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Application full basket of mushrooms middle group. Lesson summary on application in the middle group

Elena Nikolaeva

Target: Formation of interest in aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, aesthetic relationships to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Development of children's artistic creativity, interest in independent creative activity, satisfying children's needs for self-expression. Development interest in various types visual activities; improving skills in appliqués.

Integration of areas: « Artistically - aesthetic development » (priority, "Cognitive development» , "Speech development» , "Social - communicative".

Integrated Tasks:

Educational: To form children’s ideas about mushrooms(mushrooms there are edible and inedible) about their relative size. Strengthen children's ability to create decorative compositions. In order to create expressive image learn the technique of tearing paper with small finger movements. Encourage the creation of subject and subject compositions, supplement them with details that enrich the images

Developmental: Develop your eye, fine motor skills hands, figuratively logical thinking, spatial imagination, memory, attention.

Educational: Cultivating the desire and ability to interact with peers when creating collective works.

Materials: Models mushrooms, illustrations with mushrooms, templates mushrooms, colored paper napkins, rags, brushes, glue, oilcloths for each child. Drawing baskets for F-A1.

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations with mushrooms. Template cutting mushroom at the request of children(boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric) around the office, painting the legs mushroom. Cutting colored paper napkins (red, white, brown, yellow.) into 4 parts,

Progress of the lesson:

(Calm music sounds, soundtrack "Sounds of the Forest")

Educator: Guys, guess riddle:

"Under the pine tree by the path

Who is standing among the grass?

There is a leg, but no boots.

There is a hat, no head"

Children: Mushroom

Educator: Guys, please come closer to the TV. look at the photos mushrooms and let's remember some of them.

- Mushrooms They grow in the forest from summer to autumn, and they need warmth and moisture to grow. Which mushrooms you know?

Children: (Boletus, chanterelles, boletus, boletus, etc.)

Educator: Right, what are they? mushrooms, name it in one word?

Children: edible.

How do you like to eat it? mushrooms?

Children: (Mushroom soup, salted, pickled, fried, etc.)

-Teacher: And what else are growing? mushrooms?

Children: not edible (Amanita, toadstools) .

Is it possible to collect them? (No) .

Educator: Today, guys, we will make a very interesting and unusual applique« Mushrooms» (Showing the made template, first we will decorate the hat mushroom, and then we’ll put them in a magic basket, but before we get started, let's do some charging.

Physical education minute

Walked along the path (Marching)

The boletus was found. (Bent over)

Walked along the path (Marching)

They found the boletus. (Bent over)

Boletus boletus

He hid his head in the moss, (They showed his hands above his head in "castle",

We could pass it - (Walking in circles).

It's good that we walked quietly. (Stopped)

I suggest taking your templates (boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric, which you prepared yesterday, and I invite you to sit down at the tables.

Educator: (sit next to the children). Let's get to work guys (explanation, individual assistance).

1. Take napkins according to the color of your hat mushroom.

2. Gently tear a small piece of the napkin with your fingers.

3. Wrinkle this piece of napkin with your fingers to make a small ball.

4. Let's prepare a lot of these balls.

5. Apply glue to the cap mushroom.

6. Then fill the entire hat with napkin balls.

7. Let the product dry - mushrooms are ready!

Well done guys, bring yours mushrooms to the basket.

Children arrange them beautifully on a sheet of paper with basket.

Educator:Look guys, what did we get?

Children: Composition.

Educator: What should we call this composition?

Children: « Basket with mushrooms»

Since in our basket collected both edible and non-edible mushrooms, I propose to give it to the forest toy inhabitants who stand in our group. You agree with me?

Publications on the topic:

Topic of the week: “Let’s dress the doll warmly for a walk” Title: “Little mittens” Age group: 1st junior group Program content:.

Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in the second junior group. Application "Tumbler" Abstract directly educational activities in artistic and aesthetic development (application) in the second younger group. Subject:.

Educational field: Artistic and aesthetic development. Kind of activity: Visual activities. Application. Age group:.

Notes on artistic and aesthetic development in the preparatory school group. Application “Gift for Mom” Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the celebration of the “International women's day- March 8". To develop skills and abilities to work with corrugated sheets.

Purpose of the lesson: Making a holiday card - do-it-yourself invitations for invitations forest dwellers on New Year's party. For.

Program content:
- learn to identify parts of a mushroom according to geometric shapes (leg - oval, cap - semicircle);
- teach how to transform a shape, cut a circle into semicircles; preschool education, applique,
- to develop compositional skills in arranging the image on the entire plane of the sheet;
- reinforce techniques for carefully using paper and glue.
- develop a sense of form and composition;
Health saving:
- continue to formulate rules of safe behavior when working with scissors;
- continue to teach children to monitor their posture.
- continue to cultivate accuracy when working with glue and paper.
Material and equipment:
visual: artificial tree, fake mushrooms, path, autumn leaves from cardboard;
dispensing: tinted paper the size of ½ landscape sheet, three circles of colored paper, a silhouette of a hand cut out by the teacher, a green felt-tip pen, scissors, jars of PVA glue, glue brushes, a napkin for each child;
TCO: audio recording “Sounds of Nature”.
Progress of the lesson:
Children approach the teacher and repeat the movement together with him to the words of the poem.
So autumn has come to us,
She called us on the road.
Let's go for a walk in the forest, (children marching)
Let's walk happily. (walk in a circle)
Let's go along the path (walking like a snake)
One after another in single file.
Stand on tiptoes
And they ran to the forest. (running on toes)
We ran to the forest
Everyone sat down in a circle. (sit down)
Children sit near a tree under which mushrooms (dummies) grow.
- Guys, look, we are in a forest clearing! And there are so many mushrooms, but they’re all different! Only some can be collected, others cannot. Look carefully, does anyone know which of them cannot be collected and why? (Children's answers)
- That's right, guys. This is a fly agaric, it cannot be collected, because it is an inedible mushroom, it is poisonous and dangerous to human life. But in nature it does not grow easily; some animals are treated with it. Fly agaric is a medicine for animals.
- Who can tell me how mushrooms differ? (They have different colored hats)
- This mushroom has a brown cap, it is called boletus, and this one has a red-brown cap - boletus.
- How are these mushrooms similar? (All mushrooms have a cap and a stem)
The teacher includes a presentation (slide with an image geometric shapes- oval, semicircle, square and triangle).
- Pay attention to the screen. There are several figures in front of you, tell me which figures are needed to get the image of a mushroom. (Oval, semicircle)
- Well done, the mushroom consists of an oval, this is the stem, and a semicircle, this is the cap.
- I suggest you depict a mushroom meadow in the applique. On everyone’s table there is a silhouette of your hand, circles and a green felt-tip pen in a plate. The legs of the mushrooms will be the fingers of the palm. Glue the silhouette of the palm onto the base, the legs of the mushrooms are ready.
- What is the shape of the mushroom cap? (Children's answers)
- That's right, a semicircle. We have a circle. How to turn it into the shape of a hat? (The circle needs to be cut in half to make a semicircle)
- Great, cut all three circles in half, into two equal parts. We glue each cap (semicircle) onto a stem, and we get a whole clearing of mushrooms. Please note that we glue the hat onto the leg, just barely touching it.
- In order for the composition to look complete, we will make grass at the bottom of the leaf. Let's take a felt-tip pen and draw grass. The mushroom meadow is ready. Now let’s go to the tables, stretch our fingers and start applique.
Finger gymnastics"Mushrooms"
One two three four five! They “walk” their fingers on the table.
We're going to look for mushrooms.
This finger went into the forest Bend one finger at a time
This finger found a mushroom starting with the little finger.
I began to clean this finger,
This finger began to fry,
This finger ate everything
That's why I got fat.
Children begin appliqué while playing soft music. During the task, the teacher helps children if necessary and monitors safe behavior when working with scissors. When finished, children hang their work on the board.
- Guys, look, we really ended up in a mushroom clearing and there are so many mushrooms on it.
- Let's remember what geometric shape the stem and cap of the mushroom, and how did you get the semicircle shape? (Children's answers)
- There are two emoticons in front of you. If you liked our lesson today and are in a great mood, take a cheerful smiley face and stick it on the mushroom. If you found the activity difficult and the task was difficult for you to complete, then add a second emoticon that is a little upset.
The teacher hangs a base, in the shape of a mushroom, for gluing emoticons and the children come up and stick them on.
- I’m glad that everyone liked the lesson and you’re in a great mood.

Lesson summary on application on the topic:Mushrooms

Target : Teach children to cut out different shapes from squares and rectangles. Introduce the method of cutting out identical parts of objects in pairs from a sheet of paper folded in half, reinforce the techniques of a smooth rounded cut when cutting out caps and legs.

Cultivate interest in nature and aesthetic feelings.

Material .

The teacher has a sample - an appliqué composition of three mushrooms, and the children have blanks of rectangles and squares made of paper different colors, grass strip, glue, glue brushes, scissors.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, guess the riddle.

I drilled the ground, left the root,

He came into the world himself and covered himself with a cap.


Where do mushrooms grow? (Mushrooms grow in the forest: in clearings, on the edges, under trees, in the grass and even on stumps)

Who collects mushrooms and why? (people, animals)

What parts do mushrooms consist of? (Mushrooms have a cap and a stem)

What types of mushrooms are there? (Mushrooms are edible and inedible - poisonous).

Mushrooms with legs and caps of different colors grow in the forest. You can find a group of mushrooms growing together. Some of them are larger, others are smaller. This is called a family.

The teacher shows an application depicting a family of mushrooms.

Tell me, how are the mushrooms located? (There is one large mushroom growing in the middle, and small ones at the edges).

Look at the two small mushrooms. Are they different from each other? (No).

The small mushrooms are the same. Think about how you can cut them out of paper at the same time.

The teacher shows the children how to cut out two hats and two legs from a sheet of paper folded in half. Explains that you need to cut the mushroom cap from the bottom corner, make a smooth rounded cut to the second bottom corner, using the entire surface of the workpiece. The legs of two mushrooms are also cut out from a sheet of paper folded in half. This type of cutting is called pair cutting.

But before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”

One two three four five! They “walk” their fingers on the table.

We're going to look for mushrooms.

This finger went into the forest, They bend one finger at a time,

This finger found the mushroom, starting with the little finger.

I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything

That's why I got fat.

Well done, I see you are ready to work, but who will remind me of the safety rules when working with scissors? (children’s answers)

Children cut out hats and legs, and then paste the finished shapes onto cardboard.

During the lesson, make sure that the children use the entire surface of the original shape, so that when making a rounded cut, the left hand with the workpiece smoothly turns towards the hand with the scissors.

Look what wonderful mushrooms we got. Well done!

You can start a lesson with children with a riddle

He grew up in a birch forest.

Wears a hat on his foot.

The leaf stuck to it on top.

Did you find out? This is... (mushroom)

DIY application “Still life with mushrooms”

To complete the application you need to prepare:

Colored paper in the desired shades;

Cardboard for the applique base;


A napkin for wiping off excess glue

Step-by-step application process

1. Let's start with the simplest mushroom shape.

Take a rectangle of paper, fold it in half (vertically) and round two corners, then cut along the fold. We have two legs ready.

2. Cut out two mushroom caps. To do this, fold a square of paper in half, round the corners and cut the paper along the fold. Two hats are ready.

Glue the cap to the leg. The first pair of mushrooms is ready.

You can glue a circle onto the fungus or make a spot with a felt-tip pen.

3. Cut out a fox from paper.

Fold the rectangle in half and cut along the drawn outline.

4. Cut out the boletus.

We cut out the mushroom cap as in step 2. To cut out the stem, fold the rectangle in half and cut along the contour.

Glue the cap and stem together.

5. Let’s move on to making beautiful fly agarics.

We cut out the dome hat from a red square.

This shows the process of cutting a leg from a rectangle.

To cut out a skirt, fold a narrow rectangle in half (vertically) and cut off the corners. We cut the resulting trapezoid with scissors, but you don’t have to cut it.

Glue the leg with the skirt to the hat. The fly agaric is ready.

6. Cut out a few more mushrooms (we make oval caps for some mushrooms). We make a basket with a long handle, lay out the silhouettes of our mushrooms and then glue them loosely.

You can use this template to make a basket

Our mushroom still life is ready.

GCD for OO " Artistic creativity"(applique) in middle group"A Basket of Mushrooms for Mom"

GCD summary forapplique in the middle group

Subject« A basket of mushrooms for mom »

Etc. tasks : Strengthen children’s ideas about ediblemushrooms . Get children interested in doingappliques for mom for Mother's Day. Encourage children to be careful when working with scissors. Develop aesthetic perception and fine motor skills. Cultivate the desire to give a gift for your beloved mother.

Integration« Artistic creativity » , "Cognition"

educational“Reading thin. literature" , "Communication"


Preliminary work : Examinationmushrooms in pictures ,

D. game"Edible - inedible" .

Conversations aboutmushrooms . Drawingmushrooms .

Material, equipment : Toy squirrel;flower baskets . cardboard,

rectangles of different colors, 10 pieces each,

scissors, glue, napkin, brush for each


GCD move

1. Organizing time

Educator : Guys, guessriddle :

“The fur-bearing animal lives in a hollow,

Loves to sit there in the warmth.

Although the hollow is not a hot water bottle at all

Spends the winter there...

Children : Squirrel!

Educator : Right. Today our guest is Squirrel. Squirrel found out

That soon we have a mother's holiday and decided to give

basket with mushrooms . Guys, what a holiday we have soon,

what is it called?

Children : Mothers Day.

Educator : Look how beautifulbasket . ANDmushrooms in it ,

wonderful. Well, guess what?mushrooms in a basket


(Make riddles)

1. “Red ears with a fox crown

There are little hedgehogs lying in the grass"

2. “A boy as tall as a finger came out

He looked at the clouds and immediately put on his cap.

Brand new, nice, chocolate-colored.”

Children : Chanterelles . Boletus mushroom , whitemushroom .

Educator : Well done guys, you guessed correctlymushrooms . Squirrel like that

I tried, I chose the best. It's just a pitybasket

alone and mom a lot of. What should we do? Howdivide the mushrooms ?

Tell me, guys?

Children : Need to cutmushrooms and stick them on the baskets . Abaskets with

we will give mushrooms to mothers .

Educator : Well done boys! Well thought out.

2. Main part.

1. Guys, on your trays there are rectangles of different colors and different shapes. Name what color the caps will be and what color the legs will be.

Children : The white rectangles are the legs. And orange and brown are


Educator : Right. How to make hats and legs from rectangles?

Children : You need to cut the corners of the rectangles.

Educator : Right. Look carefully how we will be with you


(When showing, explain that cutting out the hatmushroom needed

start from the bottom corner of the rectangle, leading rounded

main cut to the second bottom corner using all

workpiece surface. Legsmushrooms are also cut out , By

cut corners on both sides). Guys, take it to right hand

scissors and try cutting the corners of the rectangles yourself

2. Educator : Guys, let's relax a little and take a walk.

Physical training is being held :

Grisha walked, walked, walked

Whitefound a mushroom

Once -fungus ,

Two -fungus ,

Three -fungus .

Educator : Now take the legsmushroom , apply glue and carefully

glue onbasket . Then glue on the hat.

(Children independently perform applique )

3. Bottom line.

Educator : Well done boys. We finished our work. Take yours

Baskets with mushrooms and show them to the squirrel . Look how many beautiful

We got a basket of mushrooms . We made sure to give them to our mothers.

And now, let's say goodbye to Squirrel. It's time for her to return to the forest. She will tell her friends - squirrels, bunnies and hedgehogs - what gifts we have prepared for our mothers.

(The children say goodbye to Squirrel, she leaves. All the works are displayed on the table. The children admire theirbaskets with mushrooms )