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Appliques from croup, seeds and natural materials. Applique from buckwheat cereals "Cute, kind hedgehog Hedgehog from seeds and cereals

Among the rich diversity of natural material, autumn crafts from cereals and seeds for kindergarten are well-deserved popularity. The most simple will come even for kids of a nursery group. It is important only to ensure the safety technique when working with small objects.

Ideas of crafts from cereals for kindergarten

  1. Kids are easiest to fill out any drawn contour. With the help of PVA glue in the middle of the workpiece, you can stick peas, soy grains and another cereal to get maple Leaf.

  2. Using mixed techniques and cereal use, you can create an autumn landscape with a hedgehog.

  3. Perhaps the most popular handicraft from the cereals on the autumn theme - hedgehog collecting supplies for the winter. For its manufacture, in addition to crumbs and seeds, you will need a color cardboard.

  4. Among the leaders of crafts on the theme "Autumn" to a kindergarten of cereals - various mushrooms. At first glance, creating such an easy, but mom and child will need to have patience, because to dry the layer of glue with a crop need time.

  5. Autumn crafts in the garden from the cereals are ripe under the hot sun sunflowers. Using the material of contrast colors, you can create a completely realistic craft according to the preliminary sketch.
  6. Make a hedgehog from buckwheat and a militant, carrying an apple from lentils, having art talent. To understand, it is or not, you need not to be afraid to take for complex work, but to act, and then maybe such work will take a deserved first place.

  7. Many little kids like autumn treesMade from the cereals with their own hands. To do this, their midstream is missed by glue, and the baby falls asleep with its suitable cereal. After drying, excess material shakes.

  8. A beautiful panel with the cranes flying to wintering can only create a creative mammy. But it is necessary to attract a child to such work to teach and his layout technique various croup and seeds.

  9. With the help of cereals and pasta it is easy to make a rural hut for a pre-applied sketch.

  10. Volumetric crafts of their cereals are a completely different kind of skill. The child will be happy to lay out on a suitable vessel-blank invented ornament.

  11. Little babes with glue, leaves and cereals can create autumn forest.

Seeds and cereals available natural materials, so the manufacture of these crafts has become recently a popular view of children's creativity. Application from cereals is very unusual and beautiful, not only experienced, but also at beginner masters.

Don't know than to take kids at home and in children's garden, or preschoolers in preparatory group? Invite them to master the skills of creating cereal compositions. Such a handicuit can even do with his own hands small childIt requires only a bit of perfection and dexterity. Perhaps some stages of the work of the baby will be difficult to do it yourself, and then it will be needed by adults. IN junior group - Educator, in the home circle - parents or other family members.

It is incredibly useful to engage in such a kind of creativity, so the transition of cereals contributes to the development of shallow motility of the hands, and acts a peaceful, soothing the nervous system. Also, the execution of such applications helps the defector to develop fantasy and creative imagination. Additionally, it is possible to conduct classes that will help explore the main types of cereals used for cooking. Learn how to work with bulk materials will help detailed master class "Appliques from cereals for children". Having hurt the equipment and manifesting a little imagination, you will certainly be able to create real art masterpieces with children.

The creation of the compositions with the image of the beasts instills the love of nature and its inhabitants. One of the bright representatives of the animal world is a bear. But, he is not only the owner of the forest, but a bright cartoon character, the hero of the favorite fairy tales, a cute, teddy friend of the majority of children. With its manufacture, the kids can, and start their acquaintance with the technique of performing appliqués from the cereals.

Offer children B. medium group Make a composition on the topic "Bear Kosolapiy", as in the photo:

For the manufacture of such a picture, you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Template.
  2. White or colored paper, cardboard or plywood plate (for the basis).
  3. Copy.
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Paints.
  6. Tassel.
  7. Ceres. For white Mishk - Rice, for brown - buckwheat.

Step-by-step instruction. We make stencils. You can print a picture on the printer, or take a picture from children's coloring, and translate it to the base using a copy paper.

We apply glue on the body, not speaking for the contours of the picture.

We make wool, falling asleep gradually torso. For white handsome, we use rice.

Brother make from buckwheat.

Extra grapple shakes. Formed voids, on the contrary, fill.

After the glue gets dry, let the kids draw a beautiful landscape with paints. For the Northern Bears, you will depict snowy drifts for brown - Forest and Malinnik. The finished picture can be hanging on the wall or give your family and relatives.

And here is a teddy bear. Beautiful idea for a birthday gift or Valentine's Day.

Another interesting teddy bear from rice and buckwheat.

And how do you like this option?

Well, of course, we can not do without all the favorite animated character.

You can also watch an interesting video in which the kids are taught to make a bear from Manka.

Video: Make a bear

Applique Giraffe

The next MK will help you learn to make a giraffe from cereals. Application is designed for older children, so it can be tried to perform it senior group. Check out S. step by step description Process and proceed to work.

To work will be required:

  • sheet of paper A4;
  • buckwheat and corn cereals;
  • glue;
  • paints.


  1. Find a giraffe image and carry it on paper.
  2. We draw the remaining parts of the composition.
  3. We will glue the croup. For which they first apply glue to each part of the picture, and then fill it with grains.
  4. First, from the buckwheat, we make eyes, horns, hooves and stains. Unevenly distributed grains can be corrected with toothpick.
  5. Torso, fall asleep cornfroken.

If you want, get this result as in the photo:

Then use a bar of one species, and then paint it. It is possible to paint it, both before the manufacture of appliqués and already glued on paper.

Applique "Gifts of Nature"

The next craft will be appliqué from cereals and seeds. We offer you mentally moved to the autumn forest to grant Lukoshko mushrooms. Presented? And now try making a mushroom Borovik from natural materials. Prepare such tools and materials for this:

  • dense cardboard;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, peas, manka;
  • watermelon seeds;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • tassel.


  1. We make a template in the methods that were told in previous master classes.
  2. We make a tassel glue, on a leg and a hay mushroom. I fall asleep buckwheat.
  3. I fall asleep semolina cereal hat.
  4. We lay out the autumn leaves in peas.
  5. Rice Krasim B. green color And make grass from it.
  6. Picture pattern with a purple. After complete drying, staining its paint.
  7. From the seed watermelon make a frame.

Our autumn fantasy is ready!

But what other crafts can be made of seeds and cereals. Friendly family.

Flowers in a vase.

Autumn harvest.

Sunflower flowers from what is

This master Class Suitable for both parents and educators, and teachers. Application is performed entirely from natural materials, so absolutely safe, and can be performed by the youngest masters. Only for kids 2-3 years old should increase the size of the main parts of the picture. To create a sunny flower, you will need:

  1. Cardboard.
  2. Crude sunflower seeds (seeds).
  3. Corn grits.
  4. Dry grass.
  5. Glue.
  6. Plasticine.
  7. Paints.

Work plan. Draw on cardboard sunflower. You can use this scheme.

The middle of the flower is plugged with plasticine and gently insert seeds into it. We begin to fix them (as close as possible) with the edge, in a circle, moving gradually to the center.

Lubricate with glue leaves of sunflower and fall asleep their cornfroke. After drying, the cereals shake the surplus.

We apply glue on leaves and put dry grass from above.

If empties are formed in some places, they can be smeared with glue again and fill the missing materials.

Picture ready.

If desired, you can open it with varnish and insert into the frame.

Options for creating applications "Sunflower".

To make such a flower, we need: cardboard, peas, corn, seeds, glue and burlap.

Instruction: Draw on cardboard Sunflower. Maja flower with glue and lay out in the center of seeds, and make petals from corn.

In the same way, we act with peas. Color the background with pencils or paints. Make a piece of burlap frame. Such sunflower can be done using colored paper. The scheme for creating applications "Sunflowers". Look, what original sunflowers can be made of seeds and croup.

Wise owl from natural materials

To make such owls you need to cook:

  1. Cold cardboard.
  2. Sovishuk template.
  3. Glue.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Plastic eyes.
  6. Wenty and semolina.
  7. Small black tea.
  8. Dill seeds.
  9. Sunflower seeds.
  10. Beans.
  11. Rosehip (fruits).
  12. Flower (live or paper).


  1. Copy the image of the owl to the cardboard.
  2. We make a bean frame.
  3. We apply glue on the torso and alternately fall asleep all parts of the body with bulk materials (see image).
  4. Glue eyes.
  5. Making beads from Rosehip.
  6. Decorating with a hat with a flower. Our wise owl is ready.

Here is such an owl you can make bean grains.

Another wise bird.

Learning to do hedgehog

Surely everyone guess that it was a hedgehog, such as in the picture. We suggest you try it to do. For its manufacture, take such a template.

You will also need buckwheat, manna, corncroups and lentils. Transfer the template on paper, apply the glue on the body with a tassel and lay out the cereals. We make a torso from corn cereals, needles - from a buckwheat, an apple from lentils. Then spread the pattern with a pattern and sprinkle with a purple on top. From above, it is coloring it, as shown in the picture.

You can also arrange such a composition a little differently.

If you want, you can use such a template.

Follow step by step instructions And you get an interesting animal. Needle make from seeds.

On the needles, reach him mushrooms and fruits. You can make a torso from any cereals, at your discretion. Children can like, here is such a cartoon hero.

Appliques from cereals on the topic "Favorite animals and birds"

Liedstok from the cartoon "I'm lying in the sun".

Template for him.

And, of course, the turtle.

Interesting cats.

Migratory birds.

Watch the video and find out how to make such a chicken with a child.

Video: Developing Appliques from Crupes

But this interesting craft can be made of cereals on a paper plate:

Make it very simple. Take disposable plate, apple, melon or cucumber.

Draw a goose.

Apply gradually glue and fold seeds.

Paws and wings are colored. Make background.

Sparrow looks interesting too.

Well, finally, forest animals. Lisenok.


Winter parlor

In winter, on the street all white-white - snapped by snow. It falls from the sky and crumbs under his feet. If you compare snow with natural materials, it is very similar to the semolina and sugar. Therefore, we suggest you make the winter applique from semolina. The technique of performing the work is very simple and with a small help of adults, even kids will cope with it 2-3 years. This applique is done very quickly, and it turns out very gently, fabulously, unusually and beautiful. Try to do and do not doubt - the children will be delighted, since the creation of such crafts is like magic.


  1. Color cardboard (contrast - blue, green, black).
  2. Semal camp.
  3. Glue.

Getting to work:

  1. Draw glue on cardboard any winter drawing. It can be snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowflakes, ice hut, bunny, snowman and much more. Give the children to dream and show your creativity.
  2. Without waiting for the adhesive until he dries, fall asleep the picture, completely, the gun. Especially thoroughly need to do it in contours of our painted glue. Do not spare the croup. So that the child is comfortable, pick up in a small dishes.
  3. I turn over and shake all unnecessary. Picture ready.

Visually see how winter appliqués from Manka is made in this video:

If the children liked, then you can continue to make such pictures with them. We offer you ideas for inspiration:

Another photo-lesson For beginners will help create such winter fairy tale. This is a volumetric application, so it can be created by a cheerful company.


  • color cardboard - 4 sheets (glued together);
  • semolina;
  • tassel;
  • glue.

Draw glue elements of the composition: snow, winter forest and bunny.

Let the figure sprinkle with a purple drawings. Gently lift the sheet and pour out the excess semi.

Draw a bunny-panting eyes, mouth and spout.

Use the skills gained and continue to create. Watch the video and learn how to make such a composition.

Application from cereals for children is another developing type of creativity. Its advantage is that even the smallest children can do it in view of the fact that such work is created without scissors, and when crossing the cereals, small motility develops well. It will also help to develop tweezing reflexes that will help in the future easier to cope with minor items.

Children from one year can engage in such an applique. The main thing is not to scare the child, giving it too complex tasks. It is best to start with games with cereals, gradually moving directly to applications. Children love appliques from pasta and semolina.

From seeds and croup

Materials that will be needed to create an applique:

  1. Groats - anyone suitable for you at home. Most often used corn, semolina, wheat;
  2. PVA glue;
  3. Tassel for applying glue;
  4. Cardboard;
  5. Plasticine (may be needed only for some types of applications);
  6. Templates.

How to make appliqué from cereals and seeds:

  1. Print or draw on the sheet of contours of the details.
  2. Appliate PVA glue on certain sections of the future applique. Pour seeds or cereals from above. After drying the glue, gently shake what was not glued.
  3. Apply glue to the next site, also sprinkle with a crop or seeds. Thus, gradually fill in all applications.
  4. The missing details can be drawn with a marker or make from plasticine.
  5. After a complete drying of work, you can cover it with a varnish for fixing.

On autumn themes

We'll see step-by-step work On the topic "Autumn in the forest", made of cereals.

For work you will need:

  • The foundation;
  • Sheet for background;
  • Cereals: beans, buckwheat, rice, millet, chipped peas;
  • PVA glue;
  • Bruster for glue;
  • Cotton swabs;
  • Scissors;
  • Hedgehog template (can be drawn).

The first step will be the preparation of the basis for work.

Against the background, depicting a tree by the contour.

Barrel and branches Make from beans.

Perform the crown from rice.

Hedgehog pattern stir under the tree.

Needle make with buckwheat.

Apple fill in with a brine, and the leaf is rice.

From buckwheat and rice make mushrooms. Place them on the other side of the tree.

Morns and hedgehog foot cover with a swarm.

Make clouds from rice.

Paint gently worry the crown of a red paint tree.

Take note that it is more convenient to use cotton wands for such a tree study.

Now fill the whole crown, alternating yellow and red colors.

Carefully squeeze the blue paint clouds.

With rice, make fallen leaves as in the photo. You can make work at will in the framework.

Crafts ready!

Ideas for creativity

The dog is also a wonderful topic for work.

From buckwheat, millet, oatmeal and rice, you can perform a wonderful applique of fish from cereals, a master class will find below.


  • Background (cardboard or dense paper);
  • PVA glue;
  • Cereals;
  • Pencil;
  • Brush;
  • Napkin.

Against the background, follow the future sketch.

Drip some glue on the eye fish. Fill out this area with buckwheat, as you specify pictures.

Now smear the remaining part of the head glue. Run it from rice.

Similarly, place the rest of the parts, alternating a cereal in different parts of the fish.

Crafts made of grains, cereals and various seeds with their own hands - a great way to take children with benefit, because work with such natural material perfectly trains small motility of hands, which contributes to the improvement of the total and speech Development. Also such classes help to raise patience in children, effort and perfection.

Features of creativity using natural materials

Not only schoolchildren can make crafts from the cereals with their own hands, because such a joint creativity is suitable even for young children. True, it will be necessary to be non-extent with the kids so that they do not harm themselves.

So, as a material you can come in handy:

  • all sorts of cereals and grains - buckwheat, rice, millet;
  • legumes - peas, lentils and multicolored beans;
  • any seeds and seeds - watermelon, pumpkin, melons and sunflower, etc.

You can even take. Also during the work will be needed: dense paper or cardboard, glue, scissors, fabric, plasticine, patterns of various patterns, decorations (at your request).

Self the best crafts From cereals, seeds and seeds with their own hands - these are applications and paintings. You can invent stories with a child yourself or use some ready-made patterns and transfer them to paper. The complexity of the work should depend on the age of children, consider that the baby should be interested in making the craft itself, albeit with your help, but not to be quite aside.

Create appliques and paintings with your own hands

The topic of work can be any. But very beautiful and original trees are obtained from grains and other natural materials on the topic of spring. Spring landscapes (crafts from watermelon seeds and croup), lush flowers (Files from pumpkin seeds are especially good, asters, sunflowers, snowdrops) are excellent ideas for children's creativity.

The more you use different croup, seeds and seeds, the better, because they all not only differ in their size and form, but also in color and texture. That is, you will have a huge space for fantasy and creativity. And if for your crafts from the grains, some special colors are needed, you can always paint your materials using watercolor paints or gouache.

Try starting with simple appliqués. For example, as crafts from pumpkin seeds can make a basket with flowers.

  1. Draw the contours of the basket on a sheet of thick paper or cardboard and spread them with glue.
  2. Next, lay out pumpkin seeds on these contours so that there is a bulk basket.
  3. Draw flowers in exactly the same way - it can be sunflowers, asters, poppies, chamomile, snowdrops or any others. Use to create seeds different sizes - Pumpkin, watermelon, sunflower seeds.
  4. Camerals of flowers can be made from beads or fall asleep with fine litter.
  5. Draw your bouquet and paint the basket in brown color. You can decorate the applique of sequins or stickers, add some parts from plasticine.

On the subject of spring it is easy to make a vase with flowers - just as a basket. So that children's crafts from seeds have been kept for a long time and did not appear, you can sprinkle them with a lacquer for hair or cover transparent varnish For nails.

Favorite occupation for children will be the creation of applications and paintings depicting various animals, birds or fish. Come up with the story with the child and embody a fairy tale using a craft from pumpkin or watermelon seeds, as well as other all kinds of materials.

Incredibly cute fish, hedgehogs, bees, snails, clarops, cats and other animals. See how easy it is to make a picture of the seed with a hedgehog.

  1. Print the image with the image of the hedgehog or draw it yourself.
  2. Apply a good layer of glue on my back and begin to gradually attach seeds on it (it can be watermelon seeds or sunflower seeds).
  3. It is necessary to glue seeds so that they are all directed by sharp tips in one direction.
  4. The rest of the body of the Hedgehog can be simply painted, and to striking the mushrooms or fruits made from plasticine onto the spines.

But what can be created as an interesting picture with peacock with watermelon seeds, as well as semolina and corn cereals.

  1. Draw a peacock on thick paper or print a ready-made template (even the usual coloring is suitable).
  2. Easy glue round ends of feathers and pour them off their cornframe. Do the same with the paws of birds.
  3. When it snacks a little, slid off the remnants.
  4. Decorate the feathers with watermelon seeds, tightly gluing each of them.
  5. After some time, cover the whole rest image of the peacock with glue, and pour it off with semolina, clearing the contours with toothpicks.
  6. The head can be painted, and the picture is decorated at your own discretion. As you can see, crafts from watermelon seeds are made very simple.

Other ideas of crafts from natural materials

The picture can be not only an image of something, but also to be just a panel of cereals, seeds and other natural materials.

This panel is better to perform on the fabric (as a rule, the burlap or other natural fabric), but you can take both paper. Divide your space on different sectors - it can be geometric figures or abstraction, and then fill in them with various grains and seeds (choose the material of different colors, textures and shapes, combine them and try to combine correctly).

To divide the sectors, take the jute twine - then your natural panel will turn out to be more organic. Usually such pictures do not paint, but it is possible to secure varnish.

With older children can try to create volume figures Or toys, like crafts from seeds and croup. Then the material will need to be attached to the framework of your product, for example, you can make a house for some fabulous hero, a form for a candlestick or decorate a photo frame.

Crafts from seeds do it yourself - this is the idea of \u200b\u200bexcellent joint creativity with children, which will benefit and good mood For the whole of your family.

Our kids have so much energy and curiosity! This can also take advantage of: Let the child on your own instinctive, create your naive baby masterpieces. Of course, with your help and active participation Small may appear touching gifts For parents or grandparents - to the holiday or completely without reason, just to say: "I love you."

Magic transformation of ordinary items

When a picture of several types of cereals and seeds occur, it is akin to the miracle. After all, it is traditionally believed that we cook porridge from buckwheel and rice, and melons and watermelon seeds, if we are not going to plant, we throw without thinking. But it will not be much difficult to look at it differently - and try to use unconventional materials for creating crafts.

Then porridge, legumes, the seeds will be magically turn into paints, and the fantasy can suggest very unexpected solutions, and your crumble will receive the first skill lessons ... But before you begin to master crackers from the cereals, arrange a small drawing lesson for children. Pour it into the tray and show how the finger can create a picture: a sunshine, a Christmas tree, mushroom ... The baby will be delighted!

What can come in handy

Just imagine: for creativity, some special devices are not needed, materials. All that is useful, you most likely already have in the house:

Creating DIY handicrafts from cereals for children, you can use the natural colors of the kitchen cabinet inhabitants:

  • brown - buckwheat, chayans;
  • white shades - rice, manka, pumpkin seeds, zucchini;
  • yellow - peas, millet;
  • sand - wheat cereals;
  • black, gray - seeds.

From a variety of coloring beans, you can create a whole picture!

Rainbow do it yourself

But if you want more bright tones, for example, red or blue, the task is solved simply: change the color of white raw materials with food dyes. Even if suddenly the young Creator will die for inspiration to try a grain or seed on the teeth, you will have nothing to be afraid.

However, if you need to scroll through the semolina, you must use another technology. To dissolve gouas, you need to mix the same water and alcohol volumes. In a glass or plastic plate to the paint, add the resulting liquid to achieve the desired shade.

Council. The most convenient option is to paint a larger number of cereals: not one application, but with a margin. Then in the jars you will always be ready to multi-colored palette.

Basis for crafts

You can draw your own sketch of the future picture or choose an image on the Internet and print. This is a good exit for adults who are not at all artists.

To begin with, it is worth trying forces in creating small appliques from pumpkin seeds, sunflower, beans and peas. In such an case, plasticine, applied to the basis of the figurines inside the contours of the figure. For legume, holding layer is needed thicker than for light seeds.

Of course, it will not work out on fine paper, it simply will not stand the load. So that you still use the printed stencil, it is better to stick it to the cardboard, and then wait until the glue dries.

Fantasia and creativity

Of which materials are not creating their works, passionate people do not create their works: from the flap of fabrics, pieces of paper, small stone crumbs ... The list can be continued. And also call all the varieties of crafts - almost unreal, so there are a lot of them!

Hedgehog from seeds

You can make just a portrait of sympathets with a barbed back or, complicating the task, draw another path in which the animal goes to his house.

Ditcher "Hedgehog" from seeds is not very difficult to make it easiest with the child. Of course, you have already prepared a stencil on cardboard in advance, softened plasticine until soft and poured into a seed swallow, buckwheat and rice.

After performing each fragmentFilled with a cereal, surplus should be shaken on a dish or tray. If you do everything step by step, carefully, the result will surely please you and the baby.

Hedgehog is ready to make stocks for the winter? Then blinding several plasticine mushrooms and apples and attach them to seeds-needles.

Similarly, the works "Chicken", "Mushroom Family".

Crafts "Flowers in a vase"

And now it's time and men (in this case, the age is not the main thing, we are talking about the state of the soul). So that women smile and felt happier, there is one recipe: more often give them flowers. Having received your bouquet, mom and grandmother are driven, and the sister or girlfriend will be awarded a shining smile.

Create dealings from seeds and degrees with your own hands at all is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. And if plasticine was needed for the hedgehog, then this time it will take PVA glue.

In the process of work, all the elements of the drawing should be taken in turn and not to apply glue immediately into several fragments: it can dry, while you will deal with some one flower.

In order for each flower to be neat, shake the extra bitches - so you will see where they are not glued, and correct the situation in time.

To the application turns out like a picture, You can create a background for a bouquet in a vase. It is easy: it is enough to apply glue into free areas of paper and sprinkle with a semal or dried tea from bags. If at the same time the painting of the background from the perimeter to the center will change and becomes lighter, the picture "comes will comes."

Panel "Cats on a night roof"

The drawing at your request is permissible to perform schematically and make the silhouettes of the purr on both sides of the pipe on the background of the moon and the starry sky. And you can try to create more detailed images - here only you decide how difficult work will be.

For the manufacture, you can take advantage of the painted semis and rice. Use something more massive is not entirely justified, as the panel is performed on the canvas. Know that overloaded fabric It may turn out, to deform and completely spoil all the work.

If for some reason it is difficult to draw a plot picture yourself, you can print several templates from the Internet, and then transfer the contours to the prepared foundation.

For panels are characterized by two signs.: Canvas and frame. Will your job enclosed in the finished wooden design, or in its quality appliques from seeds, pasta, cereal strips - to solve only you. After all, you are the author and have the full right to your own idea of \u200b\u200bthe beautiful.

If you decide to make a picture of colored beans, it is better to take cardboard and plasticine (thermoklay). Just keep in mind: In this case, the process of creating a man-made masterpiece will be more like a mosaic formation. Or perhaps your child will remind the folding of puzzles ... In any case, it will be a fascinating occupation. This picture and the frame can be of the bean of contrasting color.

It is possible for you to create new work with other characters: "Gus-Swans", "Fox Patriyevna and Kolobok" ... Yes, you never know!

Crafts from different croup, plant seeds always differ in originality And it can be used not only as exhibition objects, but also as full-fledged bright accents in the decoration of the kitchen or on the desktop. Well, if you "tightened" in creative process, it is likely that a variety of ideas may soon arise and incarnate: from topiary and clips for napkins to decorated countertops. Why not?

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