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What to do for a birthday with your own hands. Interesting DIY gift ideas

Every year the idea of ​​doing something for a birthday is becoming more and more popular. Exclusive and original items, made in a single copy, become a worthy decoration of the birthday person’s apartment and a source of pride.

We bring to your attention interesting ideas for original gifts that can be presented for the birthday of the hero of the occasion of any age and gender.

The most handmade one is a postcard. It’s quick and easy to make, but the effect will be stunning.

The times of identical images on a sheet of paper are long gone. Modern postcards become a real creative masterpiece, thanks to new execution techniques and unconventionally selected materials.

Let's list what types of postcards are used as an original gift:

  1. Book;
  2. Leaflet;
  3. Curly;
  4. Closable with ties;
  5. Small;
  6. Large;
  7. Square, round or rectangular;
  8. Enclosed in an envelope.

There are many materials for such gifts. Their choice is limited only by your imagination:

  • Kraft cardboard;
  • Wool threads;
  • Beads and rhinestones;
  • Buttons;
  • Lace;
  • Tapes;
  • Artificial flowers;
  • Colored cardboard.

To make cards with your own hands, use one of the popular techniques:

  1. Volume applique;
  2. Quilling;
  3. Volumetric decor;
  4. Scrapbooking;
  5. External application;
  6. Embroidery ribbons;
  7. Silhouette cutting;
  8. Volumetric decoupage;
  9. Lace embroidery;
  10. Embossing.

Inscription on homemade postcard You can also do it in an unusual way, this will require the following elements:

  • Volumetric letters;
  • Text arranged in a circle of a beautiful heart;
  • Embroidered ribbon confessions;
  • “Pop-up” congratulations.

Any handmade birthday card will give a lot of emotions with its originality and beauty.

Cool video instructions on how to make original postcard with your own hands:

Knitted gifts

Knitted accessories are practical and popular gifts. Women especially like such gifts. They are given to a sister, mother, friend or wife.

Let's list what gifts can be associated with the birthday of a loved one or loved one.

Cup cover

A beautiful, stylish gift will decorate the kitchen and keep your favorite drink warm for a long time. TO finished product add additional decor: beads or lace.

Hot stand

Make a functional kitchen accessory elegant by adding coziness and spontaneity to the atmosphere of the “heart” of the apartment.

Fridge magnet

This funny souvenir is often given to children. However, adults with an excellent sense of humor will appreciate a cheerful monkey or a graceful cat that reaches out to the refrigerator door.

Crochet picture

For the birthday of a friend or loved one, you can knit a piece of art by copying their image. True, it is better for needlewomen with “experience” to take on such work: the painting will require skill. A knitted picture is a great gift for lovers of decorative things.

Case for laptop or phone

Knitted covers are no longer associated with grandmothers. These fashionable accessories Make great gifts for a girl's birthday.

Warmer for teapot and glasses

A beautiful tea “set” is a useful and stylish gift. It will brighten up long autumn and winter evenings with a reminder of your past birthday.

"Chess" pillow

A great surprise for a friend's birthday. The knitted board looks unusual, but it is comfortable and practical.


A symbol of home comfort – light, beautiful slippers will come in handy in any home. And if they are presented on a holiday, they will remain a pleasant memory of the birthday for a long time.

Decorative pillows

Beautiful, bright little things scattered on the sofa in the living room or children's room are a great idea for using threads to make a gift with your own hands.

Colored rug

It will become a worthy decoration of any room, maintaining comfort and warmth in the home.

A wicker rug is an original and simple gift

There are many ideas for homemade birthday gifts. Depending on the preferences or age of your birthday person, choose “tied” pencil jars or fun keychains, curtain ties or bracelets.

Sweet surprises

Cooking is an ideal opportunity to create masterpieces from sweets in quality. Make one like this sweet gift Anyone can do it with their own hands. To make goodies, it is not at all necessary to stand at the stove for several hours, baking cakes and kneading special cream.

Let's consider what ideas will be an alternative to homemade pies and will delight the birthday boy and guests of the holiday.

Classic mastic cake

Choose drawings, inscriptions you need, corresponding to the interests of the hero of the occasion.

Set of sweets

Decorate a beautiful box filled with the hero of the occasion’s favorite sweets in an interesting way.

Sweet figure made of candies

Make a guitar, a tank or a bouquet of flowers out of candy. The choice of figurine depends on the preferences of the birthday person.

candy fan

This would be a perfect birthday gift for your mother, sister or friend. It’s quick to make it with your own hands, and in terms of effectiveness, such a fan is not inferior to store-bought copies.

Candy butterflies

This gift idea will appeal to little girls and adult women. “Funny” tasty things will decorate any holiday.

Sweet trees

The “crown” of trees is shaped with candies of different “suits”. And the trunk is “planted” in a beautiful pot, also decorated with sweets.

Sweet poster

An original birthday gift is a homemade poster, on which, in addition to wishes, sweets are pasted. Choose the goodies that the birthday boy loves. Cookies, chocolate or lollipops - don't limit yourself to just one.

Cupcakes with a surprise

The birthday person must guess which delicacy the surprise will contain by trial and error.

Cake pops

Even gourmets will appreciate the beautiful balls located on sticks. If the gift is intended for an adult, give unusual candies filled with alcohol.

Edible cup

An interesting, tasty gift will delight the hero of the occasion at any age. Additionally, you can make cakes with wishes or predictions.

Sweet gifts will please the birthday boy and guests. Therefore, such surprises will always be in demand at birthday parties.

DIY photo gifts

A gift from photographs is a surprise that you can make with your own hands so that it becomes the personification of the past and present birthday person. Frame it in unusual frames so that it becomes a worthy interior decoration.

Here are some ideas on how to use photographs as birthday gifts:

  1. Family tree with photos of the hero of the day’s relatives;
  2. Modular picture, assembled from “pieces” best photo birthday boy;
  3. Photo wallpaper made from family photo hero of the occasion;
  4. Figure from photographs will reflect the most pleasant moments of a person’s life;
  5. The wall newspaper allows you to use wishes, inscriptions and drawings along with photographs;
  6. Glowing collage of photos looks unusual and stylish;
  7. Clock with photo order or make it yourself using small preparations;
  8. Any photo souvenirs can be used: T-shirts, mugs, sofa cushions;
  9. Glossy magazine from a photo of the birthday boy will make him feel like a real cover star;
  10. A photo book is a reason for the hero of the occasion to collect new photographs, complementing the existing collection.

This is an easy birthday gift to make. The main thing in this matter is to be patient and take photographs.

Paper flowers - origami

What holiday would be complete without flowers? Especially if it is female? Use as a homemade gift original bouquet from paper flowers.

From plain paper make any flowers. Give this beautiful gift You can do this for your birthday:

  • Garland;
  • Bouquet;
  • Arrangement in a pot;
  • A basket filled with graceful roses or wildflowers.

Original and stylish flowers will not wither, decorating the room for a long time, delighting its owner no less than a natural bouquet.

Detailed instructions on how to make paper flowers with your own hands:

Mom is a special person, so she wants to make unusual gifts for her birthday with her own hands. One of these surprises will be a rug, the direct purpose of which is massage. To make it you will need sea pebbles, patience and a little time.

For the main “component” of a handmade gift, you don’t have to immediately go on a sea voyage: use river pebbles. All that remains is to select the appropriate size rubber base and attach the pebbles to it using glue. Wait for the glue to dry. All that remains is to present an original and very healthy gift.

When choosing flowers as a homemade surprise, do not forget that they need to be placed somewhere. An original vase will be an excellent addition to a gift. You can make it yourself from any materials:

  1. Colored pencils;
  2. Plastic bottles;
  3. Bushings from toilet paper;
  4. Glass jar or bottle.

Remember that all decorative components must be firmly attached to the base using glue. You need to act carefully so that its traces do not spoil a simple but very original gift.

If you have not yet decided what you can give to a friend on a special day, turn your attention to a decorative pillow. This cute little thing will be a worthy gift and interior decoration, reminding you of the giver for a long time.

To make the surprise original, you need to come up with a creative shape for the pillow. Sew it into the shape of a donut, a piece of watermelon, a cactus or a cookie.

We will tell you how to make a “delicious” donut pillow. To make it you will need:

  • Beige felt;
  • Pink felt;
  • Threads that do not differ in fabric tone;
  • Batting or other filler;
  • Small pieces of fabric (it’s better to use felt too) of different colors;
  • Pins for fastening parts;
  • Scissors;
  • Chalk for drawing the contours of the part;
  • Sewing machine.

Let's get to work.

Such a cute pillow will be a pleasant gift and will decorate a room where adults and children live.

DIY flower vase decor

Speaking about making homemade gifts, one cannot help but dwell on the design of original vases. Or rather, on their decoration. Such a stylish gift will decorate the room and add exclusivity and sophistication to it. It won’t be possible to make exactly the same thing with your own hands, so the birthday boy can be convinced of the uniqueness of his gift.

Let's look at ideas on how to make a birthday gift with your own hands using an ordinary glass vase.

Geometric Stylish

For making stylish geometric shapes on the vase you will need:

  • Masking tape;
  • Dye desired color in the form of a spray;
  • Brush;
  • Degreaser;
  • Cotton pads;
  • Several cotton swabs;
  • Glass vase.

Let's get to work.

  1. To ensure that the decor adheres well to the glass, the vase must be treated with a degreaser. Apply it to a cotton pad and wipe the vase thoroughly. Wait until the glass surface is completely dry.
  2. Take tape and cover the vase in any order.
  3. We paint the remaining “transparent” areas from the tape with paint, spraying the spray over the entire surface of the glass.
  4. When the paint is dry, carefully remove the tape. A beautiful and stylish vase with a geometric pattern is ready!

Use different variants execution of a geometric pattern. Use very narrow tape or decorate only the bottom of the vase. In the latter case, use a plastic bag to keep the top of the vessel clean.

Pay special attention to the selection color range. It must be in harmony with the overall tone of the room, complement it, and not contradict it. Use pastel colors, gold, silver shades. Black and white colors are always relevant.

Another original technique for painting a glass vase. It will allow you to create a real exclusive. To complete it you will need:

  • Acetone;
  • Cotton buds;
  • Cotton pads;
  • Contour paints;
  • Toothpick or synthetic brush.

Spray the vase with alcohol to completely remove particles of grease and dirt. Wait for it to dry completely. If you do not yet have experience with this technique, it is better to print out a sketch on which you will apply the dots. Masters also recommend pre-practicing on a piece of paper. This way you will learn to place points of the same density and size.

After all the preparations and training are completed, you can begin to create. Once finished, leave the vase to dry. If you want the design to be better “sealed”, put it in the oven. The instructions on the paint used will tell you what temperature and baking time to use.

Even a child can handle this technique. All you need to complete the work is to choose the desired paint tone that matches the style of the birthday boy’s room. Then use spray paint to carefully and evenly spread the new color over the glass surface.

Don't want to mess around with paint? Decorate the vase in a different way. Tie it with a beautiful wide bow or lace and tie it beautiful knot. Such decoration can be quickly replaced, which will give the vase a new look each time.

Naturalness is always in fashion. Therefore, modern designers prefer to use natural ingredients to decorate the interior. The birthday boy will definitely love a vase decorated with twigs, tree cuts or leaves. A vase that combines eco-selected “details” with beautiful lace or beads looks even more original.

To create such a gift with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • Alcohol or acetone;
  • Contour paints;
  • Brush with natural bristles;
  • Cotton pads;
  • Cotton buds;
  • A sketch of the selected design.

When buying paints, pay attention to important point: They should bake well.

Let's get to work.

  1. We degrease the glass surface with acetone or alcohol and wait until it is completely dry;
  2. Carefully and very carefully fix the design inside the vase;
  3. Using a thin brush, outline the contours of the design;
  4. Leave the vase for 2 hours until the paints dry completely;
  5. Carefully fill the space of the outlined contours with paint;
  6. Place the vase in the oven for 30 minutes, setting the temperature to 150 degrees.

A beautiful vase for the birthday boy with a stained glass pattern is ready.

Original panel: patterns of threads and nails

A creative painting is a great handmade gift for dad on his birthday. Such a thing would also be interesting for younger birthday people. To make it, you do not need to use your artistic abilities: this picture is created without paints.

The choice of design depends on the preferences of the birthday person. You can “knock out” a heart, a house, cacti, a car, and even cats in love.

Let's take a closer look at how to make a heart-shaped panel. You will need:

  • Wood base;
  • Nails;
  • Threads of the desired color;
  • Hammer;
  • Paper with the selected design.

Let's get to work.

  1. Place the selected design on a wooden board;
  2. We mark its outline with nails, which are nailed at a distance of 2 cm from each other;
  3. Remove the paper;
  4. Attach the end of the thread to any nail;
  5. In a free order, we “pass” the threads from one nail to another until the entire space is covered with them;
  6. Carefully secure the remaining thread to a nearby nail.

Such a painting is an exclusive thing that will become a bright “spot” in a room of any style.

Beautiful bracelet

All women love jewelry. Therefore, when preparing for your sister or friend’s special day, pay attention to the bracelets. They are easy to make with your own hands, giving a lot positive emotions for a birthday.

You will need:

  • Blank bracelet (fine decoration without decoration);
  • Beads;
  • Super glue;
  • Threads that match the color of the beads.

Let's get to work.

Using superglue, attach the beads to the bracelet frame. Then we carefully wrap all the beads one by one with threads in several layers. The remaining tip is carefully secured with glue.

Please the birthday girl with 3-4 bracelets, which need to be made from different beads.

The onset of spring for women is a serious reason to start preparing for the beach season. And if this time coincides with your birthday, then you can safely start making a bag for the beach. You can make such a gift with your own hands for your daughter, friend, mother.

To make a beach bitch you will need:

  • Ready-made plain cotton bag;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Iron;
  • A stencil with the desired inscription or design.

If you want to make a completely exclusive gift with your own hands, sew the bag yourself. It's simple, just use any ready-made pattern. Printing can also be done in 2 ways:

  1. A stencil on which paints are applied (the imprint on the bag is left with an iron);
  2. Make a drawing directly on the bag (this option is only suitable for those who know how to draw well).

Travel themed decor

If you have to attend the birthday party of an avid traveler, prepare an appropriate gift for him. Surely, the birthday boy has plans to visit another country. Make him happy creative gift, which will stimulate him to quickly make his dreams come true.

Let's list a few ways to please a birthday boy who loves to travel.

Tourist art gallery

You will need:

  • Photo frame;
  • Photos of the most beautiful cities of the countries that the birthday boy wants to visit;
  • White cardboard, suitable for the format of the frames;
  • Glue.

Carefully attach the photo to the cardboard using glue. Frame it. You can print the name of the city and attach it to the picture.

You can combine all the “unknowns” for the country’s birthday boy into one picture. For this you will need a geographical map. The “places” you need are cut out of it. It's better to do it in the form of hearts. Then they are glued onto white cardboard in any order and placed in a beautiful frame.

Do-it-yourself volumetric letters from a card

Another way to encourage the birthday boy to travel far and decorate his room is to write an inscription of the country where he wants to visit using three-dimensional letters.

For this you will need cardboard or wood. If you can’t make the required volumetric figures yourself, you can buy them to order. All that remains is to cut the geographical map into the necessary parts and paste over the letters.

What will help you quickly achieve your dreams? A decent amount of money. So that the birthday boy can collect it faster, give him an unusual piggy bank.

To make a piggy bank with your own hands, you will need:

  1. A little time;
  2. Beautiful glass jar with lid;
  3. A small souvenir is a symbol of a country.

All that remains is to securely attach the souvenir to the lid with glue and put the “starting capital” into the piggy bank. This will complete the creation of the gift and you can safely give it as a birthday present.

Very romantic gifts, which can be given not only for a birthday, but also for any women's holiday. And they are very easy to make.

You will need:

  • Glass glasses;
  • Thin tape;
  • Medium width tape;
  • Spray can of paint.

  1. Cover the glass with tape in any order;
  2. You can use geometric figures, vertical or horizontal stripes;
  3. Cover the “free” areas with spray paint;
  4. Wait for it to dry completely;
  5. Place a candle in a homemade candle holder.

A creative and cute gift is ready!

Cool DIY rug

Handmade gifts will delight birthday people at any age. But older women especially like them. Therefore, if your grandmother is planning significant event, use our recommendations for making a woven rug.

You will need the following materials:

  • Dense rubberized fabric, which will become the basis of the future rug;
  • Scraps of bright colored material from which the rug will be woven;
  • Black threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Adhesive tape;
  • Glue used for fabric;
  • Spray that protects against moisture and water (you can use shoe spray).

Let's get started:

  1. Cut a rug of the desired size from the base;
  2. Cut pieces of multi-colored fabric into strips;
  3. Make sure that their length exceeds the length of the base by 8-10 cm;
  4. Make braids from the cut fabric;
  5. In each braid, secure the ends with adhesive tape;
  6. Glue the finished “braids” to the rubber base;
  7. Sew the edge of the rug with black thread (be careful to catch each braid);
  8. Remove the unnecessary adhesive tape and carefully trim the fringe.

The last stage of making the rug is treating it with a water-repellent spray.

Convenient case for storing headphones

This useful item will appeal to the stronger sex and will be an excellent birthday gift. With the help of such cases, headphones, flash drives, cables and players will always be neatly rolled up.

Source materials for creating a case with your own hands:

  • Natural or artificial leather – 20 cm;
  • Scissors;
  • Buttons;
  • Pencil.


We get an unusual, functional case for storing headphones, which can appeal not only to boys, but also to girls.

A cup you can write on with chalk

An original gift that everyone will love. To make it you will need:

  • Porcelain cup;
  • Masking tape;
  • Paint used for ceramics and porcelain;
  • Paint brush with soft bristles.

Let's get to work.

  1. Rinse and dry the cup thoroughly.
  2. If you want only part of it to be “artistic”, cover with tape what does not need to be painted.
  3. Using a brush, carefully apply paint around the perimeter of the future masterpiece.
  4. If you used tape, remove it immediately after painting, without waiting for the paint to dry completely.
  5. After a day (this is how long it takes for the paint to dry completely), place the cup in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Then turn off the stove, but remove the product when the oven has completely cooled down.

Homemade gifts are always original. They require a lot of time, effort and energy to create. But as a result, you will give a real exclusive, which will stand out among other surprises for its unusualness.

2018-05-03 pvipadmin

There is an unshakable stereotype in the minds of many that gifts are made with their own hands either by children or by those who do not have the finances to purchase something truly worthwhile. But this is absolutely not true. No matter how many “store-bought” gift options have been invented, only those made with your own hands carry warmth, attention and care. After all, the giver puts his soul into them, devotes time and creates an exclusive that is unlikely to be available to anyone else. To understand that this is not the last century, we offer you interesting selection gifts that you can create on your own.

DIY birthday gift

There are many options for birthday gifts that you can make yourself. And the choice of a specific one depends on the age of the birthday person, his preferences and tastes. Selection various options, which will be appropriate both as gifts and as gifts for a wide age category.

Let's start with the fact that gifts can be not only pleasant, but also useful! For lovers of everything practical, we suggest making a wall-mounted key holder like this. It’s as easy as shelling pears to make, and the costs are minimal, and such creativity takes very little time. But in the end it turns out to be a very useful thing. The frame itself can be decorated at your discretion, but it is best to choose a style and color scheme that will be in harmony with the room where this beauty will subsequently hang.

Continuing the theme of frames, there is another option to use it as an interesting idea. Such a “board” can serve as the most in different ways. It can be either a photo holder or act as a stand for “reminders”. No matter how the birthday boy decides to use it, in any case, the gift is not only original, but also very useful in everyday life, and it is simple and very quick to make.

Why are simple piggy banks inconvenient? Because you never know how much money is there. But this can be corrected if you give the birthday boy such a piggy bank. Firstly, such a piggy bank lifts your spirits by being on the wall and showing how full it is of money, and secondly, the filler itself can use a marker to count directly on the glass, recording the accumulated amount. By the way, the gift itself can be given not empty, but with financial filling.

Candles are an attribute of warmth and comfort, and they are also romantic. Beautiful candle- a universal gift that will be appropriate both as a main one, for example a set of candles, and as a present. Making such candles is quick and not at all difficult. For decoration, you can use both purchased lace and crocheted with your own hands. Simply brush the glue onto the glass and wrap it in lace. Once everything is dry, place a candle in the glass and you're done!

Another option for candlesticks. You will need to spend more time on it than the previous one, but it looks gorgeous. It will be necessary to impose motifs of different diameters, but at the same time you need to ensure that they can fit together harmoniously. After this, you need to inflate the ball, use PVA glue to attach the motifs to the ball and hang the latter to let the glue dry. After complete drying, carefully burst the ball and place a candle inside.

An unusual gift from all sides. It will decorate any room with its presence, and the recipient is unlikely to guess the materials from which all this beauty was created. But these are nothing more than ordinary toilet paper rolls! Cheap and very beautiful. How to make such a picture can be seen in the step-by-step image. Again, nothing complicated, just a little patience.

This work of art is made according to the same scheme as described above, only in a slightly different improvisation.

The same useful toilet paper rolls can also decorate a mirror, making it a bright spot on the wall.

DIY wedding gift

What is usually customary to wish newlyweds on their wedding day? Love, happiness and... financial well-being. Words, words, but you can truly present symbolic gift. They can act as an umbrella of financial security. It’s simpler to make, but it looks original.

Another option to hint to the newlyweds about the importance of the financial side of life is to give an initial family budget. The main thing is to think about the label; you can copy what is written in the image below, or you can use your imagination and come up with something of your own.

And a young family can take away such a beautiful money vase to their new home. This is both symbolic and very beautiful at the same time. Making such a gift is not difficult, but the result is amazing and such a gift looks very expensive.

And, of course, how can you do without a wedding album?! Stores offer formulaic and boring options, so the most skilled needlewomen can try their hand at it. Yes, it may seem very difficult at first, especially for beginners. It would be hard to call the activity simple, but if you try, you can create such a thing even for those who hear the word “scrapbooking” for the first time. There are a lot of detailed video tutorials on the Internet, where craftswomen show everything step by step, all you have to do is repeat it. But such work will definitely be appreciated by the newlyweds, especially the bride.

Another idea for a wedding present is this tree. An interesting design of a gift in the form of a painting will look appropriate on the wall in the apartment and will remind you of memorable date. You can use it as you please. For example, each of the guests will write a wish to the newlyweds on a separate heart, or give a gift to pure ones and let the newlyweds themselves write for each other nice words love. As a last resort, you can leave everything as it is, just as a keepsake.

DIY gift for mom

Mom is the most close person. She will always understand, listen and support, she will be on your side even if you are wrong. Therefore, a gift for the most beloved person should be selected especially carefully and responsibly. There are a lot of options for such gifts, we offer only a few that can be realized with your own hands.

Cosmetic bottles can be decorated very beautifully and originally. The design style can be very different, from the kanzashi technique to crocheting. Or you can combine several types in one. Such a gift will decorate your dressing table and will constantly remind you of the giver.

A homemade photo frame looks simply amazing. To make such beauty you need to purchase the simplest frame-base. Such blanks are cheap and can be found in any hardware store. Hand Made, and add decorative elements to them. It can be anything: stones, rhinestones, beads, seed beads, etc. The decorations are fixed to the frame either using instant glue or hot glue.

The next gift is made according to a completely similar principle. Only instead of a frame, any shape that can be made from wood and other dense materials will serve as a blank.

For lovers of practical gifts are suitable option with a homemade mug. You can decorate it however you like, just rely on your taste and create beauty for your loved one.

An original gift that will look very beautiful on the refrigerator or magnetic board. Homemade magnets are very easy to make, and the whole process can be followed in step-by-step images. Select the best family photos, scan them into your computer, and print them out in smaller sizes. Next, cut them out in the shape of the stones and glue the photo to the stones, and then the magnet.

DIY gift for dad

Unlike moms, dads are never sentimental, or they are very good at hiding it. Therefore, for dads, the gift should be practical and necessary. As a rule, it is precisely this criterion that interferes with the flight of creativity and sharply limits the options for possible gifts. Nevertheless, you can combine business with pleasure and make such a gift with your own hands.

A good option is a watch. A very necessary thing and you can make it in an original way by decorating the frame with decorative elements. For example, coffee beans. These elements are fixed with instant glue or hot glue.

Another option for a homemade and much needed gift is a calendar. You will have to work hard to create such a present, but it is worth it. If time is short, you can make the process easier by creating a wall calendar.

What could be more useful in everyday affairs than a diary or notebook? How wonderful it is to create such a useful accessory with your own hands. There are a lot of options for diaries that can be Hand Made; there are variations for both beginners and professionals. And in order not to translate expensive material, you can practice on drafts in advance. The whole process from start to finish can be watched in video MKs, of which there are a lot on the Internet.

DIY gift for sister

Sister is the most best friend, so the gift for her should be special. You can please your sister with a homemade gift, the main thing is to know what is closest to her heart. Option universal gift A selection of joint photographs, beautifully framed in one single frame, can be used. Decorating with a garland will give the gift special warmth and comfort. This amazing gift will make your sister feel once again how dear she is to you.

Nice soft, warm and cozy rug, which will give a sea of ​​​​emotions from contact with it. By the way, using this principle you can make not only rugs, but also entire bedspreads, and what’s even better - make a whole set. It will take longer, but such a gift will look gorgeous.

Original candlesticks on which photographs of you and your sister will appear will be both useful and original. Photos are transferred to glasses, or glass jars and other similar things using glue and water. First, the surface must be degreased and dried. Next, you need to apply PVA glue to the glass with a brush and attach the photo, pressing it harder. As soon as everything dries, you need to moisten the surface with a cloth and begin to carefully remove the photograph paper. Do it carefully and then the image from the photo will remain on the glass. After this, you need to place a candle inside and that’s it, the gift is ready!

DIY gift for grandma

Grandmother - how much warmth there is in this word! You can make a very beautiful knitted lampshade for your beloved granny. It’s not that difficult to do; we’ve already written about the technique earlier.

Using a similar principle, you can beautifully decorate jars that will definitely come in handy around the house. Or, they can be used as candlesticks. Whatever their purpose, in any case they will decorate the room with their presence and make it more comfortable.

Another useful gift option for grandma is a glasses case. It is very simple to make and looks original. You can make such a case from the most different materials, but the felt cover looks “warm”. The cover itself can be decorated with figures of animals, flowers, or it can be embroidered with a nice inscription.

DIY gift for a man

The process is not simple. Typically, shaving foam and socks come to mind. And despite the fact that all this sounds banal and simple, they can be presented in a rather original way. For example, gift box, in which pairs of socks will be beautifully folded, and in addition there will be a bottle of expensive alcohol and candy. You can compose such a set at your own discretion and add to it whatever your heart desires.

They say that men have become smaller now, so it can be presented with a hint. Remind a man of his main life goals by presenting a complete set for a “real man” as a gift. This set includes everything you need and nothing you don't: a pacifier, an acorn and a hammer. And all because the main tasks of the stronger sex are to raise a son, plant a tree and build a house.

For needlewomen, the gift option may look like a decorative pillow for interior decoration. Making it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To make it you will need a simple small pillow, a shirt and a tie/bow tie. Basically, you need to sew something like a pillowcase out of a shirt, put the pillow inside and close the seam. Such a gentleman's gift will certainly be appreciated by the recipient.

DIY gift for husband

A gift to your beloved husband should fully reflect feelings loving wife. Such gifts can be very sentimental, but if not this is how you can show love in a material way.

One of the options for pleasant gifts for your loved one is a set of tea, but not just any tea, but with love! You will have to work hard to create such a gift, but how cute it will turn out in the end. You need to carefully remove all the labels from the tea bags, and in their place place miniature envelopes, in each of them you must first put a love message or a wish for the whole day. Now every time your loved one sits down to drink tea, a radiant smile will shine on his face.

Another option for a cute and pleasant gift is creating a photo collage like this. It will not be difficult for even the most inept hands to make, and it will take very little time.

A necessary and very warm gift - knit a cover for a mug and place it on it pleasant words. Such a gift will constantly remind you of you, and will also play a useful function, because with such a case you can drink even the most hot tea without burning your hands.

Original do-it-yourself gifts

Very simple to make and at the same time quite original and very necessary - a rug made of pebbles. The most difficult thing in the creation process is to select the ideal stones that would match in size and harmoniously fit on the selected surface. And then everything is simple - take a carpet, stones and glue. It is desirable that the glue be moisture-resistant, because this rug will be washed, and so that it does not fall apart after a couple of cleanings, you need to do everything properly. First, without glue, lay the stones on the rug the way they will lie in the finished version, and then, lifting each one, apply glue to the stone and place it in place, pressing each element for the prescribed time. Such a rug turns out to be very heavy, but it will not crawl on the floor, but will remain in one place.

Other things can be done using a similar principle. For example, coasters for hot dishes or plates made from pebbles look very beautiful and original. Here's where your imagination lies.

A homemade pendant is a huge scope for imagination, because it can contain everything you want. From important symbols to photographs of loved ones. Making such a pendant is quite simple, but the recipient of the gift will definitely not remain indifferent to such creativity. By the way, blanks for pendants can be easily found in specialized online stores or in Hand Made departments.

A simply stunningly beautiful candlestick can be created from the simplest materials at hand. The image shows an example of how the lampshade for a glass is made; the main thing is to make sure that it goes exactly along the neck.

An original bowl for sweets or something else light is made from the bare minimum - sequins, glue and a balloon. To make the bowl as strong as possible, you need to apply several layers, waiting for each one to dry. After the last layer has dried, you need to remove the ball. The bowl itself can be trimmed by cutting off all the excess on top, or left as is, which will also look unusual.

Only the most courageous are not afraid of vaccinations and injections, but it is unlikely that anyone will agree to voluntary vaccination. What if you plan to inject vitamin “₽”? No one will definitely refuse this. Giving money in this way is a very interesting idea that will certainly be appreciated. Buy syringes, place banknotes in them, and print humorous instructions on the computer indicating the dosage and side effects.

DIY gift for a friend

What girl doesn't love jewelry? There are few of these, so a homemade headband will be very useful. Moreover, knowing such a technique, you can create real masterpieces. It is likely that the first time it will not turn out as expected, but constant practice will certainly bear fruit. Detailed stage execution is clearly visible on step by step photos, so there shouldn't be any problems.

A mug with a delicate design for sure. This beauty is very easy to make. To do this, you will need the simplest nail polishes, a plain mug and imagination. Drip varnishes of matching color into the water one by one, and then use a toothpick to create an intricate pattern. After this, simply carefully lower the mug into the water so that the design completely “sits” on the surface of the cup, and lift it up. Let the drawing dry and that's it. To prevent the design from peeling off, it is advisable to additionally apply a suitable glossy coating on top.

Another original version gift for a friend - a decorative candle with your joint photo. We have already talked about how to transfer a drawing from a photo to another surface, and this is clearly visible in the photo.

Knowing what kind of phone your friend has, you can give her an original smartphone cover as a gift. You can make it any way you want and with anything. The most common option is decoration with rhinestones. To work, you will need the simplest plain cover, decorative elements and glue. At first work surface you need to degrease, and then use a marker or pencil to apply the future location of the rhinestones. The rhinestones themselves can be fixed using high-quality glue. A case with an individual design will surely please your friend.

Despite the fact that each of the gifts in our selection is divided into a specific category of recipients, you can give them to anyone, at any time, the main thing is that the gift is in the theme and likes the hero of the occasion. And remember, gifts that you made with your own hands are not only no worse than those you can buy in a store, sometimes they can even surpass them in all respects.

Gifts always It’s nice not only to receive, but also to give. And if you give a gift, handmade, then this is doubly pleasant.

There are a large number of gifts that you can make with your own hands, and many of them are not that difficult, despite the fact that looks very beautiful.

Find out what gifts you can make yourself.

Sweet DIY birthday gift

Both children and adults will be happy with such a gift. It’s not difficult to make, but the birthday boy’s delight is guaranteed.

You will need:


Gift cards

Super glue


Floral foam (can be replaced with polystyrene foam or padding polyester)

Artificial moss or grass

1. Glue skewers to candy and gift cards.

2. Place foam, polystyrene foam or padding polyester in the pot.

3. Cover the foam with artificial moss or grass

4. Start inserting skewers with sweets into the foam (place the largest gift at the back and then distribute the gifts by size throughout the pot)

How to make a gift with your own hands. Coffee cup.

Any coffee fan will love this gift. If you are not yet familiar with the technique of decorating with coffee beans, you can read about how to make A coffee tree And coffee baobab .

You will need:

Coffee mug

Coffee beans

Cotton pads

White thread

Brown acrylic paint

Glue (hot glue or super glue)

1. Glue cotton pads to the mug. Cover the entire surface of the mug with cotton pads.

2. Wrap the mug with thread.

3. Apply brown acrylic paint(on top cotton pads and threads).

4. Now start gluing the coffee beans. To avoid empty seats, cover the cup with two layers of grains.

5. Decorate your cup with ribbon or lace.

Original do-it-yourself gifts. Coffee heart.

You will need:


Coffee beans


Jute thread

Decorative flowers and ribbons

Brown paint

1. Prepare a sheet of paper, fold it in half and draw half a heart on one side. Cut out a paper heart along the outline.

2. Place the paper heart on the cardboard and trace it, then cut out the heart from the cardboard. Repeat for the second cardboard heart.

3. Prepare 2 wires and wrap them in paper.

4. Glue the wire to the heart.

5. Prepare cotton pads and glue them in several layers between two cardboard hearts to create volume.

6. After you have succeeded volumetric heart, cover it with cotton pads and wrap it with thread.

7. Paint the heart with brown paint and glue on the coffee beans.

8. Prepare an iron can and glue ice cream sticks to it in a circle.

9. Wrap jute thread around the wires that are glued to the heart.

10. Insert the sponge into the pot and insert the coffee heart into it.

If you wish, you can decorate the craft with ribbons, decorative flowers and/or other details.

DIY gift for a friend. Colorful scarf made from T-shirts.

T-shirts for such a scarf can be used as old ones or ones that you don’t wear, or you can buy inexpensive ones in the children’s or teenage clothing department.

You will need:


It is advisable to wash the T-shirts before cutting them.

To make a stencil, prepare a business envelope and thick paper or cardboard. Trace the envelope and cut out a stencil from cardboard (see picture).

The front of the scarf is made up of designs and patterns, while the back is made up of plain sections.

1. Place the stencil on the material and, using a white pencil, outline the dark areas on the fabric, and brown or black the light areas.

* The front needed about 20 sections.

2. Once you've cut out all the sections you want, fold them the way you like and then simply sew one to the other.

3. Once you have sewn all the sections, iron your piece.

4. Now you need to make the back side of the scarf. To do this, you also need to cut out several sections, but in the same color, and sew them together. Sections can be made longer.

5. Sew the front and back of the scarf. If necessary, trim off excess on the scarf.

6. Iron the scarf - it is better to do this through gauze.

DIY birthday gift. Silhouette on canvas.

You will need:

Old magazines


Glue (preferably decoupage glue - in this example it's Mod Podge)

Acrylic paint

1. To start, cut old magazines into small pieces (you can involve children - they will like it). Of course, the more colorful the magazine page, the better.

2. Once you have a bunch of cut magazine pages, you need to glue them to the canvas. To do this, coat the canvas with glue and start gluing pieces of magazine pages. It is advisable to cover the entire canvas.

* Don't worry if something is not glued very smoothly, unevenness is even welcome.

3. When everything is glued, leave the canvas to dry.

4. Prepare the desired silhouette (in this example it is a bird on a tree). To make a silhouette, simply draw it on cardboard or thick paper and cut it out.

5. Place the silhouette on the canvas and trace it with a pencil or felt-tip pen.

6. Now cover everything except the silhouette with acrylic paint.

DIY wedding gift. Heart made of threads.

You will need:

Wooden tablet or board

Thread of any color

The paper on which you will draw the heart

Optional: spray paint to paint the board

1. If you decide to paint your wooden tablet, then this should be done first. If you use a bright thread (red, orange, yellow), then it is better to paint the board in dark colors.

2. Prepare a large sheet of paper or newspaper, place it on the tablet and draw an even heart on it.

3. Nail nails along the outline of the heart and remove the paper. The distance between the nails is approximately 2.5 cm.

4. Prepare a thread and tie its end to one of the nails. Start weaving the thread from one nail to another. There are no rules here, you can weave as you like until the entire space between the nails is covered and you have a heart.

Cool DIY gifts. Intertwined hearts.

You will need:


Felt (or thick paper or fabric)

Optional: tape.

1. Start with two ovals as shown in the picture. You can make them from felt or thick colored paper.

2. Fold the oval in half and make 3 parallel cuts from the fold to the rounded end, not reaching about 2-3 cm.

3. Start weaving the ovals as shown in the picture - threading one strip into the other and moving them upward. You should get a coloring of a chessboard.

4. You can add a handle for the heart so you can hang it in your home.

To better understand how to weave ovals, watch the video:

DIY wedding anniversary gift

You will need:

CD bag

Wrapping paper (colored paper is fine)

Vellum paper

Various decorations (buttons, letters, paper clips)

Photos (black and white or color)

Optional (but very useful): circle cutter (Fiskars cutter used in this example)

1. This case contains 24 pages. Cut 22 CD-sized circles from wrapping paper and 2 the same size circles from large photographs.

2. You can print a few words or short phrases, which can then be cut and pasted into an album.

3. In this example, each page of the album is decorated not only with photographs, but also with phrases from your favorite songs, quotes and thoughts.

4. For the inner pages, you can use small photographs to which you can attach the desired phrases or poems.

DIY wedding anniversary gift. Instagram-style memorial album.

The main detail of this album is photographs of the first year since the wedding. This example uses photos from Instagram, but you can use regular ones. To print photos from Instagram, you can use the PostalPix program.

You will need:


Thick paper or card

Pen or marker

Decorations (stickers, glitter)

Washi tape, thick tape or thick paper (for the spine)

1. Cut out sheets of colored cardboard that are slightly larger than the size of the photographs. You can use small stickers and colorful pens to decorate each photo page and add a few nice words.

* You can use parts of the card together with colored cardboard, it will go well with the photos.

2. Using PVA glue, connect all the pages. To do this, place the pages in a thick book, leaving a space on the outside where you apply glue and glue the spine.

3. Once you have applied glue to the ends of the pages, apply washi tape to the spine. If you don’t have such tape, you can use thick tape, or thick paper and glue.

DIY gift for a guy or girl

You will need:

Small envelopes different colors(bought or made by yourself)

Thick sheet of paper (A4 cardboard)

Details (hearts, stickers and other nice little things)

Everything is very simple:

1. Carefully glue the envelopes to a piece of thick cardboard.

2. Prepare a regular sheet of paper (you can use several sheets of different colors) and cut out small cards on which you can write wishes, poems, quotes, etc.

*You don't have to make exactly as many cards as envelopes, as you can put surprises in the form of confetti, hearts, etc. in some envelopes.

You can ready-made craft place it in a file or a special paper bag and wrap it with ribbon, like a gift.

Original do-it-yourself gifts. Bright decoration for a gift.

If you bought a gift and made it yourself, then beautiful packaging will be very helpful. The first impression is always important, which means beautiful packaging is already half the success.

Such bright packaging is suitable for a birthday or New Year. All you need to do is cut out any shape or letter from the sponge and cover it with decorative sprinkles, which are usually used to cover confectionery products.

You will need:

Decorative sprinkles


Hole puncher

Super glue

2 toothpicks

1. Cut out the desired shape, letter or word from the sponge.

2. Use a hole punch to make a hole in the corner.

3. Cover the top of the sponge with glue. You can spread the glue over the surface of the workpiece using the remaining parts of the sponge. If you don't want to get glue on your hands, you can stick a toothpick into the sponge and hold it to apply the glue.

4. Now cover the sponges with decorative sprinkles and leave to dry - this may take 24 hours.

* Don't touch the sponge until everything is dry.

5. When the glue has set, turn the piece over and repeat the instructions in steps 3 and 4 on the back side.

6. Thread a ribbon through the hole made with a hole punch and attach it to the gift.

Unusual DIY gifts. Packaging of lilies.

Any gift for your mother, grandmother, sister or friend can be placed in such colorful packaging, which will serve as an elegant addition to your gift.

You will need:

Colored paper

Adhesive tape (scotch tape)


Hole puncher

Yellow corrugated paper


1. Cut out a square from a sheet of colored paper, approximately the same size as in the top picture (green square). The size of the flower will depend on the size of the paper.

In this example, squares were used, the side size of which varied from 7 to 12 cm.

2. Cut from corrugated paper a piece 12 cm long, and fold it to a third of the width and half the length.

3. From a square of paper, cut out an oval that resembles a leaf and wrap this leaf around a rectangle of corrugated paper. Secure it at the base with a stapler.

4. Make several similar flowers of different sizes and connect them all together with a stapler.

5. When you have 3-5 flowers in a bouquet, you will need to hide the place where they are fastened. To do this, simply cover them with a green paper leaf and secure with tape.

6. Using a hole punch, make a hole through the leaf and flower stems to thread the string or ribbon through.

7. Wrap your gift and tie a paper bouquet of flowers to it.

You can make as many lilies as you like.

2. Bookmarks made from funny photographs.

Please your grandparents with these original bookmarks for books,

made from photographs of grandchildren

3. DIY bath bombs

Original and useful gift which is easy to do

4. Monogram - photo collage

In order to make such a gift, you need to buy a large wooden letter.

Then print out your favorite photos and make a collage of them on the letter.

Then coat everything with varnish, and the gift is ready!

5. Bouquet of chocolates

Look what a great idea - a bouquet of your favorite chocolates.

Not only the child will be delighted with such a bouquet.

6. “Bouquet” for a man

Miniatures of liquor, cigars, beef jerky...

7. Stones for the garden path

A nice gift for summer residents - decorative stones, from which you can make a garden path

8. Gift in a jar

What a great idea to fill a jar with goodies and give it to your loved one!!!

9. Gift in a glass

Even a simple cocktail glass can be turned into original packaging for a gift

10. Photo pendant or magnet

To make such a gift you will need special parts and glue.

11. Mini photo album

This photo album is easy to make yourself. You just need to buy a suitable sized wooden box

and print out the photos that need to be glued together with an accordion

12. Glass with glitter

A double-walled glass makes such a glamorous gift.

13. Glass dish with monogram

Using special paint, a simple glass dish can be turned into an original gift by drawing a monogram on it

14. Homemade body balm

What could be better than natural cosmetics?

With just 3 ingredients, you can make this body balm yourself.

15. Homemade natural soap

In order to make natural soap, you need to buy a soap base,

and then add various useful ingredients to it: essential oils, herbal decoctions, etc.

16. Monogrammed hand soap

Decorating a regular bottle liquid soap monogram, we will receive an unusual gift

17. Candle in a jar

In order to make such a gift, you need a beautiful jar and wax

18. Homemade extract

Making such a gift couldn’t be easier, but you need to plan for 2-4 weeks of waiting, as the extract must infuse.

This extract can be used in baking or simply used beautiful bottle with this extract as a kitchen decoration

19. Hot pads

From chips-letters from board game Scrabble (“Scrabble”) can be used to make original coasters

20. Bath accessories

Multiple bath accessories can be packed with creativity

21. Favorite recipes

Print out your favorite recipes, laminate them and hang them on your ring.

Such recipes are very convenient to use.

You can hang them on some kitchen utensil and give them as a gift.

22. Book-box

You can make...a box out of an old book!!!

23. Body scrub

This natural body scrub is very easy to make with your own hands.

24. Gift - hug

Such a simple, but such a cute gift for relatives living far away

25. Creative packaging

Ordinary things, such as money, chocolates and some trinkets, turn into an original gift thanks to this packaging

26. Bouquet of lollipops

27. Photo stands

Ceramic tiles left over from renovation, favorite photos and special varnish-everything you need to create such a gift

Since childhood, we all love to receive gifts, and if previously various things and souvenirs were a curiosity, now it can be very difficult to surprise someone, because store windows literally explode with an abundance of various goods that differ not only in appearance, but also in functionality.

Only a surprise made with special love and trepidation can evoke real and genuine emotions. And what, if not a handmade gift, can become such a surprise? Let's take a closer look different ideas making gifts and get acquainted with step by step instructions and features of the process.

Ideas for making original souvenirs

There are many different ideas for making original, unusual, beautiful and stylish souvenirs that will be a wonderful gift or a wonderful addition to it. For example, you can make your own as a souvenir for a dear person. beautiful frame for a photo. All you need is a wooden base, and then it’s a matter of imagination: you can decorate it with small pebbles, beads, beads, using the decoupage technique, and even using ordinary buttons.

Creative option replacing a banal bouquet of flowers can become topiary, the making of which is not difficult. Topiary is a kind of ball on a straight or curved long support located in a small pot.

A souvenir of this kind can be made from fabric flowers, beads, coffee beans or even small sweets - it all depends on the imagination of the one who gives this gift, and on the preferences of the one to whom it is addressed.

For those who have long been interested in creativity, there is nothing difficult in inventing and making cool interesting gifts. You can even get puzzled and make a souvenir that will symbolize the nature of a particular holiday. For example, a surprise at New Year may contain fir branches and have a tangerine smell, and for a birthday - display appearance and filling the character of the birthday boy.

An excellent gift idea for some individual holidays would be polymer clay crafts, in the production of which everything can be taken into account important nuances. For example, you can make beautiful vase as female figure, the parameters of which will correspond to the parameters of the figure beautiful girl, for whom this gift is being prepared.

But you should be careful, since such a gift may offend or upset a girl who has certain shortcomings. The best option a clay gift will be something neutral - a beautiful mug or decorative saucer with an ornament or design that means something special to the recipient of the gift.

Easy craft options

When there is no time to create a big one unusual gift, but you really want to please a person, you can choose more easy option making a suitable surprise. It will be no worse than others, but it will be much simpler to implement.

A quick little surprise can be made even from scrap materials. It could be beautiful basket of soap, satin ribbons and sewing needles.

The principle of making such a gift is very simple and, perhaps, known to everyone since childhood, but despite this, it can please not only with its appearance, but also with the pleasant aroma of soap.

Armed with permanent markers or paints and white utensils, you can create a very creative a pair of teas or even a whole service. But you should know that after applying the design, the dishes will need to be fired in the oven so that the inscriptions are not washed off with water, but are fixed under the influence of high temperatures.

The advantage of this gift is that you can decorate the dishes not just with drawings, but with important, meaningful inscriptions that will remind you of the giver of this surprise.

A homemade gift will be appreciated not only by adults, but also by children. For example, little girls will definitely like mini-figurines or small pendants made of salt dough. Such a gift will be especially dear to the child’s heart if it is made together with the parents.

Useful homemade things

Undoubtedly, everyone is pleased to receive a gift made with their own hands, but it will be good if it becomes useful and truly necessary. After all, it often happens that various things, souvenirs and other gift options simply gather dust in a box on the top shelf of the closet, since they have absolutely no functionality, but only take up space.

Therefore, before you start making this or that gift, it is worth unobtrusively asking the person to whom it is addressed what things would please this person and become useful to him in everyday life or other aspects of life.

Needed gifts are good not only because they will benefit this person, but also because every time, turning to this or that donated item, he will remember with warmth and gratitude the one who personally made such a wonderful gift.

It is worth considering many other factors when making gifts that are useful and useful in everyday life.

  • For production, high-quality materials must be used that can last for a long time, and will not deteriorate in the first weeks of operation.
  • In addition, the materials must be hypoallergenic, so it is worth asking the gift recipient in advance if he has any allergic reactions to the selected product or material.
  • If this is a piece of clothing or any thing that will be constantly in sight, attracting attention, it must be neat and very neat. Otherwise, the person to whom the gift was intended will simply be embarrassed to use it in public.
  • A gift made of hard materials should have a smooth surface and well-rounded corners, since various irregularities can easily scratch or damage other personal items.
  • You should not try to make any intimate personal items with your own hands, since not everyone is able to appreciate such surprises.
  • And, of course, it’s worth remembering that no matter how original, functional and useful your gift is, you still need to take care of suitable packaging for it. It can be a bag, box or simple wrapping paper, the main thing is that the composition as a whole looks stylish, elegant and organic.

But what kind of thing can you make with your own hands and be sure that it will definitely be useful to the recipient of the gift? Let's take a closer look at the most successful options for useful homemade surprises.


An excellent material option for a homemade gift is leather, preferably natural. Leather can be used to make many pleasant little things and very useful things.

Stylish belt

At first glance, the process of making a belt may seem very simple, but don’t rush to rejoice. Definitely, everyone will love such a handmade gift, but in order to make a truly high-quality item, you will have to tinker.

To do this, you will need special tools for cutting leather, a hole punch, a ruler and a device that will help shape the edges of the product.

But it’s not enough just to get the right tools, because in order to make a belt for a gift for a specific person, you also need to know the parameters of his body or at least the size of his clothing.

You will need to carefully take all measurements, after which they will need to be transferred to paper or directly to the skin, drawing the approximate shape of the future belt. After this, you need to cut out the part, shape the edges properly, fasten the buckle and make several holes at an equal distance and at the same level. If desired, the belt can be painted and the edges processed special means, which creates a sealing effect. Such a gift will not only last a long time, but will also pleasantly surprise the person to whom it is addressed.

Compact diary

Perhaps none modern man cannot do without notebooks, notebooks and diaries, so a homemade gift of this kind can become a real find. But the process of its manufacture is not at all simple, however, subject to certain rules and detailed instructions you will easily cope with the task.

First you need to make paper blanks. These can be either regular white sheets or printed pages with beautiful drawings and stylish layout.

The sheets must be folded in half and stitched together in small blocks, approximately 6-10 pages each.

Then the stitched blocks must be glued together using reliable paper glue and the most common fabric scraps. On top of these paper blocks you will need to glue the base of the future cover, made of thick cardboard. While these parts are glued, you can begin making the cover.

To do this, you need to cut out a large rectangle of a suitable size from thick leather, as well as two small ones that will serve as connecting parts. Sheets of cardboard base are completely glued to a large leather rectangle on their outer side. The inside of the cardboard parts is glued with the remaining small parts. If necessary, the edges of the cover can be stitched. It is worth noting that immediately after gluing the cover parts, the future diary will need to be closed and pressed with something heavy so that it takes on the desired shape and appearance.

Cover for documents

Document covers made from genuine leather. Such an item can become a worthy gift, especially if you make it yourself. In addition, it is quite simple to perform and does not require the use of any complex techniques.

First you need to choose the right skin. It can be light material with beautiful patterns, suitable for a gift to the fair sex, or dark - for stylish gift to a man.

Next, you need to decide for which document you will make the cover and think about its dimensions. Everything is simple if it is a passport, student card or record book, since such documents have a single standard of parameters, and you can make a cover for them using the example of your personal passport or record book.

After everything becomes clear with the dimensions, it will be necessary to prepare the material by marking it. You need to make a couple of indentations on the sides; they will subsequently be folded and form special pockets into which you will tuck the edges of a regular passport cover.

When making such a gift, you do not need to glue anything; you just need to carefully sew the edges using a special sewing tool or using special needles. Threads should also be used that are strong and have a high degree of wear resistance.

This way the cover can last for many years.

Cases for gadgets

Everyone nowadays has a smartphone, tablet or laptop, or even all at once. Therefore, covers can be an excellent gift option. self made for gadgets. As in the case of documents, it is necessary to know the dimensions of the phone and other electronic assistants, but, unlike the first case, You just need to remember the make and model, and all other details can be found on the Internet.

The principle of making the simplest cases has nothing complicated, since they are a kind of bags with clasps and ties. Rectangles need to be cut out of leather. suitable sizes and sew on three sides, leaving the fourth free so that the phone can be folded into the resulting bag.

It is worth noting that For the reliability of such cases, you can add soft foam or hard cardboard inserts, which will help protect the phone from a fall or other shocks.

Leather cases can be complemented with embroidery, rhinestones, stickers or designs made using special paints.

Made of metal

Gifts made of metals, although they look very unusual and original, are still quite difficult to make. Not every girl will be able to cope with this kind of process, and some of the manufacturing features will only be possible for men.

The simplest option for metal crafts is to make various things and souvenirs from bendable metal wire. For example, you can make an original stand for your phone, a stand for hot dishes, decor for a photo frame, a beautiful keychain or just an unusual figurine.

For those who know how to handle a soldering iron and have other special attributes for working with metals, there are many other options for making beautiful gifts.

They look very cool coasters for glasses, made in the form of a sitting, running or dancing man. The originality of this idea is that such a stand not only has arms and legs, it also displays even the smallest details in the form of laces on shoes or fingers.

In addition, metal can be used to make a beautiful display for bottles, plates or an original base for a table lamp.

How to give a romantic gift?

Perhaps, romantic gifts deserve special attention, because everyone wants to please their soulmate with something special, original, created only for their loved one. Therefore, many strive to create gifts of this kind with their own hands, taking into account all the preferences and wishes of their other half. A romantic surprise can be given not only for some special occasion, significant holiday, but also in the process of courtship, on a date or even for no reason. Making a beautiful, cute gift is not so difficult; there are many examples and options for both girls and men. The main thing is to carefully study the step-by-step instructions.

In addition, it is worth noting some nuances regarding romantic gifts.

  • Surprises for girls should always include flowers that she especially likes.
  • Gifts for both girls and men should be dominated by soft and warm pastel colors. Such colors have a beneficial effect on the emotional background and evoke tenderness.
  • Even the most small gift, made with soul, can please your loved one. Therefore, there is no need to split hairs by inventing something super-original.
  • There doesn’t have to be a reason for a romantic gift, but it’s better to present such a surprise in a suitable setting.

Let's take a closer look at the options for romantic gifts and the features of their manufacture.

From flowers

All girls love flowers. Despite the fact that taste preferences regarding species differ, in general it is very difficult to find a representative of the fair half of humanity who would not like flowers. In addition, it is flowers that are especially a woman's gift, since it is not customary to give them to a man.

You can make a wonderful surprise out of flowers by combining them with large strawberries. This composition can be either combined into a bouquet or placed in a shallow gift box.

In this case, the flower buds will have to be separated from the stems and stuck into a special floral sponge, which will help prolong their life.

Figures in the form of animals, hearts and other cute objects made from flowers look original. The basis for such a composition should also be a floral sponge, which absorbs moisture and nourishes the flowers with it. Without water, they will die very quickly and the composition will be ruined.

Besides, flowers do not have to be fresh, because to some such a gift may seem banal. You can surprise your beloved girl by forging a metal rose for her with your own hands and making a beautiful bright bouquet of paper flowers and toys. These types of gifts do not have an expiration date, so they will delight you with their appearance for a long time.

From napkins

Very unusual idea There will be romantic gifts made from napkins and, at first glance, it is very difficult to come up with something original made from such material. But don’t despair, because napkins don’t have to be used alone; they can always be combined with other items.

For example, they can be used as a beautiful wrapper for a main gift. To do this, you need to choose a type of napkins that looks like wrapping paper and beautiful satin ribbons.

In addition, you can make the necessary functional item using napkins and make a beautiful box for small items for a girl or guy, decorated using the decoupage technique. The peculiarity of this technique is that paint, glue, napkins and glossy varnish are used to apply images to the surface of various objects.

And, of course, we must not forget about the simplest options: you can always make beautiful paper flowers from napkins or make an unusual table setting for a romantic dinner.

From tapes

Typically, various ribbons are used for gift wrapping or as a decorative element, but few people think that ribbons can be used as the main decoration of a gift or even as a surprise itself.

For example, bottles can be wrapped in a special way with ribbons, creating a feminine or masculine outfit on them. Such techniques are often used at weddings.

One bottle is wrapped in light ribbons to form the bride's dress, while the other appears as the groom's suit.

You can make small but pleasant surprises in the form of roses from ribbons. You need to start making such a rose by folding one edge into a tube, which will need to be fixed with glue. Next, the remaining piece of tape will be wrapped around this tube and fixed with glue. The ribbon will need to be turned in the opposite direction - this way the petals will look voluminous and more natural.

It would be nice to complement and decorate a wooden basket with ribbons, which can be used for any holiday. The main thing is to choose the right shade of ribbons. Pink, white and red shades are suitable for a romantic event. For spring holidays will be ideal bright colors, and for a Christmas surprise - burgundy and green.

From beads

Beads are a truly unique material that can be used to make absolutely any gifts, including romantic ones. For example, from beads you can make a cute figurine in the form of an animal, which would be ideal for a girl, or in the form of an airplane or car, which would be perfect for a man.

An openwork beaded necklace will look very impressive on a graceful woman’s neck, and words cannot describe how delighted your lady will be when she finds out that it was made by your hands!

The process is not as complicated as it might seem, you just need to arm yourself with fishing line, multi-colored beads and follow the order of stringing the beads.

A beaded brooch will look beautiful and unusual. It can have any shape and size. The brooch can be made in the form of a flower, an animal, or even an inscription - it all depends on your imagination. In addition, when making a brooch you can use not only beads, but also various large beads, decorative stones.

A beautiful decorative tie made of beads can be an original gift for a man. And although the recipient of the gift is unlikely to use it in his casual attire, he will still be able to complement some original holiday image with it.

In addition, beads can be used to make beautiful pendants, original personalized or paired bracelets, paintings, appliqués, trees, and even flowers.

From threads

It would seem that this can be made as a gift to your soulmate from the most ordinary threads? You will be surprised how many original ideas there are for making gifts from this material!

The most popular of them is the heart, for the manufacture of which, in addition to threads, you will also need a wooden base and small nails. The essence of this gift is that nails are driven into a wooden base, forming the outline of a heart. They do not need to be hammered in completely; there should be about one and a half centimeters between the cap and the base. Next, threads are wrapped diagonally around the nails, from one nail to another. The threads can be wound in a chaotic manner. At the end, a beautiful applique is formed.

You can make it from threads three-dimensional figurine using glue, Balloons or cone base. To do this, it is better to choose woolen or simply thick threads that will be dipped in glue and attached to the base. This way you can get a beautiful three-dimensional heart, ball or Christmas tree.

The originality of gifts made from threads lies in the fact that they can always be supplemented with thin multi-colored battery-powered garlands, thanks to which the surprises will look even more romantic.

From foamiran

Foamiran is a kind of foam material that is very often used for making decorative souvenirs and gifts. It is very pleasant to the touch and comes in a variety of shades, making it truly versatile. In addition, it is very light weight and very pliable to work with.

The most common element for homemade gifts made from this material is flowers. You can make anything out of them. For example, complement the hairband by combining flowers with lace, beads and ribbons. Any girl will be delighted with such a gift. Using the same principle, you can make decorative hair clips, small brooches, earrings or rings, and other accessories.

Perhaps we are all Lately We saw decorative bears made from small foamiran flowers in the windows of souvenir and flower shops. Such figures can be made independently, in the form of not only bears, but also other animals. In addition, this material can be used to make beautiful flower bouquets and unusual compositions from artificial berries and fruits.

Edible gifts

A few years ago, various gifts using food products became extremely popular. These include bouquets, baskets, and other varieties of different sizes and shapes. Such a gift will not only be a beautiful reminder of the holiday and the giver, but will also delight the entire family of the gift recipient with goodies.

However, there are many important aspects, which must be taken into account when making edible surprises.

  • First of all, you need to make sure that all products are fresh and have a good shelf life, allowing you to store the gift for some time.
  • When working with open products such as sausage or cheese, all sanitary standards must be observed. The manufacturing process must be carried out strictly with disposable gloves and a special cap on the head to protect the product from getting hair.
  • In addition, it is strictly forbidden to start making an edible gift if you suffer from any diseases that can be transmitted through the air or touching food.

It is best to store the finished edible gift in the refrigerator or at least in a cool place to protect it and keep the food fresh longer.

From sweets

A gift of sweets does not have to be complicated to make. These can be beautifully arranged sets of sweets, honey, glazed nuts, syrups and cookies. In addition, you can create a sweet gift by wrapping each item in beautiful paper with an original signature. For example, on a chocolate bar you can safely write “a remedy for sadness,” because we all know how chocolate lifts our spirits.

But if you want to truly surprise the person for whom the gift is intended, you can think about creating an entire craft made from sweets. For example, do a beautiful box decorated with paper flowers and sweets.

For this we need:

  • corrugated paper;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • box;
  • candies;
  • beautiful packing tapes;
  • beads or rhinestones for decoration.

At the first stage, you will need to cover the perimeter of the box with corrugated paper and decorate it with candies. To do this, it is best to choose small chocolates or oblong-shaped candies. They are glued vertically, quite close to each other, forming a kind of “fence”. Thus, you need to trim all the outer side parts of the box. This composition looks best on round and oval shaped boxes.

Next we move on to the decor of the lid, which also needs to be pasted over. beautiful paper. On the lid there will be beautiful flowers, the petals of which are made of corrugated paper, and in the middle between them a round or dome-shaped candy is hidden. To decorate the lid, two or three small flowers will be enough, and decorative small details will help complement the composition.

Such gifts look very beautiful, and any girl will be delighted with such a surprise.

You will see a master class on making a box of sweets in the next video.

From sausages and cheeses

A very original idea, suitable for a gift for a man, is to make bouquet arrangements of sausages and cheeses. Let's take a closer look at which products are most suitable for such a gift, what can be supplemented with it, and how to secure everything in a bouquet.

The main part of the bouquet will be smoked hunting sausages, which have a thin, oblong shape and different size. Small ones can be left in their original form, but long sausages will have to be cut into several parts, the main thing is that they are all equal to each other.

As for the cheese, It is best to choose a smoked product with a small round shape. All details should be strung on wooden skewers and collected into a bouquet, and to make the composition look brighter and more unusual, you can supplement it with green onions, cherry tomatoes, small pieces of fresh baguette and alcoholic drinks.

In the center of the bouquet you can place a can or bottle of good beer, cognac or other drink that will be preferable to the recipient of the gift.

You can pack such a surprise in craft paper, and on top you will need to put transparent packaging, which will help protect the products from dust and dirt.