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To be or not to be a relationship at work: how to seduce a male colleague. Office romance or how to attract the attention of a male colleague How to seduce a male colleague

Modern woman spends most of his time at work. Every day we communicate with colleagues and clients for 8 hours, so a situation often arises when a nice colleague seems to us the most successful candidate for developing relationships. After all, every woman has probably thought at least once in her life how to seduce a man at work.

An affair with a colleague seems to many to be a very good idea. After all, you have common interests with him, there is always a topic for conversation, you spend a lot of time together and know each other well. There is no need to look for an excuse to meet or make inquiries about an attractive stranger. But office romances also have negative side. Not only are they not encouraged in many companies, even to the point of dismissing loving employees, but they themselves are fraught with a lot of awkwardness. Think about what it would be like to be together 24/7, about the inevitable gossip from your colleagues, about how you would behave at work if you had a fight, about the impact this would have on your career.

But if you are firmly convinced that your colleague is the man of your dreams, then let's act. To seduce a man at work, you don’t need to use any special tricks or complex combinations.

How to seduce a man at work

To begin with, contact him more often on work issues. Ask for his help, consult, ask for advice. Thank him for the ideas expressed and, of course, praise his experience and wisdom in every possible way. Men love praise.

How to seduce a man at work photo

And there you can move on to more informal topics - either in correspondence or in personal communication. After all, if you work together, this is a great reason to go to lunch together. And at lunch you can already discuss your hobbies, plans for the weekend or something else. And if you're having lunch at work, why not treat the handsome bachelor to something delicious, home-cooked.

Don’t miss the opportunity to attend some trainings, business trips or seminars together, propose joint projects to seduce a man at work. Such things bring us closer together. And it’s easy to find a reason for such a joint pastime, since you are interested in improving your skills.

How to seduce a man at work video

Modern companies often hold corporate events or team building events. And there it’s time to prove yourself. These events have a relaxed atmosphere, so you can have fun and dance together, showing him your flexibility and grace. And, of course, on holidays it is customary, instead of strict office dress code, wear more seductive Cocktail Dresses. So feel free to show your beauty and sexuality, but, of course, within the bounds of decency.

Do you still think that a well-bred girl should not take the initiative and wait for the first steps from a man? Unfortunately, the time of brave knights is long gone. Men are tired of being in the lead roles, and women's initiative only makes them happy. There is nothing wrong with getting the man you want on your own. Can you? Of course, if you take into account the following 8 tips for seducing men.


Play with strong sexuality. Highlighted eyes or bright lips will certainly attract the attention of your partner. And the unbuttoned top buttons on the blouse will excite his imagination. Remember that men are afraid of sexual provocations; you will arouse his interest, but not everyone will dare to approach you. So take action yourself.

Eye contact

Don't take your eyes off the man you like. “Shoot” them. Play "look at each other." Show with your eyes that you don’t mind privacy, as if casually looking at the door of the room and back.

Flirting has not been canceled


Unfortunately, seduction does not require complete sincerity. Embellishing, flattering, or praising something will only benefit you. If the desired object, a man, is busy, then you will have to use all your strength. Looking like the most favorable candidate for him is your goal.

Cat and mouse

Be at the same time interested and slightly inaccessible, then let a man approach you, then slightly push him away. A woman who plays a double game inflames a man’s interest more and more, and the conqueror’s instinct awakens in him. This is a game of passion and coldness. A man, as a winner and a predator by nature, will not rest until a representative of the fairer sex surrenders to his mercy.

Watch your body

Impeccable posture, gait “from the hip” and the man will at least look at you, and perhaps follow you. Ability to own own body, dancing beautifully will ignite the fire of passion faster than anything else.


Men subconsciously gravitate towards those women with whom they will feel happier. Smiling coquettes are much more attractive than dull young ladies. Just don’t overdo it; a smile that is too fake is not difficult to recognize.

Create awkwardness

Reach over his shoulder for something, squeeze into a crowded elevator with him and “accidentally” touch. If you hug him, try to let him feel the most piquant parts of your body. Create pleasantly awkward situations.

We have great power over men, but we increasingly forget about it. The ability to be a woman is a real talent that any woman can develop if she wishes. Seduction skills will be useful both for choosing a partner and for increasing self-esteem. And even married woman it is worth using techniques for.

A financially independent business woman or lady who has made successful career in the company these are special women who require a special approach. In principle, if she is your colleague, the advice will be the same, but with the difference that in this case you have more opportunities to meet her, you see her more often, you are together at corporate events. How to seduce hard-to-reach emancipated women:

  • She should be interested in communicating with you on different topics or topics that are close to her. Travel, business development, trade, economics. A “self-made woman” will definitely not fall for a cute boy’s talk about baseball bats or playing tanks.
  • A man needs to be something, work or have at least a small business. It is possible to have a specialty that is rare or radically opposite to the activity in which she herself is engaged, so that she has something to tell and something to surprise.
  • Be sure to have a well-groomed appearance and know etiquette.
  • In order to seduce hard-to-reach women with enviable regularity, you need to constantly improve yourself: have a diploma and regularly engage in self-education, be fluent at least in English. If this is not the case, your lack of education will give you away at the very first meeting, and attempts to drag her into bed will be immediately and irrevocably stopped by the cessation of communication. In business and in serious companies, it is not uncommon to encounter foreigners; in addition, she may have foreign acquaintances or colleagues, so English is needed so as not to look stupid.

A financially independent woman can easily afford to buy sex for one time with a male prostitute, and not be seduced by someone. Often, an obstacle to sex with a colleague or friend is the fear that she will owe him something or that he will start chasing her, will talk about their relationship to his colleagues, or will try to move up the career ladder through her. Therefore, the path to seducing such a woman lies in gradually breaking down these fears in her head.

If you meet all the above criteria, then you can get a self-sufficient lady you know into bed like this:

  • Come to the rescue in difficult times (the tire went flat on the road, the lock stuck, the cat can’t get off the tree). In a word - the image of a knight coming and saving you to help.
  • Give her emotions that she hasn’t experienced for a long time: boating, camping, rides. The experience together brings you closer, then you can buy a couple of bottles of wine to relieve stress, and then sex without obligations.
  • Add romance: when walking home, casually buy flowers, climb onto the roof of a high-rise building together, take her to an old rare bar, take a ride on a boat. Romance is something that almost all young ladies who are passionate about their careers lack. They yearn for flowers and candles, because the men around them perceive them purely as “iron ladies.”
  • A corporate party or any holiday celebrated together can become a trigger for rapprochement. Have fun with everyone, dance, sing, become the star of the evening, and then take her for a ride, and that’s it.

How to seduce married women

If you are interested in how to seduce married, hard-to-get women, then first clearly answer yourself the question, what is the madam you like? If this is a wife, oppressed by everyday life, who does not receive attention and care from her husband, who bears all the responsibilities around the house, children and also work, which brings in almost the main income of the family, then you should not touch her. Because your goal is to seduce, get yours and part as friends. Her goal is to find someone who will pull her out of the swamp, who will take care of her, the children, and to whom she can come with all the frying pans and her beloved cat. It turns out that her husband betrays her every day, and then you also use her and abandon her - not humane.

It is better to seduce married, hard-to-reach women from relatively prosperous families with an average income and civilized relations between spouses. How to do it:

  • Start with a nice chat “about nothing”, gradually accustom her to the fact that it is comfortable to be around you and have a pleasant time. Try to attract her with your tact and interesting conversations, let her look forward to new meetings.
  • If you captivate her with conversations and topics, then soon she will begin to perceive you as good friend and will begin to reveal his secrets to you family life. Do not focus on her relationship with her husband, do not express dissatisfaction with his behavior, do not criticize him. Play the role of a listener, but keep your head up. Your goal is to find out what she is missing in her family life.
  • Having identified the gaps in her personal life, give her the missing emotions. If your husband is a couch potato and difficult to get up, then go hiking with her, go on a “business” trip, give her a tour of the rooftops. If her husband, on the contrary, is hyperactive and she is tired of weekly tourist events and participation in competitions like “we are a sports family”: take more walks with her in the park, go to the theater, opera, sit in an old cafe, invite her to contemplate the stars and the moon.

During meetings, do not promise her anything, do not say “I love you” and meet on neutral territory: in a rented apartment, in a hotel. Going to meetings at your home and making promises is already unnecessary, this is not seduction, but deception, looking for problems on your own.

  • Further, when she begins to show interest, but it is still difficult for her to cross the threshold of the “first kiss,” use tactics of causing jealousy. Meet her by chance, being in the company of a friend who clearly cares about you, joke, smile, and don’t show that you’re watching her. If you do everything right, she will think and be sad.
  • Also a good option: zoom in and out. Let her get very close, show your interest in her, give her emotions, and then disappear for several days or become indifferent and cold. She should not see you as running after her; you should be confident, collected and extremely purposeful in your actions. And so on until you achieve your goal. You can’t give up and at the very first signs of her interest in you, start calling 10 times a day and don’t give in. Until you feel that she is attracted to you and wants sex, keep your distance.

The workplace can safely be called minefield, where sexual tension literally reigns. Do you agree that nowhere else will you find yourself forcibly locked with representatives of the stronger sex for 8-9 hours in a row? Moreover, during this period you can safely communicate with each other, but not flirt in any way, that is, an unpleasant rule applies: “look with your eyes, but don’t touch with your hands.”

And this despite the fact that falling in love in the office is very simple and even logical. Numerous colleagues and “well-wishers” will definitely call office romance taboo and will criticize it in every possible way.

But it is difficult to hinder a brave, confident and independent woman, because lust and passion are the strongest aspects of human character, which are difficult to fight, and, frankly speaking, you don’t want to.

Imagine a situation: the object of your intimate fantasies is a new employee who recently appeared in the department, but has already earned everyone’s attention. Moreover, the idea to seduce a man came precisely to your bright head, in which thoughts are swarming about a possible first date, spontaneous sex or a passionate kiss in the office smoking room.

Particularly poignant is the latest information from the HR department, which confirms the opponent’s complete freedom from marital responsibilities. The situation is complicated by the fact that the young man sees you exclusively as a colleague, but not as a woman inclined towards a more serious relationship.

There is no need to despair, just skillfully implement the following rules on how to seduce a colleague:

  • Rule #1: Feel free to flirt with words. Remember that men are very poor at understanding non-verbal messages, especially if they are at work and not at a party or in a cafe. A friendly version of a smile may well be mistaken for a call for sex, and vice versa;
  • Rule #2: At the slightest sign of interest, start taking active action. If the object of your dreams shows interest in your person, begin to more actively seduce the employee, and do it in such a way that they win you over.

After all, it is natural for a man to associate himself with a hunter, so depriving him of the pleasure of getting “prey” own labor- a real crime. The entire advanced part of humanity knows the fact that relationships are not considered serious unless they begin with a kind of “hunting season.” According to inexorable statistics, only 3% of couples who make love on the first date subsequently get married and have a successful life life together;

  • Rule No. 3: no first steps unless you are the same year. Scientists at the University of California conducted a study according to which a man is the first to seduce a female colleague if she is somewhat younger than him. In fact, he becomes her mentor, gradually establishing not only partnerships, but also more romantic relationship. If a woman and the object of her desire are people of the same age, they can both take the first steps towards rapprochement.

So, if you are faced with the problem of how to seduce your colleague while working on a complex project, and nature has managed to reward you with determination and the ability to not give in public opinion, then everything is much easier and faster.

So, for example, you need to find a mysterious “zest” in yourself, a riddle or secret that will attract the hunting instinct of your opponent. Let him be tormented by thoughts about why he attracted a girl like you, and he will want to explore all the ways of how to seduce a decisive and courageous female colleague.

By all means, get rid of the temptation to keep secrets with your employee, who also happens to be your girlfriend. It is likely that she is also in love with the man of your dreams, or is a freelance correspondent for word of mouth. Without compelling reasons, such a PR move will not bring the expected benefit, but, on the contrary, will complicate the situation and even make it irreparable.

Seducing an employee or colleague necessarily involves studying his tastes and preferences, hobbies and hobbies. To start a relationship, try inviting a man to an event that will bring pleasure to both of you. In this case, you should not organize a trip to a restaurant, cinema or theater, since your hint will be very “thick” and unambiguous.

Surprisingly, almost all men are afraid of open initiative coming from a woman. But if, after an evening spent together, a relaxed opportunity arises to invite a colleague home for a cup of tea, take advantage of it, and then be guided by the circumstances and mood.

In this case, the rules on how to seduce a male colleague you like are full of caution and delicacy. Try to find out about his hobbies outside of work as unobtrusively as possible and, for example, start visiting the same fitness club. Even if nothing works out, an excellent figure and meeting new candidates are guaranteed.

Take active advantage of all opportunities social networks. Add a man as a friend on VK or Odnoklassniki, feel free to like the photos and comment wittily on them. Along the way, you can try to find out what exactly attracts him in women, what style of clothing he should prefer, and what he means by the concepts of “well-groomed” and “pretty.” It is likely that it is enough to go to the hairdresser and change the length of your skirt.

It’s rare that a man is not puzzled by how to quickly seduce a female colleague who is building a successful career. Take note of this and become more successful in terms of work and self-development. Sign up for foreign language courses, get a second education and show interest in modern trends in the field of business, art, public life and so on.

If after this the style of communication between you has not changed in any way, and your close communication comes down only to dancing on corporate party, it’s worth thinking about whether you need this man, and whether he is “the one.” No one argues that it makes sense to try all the ways to gain attention, but sometimes you just don’t need to waste a lot of precious time for the sake of a “dummy”.

Do not overdo it with seduction methods, because this can have a very negative impact on your career and the atmosphere within the team. If after, for example, three months of effort, you do not observe any positive changes, take a deep breath and look at a more interesting candidate.

According to statistics, it is natural for a person to change his or her work field once every 18 months, so if you haven’t found your soul mate in one job, feel free to move on to the next level. Happy and safe romance!

How not to let yourself down in pursuit of a colleague you're in love with

  • 1 Weigh everything first
  • 2 Information collection
  • 3 Actions

Hello, dear readers! It turns out that the times have not passed when you had to be embarrassed that a woman liked a young man. It seems that there should be no danger in sitting down with a man in company on the same sofa and chatting the whole evening or giving him more than one dance. And yet, flirting can be punishable even in the 21st century.

Gossip, intrigue, condemnation of older women and even expulsion for inappropriate behavior - all this is real even now when it comes to office romances. In offices, people often live like they live in villages and try to adhere to the secular rules of 1912.

But if you fall in love with a work colleague, what should you do? Surely you have heard about cases when such relationships ended in success, and you absolutely don’t want to sacrifice your own happiness in order to avoid the gossip of the aunts from the accounting department.

Today I will tell you how to behave if you find yourself in this situation. It can also be aggravated by what you fell in love with. married man. In this case, first of all, I would advise you to read my article about love for a married woman, the situations are somewhat similar and first of all you need to think about the moment with the wife of the man you like, and only after that about the fact that he works with you.

Weigh everything first

Between feelings and career, many girls choose the former without hesitation. That's how women are made. If we really want something, then we achieve it at any cost, and only then deal with the consequences. Men in this case, as a rule, are more thoughtful, but they have more than once put everything on the line for the sake of love. I can suggest you the book Cleopatra by Henry Haggart if you doubt this judgment.

One of my friends started an affair with her boss; in addition to love, she was also guided by the desire to climb the career ladder. A little later, she liked the younger employee and went to him. The results turned out to be very disastrous, since the manager turned out to be a rather low person by nature and now this couple cannot find work in their city. Offended man always puts obstacles in the way of this young family.

It’s not a fact that your case will have such an epic ending, but the gossip of your colleagues and their condemnation can easily force you to subsequently leave a good and profitable place. Are you really ready to sacrifice your career for the sake of family happiness?

If the love turns out to be unrequited, you will also have a difficult period until this story is forgotten. Well, we must not forget about situations if you work together with your husband. He may not forgive such a betrayal if he incriminates you. Even if he himself does not mind doing this, the condemnation of his colleagues will definitely frighten him and his pride will not allow him to act according to the will of his heart.

Fear is not always a bad quality. Sometimes it forces us to give up rash actions.

If everything that I described above is not about you or the feelings are so strong that you are ready to try and take risks, then let’s move on to the main part, which will tell you what to do if you like a colleague.

Collection of information

Before you take action, try to find out as much as possible about the man you like. It is not necessary to look for allies among colleagues and reveal the truth to them. Just observe the behavior of the young man you like. Perhaps he often talks about his love for a married woman. In this case, is it worth getting involved in this story at all?

On the other hand, you can find a lot useful information, which will allow you to manipulate the feelings of a young man. Remember the heroine of the film “The Most Charming and Attractive”, who periodically brought pies for her lover, gave him work tools and tried to go on a joint business trip.

The girl's problem wasn't that the methods didn't work. If Alexander Abdulov’s character had been at least somewhat disposed towards her, the ending would have been completely different.

We must not forget that when flirting, we push the guy to take action, we pay attention to our modest persona, but if he does not initially sympathize with the woman, then no attempts will help love to be born. empty space no matter how hard you try.

Many women often confuse these concepts and try to perform actions that are uncharacteristic of feminine nature, and then suffer themselves. A man conquers, a girl tries to please from a distance, gives signs, attracts attention.

You can find a lot of tips and ways to make a colleague like you in Stefania Losey’s book “How to Make Anyone at Work Fall in Love with You.”


Perhaps you already understand what I will advise you to conquer a man. Your actions must be very careful and careful. A man should still show open interest, especially if events unfold at work. Flirt and constantly monitor the reaction of the young man.

Shoot your eyes, try to talk to him on abstract topics, laugh more often in his presence or at least smile, help if it is in your power, show various signs of attention.

A lot about careful flirting methods, understandable only to those with whom you “work,” is written in Max Liss’s book “Flirt. Secrets of easy victories." She will tell you how to interest a man without tarnishing your reputation. It is very important.

I must say that if you do not see any signs of sympathy on the part of a man, then you should not start a frank conversation head-on in order to open the eyes of an incomprehensible guy.

Women tend to believe in their divine attractiveness. 8 out of 10 girls believe that they are able to please everyone. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Don't think I'm trying to convince you that you're not attractive.

It is likely that the man you have chosen has his own principles, for example, not to have relationships at work, and that is the only reason why he does not want to give you hope and respond to your sympathy. You will not be able to overcome and rebuild his worldview no matter how hard you try. This will only make the situation worse and will definitely affect the work environment.

All you need to do is give a sign young man that you like him. He will do the rest himself. All you have to do is respond to his actions. And do not believe those who say that men are not capable of anything, do not understand anything and will not do anything. They are not active only if the woman does not evoke emotions in them. I'm sure this won't happen to you.

That's all for me, see you again and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

How to seduce a man at work

Modern life, active girl, women are structured in such a way that a third of the time is spent on sleep, and the remaining time is spent on work and sometimes rest. In the daily bustle, it’s hard to find time to make new acquaintances and find a soul mate. This becomes a problem, because everyone in the immediate circle is married, friends of acquaintances are not interesting, and dating via the Internet is simply unsafe. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many women turn their attention to male colleagues and ask the question “How to seduce a man at work?”

Every girl has faced a situation where a colleague likes you at least once. Sometimes sympathy develops into a relationship, and sometimes it ends before it even begins. The thing is that not everyone knows little tricks and does not have the skills of a female pickup.

Start with yourself

Every man likes well-groomed stylish women, which smell nice. Therefore, firstly, never appear without makeup in an unpresentable manner. You should always be on alert. Secondly, watch the condition of your nails and hands. Many men, when meeting ladies, always pay attention to their hands. Delicate velvety fingers with a neat manicure will tell about your femininity. Thirdly, pay attention to your perfumes. Choose light, unobtrusive scents that will appeal not only to you, but also to those around you.

“Puzzling” over the problem of how to seduce a man at work, you should pay special attention to your clothes and appearance. A very short skirt and a jacket with a deep neckline may not work in your favor and scare off your colleague. Most men argue that openly displaying their body does not look sexy, but rather vulgar and vulgar. Therefore, when choosing clothes, give your preference to light trousers, or a formal skirt with a transparent, weightless blouse. Skillfully selected clothes will inflame interest in your person and shroud your body in a secret that the chosen one will want to reveal.

Take action and win

Before you start seducing a male colleague, you should adequately evaluate your relationship. If the chosen one demonstrates in every possible way his interest in you and flirts, then getting him will not be difficult. Perhaps your colleague is not sure whether you like him or is simply afraid of scaring him off with his persistence. In such a situation, the woman must show that she reciprocates his feelings and take the initiative. Keep up the flirting, ask for help and advice. You need communication to go beyond just nice conversations and a cup of coffee in the workplace. Invite your colleague to a movie or ask him to teach you how to roller skate or skate (to do this, find out in advance about his hobbies and interests).

But if a man does not suspect your sympathy, then the process of seduction will take a little longer. First, your colleague must understand what you like. Start playing a game called Flirt. Random touches, an ambiguous look and a smile can melt everyone’s heart. In order for signs of attention to look natural, follow the rules:

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  • Learn to listen to a man;
  • There is no need to prove that you are right;
  • Say only what the person wants to hear;
  • Use body language and gestures when communicating.

Every woman should know her body language and gestures. Thanks to simple movements and manipulations, you can not only attract attention to yourself, but also make any man fall in love, and then the problem of how to seduce a male colleague will be solved on its own. So:

1. Watch your posture. Few people pay attention to stooped girls. By keeping your back straight, you demonstrate all the charms of your figure and allow a man to look at you with the best side.

2. Periodically, sexily and smoothly cross your legs. This gesture turns men on not only in films, but also in real life.

3. “Make eyes.” A fail-safe method, once mastered, any man will be at your feet. Look at your chosen one for a long time, then look away for a few seconds and again turn your intriguing gaze on the man with an alluring smile. Try this method at home in front of a mirror or video camera.

4. Touch your hair and wrists often. Scientists agree that males become excited when girls perform simple manipulations with their hair and wrist (twisting a curl around a finger or stroking a wrist).

Once your colleague has realized that he is interested in you and reciprocates, you can move on to more active actions (invite him for coffee, go to a movie or museum together).

The workplace can be called a minefield where sexual tension literally reigns. Do you agree that nowhere else will you find yourself forcibly locked with representatives of the stronger sex for 8-9 hours in a row? Moreover, during this period, you are allowed to courageously communicate with each other, but not to flirt in any way, that is, an unpleasant rule applies: “look with your eyes, but don’t touch with your hands.”

And this despite the fact that falling in love in the office is very primitive and even reasonable. Countless employees and “well-wishers” will definitely call work romance taboo and will condemn it in various ways.

But it is difficult to hinder a brave, confident and independent woman; lust and passion are the most powerful aspects of the human character, which are difficult to fight, and, frankly speaking, you don’t want to.

Rules for seducing an employee

Imagine the situation: the object of your intimate fantasies has become newest colleague, one that appeared in the department not so long ago, but has already gained general attention. Moreover, the idea to seduce a man came precisely to your clear head, in which thoughts are swarming about a potential first date, spontaneous sex or a passionate kiss in the office smoking room.

Particularly poignant is the latest data from the HR department, which confirms the opponent’s complete will from marital responsibilities. The situation is complicated by the fact that the young man sees you as an extraordinary colleague, but not as a woman inclined towards a more serious relationship.

There is no need to despair, simply skillfully implement the following rules on how to seduce a colleague:

  • Rule #1: Flirt bravely with words. Remember that men are very poor at understanding non-verbal messages only if they are at work, and not at a party or in a cafe. A friendly version of a smile can absolutely be mistaken for a call for sex, and vice versa;
  • Rule #2: At the slightest sign of interest, start doing it energetically. If the object of your dreams shows passion for your person, start more energetically seducing the employee, and do it in such a way that they conquer you.

After all, it is common for a man to associate himself with a hunter, and therefore depriving him of the pleasure of getting “prey” through his own labor is a real offense. Every advanced section of society is aware of the fact that a relationship is not considered serious unless it began with the original “hunting season.” According to inexorable statistics, only 3% of couples who make love on the first date later get married and have a successful life together;

  • Rule No. 3: no first steps unless you are the same year. Scientists from a Californian institute conducted a study according to which the first man seduces a female colleague if she is somewhat younger than him. In fact, he becomes her mentor, little by little establishing not only partnerships, but also more romantic relationships. If a woman and the object of her desire are people of the same age, they can both take the first steps towards rapprochement.

Seduction lessons for a determined and brave girl

So, if you are faced with the task of how to seduce your colleague while working on a difficult plan, and nature has managed to reward you with determination and the ability to not succumb to public judgment, then everything is much easier and faster.

So, let’s say, you need to find a mysterious “zest” in yourself, a riddle or secret that will attract the hunting instinct of your opponent. Let him be tormented by thoughts about why he attracted a girl like you, and let him want to explore all the ways of how to seduce a determined and courageous female colleague.

By all means, get rid of the temptation to keep secrets with your employee, who also happens to be your girlfriend. It is absolutely obvious that she is also in love with the man of your desire, or is a freelance journalist of word of mouth. Without significant grounds, such a PR move will not bring the expected benefit, but, on the contrary, will complicate the situation and even make it irreparable.

Seducing an employee strictly involves understanding his tastes and preferences, hobbies and passions. To start a relationship, try inviting a man to an event that will bring pleasure to both of you. In this case, you should not organize a trip to a restaurant, cinema or theater, because your hint will be very “thick” and unambiguous.

Surprisingly, almost all men are afraid of open initiative coming from a woman. But if, after a collective evening, a spontaneous opportunity arises to invite a colleague home for a cup of tea, take advantage of it, and then be guided by the circumstances and mood.

What to do if you are afraid to take the initiative?

In this case, the rules on how to seduce a male colleague you like are carried out with caution and delicacy. Try as unobtrusively as possible to find out about his passions outside of work and, for example, start visiting the same fitness club. Even if nothing works out, then a good figure and meeting new candidates are guaranteed.

Actively take advantage of all the possibilities of social networks. Add a man as a friend on VK or Odnoklassniki, bravely like the photos and comment on them wittily. At the same time, you can try to find out what exactly attracts him in women, what genre of clothing should be chosen, and what he means by the concepts of “well-groomed” and “attractive”. It is absolutely obvious that it is enough to go to the hairdresser and change the length of your skirt.

It is a rare man who is not puzzled by how to quickly seduce a female colleague who is building a successful career. Take note of this and become more successful in terms of work and self-development. Enroll in foreign language courses, get a second degree and show interest in modern trends in business, art, social life and so on.

If even after this, the genre of communication between you has not changed in any way, and your close communication comes down only to dancing at a corporate party, you should think about whether you need this man, and whether he is “the one.” Nobody argues that there is a point in trying all the ways to gain attention, but sometimes it is not necessary to waste a lot of precious time for the sake of a “dummy”.

Don’t overdo it with methods of temptation; this can have a very negative impact on your career and the atmosphere within the team. If after, say, three months of effort, you're not seeing any positive developments, take a deep breath and turn your attention to a more exciting candidate.

According to statistics, it is natural for a person to change his field of work once every 18 months, therefore, if you do not find your soul mate at one job, bravely move on to the next tier. Have a successful and safe romance!