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Women's business dress code. Dress-code or style laws

Following Western fashion today, the concept of a dress code is increasingly popularized in post-Soviet countries. But many have no idea that there are certain types and rules that must be followed. European companies quite often hold corporate events with a mandatory dress code and indicate in it, for example, the type “White Tie”, and there are often cases when mid-level employees actually come to a company holiday in a white tie. In reality, everything is much more complicated.

So, today 7 types of dress codes are quite often used, namely White Tie, Black Tie, Creative Black Tie, Cocktail, Business Formal, Business Casual, Smart Casual. Of course, if you are a respected person in the company and come in an ordinary walking jacket to a festive event with a strict dress code, you will not be kicked out, but they will look at you as a “black sheep,” that’s for sure.

White Tie

It is the strictest and most formal of all dress codes. If you see this inscription, then be kind enough to look for a tailcoat or tuxedo. In this case, the men's blouse should be snow-white, since the upcoming event is apparently of utmost importance. Women, in this case, should wear a long evening dress with bare shoulders and without unnecessary details. An appropriate addition is required female beauty expensive jewelry, preferably diamonds. For accessories, you can take a minadiere or a solid clutch; long gloves will also not hurt if they are appropriate for the dress.

Black Tie

A simplified and less conservative version of the “White Tie” dress code. It is quite often used at corporate events and holidays in our region. In the “black” dress code, women can relax a little and get creative. Despite the fact that the length of the dress still remains “floor-length,” it can now be decorated with lace, crystals or embroidery. The most important thing here is to stick to soft colors: black, brown, blue. Well, if you have something to say, then for such cases the color red is sometimes allowed. Jewelry can already be without “sparkling” stones, limiting itself only to products made of precious metals.

Creative Black Tie

The mistake of many is that when they see the word “Creative”, they come up with some kind of creative outfit. Actually this is not true. In this case, at your event, the strict “Black Tie” framework is simply removed, and instead of a long floor-length dress, you are allowed to choose something extraordinary, but at the same time conservative. For example: dresses entirely made of lace and embroidery, dresses with prints or tuxedo dresses. You can also look at suits or overalls. But accessories can be given a certain touch of creativity, for example: bright shoes, unusual clutches or fancy jewelry will be in place. Overall it should still represent elegance rather than casual.


When people talk about a "Cocktail" dress code, it means that men can relax a little and wear fitted suits that flatter their figure. Women can also move away from long dresses and choose an outfit middle length or slightly above the knees. Colors can be dark, bright or pastel. Jewelry is encouraged here. Large watches, jewelry and even unusual shoes will only complement the look. The outfit looks less festive, but more comfortable and great for dates.

Business Formal

The very word “Business” already indicates that they adhere to business style clothes. This is true! This dress code is often established at prestigious conferences or serious business meetings. The black and white style is not essential, but it is the most successful and distracts from the important thoughts of the interlocutor. Women can choose not only business suits with trousers or a skirt, but also medium-length dresses, which should be strictly tailored to their figure. The best accessory in this case would be an expensive bag with a minimum of parts, but if you don’t have one, then you can get by with a document folder. Mid-heeled pumps, as well as vintage earrings or a brooch, will complement the look well.

Business Casual

This is a simplified version of business clothing, which is often installed in the offices of prestigious companies. Of course, jeans are out of the question. The key word here is “business”, which means that the image should still remain strict, these are: fitted business suits and dresses of medium length, but the colors can be different and even white, the main thing is that they do not distract from work and do not go out of style ensemble. Blouses can also be like with short sleeve, and with a long one, and prints are allowed not only in plain colors, but also in patterns or stripes. For footwear, both open-toed shoes and ankle boots are allowed, and for accessories, you can even experiment with bright jewelry.

Smart Casual

This dress code is perfect for meeting friends in a cafe, shopping, or even business meetings in a relaxed atmosphere. This is a kind of collective image of French women, so it personifies both elegance and freedom. In this version, it will be easier to name what cannot be worn with such a dress code. So, these are: torn or distressed jeans, short shorts, loose T-shirts with frivolous slogans. The image is convenient because it can easily be made unique, thanks to jewelry or jewelry.

Casual style is extremely diverse; it can be worn in absolutely any society and in any setting. It has already firmly established itself in the office environment, displacing the monotony of business suits, and in everyday active life it has no equal. The Casual dress code does not have strict boundaries, but is determined only by the situation and a person’s desire to dress to his liking.

Let's look at the different styles of Casual and their features!

All other types of Casual can be combined into after 5 casual, which means that clothes in such styles are worn in their free time from work.

The next popular type is . Here restrictions are lifted almost completely, since “street everyday life” is favorable to everything that brings comfort and looks beautiful. Street casual is a slight casualness and an abundance of spectacular bright colors. The absolute freedom of expression in this style has led to an incredible variety of combinations of clothing and accessories that can be seen on people walking. It is based on the personal preferences of a particular person.

City casual or Urban casual - fashionable urban everyday life. In its content, this style is very similar to Sport casual - the same layering and deliberate negligence, but City casual has more elegance. This is the direction that many Hollywood stars choose for their everyday life, for example, Sarah Jessica Parker, so we can safely say that City casual has a great future.

Unlike the types listed above, Dressy and Cocktail casual are elegant clothes for special occasions. Dressy casual translates as “dressy everyday life,” and this is true. Dress code casual in this style is suitable for attending semi-formal events such as a graduation party, a gala dinner with family or friends, exhibitions, etc. The simplest and most affordable option is to wear classic jeans with a beautiful silk blouse, complementing the outfit with minor accessories or tying a light scarf around your neck.

The choice of clothing color to create a Dressy casual look has no frames, so you can wear a bright dress, but not longer than the knee and not too long. deep neckline. The same goes for Cocktail casual style— the dress should be comfortable and elegant, quite simple, but tasteful. Cocktail casual is preferable to wear to informal parties, when you want to look smart, but not sacrifice your own comfort. Will do Short dress, tunic, shirt dress, stylish skirt, trousers with a bright blouse - all without excessive pomp.

More recently, the word “dress code” was new and completely unfamiliar to us. Now we are increasingly faced with events that require a certain form of clothing. Вlact Тie, Semi-formal, Casual - all these mysterious codes are becoming more familiar to us.

If you are lucky enough to receive an invitation to an official reception, ball or presentation, you should pay special attention to your appearance. In the invitation card you may find a mysterious abbreviation in English, for example, black tie or smart casual. Only an initiate is able to decipher such signs. Ignoring the dress code is a sign of disrespect for the hosts and organizers of the celebration. How not to lose face and dress accordingly? In this article, we will help you understand the intricacies of the dress code.

Universal rules

  1. The invitation card may contain the French abbreviation RSVP, it stands for “Réponse S"il Vous Plait.” Translated, this means “Please reply.” This means that you will need to contact the organizers of the event and tell them whether you accept their invitation. Reply can be given orally or in writing. Ignoring this request is considered a gross violation of etiquette.
  2. If the invitation does not specify that you must come with your spouse, you should attend the event alone. Business meetings, as a rule, do not involve the presence of a significant other. And it is customary to attend concerts, balls, theater premieres and charity events with an escort.
  3. In winter and autumn, guests' clothing and shoes should be several shades darker than in summer and spring.
  4. For daytime events you should take accessories made of suede and leather, and for evening events - silk, satin or brocade.
  5. It is better to give preference natural fabrics, synthetics usually look cheap.
  6. And the most important rule: it is better to look too strict than to look cheeky.

Types of dress code

In Great Britain, the ancestor of this concept, a convenient system of dress codes has developed. Conventionally, they can be divided into four groups:

  • Formal – for special occasions;
  • Business – for business meetings;
  • Cocktail – for informal social events;
  • Casual – for everyday life.

Each of these groups includes several types of dress codes. Let's look at them in more detail.

White Tie

If the card says White Tie, it means you are invited to at least a reception at the embassy or to the presentation of an award, and no lower than the Nobel Prize. Even the Oscars have a less formal Black Tie dress code.

Literally every point is spelled out in the strict White Tie regulations men's suit, so it’s simply impossible to make a mistake when choosing an outfit. You just need to strictly follow the rules. A man must be in a tailcoat and... The tailcoat can only be black, other colors are not allowed. Underneath it is worn a white vest with three buttons, which must be fully buttoned. A mandatory accessory is a white bow tie or scarf; it is advisable to include white gloves and a pocket watch in the outfit. If you want to feel like a real English dandy, take a thin cane with you.

Choosing a woman's outfit is somewhat more difficult, because there are many more styles of evening dresses than classic men's tailcoats. A woman is given the right to choose her own style, she just needs to remember that it should be floor length. In other details, amateur performance is excluded: loose hair is not allowed, it must be styled, lips and eyes must be painted, and hands must be covered with long gloves. You can throw a fur cape over your shoulders. Particular attention should be paid to jewelry - the stones in them must be real, costume jewelry is not allowed. You need to take a small clutch with you.

Black Tie

This type of dress code is no less formal, but more common. This is the style of festive receptions, weddings and theater premieres.

He instructs men to wear a tuxedo - a jacket with satin lapels and a collar, trousers of the same fabric and a black bow tie. The bow tie must be tied, and not just attached to the shirt. You should choose classic shoes - Oxfords or Derbys. They must be from genuine leather, patent leather shoes are not allowed.

Women should appear at such events in long evening dresses. For less formal receptions, you can wear cocktail dresses that cover your knees. Jewelry is also welcome, but you can get by with expensive jewelry. The only acceptable footwear option at Black Tie events is heels. The outfit should look as noble, sophisticated and elegant as possible.


The cocktail dress code implies less strictness and a degree of formality. However, it also has a number of nuances that need to be taken into account. Event level – social reception or buffet on the occasion of the conclusion of the contract.

Men can choose a classic dark suit and replace the black bow tie with a bright one or abandon it in favor of a tie. The main rules of the cocktail dress code for men: keep the bottom button of the jacket undone, stick out the starched cuffs about two centimeters from the sleeves, and wear socks several shades darker than the trousers. Do not forget that when crossing your legs, your naked body should not be visible.

For the fair sex, the most suitable optionCocktail Dress. They are quite elegant, but not so pretentious and flashy. Typically, these outfits do not have sleeves or a collar, making them less formal. They are not burdened with various decorations and draperies, but due to expensive fabrics they look very elegant. Cocktail dresses are usually made from silk, velvet, satin or chiffon. Shoes should also be high heels.

Business Best

This dress code is most often found at important business meetings and official receptions. He says that the outfit should be stylish, strict, neat, and at the same time emphasize your status.

The stronger half of humanity should come to such meetings in a dark suit, a white shirt with cufflinks and a nice tie. Shoes must be black.

Women can wear light-colored suits and white blouses. As for footwear, it is better to give preference to pumps with low heels. Don't forget about stockings or tights - your legs shouldn't be bare even in the summer heat.

Smart Business

This dress code is more casual and less formal. It is much more practical, convenient and brighter than the previous one.

Men are allowed to choose different colors of suits, bright accessories and ties. But you need to know moderation in everything - in a yellow suit with green stripes you will look out of place. It is better to opt for neutral colors.

The same applies to female uniform clothes. Business women can wear office dresses and suits. Bright accessories will help to dilute the look a little.

Business Casual

This semi-formal style is casual and practical. It allows you to wear comfortable office clothes. You just have to remember that in some companies, appearing in the same outfit twice in a row is a sign of bad taste.

Men can wear trousers with a shirt, vest, pullover, polo. Women - suits, skirts, trousers, blouses, jackets, polos, long shorts, capris, turtlenecks and sweaters. Colors should be moderate and neutral.


Dress code: Casual free style clothes. It will be appropriate for corporate parties, in nightclubs and cafes. When choosing an outfit, you need to be guided by the nature of the event. This is the only dress code that allows you to wear jeans.

Simple casual clothing is encouraged: jeans or other trousers, shoes or sneakers, a nice shirt and sweater. Women can wear skirts, dresses, shoes or ballet flats.

Smart Casual

The smart casual dress code combines business and casual style. It provides a person with greater freedom in choice, but provides certain frameworks, thanks to which it is possible to maintain a professional image. This style contains elements of casual lightness and traditional rigor of office style. In some companies where standards are officially established appearance employees are allowed to look less strict on Friday. On this day, you can safely show up to work in smart casual clothes.

Dress code - pretty complex science. In ordinary life, we wear T-shirts and jeans, and do not hesitate to appear in such clothes even on holidays. Modern fashion does not limit people’s choice of wardrobe; everyone can wear what they like. However, at social and other public events there is no such freedom, and special rules are attached to clothing. As a rule, the desired form of dress code is prescribed in the invitation, denoting it with special names. Moreover, these terms are not known to everyone, which can cause a lot of difficulties when preparing for the event. To avoid getting into an awkward situation and choose the right wardrobe for an important event, Hotshowlife recommends that you familiarize yourself with the 10 basic rules of the dress code.

An official and at the same time formal dress code is only suitable for high-profile and important events. An invitation to a charity ball or a reception with a high-ranking official may come with the “White tie” mark.

A man should give preference to a tailcoat with a white bow tie. For footwear, black patent leather shoes are a must. Representatives of the fair sex, when dressing according to the “White tie” dress code, should also show restraint and brevity. For this form of clothing, choose a floor-length evening dress, high-heeled shoes and a small clutch.

In essence, this form of wardrobe selection is similar to the previous one. Like the dress code described earlier, “Black tie” is characterized by solemnity, but it is somewhat simplified.

Here, men can no longer be afraid of the color black and freely dress up in dark suits with a tuxedo, complementing them with a vest and a plain bow tie. It is customary for women to appear at Black Tie events in simple cocktail or evening dresses and heels. It is advisable to avoid a large amount of jewelry.

If you received an invitation marked “Formal,” then it should be an official reception that will take place in the evening. Typically, such events are held on the occasion of the arrival of a delegation for negotiations.

When choosing “Formal” clothing, everything is simple: representatives of the stronger sex are recommended to opt for a strict black suit and a plain tie, and for ladies it would be best to wear a discreet cocktail dress, as always, complementing the look with heels.

Cocktail Attire

Those invited to such an event, fortunately, will not have to come into contact with strangers. Parties in the “Cocktail Attire” format are friendly or family gatherings with the participation of a large number of people.

The dress code here is less strict, and you won't have to worry about any extra detail. However, it is better for men to give preference to a classic suit, and for young ladies - a strict midi-length dress.

If we translate the name of the dress code literally, it means a semi-formal style of clothing. Participants in such events should look elegant and at the same time restrained. “Semi-formal” is suitable for corporate banquets and other holiday events.

For celebrations taking place during the day, men can choose a suit of any color. After 18-00 a black jacket would be more appropriate. Ladies can treat themselves to elegant short dresses.

A-5 (After five)

Oh those evening events! Try to choose a suitable outfit for them. Fortunately, the A-5 dress code does not require formality. Finally, you can dress up the way you want!

At any event starting after 17-00, young people can appear in both a suit and jeans. Classic shoes are welcome, but moccasins will not be superfluous. Young ladies can forget about curvy evening dresses and switch to tops, skirts and even jumpsuits.

A-5-C (After 5 Casual)

Relaxed casual style is the star of the modern wardrobe. Maybe, best example It’s impossible to imagine “A-5-C” than corporate and student parties. The main rule is convenience.

Men at such an event will be welcome in a formal suit, but then you should avoid a tie so as not to make the look too formal. It is better to choose a shirt with a print. Women do not have to wear dresses. Jeans and a sweater can be an equally elegant form of clothing.

Casual style is characterized by simplicity, so it is usually chosen for small parties. The element of “Smart Casual” is club events and other party-type celebrations.

The undisputed leaders of the smart-casual dress code in both men's and women's wardrobes are chinos. When it comes to footwear, boat shoes are most often preferred. As for directly men's wardrobe, then a pullover or blazer would be appropriate pastel shade. Ladies are recommended to give preference to loose-fitting blouses.

Imagine for a moment that it is the beginning of the 20th century, and you are sitting in one of the establishments of ancient England. Now return to reality and try to realize the mental image.

"Creative black tie" - creativity to choosing an outfit. It is advisable for men to remain respectable by wearing a classic suit, which can be complemented with a bright vest or colored shirt for originality. Ladies wear dresses, emphasizing the look with unusual accessories.

Finally, we come to the most unwavering dress code of all. “Business Traditional” is pure formality. You should contact him when going to a business meeting.

In this case, a business suit is required for both men and women. The outfit should be monochromatic and without unnecessary details. For footwear, it is advisable to give preference to classic shoes.

What to do if you receive an invitation to important event marked “dress code”? How to choose good image and not fall flat on your face? What types of dress code are there and do they all require strict adherence to the rules? Let's figure it out and take a look various options clothes in the photo.

Dress code is a form of clothing that must be observed when attending certain events. Such strictness receives a lot of negative feedback from those who like to wear jeans always and everywhere, but there are situations where you really need to “fit into the crowd.” There are several types of dress code for all occasions.

White tie

White Tie is the most strict and formal of all types of dress code. It is practiced extremely rarely, however, if your invitation contains the designation “White Tie”, then you are about to have an incredibly important and sophisticated reception where the cream of society will gather. This could be some kind of official ceremony, presentation of an award or diplomatic reception. The rules of this dress code are quite strict, male and women's clothing must strictly comply with the rules.

  • black tailcoat, other colors are prohibited;
  • a white vest, which is fastened with three buttons, and all three must be buttoned;
  • A must-have accessory is a white bow tie and a white scarf;
  • black patent leather shoes;
  • It is advisable to have white gloves or a pocket watch with you.
  • may expect difficulties in choosing the color and style of a dress, because this is not regulated in any way in the rules;
  • the dress should not be higher than the ankle, preferably to the floor;
  • It is better to cover your shoulders with a cape, for example, a fur one;
  • Beige stockings must be worn under the dress;
  • the heel height can be any, it is only necessary that the shoes do not reveal the toes;
  • Accessories include the longest gloves that the dress allows and a small clutch bag;
  • costume jewelry is not allowed under any circumstances, only real stones that can be rented for one evening;
  • hair should be tied up in an elegant hairstyle.

Black Tie

The Black Tie dress code is slightly less strict than the White Tie dress code. It is much more common and suitable for wedding ceremonies, theatrical premieres and important receptions (however, not so solemn as to require White Tie).

  • black tuxedo;
  • a black bow tie that ties at the neck;
  • cufflinks;
  • Oxfords or Derby shoes are allowed.
  • long dresses are welcome, but no one will look at you askance if your choice falls on a cocktail dress below the knee;
  • precious stones can be replaced with jewelry suitable for the occasion;
  • You can cover your shoulders with a coat or stole, but this is not a necessary condition;
  • Shoes must be exclusively heeled.


This dress code would be appropriate for corporate events, exhibitions, parties or premieres. It is less conservative than the previous two, but provides certain rules that you need to know and follow.

  • classic suit in dark colors, the last button of the jacket should be left undone;
  • butterfly color of your choice, you can wear a tie;
  • It is better to give preference to a white shirt.
  • designers created cocktail dresses especially for lovely ladies;
  • you are free to choose the color yourself, it can be either strict or bright;
  • shoes must be high-heeled; sandals are allowed in the summer;
  • Accessories include a clutch bag and fashionable jewelry;
  • If you are not in the mood to show off in a dress, you can dress up in a suit, with trousers or a skirt.

Smart/Business Casual

Smart or business casual is a type of Business Attire code and is usually reserved for meetings with business partners.

  • classic shoes;
  • blazer good quality and classic jeans;
  • classic business suit in dark colors, almost invisible stripes are allowed;
  • a two-piece suit in light colors if you have a morning meeting.

  • classic elegant style;
  • a trouser or skirt suit, which goes well with a plain blouse;
  • a strict dress of restrained color with a jacket;
  • try to choose the colors of your main clothes from strict black and white, beige or dark blue;
  • You can experiment a little with the color of shoes and jewelry;


This type of dress code is suitable for less formal daytime or evening events.

  • classic suit;
  • classic shoes;
  • tie.

  • Cocktail Dress;
  • skirt or trousers with a blouse;
  • Neat low-top shoes are permissible;
  • try not to show off your décolleté too much;
  • The preferred skirt length is midi.

A5/After five

Don't be alarmed, A5 just means After five, that is, it means meetings that will take place after five in the evening, for example, birthday celebrations or a bachelorette party. This dress code allows even more freedom than Cocktail.

  • suit, dark colors are preferred;
  • If you wish, wear a tie, but this is not a requirement;
  • Jeans or corduroy trousers are allowed;
  • classic shoes or moccasins.
  • a beautiful evening or cocktail dress;
  • top combined with properly selected trousers or skirt;
  • heels.


Everything seems to be clear here. Casual style is suitable for everyday use and meetings with friends. Representatives of both sexes can easily afford comfortable jeans, combined with T-shirts, shirts or sweaters. Men are allowed to wear sports shoes, women - flat shoes. In summer, women can wear bright dresses and sandals, while men can wear shorts.

Here are the main types of dress codes. Get more detailed instructions When watching thematic videos you can: