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Should I use reins for my child? Reins for a child - a mother’s lifeline How to make reins for a child from a scarf.

The first timid baby steps are always a joy for mom and dad. So that they are not overshadowed by numerous painful falls, manufacturers are creating new accessories that protect against such failures. Their list also includes a special children's leash. What it is and how to use it correctly so as not to harm your baby will be discussed in this article.

What is a children's leash and what types are there?

Children's reins is a fairly simple invention, the main function of which is to control a baby who is just starting to learn to walk. This is a product made of soft but durable ribbons that gently clasps the child, and mom or dad grabs the free end.

This design is especially convenient for parents of twins or triplets, as well as for those mothers and fathers who have back problems and cannot lead their children by the hand, or constantly bend over to them. Also, such unique walkers are convenient for learning to walk in public places.

Exist different kinds children's leashes. Parents decide which one to choose for their baby depending on personal preferences, the child’s age and financial capabilities.

Experts believe that the safest option is reins with a dense, rigid handle, which is attached to the body using special panties, and not under the armpits. It avoids excessive stress on the spine.

A leash that attaches to the baby’s shoulders, chest and armpits is also convenient. To prevent chafing, it usually has a soft fabric lining on the chest. The main advantage is that the straps of such reins can be adjusted, so they are suitable for wearing both winter and summer clothes.

And the simplest model consists only of durable slings and fasteners that can be easily adjusted as needed. But it is best used only for older children who are already able to stand on their feet, but are not yet very confident in their steps. After all, such reins are not able to support the child; they only slightly control his balance.

There's another one original model, which consists of a backpack to which a leash is attached. This is a great option for independent kids who don’t like to hold their parents’ hands.

What age are they intended for?

It is difficult to accurately answer the question at what age the accessory in question can be used. It depends on the individual characteristics child development. The model, which is attached like panties, can be used as soon as the child begins to try to take his first steps independently. The baby will hang in it like on a swing. But more simple models without strong fasteners, it is better to leave it for an older age.

Review of popular walker reins

When choosing a special leash for your baby, first of all you should pay attention to his comfort and safety. The device must be durable and reliable. It is better to avoid models with Velcro, as the baby can unfasten them on his own.

Also, the product should not rub or squeeze children's skin.

Leash Canpol Babies

Comfortable children's reins with a bright, eye-catching design. Burgundy model with blue trim. They were made using durable, strong fabric that will not tear or fray for a long time.

With this design, parents will be able to help their baby take his first steps independently without falling or getting hurt.

Their main feature is that such reins can easily be transformed into a safe place for a stroller or a high chair at lunch. Therefore, we can say that this is a two-in-one accessory.

Chicco reins First steps

Chicco produces a wide variety of comfortable accessories for children. They also have reins in their assortment. Many of them have a non-standard design, so both parents and children will like them. For example, some models have a portrait of a panda bear on their chest.

The design has very convenient fasteners. It allows the mother to save her back from excessive stress during the period when the baby takes her first steps. With it, the child will not have to be held in your arms all the time. They are equally convenient to use both at home and outdoors. The parameters of the products are easily adjustable, so they will suit a wide variety of clothes.

Best Baby

These reins are a special soft but strong belt made of light fabric with narrow shoulder straps. They have an extra ribbon on the back for mom or dad to hold on to.

Many buyers will certainly be attracted by the cost of this product. It averages only 150 rubles. You can purchase such reins at any children's goods store.

The product has a strong plastic fastener on the back that a child will not be able to unfasten. You can wear it comfortably on both winter and summer clothes.

Reviews from moms

Angelina: I sewed the reins for my daughter with my own hands, because at the time when they were needed, the family did not have any extra money. The product turned out to be no worse than purchased. Therefore, I advise all mothers who know how to sew at least a little to do it themselves. And if there is already in the house sewing machine, then there will be no problems at all.

Galina: For us, the Best Baby reins were completely useless. It’s good that they are at least inexpensive, otherwise it would be a waste of money. I bought them for 130 rubles. We had a baby blue model. We only tried to use them a couple of times. The child constantly pulled the strings from behind. I tried to turn around. I completely forgot about walking. Maybe it’s our restlessness, I don’t know.
In the end, he still learned to walk only hand in hand with me or with dad. Therefore, I think that the product is useless.

Olga M.: Great accessory! I've always had problems lifting weights. Therefore, I was very afraid that during the baby’s first steps I would suffer greatly. As a result, I bought Chicco reins and forgot about the problems. I only had to slightly support my daughter. No stress on my spine. I recommend it to all fragile mothers!

Can I do it myself?

If you have time and desire, you can make such reins for a child with your own hands.

You will need to purchase:

  • 4 semi-automatic plastic clasps;
  • 4 meters of special material – textile sling.

First of all, the child’s parameters are measured - chest circumference (the main thing is to leave some room for the fastener), the distance from the middle of the chest to the middle of the back. The length of the handle is measured arbitrarily, depending on the height of the parents.

A leash or reins for a child is not a new invention. Our ancestors used similar devices to support babies as they take their first steps.

But leashes began to appear en masse on the streets relatively recently, so they often cause puzzled looks and questions from passers-by. At first glance, many people think it is inhumane to walk children this way, but is it so, and does the child need a leash?

What types of children's leashes are there?

On this moment There are several models of leashes for children. The safest of them look like soft panties with a rigid handle-holder. They are suitable for babies who are just starting to take their first steps. In such a leash, the baby’s pelvis and back are fixed, the load is evenly distributed throughout the entire spine, and the mother practically carries the baby, holding the structure by the handle. Some transformable door jumpers can turn into reins if you attach a special handle included in the kit to them.

For children who can more or less stand on their feet, a model that is attached to the chest, shoulders, and also in the armpits is suitable. These reins allow you to lightly hold your baby while walking. If a child already walks confidently, but sometimes loses his balance, reins in the form of slings with adjustable fasteners are suitable for him. They do not support the child, but help control his balance.

For active kids who are already running around and don’t want to hold their parents’ hands, this will suit interesting model, which consists of a cute backpack with a lanyard attached to it. This leash looks like a cute accessory, so children don’t refuse to wear it, and it helps mom out of danger by controlling his movements.

Why do mother and baby need a leash?

The first steps of a child are not only joy, but also an increased risk of falls and bruises. Therefore, parents often teach babies to walk by bending over and holding their arms. The reins will help protect the child from injury and at the same time protect the backs of adults from walking in a bent position. A good leash will support your child's back and help him enjoy walking without risk. It can be used from about 9 months, as soon as the child learns to sit on his own without support and slowly stand up from a support.

As the child grows up, the leash also acquires the function of controlling the fidget's movements.

Curious kids are attracted to puddles, holes and sewer hatches. It can be difficult for even active young parents to keep track of their nimble children. If grandma or grandpa goes for a walk, the reins will become a real salvation for both generations.

A leash is an excellent solution for mothers of the same age or several children of the same age. It’s not easy to keep track of a group of brats, but the reins will help you control everyone at the same time.

Leashes for children: pros and cons

Do leashes have any disadvantages? Naturally. Firstly, it is a means of limiting the child’s freedom of movement and his cognitive capabilities. Many experts believe that a child needs to fall and get bumps, taste sand and poop. By depriving him of this opportunity, parents disrupt the natural formation of personality. Secondly, leashes have age restrictions on use. If you drive too young children with them, you can disrupt the development of the musculoskeletal system.

This invention has many more obvious advantages, since the leash:

  • Protects against injury and guarantees during his first steps;
  • Reduces the load on the back of an adult walking with a child;
  • Teaches the baby to initially walk without support in the form of mother’s hands and eliminates the fear of independent movement;
  • Teaches to rely on oneself, and not on a walker or a supporting adult;
  • Frees the baby from the need to constantly hold something and frees up his hands for games and exploration of the world around him;
  • Helps the baby's feet to be in the most physiological position, and not stand on their toes as is the case with walkers.

How to choose the right leash

When choosing a leash, it is necessary to take into account the age: for children - leashes-panties, for older children - restraining devices. In this case, it is necessary that all straps are soft and prevent injury to the child. The fasteners should also be comfortable and located on the back so that the mischievous person does not unfasten the leash on his own.

Necessarily pay attention to the length of the leash. Sometimes they are too short, which leads to discomfort for tall people.

High-quality leashes differ in a number of characteristics:

  • They have a carabiner clasp;
  • The front stripe is wide, soft and located on the chest;
  • The straps do not interfere with the normal movement of the child;
  • The reins are adjustable according to the width of the body;
  • The most successful options are reins in the form of panties or a T-shirt.

Safety rules when using leashes

Although children's reins are designed to protect the child from injury and danger, sometimes they themselves can become a source of danger. To avoid trouble:

  • Do not allow the straps to wrap around the baby's neck;
  • Do not allow older children to drive the baby;
  • Do not let go of the strap so that the child does not get entangled in it.

In addition, if the child does not yet know how to stand firmly near a support, do not lead him for too long. This can cause poor posture. And correct and moderate use of the reins will only benefit the baby and mother.


Who knows a several-hour walk with a child on an incline? And there is a device invented by tired craftsmen. You didn't know? And I didn’t, until I took it from my godfather sewn leash for driving a child. How this object facilitates the actions of an adult!

Some, however, manage to lead the child with a long towel tucked under the chest and under the arms. But it's not right! After all, then the child moves in an inclination, hanging on this towel. He does not feel the correct center of gravity.

You can lead by holding the baby tightly under the armpits in the chest area. Not by the arms, not under the arms, but by the body! Then you will feel any lunges of the baby. But the posture of an adult constantly reminds you with back pain that something needs to be changed!

Here insurance for 8-10 one month old baby - just right. And he will feel his balance, and he will have to place his legs correctly (with his entire foot on the floor), and will not rely on the hands of an adult. A leash will make your walk more enjoyable and safer. He will catch the baby if he inadvertently starts to fall.

Let's consider how to make a children's leash-reins with your own hands for driving a child

So, the material.
Any strong braid with processed edges, 4-6 cm wide, will do. You can use dark grosgrain tape, parachute cords, or tape for bags and backpacks.

The length of the braid for sewing insurance is calculated by those who sew. This is the length of the long handle of the leash x 4 (there are 2 of them) + the circumference of the child’s chest in clothes + the margin for overlapping the fastener. If, for example, the length of the handle is 0.75 m, then the length is finished form 1.5m. 1.5m x 2 + 0.50m (chest girth) + 0.25m (wrap) = 3 + 0.50 + 0.25 = 3.75m. You can safely buy 4 meters.

It is important to consider the time of year when the baby begins to walk. For winter, they sew wider, taking into account a winter jacket or overalls. And they are thinking about mounting for use indoors and outdoors. You can insert a tight wide elastic band for a more flexible option for tailoring insurance for a child.

How to sew a leash for driving a baby:
1. Cut the braid into parts. These are 2 long handles, ~1.5 m long, and one piece, 1 m long.

2. Process the edges of these parts. You can singe it, coat it with glue, and then sweep it by hand. If this method is in doubt, then trim the edges with braid. Since the braid is rigid, it cannot be folded.
3. Mark the locations of the handles on the 1m long piece with chalk. Don't forget to find the center of the product.
4. Baste and sew handles to the main part by hand or by machine.
5. Process the fastener.

Chest fastener options :
. Velcro. It is possible, but not advisable, as it may not support the weight of the child and will come unfastened. If you still decide to do it, then the length of the overlap should be large for stronger engagement.
. Buttons. They require installation without your participation, and this is an extra expense.
. Soft ribbon ties. They may put pressure on the child or get loose. But treat a quick solution to the fastener issue.
. Buttons. You need several of them for different positions (for the street or for the house). Requires the ability to process loops. They can be made by hand. The most reliable method of fastening.
. Hooks. Also several pieces for different positions. This is a quick and fairly strong option for fastening the fastener.


Leash and reins for driving a child They also use it as insurance, because he is just starting to walk.

It is advisable to walk with the child in quiet, uncrowded and not polluted places, as they tire the baby very much and he begins to cry and be capricious.
Make friends with your peers and walk together.

Create for your children with love! Good luck!
Elena Semidelukha

P.S. Idea: Nikitina O.I. For the skin mother: Handbook. - K.: Abris, 1997. - 96 p.

Before the baby has time to be born and please his parents with his birth, mom and dad, as a rule, impatiently begin to wait for that unforgettable day when their relatives take their first independent step. Indeed, in the first year of a toddler’s life, one of the touching and exciting moments is his “tops-tops.”

Experienced mothers already know that children who are just beginning to conquer all the space they see are quite unstable. But at the same time, they are overly inquisitive, and every minute they strive to climb somewhere. Children often fall. To avoid this, parents support the little one all the time. After some time, being in a half-bent state, in the form of the letter “zyu”, makes itself felt. This is especially noticeable for grandparents who have lower back or lower back problems. They will be able to help solve these problems.

Stomp-stomp, baby stomps

Unfortunately, the joy of a toddler’s first steps also has a downside. It can be overshadowed by his countless falls, bruises, abrasions, and contusions. And few parents will remain indifferent to the tears of their dear and beloved baby. Unfortunately, there is not a soft surface for falling everywhere. But we must remember that children tend to run into a puddle or sand, fall into mud or wet, melted snow.

Stained trousers, blouses, jackets and dresses, scratched palms and broken knees are not the worst trouble. It is dangerous when a child, screaming with joy, tries to run away from his mother in a crowded place - in a store or market. It will be difficult to find him, but for a frightened and confused baby, screams and hysterics are guaranteed. In such a situation, the reins for the child will come in handy.

Leash for baby

The reins are an ordinary rag device that helps control an active toddler and protect him from injuries and bruises caused by a fall. While the baby is not very confident on his feet, the leash will hold him during a walk. Reins for a child will be a very useful purchase for those parents who have several children (twins, twins).

The leash was created to make life easier for modern moms and dads. It was thanks to him that they almost painlessly survived the period of time when the baby began to explore the world.

Hooray! I can do it myself!

Reins for a child have become popular among today's parents not so long ago. They consist of straps sewn together, which are fastened in a certain way so that mom or dad can support their child while walking.

The child has some freedom: his hands are not occupied with anything and can hold his favorite toy, the space around encourages him to run, jump or stomp in zigzags. He feels as grown up as his mother. It’s also easier for mom: the baby is under supervision, and you can also carry bags.

Walking reins are intended specifically for children aged approximately 8-9 months to one and a half years. Everything here is individual and depends on when the baby starts stamping his feet.

How to choose good reins?

In order for the use of a leash to be most convenient and comfortable for a toddler who is just beginning to explore the roads and streets, you should choose and then use it correctly. It is best, of course, to buy reins made by well-known companies. This will guarantee that the products are of high quality.

When choosing the right product, you need to focus on the fact that all the fasteners on the leash should be easily adjustable. At the same time, the straps must be kept in a fixed position. It is the large manufacturers of products for children who make their products of sufficient quality. After purchasing such products, parents do not experience any problems using them (the products) strictly for their intended purpose.

We put on and adjust

Young (and not very experienced) parents often wonder how to put the reins on a child. There is nothing complicated here. The reins should be placed on outerwear baby or on a T-shirt, T-shirt, blouse, light dress, if the little one is learning to walk at home. Although it is best to use a leash exclusively outside.

The reins for the child are equipped with panties that will very reliably support the baby and evenly distribute the load on the baby’s spinal column.

When going outside, putting the reins on your baby, you need to adjust them well. You can’t let them sag, but you also can’t tighten them too tightly, because this will cause discomfort to the little one.

To achieve perfection when using a leash, you need to devote a little time to training. Thanks to this, parents will learn to tighten the fabric straps immediately as needed.

Democratic accessory

There are parents who, showing some originality, choose the reins to match the color of the baby's demi-season overalls, boots, hats or some other items of clothing. Some people deliberately decorate the leash with various small decorations. As a rule, this is quite relevant for parents of little ladies. Sometimes mothers or grandmothers decorate the reins so that they fit under color scheme elegant or festive dress, carnival costume or even a picnic suit.

The leash will serve the baby and mother for a very short time, only 2-4 months. Then the baby will begin to take his steps more and more confidently, and there will no longer be a need to support him. So to save family budget, it’s quite possible to buy reins at a second-hand store.

But not all parents want to buy for their beloved baby something that was previously in other hands. So, if you consider that the cost is quite low, it makes sense to purchase reins for your child at a children's goods store. The price for them starts from about 300-400 rubles and increases depending on the manufacturer, material, additional qualities (color, size, weight).

When the little one grows up a little and stands on his feet more confidently, there is no need to rush to get rid of the reins and give them to friends who have babies. After all, even for a grown-up child there are many interesting, but traumatic entertainments: skating, roller skating, cycling. And you can protect your child by using the same walker reins, which will help the child maintain balance and not fall. The baby will be sure that he is supported, and this will lead to the fact that he will quickly learn to ride without fear.

A simple but very convenient assistant for parents is the reins for the child, which evokes conflicting feelings and opinions.

The baby's first hesitant steps are a big test for the mother. During the period of learning to walk, the child needs support and control. Mothers spend a lot of time in an awkward position, bending over and supporting their baby to protect him from falling. The use of a supporting corset with long arms, called a “leash”, “harness”, “reins”, plays an invaluable role in ensuring the safety of the child during this difficult period.


The leash is designed in such a way that it is distributed correctly, not Reins for a child are represented by several models, the main difference of which is the presence of “panties”. These leashes are designed for teaching children to walk and are equipped with a rigid handle that secures the slings. The simplified design of the reins wraps around the baby's armpit, evenly distributing the load thanks to the securing shoulder straps and long double handles.

How to put reins on a child?

It’s very simple, just put your hands through the holes and fasten the straps located in front or on the sides. In Europe and the USA, models that are a cute little animal backpack with long handles are very popular. In Russia, simplified designs are more common. Some mothers sew reins with their own hands, using textile slings and fastex fasteners. The advantage of a homemade harness is the ability to adjust the length of the handles and choose the color that suits your child.

Safety first!

Reins for a child are used to ensure safety in public transport, in busy places. Not all children willingly take their mother’s hand and obediently walk next to her. In addition, the child can break free at any moment and run anywhere. Children aged 1 - 2 years are very active and actively explore the world; it is difficult for them to forbid something. Reins for a child are not yours, but they give you the opportunity to coordinate his movements at any time and prevent falls and injury. A leash is indispensable if there are twins or the same age in the family, since it is difficult to keep track of two active kids at once. When sending your child for a walk with grandparents who find it difficult to bend down or run after their grandchild, put the baby on a harness. A comfortable and safe walk will provide you with peace of mind and confidence that the elderly will cope, and the child will avoid injuries and falls.

Despite the convenience and obvious advantages, not all parents approve and use reins for children. The reviews that are full of forums and magazines will be contradictory. The decision to purchase is made by everyone independently, based on the characteristics of the child. When choosing a harness, use criteria such as quality of materials and safety of design.