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Housing and communal services holiday. How is the celebration of Public Worker's Day going? What should a congratulation be?

When is this holiday held? In 2019, Housing Worker's Day utilities will be celebrated on the third Sunday of March, which falls on the 17th.

How is Public Utility Worker Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? Housing and Communal Services Workers' Day is celebrated by specialists whose work is related to the public service sector.

Many teams host holiday evenings, where the best specialists are awarded and congratulations are heard on Public Utility Day.

History and traditions of the Day of Housing and Communal Services Workers.

Communal Worker Day was celebrated in the USSR - since 1966. The date of celebration was on the fourth Sunday of July.

Then, by Decree of the President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988, it was moved to the third Sunday of March (in 2019 - March 17).

On Utility Worker Day, we honor specialists of various profiles. This job requires skill and knowledge, responsibility, dedication and the ability to get along with people. The operation of water supply, sewerage, heat supply, and electricity depends on these employees .

They are engaged in routine repairs of internal general building utilities and major repairs of buildings, landscaping of local areas, etc.

How to congratulate you on Communal Services Day?

Congratulate your colleagues, friends and relatives who have connected their lives with work in the housing and communal services sector by sending them congratulations on Public Utility Worker Day.

Congratulations to the housing office employees today!
Friends, we sincerely wish you all
Be healthy and not get sick for a hundred years,
You will not know troubles and have prosperity.

May your work bring you joy,
And let him present us with solutions to problems.
You know: we value and love you very much,
And on a holiday and ordinary weekdays.

We wish you to work conscientiously
To perform in the utility service,
Let all your worries be a joy,
We wish you to live and prosper!

Health and, of course, inspiration,
Luck, warmth and kindness.
Also - love, without any doubt,
And let everyone's dreams come true!

Our website presents congratulations on Public Utility Day, which these specialists working in this service sector will be pleased to receive.

There is no more important or necessary work
Among the many professions in Russia,
What profession is people's life
Make it better, warmer and more beautiful!

Therefore, at this festive hour
Let us say with excitement to the utility workers:
Today they will be just for you
All gifts, poems, congratulations!

To everyone who gives us purity,
Warmth, comfort and light
We want to say frankly:
There is nothing more important in the world

Such a profession, because you are
Everything for the people, always!
We wish you happiness and love,
Health and goodness.

Every year on the third Sunday in March professional holiday - Day of Workers of Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services- note people whose work is related to various service sectors, including housing and communal services workers.

This holiday has been celebrated in the Soviet Union since 1966 on the fourth Sunday of July as the Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services Workers. According to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days”, as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988 No. 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorials” days" it was moved to the third Sunday in March. And by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2013 No. 459 “On Trade Worker’s Day,” this holiday should be celebrated on the fourth Saturday of July, therefore today in Russia - on the third Sunday of March - the Day of Workers of Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services is celebrated.

The first decrees and resolutions of the Soviet government aimed at developing the sphere of consumer services were adopted in 1917-1921. Since that time, the consumer service system has begun to actively develop. We consider household services to be all those services that create coziness and convenience in our lives.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of professionalism and responsibility of those who work in the field of housing and communal services. Workers in this industry work tirelessly to ensure that our homes always have water, gas, heat and light, so that parks and squares, streets and roads, courtyards and entrances are pleasing to the eye.

Houses of service, studios, factories, workshops, salons provide services for apartment renovation, furniture manufacturing and repair, laundry and dry cleaning, custom tailoring and shoe and clothing repair. Also, household services are provided for the prevention and repair of cars, repair of household machines and appliances, television and radio equipment, musical instruments . Renting cultural and sports items and household items, cleaning apartments, performing various errands, photography and hairdressing services - all this is in the sphere of conducting the household services we need.

Today, trade and consumer service workers make a huge contribution to the development of the economy of our country, expanding the range of services and improving their quality. And on their professional holiday, they receive congratulations and gifts from management and colleagues, as well as grateful clients.

Housing and communal services you are mine, housing and communal services!

How important are utilities!The country really needs your business,And without you life would be bad.Electricity, gas and waterBecause of your noble worksAmong the people in a free stateThe houses will never run out!Comfort is impossible without youThis world is unashamedly rude.Wires, batteries and pipesThe anthem is being sung today in your honor!

In Russia, the professional holiday “Day of Workers in Trade, Consumer Services, and Housing and Communal Services” is celebrated annually on the 3rd Sunday of March. It was established by Decree of the President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 1, 1988.

“Day of Workers in Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services” is a holiday of all people whose work is related to the spheres of trade, services and housing and communal services. It is intended to express respect to those workers without whom we could not imagine our modern life.

  • history of the holiday
  • Household service

Since the date of this holiday is moving, it sometimes coincides with another similar holiday - World Consumer Rights Day, which is celebrated on March 15.

history of the holiday

The holiday “Day of Workers in Trade, Consumer Services, and Housing and Communal Services” existed in our country even before the official decree on its establishment, issued in 1988.

It appeared in the USSR back in 1966, when it was customary to celebrate it on the 4th Sunday of July. Then, by government decree, it was decided to move this holiday to the 3rd Sunday of March . However, workers in the listed areas of activity did not abandon the usual date and began to celebrate both holidays. Even some trade organizations and regional government structures continue to celebrate this holiday in July.

After the breakup Soviet Union, this holiday has been preserved not only here, but also in some CIS countries.

The Soviet government, back in the period from 1917 to 21, adopted the first regulations concerning the sphere of consumer services. Since then, the public service system in our country has begun to develop rapidly.

Household service

Household services are usually called all services that help make our lives more convenient and cozy. They include a variety of workshops, ateliers, service centers, hairdressers, salons that specialize in apartment renovation, furniture manufacturing and repair, as well as laundries, dry cleaners, etc.. institutions. We also provide household repair services. household appliances, various electrical appliances and equipment, musical instruments and cars . Rental of items belongs to the sphere of household services for various purposes, cleaning services for apartments and houses, performing various errands, photography and other similar services.

A very large number of Russians today work in this field. This kind of work requires a person to have patience, special skills and knowledge, responsibility, dedication, and the ability to find contact with people. . A true professional in his field must be able not only to provide high-quality services, but also to find an individual approach to each client, always be smiling and friendly, despite personal circumstances.

Currently, trade and consumer service workers make a very large contribution to the development of the Russian economy. In our country in recent decades there has been a constant expansion of the range of services provided and an increase in their quality. With their daily hard work, workers in this sector improve the lives of city residents.

Even in ancient times, trade was very important for the economic life of the state. The further development of market relations has led to the fact that the sales profession has become one of the most widespread and in demand today.

Housing and communal services (HCS)

Housing and communal services is a complex of sub-sectors that provide residents with a wide range of housing and communal services.

Housing and communal services involves ensuring the uninterrupted operation of water supply, sewerage, heat supply, electricity supply, is engaged in major repairs of buildings, routine repairs of internal general building utilities and systems, is responsible for the improvement of local areas, garbage collection and removal, as well as routine cleaning of common areas. It should be noted that housing and communal services currently occupy a significant place in the Russian economy.

Let us recall that during the period of economic reforms of the 90s of the last century, our country experienced a sharp reduction in investment in fixed assets of housing and communal services. For this reason, the fixed assets of housing and communal services are already very worn out . According to official data, their wear is already more than 60%, most of them are in emergency or pre-emergency condition.

Housing and communal services and consumer services today

Now the housing and communal services sector in Russia is going through quite difficult times; worn-out funds must be brought to standard condition, which requires huge financial investments.

The accident rate in this industry is increasing every year. It is important to note that in Soviet times residential buildings were repaired regularly and fully met the requirements of the standards for the technical maintenance of residential buildings. And then a sharp reduction in repairs led to an increase in the volume of dilapidated and dilapidated housing.

Consumer services for the population are part of the service sector, which provides production and non-production services to the population. Household services in Russia are paid.

Household services in modern conditions have a fairly extensive industrial material and technical base. It is becoming more and more universal in nature and is becoming last years to a qualitatively new level. The reason for this is the fact that in our country an increasing number of people and organizations no longer want to spend their own time and energy on solving various everyday problems. It is much easier for this purpose to hire qualified specialists who will cope with such work much better. Incompetent plumbers or electricians are being replaced by professionals in their field who receive decent salaries. There is a constant increase in the number of consumer service organizations.

We can say that our consumer services market is quite unique and different from the European one. In this area in our country, the most widespread is not small, but private entrepreneurship. In Western countries, the predominant type is family business, but in our country there are collective, cooperative forms of business.. Today, household enterprises are mainly owned by labor collectives and legal entities.

Tags: Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services Workers

March holidays

Housing and communal services are considered one of the most controversial services, however, the benefits of this work are obvious and indisputable. They are not liked when they are late for a call, and are ready to be carried in their arms after the next long-awaited repair.
Housing and communal services, as well as household sectors, from the time of the appearance of the first large settlements to the present day, have been the main component of the standard of living of megacities. These services improve and decorate populated areas, provide comfort and coziness for their residents, maintain cleanliness and order, despite any vagaries of the weather on weekdays and holidays, regardless of the time of year.

Housing and communal services workers also have their own professional holiday. The history of its origin stretches back to the USSR. The attitude towards these employees was initially far from the best. The wording of the holiday was slightly different - Housing and Communal Services Day. In those days, repair and construction teams were equated with trade workers and provided the population with support for public utilities, which were huge under the USSR. Therefore, the holiday fell on last sunday July together with trade workers.

However, after some time, the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Court nevertheless decided to separate the day of housing and communal services workers and made several amendments to the decree on holidays. After this, everyone who worked in this industry before the collapse of the USSR celebrated this holiday on the third Sunday of March. According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2013, the day of housing and communal services workers is a separate holiday and is also disconnected from the day of trade workers.

How is Housing and Communal Services Workers Day celebrated?

There is not a single employee in housing and communal services organizations who would not accept congratulations on their professional holiday. Even though the holiday falls on Sunday, celebrations begin on Friday.. First of all, management congratulates everyone. On this day, almost every employee receives not only bonuses, but also valuable gifts - from simple souvenirs to luxurious jewelry. Management reminds that housing and communal services workers are celebrating the day of one of the most peaceful, necessary and respected professions . Further, after the end of the working day, all employees are gathered in a large hall to present certificates of honor.

Those who devoted 20-30 and 40 years to the profession are especially celebrated. The honorary mission is accompanied by songs, dances and other entertainment performances. In some cities people come to this holiday famous stars stage.
Some funny competitions and riddles warm up the audience
. After the audience has perked up, the ceremonial part continues. The awards program is followed by a traditional feast.

Who should we congratulate on Public Utility Day?

The current holidays related to the work of trade, utilities, and household services can safely be called national. In Russia, as in any other country, there are a great many hairdressing salons, salons, dry cleaners, car parks, workshops, companies providing gas and electricity, water and heat, household waste removal and rental, and various things. After all, whatever you say, it’s simply impossible for today’s person to have time to do everything on his own given the pace of life today.. Therefore, all employees who provide such enormous assistance to the population in overcoming everyday problems are simply obliged to have their own special day of the year - every third Sunday in March.

What to give on Housing and Public Utilities Worker's Day?

So, before the cherished day - the third Sunday in March, you should decide on a gift. To please such a person, it is enough to buy a small cake or something sweet, especially for women and young girls. A jar of coffee or champagne can complement the gift. Any female housing and communal services worker will be happy with even an ordinary bouquet of flowers, and any male utility worker will be happy with a bottle of good cognac . The janitor will be sincerely grateful, even if you don’t give him anything at all. There is simply no need to litter in the area adjacent to the house and in the entrance.

What else would be appropriate on this day?

A woman will like a beautiful mug or set of dishes, a practical cigarette case or wallet will appeal to a man.

If a housing and communal services worker is a dear family member, then appropriate jewelry– earrings, chains, necklaces, rings, bracelets. The owner will be especially pleased if they are decorated with natural stones.
A handmade gift will probably be the best for a housing and communal services worker
. Let it be a painting, a tree made of beads, embroidery, a craft from natural materials etc. d. Housing and communal services workers value everything in which a piece of their soul is invested.

From practical gifts Thermos occupy a special place, because these people work in any weather, and warm tea or coffee will be the best protectors from frost.

Arrangements made from fresh flowers will help to show respect to a woman. If a housing and communal services employee loves interesting gifts with a twist, then you should opt for a decorated box or a unique casket made of a large egg. For a man, consider a travel bag, a bill clip or an elegant cane. The most fashionable gifts for housing and communal services employees are cup holders, figurines, antique telephone sets, coffee or tea sets, leather boxes and the like.

When choosing a souvenir for a housing and communal services employee, it is necessary to take into account not only business specifics (after all, a holiday gift should not always be related to the profession), but also personal qualities - ways of spending leisure time, hobbies, and so on.

How to spend the day of housing and communal services workers?

The very first thing a person can do on this very important day is not to litter. Anyone can do such a little thing, however, it will be better than many gifts.. Housing and communal services workers themselves celebrate this day at home in the company of loved ones with a cup of tea and cake, and perhaps even something hot. Some people are already storming the forests in order to taste delicious kebab on the holiday.

On the eve of this day, congratulations are being prepared. Some workers are in a hurry to go to concerts. At the ceremonial part, the best locksmiths, janitors, mechanics, drivers, engineers, in general, all representatives of numerous professions in the city’s housing and communal services, take the stage.. At the end of the festive part, theater artists perform a concert in front of those gathered.

On this holiday, you can prepare a wall newspaper, hang collages and photographs of the best workers. Today on the global network you can find hundreds of different wishes regarding this day.. How to brighten up the feast on this day? You can learn a couple of fresh stories or come up with a horoscope for everyone for this day. Since housing and communal services workers are crazy about everything made with their own hands, you can even bake cookies with wishes and predictions.

As for wishes, it is also very important to wish a person good health, because the work is extremely hard. The crisis is not scary for these people, since this profession is considered one of the most in demand. The most important thing is that all their relatives treat them with understanding and constantly support them.. Housing and communal services workers often work without holidays and weekends. The housing and communal services sector is famous for its low turnover among its staff. Most of the people who work here are people with long experience, since working in this industry immediately excludes those who cannot understand why they need to wake up at any time, and sometimes in the middle of the night, and rush to work. Only those who understand their duties and fulfill them conscientiously stay here.

March 19, 2017 is the Day of Consumer Services Workers
and housing and communal services!

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of professionalism and responsibility of those who work in the housing and communal services sector. The tireless, high-quality work of workers in this particular industry ensures comfort in our apartments; the availability of water, electricity, gas, heat; the work of housing specialists allows us to enjoy the cleanliness of our courtyards and entrances.

Despite numerous problems and the difficult situation in the housing and communal services sector in Russia, housing and communal services continue to be provided, our houses are maintained, cleaned, repaired, and all this is solely your merit!

Please accept our my sincere congratulations and wishes of good luck, development, victories and achieving new horizons. Let troubles and adversity pass you by, and let your activities bring exceptional positive emotions not only to the residents of the buildings you serve, but also to all employees of your organizations! And may respect, honor, success and prosperity accompany you everywhere - both in your professional activities and in your personal life!

In honor of the Housing and Communal Services Worker's Day, AKATO gives you special 50% discount to purchase access to video recordings of seminars on current issues!

The discount is valid when purchasing access to view any number of any videos offered by AKATO. Offer valid until April 2, 2017 .

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Access to viewing video recordings is provided for 30 calendar days from the date of activation; during the specified period, you can view the video recording an unlimited number of times from any device connected to the Internet. Handouts on the topic of the seminar are available for download from the video viewing page.

Note! The user chooses the moment of activation independently. It is possible to purchase access to video recordings in advance during the discount period, and subsequently activate access at any convenient time (the period from the moment of purchase to the moment of activation is unlimited).

Housing, communal and household services improve the settlement, ensure the operation of communications, buildings and structures, create comfort and coziness for residents. To honor employees of this industry, increase the prestige, popularity, and attractiveness of professions in the Republic of Belarus, a holiday was established.

Who celebrates

The event is celebrated by employees of housing, communal and consumer services: housing offices, studios, service centers, workshops, salons.

History and traditions of the holiday

Honoring workers in consumer services and housing and communal services at the official level was enshrined in Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 26, 1998 No. 157 “On public holidays, holidays And memorable dates in the Republic of Belarus." The holiday received wide support and distribution in professional circles.

On this day, employees of housing, communal and consumer services accept congratulations and organize feasts. Heads of institutions send letters of gratitude to their subordinates. The best employees are awarded diplomas and certificates of honor. Classes are held to exchange experience and improve skills. The media show programs and publish articles about the features and problems of the industry.

About the profession

Workers of housing and communal services ensure the availability of gas, heat, light and water in residential buildings, and improve the settlement. They repair, maintain functionality, replace communications, and also clean areas.

Household service specialists provide repair and cleaning services for apartments, cars, household appliances, manufacturing and repair of furniture, clothing, shoes, laundry, dry cleaning, rental of household items, etc.

The housing and communal services sector of Belarus consists of 16 sectors. They include about 650 enterprises and institutions. The structures employ 150 thousand people. 364 people bear the title of honorary employees of the field.

Housing and communal services is an abbreviation of Soviet origin. It is used in the countries of the former USSR.

Russia congratulates all workers in the service sector, housing and communal services and trade for many years at the same time, 3 Sunday in March. The holiday was considered unofficial until 1988, when in November the President of the USSR issued a decree introducing a new solemn date - the Day of Consumer Services Workers. Such a holiday is extremely important, because it expresses respect for all people working in the field of consumer services, trade and housing and communal services. Like all holidays, it has quite interesting story education, which remains unknown to most modern people.

The history of the holiday

Although the status official holiday acquired only in 1988, people of the corresponding profession noted it much earlier. For the first time, such specialists were congratulated back in the days of the Soviet Union (1966) on the fourth Sunday of July. A little later, the government reconsidered the relevance of the chosen date and moved the holiday to March, but the specialists accepting congratulations decided to celebrate both holidays. It is noteworthy that even today many organizations and regional institutions celebrate their professional holiday in July.
When the USSR collapsed, many countries abandoned the celebration of this date or moved it to another date. However, there are still countries, including Russia, that continue to celebrate a similar professional day in March.
Until 1917, the development of household services was rather sluggish, until the government adopted a number of important reforms relating to this area. From that moment on, there was a significant breakthrough in the system of household services, which has not lost momentum to this day.

Features of consumer services and housing and communal services

Household services include all services and services that provide them, helping to increase comfort and convenience Everyday life of people. The personal services system includes many workshops, spas, fitness centers, repair companies, furniture manufacturers, and so on. When listing popular enterprises that provide household services to the population, one cannot help but recall gyms, cleaning services, photo studios and other well-known establishments.

People working in the public service sector must have certain qualities such as patience, education, responsibility as well as experience. Another requirement for all service employees is communication skills and the ability to work with people. Many people are surprised by the ability of service workers to remain calm in conflict situations, and also smile sincerely at every client. However, trade workers were in demand back in ancient times, when such a well-thought-out and proven system did not exist. However, at that time the service sector was in little demand, since there was little equipment and conditions to provide them.

History of the consumer services sector in Russia

Since ancient times, public service and trade have been indispensable indicators of comfort. Ancient Rome became famous for its multiple covered markets, similar to the hypermarkets that exist today. Also in Rome, one of the first workshops opened, providing a fairly wide range of services to the population. At the same time, people involved in the design and construction of special water supply systems (aqueducts) were respected no less than musicians and painters.

In Russia before the revolution, much attention was also paid to the service sector. Statistics show that in the twentieth century, more than 50 provinces of the country provided work in the service sector to more than 20% of the total adult population. Such specialists were highly respected, and the profession itself was considered promising and highly paid.

Development of housing and communal services

Housing and communal services is a whole complex of various subgroups that provide people with the widest possible range of different housing and communal services. During the USSR, the government was engaged not only in the active development of trade and the sphere of consumer services, but also in the housing and communal services industry. This is confirmed by the resolution (1917), which turned out to be the first of its kind, and specifically related to the housing and communal services sector. However, a number of reforms adopted in the 90s of the last century and relating to the country’s economy significantly reduced the amount of financial influence on housing and communal services funds. Because of this, modern funds in this area have deteriorated significantly. Recent data confirms that wear and tear has reached 60% of the total and most of these assets are operating at capacity.

The current state of consumer services and housing and communal services

Housing and communal services are currently in a deplorable state due to significant wear and tear of equipment. To correct the situation, a significant amount of money needs to be allocated to such an industry, but sponsors are in no hurry to make such investments. Unlike Soviet times, almost all non-productive and production services provided in Russia require payment. However, people hope that the situation will be corrected as soon as possible and that the authorities will draw attention to the need to finance housing and communal services and organizations that provide services to the population. At this time, all workers in this field, who put in a lot of work and endurance, accept congratulations from colleagues and relatives on the third Sunday in March.

Housing and Communal Services Workers' Day is a professional holiday that was officially approved almost 40 years ago. This is an important holiday, because it is dedicated to people who provide comfort and cleanliness. In addition, this day is a professional holiday for trade workers, as well as other sectors of public service. In this article we will look at the date of housing and communal services workers' day in 2017 in Russia, the history and traditions of its celebration.

Date of the holiday and its history

The date of this professional holiday falls on the third Sunday of March. Therefore, this year it will be celebrated on March 19th.

The Day of Housing and Public Utilities Workers and Consumer Services appeared officially more than 50 years ago. At this time, the holiday was celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July.

However, by government decree 30 years ago, the date of the holiday was moved to the third Sunday of the first spring month. However, employees of many organizations and companies did not abandon the previous date, so they began to celebrate both holidays. To this day, many trading companies and even government organizations celebrate Housing and Communal Services Workers Day in 2017 in Russia in the summer or twice.

And the first regulations that related to the activities of consumer services appeared before 1921. After all, it was during this period that the consumer services sector developed at a rapid pace.

Holiday traditions

This one is wonderful spring holiday The best and most honored employees receive gratitude, diplomas, certificates of honor and valuable gifts. On this day, conferences are often held to promote the exchange of experience and professional development.

In addition, many organizations organize corporate parties, holiday concerts and buffets. The holiday falls at the beginning of spring, so many groups prefer to celebrate the event outdoors.

On television and radio on this day you can see programs dedicated to the most significant events in this area, the history of development and problems of our time.

Housing and communal services and consumer services in our time

IN modern Russia Housing and communal services are experiencing better times. Worn-out funds require an urgent injection of significant capital. Because of this, the accident rate of the housing and communal services industry is increasing every year. The depreciation of funds only according to official data is more than 60%.

If during the Soviet Union huge funds were constantly allocated to maintain normal condition and technical requirements, repairs and modernization were regularly carried out, then in our time the number of emergency and dilapidated housing is increasing. This is due to the fact that practically no funds are allocated for the modernization and repair of housing stock.

Consumer services for the population, in turn, have moved to a completely new level. However, such service is paid. Its high quality is explained by competition among organizations that provide similar services. Therefore, more and more often, plumbers, electricians, gas workers and other specialists in this field are called not from government organizations, but from private enterprises.

In this article, we looked at when Housing and Public Utilities Workers Day is celebrated, as well as the main traditions of its celebration. If among your acquaintances, relatives or friends there are housing and communal services workers, be sure to congratulate them on their professional holiday. After all, they help bring warmth and comfort into the home, as well as make the life of every person simple and comfortable.

Culinary recipes:

In Russia, the professional holiday “Day of Workers in Trade, Consumer Services, and Housing and Communal Services” is celebrated annually on the 3rd Sunday of March. It was established by Decree of the President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 1, 1988.

“Day of Workers in Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services” is a holiday of all people whose work is related to the spheres of trade, services and housing and communal services. It is intended to express respect to those workers without whom we could not imagine our modern life.

Since the date of this holiday is moving, it sometimes coincides with another similar holiday - World Consumer Rights Day, which is celebrated on March 15.

History of the holiday “Day of Workers in Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services”

The holiday “Day of Workers in Trade, Consumer Services, and Housing and Communal Services” existed in our country even before the official decree on its establishment, issued in 1988.

It appeared in the USSR back in 1966, when it was customary to celebrate it on the 4th Sunday of July. Then, by government decree, it was decided to move this holiday to the 3rd Sunday of March. However, workers in the listed areas of activity did not abandon the usual date and began to celebrate both holidays. Even some trade organizations and regional government structures continue to celebrate this holiday in July.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this holiday was preserved not only here, but also in some CIS countries.

The Soviet government, back in the period from 1917 to 21, adopted the first regulations concerning the sphere of consumer services. Since then, the public service system in our country has begun to develop rapidly.

Household service

Household services are usually called all services that help make our lives more convenient and cozy. They include a variety of workshops, studios, service centers, hairdressers, salons that specialize in apartment renovation, furniture manufacturing and repair, as well as laundries, dry cleaners, etc. institutions. We also provide household services for the repair of household appliances, various electrical appliances and equipment, musical instruments and cars. The sphere of household services includes rental of items for various purposes, cleaning services for apartments and houses, carrying out various errands, photography and other similar services.

A very large number of Russians today work in this field. This kind of work requires a person to have patience, special skills and knowledge, responsibility, dedication, and the ability to find contact with people. A true professional in his field must be able not only to provide high-quality services, but also to find an individual approach to each client, always be smiling and friendly, despite personal circumstances.

Currently, trade and consumer service workers make a very large contribution to the development of the Russian economy. In our country in recent decades there has been a constant expansion of the range of services provided and an increase in their quality. With their daily hard work, workers in this sector improve the lives of city residents.

Even in ancient times, trade was very important for the economic life of the state. The further development of market relations has led to the fact that the sales profession has become one of the most widespread and in demand today.

Housing and communal services (HCS)

Housing and communal services is a complex of sub-sectors that provide residents with a wide range of housing and communal services.

Housing and communal services involves ensuring the uninterrupted operation of water supply, sewerage, heat supply, electricity supply, is engaged in major repairs of buildings, routine repairs of internal general building utilities and systems, is responsible for the improvement of local areas, garbage collection and removal, as well as routine cleaning of common areas. It should be noted that housing and communal services currently occupy a significant place in the Russian economy.

Let us recall that during the period of economic reforms of the 90s of the last century, our country experienced a sharp reduction in investment in fixed assets of housing and communal services. For this reason, the fixed assets of housing and communal services are already very worn out. According to official data, their wear is already more than 60%, most of them are in emergency or pre-emergency condition.

Housing and communal services and consumer services today

Now the housing and communal services sector in Russia is going through quite difficult times; worn-out funds must be brought to standard condition, which requires huge financial investments.

The accident rate in this industry is increasing every year. It is important to note that in Soviet times, residential buildings were repaired regularly and fully met the requirements of the standards for the technical maintenance of residential buildings. And then a sharp reduction in repairs led to an increase in the volume of dilapidated and dilapidated housing.

Consumer services for the population are part of the service sector, which provides production and non-production services to the population. Household services in Russia are paid.

Household services in modern conditions have a fairly extensive industrial material and technical base. It is becoming more and more universal and has reached a qualitatively new level in recent years. The reason for this is the fact that in our country an increasing number of people and organizations no longer want to spend their own time and energy on solving various everyday problems. It is much easier for this purpose to hire qualified specialists who will cope with such work much better. Incompetent plumbers or electricians are being replaced by professionals in their field who receive decent salaries. There is a constant increase in the number of consumer service organizations.

We can say that our consumer services market is quite unique and different from the European one. In this area in our country, the most widespread is not small, but private entrepreneurship. In Western countries, the predominant type is family business, but in our country there are collective, cooperative forms of management. Today, household enterprises are mainly owned by labor collectives and legal entities.

Tags: Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services Workers