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Scissors technique. About the benefits and types of the “scissors” exercise! About some subtleties and secrets

This exercise, like scissors, is familiar to everyone from school physical education lessons. Despite its simplicity, it very effectively strengthens the abs and creates a beautiful silhouette.

Muscle work

Scissors have a complex effect on the entire rectus abdominis muscle. At the same time, its lower part, which usually reacts poorly to load, is perfectly worked out. Regular exercise will strengthen your abs and make your stomach flatter.

Muscles involved during the exercise.

It should be understood that neither scissors nor other strength exercises by themselves help burn excess fat. If, in addition to strengthening your abdominal muscles, you want to achieve a reduction in volume, be sure to combine scissors with cardio exercise.

Execution technique

How to make scissors correctly? To begin, take your starting position.

  1. To do this, lie down on the floor, having previously laid a gymnastic mat or towel on it. It is not recommended to perform the exercise on a sofa or other soft surface, as this makes it dangerous.
  2. Raise your straight legs up, slightly lifting them off the floor (about 10–20 cm). Place your palms on the floor and place them under your buttocks. This will help lift the bottom of your buttocks and relieve excess tension from your back. You should feel the lumbar area relax and press tightly to the floor. Now you can start doing the exercise.

Start swinging your legs. The left leg should move to the right, and at the same time the right leg should move to the left. Then the movement is repeated in reverse, imitating the movement of scissors.

Make sure that your legs remain straight at all times and do not fall to the floor, and that your toes are extended forward. It is also important to avoid bending your knees, as this significantly reduces the effectiveness of abdominal training.

Scissor technique.

Perform two sets of one minute each. Rest between sets should be no more than 30 seconds.

Eliminating errors

The most difficult part for beginners is keeping their legs elevated throughout the entire exercise. The difficulty is caused by the fact that the abdominal muscles are not strong enough and cannot cope with the load.

If this happens during the second set, try increasing the rest time or reducing the number of repetitions.

If this problem occurs during the first approach, simplify the exercise. Remove your hands from under your buttocks, lift your upper body and lean on your elbows. Making scissors in this position is much easier. Over time, your abdominal muscles will become stronger and you will be able to perform the standard version of the exercise.

Variations of the exercise

  • Stretch your arms along the floor and lift your straight legs 10–15 cm from the floor surface. As you exhale, lift your left leg up, keeping it straight. As you exhale, lower it down. Repeat with your right leg.
  • You can try the so-called static scissors. Simply lift your legs straight off the floor and maintain this position for a minute.
  • The exercise can be performed with weights. After you can easily do 2 minute approaches, put on special weights weighing 0.5 kg on your legs. This will give the muscles additional stress and allow you to achieve even more impressive results. The main thing is to make sure that your lower back does not come off the floor.

For best results, perform scissors 3-4 times a week, not forgetting other exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles. An integrated approach is very effective. After just 2 months, you will see that your stomach has noticeably tightened.

The most exciting areas when losing weight are the lower abdomen, thighs and buttocks. The “scissors” exercise will help get rid of annoying excess fat in this area.

What muscles does it use?

The exercise has a particular effect on the abdominal and thigh muscles. Most work during its execution:

  • abdominal muscles responsible for the abs: rectus, oblique and transverse;
  • vastus lateralis;
  • rectus femoris muscle;
  • adductor magnus and longus muscles;
  • hamstring biceps.

Benefits and Benefits of Exercise

Due to the fact that “scissors” affect the abdominal muscles, as well as the superficial and deep muscles of the thigh, the following elements of the body are improved when performing the exercise:

  • abs (depending on the goal and the applied load, you can get both a flat tummy and the coveted cubes);
  • a waist that becomes more beautiful and thin;
  • due to the tension of the transverse muscle, correct posture is formed;
  • thighs become more toned;
  • Legs become slimmer due to tension in the thigh muscles.

Options for “scissors”

There are several types of “scissors”, alternating and combining which you will make the workout more interesting and effective, since the muscles will not get used to the monotonous load.

Classic vertical and cross scissors

Classic and cross scissors differ in the planes in which the leg swings are performed. With classic “scissors” swings are performed vertically: when the left leg is lowered, the right leg rises, and vice versa. The legs do not touch the floor. When performing the cross “scissors” exercise, the legs are swung from side to side: the right leg goes to the left, the left leg goes to the right.

Video: how to do the exercise correctly, technique for performing classic “scissors”

These types of “scissors,” in turn, are divided into subspecies. Depending on your physical fitness, the exercise is performed at an angle of 90, 60, 30 or 10 degrees.

If you are a beginner, are overweight, or are currently undergoing rehabilitation after an injury, then start with scissors at 90 degrees.

  1. Starting position - lying on your back, arms extended along the body. To make the exercise a little easier, you can grab the edges of the mat with your hands - this will help press your lower back to the floor.
  2. Bring one leg up perpendicular to the floor, then switch legs without lowering your feet to the floor.
  3. We breathe with our stomachs, counting in order from 1 to 10: on the first ten, we inhale slowly and deeply, on the second, we exhale.

We repeat the exercise for 20–30 seconds in 3–5 approaches.

After some time of practicing “scissors” in the 90-degree position, you will no longer feel discomfort in your back when lowering your legs. This means that it’s time to move on and move to a higher level, lowering your legs a third lower - at an angle of 60 degrees.

The procedure for performing the exercise is the same as described above.

  1. Lie down in the starting position: your arms are on the back of your head or extended along your body, your legs are raised at an angle of 90 degrees;
  2. Lower your legs 30 degrees lower and perform the exercise, alternating vertical and horizontal swings;
  3. Watch the rhythm of your breathing!

Perform 3-5 approaches. The goal is to immediately raise your legs 60 degrees, and do not bend them when lowering to the floor.

After some time, you can go even lower - 30 degrees.

  1. We lie down on our backs. We place our hands under the lower back or buttocks. Legs at an angle of 30 degrees;
  2. We perform the exercise using an already known algorithm. The lower back should be pressed tightly to the floor, the shoulder and neck muscles should be relaxed.

We perform at least 3 approaches 3 times a week.

The most difficult level is “scissors” at a height of 10 degrees. This level can only be achieved by those who have good physical fitness.

  1. Take the starting position - lying on your back, hands under your buttocks, legs extended.
  2. Raise your legs to a height of 10–15 cm.
  3. Make horizontal or vertical swings without touching the floor surface. Our goal is to gradually increase the frequency of the swings, doing 4 swings per breath.

When performing the “scissors” exercise, you can use additional tools: a gymnastic ball, small dumbbells for the arms and weights for the legs weighing 0.5 kg.

Reverse scissors for pumping legs and abs

You can do vertical and horizontal leg swings while lying on your stomach. In this position, in addition to the abdominal and hip muscles, the gluteal muscles are effectively used.

Lying on the floor

  1. We take the starting position: lie on your stomach, hands under your chin. You can hold your head straight or rest it on your hands - monitor your sensations and position yourself in the way that is most comfortable for you.
  2. We make horizontal swings with our legs without touching the floor. Perform 10–20 swings in one approach.

This type of exercise can be complicated if you extend your arms straight in front of you and swing both arms and legs at the same time.

Lying on a bench

Using a bench or exercise machine, in the reverse “scissors” position, you can perform not only horizontal, but also vertical swings.

  1. Position yourself on a bench so that your body is lying on it and your legs are in the air. With your hands, firmly grasp the edge of the bench.
  2. Perform 10 vertical and horizontal swings, remembering to monitor your breathing and balance.

High scissors

Those who are familiar with a fitness technique such as Pilates know a special type of “scissors”, in which the lower part of the body is suspended.

  1. Lying on your back, extend your arms along your body, place them palms down. Straighten your legs and raise them to an angle of 60 degrees or higher.
  2. Slowly lift your pelvis off the floor (your feet should be above your head), supporting yourself under your lower back.
  3. Take a breath. Lower one leg, the other should remain motionless.
  4. Change the position of your legs as you exhale.
  5. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each leg.
  6. When finished, bring your legs together above your head and slowly lower your lower body to the floor.

Perform this exercise only if you are in good physical condition.

Video: technique for performing high leg scissors

By performing this type of “scissors”, you pump up not only the muscles of the hips and abdominal area, but also many others. Namely:

  • muscles of the back and abdomen, which stabilize the position of the spine;
  • muscles that extend the leg at the hip and knee joints;
  • gastrocnemius and soleus muscles;
  • muscles that extend the arm at the shoulder joint;
  • muscles that help bring the shoulder blades together.

Secrets and subtleties of the exercise

  • Keep your core still and do not move your arms during the exercise.
  • Raise your legs straight without bending your knees.
  • Don't forget about proper breathing.
  • Do not chase speed, perform ascents and descents at an average pace.
  • In 10 minutes of training, 60–80 are burnedkcal By the way, reverse “scissors” are more effective in this sense.
  • To burn 100-110 kcal in 10 minutes exercise in the pool. Effect of 40 minutes Such training may be equal to the effect of strength training.
  • For best results you need 3-4 workouts per week in combination with other exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  • During one workout, do 3 sets of 45–60 seconds every. The number of swings depends on your physical fitness.
  • A noticeable effect of the exercise can be seen through 2 months after the start of training.

The scissors exercise can be made more difficult by doing it with dumbbells.

The “scissors” exercise is distinguished not only by its accessibility, but by its benefits and effectiveness. Vertical and horizontal swings can pump up your hips and abs in a relatively short time. But for impressive results you need constant physical practice. And most importantly, remember - everything has its time. Don’t overestimate your capabilities and don’t rush to move to the next level, and then you will be rewarded with a flat tummy, slender legs and elastic buttocks, and you will be able to leave only positive reviews about the exercise.

The ab scissors exercise should become a full-fledged element of the functional training of every athlete. It helps to work out the “lower abdomen” (one of the most “problematic” areas for both men and women). In addition, this exercise uses the iliopsoas muscle, synergists and stabilizers.

“Scissors” have the following advantages:

  • Develop, strengthen, tighten abdominal muscles;
  • The lower cubes “make”;
  • Helps “dry” the press;
  • “Flatten” the stomach;
  • Form a beautiful thin waist;
  • Works the legs and buttocks;
  • The risk of injuring your back during the exercise is minimal.

How to do scissors correctly

Features of the technology:

  • Initially, you should lie on the floor, pressing your back tightly to the floor. The arms should be extended along the body or fixed under the buttocks.
  • The press should be squeezed, after which the straight legs lift off the floor no higher than 15-20 cm.
  • Next, the left leg should be raised even higher (to approximately an angle of 45 degrees), and the right leg should be lowered until the heel is located at a distance of 5-7 cm from the floor. It is necessary to alternate the position of both legs sequentially.

The exercise is performed at least 3 approaches, 25-30 times each.

This training has several variations:

  • Cross scissors;
  • Reverse (aka cross) scissors lying on a bench.

Variant of the scissors exercise:

How to achieve maximum exercise effectiveness

  • During the exercise, you should not move your arms or move your body;
  • You should not lift your legs up too much - this way the load from the abdominal muscles transfers to the lower back;
  • Legs should be straight;
  • Breathing should be voluntary, but rhythmic;
  • “Scissors” are done slowly;
  • To make the exercise more difficult, you can wear special weight cuffs on your shins.

So, “scissors” is one of the most effective exercises that helps to work the rectus abdominis muscle. It is included in women's and men's abdominal workouts.

Scissoring is an effective exercise for working out the abs, at the same time it is simple and well suited for beginners.

Scissors work perfectly on the rectus abdominis muscle; they will help strengthen the abs, especially the lower part, tighten the stomach and make the legs slender. This high-intensity exercise promotes fat loss if done often enough.

What muscles work: rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, obliques, quadriceps.

Complexity: the exercise is easy or medium in difficulty depending on the technique.

Execution technique

The technique is simple and does not cause difficulties:

The duration of each approach and the number of approaches are individual; ideally, you should choose specific numbers for yourself depending on your goals and objectives:

  • if the goal is to increase muscle endurance and fat burning, do the exercise in an easy version for a long time;
  • if you want to increase strength and volume of muscles, a more complicated version of scissors is suitable, while spending less time on each approach.

If you haven't decided what you need yet, do three sets of 60 seconds each.

Common Mistakes

Beginners often make mistakes in technique, which reduce the effectiveness of training and can lead to injury. When performing scissors, you should not:

  • lifting your lower back off the floor: this leads to back injuries;
  • bend your legs: to work your abdominal muscles, keep your legs straight and point your toes forward;
  • raise your legs high: in this case, the effectiveness of working out the abs is reduced;
  • raising your head and straining your neck: this is unnecessary tension, which is best avoided when working out the abs.

According to electromyography, scissors are among the ten best exercises for working out the abs, but they are still not in first place in this top ten. They are superior in effectiveness to exercise ball crunches and leg raises. But, unlike these exercises, scissors are good for you in that case.


Lightweight version of scissors

If the exercise is too difficult, you can try a simplified version of scissors: lift your upper body and lean on your elbows. In this position, making scissors is much easier.

As with other exercises, you should not start out too intense. Indeed, in this case it is difficult to perform scissors in the correct technique, and the likelihood of injury increases.

Complicated version

Keep your legs as low as possible, lifting them off the floor by 5-7 cm. This technique is suitable to increase the load.

Static scissors

Another option is static training: raise your legs straight with your toes pointed and hold them for as long as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of scissors:

  • the exercise works the lower part of the abs, which reacts poorly to load;
  • scissoring is a high-intensity exercise that burns fat (although it still won't replace it);
  • there is no risk of injuring your back - scissors can be used even with spinal injuries.

The exercise also has disadvantages:

  • it will not allow you to pump up large abs - with regular scissoring, muscle endurance first of all increases, and not strength and volume;
  • There are many other abdominal exercises that are more effective than scissors.

While performing the exercise, monitor your sensations, learn to feel your body and enjoy the workout. In this case, the exercises will bring excellent results, and you will minimize the likelihood of injury.

More often than others, they do exercises in gyms that are heard by everyone and performed by many. On the one hand, this is good, because the base never gets old. On the other hand, there is a total lack of variety, which results in a lack of load on individual muscles.

If we talk about pumping up the abs, the exercises that are performed are: hanging leg raises, Roman chair crunches, lateral extensions, planks. When muscles are loaded with the same exercises, they get tired and do not give the desired development. To avoid this, it is recommended to periodically change your training program to include more varied exercises.

The scissors exercise helps to change your figure, and you need to start by looking at the muscle atlas.

The training is aimed at working out the lower part of the press - the abdominal zone, thanks to which the treasured cubes appear (lower and upper, making up one zone).

It is incorrectly believed that they are formed by different muscles: This convention has been adopted to make it easier to understand. Along with the lower cubes, other sections of the press are also loaded, i.e. top and middle. An important role is assigned to the transverse muscle, which belongs to the deep-lying muscles. It encircles the entire body and is responsible for balance and waist size.

The hip flexors work actively, and the muscle ensemble consists of:

  • targeting muscle - iliopsoas;
  • synergists – muscles of the sartorius, adductor (short and long), tensor lata, pectineus;
  • stabilizers - quadriceps, abdominal muscles (transverse, oblique and rectus).

A picture of the full muscle atlas looks like this:

What benefits does an athlete get by performing the exercise?

The scissors exercise allows you to count on the following benefits:

  • development of abdominal muscle strength;
  • better condition of the lower abs;
  • reduction in waist size;
  • flat stomach, i.e. reduction of fat deposits in the lower abdomen;
  • slender legs and tightening thigh muscles;
  • simultaneous treatment of several parts of the abdomen without the risk of injuring the back (scissors are performed even with spinal injuries).

What you need to know about technology

The scissors exercise belongs to the easy class, but it has its own zest, so studying the technique is mandatory.

Preparatory step.

  • Lie down on the mat and press your back tightly against it.
  • Place your hands along the body, turning your palms down or fixing them under your buttocks.
  • The press is statically tense.
  • Lift your legs off the floor and keep them at a distance of 15-20 centimeters.

This is the starting position.

First step.

  • Lowering one leg down (heel at a distance of 5-7 centimeters from the floor), lift the other up at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Change the positions of your legs, sequentially lifting your right and then your left limbs.
  • Complete the prescribed number of repetitions.

In the picture version, the scissors exercise looks like this:

And this is how it looks in dynamics (the amplitude is reduced):

Possible variations of the scissors exercise

Variations complement the classic one and diversify the training:

  • reverse scissors, lying on your stomach on a bench;
  • cross.

About some subtleties and secrets

Knowing the following nuances allows you to get the maximum benefit from the training:

  • throughout the execution of the scissors, the arms and body remain motionless;
  • no need to throw your legs high (they work in the middle range);
  • legs are raised straight;
  • you need to monitor your breathing according to the manner of execution and the chosen tempo;
  • lowering and lifting are performed under control, without being carried away by speed;
  • to make it more difficult, weights are attached to the lower leg;
  • the number of approaches recommended for execution is 3, the duration of each is 45-60 seconds.

How productive is the ab scissor exercise?

The training is on the list of the most productive for pumping up the abs, but its place is far from first. According to data obtained in 2015 as a result of research on “press” training, the electromyography method was used. The cycling exercise took first place in terms of muscle activity. This is followed by straight crunches on a fitball and vertical leg raises. The scissors exercise just rounds out the top ten and is recommended for back problems that do not allow you to do crunches, along with the bike and roller, which should be included in your abdominal workout.

Exercise scissors for weight loss

In 10 minutes, the scissors exercise burns up to 60 kcal. Reverse scissors increase the loss up to 80 kcal, therefore, the reverse version is recommended for those who want to lose weight. If scissors are used in the pool, the figure can be increased to 110 kcal. If the training time is increased to 40 minutes, in terms of calorie burning it will be equivalent to strength training.

Video: Scissors exercise