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Throw a birthday party for a 5 year old child. Fun games and competitions for children and adults

Collaborative drawing. We divide the guests into two teams, giving each a Whatman paper with markers/pencils. Set the theme of the drawing. Set a time limit (for example, 5 minutes). On your marks! Based on the results of the competition, we award the team whose drawing is the best.
"Draw the birthday boy eyes closed"- 2 participants are enough. They are blindfolded, you need to draw a portrait. Whoever is closer to the original.

Fun games and competitions for a 5 year old child’s birthday:


We read out comic tasks for each guest in turn. Guests perform them in turn.
Tower. For this game you will need wooden cubes, and more of them. Children take turns placing cube on cube. Thus, we get a high pyramid-tower. The player loses, after whose die the tower still cannot stand it and falls.

Little mice and cat

While the music is playing, the little mice run and dance, as soon as the music dies down, the leader, the cat, goes hunting, and the little mice must sit on a chair as quickly as possible. Whoever did not have time to sit down becomes the leader along with the cat.

Traffic light

All children stand near the wall. The leader - the traffic light - names any color. Those children who have the named color in their clothes calmly cross, those who do not have it must cross the road, and the leader tries to hit them with the ball. The child who is hit with the ball becomes a traffic light himself.


Children must have time to run under the cloth that the leader is waving so that the cloth does not hit them.

Confused charging

The presenter shows the movements and at the same time names others. The children's task is to repeat only what he shows. A more difficult option is to repeat what he calls.
Warm-cold. A toy is hidden in the room, secret from the child. The child must find the toy. The rest of the participants should guide the child, prompting: “Warm”, “Cold”.

The sea is agitated once. The presenter turns away from the other participants, who are dancing to the music, imitating waves, and says loudly:
“The sea is agitated once,
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three,
The naval figure, freeze in place!”

At this moment, players must freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The leader turns, walks around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever is the first to move is eliminated from the game and becomes a “supervisor” - he helps the presenter find those who have moved.

Guess the word

The driver thinks of an object on a topic discussed in advance (furniture, animals, a holiday, etc.), and the players must guess what kind of object it is by asking questions to which the driver answers yes or no. Whoever guesses the word becomes the leader.

Balloon volleyball

The game requires two teams. Chairs are placed at a distance of one meter opposite each other, on which the players sit. The floor is divided with a rope in the middle between the teams. Children play volleyball. The ball must fly over the rope; players must not get up from their chairs or pick up the ball. You can only push the ball away. If the ball lands on the opponent's territory, the team gets a point. The game goes to 15 points.

The article will help you prepare your child’s holiday in such a way that it will be fun and interesting for everyone.

The birthday of a beloved child always means that the mother worries not only about the set table, but also about how fun it will be. How to make a holiday fun not only for children, but also for guests?

Competitions for a 1 year old child's birthday

Since a 1-year-old baby cannot yet understand the full meaning of what is happening, almost all competitions are aimed at the participation of guests.

Who knows the child better?

Guests are asked a series of questions about the birthday person. Whoever answers correctly first gets, for example, one piece of candy. Whoever collects the most candies wins. If there are a lot of guests, you can divide them into several groups. In the end, accordingly, one of the groups will win. Some questions are obvious, but designed for speed. Sample questions:

  • How much did the birthday boy weigh at birth?
  • On what day of the week were you born?
  • What time was he born?
  • What is the middle name of the birthday boy?
  • Favorite toy
  • When did the first tooth come out?
  • How many teeth are there now?
  • Favorite food
  • Zodiac sign
  • The name of godmother and dad
  • What was the first word you said?
  • Favorite cartoon
  • What is your weight now?
  • When I first stood on my feet

IMPORTANT: There may be many such questions. But do not overdo it so as not to bore your guests with interrogation.

Who will the birthday boy be in the future?

This competition is personal for the birthday boy. But other young children can also participate.

Objects are laid out on the table. The item that the child will take will signify his future profession. Example:

  • Keys - builder
  • Comb - hairdresser
  • Money - financier
  • Book - scientist
  • Soft toy – veterinarian
  • Vitamins - doctor
  • Flashlight - policeman
  • Calculator - economist/accountant
  • Any equipment (mouse, remote control, tablet) - programmer or technician
  • Doll outfit - clothing designer
  • Spoon - restaurant business
  • Beautiful figurine - interior designer
  • Children's signet - lawyer
  • Pen - writer
  • Brush is an artist

IMPORTANT: You can come up with many more of your own options

When the birthday boy makes his choice, give the same opportunity to other children.

The best gourmet.

  • Invite several guests to participate (it will be more fun if they are supporters of early complementary feeding)
  • Pre-prepare the jars baby food and remove the labels from them
  • Let's try it one by one. Whoever guesses the taste the most wins

IMPORTANT: It will be more fun if you choose less tasty options to try: broccoli, cauliflower.

Spit it up.

You can take two or three children over 6 years old for the competition. Give everyone a pacifier or pacifier (preferably the same ones). Whoever spits further in two attempts is the winner.


The competition is suitable for children who are not afraid to go into the arms of other people's uncles.

Involve men in the competition. Let everyone lift the child and name the approximate weight. Whoever is closer to the truth wins.

Birthday boy's laughter.

Call those who want to participate in the competition, regardless of age and gender.

The one who can make the birthday boy laugh in 1 minute is the winner.

After each competition, you can present medals to guests:

Competitions for the birthday of a child 2-3 years old

At 2-3 years old, the child will already actively participate in competitions.

Funny balls.

For this competition, you involve little children and their mothers or fathers.

Give each child an inflated balloon and a marker. Children, with the help of their parents, draw funny faces to the music. At the end of the music, the presenter evaluates everyone’s drawing and, of course, we say that friendship won. We present prizes to all participants.

Accuracy competition.

  • To participate, take the birthday boy and his friends. Line up the kids
  • Opposite each person, at a distance of 2-3 meters, place an adult with a bucket. Give each child a small ball or paper crumpled into a ball.
  • Give everyone 3 attempts to make the throw. Whoever shows the best result will win


  • Print 3 types of pictures with animals measuring approximately 10 by 15 cm in several copies
  • The number of copies depends on the number of participants. Cut each picture in half
  • Give each participant 3 cut pictures. At the signal, everyone begins to collect the picture. Whoever collects 3 pictures first wins

IMPORTANT: You can invite mothers to help

Show the beast.

  • On pieces of paper write animals that children love and can show: dog, cat, mouse, frog, monkey, bear, hedgehog, donkey, duck, bird, goose, chicken
  • Inflate balloons by first throwing a piece of paper with the name of an animal into each one. Tie the balloon in a bow (in case someone is afraid of bursting the balloon)
  • The child chooses a ball, you pop it or untie it, and name the animal that the child must voice or show. It will be more fun for both children and adults if mom and dad keep their baby company
  • At the end of the competition, all children win

Competitions for the birthday of a 4-5 year old child

Candy soup.

  • Invite two children to participate.
  • Give everyone a ladle. Opposite, about 3 meters away, place a stool with a saucepan. And near the child there is a handful of sweets
  • The participants’ task is to put the candy in the ladle, bring it and pour it into the pan
  • Whoever did it faster wins

Attentive parrot.

  • The presenter explains to the children that they must repeat after him all the words except the word “parrot”. To the accompaniment of quiet music, the presenter names words, including the word “parrot.” The one who repeats “parrot” is out of the game
  • With each elimination, the presenter speeds up and speeds up to make it easier to confuse the children.
  • Last one standing wins
  • As many children as possible are invited to participate. Adults can also participate for fun.
  • One person sits on a chair, facing away from the others. One participant from the rest comes up from behind and utters the sound of an animal: “woof-woof”, “meow”, “pee-pee-pee”
  • The person sitting in the chair must understand who was approaching. If you guess correctly, then the appropriate child sits in the chair
  • There is no winner as such. Everyone is rewarded for participation

Fun birthday contests for kids

Following the tracks of animals.

  • Children and parents participate
  • Each team is given two cardboards cut out in the shape of an animal track. At a distance of 3-4 meters improvise the finish
  • The adult’s task is to place a piece of cardboard under each child’s step.
  • The child’s task is to walk the entire distance using cardboard only.


  • Two teams of children are participating. Give one team 5 inflated balloons of one color, the other team another color.
  • Place the teams opposite each other. Draw an impromptu line between them (like a volleyball net)
  • When the music starts, each team tries to throw their balls over the line, and, at the same time, knock out the opponent’s balls from their territory.
  • At the end of the music, the team with fewer opponent's balls on its territory wins.

Easy birthday contests for kids

We make barbecue.

We give each participant a stick (possibly from balloons) and put 10 dryers on a plate. Whoever puts the dryer on the stick the fastest is the first to make the kebab.

Collect candy.

You need to scatter candies on the floor. On command, children begin to collect them in their hands, pockets, and sleeves. Whoever collects the most wins. Of course, everyone takes their candy for themselves.

Musical competitions for children's birthdays

Find the color.

  • Children participate in the competition. The presenter says a color out loud and the music starts for 10 seconds.
  • During this time, each participant looks in the room for something of the appropriate color and puts his hand to it (guests’ clothes, a toy). Those who could not find it within the allotted time are eliminated
  • Next, another color is announced, and so on until one winner remains.

Guess the song.

  • A leader is selected from adults or older children. He goes into another room. At this time, the children are divided into two teams. Each team makes a song for itself
  • When the leader returns, the teams begin to sing their songs at the same time. In this noise, the presenter must guess who is singing what song
  • If he doesn’t guess right, he fulfills the children’s wishes.

Outdoor games at birthday parties

Relay race “Find a pair”.

  • 10-14 participants (an even number) are invited to participate. Adults can be involved. Participants are divided equally into 2 teams
  • Each participant removes shoes from one foot. All removed shoes are placed in one pile, located at the same distance from both teams
  • The relay race is to run to a pile of shoes, find yours, put them on and return to the team
  • The team that puts on shoes first will be declared the winner.

Wind the reel.

Two people participate. Each person is given a spool of thread. A thread of 5 m is given to two people. The middle of the thread is marked with a knot. At a signal, participants each begin to wind the thread onto their own spool from both ends. The first one to wrap the knot will win.

Funny birthday contests for children

Who said "meow"?

  • Choose one adult to act as facilitator. There can be as many child players as you like
  • The presenter turns away, and one of the children shouts “meow.” It will be better if the child says this while grimacing or changing his voice
  • Then the leader turns, and all the children begin to shout “meow” and run and jump around the room
  • In such a noisy atmosphere, an adult tries to guess who said “meow” first
  • To make it more fun, the losing presenter draws a phantom from the bag (for example, to depict some kind of animal). The kids will have a lot of fun watching this


The competition will appeal to younger children. The presenter says that he is going to the zoo and leaves the room. When he returned, he said that he saw, for example, a bear there. After which the children must all show together what the bear does.

Questions contests for children's birthday

Fairy tale connoisseur.

The presenter names the beginning of the fairy tale, and the children guess the ending. For the correct answer, everyone receives candy. Whoever collected the most candies wins.

  • "Red..."
  • "Wolf and..."
  • Snow White and..."
  • "Baba..."
  • "Tom and..."

Guess a riddle.

The presenter asks riddles. For each correct answer he gives you a candy. Whoever has the most candies wins.

  • They were waiting for mother with milk, but they let the wolf into the house. Who were these little children? (Seven kids)
  • She bought a samovar and was saved by a mosquito. (fly Tsokotukha)
  • He is always at work when we talk. And he rests when we are silent. (language)
  • He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything. (comb)
  • Every day at six in the morning it chimes “It’s time to get up” (alarm clock)

Competitions for children's birthdays in the form of a fairy tale

  • To hold a fairy tale competition, the organizer needs to be well prepared. Need props, script, music
  • The most simple option There will be a fairy tale "Kolobok". All children know it, it is not very long and easy to remember
  • Participants: grandfather, grandmother, Kolobok, bear, fox, hare
  • Props should be prepared for each person to help them see who the participant is performing: a scarf for the grandmother, a hat for the grandfather, bear, fox and hare hats (or ears)
  • The presenter reads the story expressively and slowly. And the participants portray their role every time they are mentioned

Table competitions for a child's birthday

Guess yourself.

  • Stickers are given to everyone sitting at the table.
  • In turn, everyone writes on their sticker a word known to everyone: fruit, vegetable, animal and others. Afterwards the stickers are passed around
  • Having received the sticker, the participant sticks it on his forehead and asks everyone leading questions. So he tries to guess who he is. Of course, the author of the word himself does not try to guess and suggest
  • Sample questions: Am I a fruit? Am I red? am I round?

Broken phone.

The participant comes up with a phrase. He passes it on to his neighbor in a whisper in his ear. Neighbor to another neighbor. And so on until the end. At the end, it's quite fun to hear the phrase voiced by the last participant.

Prizes for competitions for a child's birthday

The choice of prizes depends on the budget you are counting on. It can be:

  • Kinder surprise egg
  • Chocolate
  • Candies
  • Chupa Chups
  • Small soft toys
  • Dolls for girls
  • Cars for boys
  • Air bubbles
  • Puzzles

An economical, but at the same time memorable option would be medals. Print on thick paper and thread it through a string. You can give it after each competition.

Competitions for adults at a child's birthday

Unravel the tangle.

  • One adult and children participate in the competition
  • The adult walks out the door. Children stand in a circle and hold hands
  • Then they begin to get confused, stepping over the arms and legs of others with their feet or hands. At the same time, you should not let go of your hands
  • The adult returns and tries to untangle the tangle without releasing his hands. If he unravels, he gets a prize. Doesn't untangle - fulfills desire

Eat for your health.

  • Adults participate in the competition. Everyone sits down at the table
  • A plate of crumbly food is placed in front of everyone - ideally rice or buckwheat porridge. Each participant is given Chinese chopsticks
  • On command, everyone starts eating with chopsticks. Whoever eats the most in a minute wins
  • Portions should be equal

As you can see, a children's birthday party can be fun for both the guests and the birthday boy. The main thing is preparation.

Video: Games and competitions for 2-3 YEARS BIRTHDAY Part 2

Children and their parents participate in this competition. Each child needs to feed their “little” parents and wipe their mouths, that is, children here act as adults, and parents are their children. To make everything fair, you can take identical jars of baby purees or yoghurts for lunch. The team in which the child feeds the “little” parents faster and more accurately than the rest will receive a prize.

Repeat fly

Each of the guys in turn must repeat after the leader the corresponding phrase or tongue twister, for example about Greka or Karl and Clara. It will be fun to listen to children try to pronounce difficult words. At the end of the game, everyone will be awarded a certain certificate or medal, for example, “the loudest”, “the clearest”, “the most fun” and so on.

Daisies - Cornflowers

The children are divided into 2 teams: the team of “daisies” and “cornflowers”. 2 captains are chosen and given a flower, one a paper daisy, the other a cornflower. The same flowers are pasted on the children so that the captains can understand where their daisies are and where their cornflowers are. The leader mixes the children so that they are located throughout the room. At the “start” command, the captains begin to run around the room and assemble their team of colors. Whoever gets it together faster - daisies or cornflowers - will win.


For this competition, the presenter must prepare in advance (draw with a black marker or simply download from the Internet) various shadows, for example, the shadows of a cloud, sun, frog, dog, carrot, banana, and so on. Each participant in turn is shown a shadow picture, and the child must name what or who it belongs to. For the correct answer - one point. Whichever child collects the most points will receive a prize.

The ball is mine

Children are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other, and between the guys in each pair they put a ball on the floor. The presenter names some part of the body, and the children must touch it, for example, ears, nose, eyes, left leg, right side, stomach, back and ears again, and then suddenly calls the word “ball”. And whichever of the guys grabs the ball first gets a point. Then the ball is put back on the floor and the game is repeated. And so 5 times. Whichever of the guys gets the most points, that is, whoever picks up the ball first more times, wins.

Fruits vegetables

Children of this age love to explore the world and take everything into their own hands. For this competition you will need various fruits and vegetables, apples, bananas, oranges, kiwis, peaches, pears, as well as potatoes, onions, carrots, beets and so on. Children are divided into two teams: the first team is “fruits”, and the second is “vegetables”. At the same distance from each team there is a basket with the same contents and quantity of fruits and vegetables. At the command “start” the guys run to the cart full, take one fruit or vegetable at a time and transfer it to their empty basket. The team that collects all its fruits or vegetables the fastest wins.

cartoon music

Well, what kind of child would be without cartoons, only in this competition you will need knowledge not of the names of cartoons or even their characters, but of cartoon songs and musical compositions. The presenter must prepare songs from various cartoons in advance. Which children of this age love to watch, for example, “Who are the fixies”, “Jam” from the film “Masha and the Bear”, the main melody from the film “Luntik”, a song about wooden toys from the film “Woods” " and so on. The presenter takes turns playing songs, and the first guy to raise his hand answers what cartoon this song is from. Whoever can give the most correct answers wins.

In the world of cars

Modern children understand technology and machines from a young age. This competition for little “clever kids” will allow you to remember all the unusual cars. The presenter takes turns reading out riddles or reading out sentences describing the cars that the children must guess. Whoever first guessed what kind of car it was raised his hand and answered. For the correct answer - a point, and for the highest number of points - the title of winner and a prize.
I growl like a bulldog, but I’m not a dog, I’m a machine and my name is almost like a bulldog (bulldozer)
I dig holes, but not with a shovel, but with a bucket (excavator)
I am a machine with an arrow under which you do not stand. I can build a multi-story house, I am the most important one at the construction site (crane) and so on.

Colorful world

Children are divided into teams, the game is played using the relay race method. At a certain distance from each team there is a basket with multi-colored balls (red, blue, green). Each team receives the task of collecting balls of its own color into its basket: the first team is the “blue” team, the second team is the “red” team, and so on. At the command “start”, the first participants run to their baskets, rummage there, and find the ball desired color and run back to their empty basket, then the second participants take up the baton. The team that collects balls of its color faster than the rest will win.

A birthday scenario for kids might look something like this.

Leading(this could be mom or dad). Dear guys, well done for coming. Let's congratulate our birthday boy (name) on his birthday, he (she) turned (age) years old today!

Children join hands and the birthday boy stands in the center of the circle.

The children begin to dance in a round dance called “Loaf”.

As on (name of the birthday boy) name day

We baked a loaf

Such a height

That's how wide it is!

Loaf, loaf,

Whoever you want, choose!

Birthday boy. I love, of course, everyone, but (says the name of the guest opposite whom he stands) most of all!

The selected child stands in the center of the round dance, and the guys continue. It will be enough to repeat the game two or three times.

Leading. Guys, what is the most important treat at a birthday party?

Children. Cake!

Leading. That's right, a cake, but bad luck - Kashchei got into our house and hid the birthday cake somewhere. Let's find him, guys! Are you willing to help us?

Children. Yes!

Leading. And our cake is very close, close, but to find it, you need to read the note that Kashchei left for us as a hint so that we could go through the fairy tale! And as in any fairy tale, there are tests waiting for us that we need to pass!

The song “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays.

Children. Yes!

The “Hike Song” from the film “The Adventures of Masha and Vitya” is playing.

Leading. Then let's see if you're ready!

Can you run? Show me how. What about jumping? On one leg? On two? How about shouting loudly? What about clapping? What about stomping? Do you know how to read? Then you are ready! Let's read the note. The note says: “Help Cinderella.”

The song is from the cartoon "Cinderella".

Leading. Children, what do you think could have happened to Cinderella? Maybe she lost something? Children. Shoe!

Leading. Then we need to help find her a second one.

Shall we help? Children. Yes!

First competition. Shoes cut out of cardboard are glued to a sheet of whatman paper. In the center of the Whatman paper there is a sample glued, according to which you need to find the second one. Next to each shoe there is a slot in which a note is inserted. It is clear that all the notes except one are empty.

After the desired shoe is found, the children read the note: “Look for the Snake.”

Leading. Children, do you know what kind of Snake we need to find? This is probably some kind of fairy tale hero...

Children. Dragon!

Leading. Let's look for him!

Second competition. On the wall in one of the rooms hang three interconnected balloons with a drawn dragon's face (nostrils and eyes).

Leading. And here comes the Serpent! Who here is not afraid of the beast and will fight the monster?

Children need to defeat the Snake using a toy sword. In one of the balls the guys find the following note: “Bird.”

Leading. Let's look for the bird. Look, the Eagle has flown to us! You need to fight him so that he gives the note.

Third competition. The picture with the Eagle is glued to the dartboard. Children need to hit it with a dart three times, then from behind the dart they get a note: “Fish.”

Leading. Now you need to catch fish to find the next note. But the path to the river is not easy, you need to walk on pebbles.

Competition Four. “Pebbles” are laid out on the floor in the room, along which children need to get to the “river” (this can be a simple bowl of water) and catch fish with a fishing rod (a stick with a magnet at the end). Fish can be made from colored paper by connecting the halves using two buttons, which will be the eyes of the fish. The buttons are inserted into each other with a point that is bent using pliers.

There is a note hidden in one of the fish: “Egg.”

Leading. Now we need to find some kind of egg. Who can help us with this? Hero of which fairy tale?

Children. Chicken Ryaba!

Leading. Then let's look for her.

Where does our chicken sit and guard her eggs?

Fifth competition. The soft toy Ryaba Hen sits in a basket filled with golden eggs (these could be Kinder surprise boxes painted gold acrylic paint, or just yellow boxes), in one of them there is a note: “Chest.”

Leading. Where is Kashchei's chest? Let's look!

Competition sixth. Children find a toy chest, next to which there are many keys. Children need to choose the right key to open the chest. Inside the chest they find a note: "Cold." The word can be written on silver foil, which must be twisted into a needle shape.

Leading. But we’re not going to the North Pole, are we? Where can it be cold here? Let's think...

Birthday competitions for children 5 years old allow you to diversify the holiday. Kids don't like to sit at the table for a long time. They need to move: run, jump, play, have fun.

Today we will talk about what competitions for children 5 years old can be used in organizing a holiday.

1. Assemble the puzzle

To hold the competition, you need to buy as many boxes of puzzles as there are participants. But keep in mind that the puzzles must be of basic complexity. For example, 10-12 large elements. At the leader's command, the children begin to assemble their puzzles. But there should be no winners and losers in the game. Give a small prize to each participant, only in different categories: the fastest, the most fun, the most dexterous, the most neat, etc.

2. Guess the cartoon

Children stand in a circle, and the leader asks questions. For example, name a cartoon where there is winter. Children take turns naming cartoons that are the answers to these questions. For example, Winter's Tale, Snowman-postman, Winter in Prostokvashino, etc. Whoever stumbles is eliminated from the circle. You can ask different questions: for example, name a cartoon in which there is a bear (Masha and the Bear, Gummi Bears, Umka). We play until there is only one child left. If it is difficult for children, you can play in pairs, together with adults.

3. Finger tree

This is a creative game in which all children take part. You need to make a magic tree using finger paints. Each child can have their own color. A tree with leaves drawn in the form of fingerprints looks very beautiful. It can decorate your baby’s nursery for a long time.

4. My dream house

Competitions for children 5 years old should be fun and interesting. Active competitions should be alternated with intellectual ones.

Buy as many sets of construction sets as you have children visiting, or divide a large construction set into the same number of parts. Each participant in the competition must build their dream home. Based on the results of the jury meeting, award each participant. For example, the most original house, the most practical, the tallest, the largest, the most interesting, etc.

5. Bowling game

To organize the competition you will need a ball and skittles. Both children and adults can participate. All participants line up in a column. Each of them takes turns throwing the ball. The main task is to knock down all the pins. Skittles are placed in a row for each participant. The one who knocks down all the pins wins.

6. Make candy soup

Remember that birthday contests for children 5 years old should be fun and funny.

We propose to hold a small relay race. Children are divided into two teams and stand behind each other at the start. At the finish line, we place a pan opposite each team. At the start, at a distance of about two meters from the pans, add a handful of candies. The first participant takes a spoon in his hands, at the presenter’s signal, without hands, scoops candy into the spoon, runs and puts it in the pan. Returns and passes the spoon to the next participant. The task of each team is to put all their candies into the pan.

7. Guess the beast

We blindfold the baby and give it to him soft toy. He must guess what kind of toy it is.

8. Collect more flowers

The children leave the room, and the leader places flowers throughout the room. The children return and, on command, begin to pick flowers. Whoever finds the most is the winner.

9. Find a toy

The children leave the room. The presenter hides the toy and calls everyone back. Children must find a toy, and the phrase “cold-warm-hot” sounds as a clue.

10. Pass the hat

Children should stand in a circle. Give one child a hat. As soon as the music starts playing, the baby turns around, takes off his hat and passes it to his neighbor. The music stops suddenly. Whichever child remains in the hat is eliminated from the game.

11. Soap bubble competition

All children love soap bubbles. Take advantage of this. Have a competition for the biggest soap bubble, or see who can keep it the longest without bursting. You can count who can blow the most bubbles in certain time.

12. Competition “Guess the Neighbor”

Children stand in a circle. One participant needs to be blindfolded. He must guess one of the guests. To confuse the baby, children can expose their heads, hands, and parts of each other’s clothing.

13. Animal concert

The presenter whispers to the child the name of the animal. The child must sing a song and recite a poem in his voice. It turns out very funny. The rest must guess what kind of animal it is.

14. Competition “You can’t laugh”

Children sit down in a semicircle. The driver is selected. He should make everyone else laugh. You can laugh, make faces, sing, dance, tell funny stories. And for the participants, the main thing is not to laugh. Whoever turns out to be the most persistent wins.

15. Dress up the doll

You need to prepare two dolls, diapers, and clothes in advance. At the signal, two participants must dress and swaddle the doll. Whoever does it faster and more accurately wins.

16. Competition "Chain"

You need to prepare two boxes of paper clips. Children are divided into two teams and each receive a box of paper clips. Their task is to connect paper clips into one chain within a certain time. Whoever has the longest chain wins.

17. Hot ball

Children stand in a circle. The music turns on. Participants quickly pass the ball to each other. The presenter abruptly turns off the music. Whoever has the ball left is out of the game. The last one standing wins.

18. Competition “Lighter than air”

Children are divided into two teams. Each person receives a balloon. At a signal, the ball is thrown into the air. Children blow on the ball, preventing it from falling. Whichever team has the ball in the air the longest wins.

19. Playing snowballs

The kids are divided into two teams. Each receives several sheets of paper, according to the number of players. Children stand in a column, and at a distance of several meters we place a bucket. Each player must take a piece of paper, crumple it into a ball, and throw it into the bucket. Whichever team has the most balls in the bucket wins.

20. Draw an animal

Children are divided into two teams. Each receives whatman paper and pencils. The presenter gives the task to draw a certain animal. Children must take turns drawing a part of the body so that the result is the desired animal. Whichever team has the most interesting and realistic animal wins.

When choosing competitions for children 5 years old, remember that noisy and active tasks should be alternated with calm, intellectual ones, so that children have the opportunity not only to have fun and move, but also to relax.