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Water temperature in the ice hole. Winter swimming

10 myths about hardening the body using winter swimming

Winter swimming in open water, called winter swimming in our country, is an officially recognized sport and one of the most extreme ways to harden the body. This method has a long history and adherents in many countries. International open water winter swimming competitions are held annually, and the World Championships are held every two years. Despite its enormous popularity and proven health benefits, winter swimming is still surrounded by persistent misconceptions. We will try to dispel the most common of them in this article.


While swimming, the temperature of the internal organs rises sharply

When immersed in cold water, the body loses heat; swimmers do not experience any sensation of internal heat. From this, however, it does not follow that it is cold for the “walrus” to swim. On the contrary, during winter swimming a person is immersed in water that is significantly warmer than the frosty air (in an ice hole the water has a temperature of 0 to +4 °C). The procedure provokes a strong release of adrenaline and glucose into the blood, helps to mobilize the body's hidden reserves, but no overheating of the internal organs occurs.

Winter swimming is only possible in winter

This is wrong. Winter swimming requires a cold body of water; in a significant part of our country, such conditions persist from autumn to spring, and even year-round - in places where there are underground springs with ice water or mountain rivers flowing from glaciers.

Winter swimming is available to everyone without preparation

A dangerous misconception that can lead to the most dire consequences. Firstly, winter swimming has a number of medical contraindications. Among them are chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, gynecological problems, damage to the kidneys and urinary tract, severe hypertension, and some types of allergies. Secondly, even a relatively healthy person should not jump into an ice hole without preparation. The body must be accustomed to low temperatures gradually. It is usually recommended to start with dousing with cold water, immersing in a bath or indoor pool, and rubbing with snow. The first swim in open water should not last more than a few seconds, with the obligatory subsequent transition to a warm room, rubbing the body and changing into dry clothes. With the right approach to hardening, bathing is carried out regularly, with a gradual increase in the duration of the procedures and strict monitoring of well-being.

Winter swimming can cure colds

Contrary to popular belief, “walruses” sometimes catch colds, although much less often than people who do not harden themselves. However, immersing yourself in cold water when you feel unwell (with elevated body temperature or catarrhal symptoms) is unacceptable. Winter swimming is not a therapeutic procedure, it is only a method of preventing colds and strengthening the immune system.

Walruses become addicted to cold water

There is some truth in this statement: people who regularly engage in winter swimming get used to the procedures and feel some discomfort when they have to give up diving. This condition is very similar to the constant craving for dangerous activities among extreme athletes. Indeed, it turns out to be something like an addiction, but not from cold water, but from the hormonal surges that occur during bathing. If a person ceases to control such sensations and begins to carry out procedures too often, he can harm his health.

Experienced “walruses” claim that the best option is swimming twice a week.

All walruses are overweight

But this is completely wrong. Winter swimming has a beneficial effect on metabolism and helps normalize body weight. It has been proven that fat “walruses” gradually lose weight as a result of regular exercise, while those who are too thin gain the missing weight.

Diving headlong into an ice hole is deadly

When immersed in cold water, a sharp spasm of blood vessels occurs, which can provoke loss of consciousness. Therefore, it is really undesirable to plunge headlong. Experienced “walruses”, whose bodies are already accustomed to temperature changes, do this rarely, depending on the degree of hardening. It is better for a beginner to swim in a rubber cap and not put his head in the water. For the same reason, it is not recommended to dive alone: ​​there should be people nearby who can provide assistance in an emergency.

"Walruses" drink alcohol before and after swimming

Drinking alcohol before diving is strictly prohibited. Its effect on blood vessels can be combined with exposure to cold, and the consequences are unpredictable. In addition, a drunk person loses the ability to objectively assess the surrounding reality and begins to behave too self-confidently. Immersion in this state is fraught with hypothermia and even death.

As for libations after swimming, people who are seriously involved in winter swimming claim that alcohol does not help to warm up. On the contrary, drinking any cold drinks after diving can lead to hypothermia of the respiratory tract. But, after getting out of the water and changing clothes, it is useful to drink a glass of sweet warm tea to replace the energy spent by the body.


Winter swimming develops muscles

The statement has nothing to do with reality. To build muscle mass and develop muscles, strength and movement exercises are necessary. Short-term immersion in cold water and winter swimming do not produce this kind of stress.

Winter swimming is practiced only in Russia

Despite the fact that winter swimming has very long roots in our country, winter swimming is not an exclusively Russian invention. Clubs uniting supporters of this hardening method exist in most European countries (the most famous are in Finland, Belgium and Poland), the USA, Canada and China.

Winter swimming in open water is a wonderful way to strengthen the body's defenses and activate the work of all systems and organs. With a competent approach, it helps to avoid many health problems, maintain youth, physical and mental activity, and interest in life for a long time.

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Why is the water in the ice hole warm?

The Russian folk tradition of swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany, January 19, attracts more and more people. This year, 19 ice holes called “font” or “Jordan” were organized in St. Petersburg. The ice holes were well equipped with wooden walkways, and there were rescuers on duty everywhere. And it’s interesting that, as a rule, people swimming told journalists that they were very happy, the water was warm. I myself did not swim in winter, but I know that the water in the Neva, according to measurements, was indeed + 4 + 5 ° C, which is much warmer than the air temperature - 8 ° C.

The fact that the temperature of water under ice at depth in lakes and rivers is 4 degrees above zero is known to many, but, as discussions on some forums show, not everyone understands the reason for this phenomenon. Sometimes the increase in temperature is associated with the pressure of a thick layer of ice above the water and the resulting change in the freezing point of water. But most people who successfully studied physics at school will confidently say that the temperature of water at depth is associated with a well-known physical phenomenon - a change in the density of water with temperature. At a temperature of +4°C, fresh water acquires its greatest density.

At temperatures close to 0 °C, water becomes less dense and lighter. Therefore, when the water in a reservoir is cooled to +4 °C, the convection mixing of the water stops, its further cooling occurs only due to thermal conductivity (and it is not very high in water) and the water cooling processes slow down sharply. Even in severe frosts, in a deep river under a thick layer of ice and a layer of cold water there will always be water with a temperature of +4 °C. Only small ponds and lakes freeze to the bottom.

We decided to figure out why water behaves so strangely when cooling. It turned out that a comprehensive explanation for this phenomenon has not yet been found. Existing hypotheses have not yet found experimental confirmation. It must be said that water is not the only substance that has the property of expanding when cooled. Similar behavior is also typical for bismuth, gallium, silicon and antimony. However, it is water that is of the greatest interest, since it is a substance that is very important for human life and the entire plant and animal world.

One theory is the existence in water of two types of nanostructures of high and low density, which change with temperature and give rise to an anomalous change in density. Scientists studying the processes of supercooling of melts put forward the following explanation. When a liquid is cooled below its melting point, the internal energy of the system decreases and the mobility of the molecules decreases. At the same time, the role of intermolecular bonds is increasing, due to which various supramolecular particles can be formed. Experiments by scientists with supercooled liquid o_terphenyl suggested that a dynamic “network” of more densely packed molecules could form in a supercooled liquid over time. This grid is divided into cells (areas). Molecular repacking inside a cell sets the rotation speed of molecules in it, and a slower restructuring of the network itself leads to a change in this speed over time. Something similar can happen in water.

In 2009, Japanese physicist Masakazu Matsumoto, using computer modeling, put forward his theory of changes in the density of water and published it in the journal Physical Review Letters (Why Does Water Expand When It Cools?) (“Why does water expand when cooled?”). As is known, in liquid form, water molecules are combined into groups (h3O)x through hydrogen bonding, where x is the number of molecules. The most energetically favorable combination is of five water molecules (x = 5) with four hydrogen bonds, in which the bonds form a tetrahedral angle of 109.47 degrees.

However, thermal vibrations of water molecules and interactions with other molecules not included in the cluster prevent such unification, deviating the hydrogen bond angle from the equilibrium value of 109.47 degrees. To somehow quantitatively characterize this process of angular deformation, Matsumoto and colleagues hypothesized the existence of three-dimensional microstructures in water that resemble convex hollow polyhedra. Later, in subsequent publications, they called such microstructures vitrites. In them, the vertices are water molecules, the role of edges is played by hydrogen bonds, and the angle between hydrogen bonds is the angle between the edges in vitrite.

According to Matsumoto's theory, there is a huge variety of forms of vitritis, which, like mosaic elements, make up the majority of the structure of water and which at the same time evenly fill its entire volume.

The figure shows six typical vitrites that form the internal structure of water. The balls correspond to water molecules, the segments between the balls indicate hydrogen bonds. Rice. from an article by Masakazu Matsumoto, Akinori Baba, and Iwao Ohminea.

Water molecules tend to create tetrahedral angles in vitrites, since vitrites must have the lowest possible energy. However, due to thermal motions and local interactions with other vitrites, some vitrites adopt structurally nonequilibrium configurations that allow the entire system as a whole to obtain the lowest possible energy value. These people were called frustrated. If in unfrustrated vitritis the volume of the cavity is maximum at a given temperature, then frustrated vitritis, on the contrary, have the minimum possible volume. Computer modeling conducted by Matsumoto showed that the average volume of vitrite cavities decreases linearly with increasing temperature. In this case, frustrated vitritis significantly reduces its volume, while the volume of the cavity of unfrustrated vitritis remains almost unchanged.

So, the compression of water with increasing temperature, according to scientists, is caused by two competing effects - the elongation of hydrogen bonds, which leads to an increase in the volume of water, and a decrease in the volume of the cavities of frustrated vitrites. In the temperature range from 0 to 4°C, the latter phenomenon, as calculations have shown, predominates, which ultimately leads to the observed compression of water with increasing temperature.

This explanation is based only on computer simulations so far. It is very difficult to confirm experimentally. Research into the interesting and unusual properties of water continues.

O.V. Alexandrova, M.V. Marchenkova, E.A. Pokintelitsa “Analysis of thermal effects characterizing the crystallization of supercooled melts” (Donbass National Academy of Construction and Architecture)

Yu. Erin. A new theory has been proposed to explain why water contracts when heated from 0 to 4°C (

Water temperature in the ice hole for baptism. When they swim in the ice hole for baptism.

On January 19, 2017, the entire Orthodox world will celebrate Epiphany, which is one of the 12 main holidays in Orthodoxy. Jesus himself understood the Sacrament of Baptism this way: in the Holy Scriptures there is a passage when Christ tells the rabbi that until a person is born from water, he will never enter the Kingdom of God. And as the Bible says, it was at the moment of the baptism of the Son of God that people first saw the Holy Trinity. Before we talk about what date Epiphany 2017 will take place, let’s dive into the history of this great Orthodox holiday.

History and traditions

As you know, Jesus Christ was baptized only at the age of thirty; at that time this was a normal occurrence. Only adults who were aware of all their obligations to God underwent the Sacrament of Baptism. At that time, infants were not baptized, and they prepared for the Sacrament itself for a long time, up to 2 years. In the time of Christ, this holiday had a different name - the holiday of the Jordan, since all people were baptized in the waters of the Jordan River.

It is known that Jesus came to the banks of the river, where John the Baptist baptized everyone. At first the Baptist refused Christ, saying that it was he who should be baptized by the Son of God, but Jesus replied that this was ordained from above. After Christ emerged from the waters of the Jordan, the Spirit of God in the form of a snow-white dove descended from heaven. And from that moment all people knew that Jesus was the Son of God. The Savior was initiated into the Sacrament of Baptism in order to take upon himself the sins of the whole world and bear the guilt for them on the cross, so that ordinary people would have the opportunity to be saved from the Last Judgment.

Why are people baptized? Many people don’t know this. As Jesus said, only by eating my body and drinking my blood will you know the Kingdom of God, i.e. he meant communion. And it is precisely in order to participate in the Sacrament of Communion that a Christian must undergo the rite of Baptism.

On what date will the entire Christian world celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord in 2017? Epiphany 2017: What date do Catholics celebrate? The Catholic Church celebrates this holiday on January 6, and the Orthodox Church on January 19.

What are the traditions of this holiday? On the 18th, all believers observe strict fasting throughout the day, and in the late evening on the eve of January 19th they celebrate the so-called “hungry feast,” which is similar to Christmas Eve.

On this date, it is customary to gather at the family table and try Lenten dishes, for example, kutya with rice, oatmeal jelly, fried fish, and Lenten pancakes. Traditionally, kutia is served on the holiday, of course. You can add honey, nuts, seeds, jam and raisins to your dishes. If on January 18 only lean food is allowed, then on January 19 you can already eat meat.

On the feast of Epiphany itself, a service is held, and congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord are heard in the church. On January 19, on Epiphany, it is customary to release a pair of white doves, which symbolizes God's Spirit.

It’s winter outside, Epiphany frosts. I would like to wish from the bottom of my heart, So that there are only tears of happiness, Not to encounter adversity and sadness.

Let your thoughts be bright and kind, Closer to the Lord, so that you can become a soul. On this holy and pure day, buy yourself some holy water!

I want to wish you on Baptism, to be cleansed with holy water. To receive forgiveness from the Lord, and to be pure with all your body and soul!

God's holiday has arrived, And let the January frosts crackle, Baptism is a joy for the soul, Let the pain disappear, the tears disappear!

Everything will be fine, God told us! Just don’t lose your faith, start a new day with prayer, and do good deeds!

I wish you blessings, On the feast of God's Baptism, more vigor and strength, May you always be happy!

I wasn’t bored, I wasn’t worried, I was moving towards my goal, And Epiphany water, So that it would always help!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord, I wish you the joys of life in everything, So that everything is created only with love, And do not think about the bad,

By faith in God we save ourselves, From problems and anxious worries, He surrounds us with his gaze, That the soul sings like a bird!

The holiday has arrived, it’s called Epiphany, it makes the soul sing, and the heart beats faster!

Let your soul become pure, let bad weather go away, quickly plunge into the Font, and there will be happiness in life!

Take a swim in the cold water, Temper your body, Don’t be left without prayer, The Way of the Lord is mysterious,

And I want to wish you health, It is the main thing - the basis for everything, So that you can live on earth with love, And the main thing is that there is always goodness!

On the holiday of Epiphany, Let the soul be cleansed, Because its essence, of course, is Sacred and pure,

Swimming in an ice hole is a long-standing tradition not only of Slavic peoples. Hindu sages in their holy books (which were written 1800 BC) said that bathing with cold water gives ten benefits! Freshness, clarity of mind, vigor, health, beauty, strength, youth, purity, pleasant skin color and the attention of beautiful women.

Where did swimming in the ice hole come from in our country? Maybe the tradition originated from the time of the baptism of Rus'?

A little history

Swimming in an ice hole is an ancient pagan rite of “purification” - mass ablution. The roots of the Slavic traditions of winter swimming in icy water go back to the time of the ancient Scythians. Children were dipped in cold water, hardened, and accustomed to harsh weather.

And of course, we took a dip in the ice hole after the bath!

In winter 1237, Batu Khan (grandson of Genghis Khan) and his cavalry reached Moscow and saw small houses by the river. Naked people ran out of them and threw themselves into the icy water.

“What are these crazy people doing?” he asked. He was told that the houses are called soap houses, and the residents of Mushkafa (as the Mongols called Moscow) torture themselves there with birch brooms, wash themselves with hot water and kvass, and then throw themselves into an ice hole with ice water. This is useful, which is why the Urusuts (as the Mongols called the Russians) are so strong.

The tradition of ice hardening has deep roots and has survived to this day. During the Soviet Union, there were many hardening and winter swimming clubs. Unfortunately, they are not so popular now.

But the tradition of plunging into an ice hole after a bath has been preserved to this day. It has not been forgotten, has not gone out of fashion, and has not found another replacement. After a good bathhouse and a hot steam room, your feet go straight to the ice-cold water! The body itself knows what it needs and how it is useful for it.

The body's reaction to swimming in an ice hole

The heat of the bath, combined with swimming in ice water, causes alternating expansion and contraction of the capillaries. This kind of training makes the blood vessels elastic, and their work is activated. Nutrition of the body's cells, their activity improves and the metabolic process in the body occurs better.

Capillaries, our little helpers, become more efficient and their vital activity increases. They change the amount of blood flow to the skin, so our body can regulate heat transfer within certain limits.

After plunging into an ice hole and swimming in cold water, the body temperature returns to its original values ​​in about half an hour. Trembling occurs after 12-15 minutes if warming procedures are not done.

A bath and hot shower, intense exercise and massage will help cope with this problem.

Supporters of winter swimming need to know that the capillaries of the head (with the exception of the front part) cannot narrow under the influence of cold. At a temperature of -4 degrees, half the heat that the body produces at rest is lost if the head is not covered.

The brain is sensitive to a lack of oxygen; immersing your head in ice water for more than 5-10 seconds can cause a spasm of the blood vessels that supply the brain. Therefore, it is necessary to protect your head from hypothermia, otherwise the blood supply to the brain can be disrupted.

Contraindications to swimming in an ice hole

Swimming in an ice hole is contraindicated for acute and chronic diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the nasopharynx, paranasal cavities, otitis media
  2. Cardiovascular system (congenital and acquired heart valve defects, coronary artery disease with angina attacks, previous myocardial infarction, coronary-cardiosclerosis, hypertension stages II and III)
  3. Central nervous system (epilepsy, consequences of severe skull injuries, cerebral vascular sclerosis, encephalitis)
  4. Peripheral nervous system (neuritis, polyneuritis)
  5. Endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis)
  6. Visual organs (glaucoma, conjunctivitis)
  7. Respiratory organs (pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma)
  8. Genitourinary system (nephritis, cystitis, inflammatory processes of the appendages, prostate gland)
  9. Gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, cholecystitis)
  10. Skin and venereal diseases
  11. Extensive post-burn scars of the skin

To all of the above contraindications for swimming in an ice hole, I would add a few more important points: unnecessary excitement, undisciplined behavior, bragging, the desire to show off one’s prowess, to win an argument - all this can lead to dire consequences. Ice water knows how to be a healer, but it does not forgive mistakes and can punish hard!

What to take with you

Be sure to bring a change of dry clothes and a soft towel. Clothing should be comfortable to put on (no buttons or hooks). It is advisable to choose natural fabrics without synthetics - they are more pleasant to the body.

For swimming you need swimming trunks for men and a swimsuit for women, or a simple shirt. For comfortable walking on snow and slippery ice, you need flip-flops or flip-flops. Shoes can be selected based on personal preferences, the main thing is that they should protect your feet from damage and frostbite.

Bring a thermos of hot tea with you, it will be a heavenly drink after leaving the icy water.

What should the hole be like?

The location of the ice hole should be located above the drainage of domestic waters, away from marinas, moorings and piers, oil loading facilities, and so on...

Optimally, the speed of water flow in a reservoir should be no more than 0.25 m per second. The bottom of the ice hole should be smooth and hard, preferably sandy and gradually deepening from the shore. Holes, cliffs, algae, snags and tree roots, large stones can cause injuries when swimming.

Before preparing the ice hole, the bottom must be examined and cleaned. The optimal size of the ice hole is 6 by 3 meters. 5 people can be in such an ice hole at the same time without the danger of collision or touching the ice edge. Such an ice-hole is usually prepared before swimming at Epiphany.

The minimum size of an ice hole is 3 by 3 meters; such an ice hole is easy to prepare and maintain in working order.

It is not convenient to swim in smaller ice holes; they are dangerous. The mini ice hole is only suitable for immersing the body in cold water.

The optimal depth of the ice hole should be at least 2-3 meters, in which you can not be afraid to touch the bottom, which may be clogged. In a deep hole the water is cleaner.

Small ice holes are for hardening beginners, older people and those who are poor swimmers.

The ice hole can be fenced off with a wall made of snow briquettes; it will protect from the wind. Any fencing of an ice hole is installed at a distance of 7-9 meters from its edges.

The edges of the ice hole can be lined with hay; it is comfortable to stand on it with bare feet without fear of frostbite.

How to enter the hole

Before entering the ice hole, you need to warm up.

Be sure to do some simple physical exercises and let the blood run through your veins and capillaries! The more you warm up the body, the better it will be - the hardening effect is increased due to the difference in temperature of the skin and water.

It is unpleasant for a cold person to enter ice water; there will be little benefit from the procedure...

If you go to the ice bath after a hot steam room, then the heat of the bath has already done this job for you!

You must enter the water decisively and keep your head above the water while swimming. During the first few seconds, act vigorously with your arms and legs. Try not to touch other people in the ice hole - careless touches in cold water are painful.

What to do after leaving the hole

Run from the hole to the bathhouse! Warm up in the locker room, douse yourself with warm water, rub yourself carefully with a terry towel, get dressed and drink hot tea!

If you plunge into an ice hole without bath procedures, then after the ice water you need to rub yourself with a towel, do self-massage, and perform several physical exercises.

Remember that a wet body gives off heat 4 times more than a dry body. To prevent hypothermia, muscle loads, rubbing and self-massage are necessary!

Security measures

Accidents and injuries can occur when swimming in icy water. If you decide to go extreme, remember that entering the ice hole is not difficult. It is much more difficult to get out of it.

Even in moderate frost, hands stick to wooden (not to mention metal) railings. To make it easier to get out of the water, you can hang a dry towel on the handrails of the stairs. The way out of a sticky situation can be ordinary snow - take a handful from the edge of the ice hole and, together with the snow, grab the handrails.

If several people are swimming in an ice hole, it is advisable to equip two ladders to exit the water. So that there is no delay for swimmers when leaving.

Coming out of an ice hole in a vertical position is more difficult and dangerous, so everyone swimming in an ice hole needs insurance and mutual assistance. Thus, swimming alone in a large ice hole is a bad idea.

If you feel uncomfortable, dizzy, weak, stiff in movement, tired, stop swimming and ask for help getting out of the icy water.

Conclusion and video story about swimming in an ice hole

There are very few people who engage in winter swimming and swimming in icy water all the time. There are no winter swimming sections with qualified coaches and mentors.

In order to begin to harden with cold, a psychological attitude is necessary.

An emotional shock when coming into contact with ice water is inevitable. It is at this moment that a person’s inner core manifests itself - can he do it?! And every time it’s a small victory over yourself! The icy water does not require you to set records for speed swimming and long stays.

I asked many who swam in the ice hole - how this happens, what you feel afterwards and what are the first words when leaving the icy water. And you know, there was not a single negative review! Yes, there is initial fear and excitement. And after the release there was only one word – GREAT!

It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so I suggest watching a short video about a beautiful and brave girl Irina from Krasnoyarsk, who has been swimming in an ice hole for more than 20 years, swimming in an ice hole.

And here are her tips for those who decide to plunge into the ice hole:

  1. The list of contraindications for swimming is in progress. water mentions the central nervous system. Correct spelling: central nervous system. "th" at the end.
  2. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated during and at least 24 hours before. before swimming.
  3. You can't be afraid. Fear constrains everything and does not allow the body to react correctly to cold water. Interest, the unknown, the desire to try, I can or I can’t... anything in the sensations and in the head, but if a person is terrified of cold water, afraid to plunge into it, there is no need to convince him to try. The minimum will be a cold.
  4. If you feel any slightest discomfort, you should not dive into cold water.
  5. Cold water is deceiving! It doesn't allow you to feel pain. For example, if you push away a floating ice floe or an ice floe, even a small one, driven by the current, touches you, there is a high probability that you will cut yourself on its sharp edge. Blood will flow, but you will not be hurt. You won't feel anything at all. If you scrape your nail too hard, for example on a stone or a ladder, you won’t feel it either. If you float in the water longer than necessary, you will begin to fall asleep. And it doesn't hurt either. It is important to remember that cold water is ALWAYS fraught with danger and must be treated with attention and respect. You can't dive alone. There should be like-minded people nearby. At least one.
  6. Rubbing after cold water is not recommended. For the reason that skin sensitivity is greatly reduced. You're supposed to get wet.
  7. It is important to dive for the first time while inhaling. When approaching the water, you don’t need to think about it, you don’t need to try to imagine what it will be like, you don’t need to touch the water with your hands or try to get used to it with your feet... Distract your thoughts. Keep them occupied with something else as they approach the water. Cold water feels exactly the same as hot water. It's just like stepping into a hot bath. We go in quickly, approximately above the knee (to the level of swimwear). We INHALE deeply and quickly squat, plunging headlong for the first time. When your lungs are filled with air (we inhaled), you will avoid respiratory spasms. Dip the second and third time as you wish - you can even without your head. Don't rush to jump out of the water. Having sunk up to your shoulders, try to calm your breathing and breathe evenly. Then you can leave. Dry your body with a towel. Now you are no longer cold. There is a powerful movement of energy inside. Listen to it, feel it. However, do not stand outside for a long time, go indoors. Don't go into the bathhouse right away. Wait until the cold comes. As soon as you feel that you are frozen, it starts to shake, go to the steam room and warm up as much as you like). Before going into the water next time, you need to cool down a little after the steam room. Too large temperature changes are too much stress on the vessels, they may not be able to withstand it. You shouldn't experiment. Take care of yourself.
  8. Without a sauna, it is important to dive in a warm state. From a warm car, for example, or after MODERATE exercise. You shouldn't count on exercise after diving. All the blood has rushed to the internal organs, the muscles are cooled and bloodless, you can pull them, tear or stretch them, dislocate the joints. We remember that cold water is deceptive. It’s better to blot your body and get dressed right away. The body will warm itself.
  9. And perhaps the most important thing: Take the plunge for the first time, after all, under the guidance of an experienced friend. This will help to avoid troubles, such as loss of consciousness, and therefore unpleasant impressions. It is after such unsuccessful, incorrect attempts that a person begins to think that it is harmful, this is not for him, etc.

Something like this.

Good luck and health!)

Immersion in ice water is very stressful. The adrenal glands react sharply and powerfully to it, releasing into the blood a large dose of potent anti-inflammatory hormones, which are normally released a little at a time. They suppress all inflammatory reactions by simply “suppressing” the immune system, helping to withstand cold, and adapting the body to withstand stress.

If you properly prepare for a dive, a person with average health can easily endure a one-time dive. But if he is even slightly weakened, in three or four days he will have to pay for his courage. According to Boris Skachko, the effect of adrenal hormones continues after the release for a maximum of two days. After this, their deficiency occurs, and the body sharply weakens and becomes sensitive to any infections.

Run before the shower, and after leaving, warm up with tea. And if the thermometer is below ten, it’s better to reschedule the session for next time.

1. Before diving, you should definitely consult a doctor. For people with diabetes, arrhythmia, kidney problems, and women with gynecological diseases, alas, it is better to forget about the ice hole. Hypertensive patients may even have a stroke.

2. A week before diving, it is better to start preparing your body for the cold. For the first 3-4 days, it’s enough to go out onto the balcony for a minute in shorts and a T-shirt. In the remaining days, add cold water dousing. One or two (in the last two days) bowls of cold water will be enough.

3. Also, a week before swimming, you need to exclude citrus fruits, greens, rose hips and other foods rich in vitamin C from your diet. After all, it stimulates the immune system, and it is not necessary to stimulate the immune system more than the act of winter swimming will do: it will be too much, the immune system will drop significantly "

4. Your clothes and shoes should be easy and quick to put on and take off. Dress appropriately. Ideally, clothes should not have fasteners at all, in extreme cases - a zipper. It will be problematic to fasten buttons with fingers that don’t obey after the frost, and even more so to tie shoelaces. You will only waste time standing in the cold. Also, bring a mat. You will stand on it while you dry yourself and change clothes. Don't forget your hat - put it on as soon as you jump out of the water.

5. Not all weather is suitable for swimming. The ideal temperature for beginners is from 2 to 5 degrees below zero. You can risk diving into even colder temperatures, but -10 is already a dangerous threshold for a person trying to dive into an ice hole for the first time.

6. The ice hole should be well cleared of ice fragments so that you do not slip and get hurt and to make it easier to get out. It is advisable that it has a ladder or a shallow area for easy exit from the water. Never go walrus alone, in case you need help.

7. Two hours before the dive, you must eat a hearty meal, that is, provide the body with “fuel”. When you find yourself in cold water, the body will begin to frantically spend all its resources on heating and not a single kilocalorie will be superfluous.

8. Enter the water warmed up and gradually. This makes it easier to bear the cold. To warm up before the procedure, you can run, squat, or do active movements for a few minutes. Enter the water slowly, at an average pace: if slowly, you may have time to freeze, but if quickly, you may become frightened, severe stress, pulse and blood pressure rise sharply, and take your breath away. Going up to your knees, rinse your face with water and wash your face. This will also prepare the body for complete immersion.

9. Do not drink alcohol before swimming, otherwise the freezing after going out will be much stronger. In addition, there is a high risk of rupture of blood vessels. After diving, you can warm up with a small amount of alcohol (vodka is best), but regular tea is also perfect for warming up.

10. Don’t sit in an icy pool until you get goosebumps. Chills are a sign that the body has begun to become hypothermic. As soon as you feel this, immediately jump out of the water. On average, it is enough to stay in the water for 10 seconds - you will have time to plunge three times, as required by tradition.

Doctors categorically prohibit children from swimming in the cold. Young children, especially infants, have an imperfect thermoregulation system. Frostbite can happen very quickly and parents simply do not have time to notice it. The consequences of such bathing are the most serious: the child may get pneumonia, meningitis, or another disease of the central nervous system.

On January 19, 2017, the entire Orthodox world will celebrate Epiphany, which is one of the 12 main holidays in Orthodoxy. Jesus himself understood the Sacrament of Baptism this way: in the Holy Scriptures there is a passage when Christ tells the rabbi that until a person is born from water, he will never enter the Kingdom of God. And as the Bible says, it was at the moment of the baptism of the Son of God that people first saw the Holy Trinity. Before we talk about what date Epiphany 2017 will take place, let’s dive into the history of this great Orthodox holiday.

History and traditions

As you know, Jesus Christ was baptized only at the age of thirty, at that time it was a normal occurrence, Only adults who were aware of all their obligations to God underwent the sacrament of Baptism. At that time, infants were not baptized, and they prepared for the Sacrament itself for a long time, up to 2 years. In the time of Christ, this holiday had a different name - the holiday of the Jordan, since all people were baptized in the waters of the Jordan River.

It is known that Jesus came to the banks of the river, where John the Baptist baptized everyone. At first the Baptist refused Christ, saying that it was he who should be baptized by the Son of God, but Jesus replied that this was ordained from above. After Christ emerged from the waters of the Jordan, the Spirit of God in the form of a snow-white dove descended from heaven. And from that moment all people knew that Jesus was the Son of God. The Savior was initiated into the Sacrament of Baptism in order to take upon himself the sins of the whole world and bear the guilt for them on the cross, so that ordinary people would have the opportunity to be saved from the Last Judgment.

Why are people baptized? Many people don’t know this. As Jesus said, only by eating my body and drinking my blood will you know the Kingdom of God, i.e. he meant communion. And it is precisely in order to participate in the Sacrament of Communion that a Christian must undergo the rite of Baptism.

On what date will the entire Christian world celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord in 2017? Epiphany 2017: What date do Catholics celebrate? The Catholic Church celebrates this holiday on January 6, and the Orthodox Church on January 19.

What are the traditions of this holiday? On the 18th, all believers observe strict fasting throughout the day, and in the late evening on the eve of January 19th they celebrate the so-called “hungry feast,” which is similar to Christmas Eve.

On this date, it is customary to gather at the family table and try Lenten dishes, for example, kutya with rice, oatmeal jelly, fried fish, and Lenten pancakes. Traditionally, kutia is served on the holiday, of course. You can add honey, nuts, seeds, jam and raisins to your dishes. If on January 18 only lean food is allowed, then on January 19 you can already eat meat.

On the feast of Epiphany itself, a service is held, and congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord are heard in the church. On January 19, on Epiphany, it is customary to release a pair of white doves, which symbolizes God's Spirit.

It's winter outside, Epiphany frosts.
I would like to wish you from my heart,
So that there are only tears of happiness,
Adversity and sadness will not be encountered.

Let your thoughts be bright and kind,
Closer to the Lord in order to become a soul.
This day is holy and pure,
Buy yourself some holy water!

I want to wish you on Epiphany,
Cleanse yourself with holy water.
Receive forgiveness from the Lord
And be clean with your whole body and soul!

God's holiday has arrived
And let the January frosts crackle,
Baptism is joy for the soul,
Let the pain disappear, let the tears disappear!

Everything will be fine, God told us!
Just don't lose your faith,
Start a new day with prayer,
And do good deeds!

I wish you blessings
On the feast of the Epiphany,
More vigor and strength,
May you always be happy!

I wasn't bored, I wasn't worried,
I was moving towards my goal,
And Epiphany water,
May she always help!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord,
I wish you all the joys of life,
So that everything is created only with love,
And I didn’t think about bad things,

We save ourselves by faith in God,
From problems and anxious worries,
He surrounds us with his gaze,
That the soul sings like a bird!

The holiday has arrived
It's called baptism
The soul sings from him,
And the heart beats faster!

Let your soul become pure
Bad weather will go away,
Dip into the Font quickly,
And there will be happiness in life!

Take a swim in the cold water,
Temper your body
Don't be left without prayer
The path of the Lord is mysterious,

And I want to wish you health,
It is the main thing - the basis for everything,
To live on earth with love,
And the main thing is to always be kind!

On the holiday of Epiphany,
Let your soul be cleansed
After all, the essence of it, of course,
Sacred and pure

Trouble will go away
The evil sadness will disappear,
And illuminated with happiness,
Your path in life will be

Just don't lose faith,
We don't live in vain,
Make your dreams come true
And everything will be fine!

The holiday has arrived - Epiphany!
And I want to wish you
Good luck and a little luck,
And in life there are troubles so as not to know!

And despite all the frosts,
God will give us warmth,
Will make any dreams come true,
And a secret dream!

Epiphany frosts outside,
With all my heart I want to tell you,
So that no tears appear in your eyes,
Well, what more could you wish for today?

Health to be strong,
May luck accompany you.
Let your strength never leave you,
The lucky star always shines!

May the Epiphany frosts
They will cleanse you from your sins!
All troubles will be taken away,
And they will bring their finest hour closer!

On the Epiphany of the Lord,
I want to wish you soon
Live in joy, without grief,
And no harsh days!

Good luck at work,
Attention friends,
And there was more
Only good ideas!

All Orthodox Christians,
Today people are rushing to churches and temples,
And on a festive and early morning,
Rather, they want to light a candle,

Because the Baptism of the Lord,
This is a big and holy holiday,
May he bestow happiness with love,
May goodness be near you!

A huge Orthodox holiday,
The Baptism of the Lord is coming,
Before him, each of us is equal,
And he will bring happiness to everyone around him!

On the day when the Lord was baptized,
I want to wish you
So that all your days are good,
May you live your life without sins!

To be pure in soul,
Immerse yourself in the Font!
And then God will be with you,
But pray about it!

And on the bright day of Epiphany,
I want to wish
Be in a good mood
And you don’t know troubles at all!

Epiphany water

Many believers believe that Epiphany water has healing powers. And it still remains inexplicable that the water collected on the feast of Epiphany does not spoil throughout the year. So for Epiphany in 2017, what date should you collect Epiphany water? This is usually done on January 19, and such water is considered Holy Water.

Many scientists have repeatedly tried to study Epiphany water, and have come to the conclusion that the molecules of ordinary water and water collected from any source on the holiday of January 19 are completely different. Japanese researchers believe that water is capable of remembering people’s emotions and feelings; it, like a magnet, attracts everything positive and negative, and reacts to speech and music.

And it is on the feast of Epiphany that the water in all sources is completely cleared of any information and becomes crystal clear.

Swimming in an ice hole

When do they swim in the ice hole at Epiphany 2017? Usually, swimming begins on January 18, on the eve of the feast of Epiphany itself, and ends on the 20th.

According to the old tradition, on the feast of Epiphany, an ice-hole in the shape of a cross is cut out in the river, and an ice cross is also installed nearby. Before mass bathing, the clergyman signs the ice hole with prayer and a cross.

You need to immerse yourself in the water with your head, before doing this you need to cross yourself and read a prayer. Believers are immersed three times, which symbolizes the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, and the emergence of bathers from the water introduces them to the Resurrection of Christ. However, many clergy say that swimming in an ice hole is not a mandatory ritual on the holiday of January 19th, the main thing is to be a believer, regularly go to church, confess and receive communion.

You need to understand that without confession and communion, swimming in an ice hole will not atone for a person’s sins.

Nowadays, Orthodox people very often plunge into the ice hole, but it is worth remembering that if a person has health problems, it is better not to do this. When immersed in ice water, the human body experiences extreme stress, blood vessels narrow sharply, and the heart begins to beat faster. Therefore, it is better for hypertensive patients and other people with diseases of the cardiovascular system to beware of Epiphany bathing. Recently, in places of mass bathing, an ambulance is always on duty, whose workers will instantly provide first aid in case of illness.

Special rituals

How to celebrate Epiphany in 2017? It must be said that this is a special holiday, you must baptize your children with a cross, and many people also undergo the Sacrament of Baptism. There is a belief that if you are baptized on this day, you will be happy for the rest of your life.

Also on this day, it is customary to sprinkle all the corners of the house with Epiphany water, thus a person expels evil spirits from his home. Some people draw crosses with chalk on the doors of rooms, which should also protect the home from evil and evil spirits.

There is a belief that if one of your loved ones or acquaintances was unable to get holy water into their home, then this person must be given plenty of baptismal water to drink, so you give hope for recovery from all illnesses and atonement for sins.

Throughout the year, it is better to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach in small portions, after reading a prayer before doing so.

There are also several signs for this holiday:

  • firstly, January 19 - Epiphany in 2017 - is the best day to plan a future wedding, even if the wedding date is scheduled for the summer, it is better to choose the date in advance;
  • Previously, unmarried girls on the eve of Epiphany went out into the street to call for their husband, if a young man came out to them first, then there would be happiness and good luck all year, if an old man met, then trouble would await them;
  • also on this day, young people learned the name of their betrothed, the girl was asked the name of the groom, and the young man was asked the name of the bride;
  • Everyone knows that in the old days, on Epiphany Eve, unmarried girls threw a shoe. They went outside, took off their shoes from their left feet and threw them in front of them. Where we point the toe of the shoe, from there her destiny will come to take her with her, but if the toe pointed towards her home, it means she will spend the rest of her life as a girl.

Now you are a little familiar with the customs and traditions of this big holiday, you know when baptism is, and you can congratulate on this big event - on January 19, 2017, all Orthodox Christians will celebrate the holiday. However, it is worth remembering that it is not necessary to adhere strictly; the main thing is to honor God, regularly go to services, confess and receive communion. Congratulate your family and friends on the holiday, send them postcards with the Epiphany of the Lord on January 19, wish them all the best in verse. Any wish must come sincerely and from a pure heart.

What date is Epiphany in 2017? This very important day for believers is celebrated in our country on January 19 every year. This is a holiday in memory of the event in which Jesus Christ sanctified water with his baptism, and also showed that He is both man and God. A distinctive feature of this winter day is the blessing of water; in all churches, as well as in some open reservoirs, a great blessing of water is performed. In addition to the fact that everyone on the day of Epiphany strives to bring a vessel with Holy water from the church, another tradition of this holiday is swimming in an ice hole, and there are also special signs for Epiphany.

After a cheerful week and a half since Christmas, with fortune telling and dressing up as mummers, people would like to wash away these sins, and some dare to dive into the ice hole, despite the frosty days. In addition, Epiphany water has healing powers, and swimming in the consecrated ice hole promises good health for the whole year. Water tends to remember information, therefore, having absorbed the special prayer of the clergyman read over it, it receives powerful positive energy, which helps to heal diseases of the spirit and body. When Epiphany occurs in 2017, try to use all its unusual properties.

Background of the holiday

One middle-aged couple, after many years of constant prayers for the gift of children, had a son. His father, a priest, had a vision that the newborn should be named John, he would grow up righteous, and it was his destiny to show the Lord to the people. And so it happened. While still very young, John went into the desert and led an almost monastic life there. He fasted and prayed a lot. At the age of thirty, he received an order from the Lord to go to the Jordan River and tell people that the Savior would soon appear, and they needed to prepare for this meeting by repentance and then baptism.

John went to the Jordanian country. There, on the banks of the river, where many people gathered for religious ceremonies, he addressed people with sermons. John spoke about the need for moral cleansing through repentance, about baptism, and about the approach of the Kingdom of Heaven. The people had been waiting for a prophet for a long time, so they willingly listened to John, many believed him and repented of their sins. After which he baptized them in the Jordan. John told people about what they should do to correct themselves. Some even took him for the Savior, but he explained that he only helped people prepare to meet Christ.

But then one day Jesus appeared on the banks of the Jordan. He came from Nazareth to, like everyone else, receive baptism from John. Seeing Jesus, John was embarrassed; he could not even think that he would have to baptize Him too. However, Jesus assured that this should be done in order to show people an example of humility. And during baptism, the sky opened, a dove appeared - the Spirit of God. And the voice of God the Father sounded from heaven. And John realized that he had really baptized the Savior of the World. And since the Holy Trinity appeared to the world on this day, the holiday is also called Epiphany.

When and how can you swim at Epiphany?

On the day of Epiphany 2017, when the festive service ends, religious processions will be held to reservoirs in which an ice-hole is usually already prepared in advance, i.e. the ice is carved in the shape of a cross. The priest reads prayers while immersing the cross in water. And after this short prayer service, those who wish can plunge into the water. In some churches, ponds are blessed even after the evening service on Epiphany Eve. Therefore, you can swim in the ice hole at any time of the day on January 19, even at night. The main thing is that it has already been consecrated.

The tradition of immersion in water applies only to those bodies of water that have been consecrated. Dipping into unconsecrated rivers, lakes, ponds will be something similar to winter swimming, but not Epiphany swimming.

No one forbids swimming in swimsuits, but, nevertheless, believers often prefer special shirts, similar to those worn at baptism. This type is more consistent with religious rituals.

Immediately before plunging into the ice hole, you need to cross yourself, read a short prayer and plunge your head into the water three times. Given the icy water, you shouldn't stay in it for more than 10 seconds. You need to enter the water confidently, so as not to freeze, but not abruptly, so as not to take your breath away. You can rinse your face before plunging, as a preparation, and then dive completely.

Swimming in open water in winter is a big strain on the body. And even a person in good health needs preparation if he is going to do this for the first time.

Ice water causes stress in the body. The body is forced to defend itself, and therefore hormones are released that suppress all inflammatory reactions, reducing sensitivity to the aggressive effects of cold. A person gets the feeling that “everything is fine” and there is no need to worry about anything. However, after a couple of days, the level of hormones drops sharply, the body becomes weak and runs the risk of catching the first infection that comes along.

Therefore, in order to smooth out the temperature difference, immediately before plunging, it is recommended to warm up the body with a short jog or physical exercise, for example, a series of squats. And after swimming you need to warm up with a hot drink.

Those who are preparing for Epiphany bathing for the first time must remember that some diseases can cause severe, even critical, complications after such a procedure. There is no need to take risks; it is better to consult a doctor.

If a doctor’s permission has been received, you can little by little prepare the body for the effects of frost. To do this, a week before Epiphany, start going outside, to the balcony, wearing a T-shirt and short shorts. First, stand for a few seconds, then half a minute, on other days for a minute. On the fourth day, include dousing with cold water in your preparation, starting with one bucket, and in the last two days - two buckets each.

Nutrition plays an important role in preparation. During this period, you should not consume foods that stimulate the immune system, i.e. containing vitamin C. Otherwise, after immersion in ice water, the effect of hyperstimulation of the immune system may occur, which is very harmful. And about two hours before swimming, you need to eat properly so that the body has something to get energy from for heating. Drinking alcohol before swimming is dangerous.

To feel comfortable after swimming, you need to provide comfortable clothes in advance. Everything should be easy to put on and fasten, since you will have to do this with frozen fingers that are difficult to bend. When leaving the water, you should immediately put on a hat.

Beginners to winter swimming should not take a dip if the frost is below - 10 degrees, and should not come to the ice hole alone. A friend or relative will not only help you get dressed, but may also provide other unexpected assistance.

January nineteenth The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the twelfth (one of the twelve most important) holidays - Epiphany or Epiphany.

The meaning of the holiday of Epiphany

Epiphany- this is one of the oldest Christian holidays (along with Easter and Pentecost), dedicated to events associated with the Nativity of Christ and subsequent life events Jesus Christ.

In later times in Orthodoxy, the feast of the Epiphany was connected in meaning with Baptism of the Lord, having lost the original connection with Christmas events. In modern Orthodoxy, Epiphany and Epiphany are the names of the same holiday. The plot of the holiday - Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River with the help of the prophet John the Baptist.

Epiphany- this is the appearance of God during Baptism in the fullness of the Trinity (God the Son was baptized, God the Father spoke to him from heaven, God the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove).

Epiphany ice holes

Literally, Baptism translated from Greek is immersion in water. In memory of the Baptism of Jesus, baptism is the first and most important Christian sacrament, which introduces a person to the church.

On Epiphany Christmas Eve - the evening of January 18 - the blessing of water in churches is carried out. On January 19 - the feast of Epiphany itself - the blessing of water is held on open bodies of water - rivers, lakes, ponds, etc.

Believers believe that on Epiphany night all earthly waters become holy and divine. Epiphany water is considered healing; Christians also believe that plunging into a consecrated ice hole washes away sins committed over the previous year. In churches, consecrated water can be collected until January 27, and believers try to stock up on holy water for the entire next year, until the next Epiphany.

When can you swim in an ice hole at Epiphany - 2017

The Russian Orthodox Church blesses Epiphany bathing from 20:00 on January 18th to 8:00 am on January 20th.

Rules for Epiphany bathing

  • You can swim only in specially equipped ice holes near the shore, preferably under the supervision of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the police and vigilantes.
  • You cannot drink alcohol before diving into the ice hole and it is undesirable to do this after the ceremony.
  • People with cardiovascular, pulmonary and other diseases should take special care and it is advisable to consult with doctors before Epiphany bathing. Remember, baptismal bathing is not mandatory, and the church does not bless bathing at the expense of health.
  • Before going to the Jordan (as ice holes for Epiphany bathing, carved into the ice in the form of an Orthodox cross, have been called in Rus' since ancient times), you should eat, and immediately before diving into the ice hole you need to warm up by doing a short warm-up.
  • You must approach the ice hole in comfortable, non-slip and easily removable shoes.
  • Under no circumstances should you dive; it is undesirable to plunge headlong into the water to avoid hypothermia and possible sharp constriction of the blood vessels in the brain.
  • You should not stay in Jordan for more than a minute to avoid hypothermia.
  • After swimming, you need to immediately rub yourself and put on dry, warm clothes.
  • Children should be closely monitored and not allowed to dive into the ice hole on their own. The participation of children in Epiphany bathing is the responsibility of the parents and, according to doctors, does not pose serious threats to the health of minors.

Where you can swim on Epiphany in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In Moscow, more than 60 fonts are equipped for Epiphany in different parts of the city; in St. Petersburg, the largest city Jordan, according to tradition, is located at the Ioannovsky Ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress on the Neva. In total, about two dozen baths will open in St. Petersburg in different areas of the city and in the nearest suburbs.

Read more about this in the material Federal News Agency .

Epiphany rules and prohibitions

Among the people, Epiphany was called Vodokreschi - this is a day in the folk calendar, also falling on January 19 (January 6, old style). On this day, Christmastide ended, the consecration of reservoirs took place, people swam in the ice hole and began to prepare for the winter wedding season.

Among the folk baptismal prohibitions, the following are known:

  • You cannot quarrel or even argue while holding a vessel with holy water, otherwise it will lose its healing power.
  • You cannot be greedy and collect too much baptismal water from a church or a reservoir.
  • Starting from Epiphany, it is strictly forbidden to tell fortunes, and for those who participated in Christmas fortune-telling, it is advisable to plunge into an ice hole to wash away this sin.
  • You cannot do laundry at home for two days after Epiphany; for open bodies of water, this ban lasts for two weeks. In general, on Epiphany, which is a major Christian holiday, all work, except the most necessary, is prohibited.
  • If a bird knocks on the window at Epiphany, you need to pray for your deceased relatives - it is believed that their souls are asking for help from the living.
  • On Epiphany in villages there is a ban on feeding poultry; it is believed that if you feed chickens on this day, in the summer they will rake the beds and spoil the seedlings.

Epiphany of the Lord 2017 occurs on the night of January 18-19. Epiphany is the sixth most important church holiday. This date is associated with the day of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.

About when to swim on Epiphany, on January 18 or 19, when to collect holy water, about the traditions of the holiday - in the article “Top Ten News”.

When to swim for Epiphany 2017? Traditionally, on Epiphany, people swim in the ice hole on the night of January 18-19. By the way, this year ice holes for swimming will be organized in almost all cities. For example, in Moscow, more than 100,000 people plan to take part in Epiphany bathing.

If you don’t manage to plunge into the ice hole on the night of January 18-19, don’t worry. Swimming at Epiphany will be possible throughout January 19th.

Is it necessary to swim at Epiphany?

Swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany is not mandatory. Moreover, the church does not insist on baptismal bathing; the main thing for a believer on this day is presence at the church service, confession and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and communion of baptismal water.

In addition, bathing at Epiphany does not cleanse a person from sins.

In order to be baptized, you must come to the temple, where the priest will perform the Sacrament of Baptism on you. Epiphany bathing is not enough to consider oneself baptized.

Epiphany: when to collect water

On Epiphany Eve (January 18), after the Great Liturgy and on January 19, the Great Hagiasma is celebrated all day, i.e. water lighting. These days you can collect Epiphany water in any church. Illumination is carried out by one clergyman, so there is no difference between Epiphany and Epiphany water.

You can take water from the temple after the service; you can also bring your own water for consecration, but remember that it should be regular clean water, not mineral or carbonated.

You can also get Epiphany water from the tap. It is best to do this in the time interval from 00:10. until 01:30 on the night of January 18th to 19th. You can store water later, but this is the best time.

How to use holy water?

It is customary to use holy water with the prayer: “Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of passions and my infirmities according to Thy infinite mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen".

It is advisable to drink holy water on an empty stomach, however, in case of illness or some other problems, you can drink holy water at any time.

Is it possible to add holy water to a bathtub?

You can drink holy water, you can sprinkle it on you, you can sprinkle it on your house and things, but it is not intended for bathing.

In the coming days, blessed Epiphany water can be taken from Orthodox churches without much difficulty. On January 18 and 19, of course, there will be many people interested. But in most churches, water is blessed in abundance and distributed to those who wish after the holiday.

Christians do not distinguish Epiphany water either by the date of consecration (January 18 or 19), or by location (Cathedral of Christ the Savior or a tiny chapel in a maximum security colony in the Kostroma region), or by the name of the priest ( His Holiness Patriarch Kirill or a young priest who came only from the seminary), nor by source (pipe or spring). The main thing is that this water should be consecrated by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, in memory of the Baptism of the Lord. The blessing of water is a church Christian event. It cannot happen outside the church.

The vast majority of our citizens have the opportunity to come to the temple, pray and take water. Therefore, it is obvious that simply water from rivers, lakes, springs or from the shower cannot in any way be considered holy Epiphany water, either on the eve of the feast of the Epiphany, or at midnight, or on the feast itself.

How much water should I take?

It is quite understandable that many people want to stock up on Epiphany water for the year ahead and drink it every day. There is a belief that this water will not bloom and will remain as clean and tasty for many months. For some, this is an additional reason to stock up.

And yet there is no point in large supplies of consecrated water. Christians are sure that God is not and cannot be connected in any way with the amount of water drunk. God does not charge the water, does not saturate it with anything. He acts through her Himself. This means that one sip or a few drops is enough if they are drunk with faith in Christ and hope for help.

Some believers, based on the idea that “a drop of holy water can sanctify the sea,” simply “dilute” the blessed water as it is used. And this seems wiser to me than multi-liter annual reserves. I know from experience that one and a half to two liters of blessed water is a sufficient supply for a year for an entire family.

What is the meaning of the holiday?

It is clear that whether to trust the words of the evangelists or not is everyone’s business. It is important to understand and recognize that for Christians the holiday of Epiphany consists, first of all, in the recollection and joyful experience of three mysteries, which are very deeply connected with the very essence of Christianity as a religion. I have tried to explain these mysteries in the above articles. Here I will limit myself to listing. The events of the Baptism of the Lord reveal the Trinity of the Divinity: God Himself reveals Himself, as they say, in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We also learn about the God-manhood of Christ: the Father testifies that Jesus, the son of Mary, is also the Son of God. And finally, we learn about the mission of Jesus: He came to take away the sin of the world in order to save people. It is important for us that Christians see in the baptism of Jesus evidence of the appearance of the One who is not afraid to share with people not only the joy of life, but also the consequences of sin and even death itself.

What is holy water for?

For Christians, holy water is far from the most important thing in life. They may have it in the house, they may not have it, they may drink it regularly, they may not drink it at all. And all this because they have the One in whom they believe, the One who is always and everywhere with them.

The Russian folk tradition of swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany, January 19, attracts more and more people. This year, 19 ice holes called “font” or “Jordan” were organized in St. Petersburg. The ice holes were well equipped with wooden walkways, and there were rescuers on duty everywhere. And it’s interesting that, as a rule, people swimming told journalists that they were very happy, the water was warm. I myself did not swim in winter, but I know that the water in the Neva, according to measurements, was indeed + 4 + 5 ° C, which is significantly warmer than the air temperature - 8 ° C.

The fact that the temperature of water under ice at depth in lakes and rivers is 4 degrees above zero is known to many, but, as discussions on some forums show, not everyone understands the reason for this phenomenon. Sometimes the increase in temperature is associated with the pressure of a thick layer of ice above the water and the resulting change in the freezing point of water. But most people who successfully studied physics at school will confidently say that the temperature of water at depth is associated with a well-known physical phenomenon - a change in the density of water with temperature. At a temperature of +4°C, fresh water acquires its highest density.

At temperatures close to 0 °C, water becomes less dense and lighter. Therefore, when the water in a reservoir is cooled to +4 °C, the convection mixing of the water stops, its further cooling occurs only due to thermal conductivity (and it is not very high in water) and the water cooling processes slow down sharply. Even in severe frosts, in a deep river under a thick layer of ice and a layer of cold water there will always be water with a temperature of +4 °C. Only small ponds and lakes freeze to the bottom.

We decided to figure out why water behaves so strangely when cooling. It turned out that a comprehensive explanation for this phenomenon has not yet been found. Existing hypotheses have not yet found experimental confirmation. It must be said that water is not the only substance that has the property of expanding when cooled. Similar behavior is also typical for bismuth, gallium, silicon and antimony. However, it is water that is of the greatest interest, since it is a substance that is very important for human life and the entire plant and animal world.

One theory is the existence in water of two types of nanostructures of high and low density, which change with temperature and give rise to an anomalous change in density. Scientists studying the processes of supercooling of melts put forward the following explanation. When a liquid is cooled below its melting point, the internal energy of the system decreases and the mobility of the molecules decreases. At the same time, the role of intermolecular bonds is increasing, due to which various supramolecular particles can be formed. Experiments by scientists with supercooled liquid o_terphenyl suggested that a dynamic “network” of more densely packed molecules could form in a supercooled liquid over time. This grid is divided into cells (areas). Molecular repacking inside a cell sets the rotation speed of molecules in it, and a slower restructuring of the network itself leads to a change in this speed over time. Something similar can happen in water.

In 2009, Japanese physicist Masakazu Matsumoto, using computer modeling, put forward his theory of changes in water density and published it in the journal Physical Review Letters(Why Does Water Expand When It Cools?) As is known, in liquid form, water molecules are combined into groups (H 2 O) through hydrogen bonding. x, Where x- number of molecules. The most energetically favorable combination of five water molecules ( x= 5) with four hydrogen bonds, in which the bonds form a tetrahedral angle equal to 109.47 degrees.

However, thermal vibrations of water molecules and interactions with other molecules not included in the cluster prevent such unification, deviating the hydrogen bond angle from the equilibrium value of 109.47 degrees. To somehow quantitatively characterize this process of angular deformation, Matsumoto and colleagues hypothesized the existence of three-dimensional microstructures in water that resemble convex hollow polyhedra. Later, in subsequent publications, they called such microstructures vitrites. In them, the vertices are water molecules, the role of edges is played by hydrogen bonds, and the angle between hydrogen bonds is the angle between the edges in vitrite.

According to Matsumoto's theory, there is a huge variety of forms of vitritis, which, like mosaic elements, make up the majority of the structure of water and which at the same time evenly fill its entire volume.

The figure shows six typical vitrites that form the internal structure of water. The balls correspond to water molecules, the segments between the balls indicate hydrogen bonds. Rice. from an article by Masakazu Matsumoto, Akinori Baba, and Iwao Ohminea.

Water molecules tend to create tetrahedral angles in vitrites, since vitrites must have the lowest possible energy. However, due to thermal motions and local interactions with other vitrites, some vitrites adopt structurally nonequilibrium configurations that allow the entire system as a whole to obtain the lowest possible energy value. These people were called frustrated. If in unfrustrated vitritis the volume of the cavity is maximum at a given temperature, then frustrated vitritis, on the contrary, have the minimum possible volume. Computer modeling conducted by Matsumoto showed that the average volume of vitrite cavities decreases linearly with increasing temperature. In this case, frustrated vitritis significantly reduces its volume, while the volume of the cavity of unfrustrated vitritis remains almost unchanged.

So, the compression of water with increasing temperature, according to scientists, is caused by two competing effects - the elongation of hydrogen bonds, which leads to an increase in the volume of water, and a decrease in the volume of the cavities of frustrated vitrites. In the temperature range from 0 to 4°C, the latter phenomenon, as calculations have shown, predominates, which ultimately leads to the observed compression of water with increasing temperature.

This explanation is based only on computer simulations so far. It is very difficult to confirm experimentally. Research into the interesting and unusual properties of water continues.


O.V. Alexandrova, M.V. Marchenkova, E.A. Pokintelitsa “Analysis of thermal effects characterizing the crystallization of supercooled melts” (Donbass National Academy of Construction and Architecture)

Yu. Erin. A new theory has been proposed to explain why water contracts when heated from 0 to 4°C (

Winter swimming is a short immersion in ice water or swimming in it for short distances; this activity is a type of winter swimming. During winter swimming, the body quickly loses a lot of heat.

This activity is popular because it helps strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation and thermoregulation of the body. Walruses are often looked at as eccentrics, and winter swimming is generally accompanied by a large number of myths.

Interestingly, many myths are often mutually exclusive. Let's consider the main legends about this unusual but useful activity.

Walruses never catch colds. This is not true, walruses are also susceptible to colds, although much less frequently than ordinary people.

Winter swimming helps develop muscles and improve your figure. Walruses do not necessarily have to be pumped up and fit. After all, this activity improves the functioning of many body systems, but does not affect the amount of muscle mass. To increase it, you need to do motor or strength exercises along with winter swimming.

Before and after winter swimming you must drink strong alcoholic drinks. This rule does not apply to real walruses, who do not drink before winter swimming, as this leads to disruption of the body’s natural thermoregulation, which leads to negative consequences. Some people, immediately after plunging into ice water, drink strong drinks “to warm up,” but this has nothing to do with true warming, this is their own business. By the way, it is highly not recommended to drink cold drinks at all, because this will further cool the respiratory tract.

When winter swimming, you must dive headfirst into the water. Or, on the contrary, another myth says that you should never plunge your head into water. If you have just started winter swimming, it is still not recommended to plunge your head into the water. But experienced walruses, in accordance with the degree of their hardening, are already quite capable of diving headlong.

Before entering the ice water, you need to take a steam bath in a hot bath. Or the other extreme - before going into the water you need to undress and cool down a little. Before starting winter swimming, it is recommended to do exercises, albeit small ones, which will warm you up, run, and do squats. It is not necessary to take a hot bath. But it is strictly not recommended to cool down before swimming in an ice hole!

Winter swimming is permissible only in places where there is a warm room next to the ice hole so that you can change clothes or a bathhouse. If the frosts are not severe and the wind is weak, then it is quite possible to change clothes in the open air. A warm room next to the ice hole will be needed for winter swimming in severe frosts.

It is impossible to go winter swimming in Siberia, as there is severe frost there. In Siberia, winter swimming opportunities are more difficult than in the center of the country, since it is difficult to maintain an ice hole open. However, for experienced walruses this is not an obstacle - the experience of walruses in the Urals, Altai and Krasnoyarsk shows.

Before you start winter swimming, you need to prepare your body - undergo a hardening course by taking a cold shower. It turns out that the effects of a cold shower can be even more powerful than ice water. This happens due to the fact that under the shower a person is motionless, his internal heating does not occur. Also, the body does not have time to heat the cold water around itself, since it immediately leaves, being replaced by another portion. Thus, the cooling is more intense. Therefore, you do not need to undergo any special training; you can start swimming in an ice hole right away, first limiting the time you spend in the water, and for your first experiments choosing weather with a thaw and light wind.

Winter swimming has no contraindications. There are a number of diseases whose owners are not recommended to plunge into a cold ice hole. First of all, this applies to diseases of the cardiovascular system, bronchopulmonary diseases, diseases of the thyroid gland, and the genitourinary system. Doctors note that even for healthy people, winter swimming can become dangerous due to vasospasm, seizures, and excessive heat loss from the body. Winter swimming can cause excitement, which can overwhelm reasonable caution. Therefore, if you experience any ailments or discomfort, it is better to stop exercising and consult a doctor.

Real winter swimming is swimming in an ice hole in winter. In terms of the strength of the cold effect, water with a temperature of 4-8 ° C is similar to the effect of ice water, so winter swimming can be practiced from autumn to spring inclusive, even in those regions where there are no freezing reservoirs at all - we are talking, for example, about the Black Sea, the south of the Baltic, North Sea and so on. And if there are reservoirs with cold spring water nearby, then winter swimming is possible even in summer!

In the ice hole, the water temperature is always above zero, usually +4°C. Indeed, water has its highest density at 4°C. In frozen reservoirs, such water, relatively warm, sinks to the bottom, and on the surface there are colder layers, with a temperature of about 0°C. This is where walruses dive. In the process of preparing the hole, the layers can be mixed, which can increase the temperature on the surface layer by 1-2°C. But sea water can be cooled down to -2°C.

Winter swimming is a native Russian activity; there is no such thing abroad. Walrus clubs are scattered all over the world, there are them in Belgium and Finland, Canada, the USA and China.

Walruses are spontaneous and unorganized people. This is not true, in Russia, for example, there is an entire Federation of Hardening and Sports Swimming, which popularizes this activity and unites people. On numerous winter swimming websites you can meet experienced people and get valuable advice.

Winter swimming in open water, called winter swimming in our country, is an officially recognized sport and one of the most extreme ways to harden the body. This method has a long history and adherents in many countries. International open water winter swimming competitions are held annually, and the World Championships are held every two years. Despite its enormous popularity and proven health benefits, winter swimming is still surrounded by persistent misconceptions. We will try to dispel the most common of them in this article.


While swimming, the temperature of the internal organs rises sharply

When immersed in cold water, the body loses heat; swimmers do not experience any sensation of internal heat. From this, however, it does not follow that it is cold for the “walrus” to swim. On the contrary, during winter swimming a person is immersed in water that is significantly warmer than the frosty air (in an ice hole the water has a temperature of 0 to +4 °C). The procedure provokes a strong release of adrenaline and glucose into the blood, helps to mobilize the body's hidden reserves, but no overheating of the internal organs occurs.

Winter swimming is only possible in winter

This is wrong. Winter swimming requires a cold body of water; in a significant part of our country, such conditions persist from autumn to spring, and even year-round - in places where there are underground springs with ice water or mountain rivers flowing from glaciers.

Winter swimming is available to everyone without preparation

A dangerous misconception that can lead to the most dire consequences. Firstly, winter swimming has a number of medical contraindications. Among them are chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, gynecological problems, damage to the kidneys and urinary tract, severe hypertension, and some types of allergies. Secondly, even a relatively healthy person should not jump into an ice hole without preparation. The body must be accustomed to low temperatures gradually. It is usually recommended to start with dousing with cold water, immersing in a bath or indoor pool, and rubbing with snow. The first swim in open water should not last more than a few seconds, with the obligatory subsequent transition to a warm room, rubbing the body and changing into dry clothes. With the right approach to hardening, bathing is carried out regularly, with a gradual increase in the duration of the procedures and strict monitoring of well-being.

Winter swimming can cure colds

Contrary to popular belief, “walruses” sometimes catch colds, although much less often than people who do not harden themselves. However, immersing yourself in cold water when you feel unwell (with elevated body temperature or catarrhal symptoms) is unacceptable. Winter swimming is not a therapeutic procedure, it is only a method of preventing colds and strengthening the immune system.

Walruses become addicted to cold water

There is some truth in this statement: people who regularly engage in winter swimming get used to the procedures and feel some discomfort when they have to give up diving. This condition is very similar to the constant craving for dangerous activities among extreme athletes. Indeed, it turns out to be something like an addiction, but not from cold water, but from the hormonal surges that occur during bathing. If a person ceases to control such sensations and begins to carry out procedures too often, he can harm his health.

Experienced “walruses” claim that the best option is swimming twice a week.

All walruses are overweight

But this is completely wrong. Winter swimming has a beneficial effect on metabolism and helps normalize body weight. It has been proven that fat “walruses” gradually lose weight as a result of regular exercise, while those who are too thin gain the missing weight.

Diving headlong into an ice hole is deadly

When immersed in cold water, a sharp spasm of blood vessels occurs, which can provoke loss of consciousness. Therefore, it is really undesirable to plunge headlong. Experienced “walruses”, whose bodies are already accustomed to temperature changes, do this rarely, depending on the degree of hardening. It is better for a beginner to swim in a rubber cap and not put his head in the water. For the same reason, it is not recommended to dive alone: ​​there should be people nearby who can provide assistance in an emergency.

"Walruses" drink alcohol before and after swimming

Drinking alcohol before diving is strictly prohibited. Its effect on blood vessels can be combined with exposure to cold, and the consequences are unpredictable. In addition, a drunk person loses the ability to objectively assess the surrounding reality and begins to behave too self-confidently. Immersion in this state is fraught with hypothermia and even death.

As for libations after swimming, people who are seriously involved in winter swimming claim that alcohol does not help to warm up. On the contrary, drinking any cold drinks after diving can lead to hypothermia of the respiratory tract. But, after getting out of the water and changing clothes, it is useful to drink a glass of sweet warm tea to replace the energy spent by the body.