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What is bad energy. Signs of positive and negative human energy

Each person has their own energy field. The success of his life and relationships with other people depend on him. Someone's energy is weak, someone, on the contrary, is so strong that it can influence the fate of other people. In this article we will tell you in detail how energy affects a person, his life and his environment. We will share with you a way to determine your energy field, and how to restore it if it has begun to collapse.

We are all born into the world with our own individual energy field. It is an invisible cocoon that envelops the human body from all sides.

Human energy consists of several bodies through which energy must constantly pass. If this does not happen, then the person feels weak, unhappy and sick.

To begin with, we propose to figure out what kind of bodies the human energy consists of:

  1. Atmanic - this body is responsible for ensuring that a person in life has some kind of goal that he aspires to. In fact, this goal is the meaning of life for him, so he constantly feels the strength to rise and achieve new results every day.
  2. Buddhic - the body responsible for the values ​​in human life. It works and fully functions only if a person is busy in life with his favorite thing, from which he receives frantic pleasure.
  3. Causal is a body, the normal functioning of which depends on how harmoniously a person feels, whether he listens to his inner voice, whether his behavior corresponds to what he aspires to in life.
  4. Astral - the body responsible for how a person perceives the events that occur in his life, what emotions he experiences at the same time.
  5. The mental is the body that is responsible for the development of intuition in a person. It depends on the development of this body whether a person can predict some events from his life.
  6. Etheric - the body responsible for the physical condition of a person, his health, tone. From the usefulness of the functioning of this body depends on how you will be perceived in society by other people.

Human energy tends to accumulate, so it is very important to be able to spend it so that there is no stagnation and, conversely, so that it is not wasted. First of all, you must spend your energy on family, work, sports, self-development and hobbies.

Psychologists distinguish 3 main levels of human energy:

  1. Insufficient - when a person has so little of his own energy that he begins to look for its sources from another person. Such people are called energy vampires. After talking with them, you feel weak, exhausted. Although it should be noted that many energy vampires do not even realize that they are.
  2. Average - when a person has found his golden mean. They replenish their energy reserves from communicating with pleasant people, from hobbies, work and being alone.
  3. High - when there is so much energy that there is nowhere to put it. These people include people who have very well developed psychic abilities.

How to identify a person with strong energy?

A person with increased energy is easy to recognize:

  • First of all, according to external signs. Such a person has dark eyes and hair, thin lips, but at the same time a wide jaw and a massive forehead.
  • A person with strong energy almost never gets sick. He is strong and strong, not only physically, but also in spirit.
  • People with strong energy do not give up when faced with life's difficulties, but quickly find a way out of the current situation. No one can unsettle a strong person in terms of energy.
  • Of such people, creativity and creativity is in full swing. They can come up with interesting things literally on the go, and all this is given to them very easily and simply.
  • People with a high level of energy are unusually charismatic. They influence others and attract them to them like a magnet.

What destroys human energy?

Even if a person has a very strong energy, this does not mean that this will continue forever. Under the influence of certain factors, the bioenergetic field of a person can be destroyed. We have compiled a list of what has a negative impact on human energy:

  1. If a person constantly worries about something, feels guilty, his conscience gnaws at him, in this case the person’s energy becomes bad, vulnerable.
  2. Resentment can have a detrimental effect not only on the bioenergetic field, but also on human health as a whole. Because of this, he ceases to achieve his goals and loses the desire to live actively and interestingly.
  3. Psychological disorders associated with the loss of a loved one, disappointment in love and other things that can negatively affect spiritual harmony.
  4. The feeling of envy has a very bad effect on the energy of a person. Everything that he does not undertake, in the end does not give any result.
  5. A very large amount of work, because of which a person is nervous all the time, also has a destructive effect on the energy field, because it draws life forces out of us.

Human energy by date of birth: how to determine?

To find out your own energy potential, it is enough to make one simple calculation based on the date of your birth:

  1. Write down your date of birth on a piece of paper in this order - year (consisting of 4 digits), month (2 digits) and day (2 digits). For example, you were born in 1968, in September, which we will write as "09", on the 15th.
  2. Next, you will need to multiply the year of your birth by 0915 (these numbers form the month and day of birth). The result is the number 1800720.
  3. All the digits of the resulting number must be added together to end up with a two-digit number: 1+8+0+0+7+2+0=18.

Based on the result, you can determine your energy level.

  • If your result is less than 21 (what happened in our case), then you have a low energy level and you urgently need to do something to increase it.
  • If your result ranges from 21 to 30, then you have a normal average energy level. You just have to try to keep it all the time.
  • If the indicator is more than 30, it means that you can be an energy donor for someone, because you have a very high level of energy.

How to increase the energy of a person?

If it so happened that you have a very weak energy potential, then you don’t need to put an end to your future, you can restore your energy if you follow the recommendations below:

  1. Give up all bad habits that you have. Lead a completely healthy lifestyle. You need to eat right, sleep well and exercise.
  2. Be outdoors more often, because nature for a person is a source of vital energy. It is desirable at the time of walking in clean air for at least 30 minutes. to be completely alone.
  3. Engage in the study of philosophy and pay attention to religion. Go to church, pray, light candles and just wish the people around you peace and kindness.
  4. Find a hobby and change jobs if it depresses you. As soon as you do the most for yourself, you will immediately feel a surge of vitality.
  5. Go to social events, visit cultural institutions, relax with friends and family members. All this will greatly inspire you and help you gain vitality in order to achieve positive results in your life.

By following all of the above recommendations, you can quickly not only restore, but also cleanse your energy. You will immediately feel how your life will begin to change for the better. Try to adhere to these rules throughout life so that the energy does not deteriorate or collapse at all, although it should be noted that in the circumstances in which we are forced to live, this is quite difficult. But still, we wish all our readers harmony, well-being, banal human happiness and goodness! Live life to the fullest, love and be loved!

Video: "Human energy: numerology by date of birth"

The strong energy of a person has its own signs. It, like any other energy, is positive and negative. Its plus or minus depends on many factors. Both can be present in one person at the same time. But which of them will manifest itself, at what moment, also depends on many circumstances, both physical and mental, emotional, etc. A person in a good mood, happy, kind, can spread his positive energy to others. Around him, others will feel better, people will become calmer, happier. Near people with strong positive energy, you want to be longer, comfortable, pleasant. With his biofield, sometimes even unconsciously, such a person can heal the ailments of those who are nearby.

And there are people with negative energy. Something very unpleasant, even nasty, comes from them. People around can feel anxiety, anxiety next to such a person, weaker ones - even fear. And I want to run away from him like a fire. Weaker people can even get sick if they get into the orbit of the biofield of such a person. Here everything depends on the strength of the potential of this or that energy in a person. In fairy tales, such personalities were called, for example, good and evil fairies, an evil sorcerer and a good wizard. But in fact, these are indicators of light or dark energy in a particular person.

Types of human energy

People with strong energy differ in several ways and types that characterize a person's ability to collect, accumulate energy in himself. People give energy in different ways. Energy types:

Mirror People: able to mirror any energy directed at them from other people. The advantage of this ability is that you can always protect yourself from the negative energy that someone with unkind thoughts, goals, intentions directs at a person. It is difficult for a mirror person to cause evil - it will always return to the one who directed it, and in a hundredfold amount.

The mirror person is very sensitive, perfectly feels the internal state of other people. Therefore, having determined that a person with bad intentions appeared nearby, he most often simply avoids any contact and communication with the owner of negative energy - “with a dark soul”, as they say.

Yes, and the people themselves “with a stone in their bosom”, if they are strong enough, feel mirror people, and consciously or on an unconscious level try to avoid contact, because they understand or feel intuitively that the evil they sent to them will return, which they do to themselves do not want. From such a reflection, the one who sent evil can even get sick. Moreover, the stronger the charge sent, the stronger the reflection will be, the more serious, life-threatening the disease that sent evil can manifest itself.

People with positive energy, on the contrary, receive a greater positive charge in reflection than the one that they themselves emit. Their communication with a mirror person can be desirable, long, pleasant. They will mutually want to continue and maintain good relations.

Leech People

They are also called energy vampires. They are always looking for people from whom they can feed on other people's strength, health, energy. Leeches are often good psychologists, they act prudently and accurately: first they provoke the interlocutor, involving him in disputes or quarrels, humiliating or insulting, sometimes they sympathize, even console, seem to support morally, but in fact they are waiting for the interlocutor to open up emotionally, mentally and then they begin, as the people say, "to suck out all the juices."

A person gets upset, offended, angry or angry, rejoices or cries - any strong emotion of an unprepared person reveals him, he becomes defenseless against a negative impact on him. Therefore, it is always very important to keep feelings and emotions under control, not to succumb to provocations or hypocritical compliments, sympathy. Leeches immediately stick and begin to pull energy into themselves. A person after such communication remains completely devastated, like a squeezed lemon, he can even get sick. Moreover, it is not necessary that a stranger turns out to be a leech; such vampires can also be found among relatives and friends. They often work in public transport, in queues, etc., creating a scandal from scratch and involving an increasing number of donors in it for themselves. There is no need to succumb to this kind of provocation, so as not to become a victim and not to let the life be sucked out of oneself.

But people-leeches feel just great after such communication: they are full of strength, ate, fed, full of health. They are always looking around for human donors that leeches can use for themselves.

wall people

Such people are called impenetrable, impenetrable. They build a wall around themselves, brick, blocks, stones. It all depends on the strength and potential of the energy of such a person: either his wall is a willow wattle fence, or a thick, powerful fortress wall. Often it is built by visualization. Sometimes such a person encloses himself as if in a cocoon - a kind of person in a case, enclosing his innermost part - the soul. Yes, such a person is protected, not everyone can break through his protection. However, this has its drawbacks: the negative energy bouncing off the protective wall, the evil sent into a person, does not always fully return to the one who sent this evil. Ricochet some of the negativity overtakes those who are close to the man-wall. There is a danger, carried away by protection, to isolate oneself not so much even from the world as from life in general, to become cold, indifferent, sometimes even cruel to others.

Sticky people

Velcro: such a person, even at the first meeting, begins to pour out a powerful stream of negativity on the interlocutor. He answers the innocent question “How are you?” in detail, dumping on the interlocutor a lot of unnecessary trifles, all the bad things that are in his life, sometimes even if there is nothing bad. A sticky person is imposed persistently, stubbornly, in order to constantly be in the company of a person from whom he can absorb everything he wants: success, health, happiness, joy, fame, etc. - in a word, to steal for yourself someone else's successful fate and life.

Velcro is very difficult to get rid of: he always tries to be on the way, to catch the eye, clings to fame and success, constantly calls at any time of the day or night, whines about how bad everything is for him to be pitied. Adherents are dangerous not so much because they draw someone else's energy for themselves (they do this to a lesser extent than vampires), but they try to make another person, sympathizing with him, pitying him, advising him, imperceptibly for himself, voluntarily give up his life and destiny .

People absorbers

they look like vampires and stuck. It can be said that absorbers are both at the same time, “two in one”. A person both gives (donor) and receives (acceptor). He is extremely sensitive, with an accelerated energy-information exchange, he loves to interfere in everything: “what are you doing here?” - in other people's destinies, lives, joys, successes, etc. Moreover, he is still trying to influence not so much aggressively as with a hypocritical, prudent desire to allegedly provide help and support. There are two types of absorbers:

  1. a person absorbs energy, both positive and negative. Easily offended even from scratch, but quickly forgets insults;
  2. absorbs a powerful stream of negative energy, but gives no less positive energy. A person actively climbs into everything, delves into other people's problems and affairs, has a positive effect on the energy of others, however, due to too accelerated energy metabolism, he quickly and early "burns out" himself.

It is better for such people to think more about their loved ones, to take care of themselves, their lives. Everything needs a measure. Absorbers should control themselves first and stop in time.

Samoyed man

This instance is unnecessarily fixated on himself, on his problems, deeds, feelings, on his life. Because of such isolation, he often dooms himself to cold loneliness. The Samoyed is unable to communicate with other people, does not know how to properly redistribute energy flows. But in such circumstances, he accumulates a huge potential of negativity, which gnaws at him from the inside.

plant man

He gives more often than he receives. This is a donor who distributes his energy to the right and left. You can recognize a plant person by his excessive curiosity, which in others causes acute irritation, discontent, anger and anger. Such feelings do not bring anything good to the donor himself. We must temper our excessive curiosity. It is useful to remind ourselves - "we are inquisitive, but not curious" (as the Strugatsky brothers said): curiosity should be in moderation, you need to strive to know, and not stick your nose anywhere.

Filter Man

he has a fairly strong energy, thanks to which he can pass through himself powerful flows of any energy: positive and negative. At the same time, the energies and information flows in it are transformed and already have changed charges at the output. Negative in this process is eliminated, changed to positive. Such a person in life can become a very successful diplomat, psychologist, peacemaker.

Intermediary man

He has amazing energy. A person receives positive energy just fine. However, he is almost unable to withstand the negative energy impact. An intermediary person as a carrier of a virus: having taken in some negative information, for example, he does not cope with it, but simply passes it on, “infecting” those he encounters on the way. However, he also "infects" others with positivity. Intermediaries are quite common

Bioenergetic processes in people's lives occur constantly. Every person has some ability, strong or weak. It happens that a person combines two or even more energy types. The conclusion here is, in principle, simple, uncomplicated: you need to learn to cope with your energies, to control them.

Strong energy - how to recognize it

To understand how strong the energy of a given person, you need to know certain signs of its presence and degree of strength. How to determine that a person has powerful energy - you need to carefully look and observe the manifestation of certain signs that are characteristic of sensitive people. Signs of strong energy:

  • a person has strong immunity, he practically does not get sick, does not suffer from depression, mood swings;
  • understands any minor, mild illness as a warning and works with information, or on errors for which this mild illness was sent to him;
  • he is successful in everything or in most cases; other people get the impression that everything is obtained by this person regardless of his efforts, he may not even apply them;
  • the sensitive evokes sympathy for himself, often even unconsciously, he is loved by the opposite sex - the possession of such magnetism makes him a leader among other people
  • the ability to perceive any events from a philosophical point of view, from any failures a person draws conclusions for himself, he perceives them as lessons that need to be solved, therefore he does not feel discomfort from any troubles, he is able to remain himself in any conditions and circumstances;
  • charisma to one degree or another allows the sensitive to become a leader, even if he does not make any effort; able to be a talented boss, leader;
  • powerful energy gives a person great physical endurance; he survives where another would suffer mortally; they say about such people: he does not know fatigue, he survived by a miracle;
  • sensitive - a brave experimenter, loves to learn new things, lives according to the well-known slogan "study, study and study" (as grandfather Lenin bequeathed to us); he never rests on his laurels, always strives forward, breaks stereotypes. They say about such a person: he is not of this world;
  • wisdom is inherent in him, he inspires confidence in himself, therefore people are drawn to such a person, turn for help, ask for advice, trust their troubles and joys.

If the sensitive has a powerful energy, then he has many or all of the signs of this power. It happens that some of them are less pronounced, and some more clearly. However, over time, as spiritual, moral and physical growth above oneself, these abilities become stronger and more expressive.

Strong energy and signs of magical power

People with strong energy also have magical, extrasensory abilities. Another thing is whether a person with powerful energy develops them, uses them. However, even if he does not work with these abilities, the latter still manifest themselves in his life one way or another. And with a careful attitude, they can be recognized in a person:

  • elements: ability to interconnect with the weather, cataclysms. A sensitive can cause rain or drought, disperse clouds, for example. “And he, rebellious, asks for a storm ...” - just such abilities are said;
  • unity and understanding of nature: a person is able to read the signs that are given to him by plants, birds, animals, etc. Under his hand, flowers, trees, for example, come to life, or in his presence everything withers, dries up, dies (if the powerful energy is negative). Rivers, streams, waterfalls, stones, sunsets and sunrises - everything gives its signals and the medium knows how to understand them and work with them. This is both Dr. Aibolit and Vasilisa the Wise, who interact with natural phenomena, things;
  • healing abilities: often the mere presence of such a person reduces the pain of those near him. He can heal, treat with traditional and non-traditional methods (spells, herbs, prayers, hands contact and at a distance, etc.);
  • close relationship with the Moon and its rhythms: the magician knows exactly what and when to do and what not to do. Night is his time, he works with the phases of the moon, with the lunar day;
  • the embodiment of desires and dreams: a psychic is able to realize his dreams and desires, to fulfill, to some extent, the desires and dreams of other people. He materializes thoughts, turns words into action;
  • past lives (déjà vu): the magician has the gift to work with his past incarnations, he remembers them, he can move in time to the past and future;
  • inner voice: the person is intuitive, he often sees prophetic dreams, he is able to foresee and knows what to do with it. Therefore, he knows how to guess, using different objects for this, he sees, sees the aura of other people;
  • talismans and amulets: can be made from anything, and it will all work (taking into account the horoscope, mineralogy, etc.);
  • interaction with other energies: a psychic can either restore or destroy someone else's biofield, especially if his energy is stronger than someone else's. Various magical effects are associated with such actions: conspiracies, evil eye, damage, and so on. (Either he heals others from this, or he induces himself);
  • self-destruction: if a person begins to use his energy in an amateurish way, at an amateur level, without controlling himself, a boomerang effect is triggered - everything done by others returns to him, and a hundredfold. The power of his energy is gradually decreasing, a person withdraws into himself, moves away from reality, tries to escape into imaginary worlds, which eventually leads either to madness or severe depression.

Attention! To avoid negative consequences for yourself and other people, when working with energies and forces, it is absolutely necessary to observe certain safety precautions, you need to possess not only strength, but also knowledge, which you should definitely learn.

  • technology, electricity: since strong energy has a common nature with other energies in this and other worlds, then in the presence of such a psychic, technology can work non-standardly, electricity can go out, for example, or a light bulb can light up in the hand, the clock can either run forward or lag behind .

It should be remembered and taken into account that when recognizing a person with strong energy, the latter can be both a good wizard and an evil sorcerer. Either a psychic does good, or brings evil to others and the world. All of these signs have either a plus sign or a minus sign.

Observation, moderation in everything, knowledge will help protect not only yourself, but also your loved ones from any evil, at the same time help those in need, but without negative consequences. No need to succumb to any provocations, restraint and endurance are always good. And of course: to learn to understand and know yourself, the world around you.

What is human energy? We will talk about this interesting and unique phenomenon in this article. It turns out that the human body consists not only of a physical body with many organs. It also includes those that most people are unable to see.

Even in ancient times, people knew that each material body has its own energy. It does not matter at all whether it is a living organism or an inanimate object. Each organism exchanges its energy with the outside world - receives it from the external environment and radiates it back. This is how energy circulates.

As a result of such an energy exchange, a person may feel alert and full of energy, or, conversely, exhausted and depressed. Mood and well-being, health and success depend on it.

Energy flows

The human body has a subtle energy system. The circulation of energy does not occur in the physical shell, but in this subtle energy structure that permeates the body.

The main energy flows that enter the human body are two flows - ascending and descending. They pass through the energy channels in the opposite direction.

From below, through the feet, we receive an energy flow emanating from the earth's core. It rises along the spinal column to the energy center, which is located in the parietal region. This is the energy flow of the Earth.

The second stream enters the center, located on the crown of the head, and passes down to the fingers and feet. This is the flow of energy from the Cosmos.

Thus, the human energy is created by the energies of the Cosmos and the Earth, which form our energy shell, or aura.

In order for the human energy system to be normal, these flows must circulate freely in the body and have no obstacles in their path. If there is some kind of malfunction in the energy system, there are health problems or emotional disturbances.

Thus, the lack of energy of the Earth can lead to diseases of the heart and blood vessels. And with a lack of energy of the Cosmos, the joints and spine are affected.

And if you lack the energy of the Cosmos, it is best to listen to classical music, engage in creative activities and meditative practices.

Energy centers or chakras

Our body assimilates earthly and cosmic energies through. They are located along the spine and are connected by a channel called Sushumna. The body receives earthly energy with the help of the three lower chakras, and the energy of the Cosmos - with the help of the three upper ones. In the center is located, which maintains the balance of these energies.

Chakras are cones of energy with a top at the spinal column and a base on the front surface. They do not function in isolation, but as combinations or “triangles of forces”. Visually, the chakras are whirlwinds of energies resembling a lotus flower and having.

The most famous is the system that includes seven energy centers and three central meridians - Sushumna, Ida and Pindala. Energy meridians, or nadis, connect the chakras with various organs and systems and form a thin shell.

The chakras are arranged in this order:

  1. - at the base of the spinal column in the perineum.
  2. - at the level of the pubis, below the navel to the width of the palm.
  3. - at the navel.
  4. - in the center at the level of the heart.
  5. - in the neck at the jugular cavity.
  6. - in the center of the forehead at the intersection of the optic nerves.
  7. - in the parietal zone.

The functions that chakras perform in our body:

  1. They connect thin shells that are inside and outside the body.
  2. They fill the physical body with energy, so that all physiological processes can take place in the body.
  3. Help a person psychologically interact with the outside world.
  4. Each open chakra gives a person certain abilities and opportunities.

The energy of each person is connected with the work of his energy centers. Depending on how the chakras work, a person can have strong or weak energy, positive or negative.

Signs of strong energy

A person with strong energy is a born leader. These are self-confident and self-sufficient people who do not care about the opinions of others. They are not afraid to express their emotions in front of strangers, behave naturally and naturally.

Such personalities are always full of new ideas and energize those around them. They have many interests and hobbies. These are good speakers and creative individuals who have many fans and friends. They are very sociable and able to find an approach to any person. In this they are helped by friendliness and charm, which is impossible to resist.

Such personalities usually have characteristic external signs. Most often they have dark hair color, thin lips, heavy chin and thick eyebrows. Their distinctive feature is also dark, almost black eyes, piercing through.

Signs of weak energy

A person with weak energy is easy to identify by characteristic features. As a rule, such people are apathetic, emotionally unstable and prone to depression. Often they cause pity and sympathy of others, it is unpleasant to communicate with them.

Such individuals have problems obtaining energy in a natural way - through energy channels. Their energy exchange is disturbed, there are breakdowns in the aura, through which energy leaks. Therefore, most often, in order to make up for the lack of vitality, such people resort to energy vampirism.

For people with weak energy, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • Poor health and poor resistance to disease.
  • Apathy and lethargy, a tendency to depression, depression.
  • Melancholic mood and self-doubt.
  • Tendency to various phobias and mental disorders, sleep disturbance.
  • Lack of interest in life, passivity, unwillingness to develop.
  • Increased vulnerability and sensitivity.

Such people feel energetically depleted after physical exertion, sex, and drinking alcohol. Even eating does not save the situation. They need a long period to restore their energy potential.

Most often, the elderly suffer from a lack of energy, as well as those who have suffered a serious illness or severe stress.

How to increase the level of energy?

If you want to increase your energy potential, follow these simple recommendations. First of all, you need to take care of a good rest. After all, in order to maintain energy balance, the body must be able to restore strength. Try to get enough sleep and spend more time in nature, lead an active lifestyle, but do not overload your body.

Special meditation practices and yoga help to strengthen and increase energy.

In addition, it is imperative to get rid of negative emotions and a pessimistic attitude. During outbreaks of anger, aggression, irritation and other negative experiences, a powerful release of vital energy occurs, which greatly weakens the human biofield. Try to push away all negativity from yourself and, if possible, do not communicate with conflicting and aggressive people.

If a person has a positive attitude, his energy becomes harmonious and positively affects others. Friendly and sincere people are attracted to him, and circumstances are in his favor.

If you want to increase your energy, pay attention to spiritual development. A spiritually rich person opens additional information and energy channels, new opportunities, talents and qualities appear.

Try to enjoy life, give others love and warmth, drive despondency, resentment and envy from yourself, and then you will never suffer from a lack of energy.

We are all different, we have different habits, characters, behavior, worldview and lifestyle. Each of us has a body and spirit, and depending on the level of our development, including spiritual development, we can have negative, positive or neutral energy.

The negative energy of a person is, first of all, the predominance of such negative character traits as excessive materialism, malice, deceit, envy, rancor, greed, pride, etc. and negative outlook formed by these traits.

It is very difficult to communicate with such people; they hear only themselves, they do not take into account other people's opinions. They often harbor black envy towards more successful people, at any opportunity they will do various dirty tricks to them and are even capable of causing damage. They try to subjugate people with weak energy and will and use them for selfish purposes. Negative energy can be the cause of many diseases, especially those associated with nervous and mental disorders. Often such people become energy vampires and even realize it. It gives them great pleasure to get other people, create conflict situations, escalate nervousness. Thus, they are fueled by someone else's energy.

Neutral energy - probably most people have just this type of energy. A person has both positive and negative character traits at the same time.

People with neutral energy to a lesser extent can influence people with pronounced positive or negative energy. Rather, the latter have an impact on people with neutral energy. If such a person communicates with a carrier of positive energy, then his thoughts, deeds and actions also take on a positive character. If a person with neutral energy is more susceptible to the influence of a carrier of negative energy, then his negative side can take over in him.

Positive energy corresponds to a person with a positive character and outlook. First of all, such a person is characterized by pure sincere intentions and pure thoughts. The field of such a person is filled with light and sparkling energy. Next to such a person, you are charged with positive emotions, and the mental stabilization of the unbalanced state occurs.

Carriers of positive energy in a society of people with negative energy feel uncomfortable, however, the same can be said about the latter. After all, energy has a very strong effect on the state of mind of people and their character. If people with positive energy are dominated by positive traits, then people with negative energy are bright representatives of negative traits.

People with negative energy can be divided into certain subgroups: bad people and spoiled people. Evil people are often born that way, their parents had bad genetics, and they were inherently vicious. Although this does not mean that such a person does not have the potential to correct his energy to positive. Such a chance is always embedded in the personal matrix and in the genes of any person. Bad genetics are also strongly influenced by past sins, negative deeds and negative character traits of the person himself.

The heavy energy of a person is a visiting card of people with negative energy. That is, a person with heavy energy, as if pressing his energy on other people, such a person tends to dominate others, and he tries with all his might to achieve this. A person with strong positive energy, who is able to successfully resist such pressure, can cause hatred and real rage in the bearer of heavy energy. Typical carriers of heavy energy are politicians with pronounced dictatorial habits.

As for spoiled people, in whom negative energy also predominates, these are, as a rule, ordinary people whose neutral energy, under the influence of some negative factors, began to acquire negative potential. These factors include bad influence, acquired bad habits, vices, and much more. Such people change with difficulty, but they can also get rid of vices and thus improve their energy. There is nothing hard-coded. After all, there is always a choice.

The neutral energy of people gives them both positive and negative qualities. Their energy seems to be mixed and does not have clear signs of negative or positive. Such people can also be divided into 2 subgroups. The first includes calm, sociable and non-conflict people, they have positive qualities, although there are also negative ones.

The second subgroup includes ordinary people whose energy has more pronounced negative traits and such people have much more negative qualities than positive ones. Such people are characterized by fawning, fawning over stronger and more successful people, disdain for weaker ones, and many other negative qualities. They are drawn to people with negative energy and often fall under their influence.

Those people who have neutral energy are quite easy to contact both with people who have positive energy and with those who have negative energy. They can be friends with both and in a certain way become intermediaries between two groups of people with completely different energy.

Positive energy, as a rule, is possessed by holistic people, with an inner core, they are characterized by honesty, sincerity, responsibility, diligence. Duty, honor, conscience, philanthropy are not empty concepts for them, this is their way of life. The good energy of a person is like an inoculation against everything bad and negative.

The best leaders in all areas are just such people. They root for the cause with all their heart, try to do the job as well as possible and at the same time take care of other people, delving into their problems and interests, they are always ready to help a person in trouble.

Possessors of positive and negative energy are often incompatible with each other, like fire and water. People belonging to such different energy types do not tolerate each other, and their relationships often do not add up.

People with neutral energy sooner or later have to decide in which direction to develop further. And if the Divine principle in them becomes their choice, then the good energy of a person will become the basis of the life of such a person.

    Incredible Facts

    As each of us probably knows, human sensory abilities have a wide range. Some people see very well, others not so much. Some have excellent hearing, while others are deaf. The same applies to energy sensitivity.

    All things are made of vibrational energy. Some people are well aware of the energy that surrounds them, and they can easily tell when there is a lot or a little of it. They easily feel "good" and "bad" vibrations.

    Not all energy sensitive people always have all of the following characteristics, but if you notice even a few of them, you are most likely quite sensitive to vibrational energy.

    Strong human energy

    1. You have a deep empathy for other people.

    © cosmos111 / Shutterstock

    Often a person with strong energy can be seen where someone is offended or in upset feelings. Energy sensitive people are often the first "recipients" of information about someone else's problem. At the same time, the victim always wants to hold the hand of such a person, hug him and cry to him.

    Energy-sensitive people feel the emotions of other people very keenly (and sometimes physical pain), so they easily understand and empathize with those who suffer.

    2. Emotional rollercoaster

    © Vovan Ivanovich / Shutterstock

    Having a keen sense of vibrational energy often means that when a person senses "high" energies around them, they are on an emotional high and vice versa. Have a few options ready for you in the event of an emotional downturn.

    3. Addiction

    © Leszek Czerwonka / Shutterstock

    Being sensitive to energy, such a person feels much more than other people. To save themselves from feeling low vibrational energy, often such people can use alcohol or some other relaxing means to reduce the strength of feelings from negative energy.

    These people may also be addicted to other types of addictions, such as food, gambling, or shopping.

    Man and his energy

    © Lightspring / Shutterstock

    People with strong energy often understand the motives of people's behavior very well, in some cases they catch and feel right on the go when someone wants to say something, good or bad, it doesn't matter.

    This is a very useful feature, since no one can use such a person for their own purposes.

    5. People with strong energy are most often introverts.

    © fizkes / Shutterstock

    Not all sensitive people are introverts, but a lot of them are. The process of feeling the emotions and feelings of other people is very morally exhausting, so often energy-sensitive people after such "sessions" need rest and recovery.

    They often feel exhausted after prolonged social interactions.

    6. A person can see the signs

    © Automobus / Shutterstock

    People with strong energy are much more likely to understand the signs that the Universe sends them. They are more likely to find meaning in events and circumstances that most other people would consider coincidental.

    Human energy

    As we can see, strong energy is a double-edged sword. Concentrating on vibrational energy allows for a deeper understanding of the universe, but on the other hand, it can also lead to some overstimulation and cause a lot of problems if left unattended.

    If you think that you have a strong energy and are energetically sensitive, there are a number of things you can do to use your gift properly and not be so depleted.

    © De Visu / Shutterstock

    First of all, the first thing that can help you strengthen your vibrational "receivers" or better feel the vibration of the environment is meditation or yoga for mental and physical uplift. It is also recommended to regularly declutter your home and work space.

    Be mindful of the people you surround yourself with, stay away from toxic individuals, events, and circumstances, especially when you feel overwhelmed. It is very important to work on self-acceptance and learn to love yourself and your gift.

    © Eetu Mustonen / Shutterstock

    If you came into this world as a person sensitive to the perception of energy, then some responsibilities automatically fall on you. However, the constant influx of energy from the environment can overwhelm and hurt you.

    But if you learn to control your gift, amazing things will start to happen. Reading energy from people and being able to empathize with others will be a huge advantage.

    Energy sensitive people have the power to push the world for positive change, and they also have the ability to become the world's greatest leaders, healers and teachers.

    Now let's look at what types of energy people exist today.

    Energy of the human body

    1) People are energy mirrors

    © dubassy / Shutterstock

    If energy is directed at such a person, whether positive or negative, it will always return to the one who directs it. That is, the man-mirror reflects energy.

    These properties of the energy inherent in certain people can and should be used, and with a high degree of efficiency, in order to protect yourself from negative energy, and first of all, from its purposeful flows.

    People - mirrors perfectly feel the people around them, so if they have to reflect negative energy, being near its carrier, they immediately understand who is in front of them and try not to enter into any contact with this person.

    True, it is worth adding that the bearer of negative energy on a subconscious level tries not to meet with such "mirrors", because getting his own negativity back will not affect him in the best way, up to the development of various diseases or, at least, ailments.

    And vice versa, for a carrier of positive energy, contact with people-mirrors is always pleasant, because the reflected positive returns to its owner, charging him with another portion of positive emotions.

    As for the mirror man himself, after he quickly realized that he was in front of a carrier of positive energy, in the future he would only be glad to communicate with such a person and would maintain warm relations with him.

    2) People are energy leeches

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    There are a lot of people with such energy, and each of us almost daily encounters and communicates with them. These can be work colleagues, relatives or good friends.

    In fact, energy leeches are the same as energy vampires. That is, these are people who have problems replenishing their energy reserves, and the easiest way for them to do this is to cling to another person, taking away his energy, and with it his life force.

    Such people are persistent and aggressive, they radiate negativity, and they have their own method of draining energy from others, which is quite simple. They create a conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, and sometimes they can even humiliate a person when other methods do not help.

    After what happened, their well-being improves significantly, vigor comes to them, and they feel a surge of strength, because they drank enough energy from a person to feed themselves. A donor person who has been exposed to an energy leech, on the contrary, feels emptiness, depression, and sometimes he may even experience physical ailments.

    In order for a leech to feel good, there must always be donors around it, and they themselves strive to keep such people in their field of vision, whose energy field can be attached to.

    The influence of energy on a person

    3) People are energy walls

    © ra2studio / Shutterstock

    A person - an energy wall - is a person with a very strong energy. You can often hear about such people that they are impenetrable. All troubles, if any, appear on their life path, fly away from them literally like from a concrete wall.

    However, there is a negative side to interacting with such people. Negative energy directed at them naturally rebounds and does not always return to the one who directed it. If at the moment there are other people near the "wall", then the negative can go to them.

    4) People are energy sticks

    © liyavihola / Shutterstock

    These people from the very moment of meeting them begin to pour out a huge amount of negative energy on the interlocutor. Moreover, without waiting for the question, they immediately spread all the negativity that they have accumulated.