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SMS congratulations on the wedding from the bridesmaids. SMS congratulations on the wedding from the bridesmaids. Funny statuses about marriage.

Pledge family happiness: first – marriage, then – love.

Not for all…

Mom said that when I get married, she will put a sign on the door: “No returns or exchanges!”

I should also look at home, maybe I put that sign on the door too))

In the year of the snake, I will urgently rent a place on a warm, cozy chest for a period of one year. I don’t want to get married... Just to warm myself.

Grab the antidote! And you are welcome!

Single life was simpler. I wanted a dress... and another dress. And now - a bread machine, molds and a flour sifter...

Exactly! But the dress too)

Have you noticed that when you are single, everyone around you asks: “Didn’t you get married”? When you don’t have children, everyone is wondering: “So when is the addition?” And when you already have a child, everyone is worried: “When are you going to have a second one?” Don't people have anything else to talk about?!

There is something to talk about, but when you don’t want to, you just have to respect the limits of decency and traditional interest. Therefore such questions))

Why do women like to marry military men? Because they already know how to cook, mend, make the bed, have good health and know how to follow orders!

Ideal men!

I really married for love, and then I envied my friends all my life!

It happens, what can you do?!

Cool statuses about marriage

If you are married and you don't have mink coat, diamonds, you don’t drive an expensive car... Congratulations! You married for love))

And I'm very happy about it! I feel so comfortable in a mouton fur coat, with a simple gold wedding band, on our “six” with my beloved husband and one-year-old daughter!

Still, there is a marriage that can make a man happy. This is his daughter's marriage...

This is another way to look at it - who will pay for the wedding expenses?

Marriage is a transition from an 8-hour work day to a 24-hour day!

Yeah, but no one pays overtime ((

Many girls marry men who remind them of their father. Is this why their mothers cry at the wedding ceremony?

Exactly! That's why my mom cried))

Many people told me that there was nothing to do if I was married... They lied!!! There's so much to do, so much to do...

Not that word! I always sleep without my hind legs.

The wife says to her husband in anger:
-It would be better if I married the devil!
-What are you talking about, dear! Marriages between blood relatives prohibited!

This is about my wife))

Two friends:
– Were you married?
- Certainly!
- So how is it???
– Just like in childhood - either don’t stay out late, or don’t meet other people’s men (uncles)!!!

If, like in childhood, everyone would just get married and run away.

Statuses about marriage with meaning

You have to get married because you're young, because you're stupid, because Great love or by flight. Because you will grow up, you will become wiser... and you will understand that there are no ideal people, and you don’t need an imperfect one.

As a rule, those who are regularly invited there do not want to get married, and those who have not received such an offer dream of marriage! For me, a stamp in a passport is just a formality.

Marriage ruined more women than famine, war and natural disaster.

That's for seems to me that women suffer most in marriage due to misunderstandings on the part of men (((

If there is agreement, there will be happiness! From now on, only “We” – not “I”, and there will be a strong family!

Yes, this is how everything always starts beautifully, and then socks around the apartment and “where-are-you-taking-my-beer?!”

Marriage is like a besieged fortress: those inside would like to get out; those outside would like to break into it.

He speaks the truth!

The older and wiser a girl becomes, the more difficult it is for her to get married.

Right! The older a girl is, the more she understands her attractiveness.

Many women who are not married dream of a man surrounding them with care and attention... However, many married women do too...

A girl is a flower that always requires care!

If you cannot answer the question: “Do I want to continue to be with him?”, just ask yourself: “Do I want to marry him?” And everything will be decided right away)))

Exactly, we tried this... it helps.

Beautiful statuses about marriage

You are pain and light, peace and fear,
you are the taste of heaven on my lips,
The melody that I sing
you are life, and I love it!

This is how every husband should think about his wife!

The most happy morning for a girl - her wedding day. When she wakes up, she knows exactly what to wear.

It is a fact!

The next stop is “getting married.” Let's go, girls, let's go!

What is the number of the bus that took you to this stop? I want to ride it too!

Having a man nearby is not a guarantee of absolute happiness for a woman... You can be married and be sad, or you can be happy while remaining a free woman.

That's right, you shouldn't rush to get married. It's better to always feel happy than just have a stamp in your passport.

Marriage is a very serious step! When we quarrel with our parents, we don’t think that we need to look for new ones. So the husband should become a loved one. One for life! The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing!

I really can’t imagine how you can live with one person your whole life!

No matter how happily a woman is married, she always notices with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried.

It's always nice when you are positively assessed by the prying eyes of handsome men

“I want to get married” status, “I want to get married” statuses are cool

- Mom, I want to get married!
- Enough! Been there twice already!
- Well ma...
– No, don’t ask!!!
- Mom, I’m only going there and back!

My mom is so mine younger sister answers))

Get married! Oh no!!! We were there! The service does not match the price list...

We've been there, we know))

I don't want to get married! For one simple reason - why make a bad husband out of a good lover?

Not calling?

Pharmacies have received a pregnancy test with two strips called “I want to get married!”

Ha, interesting product... I have to buy it

The most important thing in a girl’s life is going to university (to get married successfully).

It’s not for nothing that parents instill these goals from childhood))

I want to get married)))) Take me!!!


I want to get married. It’s so great to have someone nearby whom you can torment for the rest of your life.

Men, be careful!

Marriage proposal status

When she was offered marriage, she fell from her chair, jumped up to the ceiling on the bed, ran around the apartment for about 30 minutes with happiness... And then quietly answered “I’ll think about it...”.

Real woman!!!

To get married successfully - sign a governess employment agreement!

Well, that is if you are unlucky with your husband.

When you proposed marriage to you, did you hope in your heart that I would refuse??? Yeah, dream... I agree, honey!!!

That's right, girl, keep it up!

– When will you stop making me comic proposals to marry you?!
- When you become my wife.

So make her a normal proposal, joker!

This caller is asking you to marry him. Answer: “Dear subscriber! There are not enough funds in your account for this operation."

She knows exactly what she wants

Do you want to get married?
- Stop threatening me.

Yeah))) Right to the point about me)

Statuses “getting married soon”, “getting married”

Get married, or what? Where is this unfortunate guy hiding?

Run, boy!

Are you married?!
- No.
- When are you going?
- When I finish university. And are you married?!
- No.
- When are you going?
- When you graduate from university.

What a man! Waiting means loving!

Wedding.. the coolest holiday in our lives!

It only seems so! When this day comes, you will wish it would end soon!

We are no one to each other, we always quarrel, swear, almost fight... but everyone is sure that the wedding is coming soon!!!

This is about my fiance and I! Everything is exactly like that!

And I realized with horror that I had been pregnant for a month. There was no time to find out who the child was from - I had to get married urgently...

I did the right thing!

I am pregnant! Marriage is soon! Thanks to the grandmothers at the entrance, otherwise I wouldn’t even know...

The grandmothers at the entrance know everything!

Statuses about a happy marriage

I married for love, not out of spite -
Something I didn’t regret even for a day.
As it turned out, I was magically lucky -
The idiots were dealt with before me.

Lucky, yes. I wish I had at least a little luck in this life.

A happy marriage is when you look at someone passing by handsome guy and you think: “This jacket is cool, I need to buy one for my husband!”

This is love!

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife did not say...

Yes! For example, what in New Year think of giving your wife jewelry...

And when I get married, will you call me? No, I’ll shout to you from the next room: “My beloved, put our son to bed already.”

If “darling” screams, then you can fulfill the request))

Those who don't work are happily married!

And I would like that...

There is no need to shout about happiness. You can remain silent about him. Together...

After all, happiness lies in doing everything together

And remember, girls, a good frying pan is the basis of your family happiness!

Well, this is for those who have violent husbands

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness...

If only all spouses understood this

Statuses about marriage are sad

Marriage is a mirage in the desert with palaces, palm trees and a camel. First the palace disappears, then the palm trees, and you are finally left alone with the camel.

Nice line!

When getting married, a woman dreams of having a wall behind her: reliable, strong and indestructible. A wall that you can hide behind at any time and it will always protect you. Unfortunately, behind many people, instead of a wall, there is a hole with rotten swamp water, from which it is so difficult to get out... Few women succeed. It’s even more difficult to find a new wall, not a new hole...

Exactly! Just recently I told my husband about the same thing... in very similar words

If before marriage you were called a princess, and after marriage - a mare, then you married not a prince, but a groom! You have been framed!


Hobble along slowly, and forget about me. If you want to get married, someone will pick you up.

About my ex...

Today I dreamed that I was getting married... Only not to the one who brings me happiness every day, but to the one whom I have despised all my life... A paradox.

The main thing is that the dream is not prophetic!

Why are women so eager to get married? Because otherwise they don’t know what to do with themselves.

It's sad if this is actually the case.

Not every woman is destined to live like behind a stone wall - so over time she, too, can become stone.

That's it, men!

Girls, don’t get married...there’s a lot of dishes to wash!!!

Who washes and who hits!

Status “I’ll give my friend in marriage”, “my friend got married”

I'll give my friend in marriage! I'm not healthy enough to walk with her so much!

The main thing is to marry her off successfully, otherwise you’ll have to go out even more later.

Dear men!!! Please marry my friend... Because she’s so busy: she goes everywhere, takes walks... and I’m sitting at home...))))

You are evil))

One friend says to another:
- Darling, it’s time for you to get married...
- Yes, I still can’t find the right one, I keep thinking about your husband...
- About my husband...
- Well, yes, I think, God forbid someone like him gets caught!

Then together you will wash the bones for your husbands!

I will give my friend only to those hands that will love her more than I do.

A real girlfriend!

Girlfriend, you're getting married,
A little sad, but not important.
If only you were happy
And it was like a rose bloomed.

So cute…))

Despite the different situations and relationships of spouses in marriage, people forget about humanity and sincerity. To improve life together and family relationships, you just need to talk. There is no need to hide dissatisfaction or pleasure. Some people don't take hints - they just need to be told.

We all congratulate you,
Happy this bright, bright day.
It's your wedding today,
A wedding is a holy day.

I wish you happiness in your marriage,
My husband should be generous with gifts.
So that your honeymoon
You didn’t remember with longing.

4 SMS - 211 characters

Hurray, bride, we're at the wedding!
Cheerful, bright, lively...
Didn't you promise?
Happy to be a wife yourself?

So that what is said is carried out,
We will keep an eye on you...
To be loved is such a small thing,
If you wish with all your heart!

4 SMS - 223 characters

Today we are giving in marriage,
My beloved friend.
Let it be in your heart,
Always love for your spouse.

So that you glow with happiness,
There was a house full of kids.
So that there is no bad weather in life,
The family grew stronger every day!

4 SMS - 215 characters

Today our friend got married. Congratulations to you, sweetheart, and your wonderful husband. We wish family life without difficulties and adversity, we wish you a happy marriage under the sun of joy and good luck! Bitterly.

4 SMS - 211 characters

Let's marry a friend
Goodbye free days.
We wish you, dear guys,
You will find happiness in marriage.

Love and trust only each other,
To be there so that nothing happens.
And so that the common desire
It would certainly come true.

4 SMS - 211 characters

Today you became a wife,
And your friends are with you.
We wish you happiness in love,
May all your wishes come true!

So that my husband and I can live in perfect harmony,
They created a hearth and gave birth to children,
So that your home glows with goodness,
Prosperity and harmony in it!

4 SMS - 225 characters

From the bridesmaids
Congratulations to you,
Life is just interesting
We wish you! Let the house

Filled with love for you
Fortunately, it always will be!
Good luck to you
And good luck for the next year!

3 SMS - 170 characters

Our beloved friend,
Today you became a bride,
We want to congratulate you so much
Congratulations on this wonderful event!

Let your wedding day bring only joy,
Let the groom be on horseback,
You and I are friends forever,
We wish you doubly good luck.

4 SMS - 220 characters