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How to please girls' g-spot. Where is the G-spot? (visually showed the female G-spot!)

For centuries, the secrets of female sexuality were known only to some males. However, in Lately the ban on discussing sexual techniques was lifted, and not only men, but also women were able to learn more about own body and ways to satisfy it.

Just a few years ago, the mysterious words “g spot” excited the imagination of lovers around the world. Today this is no longer just a piquant expression, but completely reliable information, the possession of which helps to make intimate life brighter and happier.

What is the g-spot

Psychologists can talk a lot about the importance of relaxation and psychological comfort to achieve a woman's release during sex, but some purely technical techniques simply cannot be denied effectiveness.

Caressing the breasts and nipples, as well as petting, cope quite well with their task - to excite a woman and give her additional pleasure in addition to the usual frictions of the penis. But not everyone gets a long and deep orgasm from this sex technique.

But stimulation with knowledge of special places of the genital organs gives such pleasant sensations, the effect of which simply cannot be compared with anything else. We are talking about the so-called g-spot, located in the vagina and very sensitive in most women.

As soon as sex became the subject of scientific research by some groups of scientists, the need for special terminology arose. Indeed, how to explain intimate nuances without having the right words for it?

There are rumors that the term “g point” owes its origin to the Latin letter G, which almost exactly describes with its lines the diagram where this very point is located. (The semicircle represents the wall of the vagina, and the line represents the finger acting on the point).

How to find the g-spot?

Inside the vagina, or more precisely, on its front wall (towards the abdomen) there is an area on the mucous membrane, pressure on which activates special nerve endings.

You can find out its exact location by the pleasant sensations that the woman experiences, and also by the slightly bumpy surface to the touch - in this place, the elastic muscles of the vagina have exactly this shape.

The receptors at the g-spot are practically not stimulated in any way during normal sexual intercourse: the direction of movement of the penis does not allow any special impact on this area. But this works well during sexual caresses using fingers or some vibrators. The main thing is to know where the g-spot is and how to stimulate it.

Proper g-spot stimulation

How to use this information? With the right approach, you can easily get aroused and achieve orgasm in quite a while. a short time- from two to five minutes, according to some sources, one minute is enough, especially if such caresses complete high-quality, long-term sexual foreplay.

The g-spot in women plays the role of a catalyst for orgasm, so starting with its stimulation would not be entirely correct. But the sexual partner can give complete satisfaction to the woman by paying attention to this technique at the end of the act.

Due to the fact that the point is located inside the vagina, actions with it must be careful. The mucous membrane can be easily damaged by too rough rubbing and even scratched by nails and hangnails.

Naturally, a partner needs to take this into account before giving his lady such pleasure. Massaging the g-spot is possible only with clean, neat and soft fingers, otherwise after such sex a woman may not be left with pleasant memories, but with inflammation and vaginal itching.

At the same time, too gentle touches are not enough - a slow massage with deep pressure in a circle will achieve the goal faster than awkward and superficial rubbing.

It is important for men to note that by continuing to stimulate the point for a few more seconds, they will prolong the wave of orgasm for their partner and thereby provide complete physical release.

By knowing just a few secrets about their bodies, women can greatly improve the quality of sex, especially if they openly discuss their feelings with their partner. The g-spot, without exaggeration, is the main secret that can be used constantly and with amazing results!

There is a problem

The main thing is what you may encounter. The point of pleasure is located on the front wall of the vagina at a distance of three to five centimeters from the entrance. And most importantly: in a calm, unexcited state, it is almost impossible to detect it. It is a small compacted area with a diameter of no more than one centimeter. That's why important point: You should only look for her when you are excited! Remember that for high-quality arousal, a woman needs at least 15-20 minutes of foreplay. And then G will increase in volume and will look like a tubercle, which is quite difficult not to feel.

Wake me up

Finding the G-spot is half the battle, but this is not enough for orgasm. Since she is quite deep inside, she needs to be “accustomed” to caresses, that is, awakened. Advice: before entrusting this important task to a man, try to discover it yourself. Listen to your own feelings, understand what and how you like, and only then involve your partner.

Internal massage will help teach the G-spot to become aroused. The ideal position for him: you lie on your back, the man on his side. Facing you, of course. Average and ring fingers He inserts it into the vagina and places the large one on the clitoris. You need to caress the areas at the same time, and not in a circular motion, but pointwise, lightly pressing. Let him imagine that he is sending out a message in Morse code - for example, an SOS signal. Ideally, he should bring you to orgasm. Only the brain will understand that this type of pleasure depends on the G-spot - and then such obvious stimulation will no longer be required. The area will be turned on during the normal foreplay stage. Oh, and don't forget to use lubricant!

Everyone - to the sex shop!

Modern sex stores have a very large assortment of vibrators for the G-spot. Each of them has several speeds, but they were not invented in order to receive different types pleasure, but so that you can choose the speed that is most comfortable for you. It is impossible to guess in advance which one will suit you. You need to figure this out through trial and error. In any case, the consultant will tell you which models are purchased more often and what are the advantages of certain gadgets.

You can also wake up the G-spot during sexual intercourse. Some especially lucky girls succeed in this. Many people do this intuitively, simply following their own feelings. There are two poses for this: a man from behind and a woman from above. The main thing is to find the desired angle of insertion of the penis - here you need an emphasis on the front wall of the vagina. The partner’s movements should be short and intermittent, that is, in essence, you, just like during a massage, should make precise pressure on the G-spot, but not with your fingers, but with your penis. On the one hand, this is more difficult, on the other hand, if you do everything correctly, the penis will stimulate the desired area much better. And next time she will respond more clearly to the caresses of your partner, and after a week or two of constant training she will reward you with a strong vaginal orgasm!

Female orgasm– a mysterious thing and depends on many factors, but there are points on a woman’s body whose stimulation can lead to maximum pleasure.


Everyone has heard about this mysterious point, but few people know where it is. In fact, G is not a point, but an area with a diameter of about 5 cm. It is located on the front wall of the vagina at a depth of 3.5-7 cm. It is easiest to feel it in a state of excitement. G-spot slightly convex and feels like a shell walnut. To obtain pleasure, it is necessary to influence not only this zone, but also the area around it.

Stimulate G-spot You can either with a partner or on your own. In the first case, the woman should lie on her back and raise her legs so that her knees are at shoulder level, the man is on top. Doggy style and “Cowgirl” poses are also effective.

If the partner is not nearby, then for stimulation G-spot you need to lie on your back and insert it into the vagina forefinger and feel the area that causes arousal when touched. After this, you need to make a movement as if you are calling someone with your finger - bend and straighten your finger several times. Can also be massaged G-spot in a circular motion. Some time after the start of stimulation, the urge to urinate may appear, but gradually the discomfort will give way to pleasure.

AFE point

Few people know about this erogenous zone; some simply call it “ point A" It is located above point G, almost at the cervix.

This area can only be affected with the help of a partner or a vibrator. The achievement of the AFE point is indicated by the active release of lubricant several minutes after the start of stimulation.

Point U

This is the name given to the entrance to the urethra. It can be alternately gently stroked and lightly pressed. And during intercourse, a woman should spread her legs wide and, moving her pelvis towards her partner’s hips, press the U point against the penis. A man must rub against this erogenous zone. Pleasure will come in about five minutes.

Point C

Point C better known as the clitoris. In order for this area to bring even more pleasure, it is not the area that needs to be stimulated, but the labia minora. Many people like to apply light pressure to the base of the clitoris and stretch the skin around it. During oral sex or petting, a woman should listen to herself and mentally transfer the sensations from the top of the clitoris to the entire perineum.

Point M

This area is located between the vagina and anus. Not all women are delighted with its stimulation. To make orgasm even brighter, just before it approaches, you need to influence this point, alternating rhythmic pressure and light circular movements.

Wave stimulation will help you achieve stronger pleasure. You need to influence one of the points, but on the threshold of orgasm, stop for a minute, caressing the body. Then return to the selected point again and, before reaching the end, pause for half a minute. The third time the break is 10 seconds, and the fourth time you can already have an orgasm.

Almost never and almost no one had any problems with the male orgasm: “there, here, back - in short, everything is clear.” The nature of sexual pleasure experienced by the fair half, on the contrary, has always caused a storm of debate. By the third millennium AD, almost the entire population of the planet firmly believed that some mysterious G-spot was responsible for the female orgasm. And if a woman living an intense sex life remains frigid, it means that not everything is all right with this very point.

Stop, stop, stop... Don't fit everyone in with the same brush. Reputable pundits have long proven that there are at least two types of female orgasm - clitoral and vaginal. The latter gives a particularly sharp sensation, but not every woman is able to experience it (the situation with clitoral female orgasms is much simpler - in extreme cases, you can use intimate hygiene cream, and that’s it). The notorious G-spot, or rather its stimulation, is designed to help with this difficult task.

Schematically, doctors imagine the location of the G point something like this.

G-spot located on the anterior wall of the vagina. It is located approximately at a depth of 5-6 centimeters from the entrance to the “cherished zone”, directly behind the pubic bone. It is considered one of the most sensitive erogenous zones female body, and they call it differently: “internal trigger”, and “twelve o’clock point”, and “Grafenberg’s point” - named after the German gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg, who first discovered this very point and described it in detail.

G-spot and manual manipulation

On Internet sites devoted to sex issues, they often write that with the help of manual influences on the G-spot, a man can give his partner a lot of pleasant sensations and simply playfully bring her to orgasm. True, there are a lot of nuances here: for example, you should take into account the fact that the “magic point” is located in close proximity to the opening of the urethra, and too active caresses of this zone can cause not an orgasm, but the urge to urinate.

According to some competent medical opinions, G-spot is nothing more than a kind of analogue of the male prostate. Italian researchers even confirmed its existence through ultrasound examinations of several dozen women. The size of the dot, judging by their conclusions, can vary from the diameter of a ten-kopeck coin to the size of a five-ruble coin. At the moment of orgasm (less often during arousal), the G-spot enlarges and swells. If we assume that the entrance to the vagina is the center of the dial, then the treasured point will occupy the twelve o’clock position, sometimes with a slight shift to the left or right.

You can “activate” the G-spot using poses such as doggy style

A man can influence the G-spot by achieving the closest possible contact of the penis with the front wall of the vagina during intimacy. This is possible in positions such as “doggy style”, “cowgirl” or “woman on top”, “spooning”. Some people manage to experiment with G-spot stimulation even in the “missionary” position: in this case, the woman tries to throw her legs over the man’s shoulders, lifting them as high as possible.

G-spot and vaginal muscle training

However, it is better to first let the man find the G-spot by touch with his fingers. It is recommended to start this search not during love foreplay, but after the woman has already experienced an orgasm: then you will be able to feel the convex tubercle quickly enough. There is no need to immediately attack him with energetic caresses, since the first touches may be painful. “Taming” the G-spot must be done carefully and gradually. The combination of caresses in this area with caresses of the clitoris gives an unusual sensation. Whether or not to care about contraception during such experiments, each couple decides independently, and everyone chooses methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy to their taste: for example, socialite Ksenia Sobchak the best way Capitalism generally considers contraception.

Exercises to strengthen intimate muscles can be done even while standing.

Some sexologists strongly advise women to train their vaginal muscles in order to learn to control the condition of their “spot” and get vivid vaginal orgasms. The fact is that the muscles of the vagina involuntarily relax at the moment when a male penis appears in it and begins to move. The vagina lengthens and expands, and the penis does not come into close contact with its walls. Ideally, the vaginal muscles should tightly grasp the manhood and, as it were, push it out. You can master this skill if you regularly perform so-called Kegel exercises: interrupt and start urination again. Another option is to pull in the anus muscles while standing or sitting on a hard surface and keep them tense for as long as possible. The same maneuvers during sex will bring pleasure to both partners: the man will be able to appreciate the elasticity of the female womb, and the woman will finally be able to find herself at the highest point of bliss.

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G's cherished point used to seem like a fiction and an empty glossy headline to me. Until I started studying the topic of sexuality... And then I realized how very wrong I was.

When I was still a teenager, I read the same things as all the girls. Remember there was Cool Girl magazine? So there were articles “about this”, and at the end of the magazine there were also questions from readers. And all these articles were somehow written in such a way that they seemed nonsense to me. Around and around and nothing in particular. Besides, it was some kind of gloss, and all such things evoked one association in me - loud headlines and empty space inside.

One day I came across an article about the G-spot. I read it and immediately decided that this was just another invention of the editors to attract the reader’s attention. From that moment on, everything that I came across with the tag “G-spot”, my brain automatically put on the shelf with the label “fiction”.

And now, when I took the path of a sex blogger (and in the future a sex expert), I decided to take a closer look at this very G-spot. Moreover, all the sexologists and psychologists I know talk about it as something taken for granted. . What kind of expert am I then if I don’t know anything about it!

From practice to theory

As it turns out, I’m not one of those people who reads and thinks for a long time, and then takes even longer to tune in and decide to try it 10 times. While I was listening to one eminent sexologist and while she was telling me how to find this very point, I began to examine the object. Lying on the couch and looking at the monitor, I started the practical lesson.

Not even 10 minutes had passed before I was contentedly spread across the pillows from a G-spot orgasm. This damn thing exists! I just needed someone to give me a clear manual. Instructions! I express my deep gratitude to sexologist Maria Kartashova, thanks to whom I learned that all the pleasant sensations that I was familiar with before turn out to be the Graffenberg zone.

Now that I know where my magic zone is, I can:

  • A. Tell and show this place to your partner - he should also be aware of my incredible discovery!
  • B. I can direct a wonderful male instrument during sex to where I need and feel good,
  • B. Compose your personal rating of positions in which my beloved makes me “good” in my new favorite place.

You can come up with your own options for how else you can use this precious knowledge. Better yet, share the comments under the article or write to me personally. I will be glad to receive any feedback!

From practice to theory

So. The G spot is a sensitive area on the front wall of the vagina and is located 2-5 cm from the entrance. Previously, neither specialists nor ordinary people could say for sure what the nature of this sensitive place was. Now science has shed light on the nature of the sensitivity of the G zone. It turns out that the orgasmic zone in the vagina is an extension of the clitoris. More precisely, this is the clitoris itself. Yes Yes! You understood correctly. The clitoris is outside, the clitoris is inside.

Surely you have already read, and I really hope in my blog, that the head of the clitoris is just the tip of the iceberg. To help you see this clearly, here is a picture.

Here you can see that the clitoris (the most sensitive organ on a woman’s body, by the way!) extends far into her body. It even has legs, which for many women “live” in the labia. That's why it's so important to kiss a woman all over her lips!

During arousal, the paraurethral glands are filled with a special secretion and swell. And against this background, the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the “internal” clitoris intensifies. From jerky stimulation of this zone, women receive a so-called vaginal orgasm.

Tadam! Vaginal orgasm is the G-spot orgasm. Another discovery. At least that's how it was for me. It turns out that vaginal orgasm is also clitoral.

Find the G-spot

There are several important conditions for successful detection of the G-spot.

First, the woman must be sufficiently aroused

If there is no required degree of arousal, then there is no blood flow to the female genitals. Nothing simply swells there and no lubricant is released. 5 minutes of foreplay is not enough for most women to successfully locate the G-spot. Of course, there are lucky ones who will find it in 5 minutes. But still, let's focus on averages.

So, we need about 20 minutes of confident arousal. When you not only think you're aroused, but actually hydrated and emotionally attuned to the sexual context. This is a very important condition. Hydrated and tuned. Body and head. Both conditions must be met.

The second condition is the correct search

When you feel ready, place your index finger into the vagina, bend it slightly into a banana shape and slide the pad of your finger along the front surface of the vagina until you find a bumpy sensitive area. Everyone has it different sizes. There is no norm. Some have 0.5 cm, some have 3 cm in diameter. It doesn't matter. Size doesn't matter. The main thing is that the desired point was found.

Third - proper stimulation and attitude

So you've found your Miss G, congratulations. And now for the dessert itself! Stimulation. This area should be stimulated with jerking movements of a slightly curved index or middle finger. Imagine as if you are beckoning someone with your finger. You can imagine that you are calling for a G-spot orgasm. You can fantasize about something of your own, intimate, personal. And continue stimulation until you feel it’s time to stop. To enhance the effect, you can additionally stimulate the head of the clitoris.