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Medium facial peeling: advantages and disadvantages. What is the essence of the method? What happens: types

Or to reduce the number of existing wrinkles, the best option is a mid-peel - a procedure that effectively smoothes the skin, giving it a healthy, youthful appearance. In addition, this type eliminates wrinkles and age spots on the skin. However, medium peeling does not have an effect on facial wrinkles and acne scars; this will require a procedure. For medium peeling, different chemical agents are used. More often, trichloroacetic, salicylic and glycolic acid, as well as Jessner's solution, are used for this purpose.

Medium peeling faces: virtues

In addition to the fact that medium peeling improves skin texture and color, it helps reduce age spots and fine wrinkles, as well as restore tone. In addition, it effectively eliminates acne and eliminates dark spots around eyes. For best effectiveness, peeling is recommended to be repeated after 3-6 months. The difference between medium peeling and deep peeling is that it can be performed on people with dark skin, but there is some risk of pigmentation.

Disadvantages of medium peeling

Medium peeling allows you to reduce only fine wrinkles, however, it does not have any effect on facial, deeper wrinkles. To obtain the best effect, it is recommended to undergo a special skin care program before peeling, and repeat the peeling procedure at 3-month intervals. The effect of this type of peeling lasts up to 12 months, and it can be extended with the help of a skin care program, as well as micropeeling.

Preparing for the mid-peeling procedure

To make medium peeling more effective, it is advisable to prepare for it. It promotes deeper penetration of the chemical used, faster recovery, reducing the risk of skin pigmentation, and, accordingly, better results.

To prepare, topical retinoin and whitening agents are usually prescribed for 4-6 weeks before the procedure. Retinoin helps exfoliate dead skin cells, allowing the peel to penetrate deeper. In addition, retinoin enhances the regeneration process of skin cells and accelerates healing. And glycolic enhances the effect of retinoin.

Patients with dark skin are more likely to develop pigmentation after the procedure. To reduce this risk, it is recommended to use bleaching products - before and after the procedure. If you are on a skin care program, this will certainly already prepare your skin for a chemical peel.

Some clinics perform medium peeling without first preparing the skin. But keep in mind that in this case it is difficult to guarantee the best result, while the recovery process will take longer, and the risk of pigmentation will be much higher than on prepared skin.

How does the mid-peel procedure work?

The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis, in a medical center or a cosmetologist's office. It takes from 15 minutes to an hour. This depends on the area of ​​skin being treated. The procedure is painless, but the doctor may prescribe sedatives or

When peeling, a chemical agent is applied to the skin, for example. After reaching the desired depth, this substance is neutralized with. After the procedure, a burning sensation may be observed, but it goes away after 2 - 10 minutes.

Approximately half an hour after peeling, the skin returns to its normal color. After this, for quick healing and a moisturizing effect, a plant-based or animal-based ointment is applied to the skin. Patients usually do not need painkillers after a mid-peeling.

Recovery period

After the middle peel, you usually do not feel any discomfort. It is recommended to wash your face 2 times a day using gentle soap and water, and then apply ointment to the skin. At first, there may be redness on the skin. And after a few days, the surface layers of the skin darken and become denser. The skin then cracks and peels off. Peeling usually goes away within 4-7 days. And in place of already exfoliated skin, fresh and new skin will appear. After peeling is complete, makeup can be applied to the skin. And after 2 weeks it is advisable to undergo a skin care program.

Medium peeling results

The effect of a mid-peel lasts on average from six months to 2 years. To prolong the effect, it is recommended to use special post-peeling skin care products.

Medium peeling: conclusions

Comparing simple and complex cosmetology methods, medium peeling gives good results at low cost and a relatively quick recovery period. This procedure is perfect for those women who want a better effect than from superficial peeling, but deep peeling is too expensive for them.

Medium facial peeling is a cosmetic procedure aimed at removing dead skin cells of the epidermis down to the lower, basal layer. Unlike light superficial effects, medium effects are intended for the correction of serious defects of the face and body. Despite the relative safety of the procedure, it is better to perform it in a beauty salon and only according to strict indications. Carrying out at home is possible only with minor cosmetic defects. In this case, abrasive materials or low concentration acids are used.

Main types of medium peeling

IN modern cosmetology There are many options for medium peels. They are usually classified according to two main characteristics - the mechanism of injury and the depth of impact. Each of the varieties, in turn, is divided into several groups.

According to the level of traumatization, average exfoliation is:

  • physical (hardware) - carried out using a laser device and includes dermabrasion, peeling;
  • chemical - performed with acids of a certain concentration.

Often cosmetologists identify another option for the median effect - mechanical. But it is impossible to exfoliate the skin down to the basal layer with its help, so it is very difficult to talk about it as a type of peeling in question.

Mechanical exfoliation is designed to manually remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and is most often performed at home.

  • superficial-medium (Jessner, fruit, retinoic and glycolic);
  • medium-deep (acetic, salicylic).

All types of exfoliation considered are based on the removal of a dead layer of cells that have ceased to perform their function. The skin, in turn, reacts to aggressive influences by actively producing elastin and collagen.

Often, insufficiently experienced cosmetologists classify phenol exfoliation as a medium chemical peeling, which is essentially deep exfoliation and works only in the upper layers of the skin. Because of such confusion in classification, there is often a misunderstanding of the essence of the procedure, and clients receive something completely different from what they expected.

Review of popular medium peeling products

Medium peels are most often performed using trichloroacetic, salicylic, glycolic or retinoic acids. Unlike surface exposure, here their concentration is higher, so the procedure is carried out only by a specialist. The risk of burns and irreversible consequences if used improperly is too great.

Medium exfoliant Cosmopeel (Cosmopil) from Dermaceutic

The product is intended to rejuvenate the skin, eliminate the consequences of excessive tanning, reduce the appearance of scars, scars and stretch marks, and combat post-acne. The drug is suitable for any skin type, most effective after 35 years.

Expected effect from using an acid enzyme:

  • reducing the severity of wrinkles;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • anti-aging (anti-aging) effect;
  • moisturizing and brightening the skin.

The exfoliant has a comprehensive therapeutic and aesthetic effect on the dermis, slows down the aging process and prevents pustular rashes.

Combined exfoliants from GIGI

The softest and most gentle of the medium peels. Based on natural ingredients, antioxidants and phytoestrogens. The special extended formula of the line provides high protection against inflammation and complications.

Enzymes do not have a toxic effect on the skin, do not require neutralization and allow you to control the depth of penetration. Work well in delicate areas of the neck and décolleté. They have a short recovery period.

The line of medium acids includes several products:

  1. DERMA PEEL. An excellent way to combat signs of skin aging, loss of contour clarity, and enlarged pores. Helps eliminate scars, stretch marks and stretch marks, post-acne.
  2. WHITENING PEEL. A brightening exfoliant. Will benefit hyperpigmented skin with signs of aging.
  3. ACNE PEEL. Peeling for the treatment of acne and dermatoses. Eliminates scars and congestion, improves skin condition.

Surface medium acids include retinoic acid or from GIGI. The drug copes well with pigmentation and the initial signs of aging, but is contraindicated in women with allergies to retinol.

Facial exfoliant Mac from MiKo (Miko)

The product is suitable for all skin types, especially problem and aging skin. For dry dermis, you should carefully monitor the reaction to the drug, since the solution is somewhat harsh.

Peeling has a pronounced antioxidant effect and gives a bright lifting effect, deeply nourishes and regenerates aging skin, facilitates the penetration of other medicinal and cosmetics.

To obtain a lasting effect, course use is necessary.


The drug from the Italian company WIQOmed is very popular due to its mild action and effectiveness. Consists of only three components:

  • trichloroacetic acid (TCA);
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • kojic acid.

A simple and effective combination of ingredients allows you to use the product to lighten the skin, eliminate age spots, consequences of solar keratosis. The drug does not require long-term rehabilitation, perfectly rejuvenates and cleanses the skin. Its effect is similar to classic TCA peeling.

Trichloroacetic acid

The main component of most medium peels. Stimulates active peeling, improves the production of collagen and elastin, and has a visible lifting effect.

For face and body skin, use concentrations of 20, 25 and 33%. For sensitive areas around the eyes and lips, 12% acid is taken; for the neck and décolleté, 15% is the best option.


It is used for superficial and mid-surface exposure. The depth of penetration of the drug depends on the concentration.

Combined peeling fights keratosis and increased sebum secretion, activates skin regeneration and rejuvenation, reduces the severity of wrinkles, eliminates pigmentation, moisturizes and has a pronounced lifting effect.

The disadvantage of the acidic enzyme is discomfort during application and severe peeling, which not all women like.

Indications and contraindications

The effect of medium peeling is most significant on mature skin, therefore the procedure is recommended for women over 35 years of age. It is at Balzac’s age that the first signs of aging appear, the structure of the dermis changes, gravitational ptosis develops, and the face loses its clear contours.

An indication for prescribing medium exfoliation can be not only age, but also serious skin defects. In addition to sagging tissues and deep wrinkles, these include:

  • age spots, freckles;
  • rosacea;
  • post-acne;
  • scars;
  • photoaging;
  • disturbed skin texture;
  • stretch marks after pregnancy;
  • dull complexion.

Medium peels are used not only for aesthetic correction of appearance, but also for therapeutic purposes. A course of exfoliation prescribed by a dermatologist can get rid of traces of solar keratosis, acne, and the results of dermatitis.

The excellent exfoliating and regenerating properties of medium peels allow you to expand the scope of their application. Acidic enzymes are often used to cleanse and soften the skin of the feet. The rough and dense dermis of the foot responds well to concentrated solutions, quickly getting rid of calluses and corns.

When planning to exfoliate, you should remember that medium peeling is a traumatic procedure and has a number of contraindications:

  • herpes virus in the acute stage;
  • pustular skin diseases;
  • the presence of warts and moles at the site of exposure;
  • feverish condition;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • individual intolerance to exfoliant components.

In addition to the factors discussed, a fresh tan obtained on the beach or in a solarium will be a limitation to exfoliation.

What is the best way to prepare for the procedure?

One of the features of medium peeling is the mandatory preparation for exfoliation. Preliminary measures are determined in each case individually and depend on the condition of the skin, the depth and severity of the defects, and the age of the patient.

Today there are two methods of preparing for exfoliation:

  • superficial peeling in a beauty salon (enzyme, fruit, Jessner, almond). Performed with low concentrated acids;
  • using retinol-based cosmetics at home.

The measures considered thin and smooth the epidermis, increase cell rejection, increase the final effect and reduce the risk of developing undesirable consequences.

In addition to external effects on the skin, all patients without exception are recommended to take a course of antiherpes drugs, for example, Acyclovir.


Medium peeling with acids is a rather painful and traumatic manipulation, so it is recommended to do it only in a salon. The general protocol for exfoliation is standard. There may be some nuances that depend on the exfoliant used.

The step-by-step procedure includes the following manipulations:

  1. Cleansing the skin with an antiseptic. At the patient's request, the treated surface can be covered with an anesthetic gel.
  2. Application of acid enzymes. During the exfoliation process, it is possible to apply several layers of the drug or alternate the peeling agent with special creams;
  3. Using a neutralizer (not always used);
  4. Application of an anti-inflammatory and regenerating mask.

The exposure time of the acid solution is affected by the patient’s skin type and the level of pain threshold. If you are highly sensitive to the drug, the duration of the layer may be 1–2 minutes. The usual duration of exposure varies from 5 to 10 minutes, and the procedure itself, together with aftercare, takes less than an hour.

Expected Result

After medium peeling, active restoration processes begin in the dermis. This causes a noticeable effect of skin renewal and rejuvenation. But this is far from the only result of exfoliation. Other appearance improvements appear:

  • pigmentation disappears;
  • the oval of the face is tightened;
  • the relief and tone of the skin are evened out;
  • “stagnant” spots from post-acne, inflammation and acne are eliminated;
  • the severity of scars, scars and stretch marks decreases;
  • pores narrow;
  • complexion is restored.

After the procedure, the skin becomes softer, smoother and more elastic, moisturized and better able to accept creams and other care products.

Skin care after peeling

Conventional mechanical exfoliation does not require special post-peeling care. But chemical and hardware exfoliation require a well-organized recovery period.

As a rule, rehabilitation after a median exposure lasts 5–7 days. During this time, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • spend less time in the sun, and if necessary, apply to exposed areas of the body sunscreen with SPF of at least 40;
  • refuse to visit the bathhouse, sauna and solarium;
  • hold off on intense training;
  • limit smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • protect skin from frost and cold wind;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics.

As a rule, after exfoliation is completed, the cosmetologist gives the patient a suitable gel for healing the dermis and explains how to use it. If this does not happen, do not hesitate and remind the specialist about the omission.

Recovery from peeling may take more than a week. It all depends on individual characteristics patients and the depth of acid exposure. During this time, it is necessary to use a medicinal cream and wash with acidified water.

Possible side effects

  • redness and swelling of tissues. Usually disappears within 3–4 days;
  • scarring. It may appear several months after exfoliation and is a consequence of unaccounted for contraindications;
  • exacerbation of herpes infection. Occurs due to insufficient preliminary preparation;
  • attachment of bacterial microflora. This condition requires the use of antimicrobial ointments: Baneocin, Levomekol;
  • allergic rash, itching and burning in the treated areas. In this case, the patient is recommended to take a course of antihistamines and lubricate the epithelium with antipruritic or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Those with dark skin often experience persistent white spots, which are very difficult to combat.

Hypo- or hypermigmentation, as well as the appearance of scars, is also possible with artificial removal of peeling skin. Under no circumstances should you rip off exfoliated tissue.

Cost of the procedure

How much does a medium peel cost in a salon? The price per session depends on many factors: the location of the clinic and its status, the method of exfoliation, the drug used, the size of the treated area.

Acid peeling You can also make it yourself, but it’s better to buy it at a store or pharmacy.

The most popular peelings for home use:

  • Mizon Skin Renewal Program AHA 8% Peeling Serum;
  • Faberlic (Faberlic) Expert Re-Surface Active;
  • Fruit exfoliant CORA.

Simple fruit peeling It's not hard to do it yourself. Write down the recipe - 2 tbsp. l. natural apple cider vinegar Mix with a glass of water and apply to face. The procedure should be performed every day for a week.

How do ladies respond to medium peeling?

Girls who have undergone medium peeling in most cases talk about its effectiveness, but they also note some discomfort when applying acids. The recovery period also progresses differently.

Natalya, 38 years old:

I exfoliated with retinol. The skin was very itchy and peeling, but the moisturizer the cosmetologist gave helped. But after a week I didn’t recognize myself - my face was pink, young, the freckles disappeared, the color evened out. And the wrinkles are not so noticeable.

Svetlana, 45 years old:

I had a TCA exfoliation done at the salon. Passed full course. Not entirely satisfied with the procedure. The complexion, of course, has evened out, pigmentation and traces of old acne have disappeared, the scar on the temple is not visible at all, but the wrinkles remain. At my age, I probably need something more serious.

Alevtina, 30 years old:

In my youth I was very fond of tanning. In summer there is a beach, in winter there is a solarium. As a result, by the age of 30, your entire face is covered in age spots. Homemade scrubs didn't help. I also did acid exfoliation with Mizon - there was practically no result. I decided to resort to salon procedures. I chose GIGI peeling and did not regret it. The complexion evened out, even the acne marks disappeared. The skin recovered quickly, nothing itched or itched. But she climbed great.

Answers on questions

How many procedures are required for maximum effect and how often are they performed?

The frequency of sessions and their total number is determined in each case individually and depends on the type of peeling, the depth of the intervention and the problems being solved. In general, it is recommended to do 3-4 procedures with a break of 10-14 days.

A special feature of medium peeling is its seasonality. Exfoliation is carried out during the period of low solar activity - from October to March.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure?

Median chemical peeling, like any cosmetic manipulation, has its pros and cons.

The advantages include the following points:

  • quick effect;
  • long-lasting and lasting results;
  • ease of implementation;
  • minimal preliminary preparation;
  • short recovery period.

The procedure also has disadvantages:

  • manipulation may be painful;
  • medium exfoliation is not able to cope with deep wrinkles;
  • It is not always possible to remove traces of acne in one go;
  • It is impossible to completely eradicate scars.

If the cause of skin imperfections is a disease, the average peel will be powerless. Exfoliation will only temporarily relieve the problem, but will not cure it. For example, if the patient has a tendency to form age spots or freckles, then after a while they will reappear in the same place.

What procedures can be combined with?

To obtain a good and lasting rejuvenation effect, it is recommended to combine medium peeling with injections hyaluronic acid or Botox. Other cosmetic procedures It's best to stop 2 weeks before exfoliation.

After laser or mechanical dermabrasion, exfoliation can be done no earlier than 4–6 months later.

Let's sum it up

Medium peeling is considered quite safe and effective means appearance correction. But you will only get a really good result if you follow the application protocol and proper post-peeling care. Insufficient qualifications of a cosmetologist or failure to follow his recommendations can lead to persistent complications and cause significant damage to the skin.

Have you done a medium peel? Tell us about your impressions and the results obtained, leave a review about the salon and cosmetologist.

Medium facial peeling is a godsend for those over 30: it’s too early to do plastic surgery, but prevention age-related changes is already necessary. The procedure will help relieve the burden of dead cells and improve the penetration of beneficial substances from creams and serums by 80%.

Most often, such measures are thought about in order to preserve youth and to eliminate traces of advanced acne. The specificity of the method requires mandatory consultation and supervision of a dermatologist, that is predominantly salon-based.

To understand what a midfacial peel is and how to choose the best exfoliation method, you first need to understand the structure of the skin.

SKIN is the largest organ of the human body .

It protects against harmful environmental influences and helps retain nutrients.

The skin consists of 3 main layers:

  • Epidermis- surface cover of 5 layers (outer - horny, the bottom one - basal). This layer is responsible for the shade that changes under the influence of the sun.
  • Dermis- consists of only 2 layers: papillary And mesh. This is where they are blood vessels, hair roots, nerve fibers And collagen and elastin proteins, determining the youth of their owner.
  • Hypodermis- and in this subcutaneous fat layer heat exchange is adjusted And food supplied.

Median exfoliation exfoliates tissues up to the basal septum of the epidermis.

As a result, defects such as post-acne, stretch marks, wrinkles and scars are eliminated.



As a result of an attack on living cells, the body reacts by activating restoration processes and literally “grows” new young tissues in place of old ones.

An entire army led by collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans rushes to “patch” the tissue, improving its protective and moisture-retaining properties.

The resulting effect lasts for 6-24 months.


In the same time, Such methods also have disadvantages:

  • PAINFULNESS (for example, acids cause a burning sensation).
  • RECOVERY for at least 7 days.
  • PEELING. After the session, the skin may peel and come off in large flaps (except for some types of laser treatment).

Indications and contraindications


So, what can a medium chemical peel for the face and body handle:

  • Fuzzy oval face;
  • Freckles, post-acne;
  • Bio- and photoaging;


The session cannot be held if there is contraindications:

  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Damages of the cardiovascular system.
  • Acute infections.
  • Predisposition to the development of keloids.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders.
  • Oncology.
  • Diabetes.
  • Open dermatological lesions.


Median exposure methods come in several varieties.


Basically, we are talking about acids here, but sometimes alkalis are involved in the preparations. Medium chemical peeling for the face can be either mono-acid or multi-acid.

The most popular acid methods are:

Varies depending on molecular weight depth of penetration of acids into the skin. Subtypes of medium chemical peeling are associated with this:


In hardware technologies, it is also possible to influence defects in the living layer of the epidermis using a laser.

In the light latest trends For this purpose, aesthetic medicine resorts to, which allows one to act on human tissue in depth, while maintaining a seemingly untouched surface.

The technology uses “grid” type irradiation mini rays. Those. vaporizes tissue through multiple micro-explosions and involves rapid regeneration. The cells seem to “suck up” the rays, and then fragmentary damage forms the basis for careful restoration.

At the moment laser methods considered one of the most advanced. During regeneration, collagen, elastin and fibroblasts are intensively produced, as a result the skin becomes fresher and younger.

In the process of such mechanical peeling, the face is treated with a special attachment of a cosmetic device with diamond coating.

GEZATON, 150 € Pristine, 6.999 € Kendal Dimond Peel, 135 €

Different types of brushes allow you to get rid of acne, scars, spots and wrinkles.

The method is based on the beneficial properties of the hardest mineral on Earth: diamond. It is successfully used in medicine and dermatology to treat inflammatory processes.

Physical peeling

Another option for medium facial peels is physical peeling. In another way, such exfoliation is called “ ”: within the framework of this technology, aesthetic imperfections are eliminated through liquid nitrogen, creating a feeling of “freezing” of the integument.

Portable cryodestructor "Krioton-3" CryoMini device


Procedure protocol

Medium facial peeling is carried out as follows:

  1. First, we choose a method and make sure there are no contraindications.
  2. 2 days before the session The use of fatty creams is limited; cleansing and degreasing with tonic is allowed.
  3. On the day of the session The treatment area must be prepared in a special way: cleaned of dirt, grease and makeup.
  4. At the next stage, the composition itself is applied, strictly according to the procedure protocol.
  5. After the frost effect occurs(a white coating representing denaturation of cellular protein) is applied peeling mixture neutralizer.
  6. Finally, a moisturizing and protective mask is applied.

Post-session care

Care after a mid-peel (for example) is especially significant, since any mistake during the rehabilitation period can negate all the benefits. The face may become red and swollen at this time, this is normal.


After the session, the skin peels off for 7 to 14 days. At this time, a crust forms on the damaged tissues, which should come off on its own. Under no circumstances should you tear it off, otherwise scars may form.

Scrubs After a medium facial peeling, use is strictly prohibited!

You can’t wash your face with water for the first 2 days.. Starting from the 3rd day, once daily washing with boiled water at a pleasant temperature is allowed. with mild acidity pH 5-6 (regular soap is prohibited).

Simultaneously with washing, you can use pharmaceutical skincare products like Panthenol.

From this article you will learn:

  • How is a chemical facial peel performed?
  • facial peeling – reviews, before and after photos,
  • What is the difference between superficial, medium and deep facial peeling?

Chemical facial peeling is a method that involves applying toxic chemical solutions to the skin, thereby producing a controlled burning of the surface layers of the skin. After peeling, the skin gradually recovers. Skin restoration occurs due to the growth of cells from deeper layers of the epidermis or from intact hair follicles.

Chemical peels damage the surface layers of the skin in a controlled manner. After chemical damage, the skin is restored by the formation of younger skin and thus appearance skin improves. The depth to which damage occurs is determined by nature chemical substances which are applied to the skin.

What are the benefits of chemical peeling?

If a chemical facial peel is performed correctly, your skin will look more youthful and have a beautiful, even tone. In addition, if chemical peeling is carried out in a course (for example, every 6-8 weeks), this leads to stimulation of the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, which means this will lead to an improvement in skin elasticity and a slight decrease in the depth of wrinkles.

Chemical peeling of the face: indications

Chemical peels can improve skin conditions in the following cases:

Important: Remember that no chemical peels can remove or reduce the appearance of spider veins on the face, they cannot reduce enlarged pores on the skin, and they cannot help tighten the skin on the face. But they can make the skin smoother and a little firmer, remove brown spots, even out uneven skin tone, and generally make the surface of the skin look fresher and younger.

Chemical peeling of the face: before and after photos

What types of chemical peels are there?

Chemical peels differ from each other in the depth of damage caused to the skin. It is critically important to choose the right peeling depth for your skin, otherwise you may very much regret the treatment.

  • Superficial chemical peeling of the face
    penetrate to the depth of only the most superficial layer of the skin - the epidermis (Fig. 8). After of this type peeling, you can expect skin regeneration within 3-5 days, but be prepared for a period of skin peeling.

    This type of peeling is good remedy to rejuvenate the surface layer of the skin, helping to give it a youthful and even tone. This peeling is also intended for the treatment of acne and post-inflammatory skin pigmentation. Not effective for reducing wrinkles.

    This gentle peel usually needs to be repeated once a week for 4-6 weeks to get good long-term results.

  • Deep facial peeling
    works down to the deep layers of the dermis (Fig. 8). Can be used to treat severe skin changes resulting from photoaging (sun exposure), scars, cicatrices and wrinkles. This type of peeling allows you to maximize the regeneration of your own collagen and elastin in the skin, which will allow the skin to be more elastic.

    Epithelization after peeling will occur on days 7-10, but complete healing of the skin will occur only after 1-2 months. It is not advisable to carry out this peeling in case of diseases of the heart (arrhythmia) and kidneys, because phenol used here in small quantities is absorbed into the blood.

Chemical peeling preparations –

The most popular chemical components for peeling are: alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, trichloroacetic acid, retinoids, and phenol.

1. Preparations based on hydroxy acids –

  • Alpha hydroxy acids
    used for superficial peeling. The most commonly used is glycolic acid, but others may be used. fruit acids, For example: lemon acid, lactic acid, malic acid and tartaric acid (the latter is produced from grape skins).

    It should be noted that glycolic facial peeling (depending on the concentration of glycolic acid in the drug solution) can be either superficial or medium. Alpha hydroxy acid peels are more suitable for patients with dry skin.

  • Beta hydroxy acids
    This type of acid includes, for example, salicylic acid. Beta-hydroxy acids have some advantages over alpha-hydroxy acids because... they have the ability to penetrate deeper into the pores of the skin, meaning lower concentrations of acid can be used.

    In addition, salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it is preferable for use in people with sensitive skin. In addition, salicylic acid is fat-soluble, so peels based on it are especially indicated for people with oily skin, as well as in the presence of acne on the skin.

Professional brands of superficial chemical peel products containing alpha or beta hydroxy acids: MD Forte, Agera RX, Dermaceutic, Jan Marini, LA Peel, ICP, Mene & Moy , Skinceuticals Gel Peels, Mandel, Cosmedix, NeoStrata.

3. Preparations based on trichloroacetic acid –

Trichloroacetic acid in a concentration of 25-30% is used mainly for medium peeling, and in a concentration of 40% for deep peeling. In addition to all the above indications, this acid is excellent for reducing fine lines (shallow, narrow wrinkles). Peeling based on this acid is blue in color, which is why it is often called blue facial peeling.

Professional brands of medium chemical peel products containing trichloroacetic acid: Skintech Peels, Mene & Moy, Compositum, Cosmedix, Obagi Blue Peel.

4. Yellow facial peeling: reviews

Yellow facial peeling is a combination of retinaldehyde (a natural metabolite of beta-carotene and vitamin A), vitamin C, and acids (phytic, kojic and azelaic). At the beginning of the procedure, the face is cleansed using a special peeling based on 20% glycolic acid. This is necessary to remove the dead layer of the epidermis. Only after this will a yellow peel containing retinoids be applied to the skin.

Kojic phytic acid helps remove blemishes (hyperpigmentation). Azelaic acid has antibacterial properties, fights free radicals, and regulates skin oiliness. Vitamin C promotes the synthesis of new collagen. Retinoic acid stimulates the proliferation of new epithelial cells and skin cells, and also controls the secretion of sebum.

Yellow Peel is produced by many companies, including those we listed above, for example, Mene & Moy and others. Despite the rich composition yellow peeling, there are no studies that would confirm the advantage of this peeling over others. Indications for the use of this peeling are exactly the same as for other peelings.

How are chemical peels performed?

What should be the preparation before chemical peeling?

Before chemical peeling, they are often prescribed, less often with stronger forms of vitamin A (retinoids such as Tretinoin). The use of such products can speed up skin restoration and reduce the risk of complications.

If patients often experience herpes on the face, then a week before chemical peeling and 2 weeks after its completion, antiviral drugs (Acyclovir or Zovirax) are prescribed to prevent the appearance of herpes. this is very important, because Herpes in this situation can lead to the formation of scars on the skin.

All patients should be advised to use high-protection sunscreens. This is necessary both before and after peeling. This is important so that the skin then has a uniform tone. In addition, for those with dark skin, pre-treatment of the skin with hydroquinone may be necessary to prevent problems with subsequent possible hypopigmentation of the skin.

Is anesthesia necessary?

Superficial peeling rarely requires anesthesia, but the process of applying the solution may be accompanied by a slight burning sensation. A medium peel may cause more discomfort. As a rule, medium peeling is carried out against the background of premedication with a tranquilizer (for example, diazepam) and taking an oral analgesic. In some cases, a combination of a tranquilizer and local anesthesia is used.

Deep peeling is usually carried out only under general anesthesia with the participation of a plastic surgeon and an anesthesiologist. However, in last years, due to the emergence of more gentle chemical compositions, it became possible to often abandon general anesthesia in favor of premedication with tranquilizers in combination with injections of local anesthetics.

How does the chemical peeling procedure work?

The chemical peeling process begins with treating the skin with alcohol or acetone based compounds, which is necessary to degrease the skin. Then a working chemical solution is applied to the skin, having previously protected the eyes from particles of the solution getting into them. The solution is applied strictly certain time, based on the patient’s skin type, type of chemical reagent, etc. After the time has elapsed, the chemical solution is removed and the skin is treated with protective agents.

After the superficial peeling procedure, you can immediately return to work. Recovery from a medium peel can take a few days to a week, and from a deep peel it can take several weeks. The rate at which your skin heals will largely depend on your age, overall health, and immune system.

Face after chemical peeling photo –

Chemical peeling of the face: price

  • superficial chemical peeling – 4000 rubles,
  • average chemical peeling – 5000 rubles,
  • deep chemical peeling – 10,000 rubles.

Complications and side effects –

Eat general rule: the deeper the peeling, the longer the skin restoration will take, and the higher the frequency possible complications. Most superficial peels are safe, but medium and deep peels require extensive experience. proper preparation skin to the procedure, as well as proper care after the procedure.

Side effects :

  • Pain -
    usually typical for medium and deep peels; usually lasts only a few hours.
  • Skin redness
    Superficial peels cause only mild redness, which lasts only for a few days. However, a red face after a peel, medium or deep, can last up to 1 month.
  • Itching and intense peeling
    Itching typically occurs after medium to deep chemical peels.
  • Allergic reactions
    are quite rare. If the patient has a history of any allergies, then it is advisable to perform peeling while taking antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs.


  • Chemical burn of facial skin
    As a rule, this is only possible with medium and deep peeling, because... more highly concentrated acids are used there. If you choose the wrong drug (without taking into account the skin type) or the timing of peeling, unfortunately, such a complication is possible. The risk of this complication is higher if the peeling is performed not by a dermatologist, but by an ordinary cosmetologist without medical education.
  • Folliculitis or acne
    Acne after a chemical peel can occur as a result of improper use of emollient creams used to speed up healing. In this case, you may need to take antibiotics.
  • Bacterial or fungal infection
    Rarely occur, but if it does occur, it can lead to scarring of the skin. The danger of infection exists only with medium and deep peeling.
  • Recurrence of herpes -
    will require appointment antiviral drugs to prevent scarring. In people who often develop herpes, it is advisable to carry out peeling while taking antiviral drugs or immunostimulants.
  • Hyperpigmentation
    is a consequence of inflammation in areas of the skin subjected to chemical peeling. Inflammatory hyperpigmentation is usually temporary, but can persist for up to 2 years. Treatment of pigment spots in such situations is possible with the help of special means, for example hydroquinone.
  • Hypopigmentation
    this is a loss of pigmentation; usually occurs after exfoliation of dark skin. in some cases, hypopigmentation remains for life.
  • Telangiectasia (spider veins)
    these are small red vessels under the skin; they may become more noticeable after peeling. You can cope with spider veins quite simply with the help.
  • Demarcation lines
    this is usually the result of medium to deep peels; a line may be visible between the skin where peeling was performed and where it was not.
  • Scars –
    are a very rare complication of chemical peels. An early sign of scarring is persistent redness and itching.

How can you reduce the incidence of complications from chemical peels?

  • Peeling should only be carried out by a specialist
    superficial facial peeling with preparations based on lactic and glycolic acid can be carried out not only by dermatologists, but also by specially trained nursing staff and cosmetologists.

    Medium peeling should be carried out only by a doctor with a higher medical education, and you should strive for this to be a dermatologist. If you plan to do deep peeling, then this procedure should only be performed by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

  • Choosing the right peeling product
    it must be carried out with strict consideration of the patient's skin type.

Chemical peeling of the face: contraindications

The correct selection of patients who can undergo chemical peeling is very important, because... not everyone can do it . Depending on the type of peel, your doctor may not recommend treatment if:

→ do you have scars on the skin, warts,
→ there is abnormal hyper- or hypo-pigmentation of the skin,
→ if you have red hair and freckles, dark tanned skin,
→ there is a bacterial or fungal skin infection,
→ if you have been prescribed the drug isotretinoin (for acne) in the last 12 months.

We hope that our article was useful to you!

Last edition of the article: 10/10/2017

Transience female beauty will help stop mid-peeling at home. This procedure is a real lifesaver for women over 35 years old. At this age, even skillfully done makeup does not hide the aesthetic imperfections of the facial skin. For example, the folds of facial wrinkles, pigmentation or lumpy skin after acne. You can solve these problems without leaving your home using a medium peeling composition. The main thing is to choose the right drug and strictly follow the instructions.

Is medium peeling possible at home?

The uniform principle of action of all medium peels is based on the complete destruction of the cells of the upper dead layer of the epidermis, which results in serious cleansing and rejuvenation of the facial skin. The concept of “medium peeling” is multifaceted: it combines physical and chemical methods of exfoliating the skin. The depth of artificial trauma to the skin does not exceed 0.5 millimeters: the active substances come into contact with the keratinized layer of the dermis, but do not affect the basement membrane of the epithelium.

If superficial facial peeling, being the most gentle method, can correct only minor cosmetic defects, then medium-impact peeling helps a woman not only beautify her face, but also visually lose a couple of years. Unlike radical deep peeling, which requires anesthesia and hospital conditions, superficial and medium cleansing can be done at home. But safe superficial exfoliation is the choice of cosmetologists for young skin with the first expression wrinkles or slight pigmentation, and the middle one is a proven remedy for eliminating obvious signs of photoaging, age, acne scars and extensive age spots.

Initially, the medium peeling technique was developed only for aesthetic medicine clinics and multidisciplinary beauty salons. Later, cosmeceutical companies launched products on the market for self-performing the median exfoliation procedure. The concentrations of active ingredients in them are significantly lower than in professional formulations. When following all instructions, they home use has an effect comparable to the salon one.

According to the method of influence on the skin, medium peeling is divided into physical and chemical. The first category includes hardware techniques such as microcrystalline dermabrasion and laser peeling. Microdermabrasion involves painless treatment of the skin with a special diamond tip or diamond-coated brush. Laser peeling starts the process of soft tissue regeneration under the influence of laser beams with a certain short wavelength. It is impossible to use hardware techniques at home. But you can turn to another category of medium peels - chemical exfoliation.

Medium chemical procedures are based on facial treatment with low-percentage acidic compounds. On contact with skin, the acidic agent causes mild chemical burn top layer. Cells of damaged tissues, striving for regeneration, begin to actively produce anti-inflammatory elements, collagen and elastin fibers. New skin grows, thickens and tightens, hiding past defects. Ready-made peeling kits can be purchased at the pharmacy, or you can mix the product yourself.

The effect of a properly performed medium peel at home can meet any expectations. The result of a course of 3-5 procedures will be:

  • professional removal of the skin from a long-term layer of keratinized scales;
  • correction of age-related changes in facial skin, including deep expression wrinkles;
  • increased turgor (elasticity) of the skin;
  • lightening of bright pigment spots, evening out skin tone;
  • elimination of "earthy" and dull color faces;
  • prevention of photoaging;
  • reduction of comedones and acne manifestations;
  • reduction of the network of enlarged pores;
  • smoothing out skin roughness after acne, scars, scars after injuries.

Contraindications to the home procedure

Despite the fact that facial peeling at home is carried out with mildly aggressive compounds and is unable to significantly injure the skin, the procedure has several contraindications. Before applying medial exfoliation products to your face yourself, make sure that you do not have the following risk factors in your life.

  • rosacea of ​​the facial skin - a pronounced network of capillaries;
  • exacerbation of acne;
  • inflammatory processes on the face: pustules, redness, boils;
  • eczema and other dermatological diseases;
  • pregnancy or lactation period;
  • tendency of the skin to be allergic to acid solutions;
  • elevated body temperature due to current infection;
  • skin injuries in the area affected by the drug: scratches, abrasions, cracks;
  • chronic diseases of the body's endocrine system;
  • herpes rashes on the lips;
  • hormonal disbalance.

In addition to biological ones, there are also seasonal contraindications for mid-cleansing of the skin chemicals. Cosmetologists advise to refrain from performing procedures in late spring and summer. At this time, the sun is especially active and can burn delicate skin after peeling. The effect of the sessions will disappear, and difficult-to-remove pigmentation will remain on the face. Please take this into account when planning your course.

Getting ready for the mid-peeling

It doesn’t matter where you will carry out the medium peeling procedure: at home or in a beauty salon, you need to prepare for it correctly. Advance preparation will soften the skin and help it better perceive the effects of aqueous acid solutions. You need to start preparing for a mid-peeling at least 14 days before the first intended session:

  • to the stages daily care add application of cream, use of gel for washing or tonic, which contains fruit or salicylic acid in 3-4% concentration;
  • We use the preparatory product once a day, in the evening before bed;
  • Every day we apply sunscreen with a minimal ultraviolet filter (SPF 15) to the skin of the face;
  • 2 days before peeling, stop using fatty nourishing cream;
  • We select a soothing mask according to your skin type: it will come in handy immediately after completing the peeling procedure.

Pre-peeling preparation will make the top layer of the epidermis much thinner and reduce its sensitivity.

General rules for home procedures

Whatever the medium peel, there is a general procedure protocol that must be followed. Especially for beginners.

  • thoroughly wipe your hands with a disinfectant solution or alcohol wipes for injections;
  • wash off your makeup, pat your face dry with a soft towel;
  • lubricate the area around the eyes and lips with Vaseline - this oily barrier will protect thin skin from contact with acid;
  • mix the peeling composition and spread it over the skin with a wide brush, first on the nose, then on the chin, gradually moving up to the cheeks and forehead;
  • do not remove the composition for 4-10 minutes. For the first session, the time interval should be minimal;
  • at the first sign of concern, remove the peeling mixture;
  • home remedy for acid peeling must be removed with a neutralizer or distilled water;
  • moisturize and soothe your skin with a special serum or mask, for example, with aloe vera extract.

Preparing the peeling composition at home

It is not at all necessary to purchase a factory-made peeling product from pharmacy chains. Buy only its components and mix the composition for medium exfoliation at home.

Calcium chloride peeling

  • 1 ampoule of 5% calcium chloride solution;
  • 1 tsp cosmetic milk.
  1. apply a thin layer of milk on the face;
  2. wait until the product is completely absorbed, remove excess with a cotton pad or sponge;
  3. Apply calcium chloride to the face with a cotton swab, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips;
  4. wait for the first layer to dry for 3-5 minutes;
  5. apply the second or fourth layer of the solution, also waiting for each previous one to dry;
  6. for the first session, 4 layers of calcium chloride will be enough, gradually applying the solution can be increased to a maximum of 8 times;
  7. lather your fingertips with baby wash and gently apply it to your face;
  8. roll up dried layers of calcium chloride along with soap and particles of keratinized epidermis;
  9. wash with warm water.

Peeling with camphor and glycerin

  • 30-35 ml. camphor alcohol;
  • 30-35 ml. glycerin solution;
  • 10-15 ml. 10% ammonia;
  • 10-15 ml. boric alcohol;
  • 30-35 ml. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 1 small baby soap;
  • 1 ampoule of 10% calcium chloride.
  1. in one bowl, camphor alcohol, glycerin, ammonia and boric alcohol, and a solution of hydrogen peroxide are mixed successively until a homogeneous consistency;
  2. rub a small piece of any baby soap into another bowl on a fine grater;
  3. The alcohol mixture is gradually added to the soap shavings and brought to the consistency of thick sour cream;
  4. the finished peeling product is applied to the face for 15 minutes;
  5. the dried composition is neutralized with a solution of calcium chloride;
  6. then you need to wash your face with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel.

Peeling with bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide

  • 4 tsp dry bodyaga powder;
  • 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
  1. slowly add hydrogen peroxide to the bodyagi powder, constantly stirring the composition until foam forms;
  2. bring the mixture to the texture of cream and wait for the end of the chemical reaction;
  3. apply Vaseline to your eyebrows to avoid bleaching your hair;
  4. put on rubber gloves and apply peeling to your face;
  5. rinse with water after 20 minutes.

Facial skin rehabilitation

Medium facial peeling does not end with cleansing procedures alone. Its result is significantly influenced by subsequent skin care. The more attentive you are to those injured by acid compounds skin, the faster they will restore their attractiveness.

  • On the day of peeling, try not to touch your face, wash your face or wipe it with a towel. Troubling greasy shine remove with a soft cloth or rice paper;
  • the next day, repeat the application of the soothing or moisturizing mask;
  • During the first couple of days after the procedure, refrain from wearing makeup. From the third day after the mid-peeling, you can apply mineral powder;
  • when going outside, do not forget to apply sunscreens and lotions with an SPF of at least 35;
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun; avoid tanning in a solarium.

A home course of medium peeling can consist of 5-8 procedures with a break between each of at least 14 days. Only 1 course of treatment can be carried out per year.

Household chemicals: pros and cons

Among women who regularly take care of themselves, there are many brave fans of home treatments. Even things like chemical peeling medium degree impact. In their own way, they are right, because any skin renewal, done correctly and independently, has a whole list of advantages:

  • the ability to perform the procedure at any convenient time;
  • saving money on cosmetologist services;
  • own control over the peeling process;
  • obtaining an effect that is not inferior to the salon one;
  • possibility of using ready-made pharmaceutical drugs, and self-prepared formulations based on natural ingredients.

At the same time, the other half of women prefer not to prescribe peelings without professional medical advice, fearing:

  • unpredictable skin reactions: irritation, redness, severe burns;
  • contraindications to the procedure;
  • improper execution of pre-peeling preparation;
  • low-quality finished compounds.

Medium peeling is one of those cosmetic procedures, which can be done at home. And don’t let its chemical component scare you. In this case, chemistry works for the benefit of beauty, and not against it. Do not exceed the permissible concentration of active ingredients, prepare the skin for exfoliation in advance and follow the procedure according to the instructions for the drug. Here are three simple rules that, if followed, will make the procedure safe and effective.