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The magical beauty secrets of Queen Cleopatra. We reveal the secrets of the mind and femininity of the famous Cleopatra

One of the most famous and iconic personalities in the history of Ancient Egypt. Seductive and passionate woman, who loved to pamper her body with milk baths, was not only the great queen of the Hellenistic state, but also a poetess and pharmacist. Sometimes Cleopatra even engaged in historical research, which was in no way compatible with her royal status.

An extraordinary and powerful woman became famous not only for her political activities, but also for her romantic relationship with Julius Caesar. This union formed the basis of many cult films. Interest in Cleopatra has not subsided to this day, so let's remember the most unusual facts from the life of the queen.

Passion for poison

Cleopatra loved to collect various poisonous potions and decoctions. In her dungeon, she often conducted deadly experiments on imprisoned criminals, forcing them to try one or another type of rare poison.

Such a hobby played a fatal role in the later life of Cleopatra, who died from a cobra bite.

Immunity to alcohol

Cleopatra loved to throw noisy and abundant feasts with a huge number of guests and a wide variety of delicious food. Naturally, during such meals, wine flowed like a river, but the queen never became drunk from alcohol.

And the reason was the presence of a magic ring with an amethyst stone. It was he who had the mystical ability to remove wine fumes from his head. Rumor or not, as they say, there is no smoke without fire.

Generous love

Mark Antony's first date with Cleopatra was incredibly beautiful and spectacular. The obstinate ruler postponed the meeting with her admirer several times, but, as it turned out, the queen of Egypt was secretly constructing a huge surprise ship.

The ship had sails of a luxurious scarlet color and exuded fragrant odors. The ship appeared before Mark's eyes during pitch twilight, accompanied by a gentle romantic melody. The man was shocked by such an unexpected gift, but was even more indescribably delighted when the lights were lit on board.

Philosopher, cosmetologist and polyglot

The queen had a powerful intellect and her erudition amazed everyone who was in Cleopatra’s immediate circle or simply had the opportunity to conduct temporary business conversations with her.

The daring and ambitious queen of Egypt could speak fluently in seven languages, wrote several works on philosophy, the monetary system, and was also interested in the art of makeup and hairdressing. She has also devoted several self-written books to hair and cosmetics.


Scientists, during numerous excavations in Ephesus and after examining the remains of the queen, concluded that Cleopatra had African blood. It is assumed that her mother was among the concubines of Ptolemy XII.

However, despite such an exotic origin, Cleopatra had a fairly standard and far from modern canons female beauty appearance with irregular facial features and big nose. Nevertheless, we have all come to associate her with the highest standard of attractiveness thanks to Monica Bellucci and Elizabeth Taylor, who embodied the legendary image on the big screen.

Her life was not only bright and eventful, but also shrouded in mystical and mysterious mystery. Over the course of two thousand years, various attempts have been made and are still underway to get to the bottom of the truth of her insightful and complex nature, to lift the curtain of her turbulent personal life and internal torment.

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An ancient artifact is an item that has important historical meaning. Such an item can be a thing with cultural, religious, and sometimes even everyday significance. The main thing is that the artifact is unique in its historical context, therefore, with careful study, it can tell a lot about the history of its owner.

About beauty Egyptian queen There are legends, but her appearance is not only natural data, but also the result of regular self-care. Now we will reveal the secrets of Cleopatra so that you can evaluate their effect for yourself.

Cleopatra is known not only as the queen of Egypt, but also as beautiful woman. She spared no expense or time in carrying out various procedures to care for her skin, hair and health. Thanks to excavations and preserved records, scientists were able to unravel some of the secrets of the great Cleopatra, which you will now learn about.

1. Cleansing the body

External beauty is impossible without internal health, and Cleopatra understood this very well. There is evidence that the queen used the mixture olive oil and lemon juice to cleanse the body. Once every two weeks she drank 100 ml of this composition, diluting the oil and juice with plain water. This drink should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. After this, Cleopatra was given an abdominal massage so that the abdominal muscles were pressed against the spine. This helped cleanse the liver and intestines.

2. Rose water

The queen loved to take baths with rose petals because rose water is very beneficial. This is an excellent product for maintaining skin tone. Rose water can be bought in cosmetic stores, but just choose good means organic origin. Another option is to prepare it yourself, for which you need to pour 400 ml of water into a cup of petals, put it on the stove, boil and cool the broth. After this, strain, pour into a spray bottle and use as a facial toner.

3. Egg shampoo

Today you can see a wide range of different shampoos in stores, but in ancient times women used natural products. Cleopatra chose egg yolks for hair care. They cope well with dirt and give curls strength and shine. To make homemade shampoo, mix eggs with honey and almond oil. Beat well, rub into the roots and distribute along the length. Massage for a few minutes and then rinse off.

4. Hemp seed oil

One of the popular ancient cosmetics, which was in Cleopatra's arsenal. Hemp oil is high in proteins and essential fatty acids, providing excellent skin hydration. The oil helps slow down the aging process of the skin and maintains water balance, and with regular use you can cope with acne. Hemp oil can be added to your usual cream, masks, tonics and other products.

5. Healing royal jelly

This beekeeping product is also called royal jelly. It contains a huge amount of useful substances that help activate regenerative processes within the body. As a result, the cells can heal themselves. Royal jelly helps reduce dark circles under the eyes, moisturizes the skin and reduces the number of wrinkles. If it is not possible to obtain the product, then at least find a cream in the store that contains it.

6. Green grapes

Cleopatra had to protect her skin from the active sun, because if this was not done, then the aging process would accelerate. A mask can serve as protection, for the preparation of which you should mix only two ingredients: liquid honey and crushed green grapes. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes, then wash and apply moisturizer.

7. Milk bath

In the records of Hippocrates, information was found that Cleopatra used milk from 700 donkeys to take a bath. It contains lactic acid, which is beneficial for the body. It is used as a soft exfoliant - a product that cleanses the upper dead layer of skin. It is clear that few people have the opportunity to implement such a bath at home, but cosmetologists offer an alternative - add 1.5-2 liters of milk to a regular bath with water. In addition, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to the recipe to soften the skin. To make your bath even more beneficial, add a small cup of unrefined fresh honey to it, which should be completely dissolved. The sweet contains substances that make the skin smooth and velvety.

8. Apple cider vinegar

Among my favorite cosmetics natural remedies the queen was and Apple vinegar. Cleopatra used it for washing. This product tones the skin well, improves blood circulation and maintains an optimal pH level. IN pure form Apple cider vinegar cannot be used, so it must be diluted with water: for 1/4 cup you need 1 cup of warm water. Rinse your face with the prepared solution, do not wipe it, but let the skin dry on its own.

9. Clay masks

Clay has been used in cosmetology for a long time, and Cleopatra herself knew its miraculous properties. The clay contains beneficial substances that exfoliate and soften the skin well, and kaolin masks can remove toxins from the pores, making it silky. You can buy powdered clay in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. You should choose it based on your own skin type. Remember that you need to use a moisturizer after clay masks, as they dry out the skin.

10. Salt scrub

It has long been proven that in the composition sea ​​salt contains a huge amount of useful substances, so it is recommended to use it for cosmetic procedures. Cleopatra had her own salt mines. A sea salt scrub activates the dermis and removes dead cells. It's important to buy salt good quality and it is better if it is fine-grained so as not to injure the skin. Add your favorite essential oil to the salt. Use the finished scrub while taking a shower. Rub it into your skin in a circular motion, and then rinse everything off with warm water.

11. Beeswax

Since ancient times, beekeeping products have been used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Today wax is included in the composition different means for skin care, as it has a moisturizing and smoothing effect. By the way, beeswax practically does not cause an allergic reaction in people, even those who cannot tolerate honey.

12. Aloe juice

There is confirmed information that Cleopatra took care of herself using the juice of this plant. In addition, it is known that she wrote down one of her recipes with aloe in a book of useful medical tips. The plant is suitable for skin and hair care. You can purchase products containing aloe juice. In addition, there is a huge number folk recipes, among which you can choose something for yourself.

13. Shea butter

The Egyptian queen often pampered herself with products that included unrefined shea butter, beneficial features which can be listed for a long time. For example, the product contains caristerols that promote skin regeneration, since collagen synthesis is activated in cells. The sun protection properties of the oil should not be overlooked, which was especially important in the Egyptian climate. It can also be used for hair care. Many cosmetic companies use shea butter in their products, and you can also buy it in its pure form.

14. Miracle cream

I would like to finish unique recipe from Cleopatra, which contains her most favorite ingredients. Women with any skin type can use the cream. To prepare it, prepare 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice and beeswax, 4 drops of rose ether and 1 tbsp. spoon almond oil. First heat the wax and almond oil, and when they come together, add the remaining ingredients. The finished cream can be stored in the refrigerator for a whole week.

("Two Nights with Cleopatra"), Monica Bellucci(“Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra”). However, are external data really that important when you are a woman of exceptional intelligence and know how to properly take care of your appearance?

Secret No. 1: honey and milk

A hot climate is the main enemy of female beauty, so Cleopatra found an excellent remedy for moisturizing the skin - milk and honey baths, to which she added a little almond oil. Today, this procedure has been adopted by SPA salons, but you can feel like the Queen of the Nile at home.

Cleopatra's milk baths. Still from the film “Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra.” Photo:

Cleopatra's milk and honey bath recipe: add 3 glasses of whole milk, 150 g of honey and a few tablespoons of almond oil to a warm bath (it can be replaced with olive oil). 15 minutes in such a bath will make your skin soft, soft and moisturized!

Secret #2: sea salt and cream

Sea salt and thick cream - this is a simple recipe for the perfect body scrub that will both cleanse and take care of delicate skin. The queen applied it to the skin just after a milk bath. And today, sea salt wraps are considered one of the most effective means against cellulite.

The queen used sea salt and cream as a body scrub. Still from the film "Cleopatra". Photo:

Cleopatra's gentle scrub recipe: take 200 g of sea salt for half a cup of heavy cream, mix and massage onto the body. For aroma, you can add a few drops of rose, myrrh or orange oil. Rinse off with warm water after 5 minutes.

Secret #3: oatmeal

In our time, washing with soap is an unforgivable rudeness to the skin, and Cleopatra washed her face with soap every day.

Oatmeal is a great alternative to soap

True, it was a mixture of boiling water brewed oatmeal. The grains of this unpretentious plant can relieve the skin of minor problems: peeling, rashes, blackheads and uneven complexion.

Secret No. 4: white clay

Masks with white clay are another cosmetological discovery of the Queen of the Nile. Scientists believe that it was these masks that helped Cleopatra keep her skin in perfect condition. After all, the healing white clay is based on the mineral kaolinite, which is responsible for the elasticity and renewal of the skin.

White clay gives elasticity to the skin

Recipe clay mask Cleopatra: mix 2 tablespoons of white clay and milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Apply this consistency to the skin, rinse with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

Secret #5: aloe

Water infused in a silver vessel, honey and aloe juice are the key to Cleopatra’s rejuvenating emulsion, which still works today.

Life-giving emulsion with aloe

Recipe for Cleopatra's life-giving emulsion: pour 1 glass of clean water into a silver bowl, add 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of honey, cover with a lid and leave for 10-12 hours. Use morning and evening, then rinse with water. Store the emulsion in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Secret #6: rose water

Rose petals are still used to create cosmetic products. Cleopatra loved to tone her face with an infusion of rose water.

An infusion of rose petals perfectly tones the skin.

Cleopatra's Rose Tonic Recipe: Pour boiling water over rose petals, cover the vessel and leave for several hours. Use morning and evening.

Secret #7: egg yolks

Shampoo made from chicken egg yolks helped the queen achieve shine and perfectly smooth hair. The whites, with their ability to coagulate in hot water, were left out of work, but the yolks were stirred until foam formed (sometimes with the addition of almond oil and honey) and cleaned the scalp well, enveloping each hair and making it shine.

The secret is perfect smooth hair Cleopatra - shampoo made from egg yolks. Still from the film "Cleopatra". Photo:

As a rinse, Cleopatra used decoctions of burdock, nettle leaves and hop cones.

The Queen of Egypt, who reigned around 69 BC, left a bright mark on history, primarily as a woman of amazing beauty who conquered the most powerful men of her time. In a world dominated by kings, generals and emperors, this was especially impressive. The queen, indeed, earned the name “Beauty of the Nile”, as she perfectly mastered the art of prolonging youth.

Recipes that reveal the secrets of Cleopatra’s beauty are also relevant in modern world and include A complex approach– this is face and body care, as well as a healthy diet that slows down the aging of the body.

Beauty of the Nile for cosmetic procedures exploited the vast plant and mineral resources of her country. The recipes widely used: avocado, quince, almond, olive and sesame oil, apricot, honey, herbs and clay.

Beauty recipes of the Queen of Egypt

1. One of Cleopatra's most famous beauty secrets of that time was bathing in milk with honey. The ancient Egyptians apparently knew the benefits of these wonderful products. Milk is rich in vitamins A and E, which make the skin glow and soft. Lactic acid is an excellent antiseptic, and some enzymes contained in it can help renew skin cells.

Honey in ancient Egypt was an extremely valuable product and a symbol of divine blessing. It was used in combination with any ingredients to moisturize, nourish and smooth out wrinkles.

You too can feel like the Queen of the Nile by adding a mixture of the following ingredients to your bath water: 3 glasses of whole milk, 150 g of honey and 5 tbsp. l. almond or olive oil.

2. Ancient Egyptian women valued the properties of sea salt, especially that brought from the shores of the Dead Sea. The recipe for salt scrub is found in medical papyri of those times. For the best effect, the queen used it after taking a milk-honey bath.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and 3 tbsp. l. heavy cream. Added for flavor essential oils rose, myrrh or orange. Gently massage the mixture into the body in a circular motion, leave for 5 minutes and rinse off. The procedure carefully and gently exfoliates dead cells of the epidermal layer. The skin becomes smooth and soft.

Caesar, very experienced in sex, could not be tied to one skirt for a long time. But Cleopatra did not shine with beauty. Her portrait: deep-set eyes, an eagle-beak nose, a protruding chin. Of course, Cleopatra, like any eastern woman, knew a lot of erotic tricks, but they were not the main magnet...

There were other queens with that name in the world, but Cleopatra was only one. The last of the pharaohs. The first of the lady politicians. Diplomat. Polyglot. Mathematician. Beauty and the beast rolled into one.

She had everything she wanted - love, power, wealth, prestige. Because she knew the trick: it’s easier to achieve a goal if you “deceive” it. Internally concentrate on the desired result, and externally behave relaxed. Like, I’m not acting seriously, but playfully! This is the method of “paradoxical intention”. With the help of the game, Cleopatra could achieve a lot.

1. Mental games. In order not to let your life take its course, you need to constantly build possible events in your head, come up with intrigues, pronounce dialogues, and calculate steps. Cleopatra's path to the throne, which went to the young princess at the age of 18, is an intricate chain of complex moves, as if thought out in advance. Her path to love, to the conception of her first son Caesarion, is also a fruit mental games. According to the dynastic rules of the Lagid family, Cleopatra was supposed to become the wife of her own younger brother. And she did, but formally. And actually figured out for myself better man of all that were available. Caesar. Cleopatra came up with a plan to conquer him. How to get to a meeting with him, bypassing the cordons of enemies. How to seduce him instantly. And so she first appeared before Caesar, emerging from a bale of rags that the servants brought and threw at his feet. It was both a disguise and an unusual joke. After all, the richest, most noble queen suddenly appeared from rubbish and dust. The spoiled emperor had never had a woman with a sense of humor, and he could not resist.

2. Love games. To keep a real man, you need to surprise and interest him every day. Caesar, very experienced in sex, could not be tied to one skirt for a long time. But Cleopatra did not shine with beauty. Her portrait: deep-set eyes, an eagle-beak nose, a protruding chin. Of course, Cleopatra, like any eastern woman, knew a lot of erotic tricks, but they were not the main magnet. Every morning she woke up joyful, she knew how to make Caesar laugh like no one else. And intrigue. When Caesar was needed in Rome, the Egyptian woman took him on a joint journey along the Nile. How? She asked him riddles to which there was no answer. Where are the sources of the great river and what is the “mechanism” of its flood? And Caesar was caught again.

3. Marital games. In marriage, you need to be able to avoid exposing yourself to scandal and always have a sweet “carrot” ready to distract your loved one. Cleopatra managed to marry Antony to herself. And this is with a living Roman wife, the worthy and beautiful Octavia. Meanwhile, the commander either fell into despondency or was unrestrained. When he was angry, Cleopatra disappeared from his sight, which instantly brought him to his senses. And then she would return with some new means of pleasure - rare wine, the idea of ​​a grandiose holiday. And Anthony remained with Cleopatra until the end of his life.

4. Games with fate. Don't be afraid to tempt her. The Queen of Egypt considered this very useful. This tactic gave the highest pleasure - to take everything that a given moment offers. When Antony called Cleopatra to the first meeting she so badly needed, she postponed the rendezvous several times, risking that he would completely give up on her. But at this time, Cleopatra was secretly erecting a grandiose surprise ship. A huge ship made of precious wood under scarlet sails, exuding a fantastic fragrance, sailed to Anthony at dusk to the sounds of the most tender music. When Anthony came to his senses from the shock, the dusk deepened, and a grandiose illumination lit up on the ship. The commander had another seizure

breathing, and even before the negotiations he realized which of the two was the main and great one.

5. Games in "inimitable". You should always strive to be unlike anyone else and invent life events. The Egyptian woman lured Mark Antony to her place in Alexandria just when the sea was closed to navigation. Anthony could not return to Rome. It was then that Klyopa arranged a winter holiday for him. She created a circle of 12 close friends - the “Society of an Inimitable Lifestyle.” These people tried to make every day such that no one could repeat it. Every morning and throughout the day, Cleopatra came up with pleasures - a real theater of pleasures with an hourly updated repertoire. Enchanted Antony gradually forgot his Octavia.

6. Games with death. The fear of death poisons our days. In order not to be afraid of death, it is necessary to study it thoroughly, to include it as an actor in the play of life. One day it became clear that Cleopatra and Anthony were doomed. But they still had time until the cruel Octavian came with his army to Alexandria. Then the queen dissolved the circle of “inimitables” and founded the “Society of Those Who Jointly Strive for Death.” Again from 12 members. The goal is to tame death, “to cherish it like a pet, to hand-feed it with your thoughts every day.” Cleopatra held celebrations in the crypts, dissected corpses and embalmed them, removing the entrails from the bodies with her own hands. She studied the effects of poisons on prisoners. She thought through the details of the scenario for her departure from the stage and chose the most exotic method for suicide - the bite of a viper, which a faithful servant brought in a fig. Octavian was never able to lead the proud queen in chains through the streets of Alexandria in shame.