Health Pregnancy beauty

What crunches in the stomach of pregnant women. This can happen in the stomach during pregnancy that a woman feels clicking, how does this manifest itself? How can you distinguish symphysitis from other characteristic painful symptomatic manifestations?

We start our 33rd week tomorrow. On Wednesday we had an ultrasound and Doppler. Everything is fine

I was so worried. So that there is no entanglement and the head is down. The doctor said cheeky and showed our baby’s face. And she confirmed that it was her son. She said "eggs"
The smear was not very good, but the doctor’s fears were not confirmed. When I took a smear, I said “very similar to bacterial vaginosis.” The smear gave a reaction in a test tube.
There are no bacteria, but something (I forgot) needs to be treated, otherwise it can lead to bacteria.
Our hair is active. The little one is small. At night he lies down with me on the same side, I feel it when I get up to go to the toilet. I don’t sleep very well, it’s not comfortable because I have a pillow under my leg or between my legs.
Both according to menstruation and ultrasound, the date of birth coincided at the third ultrasound. The baby weighs approximately 1.5 kg.

And my weight is floating. I ate Easter cakes every day. All! I won't do it again. There is only one mother-in-law left, and I don’t like them. And mine ended today. Now I will eat salads, beets, and vegetables. I want zucchini Eggplant

So here's the title of the post

Just the other day, maybe yesterday, I felt a click in my stomach. And today 2 times. Not quiet. If someone had been nearby, they would have heard it too.
I just went to Google and it gave me BabyBlog. One girl wrote this:
Well, finally I found allies and quite a few on this issue))) At first I couldn’t even explain this sound... I thought it seemed... then these sounds became more frequent (they started at 34 weeks), then I came to the conclusion that it was very similar like they were bursting a bubble in a packaging bag))) I went to the Internet, at first I didn’t even know what to call it to find it)) In the end, here’s what else I found: “They wrote that it was a child smacking his lips, sucking his fist, or clicking his tongue Mothers said that when the baby was born, he made just such sounds. Others argued that these sounds are nothing more than the crunching of the baby’s joints (in newborns, the joints actually crackle, this is due to the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, usually it goes away on its own by the age of one year) life of the child). Still others - that the bones of your pubic symphysis click when the baby shows excessive activity. And there were also options that sounds are made amniotic fluid, that the bubble “pops” when the child presses against it and then pushes away from it, and even that with such a sound the baby “releases gas.”
So girls, I don’t think you should be scared)
Maybe it will be useful to someone. Maybe I'm not the only one clicking

And my legs have been clicking for many years. So when one leg clicks, the baby flinches. Maybe he’s sleeping at this moment, and I’m scaring him with this

And everything is fine with us.
PDR is approaching. It's been less than 2 months now. And I'm a terrible coward. Even though I’ve already given birth, I still feel panic. I pray that everything goes well and the contractions don’t take as long as the first time.

Strange - what is it?... because even doctors don’t give an exact answer.

A pregnant woman is the keeper of a real small world, with its needs, tasks and structure. And she has no idea what and how is happening in this world, even if, thanks to high modern technologies, the baby’s heartbeat is read, and you can see his “mother’s” or “father’s” nose. But all the mysteries contained in this extraordinary process cannot be counted. For example, strange clicking in the stomach during pregnancy

Starting from the third trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus has already formed and is simply growing in the womb, the expectant mother may begin to hear sounds resembling clicks. Clear sounds come from deep within her belly. Of course it is possible, clicking in the stomach during pregnancy attributed to the consequences of impressionability and nervousness, characteristic of all pregnant women. Attribute it, for example, to auditory hallucinations at night, but when others begin to hear it, it’s worth thinking about.

What does a woman usually do when she hears clicking in the stomach during pregnancy?

The young mother has long been accustomed to the baby, has learned to clearly identify his turns, movements and other somersaults, and understands when he suddenly begins to hiccup. And here you have a new action, a click. She is in a panic (after all, all pregnant women just need a reason to worry once again), first of all she calls her best friend, who tells her that she had the same problem during pregnancy, but you are unlikely to tell anything travel

One thing that will definitely make her happy is that she is not alone in this. But still, at the next appointment with her gynecologist, the young mother will most likely ask an exciting question. Moreover, my tummy continues to click strangely from time to time. The doctor will probably be very surprised by this and will express his assumption that the intestinal function may be to blame for this, after which he will definitely suggest not to pay attention to it, arguing that all the tests are in order.

You can ask a question " clicking in the stomach during pregnancy", in Internet. Indeed, you can find a lot of information there, but these will only be guesses, not a single exact statement. But you will find plenty of different assumptions about the origin of strange sounds.

For example, there is an assumption that it is the baby who smacks his lips when he sucks his fist, or clicks his tongue. Many mothers will claim that when the baby was already born, he made exactly these sounds. Others write that the baby’s joints crunch like this, and indeed newborns have rather weak joints that periodically make crunching noises, which usually goes away by the first year of his life. Still others - that your bones click like that when the little one inside you shows excessive activity. There will also be options that the amniotic fluid makes the sounds of a “smacking bubble” when the baby presses against the tummy and then pushes away from it. And even that he farts like that.

After you have thought through and taken into account the information you have found, calm down and understand that if your strange clicks are not accompanied by discomfort and pain, then you don’t have to worry. And even more so, you don’t have to worry about excellent tests, ultrasound, CTG readings. True, you must remember that a loud pop is often accompanied by the release of water and rupture of the amniotic membrane. It’s important not to miss this moment. Otherwise, there is nothing to worry about. Of course, it’s strange that doctors still haven’t discovered the secret of what’s clicking there, but with wide with open eyes look when expectant mothers once again ask them this question.

At different stages of pregnancy, a woman may experience new sensations. They are not always pleasant. Sometimes it’s just not clear, is this normal? This causes even more discomfort for a woman in the position. Many people feel clicking in their stomach during pregnancy. In this article we will try to understand the reasons for this phenomenon and find out whether this is normal or pathological.

What do clicks in the stomach mean?

Hearing strange sounds in the form of clicks, a pregnant woman begins to worry and worry that something is wrong with the baby. However, there is no reason to worry at all. This is the safest symptom accompanying a woman’s pregnancy. It usually does not portend any threats to the baby’s health and the course of pregnancy.

A woman may begin to feel clicking in her stomach from the 31st week of pregnancy. In the third trimester, the fetus becomes quite large and takes up more and more space in the mother’s belly. At this time, this already relatively independent little man can make all kinds of sounds.

Usually except for clicks future mom can hear other sounds. For example, gurgling, rumbling, popping and other sounds. They are produced by the body of mother and child and are a normal physiological process.

Possible causes of clicking

There is still no consensus on the causes of clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy. Experts agree on only one thing: it is not dangerous.

It is likely that these sounds occur due to the fact that the baby is simply releasing gas, burping or hiccupping. If you observe such sounds quite rarely, this may mean that your child, for example, is biting his fist or sucking his finger.

Fetal movement may cause gurgling in the abdomen. When the baby is active, the amniotic fluid bubbles burst. This is what causes such

Some pregnant women experience a kind of cracking sound in their stomach. These could be the child's joints. But don’t panic, this is also a normal process. After all skeletal system The little one is not yet strong enough. By the way, you can hear such a crash until the child is one year old.

It also happens that all these sounds have nothing to do with the child. They are produced by the mother's body, for example, accompanying the digestion process. This may also be due to divergence of the pelvic bones. In this case, clicks in the abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy may already indicate an approaching birth. And if they are accompanied by leakage of water or the release of a mucus plug, then you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital.

Is it worth doing anything?

If you heard clicks in your stomach at 35 weeks of pregnancy, then this is not yet a reason to worry. Initially, it is recommended to calm down so as not to cause other unwanted symptoms, which may already have negative consequences. Let us once again draw your attention to the fact that this is absolutely normal phenomenon which every pregnant woman experiences.

However, if you are very concerned about these symptoms and are worried about the health of your baby, you may want to make an unscheduled visit to your gynecologist. He will examine you and find out what is causing these sounds and sensations. You can also undergo additional testing to make sure everything is fine with your baby.

Location of clicks

A woman can hear clicking sounds anywhere in the abdomen. Often, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy are localized in the navel area. They are best heard there, since the skin is much thinner in this place.

Often, at the same time as the sound, you can feel the baby kicking. Since the baby is constantly moving, the location and nature of the sound will depend on what position he takes. A woman can hear it clearly or, on the contrary, as if from afar.

Some expectant mothers hear these sounds in the chest area, some in the navel area, and some even from the uterus.

Gurgling or clicking noises?

These two sensations must be clearly separated. If the clicks do not pose a threat, then gurgling may just mean pathology.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, clicks in the abdomen can easily be confused with gurgling. This happens because the embryo at this stage is still very tiny and cannot make such sounds.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman’s body changes dramatically. This may cause the following conditions to occur:

  • digestive disorders;
  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • rumbling or gurgling;
  • increased gas formation.

Such symptoms can appear in any person, and to get rid of them, you just need to reconsider your diet.

Often, gurgling in the stomach means a violation of the intestinal microflora. In this case, pain in the navel area is also observed. Here it is recommended to contact your gynecologist and, if necessary, visit a gastroenterologist.

Possible deviations

Since each woman’s body is individual, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy at 36 weeks or at any other stage may indicate the presence of pathology. Therefore, it is recommended to always report your feelings to your gynecologist.

Among possible deviations, which are signaled by clicks, are observed:

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

This means that the membranes have burst before labor activity. In such a situation, you should immediately call ambulance. Usually a woman experiences a sharp click, pop or crack at this moment, which indicates rupture of the amniotic sac. There is also a simultaneous outpouring of a large amount of clear or Pink colour. Or, on the contrary, slow leakage, which intensifies while lying down or when changing body position. In addition, the stomach decreases in size.


This is an increase in the distance between the pubic bones. Normally, in the third trimester there is a slight discrepancy. This indicates the body is preparing for childbirth. However, if this process becomes pathological, then the woman experiences pain in the pubic area while sitting, walking or bending. Her gait may also change. It becomes like a duck - with small step-by-step steps. In addition, a crunching or crepitation is observed when the symphysis is impacted.

The situation may be complicated by the large weight of the child or multiple pregnancies. Symphysiopathy is a fairly serious pathology that can lead to disability due to rupture of the symphysis pubis during childbirth. However, if it is detected in a timely manner, the situation can still be corrected.

High water

This pathological condition can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy and the birth process. In the presence of an increased amount of amniotic fluid, gurgling is observed, which is often confused with clicks. Associated symptoms are heaviness and pain in the abdomen, shortness of breath, swelling of the lower extremities and discrepancy between the abdominal circumference and gestational age. However, a diagnosis of polyhydramnios is made only after an ultrasound scan.

Umbilical hernia

Since pregnancy increases pressure on the abdominal cavity, women with weak umbilical ring muscles are at risk of developing an umbilical hernia. Its appearance can be caused by high fetal weight, polyhydramnios and excess weight in a woman. Visually, it looks like a “protruding” navel or simply a protrusion in its area. This phenomenon is painless, and when pressed, a characteristic clicking sound appears. The general condition of the woman remains the same.

Expert opinion

Almost all doctors consider the presence of clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy to be absolutely normal. Pregnant women themselves say that in this way the baby supposedly communicates with them. In fact, “stomach sounds” are provoked by sounds made by the ligaments, joints of the pelvic bones and muscles. This happens because the growing uterus constantly puts pressure on the bones and ligaments, which leads to their stretching. It is precisely the process of spraining the ligaments that is accompanied by characteristic clicks.

In addition, such sounds can cause movement of amniotic fluid when the baby is active. As a rule, “pregnancy sounds” appear in the third trimester, closer to childbirth. In the absence of accompanying symptoms, there is no cause for concern. Therefore, clicks that appear in the abdomen at the 37th week of pregnancy can be considered normal. In this way, your body prepares for the upcoming birth. This is inherent in nature, and there is no need to panic. On the contrary, it is recommended to communicate more with your baby, to prepare him for the moment of meeting you. Tactile contact is also important. If you hear that the clicks have become frequent and are accompanied by movements on the part of the child, then stroke the belly, thereby calming your Nutcracker.

As the belly grows, girls encounter different new sensations. Some of them are pleasant, others make you wary: clicks in the stomach during pregnancy may be related to different groups. There are symptoms that can be used to distinguish pathology from the usual process.

Clicking as a normal manifestation of physiology

Doctors recommend that patients not worry if the movements in the abdomen and clicks are not accompanied by painful sensations. If a woman has undergone an ultrasound, CTG and other examinations, and they have not revealed any abnormalities, there is no cause for concern. The only thing you need to remember is the sound of a sharp and loud pop, which occurs once and indicates rupture of the amniotic membranes.

A cracking sound, as if there is a divergence of bones in the body, small clicks and other uncharacteristic sounds may appear in various reasons throughout pregnancy:

  • Sprained ligaments and muscles of the pelvis and abdominal wall. This process intensifies after 3-5 months and reaches its climax by the middle of the third trimester. An enlarged uterus puts pressure not only on organs, but also on bone structures, causing a change in their position. Crunching in the later stages may be accompanied by a pulling sensation and discomfort. Symptoms often worsen if the child begins to move.
  • Rumbling intestines due to changes in position and production of progesterone. In this case, the sound of bursting bubbles appears in the stomach early stages and indicates a change in physiological processes in the body. At the same time, the girl may suffer from flatulence, gas formation, and constipation.
  • Hiccups and other child actions. Hiccups in babies begin when they swallow amniotic fluid. The clicks are more like jolts and go away quickly. Some women are sure that cod appears due to the child sucking his finger. However, a more accurate reason from a medical point of view is high fetal activity. It excites the amino acid liquid, and bubbles begin to burst in it.

Failure of the musculoskeletal system of the fetus leads to the appearance of a slight crunching of the joints. This is also a normal phenomenon that goes away a year after birth.

These conditions are not life-threatening for the child and mother and do not require the use of medications or any kind of monitoring. But only until there are no additional symptoms of the disease.

Pathological causes of clicking and symptoms

If a woman feels in her stomach later pregnancy crunching and clicking, this may indicate negative processes:

  • persistent digestive problems;
  • severe bloating;
  • chronic constipation;
  • increased gas formation.

You should consult a doctor if the symptoms are unbearable, cause severe discomfort, are accompanied by pain, nausea and vomiting, as well as a general deterioration in the pregnant woman’s well-being.

Premature discharge of amniotic fluid

The water bladder is necessary to support the fetus, provide it with nutrients and protect it from all negative environmental influences. However, in a small percentage of pregnant women, the water bladder bursts several weeks before labor and contractions begin. Such a process can lead to complications that only doctors can eliminate:

  • child infection;
  • hypoxia;
  • rapid or prolonged labor;
  • placental abruption.

Symptoms in case of early discharge of amniotic fluid will be noticeable and unpleasant. The click is one-time in nature and may sound like a sharp pop or crack.

After the pop, a large volume of clear or pink fluid comes out of the body. The abdomen decreases significantly in size, and slow discharge persists. After these symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to the maternity hospital. The doctor must determine whether the pregnancy needs to be prolonged or early labor can be induced.

Umbilical hernia

Some pregnant women are faced with such an unpleasant disease as an umbilical hernia. It develops against the background of enormous pressure in the abdominal cavity. Risk factors are a weak muscle corset and umbilical ring. Other causes of pathology include:

  • obesity or overweight;
  • large pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • 2 or more embryos.

The first sign of a hernia is a visual protrusion, which may be accompanied by pain in the navel, clicking, discomfort in the lower back and sides. However, general health does not deteriorate significantly.

Umbilical hernia belongs to the category of diseases that women attribute to “temporary by-effect» pregnancy. However, if nothing is done, after childbirth the pathology may become permanent.

Separation of the pubic bones (symphysiopathy)

The pathology is observed mainly in the later stages and is associated with the body’s preparation for childbirth. Normally, there is a slight discrepancy of the symphysis pubis - up to 5 mm. If the bones continue to expand, a diagnosis of symphysiopathy is made. The violation is accompanied by certain signs:

  • due to pain, a woman’s gait changes greatly - her steps become small, like a duck’s;
  • pain persists in any position, intensifies while walking and bending;
  • if you press on the symphysis area, a noticeable crunch occurs;
  • A woman feels maximum relief if she lies with her knees bent and her hips apart.

Provoke symphysiopathy multiple pregnancy, large weight of the child, discrepancy between its size and the circumference of the pelvis. This pathology can lead to rupture of the symphysis pubis, which causes temporary disability and inability to move for 5-6 months. There are medical methods for correcting this condition (including a bandage).


One of the reasons for sounds similar to bursting bubbles is the abundance of amniotic fluid. The girl feels like her stomach is gurgling. Polyhydramnios complicates the course of pregnancy and is accompanied by specific symptoms:

  • shortness of breath;
  • severe swelling of the legs;
  • heaviness and pain in the abdomen;
  • large circle.

An ultrasound is required to diagnose polyhydramnios. In pathological processes, the fluid can reach 12 liters, whereas normally it should not be more than 2 liters. The cause of this pathology may be other diseases: kidney problems, diabetes, disorders in the cardiovascular system.

If your stomach clicks or crunches, you should not immediately run to the doctor and worry. These are signs of natural physiological processes, but only on condition that there are no additional sensations in the form of pain, discomfort and heaviness. If other symptoms appear that indicate the development of the disease, you should contact a gynecologist and undergo the prescribed diagnostics.

What are these strange clicks in the stomach during pregnancy? Even doctors are not able to give an exact answer to this question.

A pregnant woman is the keeper of a real small world, with its own needs, structure and tasks. She does not have the slightest idea of ​​what and how is happening in this world, even if high modern technologies make it possible to count the heartbeat and you can see his “father’s” or “mother’s” nose. The number of mysteries that lie in this extraordinary process is impossible to count. For example, these strange clicks in the stomach during pregnancy.

Somewhere from the third trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is formed and is now simply growing in the womb, the expectant mother begins to hear sounds in her stomach that resemble clicks. These clear sounds come directly from the depths of the abdomen. Naturally, clicks in the stomach during pregnancy can be attributed to the consequences of nervousness and impressionability, which are characteristic of all pregnant women. For example, chalk it up to auditory hallucinations at night, but when everyone around you hears it, it’s worth thinking about.

What does a woman usually do when she hears clicking sounds in her stomach during pregnancy? The young mother has long been accustomed to her baby and has learned to identify all his turns, movements and other somersaults, and realizes when he suddenly begins to hiccup. And suddenly a new action happens - clicks. Mom is in a panic (any pregnant woman just needs a reason for new worries), starts calling first best friend, who is happy to report that she had the same problem during pregnancy, but cannot offer any advice.

One thing will definitely make mom happy - she is not alone in this. However, at the next appointment with the gynecologist, the young mother will almost certainly ask this exciting question. In addition, my stomach continues to click from time to time. The doctor, of course, will be surprised by this and make his own assumption that the normal functioning of the intestines may be to blame and there is no point in paying attention to this, arguing that all the tests are in perfect order.

The answer to the question about clicks in the stomach during pregnancy can be found on the Internet. Of course, there is a lot of information here, but these are just guesses, there is not a single exact statement here, but there are plenty of various assumptions about the origin of these sounds.

For example, some believe that it is just a child smacking his lips when he clicks his tongue or sucks his fist. Many mothers will claim that after birth the baby made exactly these sounds. Others say it's the baby's joints cracking. Indeed, newborns have rather weak joints that crack from time to time, and this goes away by the first year of the baby’s life. Still others claim that it is simply the mother’s bones clicking when the baby is overly active in the womb. There is a theory that the amniotic fluid simply makes a “clicking bubble” sound as the baby presses against the belly and then pushes away. There is even a version that the baby blows gas like that.

After reading this information and thinking about it, you need to calm down and understand that if your strange clicks are not accompanied by unpleasant sensations and pain, then you should not worry. At normal tests Moreover, you should not pay attention to these clicks. However, it is important to remember that a loud pop usually accompanies the breaking of water, as well as rupture of the amniotic membrane, which is very important not to miss. Otherwise, there is nothing to worry about. Naturally, it is very strange that experts still do not know the answer to the question of what exactly is clicking there. For now, they just stare with their eyes wide open and don't know what to say.