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Wedding swans. How to decorate a wedding car with a doll, figurines of bears, swans, decor in the form of lips Swans for a wedding from paper modules

Wedding swans(modular origami). Master Class.

1. We assemble the modules into a chain like this. as shown in the photo:

2. We close the chain into a circle, we get 2 rows of modules: 38 modules in each row.

3.In this way we lay out 12 rows.

4. On 5 modules we make a tail of 4 rows of modules. We turn the modules over backwards. In each subsequent row there is 1 less module: 4-3-2-1. (Inside view)

5. From the tail on both sides, count 12 modules per wing. And on the remaining 9 front modules we make the breast, decreasing by 1 module in each next row: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2.

6.We make a wing on 12 side modules.

7. From the breast side in each row of the wing there is a decrease. From the side of the tail in the wing there is an increase in every 3rd row (the module is put on with one pocket on the outermost module). In this way, 15 rows are laid out. From the 16th row there is a decrease on both sides.

8. View of the wing from the inside.

9.Now we make the neck, which consists of 20 alternating rows of modules: 3-2.

10.When we start making the head, we turn the modules over to the reverse side. The head consists of 4 rows of white modules: 3-2-3-2.

12. Making the back. There are 13 modules in the first row of the backrest, and 14 modules in the second. In each next row there is 1 less module.

13.Using a hot glue gun, I glued the backs of the swans.

14.The swan stand has 6 rows of modules, 39 modules in each row.

15. I glued the stand with a hot glue gun. The junction was covered with blue tape. I made the bow out of blue velvet paper, folding it

16. The stand for the swan consists of 2 rings. In the top there are 4 rows of modules, 46 modules in each row. In the bottom there are 3 rows of modules with 57 modules in each row.

17. I connected both circles with a hot glue gun and glued them to the canopy. The junction of the stand with the body was covered with pink braid. Decorated with roses made from pink office paper.

18. Roses made from office paper Pink colour. I cut out the petals.

19. I twisted them with scissors.

20.I made the middle of a rose from two petals.

21.Then I attached one petal at a time, gluing them with a hot glue gun.

22. This is the rose I got. I make all the other roses in a similar way.

23.To attach the rose to a heart-shaped stand covered with tin foil, I pierced the rose from the back side with a needle into which a thin copper wire was inserted.

24.Now I made two holes on the stand with an awl.

25. I threaded the wire into the holes and twisted the wire on the back side. I fastened the rest of the roses in the same way. True, then I glued green subleaves to the bottom of the roses.

26.I secured the rest of the roses in a similar way.

Wedding is unforgettable holiday, filled with bright and colorful impressions. To make this unique celebration truly a bright event In the life of newlyweds, you should carefully consider all the details and moments of the upcoming event.

Stylish and elegant design of the wedding cars of the bride and groom can be considered one of the important preparatory moments. Previously, the only type of decoration was a wedding doll for the bride and groom's car, but now many alternative types of decor have appeared. Modern newlyweds decorate the hoods of their wedding cars with a variety of figures: a pair of dolls, teddy bears, swans or rings.

When choosing decorations for a wedding car, you should think about the suitability of the chosen decor general style wedding celebration. Currently, the hood of wedding cars is decorated with decor in the form of:

  • a “bride” doll in a snow-white dress, for the bride’s car, as in the photo;
  • a “groom” doll in an elegant suit;
  • lovebird dolls in the form of a pair of newlyweds holding each other’s hands tightly;
  • Barbie doll;
  • handmade Tilda dolls;
  • funny bears as a symbol of a touching farewell to childhood;
  • bright nesting dolls;
  • a pair of figurines of snow-white swans.

Wedding figurines for every taste and any price category can be found in any wedding salon or specialized departments of large stores.

Wedding dolls are sold with special fastenings in the form of vacuum or magnetic suction cups. Instead of purchased figures, you can use homemade car decorations. For example:

  1. Buy ready-made toy doll and sew an airy bride’s wedding dress for her yourself.
  2. You can do the same with the “groom” doll and dress him up in an elegant wedding suit.
  3. Dress teddy bears in traditional elements wedding dresses the bride and groom - a veil for the bride and a top hat for the groom.

Sewing such unique decor does not require special skills - it is important that during the manufacturing process the wedding figurines are filled with special wishes happy life newlyweds.

Young spouses are happy to leave handmade decor as a keepsake for their future children as a memory of a joyful and happy event.

DIY swans for a wedding car

Along with wedding dolls of the bride and groom, you can often find wedding cars decorated with figurines of swans.

This is not surprising: beautiful white swans serve as a symbol of devoted love and fidelity. Everyone knows touching romantic stories about the tender and touching love of these beautiful birds, their extraordinary care for each other.

In addition to purchasing wedding “swan” symbols, you can make your own figurines of these beautiful birds to decorate the hood of your wedding car. There are several ways to create this beautiful decor.

The following master class offers one way to create this composition yourself.

To make a pair of swan figurines you will need the following material:

  1. A sheet of thick paper.
  2. Penoplex with different thicknesses of 2.5 and 5 mm or other synthetic dense insulation.
  3. White fabric or corrugated paper.
  4. Acrylic paints: red, white and black.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Stationery knife.
  7. Pencil.
  8. Glue gun.
  9. Fine-grit sanding paper or nail file.
  10. Polymer clay.
  11. Black beads.

Step-by-step sequence of work to create wedding figurines of swans:

  1. First, a template of a swan figurine (head and neck) of the required size is prepared from paper. The image can be found on the Internet and printed on a sheet of thick A4 paper.
  2. At this stage, the head and neck of the figure are made from a 5 mm thick synthetic seal. Using a stationery knife, blanks with rounded edges are cut out.
  3. The next piece is the body of a swan made of thinner (2.5 mm) foam. The workpiece must have an oval shape with a width of 150 mm and a length of 300 mm. The resulting oval is placed on the table and glue is applied to the top of the workpiece with a gluing gun.
  4. Hot glue is applied to the end of the swan's neck and connected to the body.
  5. The resulting workpiece should be thoroughly sanded. Sanding paper will help smooth out any rough edges.
  6. It is necessary to make indentations for the eyes on the assembled figurine using the blunt side of a stationery knife.
  7. To align the figure at the junction of the neck and body, two parts are cut out of polystyrene foam and glued to the sides of the neck.
  8. The neck of the figurine is coated with polymer clay in three layers, followed by drying of each liquid layer.
  9. The final stage in creating a swan figurine will be the design of the blanks. Eyes and beak are drawn with a pencil. The neck is colored White color, the beak is red, and the eyes are drawn with black paint. The eyes can be decorated with black beads.

The decoration of the swan figurine can be made from scraps of white fabric, having previously folded them like an accordion. The resulting “feathers” are attached sewing machine on one side of the patch.

The more “accordions”, the more magnificent the swan’s plumage will look. Using a stapler or glue, the resulting blanks are attached to the body of the figure. The fabric can be replaced with corrugated paper.

How to make lips on a car with your own hands

An original and stylish decor for wedding cars can be made in the shape of lips. To do this you will need:

  1. Furniture foam rubber with a thickness of no more than 100 mm.
  2. Red satin or velvet fabric.
  3. Chalk.
  4. Needle, thread.

The production of this unusual and stylish decor for a wedding car is carried out in the following order:

  1. First, you should make a paper pattern for the shape of the lips.
  2. A paper pattern of the shape of the lips is placed on the red fabric, traced with chalk and two parts are cut out and sewn together. When stitching, leave a small hole for subsequent filling with foam rubber.
  3. The resulting form is filled with foam rubber and a line is sewn with short stitches from one corner of the lips to the other.

After production, an interesting decor with the shape of lips can be attached to the hood of a car.

Here is another option for decorating a wedding car:

A beautifully decorated wedding car plays a big role in the celebration, because it is needed not only as a means of transportation for the bride and groom. It can also be considered as a mandatory attribute for a wedding photo shoot. That's why ideal option Decoration is considered to be a decoration made by hand. In this way, you can significantly reduce the cost of decorating cars and choose an accessory according to your wishes and creative needs. Would you like to decorate your wedding car yourself?

1. I’m starting to make a bride’s skirt. I connect the modules as follows: the first row of modules is in the usual position, the second row of modules is turned at a right angle forward.

2. We get a chain that we close, and we get a circle of 2 rows of modules, in each row there are 42 modules in each row.

3. In the next row, I lay out 16 modules at a right angle forward, and turn 26 modules over and put on the modules in the usual position.

4. In subsequent rows, the number of modules laid out at right angles forward is reduced by one module in each row. And the number of modules in the usual position increases in each subsequent row by one module. I lay out 18 rows in total. The total number of modules in the rows does not change.

5. In the 19th row, I turn the modules over at a right angle forward, and put each module on the three crowns of the previous row.

7.I lay out 2 more rows in the same way.

8. In this row, I lay out the modules at a right angle forward: I put one module on 2 crowns as usual, all the rest - each module on 3 crowns.

9. In this row I put on the modules in the usual position.

10. In the last row of the skirt, I turn the modules at a right angle forward. The skirt is ready.

11.I begin to make the upper part of the flesh. I connect the modules as follows: in both rows the modules are in the usual position.

12. I get a chain of two rows of modules, each row has 14 modules.

13. I connect the chain into a circle.

14. I’m laying out 2 more rows of modules.

15. I turn the form inside out.

16. In this row, I put each module in the usual position on the three tops of the modules of the previous row.

17.I glue the top part of the dress to the skirt with a hot glue gun.

18. I make the sleeve of the dress as follows:

19. The sleeve is ready.

20. I make the second sleeve in the same way.

21. I glue the sleeves to the dress with a hot glue gun.

22. Top view.

23.I cut out palms.

24. I glue them inside the sleeves and give the desired position to my hands.

25. Making a collar. I make a circle of two rows of modules in the usual position, 10 modules in each row.

26.In the next row, the modules are turned forward at a right angle. The collar is ready.

27. For the lady's head I use a tennis ball. To make hair, I finely chop strips of the appropriate color and curl them with scissors. Then I glue them to a tennis ball with PVA glue, forming a hairstyle.

28. I glue the head to the collar.

29. I glue the collar to the dress.

30. I make a tiara as follows. I build up the modules by inserting them from below.

31. The tiara is ready.

32. I glue the tiara, placing it in my hair.

33.I am making a bouquet of roses for the bride.

From the reverse side:

34. I glue the bouquet with a hot-melt gun, paint the tiara with golden nail polish, and glue on a golden belt.

35.I make a veil from chiffon:

The bride is ready:

36. Making the top part of the groom's suit. I close the chain of two rows of modules in the usual position into a circle: 27 modules in each row.

37. I am posting a number of more modules.

38. I turn the form inside out.

39. I turn one central module at a right angle forward, the remaining modules are in their normal position.

40. In each subsequent row, the number of modules laid out at a right angle forward increases by one, and the number of modules in the usual position decreases by one.

42.The upper part of the suit is ready.

43. I make the sleeves as follows: I alternate rows of 4 modules with rows of three modules.

44.There are 21 rows of modules in the sleeve

45.I make the second sleeve in the same way.

47. I am posting a number of more modules.

48. I continue to lay out rows of modules, increasing the column shape.

49.There are 16 rows of modules in the trouser leg.

50. I do the second leg in the same way.

51. I make a boot as follows:

52.In the last row, two modules are turned forward at a right angle. The boot is ready.

53.Side view:

54.I do the same with the second shoe.

55. I glue the boots to the trouser legs with a hot glue gun.

56.I am making the upper part of the trousers. I close the chain of two rows of modules in the usual position into a circle with 27 modules in each row.

57. I’m laying out two more rows of modules.

58. I turn the form inside out.

59. I glue it to the trouser legs with a hot glue gun.

60.I paint the parts black. I close the rhombus of modules turned forward at a right angle with a rhombus cut out of waterproof paper or film.

61. This part remains white after painting. I lay out the last row with white modules turned forward at a right angle, each of which, except one, is put on the three tops of the modules of the previous row, and one module, as usual, on the 2 tops.

62.For the head I use a tennis ball and strips, finely chopped and twisted with scissors.

63.I make a cylinder from black thin cardboard.

64. I glue it to my head.

65.Using a hot glue gun, I glue the parts together.

66.To close the connection on the belt, I cut a strip of thin cardboard.

67. I seal the joint on the belt.

68. I glue my palms, a butterfly, and a belt buckle. The groom is ready.

69. And this is the result of the work:

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Nata Karlin

Every person invited to a wedding celebration necessarily thinks about what gift to give, how to arrange a congratulation, and especially how to do it so that nice to surprise the newlyweds. There is probably no person who has not seen baskets of flowers from florist shops. Agree that any gift given in this design will look much more impressive.

Wedding basket in the shape of a white swan

Basket in the shape of a wedding swan

A handmade wedding white swan in the form of a gift basket is another additional gift, which will be remembered by the newlyweds and everyone present. To make such a product you will need:

  • durable industrial cardboard;
  • wire;
  • rope;
  • ribbon, guipure, fabric;
  • glue.

DIY wedding swans

Do-it-yourself wedding swans are made according to a certain principle:

  1. A round or oval base is cut out of cardboard. For the sides of the basket you need to cut 2 strips: 6 and 10 cm high. The smaller strip is glued to the base; after it dries, the second one needs to be glued on top.
  2. The base and seams are carefully taped with white paper.
  3. The head, neck, wings and tail of a swan are formed from wire.
  4. Using twisted rope, volume is added to the frame.
  5. The final shape, color and volume are determined by ribbons.

All parts are fastened together with wire. The basket is decorated using fabrics. The wings and tail of a swan can be decorated with guipure. Paste it around the edge of the parts or overlap.

To make the seams less noticeable, you can cover them with corrugated paper.

Master class on making wedding swans from candy

With wishes sweet, happy life together You can give swans made from sweets with your own hands. For making homemade gifts you will need:

  • penoplex;
  • plastic pipe;
  • white satin ribbon;
  • foam;
  • corrugated paper;
  • ribbons;
  • toothpicks;
  • organza (tulle) white;
  • glue;
  • candies in white candy wrappers.

Sequence of making crafts:

  1. You need to cut out a swan's head from penoplex. Using a sharp knife, carefully shape into the desired rounded shape. After this, sand the workpiece with fine sandpaper.
  2. Paint the head white, the beak orange, and replace the eyes with black beads.
  3. Bend a metal-plastic pipe in the shape of a swan's neck. That is, make one bend smooth (for the head), the other steep (for attaching to the body).
  4. In the penoplex head you need to make a hole suitable for the diameter of the pipe. Coat the end of the pipe with glue and glue it to the head.
  5. Wrap the pipe in foam rubber and glue it.
  6. Cut out the body of a swan from polystyrene foam. Cut off the bottom part for stability.
  7. Make a hole on one side of the body for the pipe and glue it.
  8. Wrap the swan's neck with white satin ribbon. In some places, secure with glue.
  9. Decorate the toothpicks using tulle (make small skirts on them).
  10. Secure the candies on toothpicks and insert the latter into the penoplex body of the swan.

Wedding swans made of candy

When making 2 swans, the head of one of them can be decorated with a veil, the second with a small hat, symbolizing the bride and groom.

How to make swans from balloons: master class

The easiest way to make swans is from long balls. However, you need to learn the twisting technique. To work you will need:

  • long ball – 1 pc.,
  • hand pump,
  • marker.

Photos of swans for a wedding made from balloons

You need to completely inflate the balloon using a pump, leaving only a tail approximately the width of your palm. Approximately divide the entire length of the ball into 5 parts, 1 of which is left for the head. Pull the tail of the product to this place. Divide the remaining portion exactly in half . At the connection of 3 workpieces, twisting is done. One of the resulting loops is placed inside the second (not completely). Extend the swan's neck a little, straightening it and giving it the desired shape. Draw eyes on two opposite sides of the head.

If you know the technique of folding paper figures, then wedding swans from modular origami can be a great gift for newlyweds

This activity is simple and very exciting. Therefore, everyone can try to make decorations for a banquet table with their own hands.

Today on sale there are many design elements for wedding celebrations in the form of beautiful birds - symbols of marital fidelity. For example, any florist shop can make wedding swans from fresh flowers.

Wedding swans made of flowers

Without certain skills and design flair, it is difficult for the average person to make such a composition, so it is better to entrust it to experienced florists.

11 June 2018, 16:18