Health Pregnancy beauty
Finishing work
Sometimes you can hear a young mother asking in bewilderment about what is the purpose of bathing a newborn if he hardly gets dirty. Water treatments for baby...
EXERCISES TO DEVELOP A CHILD'S ABILITY TO HOLD THE HEAD In the motor development of a child in the first year of life, the timely formation...
Caring for a newborn is no easy task. Many new mothers get overwhelmed and exhaust themselves trying to give their baby enough attention. Will make it much easier...
In the first days after birth, the medical staff of the maternity hospital cares for the child: they treat the eyes, nose, wash the face and wash it. But after discharge, hygiene...
History of child development. Assessment of child development from 0 months. up to 1 year Early motor and psycho-emotional development. 1.Child's weight at...
All parents, without exception, worry about the health of their child. The issue of full physical, mental, neuropsychic development is especially troubling...
When you hold this bundle of happiness in your arms for the first time, you experience simply indescribable delight. Children from 0 to 1 year old develop faster than in any other...
Seventh month of pregnancy, fetal development and maternal sensations Men
In the second half of pregnancy, your weight continues to increase, the weekly increase is still 250-300 g. At a more significant rate of increase...
If a baby is born premature, some organs are not fully developed. In addition, babies are born with low weight and weakened immune and...
The seventh month marks the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the final stage of the baby's intrauterine development. Now the expectant mother especially needs...
Liana Raimanova The birth of a baby is a joyful event for family and friends. Many people want to give a gift to a newborn. But they often don’t know what will be useful for...
The young family member grows and acquires new skills. During this period, it is especially important not to compare your baby with the children of friends or book tables. One child...