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Budget wedding in summer - how to celebrate the most important event in your life? Wedding in nature: photo ideas for wedding decoration Everything for a wedding in nature.

An important day of your life is approaching - a wedding, and you want to celebrate it in an original way so that this holiday will be remembered for a long time? Then think about organizing an outdoor party. Exist different ideas for an outdoor wedding, it all depends on the preferences, wishes and budget of the young couple. Future spouses should decide how to hold this event together. But before you make your final choice, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of celebrating outdoors.

Pros and cons of an outdoor wedding

The idea of ​​organizing a wedding reception outdoors has a number of advantages:

  • Fresh air;
  • spacious territory;
  • celebration is not limited in time;
  • the opportunity to hold a wonderful outdoor ceremony that you and your guests will remember;
  • you can launch pigeons, fireworks, balloons to make the mood even more fun;
  • the opportunity to organize a themed party (in Hawaiian, noble style; the idea of ​​organizing a wedding is rustic, boho);
  • wide choice of venues for celebrations.

But, alas, such a celebration has its drawbacks: unpredictable weather conditions (rain, strong wind, unbearable heat) can significantly spoil the holiday. The presence of insects (mosquitoes, flies) also causes a lot of trouble.

It's not always easy to organize festive table outdoors or transport guests to the place where the event will be held. But if you take care in advance, it is quite possible to eliminate most of the troubles, the main thing is good mood, funny company.

Selecting a location

The choice of location for such a wedding is unlimited. It all depends on the wishes, ideas of the newlyweds, and the theme of the celebration. The following are considered popular venues:

  • bank of a river, reservoir;
  • sea ​​beach;
  • historical estates;
  • country cottages, recreation centers, dachas, private houses;
  • a park;
  • interesting, picturesque area outside the city.

A park

Often for carrying out wedding ceremony In nature, future spouses choose a park. This choice is due to several factors:

  • Firstly, as a rule, parks are located within the city, which simplifies the process of transporting guests.
  • Secondly, it’s easier to find, set up a tent, and order food delivery.

Restaurant with a park area

A great idea for holding a wedding banquet is to rent a summer area or celebrate in a restaurant with the possibility of placing tables in the open air. The undoubted advantage of such a celebration is visible to the naked eye: you do not have to order food separately, because the restaurant employees will take care of everything. They will prepare snacks, hot dishes, and drinks upon request. Often the restaurant already has musical accompaniment and a toastmaster; they will help organize a fun celebration with dancing, competitions, and games.


What could be more beautiful and romantic than a wedding on the sea coast or by the shore of a river or lake? This great idea. An excellent place for a wedding ceremony is an open space, and a light breeze and the sound of waves will create a relaxed atmosphere and inspire a festive mood.

Motor ship

An original wedding idea combining nature and water - a motor ship that can be rented for your event, as well as decorated and decorated as required by the theme of the celebration. Such a wedding will become the most romantic, bright, event filled with impressions. Guests will be pleasantly surprised by such an unusual decision for the celebration, and the bride and groom are guaranteed pleasant memories for a lifetime.

Tip: Make sure that the ship is equipped with a cabin where you can shelter from the rain. It would be good if there was air conditioning, because with a large number of people there may not be enough air.

Country historical estate

A wedding will be original, interesting, and unforgettable if it is held in a country house, which, moreover, has historical value. A good idea is to hold a themed wedding in a historical style and think through the scenario for the event. You and your guests will get a lot positive emotions, have a good rest. It will also be possible to conduct an original photo session, after which memorable photographs will remain.

Camp site

A good place for an outdoor wedding is a tourist base outside the city. You should rent houses in advance and agree on everything. The advantages of such a celebration are considered to be fresh air, beautiful nature, unlimited time, and a variety of celebration scenarios. Disadvantages may include some distance from the city (transport issues) and ubiquitous mosquitoes.

Picnic style wedding

A picnic holiday in nature will be unforgettable. Such original idea many will like it. Absolutely anything can serve as a place for a picnic - a park, a forest, a river bank. Such a holiday is organized right on the ground, so you should worry about bedspreads, as well as warm blankets on which the guests will sit.

The food is traditional for a regular picnic: sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, fish, barbecue. To organize such a celebration under the canopy of a large old tree or to build a small temporary canopy from bad weather or to hide from the rays of the scorching sun - ideas follow one another. It will be possible to hold such a wedding outdoors in a folk, romantic or traditional style.

Advice: Think about the form of clothing, because long evening dresses will not suit this concept.

Hawaiian party

A Hawaiian-style wedding will be unforgettable. A good idea is to organize such a party on the beach or the summer area of ​​a coastal cafe. You should decorate the room to match the theme of the party. Such a themed wedding will definitely be remembered by everyone for a long time, and most importantly, it will be original and unique.

Noble style

If you decide to hold a wedding in a noble style, you can organize a real ball according to ancient traditions. All the ladies will wear lush, chic dresses, and the men will become real knights. To create a complete ambiance, instead of the usual car, it is better to hire a carriage pulled by a pair of horses, in which you can ride around the city or in the countryside. The venue for the celebration is a castle or a house that has historical value, preferably with a large hall.

Such a celebration will leave unforgettable sensations and emotions not only for you, but also for all guests. The main thing is to think everything through carefully, draw up a script and strictly follow it. It is also necessary to take care of the kitchen and musical accompaniment of the evening.

Eastern fairy tale

An unforgettable holiday will be a celebration held in oriental style. Remember the fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights”! What's stopping you from having such a romantic party with an oriental theme? To realize the idea, you need a little: a tent, which is recommended to be rented, accessories from oriental decorations - pillows, bedspreads, lamps, candles, hookah. The celebration can be held on the floor by preparing bedding for guests in advance.

For treats, fruits and sweets are perfect (it’s good if they are oriental sweets - Turkish delight, baklava), and for drinks - tea.

Boho style

If you want to have a fairytale wedding, then have it in boho style. The main thing here is impeccable taste. Naturalness, naturalness, and airiness are welcomed. Natural colors and ethnic motifs predominate. The idea of ​​such a wedding is perfect for gentle, romantic natures who breathe and are imbued with love, then not only the wedding will look like a fairy tale, but the whole life. For an example of organizing such a wedding, look at the photo.

Rustic style

A rustic wedding is a celebration in a rustic, simple style. The main idea is to create a warm, homely, cozy environment so that guests feel at home. Minimalism, simplicity of details, and naturalness are welcomed here. For decoration, improvised means are suitable: it is better to make a bouquet from wildflowers, and outfits from natural fabrics. To understand how to decorate a wedding in a rustic style, watch the video:

At such a wedding, everyone will feel like family and friends, which will create a favorable atmosphere and the necessary surroundings.

Exit painting

If you don’t want to crowd into the registry office, waiting for your turn, but want to have an original wedding, then ideal option will outdoor painting. This service is provided by many wedding agencies that interact with the registry office. A beautiful arch decorated with fresh or artificial flowers, chairs for guests draped with fabric will create a festive, romantic atmosphere.

Outdoor painting is becoming more and more popular and this is not surprising, because you do not need to adapt to a specific date, you can choose a convenient time and location for the ceremony.

Tents, awnings and awnings

An interesting idea for celebrating a wedding outdoors is to use decor such as tents, canopies, and awnings. They also need to be decorated festively to give the evening a festive feel. Thanks to awnings and awnings, you and your guests will be able to shelter from bad weather or escape from extreme heat.

Outdoor wedding menu, catering

When organizing an outdoor wedding, it is best to use a catering service from an agency - this is the delivery of ready-made food from a restaurant to where you specify. What does it mean? You can contact your favorite restaurant in advance and order the dishes that you want to see on your holiday table. On the specified day, time and place, the food will be delivered in the best possible condition. This is a great idea, since the restaurant will take care of preparing the treats and even the dishes, leaving you to enjoy the delicate taste and treat your guests.

An outdoor wedding is an excellent solution that promises a lot of unforgettable impressions. This is an immense space for imagination on the theme of entertainment, and a great atmosphere of the festival, and a lot of variations of spectacular design. Far from the bustle of the city, in the embrace of wildlife, your vacation will become truly complete. Moreover, the space, greenery and blue sky above create an incredibly romantic mood.

In short, the main advantages of this choice will be:
Space and plenty of fresh air - which is important when there are huge crowds of people. Few people enjoy inhaling a spicy “aroma”, woven from the smells of various dishes, “different-sized” bouquets, assorted perfumes and colognes, sweat... And this is precisely the amber that is present in a closed banquet room. This alone can give you a headache or ruin your mood. And in nature there is only fresh air, filled with the aromas of meadow flowers or grass, forest trees or sea water (depending on the location of the celebration).

Unlimited space. And, therefore, this is a large dance floor, and sufficient space for games, and beautiful design ceremonies. On the other hand, there are some risks (for example, getting lost in this unlimited space). But with proper preparation, unpleasant nuances can be minimized;
No time limit. In nature, there are no time limits, no obligation to “leave the room exactly at 12.00.” Go for a walk, I don't want to. At least until dawn. By the way, how wonderful it is to greet the sunrise with a friendly group!..
There is room for all kinds of games and entertainment, as well as for spectacular amenities: launching pigeons, fireworks, three-dimensional lanterns, kites, artificial snow, confetti, live butterflies and more. Just the “special effects” on outdoors can be abused.
Possibility of holding an interesting outdoor painting ceremony. Almost all wedding agencies today are happy to offer this service. It is advantageous in that, as a rule, you do not need to adapt to specific dates, but freely choose the time you like. And, besides, later on the wedding day you won’t have to get lost among dozens of other couples, trample in a common “heap” with different (including strangers) guests and listen to the boring, “hackneyed” speech of the registry office employee. It is very seductive to hold a painting ceremony without haste and fuss, in your own style and on your own schedule. And all this happens very impressively in the open air in the lap of wildlife.

Sea beach
Park area (preferably without an abundance of passers-by)
Well-maintained agricultural estates
Restaurant with a park area
Recreation centers, country cottages
Forest edges (suitable for special events)
Some historical estates
Undeveloped area outside the city (suburban area)
The shore of a body of water (river, sea, lake)
Other suitable places

Scenario options

Oh, how many interesting things can be realized when organizing an outdoor wedding! Take, for example, a simple, but always winning option: the fairy tale about Cinderella. Just imagine - an intriguing noble estate (its role, for example, would be perfectly served by a thematically decorated country cottage), to which a gilded horse-drawn carriage rolls up... From the carriage (or phaeton) the lovely, inimitable Cinderella-bride spectacularly emerges, bathed in admiring looks and exclamations of the guests!
She is accompanied by those same fabulous coachman and footmen, and from the castle she is met (attention!) by the prince-groom on a white horse! Well, isn’t it an amazing sight, and even against the backdrop of impressive natural landscapes?! Moreover, the vast majority of girls dream of being in the role of Cinderella. Well, the guys don’t mind literally feeling like princes on white horses.
That’s what’s good about a wedding in nature, because there is room here to unwind and fulfill the most romantic wedding fantasies.
If we further talk about thematic celebrations, you can offer the young people to organize a luxurious Russian feast, or a merry party of dudes, or a pompous musketeers' ball, or a bright Brazilian carnival, or lovely oriental gatherings, or... Whatever suits their mood and desires!
The only advice is not to put off choosing a topic until the last minute. Organizing a wedding should be systematic, consistent and carried out ahead of time.

Hint: if the newlyweds are uncomfortable forcing guests to dress according to their wishes (in accordance with the chosen style of the celebration), you can provide “clarifying” accessories yourself. For example, if we are talking about a Russian folk wedding, let them be kokoshniks, and for a Ukrainian wedding, let them be wreaths. For the Brazilian carnival - boas, and for masquerade - masks. And so on.

DIY outdoor wedding

One of the main advantages of an outdoor celebration is financial accessibility. Do-it-yourself outdoor weddings often turn out no worse than “professional” ones. This could be a buffet, a picnic or a standard gala party.

Many couples even come up with their own scenario for an outdoor wedding. After all, for example, on the Internet you can find a lot of interesting ideas and tips. Well, those who do not dare to shoulder such responsibility on their shoulders are looking for a smart organizer who will think through everything to the smallest detail and provide a suitable option.
If you start with entertainment, it is recommended to make a basic list of options for a pleasant pastime, from which you select the most suitable sections.

For example:
Outdoor games;
Show of big soap bubbles;
Treasure hunting and other fabulous adventures;
A trip on a boat, yacht or boats (if possible);
Master classes of various types;
As for the feast, it is probably better to leave the opportunity to professionals. Thus, many catering agencies offer any restaurant menu for travel. Everything will be delivered and packaged in the best possible way - fresh, delicious dishes will arrive at the place in due time, enticing guests with pleasant aromas. Of course, if we are talking about a reliable catering agency with a solid reputation.
When organizing a wedding outdoors on your own, you need to carefully consider the design - there should be awnings, awnings, and tents. This provides protection from the sun, rain and wind. In addition, such elements are played out very effectively by the most different decor. Special wedding tents are purchased for rent.
With all this, we must not forget about the availability of electricity, as well as convenient access to the place chosen for the celebration and the availability of free cars ready to transport guests at a convenient time. If we are talking about a non-electrified area, you will have to purchase a powerful electric generator.
An important issue is the toilet. If a wedding feast is organized in an unequipped, undeveloped area, care should be taken to ensure the availability of dry closets.
Regarding decorations and decorations, here you can do anything you want: from “dressing” bushes and trees in garlands to intricate arches of fresh flowers and other accessories.
And what wonderful photos you get in nature! Especially if the weather is sunny and clear!

When preparing a wedding with your own hands, it is better not to forget about such pleasant little things:

Memorable souvenirs for guests - let everyone have a joyful reminder of your wonderful celebration;
Banquet cards - such tips will save you from unnecessary fuss and confusion;
Relaxation area - in a separate corner you can place a small sofa or rocking chairs, on which a tired guest or guests can sit comfortably;

Photozone– in a particularly beautiful corner of the festival area it would be nice to place thematic props with which everyone can take pictures as much as they want. Such photographs will later become vivid reminders of a magnificent event. Typical accessories (banners, balloons, signs with inscriptions, garlands and pinwheels, ribbons of different textures, screens and curtains, photo frames and layouts) or even entire thematic compositions of decorations are suitable for photo shoots. Or you can even organize your own photo booth. The main thing is not to forget to distribute all the photographs taken to the guests;
Useful baskets– sets of sun umbrellas, sunglasses or, for example, blankets (in case of cool weather) will be a pleasant surprise for guests and will emphasize the tender care of the newlyweds for their dear guests;
Wish zone– a separate table with pre-thought-out props will allow each willing participant in the celebration to leave warm parting words or humorous notes for the newlyweds during the celebration.

Safety first

The holiday is a holiday, but you need to remember to follow safety rules. For open space they have their own characteristics:

  • Weather character. Of course, it is difficult to predict the exact weather at a specific distant time. Especially when you consider the fact that weddings are organized long in advance. However, you should at least roughly study the weather reports, look at the weather trends for last years. And in the area, provide for the presence of reliable tents and covered awnings. The issue is resolved more easily if we are talking about a tourist base or agricultural estates. In general, the celebration should begin in the afternoon - closer to the evening, so that the heat subsides a little.
  • Insect invasion. Fresh air is good for everyone, except for the invasion of insects: midges, mosquitoes, and other biting and stinging things. To prevent such flying and stinging “trifles” from ruining the mood of the newlyweds and guests, you should use modern developments - sprays, indicators and other special equipment and devices.
  • Guest control. It is clear to everyone that, for example, you can get lost in the forest, and you can’t swim in the river. Therefore, you definitely need to keep an eye on your guests, especially if we are talking about drunk friends, relatives and acquaintances. There should be cars at the ready that can take guests to their overnight accommodations. If financial opportunity allows, it is appropriate to order security - a warning from the criminal public and other troubles. And be sure to think about a first aid kit. It would be nice if there was a doctor among the vacationers. After all, many risk factors increase during vacation.

A wedding in a yacht club, as one of the variations of outdoor weddings

The winning combination of indoor venues and natural areas promises great fun and celebration. Yacht clubs, as a rule, are elite tourist centers that have everything necessary for a complete, varied holiday:
Restaurant areas or closed establishments;
Romantic water area with yachts;
Natural beauty;
Developed infrastructure;
Hotel complex (for guests and newlyweds);
Transfer, free parking.
Moreover, you can celebrate weddings on the territory of such comfortable recreation centers both in winter and in summer. There are decent conditions for every season. The only disadvantage of this solution is the material side. Most likely, you will have to spend a lot of money on renting with all the amenities and advantages. But the newlyweds and their guests will certainly find themselves in unforgettable atmosphere luxurious celebration.

As a rule, yacht clubs provide services such as florists, video and photo operators, and musicians. As well as a fire or laser show, performances by circus artists (including original genres), festive fireworks and other entertainment.
And it’s not for nothing that the yacht theme in organizing wedding celebrations is becoming increasingly popular - it is a universal solution for the location and type of celebrations and official ceremonies. And what can we not take away from such a choice – romance! Especially if you add a sea or river trip to the celebration. The route is usually designed for short distances. Many companies offer special excursion programs. And just imagine how bright the photos will be against the backdrop of picturesque shores, the vast expanse of the sea and the bottomless blue of the sky!
And you can even add diving to the list of entertainment for lovers of extreme sports and thrills! Provided that diving is allowed in the water area where the festival is taking place. Yes, some of the guests will refuse such pleasure (in particular, ladies who are anxious about their makeup, hairstyles and outfits). But those who take the risk will get an unforgettable experience!
Advice: If the celebration is planned to be held on the territory of the yacht club, one of the most suitable themes for decoration and holding will probably be maritime. It is very simple to deploy it: some decorations in addition to the “natural” surface of the water, appropriate outfits for the young people, themed invitations and other little accessories. By the way, the bride should choose a dress that is as comfortable as possible (preferably not a fluffy one - the ideal option would be a straight-cut silhouette made of light, airy fabrics or a completely shortened style). Especially if you are planning a sightseeing trip.
Wedding in nautical style it looks fresh, bright, interesting.

Second wedding day outdoors

This day is no longer as official as the first. Only close friends and relatives are present at the celebration, and the newlyweds, as a rule, dress in more discreet outfits... However, if we are talking about a themed celebration, the theme should be adhered to during the entire celebration.
On the second day, guests are usually treated to wedding loaf. Also on this day, it is customary to give alms to the poor, but since there are no such people in nature, this can be done when leaving the city.
Many adhere to the tradition with mummers. If this format fits into the overall theme of the wedding, you can arrange something similar. But in general, the choice of entertainment is large - from outdoor games, relay races and competitions to intellectual duels. Well, where would we be without a cheerful feast and lively dancing?!

Scenario for the second day of a wedding in nature

In Rus', for a long time, on the second day of the wedding celebration, various competitions and rituals. In general, this day was given special significance - after all, it was the beginning of a new life in a new role (wife and husband). Many traditions are now few and far between. But interesting modernized customs remained among them.

The tradition of selling mother-in-law pancakes and collecting litter together.
The mother-in-law pre-bakes pancakes, which she carries around the table and sells for a symbolic price. Once all the pancakes are sold out, the plate they were on flies to the floor. And the young woman is entrusted with collecting the remains of the broken container - she is solemnly presented with a broom and dustpan.

The tradition of selling spoons to the ear.
Guests are offered spoons for the same symbolic price. Anyone who wants to receive a free souvenir must answer a number of questions correctly. Here is a sample list of them:
What are fish eggs called? (Caviar)
At what temperature can you most accurately assess the quality of beer? (At +10 degrees)
Which barrels are best for preserving beer? (Oak)
How was the quality of beer checked in Tavria? (They poured beer with foam, on which they placed a coin. If it sank, the beer was considered of poor quality.)
What fish gave the nickname to the character Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in the film “The meeting place cannot be changed?” (Carp)

Let's also consider a few interesting competitions and games that can be included in the celebration of the second wedding day.

Competition "Caring Parents"
Large size baby clothes
Large diapers
Feeding bottles
Number of participants – from 4.
The main essence of the competition is to dress “babies” (adult men and women) in baby clothes and diapers as quickly as possible, as well as feed them with a bottle. This competition always looks very funny and amusing, and is well received by a variety of audiences! Much, of course, depends on the artistry of the participants. But fresh air, good company, the second day of fun are conducive to liberation and virtuosity.

Competition: Wish Chest
Pencil or pen
Number of participants: from 7
The presenter lines up the participants in a circle, takes the chest and begins to pass it from hand to hand. At the same time, for each player he sentences:
“I’m friends with young people, I’ll put it in their chest...” and names any letter. The participant writes 5 congratulations for this letter. For example, the letter “l”: love, affection, better mutual understanding, a shower of success, extra money. The author of the most original wishes becomes the winner, and the chest with notes is given as a gift to the young.

Competition: “My Half”
Participants – from 9.
Participants must form two circles. Moreover, in one of them there are one more people. The music turns on and the dance begins. When the melody stops (the DJ pauses it whenever he wants), the players must form pairs. Whoever is left without a “half” must dance solo in the center of the circle.

Game: “Poetic Accordion”
Sheets of paper;
Pencils or pens.
Number of participants – from 10.
Each participant must come up with a line of a congratulatory poem, but in a special way. The first participant writes a line and folds it over so that what is written is not visible, except for the last word - the other participant needs it for the rhyme. The result is a rhymed piece of common work. The game is very interesting and exciting! Congratulations are solemnly presented to the young people.

Relay race "Jumping in sacks"
Big bags
Number of participants – from 4
Participants are divided into pairs, each of them is placed in a pre-prepared bag and, at the command “Start”, jumps to the finish line indicated by the leader. The point is simple - you need to come first. This competition always looks fun and interesting.

Crossword "about a couple"
Pens and pencils
Crossword Puzzle Sheets
In order for fairly tired guests to take a little rest from outdoor games and lively dances, but at the same time not stop receiving moral pleasure from the holiday, you can invite them to solve a crossword puzzle about newlyweds. Questions could be:
Cities that lovers visited together;
Favorite authors of newlyweds;
Pet names and various tidbits about them;
Memorable moments of a love story;

Entertainment for young people

Among other fun, don’t forget about the newlyweds themselves. We need to come up with several competitions purely for them. Here are some ideas:
Competition "Nice words"
Let the young people practice communicating in their new status, coming up with pleasant nicknames for each other. They should be named one by one. The one who provides the guests with the most names wins. A prerequisite is compliments and pleasant words should not be repeated.

Quest “In Search of Treasures”
The bride and groom are divided into two teams, recruiting participants from among the guests (of course, an equal number) as assistants. And then - an exciting search for the prize by solving clues.

Competition "Chief Nanny"
This is a fairly old, but still popular competition for dressing (or rather, swaddling) dolls. Which of the newly-made spouses copes with the task faster is declared the main nanny of the family.

The bride and groom must choose their teams. For them, they organize a dance master class to catchy music - they show dance moves, which the team members repeat in unison (depending on how it turns out, of course). The music can alternate - cuts of music fragments (so-called dance mixes) are great for this competition.

Friends and relatives will have to take care of this in advance. Having filmed a romantic love story or a funny video series of memories with comments with the help of a professional videographer, they will give the newlyweds a huge portion of pleasure! The viewing itself can be organized in an “open-air cinema” format - guests are placed on blankets and mats in front of a large video projector screen.

Such fun, entertainment and competitions on the second day of a wedding in nature will interestingly dilute the usual feast and allow you to have a fun and unforgettable time.
Among other things, young people can organize an interesting lottery for guests. And if the wedding is taking place on the banks of a river or sea, it is appropriate to take a boat trip - on a boat, yacht or pleasure steamer.

Bottom line : It's great to have holidays in nature! And not just weddings. For example, why not organize a wedding anniversary in nature? Elegantly arrange a suitable area inside a birch grove or pine forest, on the banks of a river or lake or on the territory of an agricultural estate, invite friends and relatives, and enjoy a pleasant pastime! You can also rent a pleasure boat for 5-7 hours (with the provision of your own food - it will be cheaper).

But, in general, I think that a wedding in nature will turn out to be bright and memorable even with the most modest entertainment. After all, nature itself will play along with the newlyweds in their celebration!

Do you dream about romantic wedding outdoors, but afraid of unpredictable weather? Consider celebrating in a tent. Fresh air, beautiful scenery around and a cozy atmosphere inside will make your celebration unforgettable.

What should you think about when planning such a celebration? It is necessary to decide on the time and place of the celebration, as well as the correct choose the type of tent. How to choose best time for an outdoor wedding?

Wedding celebration in the lap of nature It's best to spend it in the summer when it's warmest. Remember that a wedding is a long event that lasts until late evening, so even in the evening, noticeable coolness will be undesirable.

Types of wedding tents

There are different awning shapes, strength and capacity structures.

  • Arched tent– classic, effective and durable. White arches framed by natural greenery look elegant and sophisticated. The practical shape of the awning will protect you from the scorching sun or bad weather. The convenient design will allow you to accommodate a fairly large number of guests in the tent.
  • Gable This option is worth considering if there will be many guests at the wedding. The dimensions of the structure start from 10*10 m, the area covered is not limited. Such tents look less attractive, but they are very reliable in terms of fastening. For installation you will need special concrete weighting blocks.
  • Tent "Pagoda"- a beautiful, unusually shaped option. Triangular roofs in oriental style look very original. This type of design is designed for small (3*3 m) and medium weddings (10*10 m).
  • Awnings They are stretched onto a ready-made static metal structure, so their installation is faster. However, they are less reliable in case of sudden changes in weather conditions. Some types of awnings, for example, “Zvezda”, can be additionally equipped with side walls for protection from the wind.
  • Wedding gazebo suitable for small companies. It will not require any installation hassle. Usually these are ready-made wooden structures that are located on the territory of a country hotel or club.

Below are photo various types of tents and awnings (stationary and collapsible):


Gable tent (inside view)

Pagoda type

Mobile option for quick installation

Tent "Star"

Classic garden tent

Installation procedure for a permanent arched tent structure

Panoramic veranda


How to choose a place?

When choosing a place for a wedding, you should pay attention not only to the picturesque landscapes. What else do you need to consider?

  • Remoteness. Try to choose places that are not too far from the city. Think about the long process of preparing for the event, as well as about your guests who will need to somehow get to the holiday (transportation link).
  • Availability of parking. Wedding procession You will need to leave it somewhere, preferably in a secure and guarded parking lot.
  • Accommodation for overnight guests. If you still like a place far from the city, then you should take care of hotel rooms.
  • Wedding in a tent by the pond attracts many. Is there any special specificity here?

    • The land surface near water is often inconvenient for celebration: Sand or small pebbles can cause discomfort when walking or dancing. The natural surface or flooring inside the tent should be reinforced, as well as paths for walking outside.
    • The wind is stronger near the pond, and this may make it cooler.
    • Probably a large number of insects.
    • If the tent is installed on a pier or close to the coastline, then you should make sure that there is a parapet on the site. An accidental fall into the water will not add a festive mood to your guests.
    • Tents by the water can also be used for the second wedding day, so it’s good if there is a place for swimming and sunbathing nearby.

Wedding by the water

What is important to consider?

  • Heat. It will be difficult to withstand the summer heat in a closed tent, so it is better to take care of the air conditioning.
  • Evening coolness. It gets quite cold in the evening. At this time, the heating system inside will not be superfluous at all.
  • Rain and wind. Choose only high-quality tents with a durable awning. Some designs require additional side curtains. They will be very relevant when it rains.
  • Insects. You can use repellents or choose a place where insects are not found at all. Before taking any action yourself, check with your landlord or organizer to see if they have special insect traps installed in your tent.
  • Electricity. It is better to choose sites on the territory of country clubs, then there will be no problems. Otherwise, you need to take a generator with you, since there will simply be nowhere to connect to electricity.
  • Toilets necessary, but they should not attract attention and spoil the overall appearance celebration areas. It is good if the tent is located next to a room where there is a toilet. Ask the organizers if there are restrooms on site and in what condition they are. Toilets should be clean, comfortable and modern.

Banquet organization

  • If the tent is on the territory of the country club, then the organization of the banquet can be entrusted to this establishment.
  • You can use catering company services.
  • Organize a banquet on our own. What will you need for this?
    1. In advance take care of special containers for transporting ready meals. There should be a lot of them. Choose large plastic containers.
    2. Think about buffet snack options. Thus, canapés of various kinds can not only be beautifully served, but also delivered to the place without any problems. A fairly large number of canapés will fit in just a few containers.
    3. Some products can pack in cling film or foil.
    4. Perishable snacks are better transport in a portable refrigerator.

Advice! Organizing a banquet outdoors on your own is a difficult task. If you don’t want to complicate the lives of your family and friends on a holiday, then it’s best to simply order a banquet or food delivery.

How to do it yourself?

Let's consider steps for self-assembling a wooden tent, the installation of which does not require pouring a foundation under the base. Such a tent will be designed for 10-15 guests (if you plan to have a larger number of guests, you can double the volume of material and assemble two identical tents side by side).

What you will need:

  • Beam 50x50 mm;
  • Boards 30 mm thick;
  • Waterproof fabric (Oxford type or awning fabric); m
  • Level;
  • Wood stain or drying oil (to protect the structure and give the wood a beautiful shade);
  • Miter box (for creating angles of 45 and 90 degrees);
  • Hand saw;
  • Screwdriver and/or drill;
  • Nails/screws;
  • Sewing machine (for sewing the roof cover);

Classic garden gazebo

Creation of a prefabricated structure:

  1. Base. Use a miter box to prepare the boards for the base. You will need a 45 degree angle on each of the boards;
  2. Supports. They should be attached to the base that has not yet been assembled with large nails or self-tapping screws. Additionally, it is possible to fix the supports using short stops made of 50 mm timber coming from the base (they should also be cut at 45 degrees on each side).
  3. Next, we assemble the base together with the supports in general frame and make the top trim;
  4. Assembling a pitched roof.
  5. Covering the tree stain;
  6. Made from thick fabric roof cover.
  7. Floor. Having provided floor joists, you can cover the floor with boards, which can be easily sanded and varnished later. Another option is to lay laminate flooring over a wooden floor. If you have the means, try laying paving slabs;
  8. Supports can be close with curtains to match the roof, tying them just above the base or exactly in the middle. You can hang a cornice on a wooden structure, take a thick canvas and make sliding curtains. You can hang an anti-mosquito cloth as a second layer to make your guests comfortable in the evening.

How to simplify the task? If you are planning on private property, and the number of guests does not exceed 15-20 people, then it will be enough to purchase a ready-made version of a garden tent and install it yourself. The cost of such awnings varies from 4 to 30 thousand rubles. You can buy them in specialized stores or large gardening hypermarkets.

How much is the rent?

The price depends on the design features and capacity. Rent of static structures installed in a certain area will cost an average of 30000-40000 rubles

In popular places Moscow this figure is increasing up to 80000 rubles Mobile tents, designed to accommodate 20-60 people, stand 15000-20000 rubles per day. This also includes delivery and installation services.

Attention! Decoration of the tent, organization and service of the banquet are paid separately.

Video: difficulties and nuances

Olga Ermilova (Agency Perfect Wedding) talks about the features of holding a wedding in a tent:

An outdoor wedding in a tent is an unusual, troublesome, but very original version. If you decide on such a celebration, be prepared for some difficulties. Skillful planning and organization will help to hold a celebration at the highest level.

Summer weddings give incredible scope for imagination! We present 25 fresh ideas, among which you will definitely find something for your holiday!

1. Wedding in the courtyard of a private house

Even on your personal plot, you can organize an elegant holiday that will make your dreams come true! Come up with a theme for your party and ask your guests to live up to it.

2. BBQ Rehearsal Dinner

Summer inspires barbecues, so why not use this option for a rehearsal party? Delicious food and an evening with friends will inspire you to new ideas for your wedding.

3. Catering

Restaurant on wheels is becoming more and more popular! Why don't you use it to forget about all the problems associated with preparing a banquet?

4. Ceremony on the pier

5. Wedding on a boat

Making promises to each other to always be there while on a boat is very symbolic. Many couples, and more and more people wishing to become husband and wife, choose a boat for the ceremony.

6. Ceremony at night

Summer is a great opportunity to hold a ceremony in the evening. Decorate the painting area with jars of candles hanging from trees or garlands, and you will see how solemn and romantic this option can be.

7. Ceremony decoration in eco style

An arch created from birch branches is simply an amazing find for summer wedding open air. We are sure that standing under such beauty, any couple will want to say the words of their vows. Use eco-themes to decorate the newlyweds’ area at the table. Ideas can be found on our website.

8. Picnic

Picnic tables can be the perfect solution for an outdoor summer wedding. All you have to do is decorate them - and the wedding venue can be considered ready!

9. Bales of hay

Hay bales are an easy way to create ceremony seating. And they're perfect for an outdoor wedding - just throw a piece of fabric or blanket over them to make sure your guests can sit comfortably.

10. Bright colors in the design

Bright colors- This is a great way to add fun to your holiday. Combine them to create a unique wedding unlike any other! on the pages of our website!

11. Bright bridesmaid dresses

Bridesmaids play a very important role in a wedding, and summer is the perfect occasion to dress them up in bright and original dresses. Look how correct and...

12. Flip flops for guests

Just a few minutes after the start of the banquet, all the guests dream of only one thing - to throw off their high-heeled shoes and uncomfortable boots and just relax. A pre-made basket of slippers is a great way to encourage them to do this! To prevent guests from passing by, place a cute sign next to it.

13. Sunglasses

Let your guests enjoy all the delights of the sun summer day comfortably and prepare for them Sunglasses! They can be decorated in a wedding style, turning them into a fun accessory.

14. Open dance floor

An outdoor venue is one of the main advantages of a summer wedding. Some couples prefer to organize a banquet indoors, but it is still better to move the dances outside.

15. Garland

Small white lanterns are one of the most simple ways bring a little magic to your holiday. If you have chosen a veranda or a manor as your wedding venue, decorate the dance floor with flickering lights and you will get a kind of color music.

16. Fireworks

Fireworks at a wedding are a great idea if you approach its organization responsibly in advance. Choose a safe place in advance and remove anything that could catch fire. And, of course, buy pyrotechnics only from trusted suppliers.

17. Sparklers

Sparklers add magic and the atmosphere of an enchanting fairy tale to your wedding, so we advise you not to refuse them. In addition, they are very inexpensive, and you can buy them in any store.

18. Popcorn bar

Having a popcorn bar is a great idea for a summer wedding. It will be in great demand among your guests: both as a dessert and as a snack. Set up a distribution point in, and you will receive not only a tasty, but also a stylish wedding element.

19. Ice cream

The perfect finishing touch to a summer wedding is scooped ice cream. Organizing this is not as difficult as it seems. You can simply negotiate with a company that specializes in food delivery. Just be sure to check that she has a license.

20. Outdoor games

The reason why street games have become so popular is because it is the easiest way to entertain guests. To do this, you can use any options, from towns to golf.

21. Light bridesmaid dress

Airy, flowing silhouettes are the main trends of recent seasons. And summer is a great reason to live up to them. An outdoor wedding means a dress simple cut. This style will suit almost everyone, because even with a small budget you can experiment a lot with styles, materials, colors, and lengths.

22. Drink cans

You may think that small glass jars with screw caps are just stylish decoration. In fact, it is also an opportunity to preserve food for as long as possible, as well as a convenient container for compliments, a decorative vase, a beautiful candlestick and an ideal glass for drinks.

23. Open top car

Of course, it should not be a bulky jeep, but a stylish open car, which you can then use to escape from your wedding if you wish. Design it according to the general style, and you yourself will be surprised how great it looks.

24. Bicycle in a wedding photo shoot

If you and your fiancé are lovers of cycling, use a bicycle in your wedding photo shoot! Decorate it and take some photos next to it - it's stylish and cute at the same time.

25. Paper lanterns

“Beautiful” and “romantic” - these are the words that can be used to describe the ritual of launching into the sky paper lanterns. Scattering from the place of your wedding, they, like ships, slowly sail along the Milky Way. The main thing at this moment is not to forget to make a wish.

All girls want to have a magnificent, chic wedding. But a limited budget always dictates its terms. Is it worth going into debt and taking out loans for a few days of fun? What can you safely save on, and what is better to spare money on? How to spend an unforgettable holiday that won’t break your pocket? In this article we have collected the most interesting ideas how to spend budget wedding

Here are the main advantages:

Possibility to invite a large number of guests. Those invited to the luxurious celebration will include friends, close and distant relatives, and acquaintances. All the people whom the newlyweds would like to dedicate to their joy will have the opportunity to attend the wedding and witness the first minutes of the family’s existence.

Chic bride's outfit. A wedding dress is the dream of many girls since childhood. Sometimes even an adult, self-sufficient woman, deep down in her soul, dreams of wearing a princess dress, airy and fabulously beautiful. It can be selected according to the latest trends in the world wedding fashion or order a designer outfit from a famous salon.

Wedding procession will consist of high-quality car models equipped with everything necessary for the convenience and comfort of passengers.

Professional photo and video shooting. An unlimited budget allows you to use the services of a professional photographer and cameraman. Therefore, when viewing the finished footage, it is unlikely that you will be able to see the annoying “blunders” of newcomers: blurry photos, bad angles, low-quality shots. A wedding photographer who knows his business is often quite expensive. But the filmed love story of the newlyweds will not disappoint them.

Lots of gifts. If a large number of guests are invited to the wedding, it means that a considerable amount of money will be given or many gifts will be given that will definitely be useful in future family life.

Banquet. A luxurious wedding implies a lush and generous festive table, a beautiful restaurant.

Outdoor ceremony. With a sufficient budget, many newlyweds choose an outdoor ceremony for their wedding. You can sign on a pre-rented ship, in a palace or historical mansion, on exotic islands or in other romantic places on the globe.

Here are the main disadvantages:

Guests. With a large number of guests, many of them do not know each other well, and sometimes have not met at all. Sometimes tipsy guests can say inappropriate things, share intimate memories concerning the newlyweds, and even start a fight. There is also the option that among the invitees there will be strangers who in no way relate to the family or circle of friends of the newlyweds.

Useless dress. Any wedding dress, even the most fashionable and fabulously beautiful, is worn by the bride only once in her life to register her marriage. Is it worth paying exorbitant amounts of money for a wedding dress only to put it in the closet forever after two days? This is another serious argument in favor of a simple wedding.

Unnecessary trash. Among the gifts there may be both useful and absolutely unnecessary things. Many people count on the number of guests and present outright rubbish or don’t give anything at all, taking advantage of the fact that gifts will get lost in the total number.

Force Majeure. Often a large number of guests is difficult to control. Therefore, holding a magnificent outdoor ceremony can easily turn into an excess. Someone accidentally touches an antique in a rented hall of the palace. How much it will cost you - only God knows. Or he might get lost in an unfamiliar city in a foreign country, turning the holiday into an exciting search involving the police.

Saving options when organizing a modest wedding

Wedding attire of the bride and groom.

Bride's dress. The price of a new wedding dress ranges from 20,000 rubles. up to 100,000 rubles, or even more. The cost depends on the celebrity of the salon, the collection, and the promotion of the brand.

Saving options:

  1. Sewing a dress in an atelier. It is not necessary that a wedding dress from a famous designer will fit the figure better than a no-name one - modest, but made from high-quality materials and tailored to the bride’s standards. The cost of atelier or seamstress services starts from 10,000 rubles. Material - about 10,000 rub. Sewing a dress will cost from 20,000 rubles. Savings up to RUB 80,000.
  2. Last year's collections. Buying a dress at a discount is a good way to save money. The full cost can be reduced to 40-70% and, taking into account the discounted price, you can realistically pay from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles for a dress. Savings up to RUB 50,000.
  3. Dress rental. The approximate cost of rent is from 5,000 rubles. plus deposit. Considering that the deposit will be refunded if the dress is returned to the salon in its original condition, you can save two-thirds of the cost of a new dress.
  4. Used dress. The cost of a “used” outfit is half the price of a new one. Thus, savings can range from 10,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rub.

The cost of a men's classic suit starts from 5,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rub.

Saving options:

  1. Atelier services. Work of a master - from 3,000 rubles. up to 10,000 rub. The fabric will cost about 20,000 rubles. Having paid the seamstress 30,000 rubles. for all work, you can save up to 20,000 rubles.
  2. Suit rental– about 10,000 rubles, savings will be up to 40,000 rubles.
  3. Used groom suit costs from 3,000 to 30,000 depending on its quality and condition. But even if you buy the most expensive suit secondhand, you can actually save from 20,000 rubles.

In addition, you can simply borrow a groom’s outfit from friends or use a regular business suit. If the groom doesn’t have such clothes in his wardrobe, then one of his friends will probably have them. Therefore, the option of using a business suit, if the dress code is followed at work, will not cost the newlyweds anything.

Beautiful wedding procession

Cars for newlyweds will cost up to 24,000 rubles per hour, rental of transport for guests - up to 7,000 rubles per hour.

Saving options:

  1. Instead of a limousine, another luxury car that is provided by specialized offices, you can use Rent a Car services: rent a Mercedes. One of the groom's friends will act as the driver. The cost of such a service is about 10,000 rubles. and the savings will be up to 14,000 rubles/hour.
  2. Minibus for guests – up to 2000 rubles/hour. The amount of savings is up to 5000 rubles/hour.

If among the invitees there are those who have their own cars, you can ask them to pick up walking guests.

How to organize a banquet: simply and tastefully

Depending on the location of the restaurant, the price for the banquet (hall rental, banquet menu, alcohol, additional service charge and additional rental fee after the agreed time) will increase. Approximate cost from 1500 rub./person.

  1. Less pathos. A good option to save money is to choose a less pretentious establishment. The price of a banquet in such a restaurant can be from 500 rubles per person. Savings from 1000 RUR/person.
  2. Your own alcohol, drinks, water. If you negotiate with the administration of the establishment the opportunity to bring your own drinks and alcohol to the banquet, you can actually save from 10,000 rubles.
  3. Snack for guests. As a rule, these are sandwiches and canapés. The cost of a small buffet will amount to about 5,000 rubles - 15,000 rubles. By preparing a snack at home (for example, small pies), you can significantly reduce this expense item - up to 3000-5000 rubles.
  4. Hall decoration. Decor banquet hall in some popular style it can cost professionals up to 50,000 rubles. You can save a lot by asking your friends to help decorate the restaurant or room where the celebration will take place. This can really reduce costs to 10,000-15,000 rubles.

In this video you will learn how proper organization a banquet will help you save tens of thousands of rubles:

Organizational expenses: we take the celebration into our own hands

Toastmaster services. The cost of a wedding host's services starts from 10,000 rubles. Up to 20,000 rub. But sometimes those present at a wedding feel uncomfortable in the company of a stranger. Moreover, if the atmosphere of the holiday is soulful, then the celebration will be quite possible without a host. Guests can take charge of organizing the entertainment program. Savings - up to 20,000 rubles.

Wedding planner– up to 15,000 rub. Its functions are useful; they free the newlyweds from many worries. But it’s possible to do without a manager. You can properly plan and organize a holiday yourself in literally a month. To do this, it is necessary to distribute responsibilities and roles for everyone and do everything in advance and draw up a clear script for the celebration in advance. Savings – 15,000 rub.

Live music– from 5000 to 20000 rub. You can do without it too. Surely one of the guests knows how to create a playlist and turn on the music on the right tracks. The savings will be up to 20,000 rubles.

Mandatory Must Have: what you can’t save on

Eat three things you shouldn't skimp on at the wedding: the appearance of the bride, rings and photographer (videographer).

If a dress and shoes can be bought or rented, then it is better to do makeup and hair in a salon with the skillful hand of a professional.

Rings– this is something that will accompany the rest of your life. It’s also better not to save on them, especially not very much. good tradition change wedding rings after the wedding.

Photos or videos- a memory for life. Unprofessional photo or video shooting is fraught with blurry frames, spoiled photographs, and bad angles. A person who knows his business will turn wedding photos into a fabulous love story.

Who should you invite to a budget wedding?

The more modest the wedding budget is planned, the less crowded the event promises to be. But by inviting a minimum number of guests, the holiday will not lose its significance: the newlyweds will share their joy with their closest and dearest people. A narrow circle of guests will provide a cozy, intimate, family atmosphere. Who must be invited:

  • parents;
  • brothers/sisters (with family);
  • God-parents;
  • grandmother, grandfather;
  • closest friends (usually 2-3 best friends/girlfriends).

There is no need to invite classmates, neighbors, or colleagues. For example, inviting just one member of the work team means offending everyone else. Therefore, for a budget wedding, you need to limit yourself to your closest and dearest people.

The best places to celebrate an inexpensive wedding

In sauna. This original option for celebrating a wedding combines relaxation and fun. All you need is to book a sauna in advance and acquire the necessary bath accessories. The only drawback is that it is better not to drink alcohol or dense food in the sauna. But in most cases, relaxation complexes, in addition to the bathhouse or sauna itself, are also equipped with an entertainment room where you can eat, play billiards or sing karaoke.

The sauna is a great place where you can hold not only a wedding, but also a bachelorette party. You will learn about this from our article.

Picnic in nature. An outing to a pond or forest is a great opportunity to celebrate a wedding with a small circle of friends and family. Barbecue, high-quality alcohol, songs around the fire - this option for holding a holiday has a special warm, soulful atmosphere.

At home. Most inexpensive option weddings - arrange them at home. In this case, the celebration will not be tiring even for the youngest guests - tired children can be put to rest in the next room.

In the country. A wedding on a budget can be celebrated in the summer at a dacha outside the city. As a rule, this involves an outing into nature with the possibility of using the benefits of civilization in a country house, if necessary. You can also spend the night here and continue the fun the next day. Even if you don’t have a dacha, then probably one of your friends does. Very unusual option celebrate the marriage.

In club. If a small number of guests are invited, an option to celebrate in style significant event in club - good idea. Music, fun atmosphere, light alcoholic drinks, snacks are components of a wedding celebration. The only negative is more older generation most likely will not be able to participate in noisy fun for a long time.

How to find time for a wedding among work routines, schedules and schedules? We have studied in detail labor Code in search of an answer to the question: “How to take time off for a wedding.” You can find it in a separate article.

In order to hold the celebration at the scheduled time, you must submit an application to the registry office in advance. How long before the wedding should I apply? How long will it be considered? Answers to these and other questions.

You can have a fun bachelorette party at home. To do this, you need to carefully think through the menu, select accessories and create a good entertainment program. You can read about how to do this correctly in