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Vacuum massage of the body and face: types, methods. Contraindications to anti-cellulite massage Vacuum massage benefits and contraindications

To combat cellulite, lose weight, increase skin elasticity, as well as to combat congestion and improve blood circulation, many cosmetic and therapeutic procedures are used, one of which is vacuum massage.

What is vacuum massage: history

It is known that ancient Roman and ancient Chinese healers resorted to this method to warm up the body and relieve pain. Our grandmothers also used “cups” at home to treat bronchitis, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system (radiculitis, neuralgia).

If medicinal properties Although medical cups are considered unproven, the cosmetological effect of local exposure to vacuum has found a lot of evidence of its effectiveness.

At the end of the 20th century, the use of cups became purely cosmetic. They are used to get rid of cellulite, overweight, removing toxins, warming the skin before using masks, increasing its tone.

Vacuum massage is carried out using different methods: using cans or special devices, but the principle of the massage remains the same.

How does vacuum massage for weight loss work?

The effectiveness of this type of massage is due to the properties of the vacuum created using cans or a device. A vacuum is a medium in which the air pressure is significantly lower than atmospheric pressure. A vacuum environment is artificially created in medical jars manually or using special devices.

Intracellular pressure and external pressure balance each other. Reducing external pressure using vacuum leads to an increase in pressure inside the cells, which leads to rupture of adipose tissue cells.

The vacuum inside the jar enhances lymph flow, stimulates blood circulation in the affected area, accelerating metabolic processes in it.

Vacuum massage for weight loss is an effective tool in the comprehensive fight against excess weight and “orange peel.” Photos before and after vacuum massage for cellulite indicate that it eliminates the bumps and irregularities inherent in cellulite, gradually making the surface of the skin smooth and even.

Photos before and after

What effect does vacuum massage have?

  • Relieving tension in muscle fibers. Reducing tension and tone helps relieve pain.
  • General health of the body. Despite the unproven therapeutic effects of medical cupping, it is undeniable that they have a profound effect on muscle fibers and tissues, contributing to the overall strengthening of the body and improvement of well-being.
  • Getting rid of fat tissue. The vacuum effect is especially noticeable in the complex fight against cellulite. Using a vacuum before applying special masks or wrapping procedures stimulates blood circulation in problem areas, helping to enhance the effect of cosmetic procedures.
  • In the complex treatment of neurological diseases, migraines, sleep disorders, muscle pain, it has a softening, relaxing and warming effect.

Is it possible to carry out vacuum massage at home and how to do it yourself?

You can massage using special jars at home. To do this, before the massage it is recommended to take a bath or do a short warm-up (a series of simple exercises to warm up the body). First you need to prepare jars, a warm blanket, cream (anti-cellulite or essential oils), as well as matches, a towel, a forceps (or large tweezers), cotton wool, and ethyl alcohol. Oil or cream is applied to the affected area. A wick is made from cotton wool and alcohol, which is set on fire and placed in a jar for a second. The jar is applied to the skin in the problem area, cooling from the surface of the skin to body temperature leads to the formation of a vacuum in it. Similarly, all cans are applied to the problem area.
You can find many videos on the Internet that show all the stages of the procedure at home.

Movement patterns for vacuum massage at home

The affected area must be covered with a towel and blanket. It is enough to wait ten to fifteen minutes and remove the jars one by one, pressing on the surface of the skin at the edge of each of the jars.

After removing the cans, you need to lie down for about half an hour, covered with a warm blanket.

When performing vacuum therapy at home, you should take into account that performing it on yourself is not very convenient. Outside help will be needed. In addition, the procedure has a number of contraindications and can also have negative consequences.

Contraindications to vacuum therapy

Vacuum therapy is considered a safe procedure, but if the following factors are present, it is advisable to refrain from performing it:

  • Tendency to bruise due to fragility of blood vessels;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • High temperature, febrile state;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Diabetes;
  • The presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • Presence of an infectious disease;
  • Wounds, abrasions at the affected area;
  • Menstruation, the presence of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • Pregnancy, lactation period.

Are there any negative consequences of vacuum massage?

Only unprofessional massage can have negative consequences. Bruises and bruises may appear in the affected area, which will go away on their own after six to seven days. The formation of bruises is associated with exceeding the time of exposure to vacuum, as well as with the treatment of areas where lymph nodes and blood arteries are located.

A cream is applied to the skin, allowing the attachment to glide freely over the surface of the body.

Hardware vacuum facial massage

On the face, this type of treatment is used to improve skin tone, get rid of sagging, and excess fatty tissue. It is also effective in combating problems such as:

  • The appearance of jowls and a double chin;
  • Early expression wrinkles;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Circles and puffiness under the eyes;
  • Comedones;
  • Manifestation of the capillary network.

Vacuum therapy for the abdomen

Hardware vacuum massage of the abdomen helps to remove sagging, fight visceral fat deposits, which are problematic to remove with training and diets. It helps to correct your figure, eliminate sagging skin that accompanies sudden weight loss, reduce the amount of fat deposits, and get rid of the “orange peel”.

Hardware vacuum body massage

This procedure allows you to actively fight fat deposits in different parts of the body, especially in the hips, buttocks, abdomen, and forearms. This type of influence plays a huge role in eliminating cellulite, which often “accompanies” even the most slender and skinny girls. It enhances the effect of body wraps and other cosmetic procedures aimed at correcting the figure.

Back massage

Hardware vacuum massage for the back also helps to get rid of excess fatty tissue in the lumbar region and shoulder area. In addition, it has a warming and relaxing effect on tissue, relieving muscle fatigue and reducing pain that accompanies neurological diseases such as sciatica.

As an afterword

The main advantage of vacuum therapy is its targeted effect. It works specifically in problem areas, eliminating skin sagging, allowing you to achieve a lasting lifting effect, rejuvenating the skin, removing cellulite. Its implementation does not require invasive intervention (injections, skin punctures), rehabilitation, and does not take much time.


Vacuum massage is an incredibly effective body and face care product.

Vacuum cups will help get rid of cellulite, lose weight, shape your figure, remove looseness and tighten problem areas of the body, tighten and improve the condition of the skin, and even get rid of stretch marks.

If vacuum facial massage (see article Vacuum facial massage with cups - rejuvenation at home >>>) requires great care and precision, then body massage is quite simple to perform. Perhaps massage with vacuum cups is the easiest way to care for the body at home, effective both on its own and as a complement to exercises.


(from cellulite, for weight loss, tightening and improving skin condition)

The benefits of vacuum massage for the body.

  • First, let's figure out how exactly vacuum massage affects the body and skin?
  • Then, let's see what visible results can be obtained from massage with vacuum cans?

The effect of vacuum massage.

The anti-cellulite jar is made of either glass or elastic material. A pump or rubber bulb is attached to the glass jar, which allows you to draw the skin into the jar to a greater or lesser depth. A silicone jar works on the same principle, only to create a vacuum in it, it should be squeezed, then pressed against the skin and released.

The vacuum draws not only the skin into the jar, but deeper layers of tissue. Before the massage, the skin is generously lubricated with oil, then the jar is sucked on and the jar is moved over the selected area of ​​the body. Vacuum massage has the following effects:

  • relaxes spasmodic muscles,
  • improves lymph exchange of the skin and subcutaneous layer,
  • creates microtraumas in the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous layer.

Spasmed muscles interfere with blood flow. When, thanks to massage, the muscles relax, blood supply and lymph exchange in the tissues are restored. As a result: toxins and dead cells begin to be effectively removed from muscle tissue, fat and skin, all tissues are better supplied with blood, i.e. oxygen and nutrients.

Microtraumas lead to overcompensation - tissues are actively renewed, an additional network of capillaries is created, thanks to which the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients is further improved. Fibroblasts are activated, producing collagen and elastin proteins - the skin in these areas of the body becomes denser and smoother, tightened and moisturized.

Fat deposits become available for lymph and blood exchange. That is, the body gets the opportunity to process fat cells and use them as a source of nutrients and energy.

Visible results of vacuum massage.

Vacuum massage for cellulite.

Cellulite begins to decrease after 2-3 sessions. Regular massage with vacuum cups allows you to completely get rid of cellulite, which is confirmed by numerous reviews with before and after photos that can be found on the Internet.

Cellulite is a purely female problem (as if periods, childbirth and heels weren’t enough for us). Moreover, cellulite can appear in slender women, and not just in overweight ones, since it is associated with hormonal imbalance. Therefore, I recommend not limiting yourself to massage with vacuum cups, but taking care of restoring hormonal balance in order to get rid of cellulite not temporarily. but forever.

To restore hormonal balance, there is one amazing exercise from the ancient Chinese health system of Qigong. The exercise is called "Golden rooster standing on one leg." I described in detail how to perform this exercise in an article on the treatment of pressure (since this exercise restores not only hormonal balance, but also many other functions of the body, and normalization of pressure is one of the most noticeable and quickly manifested effects).

In addition, proper nutrition plays an important role in restoring hormonal balance and getting rid of cellulite. Hormones in foods disrupt natural hormonal background a person not only immediately, but also have a prolonged effect, reducing the production of some hormones and stimulating the production of others. These products include almost all products of animal origin. In terms of hormone content, milk comes first, then meat (especially chicken), followed by chicken eggs. The least hormonal product is fish - it can definitely be called the healthiest of animal products).

Vacuum massage for weight loss.

Vacuum massage allows you to more effectively get rid of fat when losing weight. But, for weight loss you need to combine massage with physical exercise and watch your diet.

Vacuum massage for skin tightening.

The skin tightens, becomes smoother and more elastic, looks young and healthy. Vacuum massage helps to avoid sagging and unsightly folds during sudden weight loss, and to tighten the skin after childbirth.

Vacuum massage for stretch marks.

Regular vacuum massage sessions help reduce stretch marks. To reduce stretch marks, it is advisable to combine vacuum with the use of a mesoscooter (deramaroller).

Vacuum body massage technique.

Vacuum body massage: cupping.

There are several types of cans for vacuum massage:

  • medical glass jars with a separate pump (usually sold as a set of many jars various sizes),
  • glass jars with rubber bulb,
  • silicone jars.

For independent use, silicone jars are most convenient, but jars with a rubber bulb are also quite good. But medical cups with a separate pump are more suitable for a professional massage therapist, since it is difficult to use them on yourself.

For body massage, jars of sufficiently large diameter are suitable, allowing

  • quickly treat large areas of the body,
  • act on deep tissues (fat and muscles), and not just on the skin.

Choose 2-3 jars of different sizes for different areas of the body. Often, vacuum jars are sold like this - in a set of several copies of different sizes.

You can also purchase a vacuum massager for self-massage at home. The principle of operation of such a massager is the same as that of cans. The massager has several advantages over cups, but also has disadvantages.

Advantages of vacuum massagers:

  • The vacuum massager allows you to more accurately regulate the vacuum strength(the force with which the skin is sucked into the jar). The force of influence is selected individually, and this is much easier to do than with conventional jars (where everything depends on the force of your pressing on the jar or pear, but here it is adjusted by turning the handle, which is much simpler).
  • The vacuum massager can perform several types of massage, including vibration massage.
  • The vacuum massager has several attachments and programs designed to massage various parts of the body and face.

Disadvantages of vacuum massagers:

  • They cost significantly more than simple vacuum jars.
  • They may break. According to reviews, this happens quite often, however, as with any electrical appliances.

Vacuum body massage: preparation.

  • Sport. Before the massage, it is good to exercise and warm up your muscles.
  • Shower. You can take a hot shower, but you should not go to the sauna - the sauna will increase the likelihood of bruising.
  • Cleansing. Cleanse your skin thoroughly.
  • Oil. Apply oil generously. Read more about choosing oil for massage below.
  • Warming massage. It is recommended to do a light warming self-massage.

Vacuum body massage: oil.

Massage with vacuum cups is always carried out on generously oiled skin. This type of massage cannot be performed without oil.

For massage you need to use clean vegetable oils cold pressed, without any additives (preservatives, flavorings). No deodorized, refined, hydrogenated or other processed oils! Store oils in a cool, dark place (refrigerator if necessary) and do not use oil after it has gone rancid.

Choose the most healthy oils- with a vacuum massage, everything you apply to the skin is absorbed very effectively and penetrates into the deep layers. I especially love coconut oil and sesame oil. But any other oil will do - olive, flaxseed, pumpkin, nut, avocado oil. You can also use more expensive oils - apricot or grape seeds, jojoba oil, rosehip oil, etc. Black cumin oil is especially beneficial for the skin; it requires a little and is recommended to be mixed with other oils in equal proportions. The choice is huge.

To enhance the effect of the massage, you can add essential oils.

For which areas of the body is vacuum massage suitable?

Let's find out on which areas of the body vacuum massage is most effective, and where it is contraindicated.

Buttocks, thighs, stomach, sides. The greatest effect of vacuum massage is achieved in these areas. This is good news, since these are the areas of the body that are the most “problematic” for many women.

Legs, arms. A jar of slightly smaller diameter is used than when massaging the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. The massage itself is performed more delicately so as not to leave unsightly bruises. Special care requires massage of the lower leg - the place where varicose veins most often appear.

Back. Back massage with vacuum cups is a very useful and pleasant, relaxing procedure (although it can be a little painful), but it is impossible to carry out such a massage on your own.

Breast. Vacuum breast massage requires great care, but can produce good results, helping to tighten the skin and get rid of stretch marks.

Areas of lymph node accumulation and the spine. Under the arms, behind the knees, on the inner side of the upper thigh and in the groin - all these areas should be avoided when using a vacuum body massage. The line of the spine should also be avoided. It is better to entrust work with the spine to a specialist. By the way, vacuum cans in the hands of a knowledgeable specialist allow you to return a displaced vertebra to its place if the cause of the displacement is a muscle spasm (as most often happens).

Vacuum body massage: how to do it?

Massage is done only along massage lines - along the lymph. Don't just move the can randomly or up and down. And don’t forget that it is necessary to avoid places where lymph glands accumulate and the line of the spine.


Vacuum foot massage begins with a calf massage. Due to the fact that the lower leg is the place where varicose veins most often appear, the vacuum force in this area should be minimal (of course, if varicose veins are already present, massage with vacuum cans cannot be done).

The massage is carried out from the bottom up (from the foot to the knee), both on the front and back surfaces of the leg. Do not touch the area behind the knee (marked with a red circle in the picture).

Massage the lower leg with cups for 2-3 minutes.

Vacuum thigh massage requires less caution - you can increase the vacuum strength. A vacuum that is too weak will not help get rid of cellulite or reduce body fat in the hip area, so don’t be afraid of pain or feel too sorry for yourself. But this does not apply to the inner thighs - maximum caution should be exercised here (perhaps, avoid massaging the inner thighs altogether). The groin area cannot be massaged.

We start by massaging the front of the leg - above the knee, in the direction from the outside of the leg to the inside. Then, with the same movements, we massage the upper thigh, without affecting the area marked in red in the figure. back part We massage the hips from the knee to the buttocks.

We massage the thighs for 5-10 minutes.

Vacuum massage of the buttocks and sides requires maximum vacuum strength (within reasonable limits, of course) - this way we will quickly get rid of cellulite and fat deposits.

Mentally draw a triangle with its apex in the center of your lower back (see picture). Massage lines go from the middle of the buttocks to the center and from the middle of the buttocks to the sides (see blue lines). Massage lines indicated in the picture green, go from the spine to the sides.

This type of massage is difficult to do on your own. But you can massage your buttocks using circular movements. For convenience, you need to take a position in which the fold under the buttock straightens. For example, you can put one leg on a chair or lie on your side and bend your leg. Then change position to massage the second buttock.

Dedicate 5-10 minutes to massaging the buttocks, and another 2-3 minutes to massage the lower back and sides.

Let's move on to vacuum abdominal massage(you can change the order slightly and massage the abdomen after the back massage).

Vacuum strength is medium. The massage is carried out with circular movements of the can, in an expanding spiral (from the navel), clockwise. This massage helps to get rid of congestion not only in the subcutaneous layer, but also in internal organs, helps cleanse the intestines (which, in turn, helps you lose weight).

Abdominal massage can be given for 5-10 minutes.

Vacuum back massage It’s impossible to do it on your own. For this you will need someone's help.

The massage is performed along massage lines, as shown in the figure. We don't touch the spine.

A back massage with cupping will take 5-10 minutes.

Vacuum breast massage requires great care. But a vacuum that is too weak will not have the desired effect. Therefore, we select the vacuum strength, increasing it gradually, and do not forget to generously lubricate the massaged area with oil so that the skin does not stretch.

Breast massage is performed in a circle (as shown in the picture). The closer to the nipple, the weaker the vacuum should be. We do not massage the armpits.

The duration of the chest massage with cups is 2-3 minutes.

Vacuum shoulder massage It is especially pleasant if you have numb shoulders and a headache - it will help relax the spasming muscles and, thanks to the restored blood circulation, the headache will go away. Performed along the massage lines shown in the figure.

Shoulder massage with cupping takes 2-3 minutes.

Vacuum hand massage carried out in the direction from the hands to the elbows and from the elbows to the shoulders. The area of ​​the elbow bend is not massaged. Also, remember that you cannot massage the armpit area.

Hand massage takes 2-3 minutes.

The duration of vacuum massage for each area is indicated approximately and depends on your goals and on whether you are performing a complex massage or paying attention only to individual “problem” parts of the body - in this case, you can massage them longer.

How often should you do a vacuum massage?

  • Vacuum massage can be carried out in a course of 15-20 sessions (every day or once every 2 days) to achieve a noticeable result. Do a massage every day or every other day - decide for yourself, depending on the reaction of your body. If a daily facial massage is not best idea, then you can do it for the body every day, especially if your goal is to get rid of cellulite or reduce fat reserves.
  • Vacuum massage can be done “prophylactically” and to maintain the effect obtained - 1-2 times a week.

What else is important to know about vacuum body massage?

Before and after a vacuum massage, it is important to drink more water.

Therefore, it is important to drink water:

  • If you do vacuum massage in the morning or afternoon, drink 2-3 glasses of water within an hour before the massage and 1-2 liters of water within 3 hours after.
  • If you do a vacuum massage in the evening, then drinking a lot of water at night is not very good. In this case, try to drink more water all day (about 1 liter more than usual), and drink 2-3 glasses of water within an hour before the massage.
  • blood pressure treatment >>>), instead of constantly taking harmful medications.
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve.
  • Acute fungal, infectious and other inflammatory processes on the skin of the face. Vacuum massage can help the infection penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
  • Damage to the skin (open wounds, cuts).
  • Any inflammatory processes in the body that are in the acute stage.
  • Any acute diseases (colds, fever, poisoning).
  • Severe fatigue, overwork, bad mood - a reason to postpone the vacuum massage for another day. Everything we do for our beauty and health should be done in a cheerful state and in a good mood.
  • The capillary network (close location of blood vessels to the surface of the skin) is not a categorical contraindication for vacuum massage. With the right approach, vacuum massage, performed with the utmost care, will help reduce this problem by tightening the skin. However, if you perform a vacuum massage yourself, the close location of the vessels can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

    Another way to get rid of this problem is massage with a mesoscooter with short needles (from 0.3 mm to 1 mm). A mesoscooter (dermaroller) will help make the skin denser and thicker and strengthen the capillaries, which will solve the problem of unsightly “stars” on the skin.

    After this, you can start vacuum massage, but do it with extreme care, especially for the first time.

Vacuum roller massage, carried out using a special device, improves microcirculation of lymph and blood, ensuring a high level of metabolism. This procedure activates the breakdown of fat, reducing weight and reducing the volume of those areas of the body that are affected. The skin is drawn into the cavity of the moving roller nozzles, where reduced pressure is created, which leads to an intense effect on the subcutaneous structures. Vacuum roller massage reduces the severity of edema, promoting improvement appearance problem areas.

How does a massager affect the skin?

In all existing types Automassagers have rollers that rotate at different speeds in different directions. The device, thanks to the suction of air by a compressor, captures and kneads the skin fold. Vacuum roller massage of problem areas is fully automated, the program selected for lipomassage is controlled automatically. There are nozzles different forms and sizes used for static, dynamic or combination types of massage. In many cases, this procedure can replace liposuction.

As a result of the effect of the device, the flow of nutrients to the treated areas increases, and the production of collagen and elastin proteins is activated in them. This leads to an improvement in overall well-being, a tightening effect, and improved skin tone and appearance. Signs of aging are reduced on the face, as the procedure significantly restores skin elasticity while eliminating fine wrinkles. When treated with a roller device, dead skin cells are exfoliated, and the skin acquires a natural color and shine.

Advantages of the vacuum method

Vacuum roller massage has the following advantages:

  1. The procedure is painless and safe, it quickly produces visible results.
  2. In 30 minutes you can perform a vacuum massage on the whole body.
  3. After 10 procedures, 1 session per month is enough to maintain the result.

Indications for lipomassage are the presence of excess weight, local fat deposits, edema and cellulite, and sagging skin.

After completing the course, you can expect the appearance of such effects as a decrease in the volume of subcutaneous fat, reduction or elimination of edema, possible correction of cellulite and improvement of the figure, increasing the elasticity of the skin. You can correct cellulite at almost any stage (except for the most severe ones), since vacuum roller massage solves the problem from the inside, improving blood microcirculation in the vessels compressed by fat cells. After treatment with the device, scars and stretch marks become softer and whiter, becoming more invisible and more elastic. Each defect is processed individually using special attachments.

Technique and contraindications

Vacuum roller massage is a simple procedure; it is carried out following a certain algorithm:

  1. The technician selects the operating mode of the device, focusing on the client’s problems.
  2. The procedure is carried out on a massage table, the massage begins from the upper back, gradually treating all problem areas of the body.
  3. First, light pressure from the massager is used.
  4. In the middle of the procedure, leaving the pressure painless, the effect is intensified.
  5. At the end of the session, the pressure is reduced to a minimum in order to painlessly disconnect the device.
  6. After the session, the client should rest for a few minutes.

Massage movements are performed along the lymph flow, avoiding sudden movements and delays at the lymph nodes. If a static vacuum-roller massage is performed, then the device is moved from area to area, leaving each area for 2 minutes. With the dynamic method of influence, rectilinear and circular movements nozzle in direction massage lines. When carrying out the procedure, a combination of static and dynamic methods is possible.

The vacuum massage procedure has health restrictions, so in order to identify contraindications, you must consult a doctor.

Massage is prohibited if the following factors are present:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • any types of skin diseases;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy.

Failure to comply with the rules may have undesirable consequences that can be harmful to health.

A vacuum type of massage can be beneficial not only for cosmetic problems. It has a positive effect on the general condition of the body, the nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system. The method helps with stretch marks and injuries, and can be used to work out muscles during sports training. A professionally performed vacuum massage will help improve your health and figure.

Cellulite is a deformation of the structure of the subcutaneous fat layer of the skin. These changes lead to the fact that blood circulation is disrupted, preventing the movement of lymph.

Factors that contribute to the appearance of lipodystrophy include:

  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Heredity;
  • Overweight;
  • Sedentary and inactive lifestyle;
  • Bad habits (smoking comes first);
  • Poor nutrition.

Cellulite does not occur on the entire body; there are so-called problem areas - the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms.

Impact on the body

Picture: Cellulite before and after massage

Cellulite massage is one of the most popular and effective means treatment and prevention of stagnation in adipose tissue.

Intensive exposure to the skin using special techniques significantly improves the functioning of blood vessels, quickly normalizes blood and lymph circulation processes, and improves the condition of the intercellular fluid.

The effect of such a salon procedure as anti-cellulite massage extends to a fairly wide range of processes in the skin. Therefore, it is important to understand that fighting orange peel on your legs and buttocks can significantly harm your health.

Anti-cellulite massage is not a panacea for excess weight.

If there are only a few extra pounds, from 2 to 5, then this procedure will help you get rid of them easily.

But if excess weight reaches 20 kilograms or more, then neither a professional massage therapist nor super technology will help remove them. In this case, you must first adjust your diet and exercise. And then, as a consolidating stage, massage against cellulite.


Despite the fact that anti-cellulite massage is considered one of the most highly effective means in the fight against “orange peel”, it, like any other procedure, has contraindications.

They can be divided into three groups:

  1. Absolute;
  2. Temporary;
  3. Local.


Massage activates blood flow, and this is very dangerous for an unhealthy circulatory system. Therefore, doctors consider such diseases as absolute contraindications:

  • Varicose veins,
  • Severe endocrine disorders,
  • Thrombophelitis,
  • Vascular atherosclerosis.

These pathologies deprive the walls of blood vessels of elasticity and make them thin.
The influence of the massage therapist’s hands, in this case, can only do harm.

Absolute contraindications also include mental disorders.
Anti-cellulite massage actively affects not only the circulatory and lymphatic systems, but also biologically active points.

And this can cause unpredictable reactions in a person with a mental disorder.

Mental disorders

Full list:

  • Gangrene;
  • Atherosclerosis of both peripheral and cerebral vessels;
  • Malignant tumors anywhere and of any size;
  • Thrombangiitis, thrombosis;
  • Frequent bleeding, blood diseases;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • AIDS, HIV;
  • Aneurysm;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Heart failure stage III;
  • Osteomyelitis, both acute and chronic forms;
  • Post-traumatic peripheral nerve syndrome.



Infectious diseases and, as their manifestation, heat bodies are also a contraindication.

During the massage, the temperature rises, and if it is already elevated, this can cause overheating. Plus, carrying out the procedure with elevated temperature significantly increases the load on the heart.

Anti-cellulite massage has a strong effect on skin Firstly.

Therefore, if there is a rash or irritation on the body, then you should also wait until the inflammation passes. Otherwise, with active influence on the affected areas of the skin, they will become even more inflamed and the healing process will be delayed.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are a period when you should refrain from corrective massage.

In addition to the fact that this is a power procedure and it has an effect on the body as a whole, anti-cellulite massage can cause uterine tone and cause abortion.

Very often, cellulite appears during pregnancy and is considered normal, as it occurs due to hormonal changes. During this wonderful period, doctors recommend taking more care of your health and the health of your baby than about slimness and beauty.

Temporary contraindications also include all kinds of tumor formations, oncological process, tuberculosis, rheumatism, as well as some types of autoimmune pathologies.

Full list:

  • Taking narcotic analgesics;
  • Aggravated process of inflammation;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Fever, temperature;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Bleeding different types(including menstruation);
  • Nausea, intestinal colic, sore stomach, vomiting;
  • Pustules, furunculosis;
  • Alcohol intoxication;
  • Cerebral, hypertensive, or hypotensive crisis;
  • Skin rashes from allergies, swelling;
  • Lymphangitis, lymphadenitis.

Local contraindications to anti-cellulite massage


Most of the bans are associated with this zone. If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea or vomiting, menstruation or bleeding from the vagina, an acute phase of a disease of the genitourinary system, then doing an anti-cellulite abdominal massage is strictly prohibited.

Legs, hips

If you have varicose veins, irritation after shaving or hair removal, then it is better to cancel or postpone the massage session.

Buttocks and arms

In the case of the buttocks and arms, they act general recommendations. There are no specific contraindications for these areas.

Full list:

  • Areas of varicose veins;
  • Places with fungus, herpes, cracks, etc.;
  • Areas where there are moles;
  • Areas where benign tumors are located;
  • Areas near the site of resection of malignant tumors;
  • Breasts, if there is mastopathy;
  • Lumbar area, hips, abdomen with fibroids, ovarian cysts, adenoma or uterine fibroids.

By type of massage


Photo: Manual massage

If a manual massage is performed by a qualified specialist who knows the structure of the human body and owns special techniques, this does not mean that there are no prohibitions on it.

Contraindications to manual massage for cellulite are:

  • Early and late pregnancy;
  • Infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Pustular wounds, cuts, demodicosis.


As for contraindications to honey massage, it is worth adding that some people may be allergic to honey and, in this case, will have to abandon this additional remedy that enhances the effect of the procedure.


No positive reviews or general indications for vacuum massage against cellulite can compete with contraindications.

This procedure is also not suitable for everyone:

  • Inflammatory process in the lymph circulation system,
  • endocrine problems, malignant formations,
  • acute infections, heart and vascular diseases,
  • chronic thrombophelitis,

And that is not all

One of the contraindications to vacuum anti-cellulite massage is a low pain threshold. Many simply cannot withstand the pain during the procedure, so it is better to look for other ways to deal with the hated orange peel.

Even if you treated the procedure with the utmost care and thoroughly studied the contraindications, this does not mean that there is a 100% guarantee that you will be able to avoid unpleasant symptoms or pain in massed areas.

It often happens that people find out about health problems at the most inopportune time. If you feel something wrong while taking a course of anti-cellulite massage, it is better to stop it and consult a doctor, and if necessary, get tested.

Photo - How to do it

It is important to understand that the cause of unpleasant symptoms can be not only your body, but also the unprofessionalism of the massage therapist. An inept technician may not only fail to rid your body of cellulite, but also cause significant harm.

Monitor your health carefully, be attentive to every procedure, even the most effective and popular. Neglecting precautions and contraindications can harm your health!

With an inactive lifestyle, fat often appears on a woman’s body, and her thighs become covered with an unpleasant “orange peel.” Proper nutrition and regular visits to the gym take time, and we don’t want to change anything. Humanity is constantly looking for ways to improve its appearance that do not require much effort. And they are still there! One of these methods is vacuum massage for cellulite.

Cellulite- This is the formation of fatty deposits in the subcutaneous fat layer. When the body, due to overeating, hormonal changes or a sedentary lifestyle, begins to make reserves, fat cells can increase several times.
Swollen fat cells begin to bulge, bunch up into nodules, and press on blood and lymphatic vessels. This leads to metabolic disorders and disturbances in the process of removing decay products. It is accompanied by swelling and discomfort, and it also looks ugly.

Vacuum massage allows you to solve this problem due to the difference in pressure created by the vacuum. Intracellular pressure is balanced with the pressure of the external environment. When external conditions with less pressure are created using special equipment or cups, the cell is ruptured by the pressure inside it. Thus, thanks to the vacuum, it is possible to break up unpleasant bumps and make the skin smoother.

What are the benefits of vacuum massage

In addition to improving the aesthetic appearance, massage has other advantages:

  • Stimulation of lymphatic drainage and blood circulation;
  • Improving oxygen supply to tissues;
  • Strengthening connective tissue;
  • Relaxation of muscles and acceleration of their recovery after physical activity.


Vacuum massage is done in a salon or at home. In salons it is most often done using special equipment. Salon treatments There are three types: hardware, vacuum-roller and laser-vacuum massage.

Of course, it is better to entrust a vacuum massage to professionals and sign up for a procedure in a salon, but if funds do not allow or there is no time, you can do an anti-cellulite massage at home using medical cups. This massage is called cupping.


Vacuum massage is a serious procedure in terms of the degree of impact on the skin. During this procedure, pain may occur, followed by bruising and swelling. Therefore, vacuum massage is contraindicated for:

  • Elevated temperature;
  • Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Infectious skin diseases;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Menses.

Please consult with your physician before scheduling or performing the procedure yourself.

Technique for performing massage at home

Preparing for a massage

For massage you will need a glass medical or silicone jar. They note that silicone is more convenient, it does not break or bend, and allows you to control the depth of the vacuum. On sale there are glass and plastic jars with a pump, which also allows you to adjust the desired air rarefaction. When using glass jars, you will also need alcohol, cotton wool, tweezers and matches.

Before the massage, the skin must be cleaned and warmed. Cleanse your skin with a scrub. You can warm it up with a manual massage, or take a hot shower and rub the skin with a hard washcloth. To ensure good glide of the can, apply cream or cream to your skin. cosmetic oil. Anti-cellulite or massage cream and citrus oils are suitable, since cellulite “dislikes” them most of all.

Massage procedure

If you massage with a silicone cup, squeeze it in your hands and apply it to your body so that it sticks. Did it hurt a lot? Reduce the intensity of retraction. For anti-cellulite massage, straight up and down, circular or spiral movements are suitable, depending on the areas being treated.

If you have glass jars, the first part of the procedure will be similar to how you put jars in for a cold. Wrap the tweezers in cotton wool, moisten them with alcohol and set them on fire. Dip it in the jar for a couple of seconds, and then apply the jar to the skin so that it sticks. In the future, the procedure is similar to massage with a silicone jar.

In the video, a teacher from the Institute of Professional Massage performs an anti-cellulite massage, simultaneously talking about all the intricacies:

After the procedure, lightly massage the skin with your hands. You can wipe it with an ice cube made from a decoction of herbs or orange juice. It is recommended to wrap it or apply weight loss cream.

Do not use products containing ingredients that may irritate the skin.

You can combine anti-cellulite massage with water treatments. Warm up the body with hot water and massage with a washcloth, and then lubricate with shower gel and go over with a silicone jar. After the procedure, it will be convenient to immediately take a contrast shower.

How to do on different parts of the body

Make massage movements with the jar in the direction of lymph flow. Movement on the legs - from the ankles to the hips, avoiding the popliteal fossa. On the thighs - towards the inguinal nodes, but do not massage the groin area itself!
On the buttocks, make straight or circular movements directed from the center to the periphery. Do not stay in one place for a long time, this can cause bruises.

Circular movements on the stomach are carried out clockwise. To treat the abdomen, 3-5 circles are recommended, no more. After this, you should massage the skin to avoid stretching from the effects of the vacuum.

  • There are areas that cannot be massaged: the groin area, the inner thigh, the inner bends of the elbows and knees. Lymph nodes are located there.
  • Since the procedure is quite a shock to the skin, the duration of the first session should not be more than 5 minutes. Later, when you master the technique and get used to the procedure, you can gradually increase the duration of treatment of one zone to 15 minutes.
  • After a vacuum massage, spots may appear on the skin. Outwardly, they look like bruises, but are caused by small capillary hemorrhages, while bruises are caused by rupture of blood vessels. They do not pose a health hazard and will pass quickly.
  • Many people do 5 procedures and wonder where the result is. To get the effect, you need to do 10-20 procedures with an interval of one day. If you do a vacuum massage in a salon using special equipment, you will see the result much earlier.

Hardware procedure in the salon

Salon treatments are more effective than home treatments, but they are also more expensive. Today there are several types of vacuum anti-cellulite massage. They differ in the equipment they use to perform the massage:

  • Vacuum acupressure. It is carried out on devices with special attachments with suction cups. Problem areas are kneaded with attachments that constantly pull in and release the skin, resulting in cellulite being broken down.

  • Vacuum roller massage. A vacuum is created in the nozzle, and the rollers roll out the cellulite tubercles. The vacuum force is adjusted depending on each specific case. This massage is prescribed at the first signs of cellulite; it tightens the skin and removes excess fat.

  • Laser-vacuum massage is considered the most effective of all. Combines two technologies: cold laser and vacuum massage. Prescribed for pronounced cellulite.

Photos before and after the procedure

A course of vacuum anti-cellulite massage undoubtedly gives good results, but do not forget that it is better to prevent the appearance of cellulite than to fight it. To maintain the effect, try to eat right and exercise.