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What happens if you spray a person with an antistatic agent? What can be used instead of antistatic agent for clothes: do-it-yourself replacement? Preventive measures to prevent static electricity

01/30/2018 1 13 659 views

Synthetics are one of the most common fabrics for clothing. It has a noticeable drawback - static electricity generated while wearing. To solve this problem, let's consider how to make antistatic for clothes at home? It can be easily found in the store. But it’s much more interesting and safer to do it yourself using available materials.

Synthetic materials - polyester, nylon, acrylic, nylon. They are capable of accumulating static energy. As a result, clothes begin to shock and raise hair. Electricity makes even the most beautiful things sit poorly. For example, what is the cost of a skirt that sticks to your legs?

What is antistatic for clothes?

An antistatic agent is a chemical composition due to which the fabric stops flowing and electrifying. It usually includes:

  • water or ethyl alcohol;
  • the mixture is missing or butane (in some cases there is an admixture of isobutane);
  • flavored fragrances;
  • glycerol.

It is often used to disinfect furniture and carpets. The product also helps eliminate dust.

The spray is easy to use and effective. You just need to spray it on things. It has the following types:

  1. Compositions with ethyl alcohol. They evaporate from clothes in a very short time. The spray has one big drawback - a strong, persistent smell. When using, ensure a good flow of fresh air by opening a window. It should be closed after the process is completed. Treated clothing requires more thorough washing. Also, the use of the composition can lead to allergies. If you experience symptoms, you must immediately stop the procedure and replace it with a paste or rinse that dissolves in water.
  2. Water-based compositions. They are considered safer and very rarely lead to allergies if they come into contact with the skin. Evaporation from the surface of the fabric does not occur immediately, and they are odorless.

Also now there are household chemicals for laundry with an antistatic agent, which makes the task easier and allows you to avoid using additional products. This can be a conditioner-rinse aid or a special paste.

Rules for its use

Algorithm for applying the spray step by step:

  • spray on the inside of the clothing and, if necessary, on the outside;
  • the distance from the aerosol to the fabric should be at least 20-25 cm;
  • It should not be applied very intensively so that there is no excess or white spots left;
  • there is no need to carry out the procedure for all wardrobe items at once (skirts, underwear and stockings), thus, you will be able to achieve the opposite result.

How to make antistatic agent with your own hands?

Vinegar helps eliminate accumulated energy on things for a long time. You can simply carry out the rinsing procedure in the solution. Thanks to this they will disappear unpleasant odors and the remaining powder. The vinegar scent disappears after the item dries. There is a possibility of replacing it with warm lemon water.

It is also mixed with soda in a ratio of 6:1. This composition has a positive effect on the fabric, softens and improves its quality.

It’s quite easy to make your own conditioner-rinse aid. To do this you will need:

  • water – 600 ml;
  • vinegar – 300 ml;
  • conditioner – 200 ml.

Mix ingredients, rinse clothes. You can use the product on upholstered furniture and carpets.

If desired, it is easy to make the composition odorless in the form of a spray. The form is convenient and good to use when you don’t have time. To prepare antistatic agent you will need:

  • water – 250 ml;
  • sprayer;
  • fabric softener.

Mix the ingredients, pour into a spray bottle, shake thoroughly.

The purchased version will be replaced by a small spoon of table salt added to a bucket of water (10 l). With this method you can not only get rid of electricity, but also add fragrance to your clothes using a little salted liquid and three drops of perfume. The ingredients should be poured into the sprayer. It is suitable for carpets and upholstered furniture.

They also make an antistatic agent for hair - this will be a good replacement for hairspray. It will not cause harm to health, since it does not contain aggressive ingredients, but will only improve the condition of the strands.

You need to add a little to the water essential oil. Rose or lavender will do. Pour into a spray bottle and apply to curls daily. It is important to ensure that the product does not come into contact with skin covering– this sometimes leads to irritation or allergies. It will be useful to apply two drops of oil to a wooden comb and run through the strands for 5-10 minutes.

Lemon juice and water in a ratio of 1:5 are suitable for this purpose. Apply to hands and run through hair. You can apply a small amount of cream.

How to replace antistatic agent for clothes at home?

Instead of an antistatic agent, you can use the following products:

  1. Water. It needs to be poured into a spray bottle and applied to your skirt before leaving the house. The effect lasts for a short time.
  2. Moisturizer or lotion. They should smear their feet to prevent their clothes from sticking. A film will appear that will retain moisture and reduce friction.
  3. Hair fixation spray. It also contains antistatic agents. It is important to keep it at a distance of 20-40 cm when spraying.
  4. Solid soap. Wet your hands, apply the product and iron the inside of your clothes or tights. The electrification will decrease, the effect will last for 24 hours.
  5. Shampoo. It has a similar purpose. Products that protect hair from static energy are also sold. You can rinse clothes in it by mixing it with liquid in small proportions.


Let's deal with antistatic agents. Replacing store-bought antistatic agents.

Antistatic is a chemical composition, after the use of which things do not stick to the feet and do not cause a small current discharge. There are antistatic agents for clothes different types, but the spray is considered the most effective. It's easy to use: spray directly onto clothes and eliminate inconvenience. Sprays, in turn, also have subtypes: antistatic with the addition of ethyl alcohol; water-based antistatic agent. The first is different in that it evaporates from clothing literally in a matter of minutes. But it still has one significant drawback: an unpleasant toxic odor, which also lasts a long time. When using it, it is better to open the window and close it only after completing the entire procedure. After using an antistatic agent with ethyl alcohol, clothes must be washed many times more thoroughly. Advice We must not forget that such a spray can cause an allergic reaction. If you notice its appearance, immediately stop using it. An excellent replacement would be a paste that dissolves in water or a mouthwash. Currently, air conditioners and fabric softeners with the addition of an antistatic agent are available, this allows you to solve a pressing issue even during washing. As for the antistatic agent on water based, then it is much safer and only in rare cases causes an allergic reaction when it gets on the skin, because it disappears from the surface of clothing only over time. Replacing store-bought antistatic agent Store-bought antistatic agent is an excellent solution. But there are a lot of folk remedies. And to decide which is better, you should try both, and then compare and choose. There are different methods for preparing antistatic agents, here are some of the most common.

METHOD ONE. SIMPLE AND CHEAP We will use ordinary vinegar. By adding it while rinsing clothes, you can rid the material of the accumulation of static electricity. The advantage of vinegar is that it removes soap residue. And if you mix it with soda (6:1) and add half a cup of this mixture, the fabric will become soft and fragrant.

METHOD TWO, CREATING A CONDITIONER EFFECT To prepare an antistatic agent in this way, you will need: hair conditioner; vinegar; water. The ratio of the above components is 2:3:6. Half a glass of this solution will work wonders and rid things of unnecessary electricity.

METHOD THREE - USING TABLE SALT 1 teaspoon of salt added to 10 liters of water will be an excellent replacement for a store-bought antistatic agent.

METHOD FOUR - COOL LEMON WATER Using it for rinsing, you can rid your favorite things of electricity.

METHOD FIFTH - SOLUTION BASED ON FABRIC SOFTENER Several spoons of softener are added to a glass of water, the resulting mixture is thoroughly stirred and poured into a spray bottle. By spraying the resulting product directly onto your clothes, you will solve the problem with electric discharges and cracking. Carpets can also be treated this way.

Antistatic This is an aerosol whose chemical composition helps remove electrostatic stress from our clothes. Having treated your clothes with this product, you can enjoy life without fear, without thinking that your skirt may stick to your tights at the most inopportune moment, and your friend, touching your jacket, may receive an electrostatic shock with sparks. Antistatic agents are most often produced in the form of an aerosol - this makes them more convenient to use. There is also an antistatic agent that is added to the washing machine during washing to remove static from washed items. Such a product is now commonly called fabric softener.

What is Antistatic?

In the form of an aerosol, sprayed onto our clothes. They can be divided into a couple of subspecies. The first subtype contains alcohol (alcoholics used to add it to beer). It evaporates very quickly from the surfaces of our clothes, but unfortunately it is toxic, and after using such a can a pungent odor remains, which is not entirely safe for our health. Therefore, it is worth spraying antistatic agent on clothes in a well-ventilated area with constant access to fresh air.

The second type of antistatic agent exists in the form of an aerosol that extinguishes the electrical charge. This composition is created on the basis of water, and can rightfully be considered practically safe for people. Although, in fairness, it is worth admitting that it is still far from being completely hypoallergenic (like China for cancer), since after all we are talking about “chemical components”. If an allergy occurs when using one or another antistatic agent, you should immediately stop using it. Instead of antistatic agents, it is better to use a water-soluble paste or a softer fabric softener in washing machines. Such a product exists today even for children’s clothing, and therefore possible allergic risks are reduced to nothing.

How to use Antistatic

The aerosol should be sprayed onto the inner surface of your clothing as quickly as possible; the outer side of the clothing can also be treated if necessary. You should not spray fabrics generously, especially from a very short distance, for example, chemist specialists informed us about the immediate effect of the composition of the product. The antistatic agent should be applied from a distance of approximately 20cm from the surface of the clothing. Do not spray all the clothes you wear at the same time, for example: panties and tights, tights and a skirt. Perhaps this will lead to the opposite result, and your things will begin to attract each other.

Fragrant Antistatic

Market household chemicals offers us a large number of manufacturers of antistatic agents from all over the world. All these products vary in price, composition and scent. The convenience of an aerosol antistatic agent, without a doubt, largely lies in the creation of a pleasant aroma when sprayed. If you have the desire and money, you can choose an antistatic agent with almost any scent, almost the same as in perfumery.

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The modern market amazes us with abundance various materials and fabrics from which clothes are made. If a few years ago every woman opted for fabrics made from natural materials, now we are increasingly purchasing products made from synthetics. There is nothing wrong with this, since such clothing does not require special care, always retains its original appearance, it does not need to be ironed and washed in certain modes.

Each representative of the fair sex can find for herself exactly the material that will meet all her requirements. Synthetic materials include nylon and nylon, acrylic, polyester and so on. However, the main disadvantage of all these fabrics is the ability to accumulate statistical energy in varying amounts. As a result of this, we notice that the clothes “shock with electricity.” Today we will talk about antistatic agents for unscented clothes and find out which one is the best.

The main negative qualities of all synthetic clothing

Although synthetic clothing has a lot of advantages, it has one single “minus” that can cancel out all the advantages. Let's highlight all the negative features of statistical energy that accumulates on products.

Manifestation of statistical energy:

  • when you touch a metal object or a pet, you seem to be “hit” with a small charge of energy;
  • synthetic clothing, which accumulates static energy, attracts lint, dust, wool and other small fibers that worsen appearance products;
  • synthetic clothing, due to the presence of statistical energy, sticks to the body;
  • the statistical energy that is generated in the hats is attracted to the hair. As a result, when you take off your hat, your hair rises up and does not immediately want to fit into your hairstyle.

However, there is a remedy that will save you from all these troubles - an antistatic agent for unscented clothes. Let's take a closer look at this household chemical product.

Antistatic - what is it and how to use it?

Antistatic for clothes is a product with chemical composition which is used in everyday life. As a result of the influence of this substance, there is no statistical energy on things.

Anti-static energy is available in three forms:

  • aerosol;
  • fabric softener;
  • gel.

Let's take a closer look at each type


Aerosol is a substance that is the most popular and, at first glance, the best antistatic agent for clothing among the entire population. It must be sprayed onto the inside of clothing.

Important! If you decide to treat your headdress, then you need to spray the product well on the inside.

Please note that it is strictly forbidden to treat nylon tights with an antistatic aerosol, as this will only worsen their condition.

The main disadvantage of aerosols is that they have a very strong pungent odor. All clothing must be processed in a well-ventilated area. However, it is best to do this on the balcony or on the street.

Conditioner-rinse aid

Fabric softener ranks second in the ranking of the most popular antistatic agents for odorless clothes. It is added during washing and acts on the fabric. Together with the fact that this substance is combined with softening ingredients, they make ironing easier, improve the condition of fabrics and have a pleasant smell.

Important! The main disadvantage is that conditioners and rinses are not suitable for all people. If you are allergic, then you should forget about this remedy. Also not recommended for use on children's items.


There is another form of antistatic agent for the home on our market. This is a gel or paste. This tube collects a concentrated substance that is intended for clothing made of nylon, lavsan or nylon.

To use it, it must be dissolved in water in a ratio of one teaspoon per liter of water, or as indicated in the instructions. Then the item must be rinsed in this solution.

Important! The disadvantage of all antistatic agents that contain chemicals is the presence of surfactants in the composition. Due to the effects of this ingredient, each person may develop a rash, itching, redness of the skin, or a rise in temperature.

The question immediately arises: what to do if there is no antistatic agent for clothes? There is always a way out! We suggest you make your own medications that will be absolutely safe. Let's look at a few options.

Making an antistatic agent using vinegar

The most the easy way creating a new antistatic agent is to use vinegar. This substance will help you get rid of the accumulation of static energy on your clothes for for a long time. To do this, you just need to rinse all things in a vinegar solution. Thanks to this, you will eliminate unpleasant odors and powder residues. Now the thing will not stick to your body! Don't be afraid of the smell of vinegar - after the product dries it will not be there.

Another remedy that is prepared using vinegar is mixing this substance with soda. The proportions should be: six to one. That is, six parts vinegar and one part sodium bicarbonate. Thanks to this composition, you will get rid of statistical energy for a long time.

Important! This antistatic agent for odorless clothing has a beneficial effect on synthetic materials, improves their quality, softens and eliminates all odors that may be present.

  • 600 grams of water;
  • 300 milliliters of vinegar;
  • 200 milliliters of conditioner.

Mix it all and rinse things in this antistatic agent. The effect will be amazing!

Important! Please note that this product can be used to treat furniture upholstery, carpet covering and other products.

Using improvised means

If you need to eliminate the static energy collected on clothing, particularly on a skirt, for a short period of time, then you simply need to wet your hand and run it along the hem of the skirt. This will relieve you of this “electricity” for a short time.

Important! If you run out of antistatic, then you can use shampoo that has a similar purpose. So, there are shampoos on sale that protect hair from static energy. You just need to take this product, dilute it in small proportions with water and rinse your clothes.

Making a spray at home

If you need to make an antistatic agent for clothes without smell, then you can choose a spray form. This is very convenient, because in any case, even when you don’t have time, you can spray the item with this product, and there will be no statistical energy on it.

To prepare you will need:

  • one glass of water;
  • fabric softener;
  • spray.

To make your own antistatic agent for furniture, which is also suitable for clothes and carpets, you need to mix the ingredients and shake well in a spray bottle. In just a second you can already use this tool.

  1. To avoid the accumulation of statistical energy on nylon tights and the characteristic cracking, you just need to lubricate your legs with a non-greasy body or hand cream. In this case, a special film is formed on your body, which will protect against the accumulation of statistical energy.
  2. To quickly eliminate electrified energy, you can run a dry bar of soap along the hem of your skirt or tights. All this must be done from the wrong side.
  3. Add fabric softener when washing.
  4. Always use an antistatic agent for unscented clothing, either homemade or purchased from a household chemical store.
  5. If the accumulation of statistical energy causes you great discomfort, then you should completely abandon synthetic fabrics and give preference to natural fabrics.

Today, consumers have access to a wide selection of goods, and we can buy unusual and colorful things. But what can really ruin the fun? beautiful clothes- This is static electricity. A skirt that clings to your legs and a cracking sweater causes discomfort and irritation.

You can eliminate static electricity by:

  • Fabric softener;
  • Antistatic spray.

Fabric softener - special remedy, which is added to the washing machine during washing. In addition to eliminating static electricity, the conditioner gives the fabric softness, a pleasant smell and smoothes it out, making it easier to iron later.

Sprays come in two types: based on ethyl alcohol or water. Sprays with an alcohol component evaporate faster, but have an unpleasant chemical smell. It contains harmful substances that you should not inhale. After spraying the spray, it is necessary to ventilate the room. It is recommended to treat clothes 12 hours before going out so that the smell has time to dissipate.

Water-based antistatic agents contain surfactants (surfactants) and silicone. The surfactant retains moisture on the surface of the fabric and thereby neutralizes static electricity. And silicone ensures more uniform distribution.

On dark fabrics, sprays can leave stains and streaks.

The listed products are chemical. Chemicals can cause allergic reactions during and after treatment on the skin upon contact with the treated fabric.

And there are often situations when there was no conditioner-rinse aid at the time of washing, or in this moment I don't have any spray on hand. What to do in this case? They come to the rescue folk remedies.

Antistatic agent for clothes at home

To prepare an antistatic treatment agent clothes are coming Almost everything in the house is used. The basis of the solution is usually water. They add to it: lemon juice, table salt, baking soda, vinegar, fabric and hair conditioners individually or in combination of two or three.

Please note that salt, vinegar, baking soda, etc. are natural remedies and their use does not have any consequences. Rinse aids are chemical products. If you look at their composition, you will find many toxic substances in it. Of course, in small doses, but every day they enter our body through the skin, since they are not washed off when washed. There is an opinion that their long-term use can cause various diseases and even oncology.

Unlike chemical antistatic agents, folk remedies do not contain harmful substances and will not cause allergic reactions.

The resulting solutions are used either to rinse clothes when washing, or, if there is no time for this, they are collected in a spray bottle and sprayed. We present to your attention several simple and effective recipes.

How to replace antistatic agent


Add table vinegar when rinsing clothes. Vinegar is non-toxic and is budgetary funds. It will remove soap residue from the fabric and remove static electricity. To eliminate the pungent odor, you can mix vinegar with baking soda in a ratio of 6:1. Or add a few drops of essential oil, as the girl did in the video instructions for making fabric softener with her own hands:

The vinegar method is good when you have time to wash. But what to do if time is short? The very first thing that comes to mind is to sprinkle with water or iron wet hands electrified thing. The method will give a good effect, but it will not last long. To fix it, they came up with adding other substances to the water.


Plain water can be replaced saline solution. Add 1 teaspoon of salt per 10 liters of water, and the effect is guaranteed.

Uses of lemon water

The recipe is similar to the previous one, only instead of salt we dissolve 1 tablespoon of citric acid in 10 liters of water.

Use citric acid only with cold water.

Mix the citric acid thoroughly and then rinse your clothes in the resulting solution.

Using hair conditioner

You will need hair conditioner and vinegar. Mix in a ratio of 2:3:6 (conditioner:vinegar:water). To rinse, use half a glass of the prepared solution.

Using fabric softener

Dissolve 2 tablespoons of fabric softener in a glass of water. Spray your clothes with the resulting solution.

Dry soap

Rub the back of the product with dry soap. The antistatic effect lasts about two days. Before treating the entire surface, test on a small piece of fabric to make sure that the soap will not show through on the front side of the product, and thus you will not ruin it. You can carry a piece of dry soap with you in your bag, which is very convenient.

Metal object

Run a metal hanger or other object over the clothing. Static discharges accumulate on the metal. The method gives a short-term effect.

Hair fixation spray

They say that hairspray works well instead of spray. But be careful, you can ruin the fabric. Do not use glitter polish, only clear polish.

Body cream

In the summer, when your skirt sticks to your bare legs, a regular cream will help solve the problem. Just spread it on your feet to form a thin film. The cream moisturizes the skin well, and moisture reduces friction.

How to make antistatic spray at home

If time is running out and you don’t have time to rinse and dry your clothes, you still can’t do without a spray. No spray? No problem, we’ll do it ourselves! We will need:

  • Water;
  • Liquid fabric softener;
  • Spray.

Pour water with fabric softener dissolved in it into a spray bottle in a ratio of 2 tablespoons per glass of water. The spray is ready, you can treat your clothes. It is also suitable for furniture and carpets.

Fabric softener can be replaced with hair conditioner or table salt. Depending on what is available.

Preventing static electricity from things

If you are very annoyed by the sticking and cracking of things, you can completely abandon synthetics in favor of natural fabrics. But this is too radical a solution. Women will find it difficult to refuse nylon tights, and every second jacket or coat has a synthetic lining. You can reduce static electricity by following these guidelines:

  • Try to add fabric conditioner when washing;
  • Combine synthetic fabrics with natural ones;
  • Use metal coat hangers;
  • Attach a pin to your clothing; it will accumulate static discharges;
  • Choose shoes with rubber or leather soles. You can buy insoles that have an antistatic effect;
  • Humidify the room. Static electricity does not like moisture; it appears more often in winter, when the air in the room becomes dry due to heating. You can use air humidifiers or an economical option: place small containers of water under the batteries.

The choice of a product to eliminate static electricity on clothing is yours. Will these be effective but harmful? chemical substances or hypoallergenic folk remedies, depends on your preferences. We hope our article gave you all the information to make the right choice.