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Print paper snowflake templates. DIY paper snowflakes

There is little time left before the New Year celebration, so it’s time to think about how to diversify your interior design with purchased and homemade decorations.

The easiest way to emphasize the holiday theme is to hang paper-based snowflakes around the room.

The process of preparing such decorations will seem fascinating to both adults and children. In addition, this is a great way to show creativity and imagination - and create something unusual.

For those who don't have any bright ideas, you can print out snowflake templates from cutting paper. To do this, you can take a whole sheet of paper or fold it several times to make the snowflake more openwork.

We will tell you how to make a paper snowflake easily and quickly, and also show you some patterns for such decorations.

Paper snowflakes, photo

Simple snowflakes for children

The simplest master class of beautiful paper snowflakes using cutting patterns involves using ready-made stencils. It is enough to find a suitable picture, print it on white paper and cut it along the contour, observing the features of the drawn pattern.

This snowflake does not need to be folded first: it will initially have a regular, symmetrical shape.

Advice: get ready New Year's decorations together with the children - and entrust them with the simplest work (for example, decorating with glitter is for the younger ones, and cutting out is for the older ones).

By the way, to create simple beautiful snowflakes from paper according to cutting patterns, it is not necessary to use A4 sheets. You can use regular napkins or disposable plates from cardboard, and also take colored paper, if you are going to make a lot of snowflakes using one stencil.

The thinner and airier the snowflakes are, the more delicate the New Year's decor will be.. However, it is better to leave the particularly painstaking work to yourself, and entrust the kids with creating decorations from thicker paper materials.

Another interesting way that allows you to create beautiful and light snowflakes from paper for children using cutting patterns is the “accordion” principle. To begin, show the children how to fold paper for a snowflake: a sheet of paper is gradually folded in one direction or the other.

The resulting accordion must be painted with patterns using a simple pencil. We recommend using ready-made patterns to get an exquisite decoration for your home.

When the drawing is ready, start cutting out snowflakes with your children. Make sure that the paper folds remain intact, otherwise the snowflake will fall apart if you unfold it. This method is suitable for creating large decorations and for making small parts for decorating a New Year tree.

How to make a snowflake out of paper, photo

Snowflakes with hearts

You can vary it up a bit if you wish. holiday decor by adding a few unusual paper snowflakes.

They will differ from standard jewelry of this type by an additional heart-shaped detail.

Advice: This heart with a snowflake can be hung on christmas tree or turn it into a small package for gifts for each guest.

How to correctly cut out snowflakes from paper of this shape step by step? Take a ready-made circuit as a basis, optimizing it to the parameters you need.

Fold a colored sheet of paper horizontally, making the back side longer. Next, the paper is folded vertically in half (the “pocket” should be located outside, not inside).

The stencil is applied to that part of the paper that has two closed folds aligned with each other.

Repeat the procedure again to obtain a second identical element - and make small slits to the middle of each snowflake (at the top and bottom so that the heart can be “closed”). So you have done it step by step, easy and very beautiful snowflakes from paper according to the cutting pattern: all that remains is to add decorative elements and sew a loop to the decoration.

Openwork snowflake

How to fold paper for a snowflake to make an openwork decoration? Of course, you can draw your patterns and ornaments on the finished sheet, but you can cope with this task much faster using ready-made printable patterns New Year's snowflakes from paper.

Beautiful openwork snowflakes You can make it from paper according to cutting patterns if you first roll a sheet of paper into a triangle.

How to do this step by step:

In this simplest way, you can create charming snowflakes for interior decoration in just a few minutes. Moreover, they can differ radically from each other.

Attention! Appearance snowflakes will depend not only on the pattern drawn on the workpiece, but also on the shape into which it was folded paper sheet. In the diagrams below you can see an example of creating a four-, five- and six-pointed snowflake.

Beautiful snowflakes made of paper - cutting patterns, photos

Snowflakes of six-pointed shapes

One of the most common are DIY patterns of New Year's snowflakes made from paper with six ends. Let's find out how to cut out patterns for polygonal snowflakes from paper.

The first thing that is required is to print patterns for cutting beautiful snowflakes from paper. We suggest you use one of the following options:

Beautiful paper snowflakes: cutting patterns - step by step, photo

Now you need to correctly fold the source material in order to apply the selected templates for cutting snowflakes from paper according to the diagrams. Take a sheet and bring one side edge up. Fold this part and get rid of the protruding remainder of the sheet: you should end up with a folded isosceles triangle.

Fold the shape in half again and use a pencil to make notes on paper, highlighting a 30-degree angle.

Along the drawn line you need to bend one corner. Next, the stencil is turned over - and the second corner is knocked down.

The last stage is bending the figure in half. Now all that remains is to round the corners (if necessary), transfer the pattern, cut out all the excess - and unfold the paper sheet. The six-pointed snowflake is ready!

Eight-pointed snowflakes

No less beautiful paper snowflakes with eight ends can be made using a similar principle.

Traditionally, we take an A4 sheet, bend it diagonally to form a folded square - and cut off all the excess. Now the square is folded in half three times.

The folded figure should be taken by the lower right edge. Using your other hand, carefully align the base of the triangle with the right side. Turn the workpiece over and cut off the excess triangular fragment.

Now all that remains is to find suitable paper snowflake templates for printing - and draw similar patterns on the paper figure.

Carefully make all the necessary cuts and unfold the paper sheet. You will get interesting paper snowflakes for the New Year.

If you have already figured out how to make a beautiful snowflake out of paper, we advise you to choose one of the following patterns with eight-pointed winter decorations:

Paper snowflakes in the interior: methods of decoration

After making snowflakes from paper according to the diagrams, it remains to decide which part of your room they will decorate. One of the popular decorative options is the use of snowflakes as Christmas tree decorations. In this case, you will have to make a loop for each snowflake that will be hung on the tree.

Advice: It is better if the size of the snowflakes increases from the top to the base of the tree.

Using a large number of snowflakes made of paper, you can create a garland - and hang it both on the Christmas tree and on the wall. This decor allows you to use colored paper decorations.

For creating an easy and for a delicate setting, hang snow-white snowflakes from the ceiling. You should not hang them at the same level: use thin threads and place these decorations in such a way that each snowflake seems to “float” in the air.

If you decorate snowflakes with sparkles, beads and other elements, and also glue together several identical shapes to form a three-dimensional decoration, you can get original decor festive table. By the way, paper snowflakes can be attached to textile coverings: curtains, tablecloths, chair covers.

But perhaps one of the most interesting options– decorating the window area with homemade snowflakes.

How to glue paper snowflakes to a window? If you do not want to damage the glass, use transparent tape or double-sided adhesive tape. For light paper decorations, toothpaste, soap solution or plain water will be enough.

This type of decor will look especially wonderful at night, when white snowflakes against the dark sky will shine due to garlands and lanterns.

To create an atmosphere of magic, it is not at all necessary to thoroughly prepare for the holiday. It’s enough to show a little creativity and spend your time profitably, using our recommendations and ready-made patterns for small and large snowflakes.


Watch the video tutorial for beautiful paper snowflakes and cutting patterns to further diversify your New Year's decor with crafts:

Good afternoon dear friends. Very soon the pre-New Year's chores will begin and you will need to have time to do a huge amount of things. From decorating windows with paper snowflakes to decorating an apartment under New Year. Also, don’t forget that you will need to choose a gift or gifts for each family member, and about the fact that you will need to prepare a lot, I generally keep quiet about this, since this is a special expense item. Don't forget to write for the holiday outside too.

And of course, everyone wants to decorate their home so that it would be the best and most beautiful on the street or in the entrance. And this, dear friends, can be done without much expense. You can decorate your windows with paper snowflakes and spend almost nothing on it. Below in the article you can find a variety of templates for cutting snowflakes from paper.

Even if you don't have a printer to print these patterns, you can hold a piece of paper to the screen and trace the pattern with a pencil.

Making paper snowflakes is a very fun family activity because the whole family can participate in the decoration. When we were kids, we used to have competitions about whose snowflake would be the most beautiful.

In order to cut out a snowflake you will need

1 sheet of A4 paper

Cutting steps

Take a simple sheet of paper. The photo shows the diagonals along which we will fold the sheet.

Carefully fold the sheet and cut along line B.

After you cut it, you are left with this triangle in your hands. Fold it exactly in half.

Now we divide the resulting triangle with two lines into three more triangles. You can fold it by eye, but it’s better to use a ruler.

Let's wrap one side first. Then another.

This is what happened in the end. You need to cut off the bottom part to get an even source for cutting out a snowflake.

Well, now you can start cutting out the snowflake the way you want. The top of the triangle will be the middle of the snowflake. For now, try and fantasize without templates. You can cut out whatever comes to your mind.

This is what I got as a result of my first experiments.

The cut out snowflake is not quite ready yet, as the fold lines are clearly visible. To avoid this, you need to straighten these lines using an iron.

Now your snowflake is smooth, beautiful and completely ready. Don't be afraid to experiment and you will definitely succeed.

Stencils (templates) of snowflakes for printing

Below I am attaching a large selection of stencils for printing on a printer. You will need to save the picture to your computer, and then print the image you like on a printer. You can also simply trace the image with a pencil and attach a piece of paper to the screen.

Pictures of New Year's snowflakes for printing

Here's another large selection snowflake stencils that can also be glued to windows. In order to cut out a snowflake using these stencils, you also need to save and print any picture. Then fold the printed image in half and cut out the object along the contour. If you want to involve children in this matter, then it is better to choose simpler schemes. so that the kids will definitely succeed.

Volumetric snowflakes on windows for the New Year 2020

You can also decorate your windows with beautiful voluminous snowflakes. It won't be difficult to do this if you follow our detailed instructions. I propose to make such a beautiful two-color winter beauty. To do this you will need two sheets of colored paper, scissors and glue.

And so we take the first sheet of blue color and make an even square out of it. We bend it as shown in the photo below.

We bend the resulting triangle in the middle.

We do everything exactly because if the edges are not even, the snowflake will not turn out beautiful.

This is what the workpiece looks like from above.

Pick up the upper part of the common fold with your fingers and connect it to the side where there are three folds. You should get a triangle with a long acute angle.

We cut the folded triangle at an angle from the right. This is what should happen in the end.

Now we take the workpiece in our hands so that the fold line is on the left, and the side with three folds is on the right.

And we make very thin cuts on the fold side. The thinner the cuts, the fluffier the snowflake will be.

We make cuts almost to the very end to get a second-level blank like this.

Carefully unfold the workpiece. And look what beauty we have already achieved, but this is not the end.

Now you need to take a white sheet of paper, bend it into a triangle with sides of 15 cm. Since the first snowflake was cut out from a triangle with sides of 20 cm.

Just like we cut out the first snowflake, we cut out the second one. We also bend the square into a triangle.

And we make the same small cuts.

Then we unfold the workpiece and in front of us there are already two snowflakes of different colors.

All that remains is to make one more blue snowflake, but with triangle sides of 10 cm.

As a result, we will have three snowflakes of different sizes. From which you can assemble one beautiful and voluminous snowflake.

The second one can be made with a different alternation of colors.

As you can see, making such a snowflake is not at all difficult. I think that even a child can cope with such a task.

Video on how to make voluminous snowflakes to decorate windows

You can try to make these decorations for the New Year's interior. The video explains in detail step by step how beautiful voluminous snowflakes are made.

Everyone is happy for the new year, especially children. New Year holidays they wait impatiently, and you can brighten up the wait by keeping your hands busy with something interesting and useful, for example, making decorations for windows or curtains in the form of beautiful snowflakes. But children’s little hands are not always able to cope with the intricate patterns on snowflake templates; such fingers need something simpler, and we have that something. These are the diagrams simple snowflakes, suitable for preschoolers, or first-graders. The most important thing is to intelligently bend the workpiece, understanding where the middle of the snowflake will be, and then all that remains is to trim the edge as necessary.

To begin with, it is better for the child to practice plain paper, it is more pliable. And when you learn how, you can start making light and translucent snowflakes from paper napkins. It’s not worth practicing on napkins, it’s more difficult to bend the workpiece evenly, the edges move relative to each other and the child will not be satisfied with the craft, practice is important here.

Classic snowflake:

If you also cut off the sharp corner, you will get a hole in the center of the snowflake.

Ice snowflake:

It also looks like it’s made from ice crystals, but with a hole in the center:

These are such simple and easy to make snowflakes. If it doesn't work, try again, and you will definitely succeed :)

You can use office paper, colored paper for children's creativity, or origami paper for cutting out snowflakes.

It is convenient to use ordinary stationery scissors to cut out relatively large sections of the pattern, for example along the edge of a snowflake.

To cut out small details and complex patterns, it is better to use hairdressing scissors and manicure scissors.

DIY snowflakes

So, the paper and scissors have been selected, now you can proceed to the first stage of making snowflakes - folding the paper. To obtain a hexagonal blank from which a snowflake will subsequently be made, cut out a square of the required size from a sheet of paper.

How to get squares different sizes from A4 sheet

1. Fold a sheet of paper in any way, but so that one part is larger than the other, and then cut along the marked line.

2. Fold most of the sheet along a bisector.

3. Cut off the excess paper to make a square.

4. The blank for the big snowflake is ready.

5. Repeat steps 2-3 with the smaller part of the sheet remaining after step 1.

6. The result is a blank for a medium snowflake.

7. With the trim remaining after step 6, repeat steps 2-3.

8. The result is a blank for a small snowflake. Thus, from one A4 sheet you can make blanks for three snowflakes of different sizes.

The dimensions of the blanks may vary slightly. They depend on how the original sheet was folded in step 1. In addition big snowflake can be obtained by cutting a square from a whole A4 sheet.

How to fold a hexagonal blank from a square

Now we need to make a regular triangle from the square (in unfolded form - a hexagon), from which a snowflake will be cut out.

Method No. 1

1. Fold the square in half.

2. Then fold the sheet “by eye” so that the angles indicated in diagram 3 are equal.

3. Turn the workpiece over to the other side.

4. The fold should run along the edge of the workpiece, bent in step 2 of the layer, and the top edge should coincide with the left fold.

5. Trim off any excess paper evenly.

Method No. 2

1. Fold the square diagonally.

2. Mark the middle of the leg of the resulting triangle (side).

3. Connect the vertex (right angle) of the triangle with the intended middle of the leg. Mark the fold line and again unfold the workpiece to a triangle.

4. Now mark the middle of the base of the triangle.

5. Connect the middle of the leg with a point lying on the marking line obtained in step 3. The fold line should pass through the middle of the base of the triangle.

6. Connect the base of the triangle to the fold line obtained in step 5.

7. Cut off the excess paper along the indicated line.


Choose the size of the hexagonal blank (large, small or medium) yourself based on the paper you use for cutting, the complexity of the snowflake and your skills in working with scissors.

Cutting out a snowflake

1. Fold the regular triangle obtained using one of the methods suggested above (an unfolded hexagon) in half. Perform all actions very precisely so that later you do not cut through the layers of paper folded crookedly with scissors. Make sure that the circled tip (see diagram) is in the center of the future snowflake.

2. Start cutting. In the diagrams, areas of paper that need to be removed are indicated in bright pink. First, form the outer edge of the snowflake. To do this, cut out a pattern on the top side of the workpiece, as shown in the diagram.

3. Then cut out the pattern on both sides of the workpiece. Last to be cut small elements inside the workpiece and near an acute corner.

4. The snowflake is ready, all that remains is to carefully unfold it.

We will cut out all the presented snowflakes according to this description, starting from step 2, when the regular triangle is already folded in half. The fact is that all snowflakes are cut out the same way, only the pattern changes, so we did not repeat the description of the work many times, but limited ourselves to only exact diagrams.

The process of making each snowflake consists of 3-5 sequential diagrams, on which the areas of paper to be removed are indicated in black. The last diagram, which shows a completely cut out, but not yet unfolded, snowflake, is also a template. You can “by eye” draw a pattern from it onto your workpiece, or transfer it using tracing paper and carbon paper.


The snowflake should look like a graphic image with a clearly readable pattern, so perform all stages of the work very carefully and accurately.

Snowflakes. Scheme

Such snowflakes will become beautiful New Year's interior decoration .

More options for making snowflakes

Snowflake. Step-by-step manufacturing process

Take a rectangular sheet of white paper and, following the instructions, cut out a snowflake from it. Imagine, come up with your own patterns, and you will get the most unusual and beautiful snowflake!

Have a nice snowy day, friends. Why snowy? Today your warm, windless houses will be filled with mesmerizing snowflakes. Precipitation indoors is unlikely, I will just reveal the secrets of creating various “ice” crystals. The methods are suitable even for those who were unable to tame the scissors during school labor lessons. Follow the tips, then angular, sloppy paper snowflakes with your own hands will become sophisticated ornate works of art.

For a graceful carved craft, you will need 3 simple ingredients: sheets, sharp scissors, and imagination. The rules here are followed only when preparing the base, and the pattern can be absolutely anything: Christmas trees, stars, monograms, hearts, diamonds, tangled lines.

I’ll tell you how to cut snowflakes out of paper with your own hands step by step:

To a beginner, the scheme will seem complex and confusing. But the principle of operation will definitely become clear during the process, you just need to take a sheet and make 1-2 correct blanks. Short practice - The best way figure out how to cut snowflakes from paper with your own hands step by step.

The folded “semi-finished product” needs to be filled with a pattern. It can be drawn in advance with a pencil or improvised - each craft will be unique. The cuts at the base correspond to the edges finished product, at the top of the triangle - the middle, along the sides - the “body”.

Please note: the sheet is folded several times, all the notches made will be mirrored and duplicated in each segment of the circle.

Simple patterns of beautiful paper snowflakes

Is your imagination letting you down? Creative skills cause mistrust? Use existing cutting patterns to create your craft. Snowflakes are created using lines kindly drawn by other people. The drawings are printed out in their entirety or redrawn onto a folded triangle and unnecessary segments are cut off.

There are a great variety of scheme options. The surface of the improvised “ice” is filled with abstract patterns, colors, figures of people, animals, cartoons, and fairy-tale characters. Here are the easiest guides.


From the top to the middle of the base, draw a straight line 0.2-0.5 cm wide, focusing on the size of the sheet. On both sides, draw several equally spaced segments at an angle of 30° to the “equator”. The resulting series of strips must be cut one after another. Leave the vertical line intact, otherwise the product will fall apart in two.


A more complex option, but availability the required circuit question “How to cut snowflakes from paper with your own hands step by step?” instantly removes. Draw the outlines of 1-3 angels, if desired, complement the pattern with lines. Cut off unnecessary material. When you go around the contour of the figure, leave thin paper “bridges” - the character should stay on the body of the craft.


Monogram “ice” turns out amazing with a minimum of effort. The pattern is repeated throughout the product, it seems too intricate and difficult for a person to execute. Take the diagram, fill the blank with any monograms you like or many intertwined lines. All that remains is to get rid of the excess material and unfold the sheet.

See what other results you can achieve with. The process of creating products follows simple principles - we translate the drawing, use scissors. The result looks like a real frosty miracle.

Cutting out beautiful paper snowflakes according to patterns: 3 tips

It didn’t take me long to make beautiful paper snowflakes; at first I had to ruin several dozen sheets and sacrifice my pride. Through countless trials and errors, a list of rules for creating crafts appeared. I use it when I plan to surprise others with my ability to control scissors, and I advise you to follow the points.

  1. Choose the right material. For crafts that are attached to windows and walls, it is better to take thin sheets. You can use notebooks, tracing paper, and napkins. Suitable for hanging products office paper, craft, whatman paper. The materials are denser and hold their shape well. It’s just more difficult to cut them; you’ll need a strong, sharp tool.
  2. Spend more time on the product. The drawing doesn't have to be complicated. The main thing here is a lot of matching lines and notches. The more, the more complex the pattern seems, even if you cut a dozen identical strips, like a “Herringbone”.
  3. Find scissors with thin linen . The elegant tip of the tool will allow you to remove small dots and stripes - the craft will only benefit. Some people consider nail scissors ideal, but they won’t take thick Whatman paper. Look for tools to suit your needs.

Volumetric paper snowflakes

Volumetric crafts are less refined than their carved counterparts, but they look more attractive as space decoration. Don’t understand how to cut snowflakes out of paper with your own hands step by step? Try the options below.


The creation of “Fan” can be entrusted to a child or a person far from creative.

  1. Take several sheets. The more there are, the denser the craft will be.
  2. Place one vertically in front of you.
  3. Draw the sheet with horizontal, equally spaced stripes - optimally every 1-3 cm.
  4. Change the length of the indentation - the final appearance of the product will be different from the previous ones.
  5. Next, fold the base like an accordion: bend the first strip to the left, the second to the right, the third to the left again - and to the end.
  6. Squeeze the accordion and fold it in half vertically. Glue the touching sides together.
  7. Create several parts and connect them together. You will get unusually beautiful snowflakes made of paper - something like a pleated skirt.


The voluminous craft is ready, all that remains is to hang it up. The manipulations in the process of creating “Flower” are simple and clear, the result is incredibly beautiful.

You are not going to fill the interior winter's tale? Simple creativity is still worth mastering. For me, creating “crystals” is a great way to relax and get distracted. Successful snowflakes make your imagination work harder, come up with more and more intricate patterns, and make your tools more skillfully bend around thin lines. Try to get your family involved in the business, Christmas mood, comfort is guaranteed to you.

See you soon, share your successes and subscribe to blog updates in anticipation of new creative ideas.