game, it has its own rules. When choosing a perfume, it is important to consider:

Season. Any scent should be appropriate for the season. For colder months, notes of vanilla, sandalwood, woody moss are suitable. In the summer, fresh fruit aromas (lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, etc.) are appropriate, as well as light herbal ones (basil, chamomile, mint, rosemary).

Scene. At work, you can "wear" only light aromas - a breeze. In the evening, if you are going to the theater, you should use a soft, unobtrusive perfume with warm fruity and floral notes. Aromas with oriental motives are perfect for a restaurant. The main thing is that they contain a food "hint" - it can be notes of vanilla, musk, toffee, chocolate.

Style of clothes... Do you prefer the classics? Use cold scents. If your style is sporty, the best way- eau de toilette with fresh aromas (sea breeze, herbs). Love bright colours, ethnic elements in clothes? Look for floral and herbal scents with notes of sage, bamboo, flowers, basil and spicy rosemary.

Personal features... For an extrovert, scents with notes of lemon, orange, mint, juniper are suitable. For an introvert - oriental spicy aromas: sandalwood, patchouli, rose, vanilla, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, jasmine. As you can see, scent alone is not enough. You must certainly have different, as they say, for all occasions.

What is the difference?

Many women, buying a branded bottle in a store, do not even realize that, despite the solid four-digit number indicating the price, these are not real perfumes, but toilet ones. That is, eau de parfum. In perfumes, the proportion of the perfume composition (liquid solution of volatile aromatic substances) is from 15 to 30% (the rest is alcohol). In eau de parfum (Eau de parfum) the share of "aromas" is 12-15%. What, then, is Eau De Toilette? It contains up to a maximum of 10% of the perfume composition.

In general, there are not many perfumes as such in stores: firstly, they are not used every day, and secondly, eau de parfum perfectly holds aromas, this is a democratic and most popular version of perfume.

We select ...

Even if you already know what kind of scent you need, choosing it in the store is not easy: there are many variations. Usually, a sales assistant offers to evaluate the smell by dropping from a tester bottle onto a special paper strip.

But the fact is that the first impression is always deceiving: many types of perfume have the so-called top, middle and bottom notes of the fragrance. Having caught the first, it is impossible to understand what the true smell is - it will necessarily change as the volatile substances evaporate. Therefore, take your time.

Take the sample pieces with you (you need to put them in different places) and after an hour and a half you can smell them in order to understand what the established aroma will be. Better yet, drip perfume on your wrist: a reaction with your skin will give you a more accurate idea.

by the way

When using perfume, it is important to remember that:

  • perfume should always be applied before you get dressed, not after;
  • the classic points of aroma application are the wrists, the bend of the elbow, the neck (in the place of the carotid artery). But it is not worth splashing behind the ears - secrets secreted by the glands can radically change the smell;
  • the aroma always rises up, so spray a drop under the bends of the knees or in the ankle area, or on the inner bend of the elbows;
  • never rub perfume or eau de toilette on your skin - this destroys the fragrance;
  • do not put perfume on synthetic fabrics: they do not retain the scent.