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Tattoo blood type value. Army tattoos according to the branches of the motorized rifle troops, military units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Strategic Rocket Forces, rkhbz, \u200b\u200bussr, tank, land, border, artillery and their significance

How did a blood type tattoo appear, why did it become popular, and who usually makes it?

Now it is difficult to trace the history of the appearance of such tattoos, but it is reliably known that they were during the war in Afghanistan, in which Soviet soldiers took part.

If you search without reference to the country, then you will find out that the US military did the symbols with the group and Rhesus. Moreover, long before the events mentioned. It is impossible to say that this was done back in World War II. Although blood types were described in 1930, the Rhesus antigen system was not created until 1940. But during the Vietnam campaign, the group and rhesus were already applied not only to the tokens, but also to the skin of the soldiers of the American army.

The military tattoos themselves appeared in ancient times. But the blood type differs from the usual army tattoo, first of all, by practicality. It does not show affiliation, not military status, but important information that will be useful to field doctors in case of injury.

Perhaps this is one of the few options that will not bother and is not a manifestation of momentary hobbies, or fashion. You can stop loving your partner, change your field of activity and start listening to other music. But the blood type is with you forever. It will not change under any circumstances. This is how human physiology works.

Even if one of your acquaintances got a conclusion from doctors that the group indicated in the card suddenly “became different”, this is a medical mistake. Typically, such situations occur in pregnant women, in the body of which changes occur that affect the result of such an analysis.

But we are not talking about medicine, but about a completely different direction in human life. Returning to the topic of specific tattoos, we mention one important point - medical tattoos, as a separate area.

Special attention should be paid to the so-called tattoos for medical reasons. They are made by people with serious chronic diseases that can lose consciousness in public places. Usually, not only a group and a rhesus are applied to the skin of such a person, but also a diagnosis, for example, diabetes, an allergy, or a drug prescribed by a doctor.

Sometimes a person may forget which group he has, and the symbols on his skin will not allow this. In case of amnesia and chronic diseases causing memory disorders, such “notes” will also be useful.

In this case, high quality and accuracy are required. If the paint is of poor quality, or the master makes a mistake, the letters will begin to spread, turning into ugly blots on the skin. Will have to reduce them, or interrupt the tattoo.

  Blood type tattoo made with poor quality paint from which the letters will begin to spread

If tattoos appear in the army by accident, and rarely are highly artistic, then in civilian life you have time and the opportunity to think things through, decide on which part of the body the tattoo will be applied, what size it should be, etc.

There are many options:

  • on the hand;
  • on the shoulder;
  • on the chest;
  • on the side.

However, when choosing, you need to understand - the faster the doctors get information about you, the greater the chance of survival. Many people believe that such situations are possible only in the lives of regular army soldiers and law enforcement officers. Everything in life is different, and a blood transfusion may be required by anyone, anytime. For example, people who have an accident.

The military often makes a tattoo on the chest, rightly believing that the limb can be lost in battle, but the main part of the body will remain relatively intact. Dimensions are determined depending on the place of application. It is important that the characters are legible enough.

Honey Tattoo the appointment is most often done on the wrist. This part of the body is usually well visible.

Does it hurt to get a blood type tattoo?

The number of nerve endings and their sensitivity, as well as the pain threshold, are always individual. Nevertheless, there is a traditional idea that the most unpleasant procedure will be if the skin on the site is thin, or it is close to the bone. Therefore, the more muscle and fat tissue under the skin, the less discomfort awaits you.

At the same time, there are many people who feel pleasure from the process of applying a tattoo, or who perceive the procedure as mild discomfort.

Scheme which shows the points of maximum and minimum pain on the human body in men and girls

On the Internet, schematic images that show the points of maximum and minimum pain on the human body are often found. In general, these patterns can be trusted, because the working practice of tattooists confirms their relevance.

Value in civilian life

What is the significance of a blood type tattoo, is clear to everyone. But with its transition from the army into the life of ordinary people, certain changes occurred. The popularity of blood type tattoos has grown dozens of times almost by accident. This happened thanks to the eponymous song of the Kino group performed by the immortal Viktor Tsoi.

It should be understood that this work is anti-militaristic. The Soviet Union lost thousands of people in a foreign country, and certain sections of the population were deeply negative about what was happening. This was expressed in creativity, and, of course, in tattoos.

"CINEMA" is often perceived as a group of protests against the actions of the system, one of which is war. Therefore, tattoos of a blood type with a reference to the text of a cult team should be taken precisely as a person's protest against arbitrariness.

  Tattoo with blood type symbols without reference to the army theme

In the XXI century, many people in the world make a tattoo with the symbols of a blood type without reference to the army theme, or some kind of social and political movements. It is a choice of practical and careful. After all, you never know when, how, and under what circumstances you will find yourself unconscious in an ambulance. However, we will think about the good.

Tattoo design with blood type and rhesus

What does a standard tattoo of this type look like? Letters or numbers representing a group are applied to human skin. Sometimes both types of symbols are used simultaneously, for example A (II). Next, the Rhesus factor is written, for example, Rh +. That is, if a person has the second group and positive Rhesus, then his tattoo will look like A (II) Rh +. How to write, the choice of each person. In the end, the doctors for whom this “labeling” of people is intended know both options very well. Therefore, it makes sense to save by writing only the letter / number and plus or minus Rhesus. II +, A +, etc. But the full spelling is considered more traditional, and therefore is used more often.

Very often on the network you can see photos of the blood type tattoo, which show options for implementing this idea:

  • Original background - metal parts, or patch;
  • “Torn skin”, under which a tattoo flaunts;
  • Military Theme - a group written on a cartridge;
  • A drop of blood with a signature;
  • On the token;
  • With other medical signs.

You can also order sketches of the rhesus factor tattoo to the master who will fill it with you. He can offer different options. For example, if you are a fan of Tsoi, then a great option is to add a portrait of the artist, the name of the group, some additional details.

Show the tattoo artist a photo of the ideas that you liked on the Internet. Then he will know what to start with in the style of order execution. After all, there are a lot of directions of a tattoo, and each can be used to design work.

Tattoos of this type are even made by people who are neutral or partially negative about the idea of \u200b\u200btattoos. In fact, they perceive such an option as a “patch”, which does not come off, and not as a full-fledged tattoo. How to perceive this type of tattoo, it's up to you. It remains only to choose exactly how the final version will look and decide to go to a tattoo parlor.

Photo with blood type tattoo

A photo with a blood type tattoo from an idea and sketches to its embodiment on the body.

Blood Tattoo Meaning

Sometimes underwear can benefit its owner not only by its influence on fate, but can save his life in the literal sense. There are tattoos related to the subject, which in case of any trouble help. For example, this is a verbal designation of the stage of diabetes or asma, also this includes a blood type tattoo.

But in most cases, this tattoo refers to people. Drawing a blood type on the body of a military man has already become an old tradition. For the first time, they began to do so during the reign of Peter the Great. However, the peak of popularity fell at a time when ours served in. Then for their tattoo with a blood type on the chest was not as fashionable decoration as a hint for the doctor in case of emergency medical attention.

Now the soldiers are already traditionally drawing a similar pattern. Usually, places such as the chest, near the armpit or on the wrist are chosen for him, but the latter option is extremely rare. Now not only men, but also women also serve in the army, so a blood type is also found in them with a tattoo.

By the way, at the end of the war, dead soldiers were identified precisely by this sign. And even some deserters and traitors to their homeland were calculated in this way, then they were convicted.

In general, a medical tattoo is a real alternative to medical and various tokens on which information about human health is engraved. Such an accessory may break or get lost at the right time, so you should not completely rely on it. But her own certainly will always be with her, so a tattoo with medical information is very relevant. It is possible that in the future a tattoo with medical indicators will become mandatory.

Of course, so far there is no single standard of how such a tattoo should look, and it is not mandatory for application. However, a tattoo of a blood group or a designation of an existing disease has increasingly been applied to your body. Masters in tattoo parlors note that the number of people who want to capture such an inscription on their body is becoming more and more and sketches that are asked to draw more. Someone draws a small record, and someone is a huge one full-length.

Some images on the body are not just for beauty or a certain symbolic meaning. Individuals can even save a person’s life. First of all, these images include medical images. For example, if a person with diabetes or asthma makes an appropriate inscription or designation of a disease on his body, then if a person becomes ill, it will be easy to guess what really happened to him and how to provide first aid. A drawing with a blood group could be among similar medical designations. However, such a drawing is the prerogative of the military.

According to the claims of historians, the military began to make such a tattoo back in the time of Peter I. But the most popular tattoo became during the service of the guys in Afghanistan. Then the image was really very relevant and a real hint for physicians in especially difficult cases when every minute is important.

Modern soldiers also often ask the master to make a tattoo with the image of a blood group. Often such a pattern can be seen on the chest or on the hand of a military man. Moreover, not only men, but even fragile ladies can choose a tattoo with an image of a blood type.


The original wearable image in the form of a blood group is asked to be made by masters of a girl and a man of different ages today. Sometimes a similar wearable pattern is chosen by representatives of both sexes because of the effect of the image. And it also happens that a tattoo in the form of a blood group becomes a medical choice. Thanks to this pectoral drawing, it will be possible to quickly provide first aid to the victim without asking him unnecessary questions.

In addition, a tattoo with a blood group may mean that a person belongs to the medical field or the military profession.

The original pectoral drawing tells about the fact that its owner is attentive to his health and the health of his loved ones, relatives.

Value for men

Often, a tattoo with a blood type is chosen by the military. However, they often make a wearable image on the back or chest. For men, such a tattoo will mean:

  • military service
  • attention to your health
  • health problems

A tattoo with a blood group will tell you that its owner is really very attentive to his own health and the health of his loved ones. Perhaps a person with such a wearable pattern military or medical officer.

Also, a tattoo can sometimes tell you that a person has any health problems and wants to play it safe in case he suddenly becomes ill.

Sometimes tattoos are chosen because of the originality of the image, and not because of special symbolic meaning.

Value for women

Beautiful ladies sometimes prefer to make an original pectoral drawing with a blood type. Such a picture for a lady means:

  • attention to their own health and the health of relatives
  • health problems
  • medical affiliation

A tattoo in the form of a blood group can tell about the fact that its owner is attentive to her own health, as well as the health of loved ones.

In addition, such an image often indicates medical affiliation.

It also happens that young girls and older women make a tattoo in the form of a blood group due to the originality of the picture.

What tattoo design to choose?

Blood type tattoos are very different. Often such images contain various important data that can easily be read by every person, even without a medical background. In addition, in such tattoos there may be additional images.

An interesting option may be a body designation of a blood group and a predatory animal. Such a tattoo will look great on the arm, back and chest.

Military personnel often prefer images of the necessary blood group and bullet designations.

Often, masters are asked to make a black and white tattoo. Occasionally choose colorful images. The most popular are graphics.

You can make an unusual tattoo in the form of a blood group on different parts of the body. Due to its compact size, such a pattern will be interesting to look on any part of the body.

Blood type tattoo on arm

Historical events left a serious imprint on the life of every person. So, the blood type, in the form of a tattoo, having initially found application in the army of different countries, gradually migrated to everyday life.

The blood group tattoo became popular, thanks to the notorious song of the Cinema group. Now they are made by people who do not perceive “tattoos”, and all because the benefits of the image cannot be overestimated.

What is a blood type tattoo for?

From other tattoos, the blood type differs, first of all, in practicality. In wartime, its main purpose is to transfer important information to the field doctor in case of injury.

In civil society, a sign is perceived as something that is not amenable to fashion trends, personal addictions, etc. The person remains to choose a tattoo parlor and decide what kind of final version will be.

Currently, men's blood type tattoos are in demand. However, among the offers of tattoo parlors there are various forms and delights, in contrast to the “dull” prototype adopted in the army, so that the fairer sex can take advantage of this service.

An image has several logical advantages:

  1. For military personnel, a tattoo reminds you of participating in hostilities or completing military service.
  2. The image is unique because each person is characterized by individual indicators of the Rh factor and blood group. In addition, they practice applying special marks for diseases accompanied by seizures (asthma, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, oncology, etc.).
  3. You can trust the image - after all, no one will mark the outside group.
  4. In some cases (accident, disaster, lack of documents from the victim), a full sign helps save a life. This makes it easier for doctors to obtain valuable information and to begin to provide emergency medical care faster.

Blood type labeling is optional, but is an excellent alternative to using specialized tokens and bracelets.

Which place is better to do?

Tattoos do not have special artistic features, but in ordinary life a person who wishes has the opportunity to carefully consider the size, shape and place of the mark. There are enough options:

  • The blood type pinned on the chest is usually located on the left side.
  • The designation can be placed on the back of the hand or on the wrist (on the wrist).
  • On the neck (on either side, it’s important that you have a short haircut) or on the shoulder.

The best option is the presence of a similar label on. This is logical, because during the war period, information about the rhesus and blood group must not be lost. Since the appearance of the mark is due to practical application in army life, the basic concepts of in which place it is better to do a tattoo are inherited.

And now you need to understand that the timely provision of medical care is possible only with comprehensive information about the patient. The faster the doctor learns the blood group, the better, because sometimes the count goes on minutes. For medical reasons, the image is placed on, because this part of the body is most often not covered by clothing.

Medical or army?

It is reliably known that during the war, every soldier in Afghanistan had a mark on the blood type not only on his clothes, but also on his body, in the form of a tattoo. Sketches that are related to the army, do not differ in particular delicacies - and this is not required. As already mentioned, the role of this type of tacking is to transmit information to doctors in the field.

  Nowadays, people make an image on their body with the designation of their blood type plus the Rh factor without reference to a specific topic.

Additionally, you can find a hint to doctors about what serious diseases a person has:

  • diabetes
  • epilepsy
  • allergic reactions to drugs, etc.

This is a conscious choice of cautious and practical citizens, because it is not known when emergency medical assistance may be needed and whether you will be conscious at such a moment.

  Tattoo on the wrist of the blood type and the inscription "diabetic"

Regardless of the type of tattoo - for medical requirements, military service or at will, it is important that the image is of high quality. Paint and format play an important role. Too small or vague “picture” may not be seen in an emergency, or worse, confuse the doctor.

What does a blood type tattoo look like?

A standard tattoo has a set of characters including rhesus letters (for example, ARh +) or numbers (II Rh +). Sometimes a digital and alphabetic designation is used simultaneously. Ultimately, the information itself is important, not the way it is presented. Doctors are well aware of both options for "labeling", so you can save on some frills.

The meaning is clear, and the photos and drawings of tattoos posted on the Internet are different. There are also original background “screensavers” (patch, metal elements, “torn leather”), thematic drawings:

  • a drop
  • blood
  • cartridge
  • token

as well as medical notes about the presence of diseases.

If you are at a loss with a choice, show the master of the tattoo parlor all the images you like and tell us about your preferences. A competent tattoo artist will help determine and provide a unique sketch for a tattoo with a designation of your blood group.

Video with useful tattoos

Blood tattoocould be the hallmark of James Harrison. This is an honorary donor of Australia. At 13, he was on the verge of death. It took a blood transfusion. Realizing that she had saved his life, James vowed to become a donor as soon as he reached adulthood.

At the blood transfusion center, it turned out that Harrison's plasma contained rare antibodies. Based on them, it was possible to create an immunoglobulin vaccine. In addition, the study of Australian plasma helped to help pregnant women with Rh conflict.

So for James tattoo "blood type"- a way to reflect on the body your contribution to science. What do these tattoos mean to other people?

The meaning of the tattoo "Blood"

Blood type tattoo - photo, especially often laid out on the net by the Japanese. In the country of the Rising Sun, it is believed that the character of a person depends on the substance flowing through the veins. Holders of the first blood group are classified as decisive, but self-confident natures.

Those with the second group are closed, but reliable. Ambitious and intelligent people with a third blood group. Those with a fourth are balanced.

Many are proud of their characteristics, they want to emphasize them. A great way to do this is blood type tattoo on the arm, neck, or other exposed area of \u200b\u200bthe body.

In Japan, there is even a phenomenon of refusal in the position of applicants whose blood type does not tell the employer about the reliability of the future employee. In the rest of the world, plasma indices are more loyal.

But, this does not mean that there is no reason to reflect your blood type on the body. This is popular, for example, among the military and other people who are constantly at risk. You may find yourself in a situation where transfusion is required.

It is not a fact that documents with the medical data of the body will be with you. help doctors quickly pick up donor material. Best if done tattoo "blood type and rhesus factor".

Wrist Blood Type Tattoocan become a symbol of life itself. Without blood flow, a person cannot exist. But without a pulse, life turns out to be possible. The proof was Craig Lewis.

The American went to the hospital. Not even a pacemaker helped. I had to remove the patient’s heart. Instead of an organ, doctors put in an apparatus that made the blood circulate.

However, she went in a continuous stream, with no characteristic ripple. Despite her absence, Craig survived. Now, on the American ECG, a straight line is also a great plot for.

Blood type tattoo on the chest- also a symbol of passion. The exciting effect of scarlet tones is proved by scientists. The easiest explanation for physicists. Red has a long light wave.

The body has to spend maximum energy to perceive it. So, there is no question of peace when looking at blood. Tattoo is associated with a storm of feelings and even belligerence.

I recall the expression "spilled blood." So they say, when someone died, suffered in battle. Therefore, a blood tattoo is so loved by men. They see in the image a reflection of their essence, the spirit of warriors and defenders.

Popular blood tattoo designs

In addition to the image on the body of an army or other badge with blood data, its naturalistic images are popular. Tattoo artists “drive” nails into the skin. Of course, scarlet smudges come from them.

Someone asks to draw scars on his body, wounds. There are even those who order a picture of a razor streaking veins. Of course, he cannot do without blood. It’s good that the fluid is drawn.

Demanded and blood infection tattoo. The body is painted over as if a person is being eaten by an unknown disease. Similar - shocking, a way to attract public attention, shock her. However, it is likely that the picture will come true.

There are cases of real blood poisoning in tattoo parlors, or home studios. It is worth the master to use the needle twice, or to disinfect the equipment badly and ... there is an opportunity to become a real zombie. To avoid this, carefully check the documentation of the salon, the education of the master, the sterility of the instruments and the room.

The blood theme is often used in vampire theme tattoos. She is now at the peak of popularity. The Twilight movie saga romanticized the image of fanged creatures. From a symbol of evil, they have turned into beings with supernormal powers that many mortals crave to possess. Therefore, they make tattoos with their favorite characters. It seems to bring you closer to a fairy tale.

Drops of blood make up hearts, bows, flower buds. Bullfighting stories of men that are favorite for men are not complete without scarlet liquid. Interestingly, the bulls do not distinguish colors. They cannot be annoyed by a red canvas.

He was chosen for performance only because the blood loss of the animal is less noticeable. On scarlet tissue, blood remains invisible. This reduces public pity for the bull, attracting new spectators and making the bullfight aesthetically pleasing.

In addition to the corrida canvas, there are other symbols, which are usually depicted in red. So, tattoos with a sign of anarchy are popular. Such tattoos are usually requested by rockers.

The letter “A” and the circle, as if drawn with blood, look spectacular and characterize a person’s views on life. So there are plenty to choose from. True, you need to consider that colored pigments are washed out of the skin faster than regular ink. You will have to carefully monitor the colorful tattoo, update it not once every 10-15 years, but about once every 5 years.