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Wall newspaper for a nursery school graduation with wishes. How to make a wall newspaper for graduation in several ways

DIY newspaper-poster design for graduation for 9th or 11th grade

The purpose of publishing such a newspaper- a desire to congratulate yesterday’s schoolchildren, maintain an atmosphere of mutual understanding and goodwill, and contribute to the formation of bright memories among graduates of the years spent at school.

Before publishing a newspaper, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work: collect photographs, conduct a survey of teachers and schoolchildren. It is advisable that the questionnaires contain questions about the most interesting and memorable events at school, about funny and instructive incidents in the classroom, about the professions that graduates have chosen for themselves.

We are all from childhood

The future depends on the past. Therefore, it will be useful for graduates to travel through time using a wall newspaper. You can name the newspaper like this: “Graduate – 2018” or “This will never happen again!” There may be other options, but a desirable subtitle is “Time Travel.” It is best to highlight four sections: “A Man Is Born,” “School Time,” “Ten Years Later,” and “Today! We say bon voyage to you!”

  • In the section "A Man is Born" Photos of graduates aged 0 to 1 or 2 years will look great. They should be asked from parents in advance, and let it be a surprise for graduates. It is better not to sign the photographs, but only to number them, do computer processing and be creative in their placement. Graduates will be happy to tell their fortunes about who is who. You can even organize a competition - “Who is the most observant?” Photos of children cannot but evoke joy, tenderness, and the kindest feelings both among the graduates themselves and among everyone who is interested in the newspaper.
  • In the second section “School time” It is appropriate to post several photographs illustrating the school life of graduates from grades 1 to 11. It would be good if original signatures were made for them. These could be episodes in class, at extracurricular activities, or during breaks. The results of a survey of teachers and schoolchildren are posted in this section. Listing your favorite events, achievements, gems from school essays, funny incidents in the classroom - all this will arouse interest and the kindest memories of school.
  • Third section "Ten years later"- an attempt to look into the future. What will school graduates be like in 10 years? What kind of professions will they acquire, what positions will they occupy, what successes will they achieve? Profiles of graduates, where they shared their plans, and the friendly imagination of teachers will help you look into the future. It’s good if the future is shown using a drawing or collage. You can also make a vivid description of this event.
  • In the “Today! We say bon voyage to you!”, of course, the wishes of the director, head teacher, psychologist, teachers. It is better if they are handwritten or in italics. Here you can place a photo of the school, or the entire graduating class, with the school in the background.

Materials do not have to be placed in a linear sequence. You can move two sheets of whatman paper and draw in the center solar circle– there will be a “Today” section here. Among sun rays three remaining sections. On the left side is “A Man Was Born”, below is “School Time”, on the right is the future.

Attach an envelope with a selection of different smiley faces on sticky paper and ask graduates to choose the ones that match their mood and place them on the newspaper. And the newspaper will probably answer you with many cheerful smiles.

Wall newspaper for 4th grade graduates

The end of 4th grade is also a very important event in the life of schoolchildren. The first teacher, seeing off his students, must, of course, express his wishes. It would be good if they were heard both in oral speech and read by children in the wall newspaper. The graduates' attention will be attracted by the drawing of a large tree on a sheet of Whatman paper. At the base of the tree there is an envelope, and on the trunk there are many kind words and wishes from the first teacher. The envelope contains green leaves cut from adhesive paper. Fourth graders can take pieces of paper if they wish, and after writing good words gratitude to your teacher and school, glue them to the branches of the tree. Thus, the tree will very soon become green and beautiful, and everyone will be able to see the fruits of education.

Another sheet of Whatman paper can be divided into two parts. On one place place photographs illustrating various events from the life of the class team. Here you can talk about the class’s achievements over 4 years, post short funny and amazing stories.

The rest of the newspaper can be used for information from future subject teachers, from a psychologist and social educator, from class teacher. Teachers will contribute to the process of successful adaptation of future fifth-graders if they tell in advance how impatiently they are waiting for their students in their classrooms, what important and interesting discoveries they will make. Studying at a basic school is not easy, but thanks to joint efforts, success will be ensured!

DIY wall newspaper for 4th grade graduation

The hall where the school farewell ceremony takes place is always decorated with balloons and flowers. A mandatory attribute of the event is a school wall newspaper graduation party, which is drawn by students going to adult life. It's no secret that graduates have absolutely no time to prepare for the holiday - all their free hours are spent preparing for exams. To prevent the decoration of the hall from negatively affecting your grades, we suggest that you download a ready-made wall newspaper template from our website, which you just have to color and fill with holiday poems.

A wall newspaper for a graduation party is a sketch of a festive poster consisting of 8 fragments. A painted picture is no different from an original piece of art and looks much more attractive than a factory poster.

Download wall newspaper fragments

The wall newspaper template consists of 8 fragments that need to be combined into one and painted.

How to make a congratulatory wall newspaper for graduation

  1. The large picture consists of 8 separate fragments - each of them should be printed on a black and white printer using a regular office paper A4 format.
  2. Using the hint on the site, the fragments need to be put together in such an order as to obtain the image intended by the author, and the components must be glued together with glue or tape.
  3. The resulting picture is carefully painted, leaving untouched the places reserved for inscriptions, and inscribing holiday poems and

Good day to everyone who stopped by))

Finally, I got there)) I found an opportunity to post something that, to be honest, I’m very proud of.

Let me start with the fact that, like many of those present here, “suddenly” (that is, in about a couple of nights) I had to prepare a response from parents at their children’s graduation. I won’t go into detail about the efforts and sacrifices with which everything was done - I’ll just dwell on the fact that the idea of ​​​​creation and implementation are purely mine, and the result exceeded all expectations!
I discovered that this article was posted on many third-party resources. Somewhere they offer to download it in an archive, somewhere some links are unclear. Only in one place did I find an active link to the source Country of Masters (to the resource as a whole, and not to this particular material). A big urgent request to those who host my material - add information about the author:, and then yours karma will not suffer)

In my search for suitable ideas, I came across these works in the Land of Masters:

Gratitude to the winner in the "Golden Fund" nomination for the painstaking work is announced to the teachers!
Graduates of the 7th group Nastya and Zhenya are invited to receive awards. SVETLANA ALEXANDROVNA AND LYUDMILA ALEXANDROVAN! Please accept flowers and a souvenir from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work. This is a symbol of your work - you mold the future out of children!
By the way, Nastya was the only one who wanted to connect her life with the profession of a teacher in the future, so you receive gifts from the hands of your potential adopter!)))))

For an assistant teacher. As a gift, a type of magic wand was glued to the photo frame.

Gratitude to the winner in the “Lifesaver” nomination for help and support is expressed to the teachers!
Graduates of the 7th group Vitya and Vika are invited to receive awards. OKSANA PAVLOVNA! To work in kindergarten In this position, you need to be a truly versatile person, know and be able to literally do everything. It looks like you managed to combine the incompatible and do the impossible)))))
Please accept flowers and a souvenir from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work.

For a physical education teacher. As a gift, a jump rope was glued to the photo frame))

Gratitude to the winner in the nomination "Fizkult-URA" for propaganda healthy image life is not so much theoretically as practically announced to the head of physical education!
Graduates of the 7th group Dasha and Diana are invited to receive awards. IRINA LEONIDOVNA! Please accept flowers and a souvenir from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work.
By the way, it was no coincidence that these girls came here. One of them, Dasha, plans to become a gymnastics coach in the future, and the second, Diana, is already making a dizzying career in gymnastics!)))))

For a psychologist. As a gift, smiley magnets were glued to the photo frame.

Gratitude to the winner in the “Individual approach” nomination for the formation of the emotional well-being of children is announced to the psychologist!
Graduates of the 7th group Seva and Artem are invited to receive the award. ILONA NIKOLAEVNA! Please accept flowers and a souvenir from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work - in your work there are both smiles and sadness. We wish you more positive emotions!

For the music worker. As a gift, a toy trumpet was glued to the photo frame.

Gratitude to the winner in the “Talents and Fans” nomination for the development of creative potential in children is declared to the music director!
Graduates of the 7th group Katya and Anya B. ELENA YURIEVNA are invited to receive the award! Please accept flowers and a souvenir from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work.
I would like to note that now we have before us the future stars of the stage: Anya plans to become a singer, and Katya is already entering the big stage as a dancer in one of the oldest Vitebsk dance groups!

For the art teacher. As a gift, a box of pencils was glued to the photo frame.

Thanks to the winner in the category “You will find everything in the world in a box of pencils” for teaching children magic visual arts announced to the art teacher!
Graduates of the 7th group Anton and Vlad are invited to receive the award. ELENA ALEXANDROVNA! Please accept flowers and a souvenir from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work.

For children to develop
The teachers tried their best.
There is no doubt about it.
But there is one more point...
To have a normal life,
The kindergarten was always open
Let it be in the shadows, out of sight,
But they worked in the garden:
Doctor, caretaker, accountant,
Watchman, laundress, cooks,
Also janitor, storekeeper
Helped us study.
Yes, kindergarten staff
They worked as they should.
We thank everyone
And we want to tell everyone:

For the caretaker. As a gift, a small padlock and several coins of different denominations from different countries were glued to the photo frame.

Gratitude to the winner in the "Mistress of the Copper Mountain" nomination for the acquisition, preservation and rational use of the garden property is announced to the caretaker!
Graduates of the 6th group Ilya and Polina are invited to receive awards. REGINA ALEXANDROVNA! Please accept flowers and a memorable souvenir from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work - symbolic objects, so that you have something to keep and where to keep it))

For laundry workers. As a gift, a toy iron was glued to the photo frame)

Gratitude to the winners in the category “Invisible Frontline Worker” for their invaluable contribution to the common cause is expressed to the laundry workers!
Graduates of the 7th group Vlad and Alevtina are invited to receive awards. VALENTINA GENNADIEVNA AND IRINA EVGENIEVNA! Please accept flowers and a souvenir from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work.

For the wardrobe maid. As a gift, a set of needles for hand sewing was glued to the photo frame.

Gratitude to the winner in the “Valuable Employee” nomination for the quality performance of their duties is announced to the housekeeper!
This employee is not present at the holiday today for a very good reason. But I hope that our teachers will be happy to give her kind words and a memorable souvenir.

For cooks. As a gift, toy children's dishes were glued to the photo frame: a frying pan with a spatula and a saucepan with a ladle)

Thanks to the winners in the "Hunger Fighters" nomination for the delicious and useful work announced to the kitchen staff!
Graduates of the 6th group Arina and Yulia are invited to receive awards. Please accept flowers and a souvenir from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work.
At the same time, I would like to inform you that a survey was conducted among the children of the graduating class: what dish in the garden do they like best? Almost 40% of respondents named “macaroni and cheese” and another almost 40% named “Cutlet”; some also added potatoes to it. So draw your own conclusions! Through the mouth of a baby, as they say, not only the truth is spoken, they are also used to eat))))

For health workers. As a gift, a huge 150 ml syringe was glued to the photo frame)))

And last but not least nomination!
Gratitude to the winners in the category “A healthy mind in a healthy body” for their extraordinary resistance to ordinary and magical diseases is expressed to medical workers!
Graduates of the 7th group Matvey and Alisa are invited to receive the awards. Please accept flowers and a souvenir from all of us with respect and gratitude for your work - we wish you never have to use it in your work))

Once again I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all the kindergarten staff! And, as they say, do not remember us ill.

Graduation will fly by, hiding behind bouquets,

The children will scatter from their groups to their homes.

We bow to our teachers at the waist,

And nurses, and nannies, and cooks!

Don’t be sad, dear ones, and wipe away your tears,

After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!

Please accept our huge thank you

Because you loved our guys!

You lit children's hearts with love,

Praise and honor to you for your children's happiness!

Your work is like the tributaries of a river,


Finally, we would like to give parting words to our ALUMNI:
The sunny summer will fly by unnoticed,
And you will come to school in September with a bouquet
We sincerely wish you to study well
And make friends with the new kids in the class!

And with musical gift The wonderful mother of one of today's graduates will perform for our graduates!
I know for sure that no one present expected such a response. For me, the most significant thing was that the workers began to come out to the center of the hall when I announced them.

I know for sure that these souvenirs are in prominent places for at least several workers in the kindergarten (I saw it myself and other parents told me about it). And the newspaper hangs in the group.


This is my first entry, so please don’t judge too harshly)) Perhaps I’m a little embarrassed for the first time. Well, maybe someone will learn something useful for themselves))

Well, these are our graduates: my son with his beloved girl))

Letting children go to school. Making a wall newspaper with your own hands. Master class with step by step photos.

Irina Ivanovna Goncharova, teacher of the highest category, Ostrogozhsky Center of Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and social assistance children preschool age", Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region.
Description: It will be of interest to teachers (as new ideas), parents (a new stage in life begins) and children (farewell to kindergarten). The work was carried out together with children in order to improve the acquired practical skills in manual labor(cutting, compositional solution, gluing, decorating with small details). Our wall newspaper consists of two blocks: farewell to kindergarten and entry into a new life.
Purpose: as an additional decoration for the holiday “Graduation of children to school”.
Target: making wall newspapers with children.
- consolidate skills in using scissors when cutting according to templates;
- improve the ability to carefully glue small parts;
- promote the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, compositional skills, fine motor skills fingers;
- cultivate a positive attitude towards school, leave a pleasant impression of the kindergarten.

Materials and tools: Whatman paper (55*70 cm), colored tinted paper of 5 colors, photos of children (upon admission and graduation, respectively), scissors, glue, figured hole punches (twig, flower), pencil, ruler, pictures of toys and school supplies.
Letter patterns:




Phrases templates:

Poems about kindergarten:
Today is our holiday
Joyful, cheerful.
Goodbye, kindergarten!
Hello school!
So that we grow up brave,
Kind, skillful,
We know that you all loved us,
And they taught me good things.
Get dressed very quickly
Wash very clean
Read books syllable by syllable,
Count everything we see,
Eat carefully, quickly,
You can’t even count everything.
We drew, sculpted,
From colored plasticine,
Went on excursions
And they played with Pinocchio,
And they also played hide and seek,
In daughters, mothers, horses
And they danced in a circle
Near the Christmas tree on New Year's Day!
We love music and fairy tales,
Our songs and dances
We love birthday games
We love holidays and fun!
Today they see us off,
To the land of wonders and knowledge,
And we go to first grade,
Thank you, good bye!
Poems about school:
We will enter the classroom for the first time,
We are schoolchildren now.
The class greets you joyfully
Opening the door wider.
The bell rings for the first time,
He sings a song
We are invited to a lesson -
Academic first year.
We will study with "five"
We need knowledge.
Read, write, learn, count -
We all have to now!
We are starting our school journey
Together with the teacher.
We can't turn back from the path -
Let's hit the road soon!!!

We print templates of letters, phrases, poems on tinted paper.

Cut out the letters.

We cut out the phrases and decorate the edge with a hole punch.

We cut out the poems and also punch out the flowers with a hole punch.

We prepare pictures of toys and school supplies. Using a hole punch, punch out twigs and flowers on tinted paper for decoration.

Let's place the prepared elements on whatman paper.

Glue the prepared parts.

Our wall newspaper is ready for viewing by adults and children.

Goodbye, our beloved, kind kindergarten!
We were together for many years in a row
And now we are parting - we have to go to school,
But we will not forget you on our life’s journey!

Enjoy watching!

Wall newspaper for kindergarten graduation - a task for creative and active parents. This is an opportunity to remember the glorious moments of preschool, and give parting words to future students, and thank your favorite teachers.

In this article we share ideas that will help make your wall newspaper interesting and memorable.

Classic wall newspaper

Classic is a white sheet of Whatman paper on which photographs of the group taken in different years. Photo cards take up most of the space and are pasted in manually. The wall newspaper is supplemented with poems in which children say goodbye to kindergarten and rush towards school life, full of discoveries.

The wall newspaper was made by Ksenia Kholodova.

Fairytale wall newspaper

A wall newspaper can be designed using pictures associated with the baby period: strollers, pacifiers, bottles. Interesting idea suggested by Yulia Balkanskaya. She “placed” all the girls in a pink baby envelope, and the boys in a blue envelope. The composition is supplemented with painted fairies and elements of scrapbooking are used. For example, strollers are decorated with small pearls, bows, braid and beads.

Poems for educators are printed on plain white paper and written in black font. Separately, such clippings would seem rude and inappropriate for the festive design of a wall newspaper, but in the context of “cute” images they give the whole idea a complete look and a slightly adult mood - after all, the children have serious school work ahead of them.

Wall newspaper-handbag

An unusual idea was brought to life by Svetlana Ustinova. Her graduation wall newspaper is not just a poster, but a real handbag, which is very functional. The wall newspaper is convenient to collect and store.

How it all began...

Page size - 20x20, total size - 60x60 cm.

Each graduate is given a section of the newspaper, and photographs of educators are placed in the very center. And rightly so, because for several years they have been trying to make their stay in kindergarten comfortable for children and give them the feeling of a “second home.”

Opposite each graduate is a personal poem. For example:

Nastya is our laugher,
Cheerful and nice girl,
Can read, draw and sculpt,
She will be very loved at school.

Grisha, you are a daredevil!
And you are great in everything!
Feel free to go to school
And comprehend science.

The background is decorated with flowers made using the quilling technique and additional accessories. Moreover, it is best to glue them with glue or regular double-sided tape. Bulk tape is not entirely suitable, as it can interfere with folding the newspaper into your purse.

Photos were cut out with curly scissors.

The material was prepared by Maria Danilenko.