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Species: Telescopus fallax = Cat snake. Cat snake: description, habitat

The cat snake is a small snake, comparable in size to a grass snake. The body length of cat snakes is usually 60-70 centimeters. The largest cat snake specimen ever caught was 81 centimeters long. The body of the snake is elegant, the skin is smooth to the touch.

The body of the cat snake is slightly compressed from the sides, which makes it slender and graceful. The cervical interception is well expressed and noticeably separates the snake’s head from its body. The length of the tail is from a sixth to a fourth of the length of the body. The back of the snake can have a light gray color, or gray with a yellow tint; sometimes there are individuals with a pink color. The back of the cat snake is covered with dark spots; they can be brown or black. There are transverse stripes on the sides of the cat snake. Some individuals have weak stripes, and some have no stripes at all. The belly has a lighter color and is also dotted with small spots that sometimes merge with each other. Bottom surface of the head white. There are symmetrically located shields on the head.

The corners of the mouth and eyes are connected by a dark stripe. The iris of the eye is amber yellow or, less commonly, pink. The pupils are narrow and vertical.

Where does the cat snake live?

In Russia, the cat snake can be found in Dagestan. It is very rare and is listed in the Red Book of Russia. In addition to Russia, cat snakes live in Asia Minor (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and Turkey), the Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia), the Middle East and the Mediterranean (on the Balkan Peninsula (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina ), islands of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas).

They like to settle on mountain slopes overgrown with grass or shrubs, often in the vicinity of mountain forests. They can live in semi-deserts. They settle at altitudes no more than 1800 meters above sea level.

The cat snake is an excellent climber. It easily moves among the branches of bushes and trees, easily climbs mountain slopes, while clinging to the smallest ledges.

Kršak snakes are also called "house snakes" as they often live near human habitations. They can choose all kinds of cracks in buildings as shelter.

Lifestyle of a cat snake

The cat snake sees well both during the day and in the dark, so it can be active at any time of the day. In summer, when it is very hot outside, the cat snake prefers to be nocturnal. In cooler seasons, she prefers daytime activity so she can bask in the rays sunlight. It can use animal holes as a shelter and can hide between stones.

If a cat snake believes that it is in danger, it curls up into a ball and raises the front part of its body. At the same time, she hisses and lunges towards potential danger. Although these snakes have venom, they do not pose a threat to humans.

What does a cat snake eat?

The diet of the cat snake, like the copperhead, consists mainly of lizards. The snake grabs the victim with its mouth and wraps itself around it. But the cat snake does not strangle the victim, but waits until it dies under the influence of poison. The snake's poisonous teeth are located deep in its mouth, so in order to kill even a small victim, the cat snake has to open its mouth wide. Otherwise, the poisonous teeth will not penetrate the body of the prey. She cannot bite a person, except perhaps on the little finger, if she manages to swallow him. And even in this case, the venom of a cat snake does not pose a danger to humans.

Cat snakes conduct their main hunt for lizards at night, exploring the lizards' homes and attacking their sleeping counterparts. After being bitten, the cat snake holds the lizard for 2-3 minutes, during which time the poison begins to act. In addition to lizards, the cat snake can destroy the nests of small birds by eating chicks. Don't forget that these snakes are excellent tree climbers.

Reproduction of cat snakes

Cat snakes lay eggs. The female can lay 6 to 9 eggs. Small cat snakes, like adults, hunt lizards, only their prey is smaller.

Relatives of the cat snake

The cat snake (in Latin Telescopus fallax) is a species of snake from the genus of the same name from the family Colubridae. To be precise, the species described in the article is called the Caucasian, or common cat snake.

The genus of cat snakes is represented in the territory of the former USSR by one more species - the Iranian cat snake species lives in the south of Turkmenistan. In total, this genus includes 12 species.

Cat snake during attack, Borneo island. Species unknown.

Kenyan cat snake.

The cat snake is a relatively small (the largest specimen known to us reached 81 cm), slender and smooth snake.

The tail is from a quarter to a sixth of the total length. It is distinguished by a head sharply demarcated from the body, covered in the front with large, symmetrically located scutes; eyes with a vertical pupil; the presence of large, grooved teeth located deep in the mouth.

The upper side of the body is colored greyish, yellowish or pinkish. Large, sometimes oblique, black or brown spots are located in one row along the back. Smaller spots and transverse stripes are found on the sides of the body. In some individuals this pattern is weakly expressed or absent altogether. The upper side of the head is almost one color. A dark stripe runs from the back edge of the eye to the corner of the mouth. The underside of the body is light with many spots and specks. The iris around the vertical pupil is golden yellow or pink.

Where does the cat snake live?

The cat snake is common in the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, the Middle East, and the Caucasus. In Russia it is known from Dagestan. She is an inhabitant of dry open mountain biotopes. It can be found on rocky slopes overgrown with sparse grass and shrub vegetation, in areas of mountain steppe and semi-desert, on the outskirts of mountain forests. The cat snake rises to a height of up to 1800 meters. It often settles near people - in the attics of houses, in the cracks of adobe and stone walls, in gardens and vineyards. Local residents often call this snake a “house snake.” She climbs equally well on the branches of trees and bushes, and on sheer rocks or walls, clinging with the bends of her body to the slightest irregularities in the stone.


The cat snake has mixed activity: it navigates equally well both in the light and in the dark. In the summer heat it becomes a typically nocturnal animal, and in the cool season it prefers to crawl out during sunny hours. The rest of the time it hides under stones, in cracks and spaces in the ground and walls, in buildings, and in the passages of other animals.

A disturbed cat snake gathers into a ball and raises the front part of its body high. Periodically, with a short hiss, makes throws towards the enemy. However, its bite is not dangerous for humans; it is not considered poisonous.

What does a cat snake eat?

This snake feeds mainly on lizards, which it grabs with its jaws and, without unclenching them, wraps itself around the victim with one or two rings of its body. But it does not so much strangle the prey as it restrains its strong jerks until it dies under the influence of the poison. The poison flows into the blood of the victim along the grooves located on the front (side of the longest teeth located in the depths of the mouth. Thus, in order to poison the prey, the cat snake must grab it with its wide open mouth - only then the long back teeth will pierce the victim. Poison on lizards begins to act in two to three minutes. This snake hunts at night: it preys on sleeping lizards, carefully examining their possible hiding places. This snake got its name for its “cat-like” softness and stealth when hunting, as well as for its nocturnal activity and eyes with a vertical pupil. In addition to various lizards, she eats chicks, which she takes from their nests.

Reproduction of cat snakes

Cat snakes reproduce by laying eggs, usually from six to nine eggs per female. Newborn snakes feed on small lizards.

Part of the range of this species falling within the territory Russian Federation, is very small, and the number of the species is very low, so it is included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

"is known to most people. This is one of the most important books through which you can learn about animals at risk.

Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of them and they are not getting smaller. Volunteers, zoo workers, and zoologists are trying to save animals from complete extinction, but everything can be ruined by the banal ignorance of ordinary people.

For example, snakes and irrational fear of them. Of course, not all of them pose a threat to humans, but the unconscious desire of the majority (to destroy the reptile) plays a bad role in attempts to maintain the number of rare reptiles. This is why it is so important to know - which snakes are listed in the Red Book.

Western boa (Eryx jaculus). It grows up to 87 cm. It has a dense build and a very short tail with a blunt end. The diet is dominated by lizards, roundheads, rodents, and large insects. There are small vestigial hind legs. Can be found on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula, Southern Kalmykia, Eastern Turkey.

The photo shows a western boa snake

Japanese snake (Euprepiophis conspicillata). It can reach 80 cm, of which the tail accounts for almost 16 cm. It is distinguished by a round pupil. The diet is dominated by rodents, small birds and their eggs. It lives on the territory of the Kuril Nature Reserve (Kunashir Island), as well as in Japan in the Hokkaido and Honshu regions. Little studied.

Pictured is a Japanese snake

Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus) or Aesculapian snake. The maximum recorded length is 2.3 m. This is an extremely aggressive snake listed in the Red Book, can be gray-cream, yellowish-brown or dirty olive.

The species is known for regularly producing albinos. The diet consists mainly of chicks, rodents, shrews, small songbirds and their eggs. The digestion process can take up to four days. Inhabits the territory of: Georgia, the southern parts of Moldova, Krasnodar Territory to Adygea, Azerbaijan.

In the photo there is an Aesculapian snake

Transcaucasian snake (Zamenis hohenackeri). Grows up to 95 cm. The pupil is round. It feeds like a boa constrictor, squeezing chicks or lizards in rings. In addition, it climbs trees quite willingly. The opportunity to lay eggs occurs after the third year of life. It lives in Chechnya, Armenia, Georgia, North Ossetia, the northern parts of Iran and Asia Minor.

Transcaucasian snake snake

Slender-tailed climbing snake (Orthriophis taeniurus). Another type of non-poisonous Red Book snakes. Reaches 195 cm. Prefers rodents and birds. There are several subspecies, one of which, due to its peaceful nature and beautiful colors, can often be found in private terrariums. Lives in the Primorsky Territory. Regularly found in Korea, Japan, and China.

Pictured is a slender-tailed climbing snake

Striped snake (Hierophis spinalis). It can reach a length of 86 cm. It feeds on lizards. Very similar to the poisonous one that lives in the same habitat. Key difference is that the harmless snake has a light stripe stretching from the top of its head to the tip of its tail. It lives in the southern part of Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. Cases of encounters near Khabarovsk are described.

In the photo there is a striped snake

Red-banded Dinodon (Dinodon rufozonatum). The maximum recorded length is 170 cm. It feeds on others, birds, lizards, and fish. This moving beauty snake Red Book of Russia lives in Korea, Laos, eastern China, on the islands of Tsushima and Taiwan. It was first caught in our country in 1989. Little studied.

The photo shows a red-banded dinodon snake

Eastern Dinodon (Dinodon orientale). Reaches one meter. Feeds at night on mice, lizards, and chicks. It lives in Japan, where it is called the illusory snake for its timidity and twilight lifestyle. Its existence on Russian territory (Shikotan Island) is questionable - the meeting was described a long time ago. It is possible that this snake already belongs to an extinct species.

Pictured is an eastern dinodon

Cat snake (Telescopus fallax). Can reach a length of one meter. It feeds on rodents, birds, and lizards. It lives in Dagestan, Georgia, and Armenia, where it is better known as the brownie. It is also found in Syria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Israel, and the Balkan Peninsula.

The cat snake easily climbs steep rocks, trees, bush branches and walls. She clings to the slightest irregularities with the curves of her body, thereby holding herself on steep areas, perhaps this is where her name came from.

Pictured is a cat snake

Dinnika's viper (Vipera dinniki). Dangerous for humans. Reaches 55 cm. Color is brown, lemon yellow, light orange, gray-green, with a brown or black zigzag stripe.

The species is interesting due to the presence of complete melanists, which are born with normal coloring, and become velvety black only by the third year. It feeds on small rodents and lizards. It lives in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ingushetia, and Chechnya, where it is considered one of the most poisonous.

Pictured is Dinnika's viper

Kaznakova's viper (Vipera kaznakovi) or Caucasian viper. Dangerous for humans. One of the most beautiful in Russia. Females reach 60 cm in length, males - 48 cm. The diet includes birds and small rodents. Found in the Krasnodar Territory, Abkhazia, Georgia, and Turkey.

Viper Kaznakova (Caucasian viper)

Nikolsky's viper (Vipera nikolskii), Forest-steppe or Black viper. Dangerous for humans. Can reach 78 cm in length. The menu consists of frogs, lizards, and sometimes fish or carrion. Inhabits forest areas throughout the European part of the Russian Federation. Encounters in the foothills of the Middle Urals are described.

Nikolsky's viper (Black viper)

Levant viper (Macrovipera lebetina) or. Extremely dangerous for humans. There are known specimens with a maximum length of 2 m and a weight of up to 3 kg. The color depends on the habitat and can be either dark monochromatic or grayish-brown, with a complex pattern of small markings, sometimes with a purple tint.

It feeds on birds, rodents,... The diet of adults includes small hares and small turtles. Inhabits the territories of: Israel, Turkey, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Syria, Central Asia.

In Kazakhstan it is practically exterminated. Due to its endurance and unpretentiousness, it was used more often than other species in snake nurseries for milking. The unique venom of the viper helped in the creation of a cure for hemophilia.

In the photo Levant viper (viper)

Names and descriptions of snakes listed in the Red Book of Russia, is worth studying not only in biology class. Indeed, despite the fact that some of them are poisonous, the rest are destroyed only because they look like vipers.

Snakes... This word makes some shudder with horror, while others, on the contrary, delight. Today we will talk about an amazing representative of the class of reptiles - the cat snake. Photos and descriptions, habits and eating habits - you will find all this and other interesting information below!


This snake can hardly be called large; its size is comparable to an ordinary snake. The body length of the cat snake is about 70 centimeters. Although once a snake 81 centimeters long was caught. Her body is very elegant and smooth. The reason for the slimness and special gracefulness is the slightly compressed sides. The cervical interception is also clearly pronounced; it visually separates the snake’s head from the body.

The back color of a cat snake is usually light gray. There are reptiles gray with a slight yellowish tint and even pink color. The skin of this snake is covered with brown or black spots, and there are transverse stripes on the sides. In some individuals they are quite pronounced, while in others they are simply absent. The belly is usually light-colored, covered with small spots. There are shields on the head that are located symmetrically. The lower surface of the head of this representative of colubrids is white. The mouth and eyes are connected by a dark stripe.

The main feature of a snake is its eyes. It is because of the narrow vertical pupils that this species of reptile got its name.


It is worth noting that the cat snake occupies a special place in the Red Book of Russia, because in our country it is found only in the Republic of Dagestan. Most of these reptiles live in Asia Minor, in countries such as Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Israel. You can meet them in the Caucasus - in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, in the Middle East, in the Mediterranean. They also live on the islands of the Aegean Sea.

What places do cat snakes choose for themselves? They prefer mountain slopes overgrown with bushes or grasses; they like mountain forests. These snakes feel great in semi-deserts. The main condition is an altitude of no more than 1800 meters above sea level. These snakes excellently move among tree branches and climb mountain slopes, clinging to barely noticeable ledges.

You can often hear another name for snakes - “brownie”. This is due to the fact that they settle next to people: in attics, roofs of houses, in cracks in walls, in gardens and vineyards.


The vision organs of cat snakes are well developed. This allows them to see equally well both during the day and at night. That is, these snakes can be active at any time of the day.

In the summer heat, colubrid snakes do not come out of their shelters, preferring a nocturnal lifestyle. They hide in the burrows of various animals or between stones. But with the onset of the first cold weather, reptiles try to spend as much time as possible in the sun in order to warm up properly.

It is worth mentioning how this snake behaves in case of danger. If something frightens her, she curls up into a tight ball, raising the front part of her body, begins to hiss and lunges towards the offender. Many people are interested in whether the cat snake is poisonous or not. Scientists note: it has poison, but it is not dangerous for humans.


The menu of this snake, like, for example, the copperhead, is dominated by lizards. The predator grabs its prey with its mouth, wrapping it tightly around it. However, cat snakes do not strangle the victim, but wait for the venom to take effect. By the way, the poisonous teeth are located quite deep in the snake’s mouth, and therefore even a small victim can become a serious problem - the reptiles have to open their mouths very wide. That is why cat snakes are completely safe for humans; the maximum they can do is bite the little finger. And even in this case, she will need to literally swallow her finger! Although in such a situation you don’t have to worry, because the venom of these snakes is extremely weak.

Typically, representatives of this unique species go hunting in the dead of night. They explore places where lizards live and attack sleeping reptiles. After this, the most difficult part begins: the snake needs to hold the lizard for three minutes - during this time the poison begins to act.

The diet of these reptiles also includes chicks of small birds. Cat snakes are excellent tree climbers and can destroy nests.


These snakes lay eggs. At one time, the female can lay 6-9 eggs! By the way, young snakes also prefer to eat lizards. True, their prey is usually significantly smaller in size than that of adult individuals.


Scientists have not been able to find out exactly how many common cat snakes, also called Caucasian snakes, live in Russia. It is known that there are about 500 individuals in Armenia.

In Russia, the main factors determining the limited number of snakes are their capture and destruction, as well as the destruction of habitats. To restore the population, it is necessary to carry out explanatory work, explaining the importance of protecting reptiles. Artificial breeding of representatives of this rare species will also help.

  • Class: Reptilia = Reptiles
  • Subclass: Lepidosauria = Lepidosaurs, scaly lizards
  • Order: Squamata Oppel = Scaly
  • Suborder: Serpentes (Ophidia) Linnaeus, 1758 = Snakes
  • Family: Colubridae Cope = Colubridae

Species: Telescopus fallax (Fleischmann, 1831) = Cat snake

Cat snakes (Telescopus, or Tarbophis), a genus of snakes, a subfamily of false snakes. The pupil of the eye is vertical, like a cat’s (hence the name). 12 types. Distributed in Southeast Europe, southwestern Asia, tropical and Northeast Africa. In the USSR (Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Dagestan), as well as in Asia and the Balkans, live cat snakes (T. fallax) up to 1 m long. They live in dry, often rocky places; sometimes in abandoned buildings, ruins, reed roofs. Hides in cracks, voids and crevices, including under the bark of trees. During the hot season, it is active at dusk and at night. It feeds mainly on lizards and chicks. It wraps its body in rings around its prey and, biting it, poisons it with poison. The bite is not dangerous for humans. In the southern part of Turkmenistan, the larger Iranian cat snake (T. rhinopoma) is found.

Cat snake - Telescopus fallax Fleisch.

Class Reptiles, or Reptiles - Reptilia Suborder Snakes - Ophidia, or Serpentes Family Colubridae - Colubridae Subfamily False snakes - Boiginae

A medium-sized snake up to 70 cm long. Body on top dark gray, large dark stripes stretch along the ridge, separated by lighter spaces.

In the USSR, it is widespread in Azerbaijan, the Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and Dagestan. It lives in dry rocky places, but often settles in the reed roofs of houses. It feeds on lizards and chicks, which it takes out of nests, deftly climbing trees. In case of danger, it takes a characteristic pose: it gathers the back part of its body into a ball and raises the front part towards the enemy. From this position, the cat snake makes rapid throws towards the enemy. It kills prey with body rings and with the help of poison that paralyzes small animals.

cat snake

CAT SNAKE (Telescopus fallax) reaches 1 m in length, but usually does not exceed 70 cm. The scales around the middle of the body are located in 19, less often 21, longitudinal rows. The color of the upper body is gray, dark gray or pinkish. Along the ridge, in one row, there are large, often oblique, black, brownish, and occasionally yellowish-brown spots, the space between which is lighter than the sides of the body. The same type, but smaller spots or stripes are located on the sides of the body in the spaces between the dorsal spots. The belly is densely mottled with dark spots and specks, the bottom of the head is white. The iris of the eyes in living individuals is golden yellow or pinkish in color. Distributed on the Balkan Peninsula, the islands of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, Asia Minor, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. In Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Dagestan. Settles in dry places covered with stones, on rocky mountain slopes, sometimes overgrown with steppe or semi-desert vegetation. Often found in abandoned buildings and all kinds of ruins. It willingly settles in the reed roofs of dwellings, for which it received the name house snake from local residents. Hides in all sorts of cracks, voids and crevices, including under the bark of trees. Active at dusk and at night, especially in the hot season; in other seasons it is also found during the day. Excellent climber and easily climbs vertical planes. It feeds on lizards and birds, especially chicks, which it takes from their nests. The captured lizard is quickly wrapped in one or two body rings and squeezed. The death of the victim, apparently, occurs not so much from suffocation, but as a result of the action of a poison that is destructive to small animals. A cat snake bite is not dangerous to humans. The threatening pose of this species is quite peculiar: the angry snake gathers the back part of its body into a tight ball, and sharply lifts its steeply curved front part at an upward angle. In this position, the cat snake silently or with a short hiss makes quick throws towards the enemy....

Poisonous animals and plants of the USSR/B.N. Orlov, D.B. Gelashvili, A.K. Ibragimov. - M.: Higher. school, 1990. - 272 s.