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Well-groomed hands are your calling card. Coco Chanel quotes about women Well-groomed hands sayings

Hands can tell a lot about their owner: about her lifestyle, attitude towards herself, habits. Today it is impossible to imagine a successful woman with unkempt hands. After all, beautiful well-groomed hands are business card any woman. But the beauty of hands is not only beautiful manicure, first of all, it is the excellent condition of the nails and skin of the hands. You need to start caring for your hands as early as possible, it is advisable to do this constantly. First of all, for this you need to protect your hands as much as possible from the harmful effects of water, wind, dust and detergents wear gloves. In addition to dehydration from contact with chemicals skin covering It also degreases. Washing powders, dishwashing detergents make the skin dry, saggy and wrinkled. After each contact with water, you must apply a cream suitable for your hand skin type, and for outdoor use, choose one that protects from ultraviolet radiation or frost. Once a week, it is useful to remove dead cells from the skin of your hands using a gentle scrub.

Peeling mask for hands

Peeling mask made from grapes.

Ingredients: grape pulp and ground rolled oats. They need to be taken in such proportions that the resulting mass looks like a porridge that does not flow, but does not crumble either. The mask is applied in a thick layer and in a circular motion massage the skin of the hands for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with warm water and soften the skin with hand cream.

In addition to creams, hand masks are a great help. For them you can use honey, yolk, add a small amount ammonia or glycerin.

Egg hand mask recipe.

Just rub a mixture of 1 yolk, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 teaspoon into your skin overnight oatmeal and put on cloth gloves. In the morning your hands will become soft.

Honey-glycerin mask for hand skin.

Softens rough skin and helps with skin flaking. Mix 1 teaspoon each of glycerin and honey with 2 tablespoons of water. Add 1 teaspoon oat or wheat flour. The mask is applied for 20-25 minutes.

You can also take a slice of lemon and rub the juice into your nails at night - this is an excellent remedy for strengthening your nails! Baths with salt are also useful, after which it will not be a bad idea to rub vitamin A and vitamin E into your nails. Such a massage is bliss for every finger. You can also grease your hands with olive oil, then put on cotton gloves and wait 15-20 minutes so that everything is well absorbed. Nails grow quickly and don't break!

They say that hands are a woman’s calling card. And indeed it is. The first impression of a woman, of how well-groomed and elegant she is, is formed by the way her hands look. Modern stylish woman always makes an irresistible impression with her charming soft and delicate hands with a beautiful manicure.

Therefore, it is no less important than the facial procedure. We buy creams, lotions for the face, do various procedures - massage, mask, ultrasonic facial cleansing, but we forget about our hands.

But so that your hands do not treacherously betray your age, their care should be special.

Women at all times have attached great importance to the smoothness and tenderness of their hands, so several old recipes for masks and lotions for hand care have been preserved, but to this day they have not lost their relevance and effectiveness.

  1. — Withered, dry skin will become soft and elastic again if overnight make a mask from a mixture: a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of oatmeal, yolk. Then, put cotton gloves on your hands.
  2. — Our grandmothers often and successfully used such a simple mask recipe: lubricate your hands with olive oil and put on warm gloves, preferably cotton, for two hours.
  3. - So that the skin is soft, white use old recipe hand lotion. For it, take glycerin and rose water in equal proportions and add ten drops of ammonia. Use lotion daily.
  4. — A favorite recipe for many women that helps tighten and moisturize the skin- paraffin gloves. The positive effect is noticeable literally after the first procedure.
  5. — The most popular hand care product today — chocolate masks. It is necessary to melt the chocolate bar broken into pieces in a water bath, add a few drops of olive oil. Gently apply to hands for about twenty minutes. Rinse off. This mask will make the skin of your hands young and sleek.
  6. - A very important product that has a great effect on the condition of the skin of the hands - massage. Apply nutritious cream onto your hands and massage the outer part of your arm in a circular motion from your fingertips to your hand. Then the hand is also massaged. Massage maintains elasticity and flexibility of joints, and also improves blood circulation and nutrition of the skin, thereby smoothing it and removing fine wrinkles.
  7. — To enhance the effect of massage, use it instead of cream mask from an equal mixture of glycerin and starch.
  8. — Once a week is useful baths in slightly salted warm water. Complete the procedure by smearing your hands with lemon cream or any other cream containing vitamin A.
  9. - And in general, it is advisable to enrich your daily menu foods rich in vitamins A and E.
  10. - If you notice that your hands often sweat, then such trouble can be easily avoided by doing bath from a liter of water and two teaspoons apple cider vinegar. Keeping your hands in it for five minutes is enough.
  11. — Simple, but simple steps will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles on your hands. effective exercises:
  • Place your elbows on the table, fold your palms at chest level, placing your fingers together. Straining your arms, move your joined hands thumbs as low as possible, while keeping the rest in place. Repeat ten times daily.
  • Forcefully clench your fingers into a fist and slowly, with tension, unclench. Rest your palms on the table and alternately, with tension, lift each finger individually.

If you take care of your hands in a timely manner, caring for them in a timely manner, then gentle, smooth hands will tell everyone how young and beautiful you are.

Smooth skin, flawless nail shape and stylish manicure will make your look flawless. We have prepared a mini-guide to procedures that will help you bring your pens to perfection.

The skin of your hands can give you away like nothing else. Photo: Fotolia/

Step one: perfect skin

According to psychologists, the skin of your hands can give you away like nothing else. By looking at a person’s hands you can learn about his age, social status, as well as his level of culture, some character traits and habits. And if there is a lot on the face that can be hidden under with the right makeup, in this case, there is only one thing left: to provide your hands with optimal care, which should begin as early as possible. After all, the skin in this area is constantly exposed to external influences. The most important insidious enemy is ultraviolet radiation, which destroys collagen and promotes the formation of free radicals, and also provokes the appearance of pigmentation. In winter, the skin of the hands suffers from cold air and temperature changes, which affects its blood supply and disrupts nutritional processes. Well, throughout the year, hands are subjected to another test - exposure to all kinds of household chemicals. Washing powders, dishwashing detergents, low-quality shower gels contain a huge amount of surfactants that destroy the water-lipid mantle of the skin, which leads to catastrophic loss of moisture in it.
After 45 years, so-called biological aging begins, the level of estrogen in the body gradually decreases. The skin continues to lose moisture and muscles tone, the fat layer decreases, irreversible changes in the structure of the skin occur, and then even the most expensive creams and procedures may be useless.
“The skin of the hands has a number of characteristics,” says Galina Ukhina, cosmetologist at Selfcare Club BONTABELLE. — There are no sebaceous glands, subcutaneous fat, it itself is very thin. When we are young, we do not pay attention to such trifles as dry skin, because there are so many interesting things in life! And then we come to our senses and start buying the most expensive creams, hoping for a miracle. Unfortunately, it won't happen. Any impact on the surface gives only a temporary effect, while the withering processes will take their course. If you have already missed the right moment, go to the salon and undergo a course of rejuvenating procedures, such as paraffin therapy, biorevitalization and mesotherapy, which allow you to “feed” the cells from the inside, breathe into them new life, and most importantly - to create all the conditions for a comfortable existence. Thus, mesotherapy involves the introduction of special anti-aging cocktails, which include a variety of vitamin complexes, microelements, antioxidants, amino acids, and peptides, which contributes to optimal cell nutrition. These procedures are carried out in a course of at least six procedures. As for biorevitalization, the active ingredient is hyaluronic acid, which instantly restores the water balance of the skin, increases its elasticity and tone. The effect is visible after the first procedure and only intensifies over time, because after about a month the cells begin to actively produce collagen and their own hyaluronic acid. As for paraffin therapy, this is really the simplest, but no less effective method rejuvenation of the skin of the hands, maintaining its further tone. Paraffin itself is not a magical remedy; it is a fusible mass, which, due to deep heating, stimulates all the necessary processes necessary for cell regeneration. Before paraffin therapy, we always provide clients with a light peeling, for example, fruit or milk peeling, which allows you to get rid of the stratum corneum, but is absolutely not aggressive and does not injure the skin. However, don't relax! Optimal results can be achieved through integrated approach, and this is not only care in the salon, but also home procedures. First of all, buy rubber gloves and wash dishes only in them. Never deprive your hand skin of the necessary protection in the form of cream - its fatty base provides additional protection against drying out and injury to delicate skin. The most popular are creams that contain biologically active substances: herbal
extracts, vitamins, glycerin, oils and fatty components.”
Another telltale sign of age is dark spots. To prevent their occurrence, it is recommended to use special hand creams with so-called sun filters, but if the problem has already appeared, it can be solved. There is a whole arsenal of professional whitening products, but you should choose them with the utmost care. Hydroquinone has the most powerful whitening properties, which suppresses the activity of cells, including melanocytes that produce melanin. As a result, the skin stops producing large amounts of pigment and actually becomes lighter. However, such drugs must be used only under the supervision of a specialist, since they, being highly toxic, can cause a number of side effects. Concerning home use, whitening series are available in many lines professional cosmetics. As a rule, they contain a certain concentration of AHA acids, which also have an exfoliating effect.
“Pigment spots on the skin of the hands often occur among tanning enthusiasts,” says Galina Ukhina. “But there are situations when pigmentation is caused by a number of diseases. In these cases, the use of skin whitening products is not advisable. To reduce or remove pigment spots, you need to eliminate the cause of their occurrence. Therefore, it is recommended not to use cosmetic products at your own risk, but to consult a specialist - a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Concerning cosmetic procedures“To remove hyperpigmentation on the skin of the hands, photorejuvenation is used, the essence of which is to expose the skin to high-intensity pulsed light.”

Step two: healthy nails

The most common problem associated with nails is their increased fragility, which does not allow them to perfect manicure. At the same time, nails can grow quite quickly, but just as quickly break off or flake, which prevents them from reaching even the minimum length. Most often, problems with nails are a signal from the body that it needs attention. If serious problems are excluded (increased brittleness of nails can be caused by thyroid disease or a disorder hormonal levels), most likely you just need to reconsider your diet. It should be supplemented with dairy products, avocados, green vegetables, fish, whole grain cereals and breads, as well as products containing gelatin. It would be useful to use specially selected vitamin and mineral complexes containing microelements necessary for nails. Among the reasons causing brittle nails, one of the main ones is a lack of calcium. It is found in foods such as nuts, cabbage, cheese, and fish. Remember that consuming calcium at the same time as vitamin D will promote better absorption. This is especially true for people who cannot afford prolonged exposure to the sun. By the way, natural calcium can be obtained at home. Simply wash, dry and grind to a powder. eggshells and take it for two weeks, a teaspoon per day. “Problems with nails really start from the inside,” says Radmila DROZDOVA, master of the nail service Selfcare Club BONTABELLE. “Nevertheless, a number of external factors are known that can cause significant damage to your manicure. For example, low-quality nail polish removers severely dehydrate nail plate, and nails become brittle. The cause of delamination can be a file that is too rough, as well as its inept use. You shouldn’t file the edges too deep, much less narrow the nail—it becomes more fragile. It is best to choose files from a professional store, preferably glass or ceramic. Concerning salon care, for strengthening and growing strong and healthy nails, biogel is highly recommended. The palette of shades in it is very large, and in durability it surpasses even the well-known Shellac (stays on nails for about three to four weeks).” The appearance of grooves on the nails is usually caused by genetic factors. Although this problem cannot be prevented or cured, you can smooth out the surface of the grooves using a buffer or polishing cream. However, if the grooves have not been present since birth, but have appeared only recently, this may indicate anemia."
“To understand the causes of problems with nails, you need to know what the nail plate consists of,” says Marina Protopopova, CEO company "Bomis-Trade" LLC. - So, chemical composition nail plate. The protein substance keratin (the basis of the nail plate) is about 85%. The density of keratin in nails depends on the presence of amino acids in the protein. The bonds formed between protein and amino acid molecules strengthen the nail, making it hard. Necessary microelements, vitamins, amino acids strengthen these bonds and make the nail plate dense and healthy.
Micro- and macroelements (calcium, chromium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc, silicon, iron, etc.) Their presence in the required quantities makes the nail healthy and has a positive effect on the density of the nail plate and its growth rate. Water (about 14%) affects hydration, and as a result, the elasticity and shine of the nail plate.

Lipids give elasticity to the nail (with a lack of lipids, the nail plate becomes brittle).
The keratin that makes up the nail plate has the structure of a tile. Gradually flattening, it forms tightly fitting scales. Between the layers of keratin are thin layers of fat and water. Due to the layered and porous structure of the nail, processes of absorption and sweating occur in it.
Fortunately, many nail problems can be solved with the help of high-quality cosmetics for
nails Frenchi Products Inc. (USA) - a leader in the development and production of care products natural nails. The company's specialists identified the main causes of brittleness and splitting of the nail plate and proposed a number of effective solutions. If you have peeling nails, then pay attention to the “Complex for peeling nails” “Smart Enamel” from Frenchi. It consists of two products - “Nail Conditioner” (1st step) and “Newest Strengthener” (2nd step). The first step is preparatory to open the pores of the nail plate cells. “Nail conditioner” is an innovative product with a bioenergizer formula that prepares the nail tissue for the application of a strengthening product. It improves the quality and depth of penetration of essential microelements and vitamins, regulates the balance of hardness and moisture of the nail plate. The formula “Nail Conditioner” contains extracts of camellia, ginseng, active horsetail extract, and virginian hazelnut. The second step is strengthening
nail plate. "Strengthener" from Frenchi is the latest development using nanotechnology. It contains keratin, a bioenergizer and directly affects the strengthening of the nail plate, creating a rigid, very durable polymer structure of molecules. If you are concerned about brittle nails, then Frenchi offers a “Complex for brittle nails"Smart enamel." It also consists of two products (and therefore two steps of use). All Smart Enamel preparations take into account the complex chemical composition of the nail plate and its structure. Balanced innovative product formulas supply essential microelements and vitamins, restore the necessary balance and eliminate the main problems of the nail plate and cuticle."

Step Three: Add Color!

And the final touch - chic manicure! This summer, a real carnival of bright and fashionable shades, quite consistent with the summer mood: orange, yellow, turquoise, bold shades of green and coral. Chocolate, burgundy, gray, purple, and graphite are also popular. The real hit of the season is blue and blue. For those who don’t like this riot of colors, classic shades are offered: red, burgundy, cream and milk.
“Pastel colors of varnish, such as beige, cream, pale pink, and lilac, remain popular,” says Radmila Drozdova. “They go great with bright summer accessories.” There are also changes among seasonal new products. If last season the so-called moon manicure, now it is being replaced by a calmer option - a French manicure with a transparent nail tip. Of course, such an effect can only be achieved using artificial materials for nail extensions, but such a manicure looks elegant and unusually gentle. By the way, you can create many options based on the classic French jacket. A beautiful polish accentuates the shape of your nails and should be given some attention. This season preference is given to quite short nails, protruding no more than 3-5 millimeters. As for the shape, square nails give way to oval or round nails, which gives them more naturalness.”

Hands are the girl’s business card, neck is her passport, chest is her international passport.

There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.

Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become so by the age of 30, she is simply stupid.

The worse a girl does, the better she should look.

Every girl should always know two things: what and who she wants.

If a girl doesn't wear makeup, then she thinks too highly of herself.

A woman's best fashion accessory is a handsome man!

Restraining yourself when it’s offensive and not making a scene when it hurts is what an ideal woman is.

Don't marry men with change wallets.

Self-care must start from the heart, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help.

No one is young after forty, but we can be irresistible at any age.

You don't have to be young and beautiful to look great.

A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man doesn't worry about the future until he gets married.

A beautiful dress may look nice on a hanger, but it doesn't mean anything. A dress must be judged when it is on a woman, when the woman moves her arms, legs, bends her waist.

Women, as a rule, choose a nightgown for themselves much more carefully than a husband.

Perfume says more about a woman than her handwriting.

A woman is closest to nakedness when she is well dressed.

They say that women dress for the sake of women, that they are inspired by the spirit of competition. This is true. But if there were no more men left in the world, they would stop dressing.

Never forget that there is a woman inside the clothes.

A woman should dress in such a way that it is pleasant to undress her.

We need beauty for men to love us, and stupidity for us to love men.

Elegance is not about wearing a new dress. Elegant - because she is elegant, the new dress has nothing to do with it.

Perfume is an invisible, but unforgettable, unrivaled fashion accessory. It notifies you when a woman appears and continues to remind you of her when she has left.

—Where should I apply cosmetics? -Where do you want to be kissed?

If you are struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly.

Dress poorly and they will remember your clothes - dress impeccably and they will remember your woman

I don’t understand how a woman can leave the house without cleaning herself up, at least out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe on this day you will meet your destiny. So it's better to be as perfect as possible to meet fate

To ensure that women's hands always look neat and well-groomed, experts recommend getting a manicure on average once a week. Of course, it’s easier to go to a beauty salon, but not everyone can do this. Some simply cannot find extra time for themselves, others prefer not to go to the salon for financial reasons. In fact, learn to do quality manicure on your own and at home is quite possible. All you need for this is the desire to be beautiful, the desire to learn and, of course, a little training.

Choosing a manicure

Where should you start? First of all, you need to decide on the type of manicure. Decide which manicure suits you: edged or classic. By doing classic manicure the cuticle is removed using metal forceps. But an edged manicure is more suitable for women whose cuticles are quite hard and not so easy to remove. It’s worth noting right away that when performing a trim manicure, you need to be especially careful, because it’s very easy to get hurt when doing it.

European manicure

Another type of manicure that has gained popularity in Lately, This European manicure. European manicure implies the most safe method cuticle removal - using liquid product, which contains soft acids that are absolutely harmless to nails. This type of manicure is most often used by those with delicate hand skin. If your skin is quite sensitive, then most likely this cuticle remover will not suit you.

Manicure tools

To fully perform a manicure at home, you will need a number of special tools. If you plan to change the length of your nails, then you will definitely need nail scissors. Make sure that they are sharp and cannot damage the nail plate. In general, when choosing products for manicure, it is better to buy sets that contain everything you need to fully enhance the beauty of your nails. When choosing a nail file, be guided by your own preferences. And of course it is better to use famous brands, for example, a professional manicure tool with manual sharpening - LAZETI It is not recommended to use metal saws. And it is best, according to experts, to use a glass file, which, by the way, will serve you well for a long time and will file your nails neatly and evenly without damaging them. If you decide to do a trim manicure, you will need metal cuticle tweezers, which should also be well sharpened. In order to move the cuticle away from the edge of the nail and make it easier to trim, you will need a special stick. It can be either metal or wood. Before starting a manicure, you need to steam your hands using a bath of hot water. You can add it to water special means, For example, olive oil or other aromatic oils.

Secrets of a successful manicure

If before starting a manicure you need to remove any remaining polish from your nails, then use nail polish remover without acetone, because acetone has a negative effect on your nails and can even cause them to peel. Some women add a few drops of glycerin to acetone to neutralize it. Don't forget to also purchase cuticle remover oil, which you will need to use immediately before removal. If you decide to do a European manicure, then choose a cuticle remover for your nails, then you won’t need metal tweezers. As for coating your nails after cleaning your nails from the cuticle, you need to make sure that you have a base for the polish and the polish itself. Try to buy varnishes different shades to easily choose the right color to suit your mood or wardrobe items.

So, you need to start your manicure with a bath. This is especially important if you decide to do a trim manicure. Steamed cuticles are easier to remove and can be done completely painlessly. Add pre-prepared oils or other products to warm water and place your hands in the water. There should be enough water for your fingers to be completely immersed in it. Also take care of suitable deep dishes. After 5-10 minutes, begin the process of removing the cuticle, because by that time it will have softened well.

Keywords: Every lady knows that well-groomed hands are a sign of a happy woman, Choosing a manicure, European manicure, Tools for manicure, Secrets of a successful manicure, cuticle nippers, nail scissors