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How to treat onycholysis of toenails. Nail onycholysis treatment drugs are inexpensive but effective

Excessive care for the condition of the nails, the use of aggressive care products and frequent injuries cause onycholysis. Treatment of the disease depends on the degree of manifestation, timeliness of seeking help and the provoking factor.

Onycholysis is the detachment of the nail plate from the soft tissues with the formation of voids. The disease begins with damage to the free edge of the nail on one or both sides. As it progresses, the nail completely moves away from the base and may fall out. The color of the affected area changes to white, gray or yellow.

The disease is more often diagnosed in women due to regular manicures, application of gel polish and the use of aggressive cosmetics. Onycholysis affects the fingernails, but is sometimes found on the toenails. On the feet, the disease develops on the big toes. Usually occurs in the middle and ring finger right hand, rarely appears on the thumbs.

Causes of appearance on nails in children and adults

Nail dystrophy occurs due to lack of oxygen in adjacent tissues. The rate of progression of onycholysis, the intensity of its spread and the affected area depend on the degree of oxygen starvation. The nature of the pathology is also taken into account - infectious or non-infectious.

Most often, the disease develops against the background of fungal infections. In such cases, pathological processes quickly spread to all nails and spread to the interdigital space. A person is worried about severe itching, dry skin in the affected areas and the appearance of cracks.

Non-infectious causes of onycholysis include nail injuries, exposure to allergens, or individual reactions to medications. Injuries and wearing uncomfortable shoes can also trigger changes. Sometimes the cause of nail dystrophy is disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive, and nervous systems.

Onycholysis, the causes and treatment of which are very diverse, equally often affects adults and children. A provoking factor in children is the habit of biting their nails, which leads to their damage. They become vulnerable to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. In adults, the rapid development of pathology is facilitated by contact with external irritants, allergens and bad habits.


More than 30-50% of cases of onycholysis are due to infectious causes.

These include fungal infections and pathologies of bacterial origin.

Fungi cause the following diseases:

Streptococci and staphylococci are also often causative agents of inflammation. They are constantly present on the human body, but begin to actively reproduce when the immune system is weakened.

With an infectious origin, onycholysis develops after infection with pathogenic microorganisms. Their main location is public swimming pools, beaches, baths and baths, where high humidity and temperature are maintained.

Non-infectious factors

These reasons are divided into 2 large groups: external influence and internal changes in organism.

Types of external influence Internal factors causing onycholysis
Trauma or mechanical compression of the nail and finger.Treatment with antibiotics of the tetracycline and fluoroquinolone groups.
Use of low-quality nail care products - gel polishes, hardeners.Avitaminosis.
Self-damage to plates by humans due to neurotic disorders - onychotillomania and onychophagia.Chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems.
Direct contact with aggressive chemicals.Dermatological diseases – dermatitis, eczema, allergies.

External influence leads to disruption of the integrity of the nail plate. It becomes vulnerable to penetration by oxygen and other environmental elements.

It becomes more difficult to correctly determine the causes of onycholysis and select treatment when a bacterial infection is added to the mechanical damage.

Internal factors lead to onycholysis due to disruption of local blood supply in the nail bed. Due to a lack of nutrients, the nail becomes deformed, and without eliminating the underlying problem, the disease quickly progresses.

Traumatic onycholysis after gel polish: causes of development

Among women common cause Onycholysis is caused by the use of low-quality nail care products. Cheap gel polish destroys the nail plate, making it sensitive to external influences and the penetration of bacteria.

To properly apply gel polish, you need to remove a small layer of the nail plate. This procedure ensures closer contact of the varnish with the surface, but makes the nails vulnerable.

Microtraumas also appear during gel polish removal due to the use of aggressive substances. Women inflict the greatest damage on themselves when trying to remove gel polish at home using improvised means.

Symptoms of the disease

Onycholysis, the causes and treatment of which are determined by symptoms, manifests itself as follows:

If left untreated, the inflammation spreads to the periungual fold. It turns red, swells, soreness and suppuration appear.


To select treatment, it is necessary to determine the type of disease.

In this regard, experts identify the following types of onycholysis:

  1. Traumatic– the result of prolonged mechanical impact in the area of ​​the nail or fingers.
  2. Dermatological– formed on the basis of untreated skin diseases.
  3. Fungal– develops under the influence of bacteria that have multiplied in the subungual space.
  4. Bacterial– Diagnosed when a secondary infection is detected.
  5. Allergic– appears after taking inappropriate medications or contact with harsh chemicals.
  6. Endocrine– accompanies hypothyroidism, hypothyroidism, hormonal disorders.
  7. System– occurs with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or metabolic diseases.

Depending on the degree of damage, partial and complete onycholysis are distinguished. The full form is rarely diagnosed and is accompanied by complete separation of the nail plate from the base.

Stages of occurrence

There are 3 stages of the disease, each of which differs in the degree of deformation of the nail plate and surrounding tissues. At the first stage, alteration, changes in the nails are almost invisible; the upper soft layers of tissue are affected.

Exudation is manifested by worsening symptoms, disruption of nail nutrition and penetration of fungal spores into the nail plate. In the third stage, proliferation, there is no growth of healthy tissue. Nails thicken and become deformed.

Is the disease contagious?

The contagiousness of onycholysis depends on the origin. If the pathology is caused by a bacterial or fungal infection, it is transmitted to others. The source of spread is dead skin particles and pieces of affected nails.

If the cause of onycholysis is injury or chronic diseases of internal organs, nail deformation is not contagious. In such cases, it only causes inconvenience to the sick person.


Onycholysis, the causes and treatment of which are studied by a dermatologist or mycologist, is diagnosed in the following ways:

If systemic or chronic diseases are suspected, consultation with a general practitioner, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and allergist is required. It is also necessary to submit general analysis blood, and if onycholysis is of an allergic nature, determine the allergen. Only after identifying the cause of the disease does a dermatologist prescribe treatment or drugs are selected by a doctor of the required profile.

Drugs for the treatment of infectious onycholysis

Effective treatment of onycholysis requires integrated approach, so the dermatologist prescribes the following medications:

  • antibiotics;
  • multivitamins;
  • antiseptics;
  • antifungal medications.

If nails are severely damaged by fungus, medications for internal use are prescribed:

Drug name Reception features
GriseofulvinTake 2 times a day, 250 mg. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, but is usually 1 year
IntraconazoleA 3-week course of taking the drug is required. Between courses there are breaks of 3 weeks. Dosage – 200 ml 2 times a day
TerbinafineTake 250 mg of the drug once a day from 3 months to six months
FluconazoleTake 150-300 mg of fluconazole once a week for 6 months

To achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to use external agents that avoid infection of neighboring tissues.

Effective ointments

To combat onycholysis, ointments are actively used, which are selected depending on the cause of the pathology.

The most commonly prescribed medications are:

  1. Solcoseryl. Provides rapid recovery, helps strengthen blood vessels and normalize local blood flow.
  2. Heliomycin ointment. Effective as a prophylactic and in the treatment of bacterial infections.
  3. Levomekol. Used for bacterial infections to suppress the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Helps to quickly regenerate damaged tissues.

Exoderil, clotrimazole, Vishnevsky ointment and mycosan are also actively used. The choice of drug is made by a dermatologist based on test results, the presence or absence of fungi and bacteria.


If a fungal or bacterial infection is detected, exoderil is prescribed. The ointment is applied 2 times a day after hygiene procedures.

Be sure to cover not only the nails with the composition, but also the adjacent areas. Fingernails can be treated in this way for up to six months, and restoration of toenails will take from 6 months to a year.


Clotrimazole is a white ointment with a slight odor. To achieve the effect of mycosis, you should smear the affected areas up to 3 times a day. Duration of use – 3-4 weeks. To confirm the effectiveness of treatment, repeat fungal tests are required.

Vishnevsky ointment

TO budget funds Treatments for fungus include Vishnevsky ointment. At unpleasant smell the drug is highly effective. Birch tar disinfects, and Castor oil ensures tissue heating and rapid penetration of the active substance to the destination.

The main active ingredient is xeroform powder, which has antiseptic properties. With regular use, the result appears within a month.


The uniqueness of mycosan is the delivery of active substances under the nail, which makes it possible to treat onychomycosis and onycholysis. Effective against mild forms of fungal infections and in protecting healthy nails from infection. Apply 2 times a day to affected nails for 4 weeks. Then use the product once a day for up to 6 months until healthy nails grow.

Traditional medicine recipes with sea buckthorn oil, peroxide, lemon and others

To speed up the healing process, you can apply achievements traditional medicine. They reduce itching, reduce irritation and have soothing properties.

Onycholysis, the causes and treatment of which are determined after diagnosis, can be attempted to be eliminated folk remedies:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil.
  2. Olive oil.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Lemon.

Daily treatment of nails with sea buckthorn oil accelerates tissue regeneration. The high content of vitamin C activates the body's defenses, so nails recover faster. Also, strong immunity suppresses the proliferation of infection, so further spread of the deformity stops.

Take olive oil and lemon juice in equal portions. Mix the mixture well and then apply it to your nails as a mask. To protect against abrasion, wear special gloves at night. Such procedures help with split nails, but to get the effect you need to do masks 2 times a week for 4 months.

Hydrogen peroxide has no therapeutic effect, but is used to soften the affected nail plate. After a bath with warm water, apply a compress soaked in hydrogen peroxide to the sore nails. This product makes it easier to remove the exfoliated part, but then the nail must be lubricated with an antifungal cream.

The easiest way is to cut the lemon into small pieces and apply it to problematic nails . To ensure that the affected area is well saturated, polyethylene or a bandage is secured on top. After 10 days of such treatment, the condition of the nails improves due to the creation of an acidic environment that suppresses the proliferation of fungi.

Baths for hands and feet against onycholysis with sea salt

For half a liter of water take 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and mix well. The duration of the foot or hand bath is 20 minutes. The frequency of administration depends on the degree of damage. For prevention, baths are done 1-2 times a week, and during treatment it is better to do them daily. To get results you will have to repeat the procedure for 3 months.

With glycerin

To strengthen nails and restore their structure, use a glycerin-based product. To 70 g of water add 20 g of glycerin and 5 g of alum.
The resulting ointment is applied to the fabric and compresses are made. Baths are also carried out with this composition. Keep your fingers in the mixture for 10-15 minutes, and then put on cotton gloves.

With gelatin

Any products made on the basis of gelatin should be consumed more often. For external use, prepare baths, for which 1 tbsp. l. gelatin is dissolved in 1 glass of hot water.

Cool the composition to a comfortable temperature and lower your fingers for 20-30 minutes. The frequency of sessions is 3-4 times a week, and the entire course lasts 3-4 months. Gelatin saturates the nails with protein, which guarantees the growth of healthy nails.

With orange and iodine

To prevent splitting of nails and increase their strength, mix 100 ml of orange juice, 5 drops of iodine and 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and half a glass of mineral water. Keep your fingers in this mixture for 10 minutes.
Such baths should be repeated every week after 2-3 days for 2-3 months.

With vinegar

Vinegar is mixed with a chicken egg, vegetable oil and dimethyl phthalate, taking 1 tbsp of each component. l. The resulting product is used to treat the nails, after which they are wrapped in cellophane. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day for 3 weeks. Shoes are treated every 5 days with a weak vinegar solution.

Homeopathic remedies

For lesions of the nail plate, the following homeopathic remedies are usually used:

The drugs must be alternated with each other, taking 3 times a day. The dosage is selected by the attending physician, as it depends on body weight, individual sensitivity to the drug and concomitant pathologies.


When treating onycholysis, the following types of physiotherapy are used:

  • diathermy;
  • ultraphonophoresis with the addition of vitamins A and E;
  • acupuncture.

To normalize local blood supply, massage and mud applications are performed on the area of ​​the hands or feet. By increasing nutrition, nails are restored faster and their structure improves.


Larger lesions are removed surgically. During the intervention, the tissues are cleaned of bruises and dirt, after which antibacterial and antiseptic dressings are applied.

After healing, topical antifungal or antibacterial drugs are applied. Due to the risk of nail deformation after regrowth and pain, it is rarely used. If necessary, the nail is removed by softening it with urea-based preparations.

Complications, consequences

Onycholysis can lead to severe deformation of the nails and even their loss. When of fungal origin, the pathology spreads to surrounding tissues. The skin of the feet and hands becomes dry and cracks appear. Pathological processes may involve internal organs, which leads to decreased immunity.


To reduce the likelihood of onycholysis, you should follow simple rules:

You should stop borrowing other people's towels and shoes. On the beach, in the bathhouse and sauna, you must wear rubber slippers to avoid infection with fungal spores. After hygiene procedures, hands and feet are wiped dry. Shoes should be comfortable, made of natural materials, so as not to create suitable conditions for the growth of fungus.


With timely detection and treatment, onycholysis has a favorable prognosis. Without proper therapy, the deformity progresses and affects skin and reduces overall quality of life. If the disease is caused by bacteria or fungi, a persistent focus of infection appears in the body.

Only timely identification of the cause of onycholysis and its treatment can preserve the beauty of nails. Without the help of a dermatologist, the disease quickly progresses, and if it is infectious in origin, it affects the skin and internal organs. Late treatment increases the risk of the disease becoming chronic with frequent relapses.

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Video about nail fungus

Malysheva will talk about foot and nail fungus:

Onycholysis is a change in the nail that causes the nail plate to move away from the nail bed. The nail becomes bluish, yellow or Brown color, becomes brittle and brittle.

The disease can appear on one finger or on several at once. Both fingernails and toenails may be affected. Treatment of onycholysis will require a long time, and it is very important to correctly determine the cause of the disease.

Reasons for appearance

Various infectious and non-infectious factors can trigger the onset of the disease. The main infectious cause of nail detachment in 70% of cases is nail fungus.

Among the non-infectious causes of onycholysis are the following:

  • frequent use of antibiotics;
  • avitaminosis;
  • use of low-quality nail polishes;
  • nail injuries;
  • dermatological problems – psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis;
  • frequent contact with funds household chemicals– powder, liquids for washing dishes, floors, etc.;
  • diseases of the nervous, digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular systems. Due to malfunctions in the body, the nail plate does not receive enough nutrients, as a result of which the destructive process of the nail begins.

Less commonly, the disease begins due to a bacterial infection - streptococci and staphylococci.

Symptoms and photos

The main symptoms of onycholysis (see photo):

  1. Changing the shape of the nail.
  2. Thickening of the skin under the nail plate.
  3. An uneven border line separating the pink and white parts of the nail.
  4. Change in the color of the nail plate; the nail may look white, yellowish, or bluish. If onycholysis is caused by injury, the nail may turn purple or black due to the blood clotted underneath it.

Onycholysis is painless, but if a secondary infection occurs, pain may occur.

Onycholysis can be complete or partial. In the latter case, only part of the nail plate is affected. However, the process can progress, leading to damage to the entire area of ​​the nail.


Which doctor should I contact for onycholysis? A dermatologist diagnoses and treats this disease. If concomitant pathologies are detected, he can refer you to an allergist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or other specialist.

In order to determine how to treat onycholysis, the doctor determines the causes of its occurrence. Basic diagnostic methods:

  • inspection nail plates;
  • taking anamnesis and assessing associated symptoms;
  • tests for the presence of fungus, streptococci or staphylococci;
  • blood test to determine the general condition of the body.

In addition, other instrumental and laboratory methods can be used, the choice of which is made depending on the suspected cause of nail detachment.

Treatment of onycholysis

Treatment must be comprehensive, especially when it comes to neglected cases. First, the doctor conducts an examination and the necessary examinations to determine the causes and contributing factors in the development of the pathology.

Among the means and methods of general influence, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, probiotics, and angioprotectors are used. In addition, yeast extract, amino acid and vitamin-mineral complexes for oral administration are recommended, containing:

  • vitamins of group “B”, stimulating metabolic processes, improving the function of peripheral nerves, etc.;
  • antioxidant complex in the form of vitamins “A”, “E” and “C”, beta-carotene, which stimulates regeneration processes;
  • macro- and microelements, especially with a high content of calcium, sulfur, zinc, copper and iron.

Local treatment at home consists of cutting off a section of the nail at its edge. Solcoseryl in the form of an ointment or gel helps to get rid of onycholysis. This drug, which improves blood circulation in tissues, has angio- and cytoprotective, antihypoxic, membrane-stabilizing and regenerative properties.

In the presence of a fungal infection, antimycotic drugs Mikospor, Lotseril, Ketonazole, Intraconazole, Batrafen are used topically. But the most effective (in the presence of a fungal infection) is the treatment of onycholysis with Exoderil, which in the form of a solution or cream is applied to the affected area and surrounding areas twice a day. The duration of therapy with this drug depends on the speed of recovery of the nail plate. The maximum course of treatment for hands is 6 months, for legs - from six months to 1 year. If the course is persistent, it is necessary to use antifungal agents not only locally, but also systemically.

Other emulsions and ointments are also used for onycholysis. Thus, for the purpose of prevention or in the presence of a bacterial (streptococcal and/or staphylococcal infection), syntomycin emulsion or heliomycin ointment is most often used, which are applied to the bed at the site of nail detachment and to the affected areas of soft tissue up to twice a day. Levomikol and Vishnevsky ointment, containing castor oil, birch tar and xeroform, have good antiseptic and regenerating properties.

Folk remedies

Treatment of nail onycholysis with folk remedies is often quite effective. Among other things, it is an excellent alternative to antifungal therapy, especially in cases where the use of such drugs is contraindicated, for example, in case of serious liver or kidney diseases.

  1. To strengthen brittle and peeling nails affected by onycholysis, special compresses should be made. To do this, you need to mix 70 grams of water, 20 grams of glycerin, and 5 grams of alum. The resulting composition can be applied to the nails in the form of compresses or used as a bath, dipping your fingers into it for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Remedy for peeling nails based on olive oil has proven itself in practice, so it is often used in such cases. You need to combine the oil in equal proportions with lemon juice and apply the resulting mixture to your nails at night, put on cotton gloves and go to bed. The procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a week for 3-4 months.
  3. Treatment with gelatin involves nail baths, as well as eating foods containing this component: jellies, jellied meats, jellies. For baths you need to soak 1 liter of gelatin in 1 tbsp. hot water, dissolve the grains and cool until thickening begins. The bath should last up to 30 minutes, no more than 3-4 times a week for up to 5-6 weeks.
  4. Sea salt is another excellent remedy in the fight against onycholysis. Based on it, based on 500 grams of warm water - 1 tablespoon of salt, you need to make baths and dip the affected nails in them for 10-15 minutes 3-4 times a week. Also similar remedy can be used as a preventive measure various diseases nails and strengthening the nail plate.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide is unlikely to cure onisolysis, but it can be very useful for softening rough nail plates. To do this, you need to hold your feet in the bath, and then apply peroxide like a cotton compress to the sore nail. Such a compress will help to remove the painful exfoliated area more easily. But after that you definitely need to lubricate it with anti-fungal cream.

The main thing when treating any disease is not to lose an optimistic attitude and firmly move towards your goal. Protect your nails from injuries, damage and the negative effects of chemicals, maintain hand and foot hygiene, do manicures and pedicures carefully, and then you won’t have to deal with nail problems.


To prevent the disease, the following measures must be observed:

  • eat right;
  • take vitamins;
  • treat chronic diseases in a timely manner;
  • when caring for your nails during a manicure or pedicure, avoid injuring them;
  • use high-quality coatings and nail polish removers;
  • When working with household chemicals and other aggressive substances, wear rubber gloves.


Onycholysis, subject to adequate treatment prescribed taking into account the cause of the disease, has a favorable prognosis. Without treatment, the disease can lead to the appearance of inflammatory foci, large deformation of the nail plate and the spread of infection.

If the doctor suspects onycholysis, treatment with folk remedies should be supplemented with traditional drug therapy. First of all, you should determine the cause of the disease. The success of the events depends on this. Otherwise achieve full recovery the nail plate will be very difficult, almost impossible.

Basic principles of disease treatment

Treatment of nail onycholysis is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. Examination of nails also plays an important role in diagnosis (photo). Depending on the changes present, a competent doctor may suspect the cause of the disease. But in any case, the patient must undergo full examination and get tested for fungus, which often leads to the development of the disease.

Treatment should be carried out by a specialized specialist whose competence is the disease that caused the deformation of the nails. And also under the supervision of a dermatologist, who supplements the prescription with means that ensure the speedy restoration of the nail plate.

In addition, strengthening the immune system plays an important role in successful treatment. For this purpose, multivitamins, iron supplements, and gelatin are often used for oral administration. Local treatment must be carried out using a variety of baths, ointments, solutions and folk remedies. This gives good results, especially when combined with other treatment methods aimed at eliminating the root cause.

In case of fungal infection, the use of antifungal agents is mandatory, without which it will be very difficult to completely cure the nail.

If the cause of onycholysis is long-term use of antibacterial drugs, therapy should be aimed at restoring normal microflora intestines.

Onycholysis on the legs often occurs as a result of injuries: falling heavy objects on the toes, wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes. In this case, treatment depends on the symptoms of the disease. If there is no effect of conservative therapy, surgical removal of the affected nail plate may be necessary.

During treatment, you must adhere to all hygiene rules; nails must be clean and cut short. Dirt and dust can get into the space behind the nail and provoke further development of the disease.

You need to follow certain rules and protect your nails from the effects of various chemicals, including when using household chemicals during cleaning, washing dishes and other work. When working with them, be sure to use personal protective equipment - disposable gloves. This important rule, since in some cases it is aggressive chemical substances lead to the development of the disease.

Traditional methods of treatment - baths

How to treat onycholysis using alternative medicine? To do this, first of all, you need to be patient, because traditional methods Although they are quite effective, they act relatively slowly. Although in some cases they become a real salvation, especially if the patient is contraindicated to take synthetic medications.

Regular use of baths will help cure the disease:

  1. With sea salt. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. salt in 500 ml of warm water and keep the affected nails in the bath for 10-15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out daily for several months until the nail plate is completely restored.
  2. Vitamin baths. To prepare them, mix 1 tbsp. l. chopped chamomile and pine needles. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the powder, leave and strain. Add 100 ml of strong green tea to the solution and soak your hands or feet in it for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Gelatin baths. They are prepared very simply - 0.5 tsp. pour 200 ml gelatin cold water and leave for 30 minutes. After this, heat in the microwave or on the stove until completely dissolved. Gelatin baths used for medicinal purposes must be refrigerated. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, they should be done 2-3 times a week.
  4. Vinegar baths. To prepare them, it is advisable to use apple cider vinegar, but if it is unavailable, you can use any. Mix the product with water in equal proportions and keep the affected nail in this solution for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is done several times a week.
  5. Baths with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Pour the product into a container and immerse your nails in it. If unpleasant sensations occur, you can slightly reduce the concentration of Peroxide and dilute it with water. In this case, you should focus on the patient’s feelings, since in each case an individual reaction to this drug is possible.

Treatment with compresses and rubbing

When onycholysis occurs, treatment at home must necessarily include the use of healing compresses and rubbing.

The familiar iodine, a well-known antiseptic with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antimycotic properties, provides good results for everyone. By using cotton swabs it should be regularly rubbed into the affected nails at night. The only drawback of this method is that with prolonged use, the nail plates may acquire a yellowish tint. However, this will go away quite quickly after the end of treatment.

You can help get rid of peeling nails with cranberry or currant juice. It needs to be rubbed not only into the plate, but also into the skin around it. You can quickly strengthen your nails with the help of citrus fruits - immerse your fingertips in a cut lemon for 5-10 minutes. The course of treatment is about 2 weeks, the procedure should be done daily.

A very effective remedy is warm olive oil with added iodine, which should be rubbed into the nail plate and the skin around it at night for 2 weeks.

You can defeat the disease with the help of rubbing. Regular use of honey has a strengthening effect - apply to nails for 20-30 minutes. After this, rinse with cool water.

Unique healing properties Agave possesses this plant; this plant is found in almost every home. To treat onycholysis, you need to cut off a thick, fleshy leaf, remove the peel and cut it into small pieces corresponding to the size of the nail plate.

Treatment of onycholysis is a long and labor-intensive process. Restoring the nail plate will not happen overnight; it will take quite a lot of time. By strictly adhering to all recommendations and not abandoning treatment halfway, you can achieve a complete recovery. Your nails will become healthy and beautiful again.


A nail disease, called onycholysis, occurs due to external traumatic factors or as a consequence of internal pathologies and disorders. The choice of treatment method for this nail dystrophy depends on its nature and the nature of its course. The effectiveness of therapy strongly depends on the correct selection of drugs and the scheme of their use, therefore, when characteristic features illness, you should consult a dermatologist.

What is nail onycholysis

One of the forms of nail dystrophy, manifested in the distal detachment of the nail plate from the bed, is called onycholysis or onycholysis. Peeling occurs due to disruption of connections between tissues, while the integrity of the plate is not compromised. The pathological process can occur on one finger or toe, or affect several healthy nails at the same time.


The occurrence of onycholysis can be associated with the influence of external factors or the influence of internal, systemic reasons. The disease in most cases develops due to the following phenomena:

  • fungal or bacterial infection;
  • injury, burn, frostbite;
  • ingrowth of a section of the nail plate;
  • chemical exposure;
  • neoplastic process;
  • improper nail care, exposure to cosmetics;
  • systemic diseases (autoimmune connective tissue diseases, endocrine disorders, etc.);
  • other dermatological diseases (onychomycosis, etc.);
  • local circulation disorders;
  • flat feet;
  • varicose veins;
  • deficiency of retinol and riboflavin in the body due to a lack of vitamins due to poor nutrition;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • use of drugs of certain pharmacological groups.

The mechanism of development of pathology depends on the cause that caused the development of onycholysis. Conventionally, dermatologists divide all provoking factors into the following three groups:

  1. Traumatic onycholysis. As a result of injury, both the tissues of the nail bed and the plate itself are involved in the degenerative process. Due to the formation of a hematoma and mechanical compression of blood vessels, the nutrition of the nail is disrupted. It deforms, changes chemical composition fabric, its elasticity. The collagen ligaments that fix the plate in the bed are destroyed, and the nail moves away from the free edge. With a large area of ​​detachment, the risk of secondary infection increases. After the resulting hematoma resolves, the connections between the tissues and their nutrition are restored, and the nail continues to grow normally.
  2. With onycholysis of an infectious nature, the basis of the disease is inflammation, passing through three successive stages. Alteration (the beginning of the process of onychodystrophy) is accompanied by damage to the dermis. As a result, immune cells begin to produce cytokines and mediators of the inflammatory process. At the stage of exudation, the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed, and the processes that began during alteration are aggravated. Tissue swelling occurs, fungi and bacteria penetrate into the intercellular layer of the plate. As a result of damage to the lower part of the nail and nail bed, the peeling process begins. The final stage of the process - proliferation - is stimulated by phagocytes and T-lymphocytes, which destroy foreign bacterial flora. Nail deformation and hyperkeratic growth of the plate occurs. Normal height restored after completion of the inflammatory process.
  3. With allergic onycholysis, the development of the disease occurs in similar stages, but at the exudation stage, the production of antibodies becomes excessive. The process provokes skin hypersensitization, tissue deformation processes intensify, and the time of regeneration of the nail plate increases.


Effective therapy of pathology is possible only taking into account its type, therefore, depending on the nature of onycholysis, it is divided into the following types:

  • traumatic (as a result of a wound, splinter, mechanical or chemical impact on the nail, prolonged exposure to water, cold or after wearing tight shoes);
  • dermatological (develops against the background of long-term dermatoses or onychomycosis);
  • systemic (complication of systemic pathologies (for example, digestive tract) or metabolic disorders);
  • fungal (a consequence of a long mycotic infection, the result of the spread of pathogen colonies);
  • endocrine (occurs due to humoral disruptions or endocrine diseases);
  • allergic (develops due to drug therapy with drugs with photosensitizing properties, after contact with chemicals);
  • bacterial (consequence of the addition of a secondary bacterial infection).

Is it contagious?

The process of detachment of the nail plate itself cannot be contagious, regardless of the cause of onycholysis. You can become infected with an infectious disease that provokes a pathology, for example, a fungal or bacterial infection, onychomycosis or another dermatological problem transmitted by contact, a systemic disease that accompanies the occurrence of onycholysis (scarlet fever, syphilis, etc.).

Symptoms of onycholysis

According to statistics, pathology most often develops on the nails of the fingers, on the middle or ring fingers of the right hand, less often on the index and little fingers, very rarely on thumb. When the toes are affected, on the contrary, the nails are more often affected thumbs. The beginning of peeling of the plate occurs at the free edge, while the density, consistency and smoothness of the surface of the part separated from the bed remain unchanged.

The color of the nail changes from whitish-gray to yellowish or brown (with the addition of a secondary infection). In most cases, regardless of the type of onycholysis, no more than half of the nail is separated. In some cases, a strip is separated along the free edge, in others - a trapezoid or crescent, with the convex side facing the base of the nail bed. For different types The pathology is characterized by the following signs:

  • The crescentic form is more common in women, with the traumatic type, due to wearing tight shoes or poor-quality manicure.
  • Change in color of the plate, its deformation, thickening, increased fragility - with an infectious type, the addition of a bacterial or fungal infection.
  • Total onycholysis (onychomadesis) - detachment of the entire plate: in severe injuries, phototoxic reactions to taking tetracyclines, acute paronychia, alopecia or erythroderma.
  • With systemic onycholysis against the background of other skin diseases - skin rash (with eczema), plaques with psoriasis, thinning and hair loss with vitamin deficiency, etc.

How to treat nail onycholysis

Onycholysis in most cases requires long-term complex treatment. Depending on the type of disease and the causes that caused it, dermatologists recommend the following treatment regimens:

  1. Traumatic. Careful care of the damaged nail, daily cutting off the peeling area, regular disinfection, protection of the exposed area of ​​the nail bed.
  2. Systemic, endocrine. Treatment of the disease causing the pathology, combined with constant care and hygiene of the diseased nail.
  3. Infectious. Treatment using local antibacterial, antiseptic, antimycotic drugs, alcohol solutions of aniline dyes.
  4. Developed as a result of antibacterial or other therapy. Correction of work is added to local treatment digestive system, restoration of intestinal microflora, taking vitamins, calcium, iron, and restoratives.

Drug treatment

A course of treatment with medications is prescribed after a blood test and other examinations aimed at identifying the inflammatory pathogen (in the case of an infectious type of onycholysis). In case of traumatic injury, treatment is aimed at accelerating regenerative processes in damaged tissues, relieving pain, itching and other associated symptoms. Systemic treatment depends on the type of underlying disease that caused the development of the pathology.

With onchiolysis different types As a means of local treatment (release forms - ointment, gel, emulsion or spray), medications of the following pharmacological groups can be prescribed:

  • antibacterial agents (heliomycin ointment, syntamycin emulsion);
  • drugs whose components have antiseptic regenerating properties (Solcoseryl or its analogues; Levomekol; Vishnevsky ointment);
  • antifungal drugs for fungal infections (Itraconazole, Microspor, Fluconazole, Ketonazole).

The duration of local treatment depends on the rate of growth of the nail plate; for fingernails it reaches 4-6 months, for toenails - from 6 months to a year. Before applying the drug, the peeled section of the plate must be carefully cut off, the surface must be carefully cleaned and disinfected with an antiseptic solution. If the nails are brittle due to lack of nutrition, use gauze bandages with general strengthening medications; the medication is applied to the plate wearing rubber gloves, 1-3 times a day, in accordance with the instructions for use.

For onycholysis of a systemic, endocrine nature or that occurs after taking antibacterial drugs, add systemic treatment main pathology. Etiological therapy is supplemented by the prescription of the following medications:

  • vitamins C, B, E and A;
  • iron and calcium supplements;
  • gelatin solution;
  • angioprotectors – to restore blood microcirculation and normalize the state of the vascular system;
  • probiotics – to restore intestinal microflora.

Physiotherapeutic procedures and massage

In the treatment of onycholysis, physiotherapeutic methods and massage provide a stable positive therapeutic effect. The fingers with the affected nail should be massaged to restore local blood circulation, with slow, gentle movements, daily, for 5-7 minutes at a time. Physiotherapy courses take place at intervals of a month, after 10-15 regular procedures. Effective manipulations are paraffin applications, mud, ozokerite, iontophoresis, phonophoresis.

Surgical removal of the nail plate

Surgical treatment is performed for large-scale detachments, in cases of high risk of complications and secondary infection. During the procedure, hyperkeratolic layers are removed, the nail bed is cleaned of dirt and pus, and the hematoma is removed. After the operation, a bandage with an antibacterial and antiseptic drug is applied. The manipulation is performed by a surgeon.

Treatment of onycholysis at home using traditional methods

As part of the complex treatment of onycholysis, to improve the processes of separating dead areas of the plate, in order to protect and strengthen healthy parts of the nail, normalize blood circulation and restore connections between tissues, dermatologists recommend the use of the following folk remedies:

  • Baths with sea salt: dissolve 1 tbsp in 0.5 liters of warm water. salt, dip damaged nails into the solution and leave for 10-20 minutes. After completing the procedure, hands are not washed or dried. The duration of the continuous course of treatment is 21-30 days, three times a week.
  • Baths with apple cider vinegar: mix 1 tbsp. vinegar and 2 tbsp. olive oil, procedure duration – 10-20 minutes. The product softens the keratinized areas of the plate and strengthens a healthy nail. After manipulation, the affected areas are lubricated with oil. Treatment is carried out once every 7-10 days until the plate is completely restored.
  • Bath with herbal tincture: an antiseptic dry herbal mixture (for example, from the leaves of plantain, celandine, nettle, horsetail, string, sage and chamomile flowers, mixed in equal proportions) is infused in boiling water for half an hour (1 tablespoon of raw material per cup). Keep the diseased nail in the infusion at room temperature for 5-15 minutes. The duration of treatment is a month (2-3 times a week), then a break of at least 30 days.
  • Compress with aloe leaf: cut the leaf lengthwise, apply it to the plate with the dry skin facing up, secure with a bandage or bandage for half an hour. This treatment helps protect the damaged plate from the penetration of pathogenic microflora. Continue the procedures until the nail is restored, 1-2 times a week.
  • Wax thimbles: a small amount of wax is melted in a water bath, damaged nails are immersed in the resulting mixture and left in it until it hardens (3-4 minutes). After the procedure, put cotton gloves on your hands and leave your nails in “thimbles” overnight.


Preventive measures to prevent the development of onycholysis include timely treatment of chronic and acute systemic diseases, good nutrition, taking vitamins and other measures to strengthen the immune system. The following protective and hygiene procedures are recommended:

  • gentle nail care;
  • usage special means designed to protect nails and skin while working with aggressive chemicals and household chemicals;
  • use of high-quality and safe cosmetics.


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Onycholysis- this is the detachment of the nail from the nail bed, caused by the gradual destruction of the connective tissue fibers of the reticular layer of the dermis, fixing the nail plate to the soft tissues of the finger. A void forms under the nail and the plate peels off, changing its color to brownish-yellow or bluish-gray. This type of onychodystrophy occurs equally on the arms and legs. If you discover symptoms of onycholysis on your nails, make an appointment with a podiatrist to find out the reasons for the peeling of the plates from the nail bed, since the treatment of this disease should be comprehensive after a specialist has examined the results of diagnostics and tests.

It is important to identify the cause that causes a deficiency (hypoxia) of oxygen supply to the soft tissues of the nail bed. According to statistics, middle-aged and older women are more susceptible to the development of onycholysis on nails. Symptoms of the disease may first appear on one nail and then on the others, but most often the pathology appears on all fingers at the same time. The nail plates begin to peel off gradually and painlessly from the free edge. The process is accompanied by clouding of the separated part of the nail and keratosis (thickening and keratinization of the skin) of the nail bed. The external symptoms of onycholysis are very similar to signs of nail deformation due to a fungal infection, and therefore self-treatment of the disease at home without prior examination by a specialist can only worsen the problem.


The following reasons can cause oxygen starvation in the dermal cells of the nail bed and weaken the fixation of the nail on the soft tissues of the phalanx:

Chronic diseases.
Disruption of the nervous, cardiovascular or endocrine systems can disrupt the balance of nutrients supplied to the body. soft fabrics nail phalanx. Sometimes the nails move away from the bed at the last stage of development of diseases such as nail psoriasis, bullous dermatitis, eczema, erythroderma, paronychia;

Damage to the nail phalanx.
Mechanical injuries (bruises, pinching), burns and frostbite can cause so-called traumatic onycholysis on the nails of one or more fingers;

Incorrect nail care.
Onycholysis may appear after mechanical removal gel polish without using a special liquid to soften the hardened coating. Using decorative coating too often without breaks between treatments can also lead to peeling of the nails in the form of a triangular wedge in the middle of the plate. Manicures and pedicures using low-quality cosmetics or materials can damage the health of your nails;

Infectious diseases.
Damage to the plates and nail bed is caused by fungal or bacterial infections that penetrate the periungual tissue through microtraumas (onychomycosis, candidiasis, epidermophytosis, rubrophytosis, pyoderma);

Ingrown nail.
Most often, the big toes are affected when the free edge of the plate sticks into the side bolsters. Onychocryptosis gradually develops and pyogenic bacteria penetrate the soft tissues of the nail bed;

Nutrient deficiency.
A lack of certain trace elements and vitamins (for example, riboflavin and retinol) leads to weakening of the bonds between the nail plates and the soft tissues of the fingers;

Taking medications regularly.
A course of antibiotic treatment, the use of glucocorticosteroids or cytostatic drugs, fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines sometimes cause peeling of nails from the bed due to weakened immunity.

- in the photo: peeling fingernails

- in the photo: peeling toenails


Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination of the patient and identification of the cause that caused the pathology on the nail phalanges of the hands or feet. The patient can perform all procedures at home according to the treatment course drawn up by the doctor.

Correction of diet.
The daily diet is supplemented with foods rich in vitamins and microelements (vegetables, fruits and herbs). If there is a metabolic disorder or deficiency of certain substances in the body, take vitamin-mineral complexes (multivitamins), which contain B vitamins, powerful antioxidants (A, E, C), sulfur, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, beta carotene. To normalize the biological activity of intestinal microflora, the doctor may prescribe probiotics;

Angioprotectors and microcirculation correctors.
These medications help improve blood microcirculation in the soft tissues of the nail bed and activate the resistance (permeability) of capillaries in the dermis of the fingers;

Solcoseryl ointment.
The product for external use will help improve blood microcirculation in the nail phalanges. Solcoseryl ointment has regenerative, cytoprotective, membrane-stabilizing, antihypoxic properties. The ointment is effective for the treatment of onycholysis that appears on the fingers as a result of external influences (trauma, burns, frostbite);

Antimicrobial drugs.
If peeling of the nail occurs due to the activity of a bacterial infection (streptococci, staphylococci) in the tissues of the nail bed, then heliomycin ointment or synthomycin emulsion is applied around the nail plate. To prevent the addition of a secondary infection, antiseptic ointment (Vishnevsky or Levomikol) is applied to the soft tissues of the nail phalanx;

An advanced form of onychomycosis leads to severe deformation of the nail plates and their rejection from the soft tissues of the bed. If the cause of onycholysis is a fungal infection, the doctor prescribes complex treatment using systemic antimycotics. For internal use, well-proven Lamisil or Fluconazole tablets are used, and inflamed soft tissues of the nail bed can be treated with antifungal ointments (Ketonazole, Lotseril, Batrafen, Mikoderil). You can supplement the main course of treatment for the disease with folk remedies: treat the nail phalanges several times a day with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of apple cider vinegar; make compresses soaked in tea tree essential oil or celandine oil;

Strengthening baths.
The general complex of home treatment for onycholysis can include daily procedures for steaming the skin of the fingers in the bath. Recipe No. 1: for 1 liter of warm water add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 tablespoon lemon juice(you can also add an infusion of pine needles) and keep your fingers in the bath for 10 minutes. Recipe No. 1: for 1 liter of warm water, add 1 tablespoon of sea salt and baking soda. Keep your fingers in the bath for 15 minutes, and then apply antiseptic ointment;

Antibacterial compresses.

Compresses based on aloe vera juice have anti-inflammatory, restorative and antibacterial effects on the soft tissues of the nail bed. Peel the aloe leaf and squeeze the juice from the pulp. For 50 ml. aloe juice add 1 teaspoon of glycerin. We soak a gauze swab with the mixture, and then fix it on the nail phalanx with a bandage or plaster. After 30 minutes, remove the tampon and treat the skin around the nail with sea buckthorn oil.

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