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Socialization in the middle group on the topic of kindergarten. GCD for students’ mastery of the educational field “Socialization” “In Search of Friendship”

Program content:

— promote the psychological development and socialization of children;

- clarify and expand children’s understanding of friendship, camaraderie, friendly relationships between people;

— develop communicative and speech abilities;

- the ability to communicate easily and naturally, negotiate with adults and peers, find a way out of various situations;

- develop the ability to express one’s own moral judgment;

- develop attention, imagination, memory, thinking, the ability to distinguish and name an emotional state;

- evoke positive emotions using elements of game exercises;

— to cultivate kindness, sensitivity, goodwill, friendly relationships between children through the work of V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Materials: a “magic” box for greetings (a surprise moment), a ball of thread, stories for children about friendship, illustrations for works, a doll, a “Friendship” flower, a didactic game “Rules of Conduct in Kindergarten.”

Preliminary work: conversation with children on the topic: “What is friendship”, didactic game “Who is friends with whom?”, round dance and outdoor game “In this house we are a family”, consideration of illustrations for the development of emotions and empathy.

Progress of classes in the middle group of kindergarten

Surprise moment

Educator: Good morning, children! You are so beautiful, beautiful, cheerful today. I want your good mood to accompany you throughout the day and therefore I have prepared a surprise for you. Take a look - this is a magic box, it will help us today. Are you interested in finding out what's there? Then let's all sit in a circle and, with the help of a magic ball, weave a web of compliments.

Greeting "Ball of Compliments"

And I’ll start first: “Ksyusha, you have a very beautiful smile...”

(children take turns passing the ball and complimenting each other).

Educator: Look how beautiful our web turned out. We will put it in our magic box and it will warm us with your wonderful compliments and pleasant words throughout the day.

Educator. - Children, do you know what friendship is? How should you behave with friends and people in general? I invite you to listen to a story about 2 girls...

Reading and discussion of V. Oseeva’s story “Before the First Rain”

Tanya and Masha were very friendly and always went to kindergarten together. First Masha came for Tanya, then Tanya came for Masha. One day, when the girls were walking down the street, it started to rain heavily. Masha was in a raincoat, and Tanya was in one dress. The girls ran.

- Take off your cloak, we will cover ourselves together! - Tanya shouted as she ran.

- I can’t, I’ll get wet! - Masha answered her, bending her hooded head down.

— In kindergarten, the teacher said:

- How strange, Masha’s dress is dry, but yours, Tanya, is completely wet, how did this happen? After all, you walked together?

“Masha had a raincoat, and I walked in one dress,” Tanya said.

“So you could cover yourself with just a cloak,” said the teacher and, looking at Masha, shook her head.

- Apparently, your friendship is until the first rain!

Both girls blushed: Masha for herself, and Tanya for Masha.

(The teacher asks questions, and the children give answers and choose the appropriate pictures for the work)

Questions for children about the work.

- Well done guys, you answered everything correctly.

- Oh, who's knocking, do you hear?

(The teacher comes in with a persona doll)

Educator: Good afternoon, children! I didn’t come to you alone. Remember this girl? Yes, this is Svetochka. She told me in my ear that her mother brought her to our kindergarten. Last time, Svetlana liked our group so much that she asked to join us again.

Children, don’t you think Sveta is kind of sad? Let's ask her what happened?

(Children ask questions to the doll, and through the teacher-translator she gives answers to them)

Children, Svetochka said that the children from the group in which she goes constantly quarrel and do not know how to be friends at all. Svetochka asks you to tell her the rules of behavior in kindergarten. And then she will be able to teach the children in her group to use them. (Children tell the rules of conduct in kindergarten).

Well done! Now Sveta has remembered everything and will teach these rules to other children.

– Children, are you interested in learning something else from Sveta?

(Children exchange questions with a person doll)

Kids, it’s immediately clear that you are friendly, know how to make friends and know how to behave in kindergarten. Let's play a game together.

Round dance game “In this house we are family”

Children with a teacher stand in a circle, sing, and perform appropriate movements.

In this house we are a family (they go in a circle).

In this house we are family, we are you, you and me! (stop, arms to the sides, forward to the chest).

Give your hand to the one on the left (left hand to the side - down).

Give your hand to the one on the right (right hand to the side - down)

We are a family! (take hands, raise them).

In this house we are a family, (they walk in a circle)

We are a family in this house. We are you, you and me!

(stop, arms to the sides, forward, to the chest).

Smile at the one on the left (turn their head to the left, smile at the neighbor).

Smile at the person on the right (turn their head to the right, smile at the neighbor).

We are a family! (They hold hands and raise them.)

This is how good it is to be friends, you and I have truly become like one family. And it’s time for our Sveta to return to her group. I'll see her off. Goodbye children! Children, how nice it is when you are all so friendly! I hope you don’t forget the rules of friendship and the rules of behavior in kindergarten. I suggest you fold the “Friendship” flower as a souvenir

Didactic game “Flower of Friendship”

Children name the rules and lay them out on the flower petals.

Bottom line. Reflection

Did you enjoy today's lesson?

What do you remember most today?

It was also very pleasant and interesting for me to be with you, because you are true friends!

Summary of an open lesson on socialization in the middle group using innovative technologies + technological map.

Topic: “What do a seller and a cook have in common?”

Pedagogical goals : consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of a salesman and a cook, as well as find the relationship between them; learn to distinguish which profession what belongs to; learn to work in teams; learn to take initiative in choosing your task.

Planned results:



    Conversation about professions;

    Looking at pictures and magazines with professions: cook and salesman;

    Physical education video “All professions are needed, all professions are important”;

    Viewing the presentation “Seller + Cook =?”;

    Drawing and coloring;


    Didactic games: “Shop window” and “Pizza”;

    Watching a video (edited film from role-playing games conducted in the group earlier);

    Role-playing games: “Shop”, “Kitchen”, “Restaurant”.

Means of implementation: A3 poster, books and pictures depicting professions: seller, cook; professional attributes: costumes and tools of the cook and seller; interactive board; themed puzzles. Didactic games: magazines with stickers “Shop window” and “Pizza”; everything for drawing.

Innovative technologies: AMO, Children's Council, TRIZ

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children:

Children's Council"

(In the center of the carpet there is a poster, and around it there are cards (half a circle of orange, half a circle of yellow according to the number of children); near the poster sits a doll dressed in 2 sets of clothes: a cook and a salesman.)

Tell me, how many of you know what a profession is? How can you and I get acquainted with any profession? (examining magazines, books, images; learn from adults; draw, paint; learn poems; watch films, presentations; get acquainted with the tools of different professions, etc.).

Before we begin our studies, let's remember all the professions and depict them. (This part lasts approximately 3 minutes)

Physical education minute (3 minutes)

(3 minutes)

We remembered who the sellers and cooks are, how they work, where they work and their other features. Please note that there are different tasks on your tables. The yellow table has everything connected to the seller, while the orange table has everything connected to the cook. At the council, we assigned everyone their task, let's get started.

The teacher helps the children distribute tasks, approaches each child and works with them separately. Children draw, color, look at illustrations and pictures; They learn poems, play educational games, and put together puzzles. The children from each table, one child at a time, put on costumes: a cook and a salesperson, and continue the lesson in costumes. (this part lasts approximately 8 minutes)

The teacher invites the children to take a break from their studies and watch the video:

Video (2 minutes)


We already have a salesman, we already have a cook, let’s join the group and play the whole production. We will still have customers, waiters and visitors to our restaurant. (lesson duration 20-21 minutes)

(Children go into role-playing games, the emphasis is on the fact that this was an activity and it is over, but it is not done. At the end of the day, everyone gathers again for the “Children’s Council” and ticks off on the poster what they did and what they didn’t We made it, we’ll leave it for tomorrow).

Technological map of direct educational activities of the middle group

on the topic “Adult work. Professions"

Date: 10/25/2018

Chapter: Socialization

Subject: “What do a salesman and a cook have in common?!”

Pedagogical goals : consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of a salesman and a cook, as well as find the relationship between them; learn to distinguish which profession what belongs to; learn to work in teams; learn to take initiative in choosing your task.

Planned results: the child knows what a salesman and a cook look like, knows how they are interconnected; name the places where people work. Tools related to each profession are distinguished and named. Children can work together in a team and choose their own activities.

Integration of educational areas: “Social and communicative”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Activities: gaming, cognitive-research, communicative, motor, visual.

Means of implementation: A3 poster, books and pictures depicting professions: seller, cook; professional attributes: costumes and tools of the cook and seller; interactive board; themed puzzles. Didactic games: magazines with stickers “Shop window” and “Pizza”; everything for drawing

Organizational structure of a gaming lesson



Activities of the teacher

Children's activities



Guys, our doll Katya invited us today to “Children's Council" , wants to talk to us about something. Let's sit down around her.

(There are cards around the poster (half a circle of orange, half a circle of yellow according to the number of children); near the poster sits a doll dressed in 2 sets of clothes: a cook and a salesman.)

They react emotionally to what is happening.

Using the “Children’s Council” technology, they gather on a rug around a poster. Each child sits next to the card.

Organizational and search

Our Katya wants to talk about professions. But look what she's wearing? What profession does she want to talk about?

Katya probably wants to talk about two professions: a cook and a salesperson, but she doesn’t know what they have in common, which is why she has such a mess in her clothes. Shall we help her figure it out?

Tell me, how many of you know what a profession is?

How can you and I get acquainted with any profession?

That's right, you can learn and get acquainted with the profession in different ways, then let you decide for yourself which way you like best?! And I will write down in our plan those responsible for each task. (the poster is divided into blocks, each block contains an individual task, when the child has chosen his task, the teacher writes the child’s name in the corresponding block).

Let's hang our poster plan on the easel and at the end of the day we will note what we have done from this and what still needs to be done tomorrow. Look guys, we have 2 tables: yellow and orange, and you have cards in your hands. Go to the yellow table, who has a yellow card, and to the orange table, who has an orange card.

Before we begin our studies, let's remember all the professions and depict them.

Physical education minute

(video on the interactive board “All professions are needed, all professions are important”).

Showing the presentation “Salesman + Cook =?”

We remembered who the sellers and cooks are, how they work, where they work and their other features. Please note that there are different tasks on your tables. At the yellow table, everything is connected with the cook, and at the orange table, everything is connected with the seller. At the council, we assigned everyone their task, let's get started.

We played role-playing games separately, “Shop” and “Restaurant”. Let's take a look at the video to see what we got.


(An edited film from role-playing games conducted in the group earlier)

Have you noticed where the chef got the ingredients to cook them in the restaurant? That's right, so thatThe chef needs to prepare food, he needs to buy it in the store . So, this is what connects these two different professions. What do we recommend to our doll? That you need to decide on one profession and select a uniform for one profession.

They agree to talk, look at the doll, and answer.

They agree.

Children's answers.

They choose tasks for themselves (to draw, learn a poem, puzzles, a didactic game, pictures, magazines….)

Get up

They go to the tables.

Repeat the movements.

Watching the presentation.

Perform individual tasks.

They watch the video.

They express their assumptions.

They speak out the conclusion

They advise the doll.

Reflexively - corrective.

And now you and I will put on the uniforms of the seller and the cook. Let's go to the group and play the whole production. We will have sellers, buyers, cooks, waiters and visitors to our restaurant.

They put on costumes, go to a group, play story games.

Iskhakova Elza Nazikhovna,


MBDOU TsRR-d/s No. 81 "Malvina"


Target: The development of children's ideas about gender role similarities and differences in the image of a boy and a girl.

Software tasks:

1. Teach children to identify the main signs of differences and similarities between boys and girls,

2.Form an adequate idea of ​​your own gender.

3.To consolidate knowledge about the interests and various types of activities of children depending on gender.

4.Improve children’s knowledge about the classification of professions (male, female) with the help of professional supplies.

5. Activate children’s speech activity in the selection of verbs and adjectives.

6.Cultivate in children a friendly and sensitive attitude between girls and boys.

Preliminary work: conversation with boys “Our Defenders”, conversation with girls “Modest and Beautiful Girls”, game “What do dads do”, “What do mothers do?”, reading fiction works by boys and girls, looking at photographs of boys and girls.

Equipment: laptop, song “From what, from what”, hint flower daisy, ball, box with toys - (car, blocks, construction set, doll, handbag, dog, ball, gun, rackets), bag with professional supplies - scissors with comb, hacksaw, steering wheel, thread, group photo, fire extinguisher.


Educational area “Cognition”: maintain the score within 5.

Educational area “Music”: listening to the work “What are boys made of...”, dance movements to the music.

Educational area “Physical education”: strengthen the ability to catch and throw a ball with both hands.

Educational area “Communication”: activation of verbs and adjectives in children’s vocabulary.

Direct educational activity “Socialization” is carried out with a subgroup of children.

Progress of the lesson : Children stand in a circle. The children's song is “What are boys made of?” What are girls made of? What a beautiful song. What is this song about? Yes, about boys and girls. Are there any girls among you? Clap your crayfish girls. What about the boys? Stomp your feet. How are boys different from girls? A magic flower will help us with this. I tear off one petal, and it says “Masha and Sasha.” Girls and boys have different names. What boy names do you know? (children's answers). What are the girls' names? (children's answers). Boys and girls have different names.

Chamomile bloomed in the garden

Snow white shirt

Petals once and twice...

What other differences are there between boys and girls? Let's tear off the second sheet and find out... Clothes. The flower gives us a hint that boys and girls are different in their clothes. What do you guys think? What do boys wear? What about the girls? Girls wear skirts and dresses. And the boys have shirts and shorts. Do girls wear shorts? Yes, they do, but boys wear these clothes more often.

I go up to the flower and tear off the third petal. Game "Sort out the toys." Guys, here's the problem, the toys are mixed up, your task is to pick up the boys' toys in the blue tray, and the girls' toys in the red one. And we’ll leave neutral toys in the box that both boys and girls can play with. Look guys, we are so different, but toys can be common - toys for girls and boys. Well done!

Chamomile bloomed in the meadow

Modest little white flower

What's from the yellow pocket

Dropped a petal.

I tear off the fourth petal. Guys, you each have a mom and dad. What is your mother like? My mother is caring (I show an example) I pass the ball. What kind of mother is yours? (children's answers) When the ball reaches me, I turn to: My dad is smart. What kind of dad is yours? (children’s answers). My mother takes care of flowers at home. What is your mother doing? My dad can fix an outlet at home! What is your dad doing?

I walk up to the flower and tear off the last petal. Game "Wonderful bag". Guys, you need to take turns going to the bag and taking out an item that is necessary for one activity or another. Based on the subject, you must determine which profession belongs to women or men? (female - teacher - group photo, hairdresser - scissors and comb, seamstress - threads and needles; m - carpenter - saw, driver - steering wheel, doctor - syringe).

Guys, boys and girls, you are so different, there are so many differences between you, and yet you also have things in common: names, clothes, toys, professions.

“Certificate of publication in the media” Series A No. 0002273, barcode (receipt No.) 62502669050193 Date of dispatch December 12, 2013

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Summary of direct educational activities in the field of “Socialization” middle group “My Friendly Family”
Goal: Introduce children to the concept of “family.” Providing assistance in determining family relationships.
Educational: to form children’s understanding of the family, their relationships in it, who lives in it, that everyone in the family loves, cares and helps each other. Learn to name your family members correctly.
Developmental: develop the ability to communicate with each other: develop the ability to show goodwill, friendliness towards others. Develop the ability to answer questions. Strengthen the ability to coordinate speech with movement.
Educational: to cultivate a sense of affection for your family members, good feelings towards your loved ones, to arouse in the child joy and pride in having a family.

Download abstract
^ Integration of educational areas: socialization, cognition, communication, physical education, health.
Preliminary work:
We looked at photographs of the family, learned to name all members of our family by name and relationship (who is related to whom). Reading fiction about family. Compiling a photo album “My Family”. Design of the photo exhibition “My Friendly Family”.
^ Activation of the dictionary: Introduce nouns into the children’s active dictionary (family, parents, son, daughter, brother, sister, adult, child), encourage children to talk about their family; enrich your vocabulary: little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, thumb; give related concepts. Practice using the diminutive form of nouns.
demonstration: silhouette of a palm, a cap on each finger of this palm with the image of the face of a mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, child;
house silhouette; pictures - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. House silhouettes
for all children, glue.
^ Progress of gaming activities.
Organizing time.
Educator: Children, look. We've had guests here since morning,
Say hello, friends!
^ Children: Hello! Good morning.
All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other.
Educator. Hello, dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world. I invite such good, handsome ones to play. Listen to the riddle.
Five and five are brothers,
So everyone will be born together,
If you dig a garden bed -
Everyone holds one spatula.
They don't get bored, they play
All together into one toy.
And in winter the whole crowd
They hide together in the heated vehicles.
These are the “five and five”
Guess what their names are?
(Children guess the riddle).
Educator: How did you guess that these were fingers? Guys, do you like to play with your fingers? Sit down on the chairs. Want to learn another game? Show us your hands, let's warm them up, count them, hide them in your fist.
Teacher: (extends the fingers from the fist and accompanies the movement with text)
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy

This finger is mom

This finger - I -

That's my whole family.

(Children imitate the teacher).

Educator: What do you think this game is about? That's right, about family. I have something in my chest. Guess what there is. (Children guess).

Look at this palm. Let's find the smallest finger on it - the little finger. Show me where your little finger is. What do they affectionately call you at home? (Children's answers).

Educator. There are more hats in the chest, look. What kind of hat do you think can be worn on the little finger? (Children's answers) Why?

^ Children. The little finger is small and the cap is small.

Educator. Fields, find a cap and put it on your little finger.

Educator: Julia, tell us the poem.

Mom and I made cutlets,

And outside the window it was raining.

My mother and I thought at the same time,

How good it is for us to be together!

Who did Julia read about? Why does a girl feel good with her mother? Tell us about your mom. (Children tell)

Educator. Julia, find a hat that we can put on for mom, which finger can we put on? Show me where your finger is, mommy.

Children. On the ring finger. (Show)

Educator. How are you helping her? (Children speak out).

Let's show how you help her.

Physical pause.

(Children get up)

Helping mom

Together we help mom -

We wipe away dust everywhere.

We are now washing clothes,

Rinse and wring out.

Sweeping everything around

And run for milk.

We meet mom in the evening,

We open the doors wide,

We hug mom tightly.

(Imitative movements according to the text.)

Educator: Children, who is the next poem about? Roma tell us your poem.

My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom

Dad has skillful, strong hands.

And if anyone needs help,

My dad is always willing to work. (E. Serova)

What's your dad like? What kind words would you like to say about your dad? (Children say kind words)

Educator. Show your finger - dad. This is the middle finger. Which hat is suitable for dad? Let's put a cap on the middle finger.

Educator. Let's play with our palms.

Okay, okay,

Where were you?

By Grandma!

(clap hands)

And grandma's palms

All in wrinkles are collected

(show hands palms up)

And grandma's palms

Kind - kind

(stroke palms together)

Everyone's palms worked

For many years

(tapping fist on palm)

Good palms smell

Shchi with pies

(bring palms to face)

They will stroke your curls

Kind palms

(imitate stroking)

And they can cope with any sadness

Warm palms

(fold palms, bring to face, blow)

Okay, okay,

Where were you?

By Grandma

(clap hands)

Educator: What can grandma do? What do you like to do with your grandmother (children's answers). Praise your grandmother. “My grandmother is the most...!

^ Children pronounce words

Educator. Sonya, put a hat on grandma. Which finger? On the index finger.

Educator. Guys, we have one finger left - the thumb. Who is this? That's right, grandpa.

I have a grandfather

Like winter, gray-haired,

I have a grandfather

With a white beard.

My grandfather gives me everything

Might give an answer.

And my grandfather is not old,

At least he is a hundred years old!

Who wants to talk about their grandfather? How does grandpa take care of you?

Let's put on grandfather's hat.

Educator. Guys! Look, you and I have a big, friendly family in the palm of our hand. In the family, everyone loves, cares and helps each other and does everything together in harmony.

^ Children follow the teacher.

Phys. minute “Family exercise.”

In autumn, spring,

Summer and winter.

We go out into the yard

Friendly family.

Let's stand in a circle and in order

Everyone does exercises.

Mom raises her hands (hands up and down).

Dad cheerfully squats (squats).

Turns left and right

My brother Seva does it (hands on the belt, turns with the whole body).

And I'm jogging

And I shake my head (running in place and tilting my head to the sides).

Educator. In the family, everyone calls each other affectionately, because they love each other. How can you affectionately call your daughter?

Children: daughter, daughter.

Game “Say Kindly”

Thus, children change words.

Son - son, son

Dad - daddy, daddy

Grandfather - grandfather, grandfather

Grandmother - granny

Mom - mommy, mummy

Sister - little sister

Grandson - grandson

Granddaughter - granddaughter

Brother - little brother

Educator: It’s wonderful how many kind words you know. You made me happy. It turns out that you are very affectionate and kind towards your family.

Teacher: (shows the house to the children) Guys, what is this?

^ Children. Houses.

Educator: Listen, how quiet it is. Why do you think it's so quiet? (Listen to the children’s answers) Let’s see who lives in the house. (He opens the shutters on the windows; they are empty.) There is no one in the house, that’s why it’s so quiet, and he’s sad. Can we help him? How? (Listen to the children's answers). Who will live in the house?

Children. Family.

Educator. Every family has its own home, which is warm and cozy.

Now we will move into the house. I have prepared houses for you, but they are empty, let’s move our friendly family into them, using glue for parents and all family members.

^ Joint productive activities of children.

Children at tables paste silhouettes of their parents into the house. The teacher and the children label their house.

Educator: Let's count how many people live in your apartment.

Physical education minute

Who lives in our apartment? »

One, two, three, four (clap your hands)

Who lives in our apartment? (we walk in place)

One, two, three, four, five (jumping in place)

Dad, mom, brother, sister (clap our hands)

Murka the cat, two kittens (torso tilts to the right, left)

My cricket, goldfinch and me - (torso turns to the right, left)

That's my whole family (clap our hands).

^ Children show their houses.

Educator. Look what a friendly family we have turned out to be. Where everyone loves each other, adults take care of the little ones, help each other. And children should be obedient, not capricious, and should please mom, dad, grandpa, and grandma.

And if everyone in the family takes care of each other and loves each other, then peace, friendship and love always live in such a family.

List of used literature.
Vetokhina, A.Ya. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children. Planning and lesson notes. Methodological manual for teachers. / A.Ya Vetokhina, Z.S. Dmitrenko, E.N. Krasnoshchekova, S.P. Podoprigora, V.K. Polynova, O.V. Savelyeva. – St. Petersburg: “LLC Publishing House. Moscow “Childhood-press”, 2010

Abstract of the educational activity on social and communicative development “Playing a fairy tale.” Russian folk tale "Geese - Swans" in the middle group.

Target: Creating conditions for children to develop the ability to evaluate the actions of fairy-tale characters, to give children the opportunity to play the role of characters and feel emotions.

Tasks: Educational: teach how to creatively approach problem solving, evaluate the actions of fairy-tale characters, give children the opportunity to play the role of characters and feel emotions. Help your child unleash his creative potential.
Educational: develop expressive speech, voluntary attention, imagination. Arouse interest in Russian traditions (helping neighbors, respect for elders, the desire to come to the rescue).
Educational: to cultivate a sense of responsibility for the assigned task, kindness, courage, self-confidence, independence, artistry.

Game material: costumes of the characters, scenery for the fairy tale (the house of Baba Yaga, Alyonushka and brother Vanya), a tape recorder.

Characters: adults (narrator, Baba Yaga), children (mother, father, Alyonushka, Ivanushka).

Preliminary work: telling children a Russian folk tale, talking about its content. Looking at illustrations for a fairy tale with children, answering questions. Explain to children what a family is (these are parents, mom and dad, and their children, sons and daughters, family - all those people who live together and are relatives to each other; a family can include not only parents and children, but also the most the older members of the family are the parents of the parents, who are called grandparents).

Nod move:

    Main part. ( Organizing time: The teacher invites the children to sit in a magical clearing, relax and solve riddles about fairy-tale characters).
    Educator: Near the forest, on the edge,
    Three of them live in a hut,
    There are three chairs and three mugs,
    Three beds, three pillows.
    Guess without a hint
    Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? Children: Three bears.
    Educator: Mixed with sour cream,
    It's cold at the window,
    round side,
    rosy side,
    It rolled... Children: Kolobok.
    Educator: “How they swooped in, picked up my brother Ivanushka, and carried him away on their wings to Baba Yaga...”Children: Swan geese.
    (The teacher praises the children for solving the riddles, invites them to play a fairy tale that they know well: “Geese-Swans”. Everyone together remembers who this fairy tale is about, names the heroes and what happened to them. The teacher invites the children to choose a role for themselves, a hero whom they will play. The children choose their roles).

    Main part.
    The teacher invites the children to go to the mumming corner to choose and dress up in fairy-tale costumes for playing a fairy tale.
    Children dress up in costumes. The teacher takes on the role of storyteller (and the fairy tale begins). Children, together with the teacher, role-play the fairy tale.

    Final part.
    The teacher asks the children questions:
    - What is this fairy tale about?
    Children: Alyonushka saves his brother Ivanushka from Baba Yaga.
    Educator: The main character overcomes difficulties - gaining new knowledge and skills, she safely returns her brother home from the dark forest.The house is your own world, the dark forest is someone else's world. Educator: What does a fairy tale teach?
    Children: teaches you to obey your parents and not leave home without permission.
    Educator: The fairy tale also teaches us to distinguish between good and evil. Evil is punished, but good wins.
    Educator: Why does Alyonushka save her brother Ivanushka?
    Children: Because they are a family, they must help each other in trouble, Alyonushka loves her brother.
    Educator: What feelings did the fairy tale evoke in you – happy or sad?
    Children: At first it was sad when the geese-swans carried away Ivanushka, and then it was fun when Alyonushka saved him.
    Educator: the fairy tale teaches children to be obedient and not to be capricious (when a girl helps the stove, river and apple tree, they also help her).
    If you help nature, then it will help you.